
how to NOT f**k up your creativity for a decade 

Rachael Stephen
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25 сен 2024




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@RachaelStephen Год назад
also I should have remembered to mention this in the video but - if you’re one of the people who wants to know more about how I work with the idea of a “genius spirit”/ personifying my creativity - I did an hour-and-a-half chat about this for my patrons a while back! so there is already a big meaty resource on that if you are (or become) a patron! ✨
@fairfarren38 Год назад
Number 9 really hit home for me. I used to tell my writing friends my story ideas and then wonder why I lost the motivation to write the stories after... Turns out the act of telling the idea to someone else satisfied my desire to "tell" the story and my brain no longer saw a point in actually writing it.
@Quileryn Год назад
You are so right about not relying on feedback. My creativity was killed by guilt, the kind of guilt that comes from feedback overload and the residue of that guilt kept me from continuing creative pursuits. I met someone when I was writing my first album and my first novel - we were together for 8 years. So naturally I invited him into my realm of creativity, and he'd get upset if I didn't take his feedback. He would then criticize me because writing a novel and an album wouldn't pay the bills (even though I completed college in Creative Writing, started a career and made more than him). Even then, it would never be enough for him. I let his negativity get to me, which pushed my addiction to workaholism even more and my abandonment to creativity. I wouldn't call the ideas I had for either my album or the novel as "dead".. just abandoned. When I ended the relationship, I took 2 years to work on myself. I needed to purge the guilt I had and pursue my creative projects. Even if it was just for the sheer enjoyment of doing it, and not even for the "pot of gold", I had let it get to a point where I'd hop on Indeed constantly - even though I was already employed and made enough to sustain myself. It took me 2 years and I am just now finally finding the strength to pick both back up again. It's almost insane how persistent the brain can be in preventing you from doing the things that make you feel whole. The earliest memories I have of writing was ripping pieces of notebook paper just so I could write stories about my stuffed animals going on adventures. I'd draw the front and back covers, staple the papers back together, then gift them to teachers and friends. If I did that at 6 years old, why on earth would I stop doing that at 32? (The process, not the stuffed animal stories.) So.. fuck yeah being creative is important. It's just as you insist - we need to start treating creativity as important as drinking water. Creativity is not a leisure activity, it is essential. ♡
@sarafreitas6988 Год назад
The quote "what the fuck is obligation doing in your creative practice" will be hang on my wall for confidence boost. Thank you Rachel!
@natyork Год назад
A little overwhelmed by all the goodness here. Your creations are magic and have been so important to my journey into both expressive arts and understanding my brain. "Thank you" feels like an understatement of gratitude but still, thank you.
@rachelnichols7347 Год назад
First time commenter: I saved this to my “watch later” when you released it because I knew I needed to create space to dive in and sit with what you were going to share. I can’t tell you how much this has resonated with me as I come to terms with the thinking and forces that doused my creative spirit in cold water years ago. It’s been kindling anew; a small, slow flame. Watching your instruction has softened and opened up parts of myself that I thought were dead, when in reality they were dormant.
@gabriellacontreras7769 Год назад
I think you could easily make a series that expands on each of these, and they would all be amazing and super helpful. Thank you
@karenbota3118 Год назад
Work smaller to close the loops. Yes! Why does everything I do have to be a huge production, unmanageable and unfinishable? And thanks for the reminder of the commonplace book. Well, actually thanks for all of these!
@GrandmotherWindsoftheEarth Год назад
In my opinion, this is the best video you have ever made. It has so much wisdom and will be so helpful to many people. Thank you. I have been struggling with trying to assuage the YT algorithm since my channel changed direction and it led to nothing but annoyance. I also have been struggling with balancing my writing and my RU-vid channel because I am at the start of a novella and want to focus on that. Yet, the algorithm punishes for taking breaks and not posting regularly. My decision, like yours, is feck the algorithm! I am a writer who also has a RU-vid channel NOT a RU-vidr who also writes. Blessed be. xx
@bonniesom9979 Год назад
Another video that resonates on nearly all points. I've given up following most RU-vidrs in the productivity space because they can be downright toxic for neurodivergents. I find you, Struthless and a very small handful of others to be genuinely helpful now. While all your points resonate, I am actively practicing the protection one on my current (secret) project. Will probably need to rewatch this video with notebook in hand! THANK YOU
@bradh.johnson2113 11 месяцев назад
Geezer here. I've been learning from you since 2017 (+/-), the year I retired from the drudgery. In prep, I did something completely out of character and entered and won Nanowrimo. For a left-brained baby boomer engineer, that simple fact was nothing short of profound, at least for me. I've been struggling down this artistic/creative road ever since, not really understanding the musician artist buried deep down inside of me that I was in my teens and early adult was actually still in there screaming, at times. So, TYVM for your years of insight and your courage to share. There really is no one true medium. While my musical muse moved on, I am now working with words and wood. I have discovered wood as an art form! I would never have guessed it in 1M years. I wrote and promptly buried my first "short story" when I was 7 or 8. I actually found it in 2016, and it spoke to me. So, I hope that I will still be above ground when the fortysomething Rachael debuts. Blessed be and may the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face the rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. (American by birth, Scottish by heritage, Celtic by DNA)
@annamiller2057 Год назад
#4 is what I needed to hear the most! Pointing out that sketching is about improving form the same way 'a study' of plot structure is to improve form is brilliant! Personally, I enjoy doing studies of plot structure but in the past I've always thought of it as exclusively 'prep work' and not actually creative work (because it seemed too derivative). However, if a sketch is a creative work, why can't 'a study' of plot be considered a creative endeavor? Your gem of an observation allowed me to realize that there's a bit more creativity in 'a study' of plot than I was giving myself credit for.
@robertlittle7314 Год назад
I've been working with "self help" or "self development" videos for roughly three years now. I've filtered which ones don't apply, or don't express the key concepts in a useful way, or express them in less useful ways that other videos in my collections. I started a "best self development" video playlist perhaps a year ago. I probably need to cull back on that one as well, but the overall quality of that list is way better than where I began three years ago. I haven't even finished your video here, and I *know* that it belongs on the "best" list. Further, I can't imagine me culling it. It is *that* good. Thank you.
@kelly-annmaddox Год назад
Babe, I feel like I just devoured a perfect ten course meal. ❤️ Thank you! That part about the vulnerable piece being the exact thing that people deeply respond to? Every.. fucking.. time.
@Sharkuterie327 Год назад
All of these were 100% relevant. It blows me away how you’ve analyzed your experiences so thoroughly to come away with a much better understanding of how to work with your creativity - and even what creativity is in general… Then to communicate that so well in a way other folks can learn and grow. Just amazing what you do. 🥰
@PandorasExecutioner Год назад
i'm so glad you're so wholly yourself and share it with us. my friend got me into your "bujo with me videos," and i stayed for you as a "witchy writer," and im here even more for your multipassionate neurodivergence. i would love to hear you say even more about genius. your explanation of genius, commonplace book, and protection sigil clicks way more than other explanations I've heard of those concepts. I like how you put them into practice because it gives me ideas. I love how you make everything witchy, and how creatively you use the whole range of witchy tools. Helps me see more ways to bring more magic into my life beyond the 101 stuff, which is the kind of content i've been craving as a witch. i've been through my own heavy shadow work and reality check with all of these concepts, so it's just so affirming for me to listen to your journey. your explanation of how social media impacts us is so articulate. you've perfectly identified and named the demons i had to wrestle with learning to be a creative, entrepreneur and multifaceted being and how conflicting the advice is. therefore your points about protection and facets hit me the hardest, and how easily social media and creative entrepreneur advice influences us. your points about how inspiration is collected, structure studies and short loops were the most practical and game changing ones. i came across them in my own way, but i completely agree they allowed me to actually find creative progress, motivation and momentum.
@JessicaandtheMoon Год назад
This was epic 🌟 The most resonant ones for me were the pot of gold, and the working on the “wrong” things, but honestly this all hit home. Lots of what you spoke about I’ve thought before, but hadn’t distilled it down into such clear and helpful “rules”. Thank you ❤
@RachaelStephen Год назад
okay i gotta know - which rule hit the hardest for you?? xx
@escapeartist1258 Год назад
Still in the middle of the video, but so far the structure studies rule has hit me hard. :)
@Quileryn Год назад
Loved every single one, but I'd say.. Protect the process.. with a sigil! What an awesome idea, personifying your creative pursuits. Also, suggestion/idea for a video I'd be interested in learning your perspective. I'm interested in your process or finding the courage to "yeet things out into the void." As someone who also doesn't use social media (other than Discord and RU-vid), how do you find the confidence in throwing your work out into the ether? :0
@MTD156 Год назад
Closing creative cycles reminds me of Eva Green and how even though her father is not Jewish and her mother is Sephardic she herself is Ashkenazi ... always use Kabbalah Magic to finish what you start 🕎😄
@auderp Год назад
Hi, another ADHD creator here. I think the focus on Honesty gave me the most food for thought. It reminded me that the driving purpose of even creating the work was that I have something I feel is important to be said. That as a motivator stands much stronger than anything else for me.
@madametrafficjam8347 Год назад
The pot of gold one. That got me.
@alexandrahill9176 Год назад
Thank you so much for making this! I am also a not-medically-diagnosed-but-most-likely-have-ADHD writer and a lot of these rules resonate with me. Number 7 (follow electricity not obligation) lifted a lot of the guilt I've built up over not working on certain projects for years and number 9 (protect your process with a sigil) reminded me how important it is to keep a lot of what I'm working on to myself or that dopamine hit of excitement will be long gone after sharing it.
@niceaton38 Год назад
I've been blocked since 2019. Led me on an introspective journey, but have still felt not quite ready to write again. This video spoke to so much of what I've been dealing with in a way that feels so uncanny. Thank you!
@caitiesith Год назад
Oooft, the open loops problem VS the inherent long-term commitment of novelling hits HARD. I always struggle with this, especially in the editing phase (which is my achilles' heel). I wish there was a way to really split the process into smaller loops - I've tried, with different drafts, with different 'phases' (rough/zero draft, plot focussed draft, dialogue draft, etc), with sending it chapter by chapter to betas, but nothing really works out right.
@nocturnus009 Год назад
Going into a tryptophan induced slumber. Will finish this before TCM’s Noir Alley tonight… “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” -Lao Tzu
@1monki Год назад
A solution to "closing the loop" that's worked for me in the novel writing process is templates with many steps. It takes me a month to work through my lead character development template. But it's all broken down into short sections and small items. Usually, I check something (or many things) off every day. And I always know where I am in the process. I know where the end is, and I see myself getting closer. The other benefit of this method is that by teaming with the Pomodoro method and some down-and-dirty tracking, I know how long it will take, so I can plan ahead in a realistic manner
@lauraslate2445 Год назад
Yessss, I’m so glad you’re covering this and I can’t wait to watch! Your videos are such a comfort to me 💖. You’re always delivering much needed insights at so many pivotal moments in my life!
@The_Open_Book Год назад
You really got me with the dead-ends section. I am so doing that right now too T.T Every time I go to work on this project, founded in my depression, I just don't want to. It's an act of digging up hurt I don't want to feel anymore. And it's hard to let it die because I want to make this project for a purpose, helping other people see and get through the same things I did but goddamn if it's not a demotivational kick in the gut every time I have to sit down and try to finish this project... I wish I could let it die...
@faerybookish3898 Год назад
this felt like the syllabus to a master class on creativity. i had to open my notion and start taking notes!
@nocturnus009 Год назад
LOVE ALL OF THIS 🤗 Your use of “retirement” is on brand. Like re-labeling story bibles as “story codex” if you ever feel uncomfortable with the internal nomenclature some on-brand alternatives would be mummify|ambering (like Jurassic Park’s suspended in amber)| and or worm-holing (sending the story through the Einstein Rosen Bridge to a time or quantum state where you have acquired the components in your toolbox the story needs)
@stephenhall2620 Год назад
Gosh! I have taken so much away from this Rachael. Thank you for helping me kickstart my art block, very much appreciated
@everausten Год назад
This is up there with my fave videos of yours. I love a deep dive, I think you're amazing at systematising your ideas, and your ideas are so considered and philosophical. After nearly twenty years of studying, freelancing, teaching, failing, dead ends, reinvention, self-employment, and self-diagnoses of neurodivergence - well, a lot of this articulated my own creative journey and current thinking. It was wonderful how you crystalised each concept and gave symptoms and remedies. Also I appreciate how thoughtful the framing and editing is for this video - it's so pleasant and calming and enjoyable. I know that takes so much skill and time to accomplish, so thank you! Any topic you wanted to explore further would be excellent, they're all relevant and interesting 💛🌙🌟✨
@claremiller9979 Год назад
I'd like to hear more about be honest not original, and hope that gets enough votes for a deep dive. Conceptually I understand it, but practically? I feel like there's so many things that would easily get in the way of it and muddy the creative waters (fear probably being the primary driver) so thinking through what this looks like in practice and ways to identify when you're not being honest, and how to pivot back into authentic creation. The rest of the rules I understand and can see myself being able to follow, even if I might need to post them up somewhere to remind myself on occasion 😁 I can also say I have learned how to see creativity at work in any domain, because for work I design data coding systems which let me tell you is a highly creative exercise. Creating a system out of nothing is very fulfilling, especially when it finally works the way you want it to
@aracristina7435 Год назад
both protection and facets resonated for me-- i feel it is a big problem today to feel that pressure to always have content to share and for it to be in a specific niche and it's never sat right with me + it just sucks the joy out of everything
@inkseer Год назад
Some of these things are what I've been thinking about/realizing lately. It was amazing to hear them said out loud by another creative and for me to learn further truths. This video was a real one.
@Feejakka Год назад
“Be honest, not original.” Ooosh that’s good. So much in here that I found helpful! Definitely going back through to take notes. And btw your voice is so lush to listen to 😁
@Dominator046 Год назад
I started plotting my work to break things into smaller chunks, better analyze structure, and to stop / route around / identify dead ends. So, I can see that as part of my journey. Though, I'm very flexible with my plotting. And, sometimes, I let improvisation that satisfies the work completely break a section of outline.
@TheLightletters Год назад
Ok, I might have to comment again later once I've done some more deep thinking about all of these, but I'll just start off with: A lot of your tips/analyses are exactly what I've arrived at while going through a lengthy and often extremely painful PhD thesis writing process in a humanities subject that requires a full book as the end product. (Especially the bit about talking about an ongoing project - which is the done thing in academia, unfortunately - and about feeling like you're always working on the wrong project). Thank you so much for putting these into words! (And also for kina proving my gut feeling that research is far more of a creative process for me than my environment seems to realize/support)
@lunemood Год назад
I really enjoyed the change of scenery/background for each of your topics. Thank you so much for sharing, not only these tips but your overall creative journey (: Oh man, so many points hit hard for me lol. I think closing loops and protecting my work is something I should try more. Have you ever considered the podcast format?
@bonniesom9979 Год назад
I agree with the podcast idea! What about a mini Podcast series of the 10 tips? I enjoy your voice and way of speaking so much!
@natasharedmane Год назад
I think this just became one of my favorite videos of all time
@melodymulder6483 Год назад
So much gold here! Yeah I’ll be rewatching this multiple times
@bekichan91 Год назад
I was surprised on your take from Elizabeth Gilbert's TED talk - I took it completely differently from you apparently. I may need to go back and rewatch as it's been a while. I took it as your muse is inside you, sometimes it's just harder to hear/more stubborn. Also, just wanted to say that I know everyone's experiences are different, but not everyone with ADHD struggles with longterm projects. I understand you're referring to your experiences, but as someone that also has it, I've found that I'm fine with some long term projects - it's the same as the short term ones, I've got to have a certain level of interest and then it's making myself make time (the actual hard part). Some days are easier than others.
@MsAshling80 Год назад
I literally never comment on videos because I am a giant scardycat but I cannot let this one go without saying thank you so much for sharing this wonderful advice. I have shared it with all my writing groups and I'll continue to share it with anyone struggling creatively. It's the single best video on being true to your own creativity that I have ever seen. So many times I've heard "what would you do if you knew you would succeed" but that success is pressure in itself (for me) so the idea of doing what would you do without that pot of gold is absolutely inspiring. And "be honest not original" is both terrifying and freeing to me. All your advice was incredible and I can't tell you how grateful I am that I came across it. Thank you again, so much, for sharing. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@heathermattern Год назад
I didn’t realize HOW MUCH I needed this video and these messages!! Thank you!!!
@thejoyfultutor Год назад
Perfect, perfect, perfect for what I need right now! I literally just started The Artist’s Way as I feel I have definitely lost my way creatively - not sure I’ve ever really found it tbh. I love what you said about closing smaller loops - this resonated massively with me as I get overwhelmed by the scope of some of my potential projects. Would love to hear more on any of the topics you spoke about but particularly on closing smaller loops, your creative genius/spirit and structure studies. Thank you!
@kmcq692 10 месяцев назад
Animism does play a part for me. Keeping things I love safe by hiding them makes sense. I appreciate how it’s kinda greedy of me to share the idea to get the dopamine hit. Greedy and careless. I will endow the BEING with a name.
@Rise876 Год назад
This was a really great video. It's one of the best I've watched on your channel, and I've been following you for quite a few years - maybe six or seven. It really resonated with me and helped clarify and validate some things I had going on in my own mind. Thank you for this. I appreciate it. 👍🏻
@chrystalsapphire7438 Год назад
I'd love a whole video on "Facets are virtues not flaws"! So true for ADHD peeps
@jenfries6417 Год назад
Wow, this is great! In terms of which rules hit the hardest: - The one that hit with the biggest ouch was rule 5 - dead ends. I have fallen into the trap of trying to save dead projects so often. If I was ever in love with an idea, I resist facing the reality that it just has some inherent fatal flaw that can't be fixed, or that I've changed and it's no longer relevant to me in some fundamental way. - The ones that hit with the biggest kick of inspiration or clicking on a light in my brain were 3 - loops and 6 - genius. Re loops - My creativity likes to take its time nurturing long-running projects, but my self-doubt struggles with the sense that I'm making no progress, that I have nothing to show for my efforts. I'm lacking that dopamine kick of completing something cool. So I recently started trying to have some small projects going at the same time as one long-term project. For instance, keeping up a regular visual art practice of abstract watercolors - 2-hour work sessions a couple of times a week - while working on a novel - many months of work. Re having a genius - This resonated with me quite a lot. A while back, I started using tarot for brainstorming. I have so much trouble choosing among options, that I outsourced the first pass of mental decisions to the cards, and it has really worked well for me. Now I think I need to reach inward a bit and try to personify that part of my mind that's speaking when I do that, for times like now when, despite my structures and planning, I lose the thread a bit and have trouble getting back into the creative groove. - The one that hit the hardest with nervousness about the future was 9 - protection. I have this love-hate thing going on with privacy versus visibility, as I think a lot of people do in the social media age. I do need to retreat into my studio, shut the world out, and work without having to worry about what the creative sausage-making looks like. However, I don't mind talking about my process. I don't even really mind if people see me fail or cancel a project for some reason. I do mind having to answer for my progress on a project. I get downright resentful about it if I'm being criticized for being slow by people who aren't paying me to be productive. That's why I never got into making RU-vid content. But on the other hand, if I let my creativity wander unrestricted on a project, it will get caught by the gravity of my perfectionism, and I will never finish the damn thing. I need deadlines, or at least a little pressure to deliver. I haven't quite found a good work structure for that. My current experiment is a web novel, which is kind of like writing a novel in public with everyone reading along as you go. I'm trying to use it to train myself to aim for finished, not perfect, and to find my dopamine kick in each chapter, rather than the whole book. Early days yet.
@MariJadeWrites Год назад
Just started this video and already love it! :) So good! Lately I have many many (many) ideas for existing and new projects and my only problem is prioritizing them right now and maybe even delegating some (if and when I can). Currently working on a NaNo novel, as I am behind, probably won't hit 50k in time, but I made progress and that's what important :)
@testosteronic Год назад
I'm doing NaNoWriMo for the 1st time this year! I might only just make it to 30,000 words, but it has put me in the habit of actually writing the novel idea I've had for years, everyday. And really that's what I needed from NaNoWriMo. It'd still be a few notes and a very polished first three paragraphs otherwise -since I had a beginning written I didn't officially enter NaNoWriMo-
@MariJadeWrites Год назад
@@testosteronic oh yes, definitely, it helps build the habit of writing regularly! :) good luck with your novel!
@insomniopolis Год назад
This is the first video of yours I've seen. I clicked Like and Subscribe pretty early in the playtime. Talk about a video chock full of wisdom and motivation!!
@jasminv8653 Год назад
Rule 2 really is the most precious and important one for me!
@NerArt Год назад
Wonderful video! Since this is the video through which I found you it's probably my NaNo watching this year that made YT show it to me, but boy am i grateful - Subscribed!
@Kathrin_yt Год назад
This was amazing thanks so much for sharing!! I will be returning to this video!
@watcherwriter Год назад
I loved this video, and now I want a deep dive into "Be honest, not original." Because I have a feeling that my obsession with being original holds me back a lot of times.
@woodwives Год назад
This is absolutely fabulous. I've struggled with a lot of these same issues but never seemed able to get out of that rumination feedback loop, constantly analyzing the problems I kept running into but never finding another way. I read the Artists Way and Big Magic, and while they helped emotionally, and were inspiring, I couldn't really put the pieces together practically. This video helps so much--practical advice and some peace for my troubled maker/creative heart. Thank you for being so real about these issues, and sharing what you learned, I adore your perspective amidst all the noise and pressure and stress. 🙏
@StitchandWitch Год назад
I’d love to hear more about the witchy side of connecting with your muse.
@marcellacassab4331 Год назад
I'm so happy that you're doing better mentally :). I feel like I'm in the reverse of what you're going through with North of the End. I came up with my passion project when I was younger, naiver and more hopeful about the future and the world. Sadly, over the years I've grown rather cynical and jaded. I always wanted this work to invoke hope and fuzzy feelings but it's hard to conjure something for others that I don't have for myself. The idea of giving it up completely is so agonizing. Like killing my baby and giving up on hope. I always imagined this would be my magnum opus, but now I realize how in over my head I am with this type of idea and these types of characters. For now, I'm leaving it to the side and accepting it might not be my debut. I'm fine with whatever comes first. I still work on it here and there when I'm feeling it, but I'm not forcing it. Maybe someday I'll finish it, when I'm, hopefully, in a better state of mind.
@JorineAdinda Год назад
this was such a great video! Enjoy your rest in December!
@escapeartist1258 Год назад
I think further clarification of the structure studies thing would be great. I am still not sure how to "do a study of story structure" versus just "studying story structure" especially since I do not teach these things to anyone. I think part of my problem is that I haven't found a story structure that has clicked for me like the plot embryo did for you. I still find myself somewhat mystified by story structure in general.
@spookshow Год назад
9 is interesting because for me it's the opposite. If I have no outside expectation I never finish anything.
@grayseeker7084 Год назад
I'd love to hear more about your process for coming up with sigils for your projects!
@thismidwestlife6363 8 месяцев назад
All of your videos are great, but I really loved this one! Thanks
@sarahellis7429 Год назад
this was incredible, thanks so much for sharing
@orphevre Год назад
I really loved your input on this topic ! There are plenty of advices about overcoming artist block, but the way you articulated your advices hit home in a way that left me inspired and motivated. It was a bit like seeing my own blockages in a new light, so thank you ! I particularly resonated with your advice on closing the creative loop and finishing things regularly to create momentum. Getting lost in big projects and ending up having a toxic love/hate relationship with your work and your idea of what it should be, doubting its legitimacy to exist and giving up is a place I find myself in, far too often … So I loved hearing your experience on this. :)
@silfervox2970 Месяц назад
This is a brilliant, helpful video. Thank you so much!
@RonnieRants Год назад
Awesome stuff and this totally resonated, thanks for sharing!
@sharidecterhirst1879 Год назад
Thanks for sharing this, Rachel. I'm a writer and appreciate your perspective and the wisdom you've gleaned. I also love the asthetics- quite inspiring.
@arrhenninx4295 Год назад
by the gods, you dont even know how much I needed to hear this right now. Thank you soo much:) You saying you dont wanna put a project out into the world before it is finished makes me super excited for the card deck. Also I spot with my little eye your Wheel of the Year in the background? Hoping for that too~ Thanks a bunch for your work here
@MTD156 Год назад
The lesson of the video is that everyone should have a cup that looks like a lens 📷
@kmcq692 10 месяцев назад
Yay. Day One with tags? Notion with numbered sections? I feel like this video is giving permission to carry on.
@mariasebastianwrites7359 Год назад
This entire video is gold
@gauriyardi6340 Год назад
Rachael, this was incredible. Thank you so much for making it.
@soyevquirsefron990 Год назад
Ok so you’re not a professional novelist…. But you are a professional creator and have been living on your own terms for years, which is pretty awesome
@SatsumaDiaries Год назад
Oh my gosh, have been missing you! Totally nailed how it feels to be creative ..all the existential fuckery. Love you
@falwyn Год назад
I would love to hear more about #6 and what that looks like for you
@576sqft Год назад
I'll be watching this video repeatedly :) Thank you!
@leaostmei5164 Год назад
love this video. and I can't decide on just one point, there's so many important ones. also, you seem so happy and energetic, it's really nice to see
@Mojano Год назад
Okay Rachael, I have some thoughts - it seems like over the last decade you have been on your very own heroes journey. The best thing about fucking up is the learning and developing it enables us to do. We can't be where we are without having been where we were. In another decade I imagine you could produce a further update, and your thoughts will likely differ, even if only slightly. We are always learning, developing and growing even when we believe we have stuck fast in a quagmire of darkness and dismay. Your use of your 'common place book' is great. I have kept these type of books for over 20 years and they are a joy to look back through - although I find I very rarely refer to them when working on a project unless I am at a complete impasse or am looking for ideas for a last minute competition. What I do notice though, when looking through them, is how often something from the idea has made its way into the world via another writer or creator a couple of years later, so there is definitely something to your thoughts on inspiration and genius. I think it is so easy to get bogged down in what is the current trend or expected norm (such as nanowrimo) - and whilst these 'systems' or rules can be useful when starting out - and getting anyone to complete their first book is wonderful - they become far too restrictive over time, and just like when you spent hours learning how to draw a coffee cup, once one has gained a reasonable grasp of the act then there is very little need to repeat it, unless it is to refresh a little used skill after a a very long break. The incomplete projects are never a waste, they seem to find their way into future projects in some form, even if it is just a name, a scene, a line, so they are never time wasted. I think your ADHD comments are interesting - there are many creatives that do this and many of us would likely find ourselves doing more and more 'other' things if it wasn't for deadlines and having to pay the bills. Great thoughts, you are looking much happier in your videos now. Keep adventuring.
@wordcharm2649 Год назад
can you do more retrospective videos like this, especially about your time as a writer/creator. You have a lot of wisdom to share, and I really appreciate your journey. (Fellow ADHD-writer.)
@ireneschoonwinkel Год назад
Hi Racheal, it was so lovely watching another video of yours and seeing your face :) Glad to see and hear you are doing well. There are so many good points you mention in this video - and I loved your references to Julia Camblel's "An Artist Way" and Andy J Pizza - both whom I only discovered this year...currently working through the Artist Way...I would love to know more on how you balance your different facets. There are so many creative mediums I'm interested in...and most of the time my struggle is finding time for all of them and the normal human mundane things...I've been practicing this year to try and make my list of to do's less...but it is a very difficult process...because some days there are just so many creative things I really want to do...I'm also learning as Julia Camble suggest...to find bite sizes of time to be creative...but it is super frustrating to only being able to be creative 20 to 30 minutes on a daily basis, because that is all I have time for.
@blushymae Год назад
Alright first off I would love videos detailing all ten, because I struggle with all ten so... but I think the one that struck me the hardest was closed loops. I did the same thing you did and had a novel I struggled with for years before letting it die. I did other stuff and always felt guilty when I wrote something that was not IT. So yes. That. But I also loved protecting work via sigil. I don't like to broadcast what I'm doing in general, so having a mask for it in public and in private is such a good idea.
@MrsDreamerx Год назад
This video was super insightful and well-made! Thank you, Rachael. I specifically loved the idea of "collaborating" with spirits while working on creative projects! I recently started watching your channel, and I just can't help but ask you about your Sun, Moon, and Rising or Life Path Number? If you are into Astrology/Numerology and willing to share, of course :)
@RachaelStephen Год назад
Astrology is not my thing but I do know apparently I’m a Virgo sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising since you’re curious
@DJSkyBox Год назад
we want to see more artwork rachel
@MiniNymph Год назад
I'm too sleepy to watch all in one go, I got to the end of dead ends and added a chapter to my journal app called common book! I did a wee rant in it about what kind of people I want to write about, and got to wanting to try more age groups. Which led me to remember the old lady who swallowed a fly book. So I wrote a poem as a sequel to that. Welcome to the first imperfect draft, I make no promise to ever fix it: The little old lady who swallowed a fly Decides she’s got bigger fish to fry, No more puny insect morsels, She can do better than a horse…well! She starts with a bear, Twice the size of that mare, Moves on to a giraffe And folds it in half Downs a rhinoceros, Filling and fibrous, Finds room for Nellie In her zoological belly Upping the scale, She chows down a whale, It’s truly delicious, But leaves her suspicious - Is she eating a feeling Instead of just dealing With the pain of the initial swallow? Can someone so full be truly so hollow? But eating is yummy, And there’s a party in her tummy! So she succumbs to the mirth And eats the whole goddamned earth.
@augusthavince8909 Год назад
I don't think people realize the importance of keeping a project to oneself.
@missdragon5892 Год назад
I don't know why but this video sort of made me want to cry (in a good way)
@Eduardo-xy8jj Год назад
Thank you dear ❤
@Sisyphe336 Год назад
I would love a video on #6, how to bring to life a creative demon :)
@Eduardo-xy8jj Год назад
I feel so guilty as I don’t have the energy for my art college projects🙃
@Dorito230 Год назад
This is totally me.
@patrickskramstad1485 Год назад
The opposite of a virtue is a vice. ;)
@youtubeaccount2302 Год назад
Rachael Stephenaissance
@bonniebeingbonnie001 Год назад
Great Video
@purezentity6582 Год назад
would you like to create something for humanity without thinking about monies all the time? because I am on that quest, right now
@patrickskramstad1485 Год назад
A helpful mirror 🪞 :) thank you :)
@sloppyfemme Год назад
Wow wow wow. Thank you so much for this video! So much insight to think about and revisit over and over 💙
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