
How to Get Your Dog to Love You More than Anything 

Jaw-Dropping Facts
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In this video, we will talk about 12 ways to make sure a dog looks at you with nothing but adoration.
Be Present
We all have things that keep us distracted or busy throughout the day, be it work, social media, cell phones or chores. Dogs are pack animals that crave companionship.
Share your personal space
Wolves and wild dogs sleep in small, confined areas with pack members they trust to protect against predators. Allowing your pet to sleep in the same room with you demonstrates to them that you are part of their pack. This, in turn, strengthens the bonds of love and trust you both feel for one another.
Engage in deep conversations.
It might sound silly at first, but your dogs like it if you talked to them. Studies using MRI technology have shown that dogs do possess a cursory understanding of human language. So holding that one-way conversation with your pup deepens your connections with your dog.
Interestingly enough, recent studies have shown that reading to dogs calm anxious and high-energy dogs in shelters.
Use your head to cuddle.
Dogs are pack animals, and close contact makes them feel safe and secure. Your dog may have their own comfy bed, but their favorite resting place is most likely right next to their human. Chilling on the couch, snuggling on the bed, or meeting your furry friend on the floor for some cuddle time is a nice, relaxing way to bond with your canine.
Remember, dogs lean their heads on each other as a sign of affection. When your dog leans up against your leg or rests their head on your foot, it’s a sign they love you. If you do the same thing, they will know you love them back. It’s a subtle gesture, but an effective way to strengthen your bond with your dog and enjoy the special moments of affection.
Be your dog’s protector
We often think of how our dogs protect us. But we sometimes forget that our furry friends need our protection more than we need theirs.
It’s important to step in between your pup and whatever that frightens them. It may be another dominant, aggressive dog, or an oh-so-scary toddler.
You are your dog’s only advocate and defender.
Express yourself
Dogs are very observant when it comes to interpreting and reacting to human expression.
They pick up on facial expressions, emotions, body language, and social cues more than you probably know. Studies have also proven that dogs can smell arousal, fear, cancer, illness and even diabetes. Letting your furry friend know you love them is as easy as acting normal and letting those emotions shine through.
Interestingly enough, a study published in 2013 found that dogs show their love using facial expressions. They raise their eyebrows - especially the left one - when greeted by their owners.
Respect your dog’s nature.
Many dog owners confuse caring for their dogs with treating them like babies.
Many dog owners discourage their dogs from certain inherent behaviors such as eating dirt, sniffing urine and sniffing each other from behind. In these situations, we are not caring for our furry friends, but preventing them from their own nature.
Be Respectful of Their Likes and Dislikes
Dogs have the personality of their own, formed with great sensitivity and remarkable intelligence. If you miss out on opportunities to get to know your pup, you may never realize the full extent of their unique personality. Study their body language and pay attention to their behavior to understand what they like, what they find unpleasing, and what's their favorite activity.
Comfort your dog when they’re afraid
There are a lot of myths about dogs. One of the myths is the “rule” that you should never comfort a frightened dog. You can’t reinforce emotions such as fear the same way you reinforce a behavior.
During stressful situations such as fireworks and thunderstorm, remain calm and distract your dog with a game of fetch, or by playing calming music. Remove them from the situation and show them that you are unafraid.
Feed Them by Hand
The fastest way to a dog's heart is through their stomach. Feeding your dogs can be more of an interactive activity than just dumping food in a bowl.
When you feed your pet treats directly from your hand, you show that you're the food provider and helps get your dog to focus more on you. Plus, it's also an intimate experience that tells your dog you care. Hand-feeding your dog is a great way to build a strong bond.
Walk together
Instead of just taking your dog out real quick to do their business, take your time. Explore with your canine. Let them stop and sniff the flowers.
Rub their ears
Dog experts say that the ears of a dog are one of three nerve centers in their bodies. When you rub a dog behind the ears, a sense of pleasure goes through their entire body. This is extremely relaxing.
And when you pet your dog, it’s important that they know that they have your full attention.




4 ноя 2021




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@TCWRebelsResistanceWords 2 года назад
Huh, I’ve already been cuddling my dog “head-to-head” and I didn’t even know that that was “extreme bonding.” No wonder why she always follows me like a little shadow every time we do that! Awwwwwww
@Crackmiser 2 года назад
Hearing this crushes me. I’m allergic to dogs and allergy pills make me feel awful. When my family first got my dog 5 somthing years ago I really tried to bond with him but I couldn’t and I grew bitter and pushed him away. Now he hates me and I could really use a dog rnz
@Roseishere2973 Год назад
My dog is a little bit too much of a follower 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😄😘🥰😍😍😍🥰
@bdbdbsbdnd3896 Год назад
@@Crackmiser not to late
@jacoblaw1994 Год назад
Same with me
@Jay-Bozo Год назад
@@Crackmiser Ik this comment is from ages ago but if you’re allergic to dogs but love them then try a Cockapoo. They aren’t energetic and their fur is different and not allergy-prone
@giannimozanihusin6978 2 года назад
I alwaya look at my dog’s eyes & tell my dog i love her everyday 🥺
@ghostrider1830 2 года назад
My grand ma is allergic to dogs and other animals so I can’t buy one 😿😭😭😭
@charlg8532 2 года назад
Dogs are the best. Cats are disgusting 🤢
@kaylek3874 2 года назад
Same! She knows
@pinkyabhay7503 2 года назад
My mother’s sister has a dog and if you look at him (the dog) for a while directly then he will suddenly stop whatever he’s doing for 2 seconds then will jump onto your face and start licking you, that’s for if you’re sitting, if you’re standing it’ll lick your foot or try to climb
@patience_p20274 2 года назад
Same but she always runs away from me everyday 🥺😭
@janusloggins876 2 года назад
Thanks for a great video! If your dog isn't a member of your family, you don't need a dog!
@woofystories 2 года назад
I always like to share my bed with my dog. When I wake up in the morning he is by my side. I feel very safe and loved and i’m so grateful for having him in my life
@Halfdanr_H Год назад
I had my border collie for nearly 14 years. I'd often wake up in my bed in the mornings with her heard pressed up against mine, or she'd be curled curled up in the crease behind my knees. Sometimes she'd lay flat on her side as the little spoon and other times she'd fall asleep next to me on her back with all paws in the air. I can honestly say that I've never felt more comfortable, calm and chilled out in the company of another living being than I was when she was there with me. They were the best nights sleep I've ever known. She died of old age in 2019; I miss her terribly. Every day I bid her ashes goodnight before I go to bed.
@orlandochilds7770 2 года назад
Give your dog unconditional love, & it will give it right back !! Period
@PP-ez9hd 2 года назад
I love dogs ,, they are definitely man / woman’s best friend,, they cheer me up , they are gorgeous creatures and I even prefer them to most humans ,, I hate seeing them distressed or being mistreated,, I couldn’t be an animal protection officer , due to the fact that if I came upon a situation where dogs or any other animal was being abused , I couldn’t guarantee I’d keep my fists to myself,, respect to all the animal protection officers out there ,,
@PoM-MoM 2 года назад
Love your dog as much as they love you... UNCONDITIONALLY!
@BarefootViking Год назад
Absolutely true. Just like they do:)
@seancarlorana2851 Год назад
but i feel like she doesnt want or love me, she can't even eye contact me
@PoM-MoM Год назад
@@seancarlorana2851 Give them time and be patient. Dogs are great judges of character. If it continues perhaps they aren't feeling well? Ask a vet for advice.
@seancarlorana2851 Год назад
@@PoM-MoM she's so energentic and distracted in an environment, she doesnt want to listen to me
@PoM-MoM Год назад
@@seancarlorana2851 look on YT for age specific or breed specific training. Train in a closed room that has little to no distractions where you & your dog can move around. No TV or music or other people around so your dog can focus on your voice & hand commands instruction only. Be calm, gentle and praise them often when they're correct/learning. A proper good quality dry kibble food can be used as reward treat without much expense. Training takes patience and effort and time but if your consistent with it DAILY I think you will be pleased with their abilities. Also, use a calm vocal command as well as a hand command at the same time. That way your dog has better focus on you and your gesture commands. Good luck 🙂
@sarahvegangarden4822 2 года назад
This channel is surprisingly good. It's got a silly name and I thought it was going to be one of those silly time-wasting channels, but actually all the information is good and I love the positive, caring and respectful attitude this channel has towards animals. If we all treated animals in the way this channel shows, our world would be a much happier place for everyone. Now I'm off to rub my dog's ears! 😁
@danielmarcelventer992 2 года назад
Why would anyone do a thumbs down for this clip? 🥴🥴 it's very helpful on do many levels ✌
@PawsuasiveDogTeaching 2 года назад
Because clearly this video was made by a person that truly does not understand dogs and has very little experience teaching dogs. I am a professional dog teacher of more than 20 years and I know for a fact that 4 is wrong. Coddling your dog when they are afraid does encourage them to be a afraid. How ever this video did give correct advise on what you should actually do. Get out those favorite toys and treats and start playing with your dog this will teach your dog to not be scared of things. I have done experiments with dogs and had people use the coddle method first and then use the play method and the play method had by far superiour results.
@mandymoore5774 2 года назад
It’s actually quite therapeutic for us to sleep w our dogs in our beds. Having them their during unconscious hours works the same way as emotional support animals helps ppl w emotional stress.
@beckyrussell251 Год назад
I always tell my dog good night and it's time to go to sleep and how much I love him
@thanhbo3663 2 года назад
If you are watching this video, your dog will love you sooner or later. Because deep down in your heart, you love your dog.
@johngeary8534 2 года назад
#4 is the best!! I’ve had lots of loud things, she look at me then reacted accordingly 👍🏻
@jkdeb3822 2 года назад
@genesisg7022 2 года назад
I pretty much do everything that you mentioned in this video. I tell everyone that Toby is my youngest son. He sleeps in the bed with me, or my wife and I (depending on our work schedule). If I'm on the couch he's right there. I work nights, so when I get home around 7 a.m., just him and me. We go outside in the backyard from 30 minutes to an hour. I turn the t.v. so that he can watch his cartoons. He loves when I massage his ears. As soon as he sees me with his Brush, he knows it's his grooming time. I can't go anywhere in the house without him following me, I mean even when I have to shower or go potty (I'm a little embarrassed when he sits between my legs).😁 He is very spoiled and I love him that way. I have to feed him by hand. We have scented wipes for him after he does #1 or #2, he always check to make sure we use the scented wipes. He loves my wife's gummy bears, especially the green ones(don't tell my wife that I give them to him 🤫). I can't wait to get home to see him. My wife gets a little jealous of him, because I speak to him first when I get home. My son just turned 5 years old November 8th. He is a Shih Tzu!
@vell2994 2 года назад
That was my wish and my dream. And now I finally have a puppy which is zero affectionate and really wild. It's a nightmare. It's exhausting. I hope someday it will pay off
@briicksyy 2 года назад
@@vell2994 🤦🏼‍♀️ There are so many dogs in shelters and people still buy puppys?? Honestly, your fault. Just buy a 1-2 year old dog, you skip all the chaos. The dog will be trained, you will know the character of the dog beforehand, and the dog will bond just like a puppy. + you don‘t support breeders which is always good. Idk which breed you have but most puppys are wild because they are PUPPYS, they are not trained and they don‘t know anything!! Sure there are chill puppys but most puppys will be like that in the first months. That‘s what comes with buying a puppy, you need to raise them and you need to make them love you. But there‘s always a risk that the puppy will never show much love or affection because some dogs just don‘t like that. That‘s why it‘s best to buy a shelter dog, or even one from ebay. There are lot of really nice people who are searching for new homes for their dogs. Btw, if your puppy is not from a breeder, that‘s cool, but most of what i said still applies. & to anyone reading this: If you think about buying a puppy from a breeder, please don‘t do it! There are SO MANY cute and lovable dogs in the shelter, even PUPPYS that NEED a home. Please don‘t support breeders.
@wildhorses2014 2 года назад
@@briicksyy I don't find it their fault. We adopted a 10-month old black lab and one of my father in laws students moms was giving away 6-week old German shepherd husky mixes. I don't support breeders that breed just to breed, but I eventually wanna breed dogs but I wanna train service dogs from pups. There's responsible breeding and irresponsible breeding
@briicksyy 2 года назад
@@wildhorses2014 It‘s still their fault tho. This person decided to buy a puppy so they shouldn‘t complain about a puppy behaving like a puppy. I‘m talking about breeders who use their dogs as puppy making money machines. Breeding dogs for a specific activity is fine but not to make money with them, unless they are overbred like pugs, german shepherds, bulldogs etc. It’s always better to buy a mixed puppy because they are more likely to never suffer from genetic health issues. There are already way too many dogs on this planet, breeding shouldn‘t be allowed for everyone.
@_Sinson_ Год назад
Nobody fucking cares
@relaxmydog 2 года назад
Awwh this is such a sweet vlog!
@thatdoglovereditz8687 2 года назад
Hi, I love your videos!
@lithumrandul2202 2 года назад
I like your vids
@JJHadi 11 месяцев назад
@Anntheforestfairy 10 месяцев назад
Hey! You helped my dog during 4th July! Thank you
@dianagentile7636 2 года назад
Awesome Video Thank You 🙏🏽 4 sharing Have an Awesome Weekend with ur Pooch They R GODS CREATURES TREAT THEM WITH ❤️❤️❤️ & KINDNESS‼️ It’s a 2 Way street‼️ SMILES
@GodofWarChuka 2 года назад
It’s easy to keep my dogs happy. Food and treats are definitely number 1 👌
@ii_wxther 2 года назад
Not for my dog aha. He really would prefer a hug or a toy over food.
@jordanoliveto5863 2 года назад
my dog is obsessed with balls haha
@PawsuasiveDogTeaching 2 года назад
Actually number 1 is to teach your dog things. This is by far the best way to create a super strong bond between you and your dog.
@user-hj3bk5eq7e 2 года назад
@@PawsuasiveDogTeaching I 👍
@ronaldlindeman6136 2 года назад
Not sure. My dogs really like riding high in the pickup truck going to the dog park. Or going anywhere.
@puppypower6914 2 года назад
Thank you this video really helped me
@oldfogey4679 2 года назад
If you want a close relationship with your pet uve got to practically devout a lot of your time to them! They don't forget or forgive easily so quality time is of the essence! U also have to give them space when they require it! Don't bother them when they are grooming, eating or sleeping ! Singing is something pets like just as talking to them is important! Be forgiving! They will walk away when ur in mid sentence oh well or sometimes they won't come when called! It's just part of who they are! What u give u get!
@helencadwallader3796 2 года назад
love your comment only prob for me if I sing on my fun dog walks my dog looks up at me as if to say "Do me a favour do you have to sing* Ok my voice aint that brilI I agree.
@briicksyy 2 года назад
Tbh, it‘s so easy to make your dog love you. Just love them and give them alle the affection you have and of course, treats! :)
@stephenishulk4945 Год назад
i love these videos!
@beckyrussell251 2 года назад
I always tell my dog Chance how much I love him each and everyday I also talk to him everyday and I know he understands everything I tell him I take him for a ride several times a week always there for him when it starts to thunder t rub his ears get him pupcup when we go to Starbucks as well as have them when at home tell him how very blessed I am to have found him
@WeTwins_YT Год назад
I don’t have a dog but I luv dogs so much! I feel like they r the best animals. This video was helpful even if I don’t have a dog. If u saw this comment ur one in a million ♥️
@lizwirtanen5409 Год назад
@oldmandoinghighkicksonlyin1368 2 года назад
One tip I like is to make a HUGE deal when you come home and as soon as you get in the door. Be extra excited and happy to see your dog after an extended absence like when you come home from work.
@PawsuasiveDogTeaching 2 года назад
Actually this can do a lot harm to your dog. A lot of people who do this will end up with dogs with seperation anxiety. If you really want a super strong bond with your dog teach your dog things. More you teach the stronger the bond.
@oldmandoinghighkicksonlyin1368 2 года назад
@@PawsuasiveDogTeaching Well my dog seems fine. Plus it's happy to see me.
@PawsuasiveDogTeaching 2 года назад
@@oldmandoinghighkicksonlyin1368 cool and I hope it stays that way. I am all about whats bests for the dogs and I know doing that can cause some severe seperations anxiety in dogs and it should be stated to help others that may have issues. I know my Ruby is happy to see me everytime I come home and I do not do what you do. I know she loves me more than life itself and the feeling is mutual.
@OoRockstarkoO 2 года назад
@@PawsuasiveDogTeaching I dunno bout you, but whether you’re a dog or human or whatever, there is definitely no harm in showing the one you love how glad you are to see them. If anything, with dogs, going out of your way to show them how much you miss them can only be beneficial. Especially since they can tell how long you’ve been gone by the loss of your smell. They’re not just roommates, they’re family. And there is absolutely no harm letting them know through such expression just how much they mean to you when you’re gone by reciprocating their same emotions back to them in an honest, heartfelt way.
@PawsuasiveDogTeaching 2 года назад
@@OoRockstarkoO sorry to say but I have worked with many dogs that have had owners do this and they suffer severe seperation aniety. It does not happen in all dogs but it does happen a lot with owners that do exactly what this guy has done. I totally agree they are family. My Ruby is my world, which is why I have given her a great education. She knows well over 60 tricks. I would love to see others be as educated about dogs. There are very simple things we can do to avoid having a dog that suffers from seperation anxiety.
@xristt7991 Год назад
thank you
@tempesnyder6243 Год назад
As always, a wonderful video.
@emelysterback747 Год назад
Really good video! Well done who ever made this!! Namaste✨
@hotpocketH 2 года назад
Glad I wasn't actually that crazy talking to our Shih Tzu when I'd feed them and when I was home alone with them 😂
@kasssinclair710 Год назад
I literally do everything for my 1 year old goldendoodle Teddy, I play, I pet him, feed him, walk him, let him sleep on my bed (I’m the only one who does), etc. Yet somehow he still bites and growls at me, he never wags his tail and he practically hates me. He literally worships my mom, he follows her everywhere and listens to everything she says. He’s super clingy and can’t stand a minute without her. I’m definitely gonna try this lol
@Dee_Dee794 Год назад
Did these things work ?
@mrsmommy99 2 года назад
Instead of having a small raincoat, we got a miniature hoarse blanket for our dog
@PawsuasiveDogTeaching 2 года назад
Best way to get your dog to love you is feed good food and a great education. The more you teach your dog the stronger the bond you will have with your dog. I have taken my Ruby from a shelter dog with a warning on her paperwork to have 2 people handle her to a 2 time trick dog champ. Her dad is her world and the feeling is mutual.
@PawsuasiveDogTeaching 2 года назад
Be warned though. This type of bond hurts so much more when they do finally pass on.
@cheesesmile8906 2 года назад
I have taught my dog to do probability and trigonometry questions and now he is doing my homework.
@PawsuasiveDogTeaching 2 года назад
@@cheesesmile8906 lmao I hope you are getting all A's :) And you will sub to our channel as well.
@cheesesmile8906 2 года назад
@@PawsuasiveDogTeaching but u havent uploaded from 2020 your channel is dead
@PawsuasiveDogTeaching 2 года назад
@@cheesesmile8906 because no one was really sharing and putting out new content was not helping. So I am just trying to build it up to 1000 subs first before I do more new content. Its far from dead.
@wildedibles819 2 года назад
We get more of a beautiful reaction to the dogs when you talk baby talk to them Maybe we release that feel good hormone:)
@WeirdTherianMasha Год назад
me to i look her eyes evryday and my dog love me so much i love my dog dogs are the humans best friend
@myrahouse2368 Год назад
My Dog and I go everywhere together she’s my little buddy. She follows me around and if I have to leave her a few hours she’s so happy on my return. She takes herself to her bed at night around 10pm usually I find that so cute. She wakes me up at 6am for cuddles.
@Baharpars007 2 года назад
I love the theme of the page changing
@pilybenji7362 2 года назад
thank you my guy now my dog loves me more than my sister
@GigachadHGDYDBHDB 2 года назад
dogs always love you more than your sister until they are abused.
@pilybenji7362 2 года назад
@@GigachadHGDYDBHDB ok
@lovetheearth6135 2 года назад
Love my dog to bits, she is 12 now & we do everything together always have. I even left her & her little sister a nice cow rib each this morning 🥰🥰🥰.
@dawsoncarpenter2244 2 года назад
My dog is like a sibling if not better i love him sm my biggest fear is him passing without a doubt
@dogcreator7439 Год назад
@haleyholiskey3175 Год назад
i have 2 Dalmatians! a 6 year old and a 1 1/2 year old! i love them so much, they are truly are my best friends! ❤️
@ryanchristianson7762 2 года назад
There is no best friend better than my puppy. Love him so much!!!
@meghnamurthy8123 2 года назад
They already do!
@GooGoo3486 2 года назад
Dogs if they spoke we wouldn't have human friends dog's are awesome
@jaguarmonachannel7325 2 года назад
Thanks for shraing this idea sir. It helps a lot for those beginner fur parents like us.
@asianbanana911 2 года назад
I strengthen my bond with my dog with food
@asianbanana911 Год назад
@@sweetsunnyvibes sorry to break it to ya it’s a joke
@ioanaluminitabulai2634 Год назад
wow thank you so much now i know how to make my puppy to love me :)
@Booboobear-eo4es Год назад
In Denver there has been a friendly rivalry between the Broncos and Raiders. I was walking my dog at the park several years ago. I met a couple who were walking their two small dogs. One dog was really attached to the guy and all his attention was on him. He looked down at the dog and said, "Would you root for the Raiders or would you rather be dead?" The dog would then roll over on his back and play dead. So funny.
@JustWalker22 Год назад
Thank you I think my dog loves me now
@LemonaY_Gat Год назад
ive always been loving my dog so much.i have been cuddling him and sleeping right next to him too and he loves me so much too,i love dogs so much they are so cute
@r0bkills 2 года назад
Hahaha dogs are family!! drop mic
@aryankennel3534 2 года назад
@aryankennel3534 2 года назад
Mom never want any dog
@MrSa458 2 года назад
This is great to know I'm a hard down dog lover 🐶 I haven't had a dog since I got outta jail but one thing I know is that whenever I get another dog again I'm not a big fan of seeing a dog with a chain around it's neck or anything like that Anyways God bless everyone who comes across this comment 🕊️
@A_Randomguy_ 2 года назад
My grandparents have a pomeranian and pointer mix named Tino and I want him to love me as much as I love him :)
@Pstaines439 2 года назад
Unfortunately dogs seem to always have favourites. The best you can do is have him love you a little.
@ceilidhhdiliec6906 2 года назад
Oh buuurn🔥
@pamelaolson5614 2 года назад
If I'm feeling sad I talk to my dog or just talk about my day.
@jamesrankin9833 2 года назад
Good stuff
@Teresa-K Год назад
I love dogs. I am my dog’s companion as much as they are mine.
@sakoholtian2305 Год назад
I don’t have a dog, but I’m gonna have one next summer and I am so excited I I have been wanting one all my life OK maybe since I was like four?
@halakilani6045 11 месяцев назад
I used to always do those things to my dog he used to love cuddling I miss him more than ever
@miami.wrld1625 11 месяцев назад
my previous dog that passed almost a year ago was my absolute best friend. she was the most affectionate dog i’ve ever had. i recently got a new dog in december and she used to be affectionate and i think she still is but she tends to bite to hard during play time… any advice?
@sircheesepuffs 2 года назад
God loves you
@cronibet 2 года назад
Interesting, if you are afraid of thunder then the dog will too. You need to be strong as well to show that it’s not dangerous
@ChronicallyCassidy 2 года назад
Just like with children
@sheilakirby5616 Год назад
@dionnedunsmore9996 2 года назад
@Sigboater 2 года назад
I usually just copy what my pyrenees and newfie do. They love to doggy pile and cuddle up. Nothing better than 250lb of dogs🥰
@davewolfy.5932 2 года назад
love this we make videos she loves it.
@johnlinnemeier9624 Год назад
My dog has already trained me to do all these things. LOL. Freedom has always been important to me. All creatures seem to crave it. Ask any slave or prisoner. My dog runs free at all times except when we're crossing a very busy street when I do use a leash. For normal street crossings he'll sit patiently till I tell him it's ok. He's trained not to leave the yard without me and won't jump up on people or even touch them unless they invite him to. He makes 50 people a day smile. There's something about the joy of freedom. At the same time, he knows it's his responsibility not to lose me not vice versa. He will turn around and check where I am and at the end of a walk sits and waits for me. It pains me to see dogs, especially high energy dogs like border collies, locked in houses all day, then let out on a leash for 30 minutes. If you want to smile watch a dog agility contest here on RU-vid!!
@dallasjewett1295 2 года назад
My dog is great.
@4-2fo-ou69 Год назад
Dogs will ( in what seems that in which we Consider as love) show obviously The love in only one condition.... Feeding It.
@keaganforster2319 2 года назад
I love my dog more than my life
@debraeverhart14 2 года назад
I love my gray hound basil
@jojo1602 2 года назад
I’m 12 and I’m getting my first pet tomorrow night :D she’s a female golden doodle and I alread6 love her so much but I’m scared she doesn’t love me so I’m trying to see this videos so she also loves me the same way I’ll love her
@stillslaying 2 года назад
Why am i watching this I dont even have a dog Lol
@Cherry-tt8qf 2 года назад
@kaylek3874 2 года назад
Looks like it's time! You'll wonder how you ever went without one
@SickFox9902 2 года назад
5:02 "They raise their eyebrows" My dogs with eyebrows the same color as their fur:👁👄👁
@GigachadHGDYDBHDB 2 года назад
i dont want my dog to love me or not! i just want him to be happy! thats it! after everything hes gone through before i found him..... its up to him!
@OfficialGrellSimp Год назад
My dog always hides behind me when he sees something he's scared of! He knows I'll protect him💕💕
@aMadShoe 2 года назад
Does this work on new dogs?
@PersonausdemAll 2 года назад
@larryb5481 2 года назад
2:50 middle picture is me and my dog in cartoon form.
@BreakinTableHehe Год назад
I’m getting a six month old puppy soon🥰
@sistersforever2142 Год назад
Thank u my dog loves me she comes to my room and flowing me HAHA 😆
@mountainmandale1587 2 года назад
I moved on to a mountain with 640 acres for a backyard. My dog has never been inside of a fence or on a chain of any sort! He knows this mountain is HIS!
@sohamkhamaru9550 2 года назад
My turtles r the ones that keep me happy 😉 ... Every day... U like dogs as my family member they can sense ur emotion ... They can communicate even with their eyes also...
@onespoiledpup3776 2 года назад
Turtle lover here !
@TriciaN-em5sr 2 года назад
Every creature is capable of love. You just have treat them right. Every creature besides humans.
@onespoiledpup3776 2 года назад
@@TriciaN-em5sr That is a highly, accurate statement. Unconditional love...my thumbnail pic is of one of my babies, and my best friend. 🥰🐕‍🦺
@ClNDY2.0 Год назад
Every dog owner has searched this up
@blinddiecast 2 года назад
haven’t even watched the video, but I’ll tell you how to do it, feed them the best you can afford, show him or her, lots of love, and no matter what breed you have, don’t put them in the kennel, from 9 to 5, or at all, if you do have your dog chained, you do not deserve, to have a dog, and lastly, don’t use any prong, collars, or any BS shock collars oh, and I forgot, always listen to them, intuitively, speaking
@DiscoChixify Год назад
I’m going to start reading to my dog. She seems like she’s depressed lately and I’m not sure how to help her, but I’m going to try to connect with her more to see if that helps.
@camera2178 Год назад
Did it work
@TotallyNotACommunistLol 10 месяцев назад
So please answer this question. The neighborhood I live in puts chemicals in the molch or trees and grass. They have gotten sick from eating the grass. But thank you for the tips
@justrusty Год назад
#10: Every time I discuss quantum physics with my dog, she looks at me funny...
@mr.tophat267 2 года назад
Mad respect to the people who dogs don't do it
@hurricaneheather1420 2 года назад
I have severe PTSD. my dog is a " scared dog" so I get to calm her in turn it calms me too.. weird but groovy
@dobees8183 2 года назад
What is your ptsd caused by?
@hurricaneheather1420 2 года назад
@@dobees8183 living in the ghetto and drive by shootings. I almost lost my child in one.
@ravenlorans Год назад
Mine already did when I went to go pick one out at the pound. She was a few days away from being put down because No One wanted her and has a Lazy Eye. She was abused before she ended up there and not even a full year old yet. When people went to go pick out a new pet, She Hid from Everyone and even Staff. I showed up and she Vary Shyly came and sat next to me. Looked up at me and we both fell in love. She Picked Me. So I Named her "Shyly". Have had here almost two years now and she is the Most Spoiled, Loving Brat of a Dog. When she Yawns, she makes a Three Noises that sounds like she's telling me she Loves me and will do it randomly during the day and right after I tell her. Then at night, she has to be all curled up next to me and wants her nightly belly rub or she stretches out next to me but looks like she's laying one me, holding onto my shoulders Or feet with her rear feet in my face.. During rainstorms she lays in front of me all curled up for protection and under the covers on the cooler nights. Then she likes to tilt her head back and try to give me kisses all the time. Huge Baby and I love her and tell her everyday, Many, Many times... I don't even have to put her on a leash, she automatically stays in the yard.... Unless the Only Person She Hates (the retarded neighbor.. everyone on the street hates) is outside and standing near the property line, purposely... and making Whale, Donkey, Owl, Random Retard Noises. Then she gets worked up. Everyone else, She is Fine with. So was my First Dog before her. He loved everyone But Him...
@yoshi282 Год назад
I just got my corgi today!!! Yes it a girl her name is Emily.her bday is march 29th
@gypsy8961 2 года назад
A CD of Percy Sledge calms my hound during a thunderstorm
@perrydubreuil1514 2 года назад
Comin sense
@saltyark7564 9 месяцев назад
My dog is terrified of water but he likes being on a boat with the open air, he won’t go outside in the rain and avoids puddles but one day I jumped off the boat and my dog without hesitation jumped in frappes Me by my life vest and tried to pull me back to the boat, it was incredibly adorable how he faced his fear to try and “save” me,
@saltyark7564 9 месяцев назад
Another thing he did was, my family came to visit and my niece had a young child, she called him “doggy” and would pet him gently” he didn’t let her out of his sight and would follow her around and make sure she was safe, it was the cutest thing. She never mistreated him she just petted him and would play fetch with him. He loved making sure she stayed safe. (My dog is a pitbull/Amstaff mix) he’s extremely protective
@catherine011_ 2 года назад
Trying this out loll
@monkeyman220 Год назад
this makes me miss my dog
@joshroyale7678 Год назад
I know what you mean. It’s been nearly 3 years and I still think about my late pooch every day. She was the best.
@63ah1275 2 года назад
I just be me. It always works.
@bigfootaintreal5454 2 года назад
I have long hair, every time I put my hair in ponytail, my chihuahua goes crazy ! She knows were about to go out on the town!
@kaylek3874 2 года назад
My bulldog puppy loves to sleepwith her neck on my neck in bed. Flops right down onto me. Loves to cuddle and play tug of war with her Kong tug toy. She's the sweetest.
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