
How To Know You Are Living In The Last Days 

Real Life with Jack Hibbs
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16 сен 2024




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@ngoc4312 Год назад
I was a muslim 2 months ago. Never believed in Jesus. Lately my marriage is going through crisis, because I wrote with other women and my wife found out. She wanted a divorce. We have 2 beautiful kids and a beautiful home. Life was crashing down on me and I didn't want to lose my family so I started praying to our heavenly father for a sign. My wife didn't even hug me for almost 3 years. Couple days later after praying she came to me and just hugged me. Out of the blue. So I am now baptized and find the light of our lord jesus christ. I'm still fighting everyday to get my wife back and I am praying every day for forgiveness. I'm glad that I found our savior jesus christ.
@mario.migneault Год назад
Jesus bless your family....
@valerie7890 Год назад
Jesus can restore your marriage! Praying your wife will become a Christian. 🙏🏼 Bless you my brother
You can simply pray to God of Abraham. Why you pray for Jesus and Jesus himself is created by God and God sent him to deliver his message. Iam Muslim but if you want to be guided either stay Muslim or you can simply flow the true believers of Christ the unitarians church because we believe they do have the right belief
@mario.migneault Год назад
@@ايفانالرهيب-ق1م Jesus said, "before Abraham, I am" Moses asked God, who shall I say sent me and Yhwh sanswers "I am". Gospel of John in the Garden...."I am" and THe guards fall to the floor.. Gospel of John" Jesus says "you are Gods" this is from Psalm 82. It is YHWh telling sons of God (Esv bible, septauagint bible, and dead sea scrolls: the same aa Deutoronomy 32:8 and the sons of God in the book of Job etc.) Have you received the holy spirit, he is supposed to guide in all things as mentionned the letters of Paul and Gospel John. Have you read and studied the scriptures ? Answer this, tge tabernacle in the desert, God is the Cloud and in the tabernacle and Mosesspeaks to yHWh face to face but eait God is the cloud and in heaven, how can this be ? Abraham spoke to Yhwh face to face, jacob eas redeemedby an angel, fought physically with yhwh, jeremia :his arm reached out and touched his lips : can God be at two places : seems so. read the scriptures and atudy them with tools given to us. the Trinity bless you.
@doloreslopez4241 Год назад
​@@ايفانالرهيب-ق1م I am Christian and believe the Holy Bible, and pray to Jesus for protection and complete faith in him. Jesus died for the people that love him. I am saved by faith in Jesus, just as Father God wanted .
@Aylazar900 Год назад
I think growing older is a wonderful privilege. I want to learn to glorify God in every stage of my life
@sandikennelly1357 Год назад
I believe we are living in the last days. Live for Jesus my friends.
@bruce8961 Год назад
Yes, We are. All The things that Happen in One day Today, would Not Happen in One Year, Years Back. And Things are Happening around The World at the Same time. More and More Disasters, Bigger and more violent. Just as The Lord Said. Tribulation is Satan Attacking God's People and Will Continue Until The Rapture. There's No Such Thing as Pre-Trib. All Who are Washed by The Blood of The Lamb Will have Tribulation in this World.
@ronniefrazier8667 Год назад
Pray hard Jack I sent this to one of my granddaughters who is practicing what you was speaking of as well as with her life partner, male. I flat out told her if she didn’t repent and turn and Walk with God she was going to be left behind. As a child this girl turned a tornado barreling down on us by speaking the name of Jesus! Pray this seed grows up and she turns back to her first love! Blessings
@theresaconklin317 Год назад
@lanchparty Год назад
Praying, Ronnie.
@MamaFriday Год назад
Prayers for her Ronnie. If I may ask, would you pray the same for my daughter? Was raised in church, saved and baptized, firm in her faith, until the age of 16 when she got angry with us and renounced her faith. 🥺 I’m clinging to this verse: Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
@janiceschembari9186 Год назад
@jgsimbulan Год назад
Praise the Lord 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@janetpoludniak1938 Год назад
Great analogy. God said it. Jesus did it. I believe it. That settles it. Praise the Lord.
@janiceschembari9186 Год назад
GOD said it. THAT settles it!!! Whether you believe it or not. But Praise God you DO believe it Janet 🤗!! So do I sister saint😇 Shalom ❤️🙏
@georgebentonjr3876 Год назад
Jesus was basically saying that some of them he was speaking to in the first century, would be alive to see his second coming. Look at Matthew 10:23; 16:27-28; 26:63-64 So, apply your mantra to those verses. Jesus did not lie or lack discernment. Some of them lived to see his second coming (Parousia). It's not in our future but in our past. Regarding the Parousia, the Inspired writer of Hebrews 10:37, said that it would be soon, that He would not tarry (Not delay). Are we supposed to believe that Jesus and the Inspired NT, prophetic writers got the century wrong regarding the second coming, that it's pending fulfillment in our future? I DON'T THINK SO. Jesus already had his second coming. It's not in our future. As victorious Christians, biologically physically die, they are with the Lord, in another dimension. Those who die without having been born again, aka baptized into Christ death and resurrection by the Spirit, aka the circumcision of Christ applied to us, our human spirit, cease to exist at biological death. Christians are to live in faith and freedom and exercise themselves to love and serve the Lord, bringing as many souls to faith. Have you heard the Word? It's a soul salvation. 1 Peter 1:9
@Dingdongwitchisdead Год назад
@@janiceschembari9186 but something supernatural happens when we start believing it that forever settles it. Just simple acts of faith and obedience start manifesting the power of God in our life. So we could say the “I believe it” statement is the catalyst of bringing what God said to earth. What an awesome amazing God we serve!!❤🙌🎉 We live in the ⌚️and 🙏 hours of the scriptures. Shalom.
@festushaggen2563 Год назад
This world clamors for justice but when God brings it with fire, they won't want it. Repent and trust in Jesus Christ for mercy.
@KrasimiraAngelova-rv6bp Год назад
I need your prayers for my son unbeliever (Deyan) God to open his eyes and heart for Jesus Christ - our Lord, Hope and Saviour! Blessings, brothers and sisters in Christ! 🙏🙏
@zjshsjshsjd Год назад
God may bless all those who take the time to listen to God's word.
@dianelawrence1087 Год назад
I never thought I would see this Day. This Biblical Time in History. This is so exciting for me.
@kursatsar6104 Год назад
We need pastors who speak the truth, and who defend God's principles.
@uscgmom9796 Год назад
Isaiah 5:20- 2 Timothy 3, 2 Peter 2-3, 1 Thessalonians 5, Luke 21 (for the Gentiles/Bride Church). It is UNBELIEVABLE how fast everything is being fulfilled. MARANATHA, BO, YESHUA, BO!
It sure does look like we're hurtling through the Book of Revelation, at a speed no one expected
@Brujo2016 Год назад
I know right? What a time to be alive.
@WildMarie4 Год назад
I took a Bible Survey class at Liberty University and Dr. Hindson wrote the textbook. It was an incredible class and the textbook is next to my Bible always now. I can't believe Jack mentioned him. I love this ministry SO much! I don't know what I do without Jack's teaching. ❤
@L.Fontein7 Год назад
Lisa... Did you ever take any classes with Professor Foreman? He was a good friend of mine and the person who led me to Christ.
@suetucker9264 Год назад
I love and miss Dr. Ed Hindson so much! I love Jack Hibbs, too!❤
@loisdavis4269 Год назад
I feel the same way as Lisa does. I don’t know what I would do without Jack Hibbs he doesn’t sugarcoat anything he doesn’t try to bow down to the other people to get him or those people into his teachings. He tells exactly what the Bible says no more or no less. I love Jack Hibbs I live in Adelanto California and he has a church there, and when I could finish unpacking and moving it into my house, I will look his church up and go there. I’ve been to the churches up in Sacramento love each and everyone of them.
You'd live Lisa. Jesus says "Follow Me" (not men)
Hi friends Have you noticed all the different beliefs that other churches are saying about the end of time Some don't even believe we're living at the end of time Some are seeing the virgin Mary appear Some believe they are going to be pretrib rapture out None of them are even preparing the rest of the world for what's really going to happen The mark is coming, and only a few understand what it's all about And the rest think that this group is out of their minds
@esengulyaman5874 Год назад
as Christians, we need to maintain a passion about remaining true to the foundations of Scriptures.
@fatmaustaoglu7078 Год назад
My son is only 6 years old, but he already wants to be like you Jack. great inspiration.
@ThewheonsOFFİCİAL Год назад
I love to see good people like you speaking what this county needs.
@Tjp742 Год назад
I love Pastor Jack, he’s true to the lord and himself. My family is so grateful we found this new age David 🙏
@MB-NC1967 Год назад
Amen! Saved Sealed Sanctified
@jvo3777 Год назад
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." -John 14:6
@1timeslime971 Год назад
The part where Pastor Jack speaks of gay men receiving protein that then causes immune problems….IT IS TRUE scientifically. Years ago, I’d heard a doctor speak on this. Thank you Pastor for speaking truth in a topic seldom EVER broached!
@ibrahimalmustafa Год назад
The God of the heavens watches us and care for us. We need to care more for each other.
@laurahedlund9441 Год назад
Praying for this man's protection. 🙏 thank you for being so brave in such a dangerous time to speak truth. Lord put up your pillars of fire around Jack his family and his ministry! Soften the hearts of those who hear and confuse the enemy of any attempted retaliation. Make the enemy his footstool and ours!
@siblessed639 Год назад
Many people hear the gospel, but they will not listen. I experience that daily, and it makes me very sad. God will not force them. I can only plant a seed and let them make their choice.
@65gtotrips Год назад
Hi 👋 @Si Blessed ! I see you on many different Pastor channels !
@mariahewitt9787 Год назад
God gave us free will. I pray for everyone, to receive Jesus Christ into their hearts. Amen. 🙏❤
@caroleevandyk5544 Год назад
So what happens to those who don’t choose Jesus before they die?
@65gtotrips Год назад
@@caroleevandyk5544 The Bible says they go to a place called Hades aka Hell, separated from God until the Great White Throne Judgement at which time He’ll will be thrown into the eternal Lake of Fire. Hades is a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. For a description, read the account of the Rich man + Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom in Luke 16:19-31
@caroleevandyk5544 Год назад
@@65gtotrips So then God brings billions of people into existence knowing beforehand that they will be rebellious and end up suffering forever. Why would God want to do such a terrible thing? Is there any more horrific idea than this? I thought God said He is love that NEVER fails(1 Corinthians 13:8)?Sounds like a whole lot of failing going on here. How do you explain Romans 5:18-19 then?”Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for ALL people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for ALL people. 19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many(All) were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many(the same ALL who were made sinners) will be made righteous.”
@yusufcengiz5984 Год назад
I am amazed at how clear your words are. This is what we need as Americans
@lesliebooth2833 Год назад
I don’t know why, but I haven’t listened to Ps. Jack in a couple years so this was a breath of fresh air. I listened to him almost exclusively when I was recuperating from a wreck in hospitals for 5 months a few years ago and he got me (well, mostly Jesus) through it all. I’m tickled to be reunited with him again!
@syrxedit7 Год назад
You have my support, Jack. the empty and obsolete churches in England will foreshadow the future in America if we don't do something.
@benjordan668 Год назад
Lord God, we worship you and humbly ask your blessing protection and empowerment upon all our children and grandchildren children represented here and on line across the world. May your grace and mercy abide with them by the power of your Holy Spirit! Heal them, heal their minds, save them. Oh Lord our God rebuke and cast the enemy down, for it is in Jesus name, the only name that saves, we pray, Amen!
@Brenda-oc9ji Год назад
Thank you Pastor for giving us the truth
@sapphirelane1714 Год назад
Thank you for this! About a week ago I was talking with my grandma about the increase in crimes, saying we’re truly in the last days. Being CoC, she sat me down and told me how foolish I was to believe in “last days” or that God gives us any signs. When I showed her many of these same verses, she had her preacher tell me how these verses were referring to the destruction of the temple, and not the last days of earth. I felt sad/frustrated that I couldn’t reach them, but it also made me start questioning things again. So I’m glad to see I’m not alone in these beliefs.
@sapphirelane1714 Год назад
The saddest part is I wish I could show them this video, but since you aren’t Church of Christ they would consider you a false Christian.
@laurahedlund9441 Год назад
Lord remove the scales from their eyes. Allow the seed to be planted, watered, and harvested. Pursue their hearts relentlessly. You may have been the one to plant the seed. Someone else may do the watering and harvesting. But brava for being so brave!
@SUNSHINE-bf3bw Год назад
They don't want to let go of the world, like Lot's wife....you HAVE planted seeds😊
@sapphirelane1714 Год назад
@@laurahedlund9441 thank you so much for that prayer. It truly helps more than you know!💕
@sapphirelane1714 Год назад
@@SUNSHINE-bf3bw thank you very much for the encouragement! I needed this because I get nervous when approaching my family. They’re brainwashed by their church.
@lavettamoff7883 Год назад
Thanks,Pastor Jack.A lot of the things going on in our society today,because there are many who have no fear Of God.
@joycegreene8600 Год назад
Amen, Pastor Jack 🙏 preach the truth of Almighty God! ❤
@maryjogreen1706 Год назад
Ty Jesus for using Pastor Jack in such a clear and mighty way! I appreciate his sense of humor and it makes me chuckle. I love you Lord with all of my heart! Please save my unsaved family, show me your will for me, in your mighty name, Amen
@muhammedsoylu-dp4gh Год назад
I got to this channel by a recommendation of a friend, now this is my fourth consecutive video.
Per Rabbi Jason Sobel anytime after Jesus rose to heaven we entered the Last days
@thomasriley4963 Год назад
If you pay attention you know what's coming if you don't pay attention good luck to you
@bethl2023 Год назад
It’s amazing how many people are sound asleep.
@uscgmom9796 Год назад
Does anyone remember when Pastor Jack made us laugh and praise in one of his recent sermons where he wonderfully and funnily repeated in a deep voice what the Godly African men sang in their song: MAN POWER, NO POWER! GOD POWER? AWESOME POWER!!! ---AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@maryjogreen1706 Год назад
Yes I think of that all the time I say that to myself but I love how he said it!!!!
@JSDolly-qc4bh Год назад
That was epic!!!
@PhyllisJohnson-lr9bq Год назад
Excellent Pastor Jack! Amen ! From East Tennessee 🇺🇸🇮🇱✝️… Maranatha 🎺👑
@stand4truth44 Год назад
@yigitsaar Год назад
God is our only Savior. Thank you Jack for your words.
@edwardannemccammon5722 Год назад
Everyone needs to listen to Jack and let the Lord give you understanding of His Word
@scbache5410 Год назад
Perfect timing hearing ‘God will get us through these perilous times up to the tribulations’. God is good and still on the throne. I look for him every day. ♥️
@emilee172 Год назад
Paul is telling his followers that the Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night IS a reference to His SECOND coming, Not the rapture
@pokemoncarder1310 Год назад
Jack is doing what millions of other people should be doing.
@kimberlydodder8198 Год назад
"God says, every man is born knowing the truth". That being said, we are without excuse.
@aygunisgenderova2850 Год назад
Faith and hope are being restored because of your videos, Jack.
@000Turkiye Год назад
Jack, you have inspired me to be more courageous these hard days.
@kenrawls2876 Год назад
Put on God's armor and fight for our Lord Jesus Christ I love you my king
@dianasanner8141 Год назад
Jack, you make me laugh every time! But you also bring the Bible into my ❤️ Thank you! Prayers and blessings
@Belinay.1907 Год назад
All my family and I listen together to your talks, Jack. You are nurturing us.
@bryanproctor2983 Год назад
We have an awesome young pastor, preaches/teaches the uncompressed Word, verse by verse chapter by chapter. He unfortunately does Not believe in the Rapture. I believe it is so very clear, along with many of our church members. It hinders all teaching of our last days. Praying for clarity. I wish it was more clearly written in God’s Word🤷🏽‍♂️
@shauneden4229 Год назад
He can't be teaching verse by verse then. How does he interpret Rapture verses?
@audreykennedy6275 Год назад
These are biblical times for sure! God love you Pastor Jack !
@georgebentonjr3876 Год назад
Only in the sense that we are living in the days that were to follow the last days, post 70 A.D. The New Covenant age we have been living in, has no end or last days. Isaiah 9:6-7, Ephesians 3:20-21. The Old Covenant Jewish age world ended once and for all, during the Parousia of Christ in the first century, at the end of the millennium, with the destruction of ancient and apostate, first century Israel and the Temple, thus fulfilling the Great Tribulation Jesus mentioned 40 years earlier. Ancient, apostate first century Israel had become, Babylon, a Harlot, Sodom and Egypt, and her synagogues were synagogues of Satan says the Lord in Revelation. The final judgment, resurrection and vindication were in the first century just as He said it would be. Satan was destroyed at the end of the millennium, which was in 70 A.D. All of Daniel and Revelation have been fulfilled. Modern day Israel is NOT the ancient Israel of the Bible, nor can it ever be.
@yigit9618 Год назад
If we get enough folks saved in this county, it will make a difference on the street where you live. You are saving people, Jack.
@sharonbrown111 Год назад
Jesus is saving people. Jack is an instrument.
@Jsidvdhskbskhvdoab Год назад
It's essential that we learn how to defend the Bible and the Christian faith. Thank you for your example Jack.
@Vivaldilover Год назад
Dr. Hinson was very well known to ALL pastors
@Nalla762 Год назад
Bless you, Jack; this is extraordinary teaching from Genesis and Romans! The Spirit gives wisdom so that understanding can be magnified and sent forth to the listeners. Jesus said a few times, ..."let the reader understand...". He was speaking to us; future generations of God! I so enjoy your ministry and teaching!❤
@vongelzhiser8220 Год назад
Stay prayed 🙏 up!
@thesearethedays9398 Год назад
Hard to find a local church that speaks to the current times we are living in and also takes a strong stance for righteousness. Love tuning into your sermons on Sundays and all thorough the week. God has blessed us through tech to find good pastors like you, Jack. Thank you!!
@66savior Год назад
Yes, totally agree. The churches near me still talking about how to love your neighbors no matter what
@shauneden4229 Год назад
​@@66savior Weed church Vs seed church.
@carriebaca7047 Год назад
Powerful message!! ❤️ Come Lord Jesus Come 🙏🏻
@myaccount2825 Год назад
Not yet! There’s too many we need to bring to Him. 😁💕
@jesusislordoverall4530 Год назад
Yes God is sending us tremors.. praise God for his mercy before his wrath.... God is warning the world but is anyone listening......
@reginahildebrand3272 Год назад
Pastor Jack there are no words to say how much I love you when I listen to see your warm smile how I long to meet you the way you teach explain the word such a blessing you are there is a strong anointing on you
@JohnSmith-cf4gn Год назад
I remember back in the 70s I could tell that we were approaching the last days. I told that to my dad and he said that people have been saying that for years but I could see it. Jesus saved me in 1961so I knew things that most people didn't. No brag, just fact.
@shauneden4229 Год назад
I bet your dad hadn't seen a nation come back to life after nearly 2000 years before. You will seen a lot since 1961. Stay blessed.
@pjwood220 Год назад
Funny that lately YT isn't letting me hit the like button on these videos. So I just share to my other pages!
@sylviavillegas6987 Год назад
Thank you PTR Jack for such an inspiring warning that Jesus is coming soon. Awaiting for his return always.
@eylencelioyunlar6935 Год назад
There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by old-fashioned preaching. You are just that Jack.
@Onstrangerstrides Год назад
Excellent. You hit the nail on the head ❤
@gregthebadger Год назад
I so grateful for the teaching you have put out the past three years. We need the encouragement and sound doctrine. Thank you Jack!
2 Corinthians 5:7 “(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)”
@kayracaner Год назад
How can we as Americans save this country? Only through God.
@debbieschlegel9338 Год назад
Let’s Wait Patiently for Our Lord
@catherinenijpjes5572 Год назад
Our God is so good for us, He is letting us know what will happen in the (near) future, He doesn't want us to be ignorant, longing to meet Jesus, maranatha Lord Jesus come quickly 🙏
@ooshta Год назад
This was an awesomely amazing sermon. So very well said Jack. So beautifully said. May God our heavenly father continue to bless you, your family and ministry. 🙏🙏❤🙂👍
@brandonbarnette4013 Год назад
PTL. We are in the LAST day. Only Jesus Christ's return is going to work this out! PTL
@markpaintdoctor4041 Год назад
God Bless you all
@debbiematthews5792 Год назад
Praise be to God 🙏. I love God's comfort. Thank you, Jack for your words of wisdom coming from Heavenly Father 🙏
@Mamma-Tex Год назад
SIN IS LIKE A CREDIT CARD. ENJOY NOW PAY LATER…just saw this on a local church sign ✝️
@gocenur2592 Год назад
The only thing that will save America is if we have God in our side.
@davidkhim8250 Год назад
AMEN HALELUYAH, GLORY TOO GOD, ALELUYAH 🙏 ALELUYAH, thanks you my lord, ALELUYAH AMEN God bless you all, shlom everyone
@cuneytunlu6721 Год назад
Building a better you is the first step to building a better America
@jimmyzamorano9849 Год назад
Ephesians 1:7 (21st Century King James Version) in Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace,
@lucindabrashear695 Год назад
Thank you Pastor Jack! God bless you, your family, and everyone reading this 🙏 ❤️
@calscottoh Год назад
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
@noddy176 Год назад
First time i heard a crowd applauding for Genesis 27. It sent chills down my spine. Praise God for the creation of man and woman!
@ClanChapman1rRS Год назад
Excellent analogy using earthquakes. Thanks for this one Pastor Jack!
@nancylyon-gray3499 Год назад
Thank you so much Pastor Hibbs! I appreciate you and all you do. I love my Lord and Savior. We can celebrate that together!
@followerofchrist5936 Год назад
We must continue praying and asking God to forgive us for turning our face away from Him.
@kedilereasigimmmm Год назад
When one considers our nation's educational foundations -- Harvard, Yale, Princeton and most of our respected institutions were originally Christian. Now they are away from they core.
@pattyredder7797 Год назад
Great message! Thank you Pastor Jack❤️
@EKteam999 Год назад
I love the clarity of your speech.
@pb3231 Год назад
Thank you Father God that we know the end of Your plan and it’s good for Jew and Gentile 🙌🙏🏻👏👏👏
@chelseadesbois5430 Год назад
🙏🙏🙏 thank you for truth is this world of sugar coating and straight up deception
@cuneytmuti Год назад
I love what you are doing for this nation. God protects you.
@aliegemen70 Год назад
Nobody, absolutely nobody compares with you, Jack.
@billybob-ro6qf Год назад
You mean nobody compares with JESUS
@myblueskye777 Год назад
I like looking for Jack's sermons and watching them silently (using closed captioning) while eating at Panera! That's how I watched this one. 😊
@melikekuru9318 Год назад
The signs are already ubiquitous.
@cemalkose8699 Год назад
we are all created equal and endowed by the Creator, God. We should fight back against those abortion supporters
@yektaoynuyor1 Год назад
I am glad we can listen to you from our devices. thank you, Jack.
@jackshaw9637 Год назад
Sweet Word of God
@janiedunn637 Год назад
❤ listening to Pastor Jack. He’s just 👍🏻. God bless him , his ministry & family
@lorrainekruse5588 Год назад
Thank you for your straight teaching. Praying 🙏 ❤
@SO4JTV Год назад
★AMEN Jack - May we Keep Looking UP! (Col 3:1-4) ✝️ ☁️⚡️ ★Luke 21:28 “When THESE things begin to happen,LOOK UP & LIFT UP your heads- your REDEMPTION DRAWS NEAR” ★ May we TRUST CHRIST & His unfailing Word [James 4:6-10,2 Cor6:2,Titus 2:11-15] 💙🙏📖
@charlottesokol7074 Год назад
Thank you 🕊✝️🛐🕊🐑❤️
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