
How to Optimize Fertility in Males & Females 

Andrew Huberman
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26 сен 2024




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@hubermanlab 4 месяца назад
Please note: at the timestamp related to cumulative probability of pregnancy (2:01:30), I misspoke, my apologies. The data in the following graph are correct but the “120%” is not. The appropriate equation is 1-(1-p)^n where p is the probability of getting pregnant in a given cycle and n is the cycle number. Therefore the equation for this scenario is 1-(0.8^6). Using the equation, cumulative probability over 6 cycles is 73.8% (rounded to 3 significant figures). For a visual representation: www.researchgate.net/figure/Cumulative-probability-distribution-of-conception-over-time-number-of-cycles-with_fig1_10610311
@peterdmaster 4 месяца назад
Anyone would’ve made this mistake
@MattMontag0 4 месяца назад
1 - 0.8^6
@jadedimage 4 месяца назад
@@JakeDiMare ​Exactly. The 20% chance isn't even actually accurate. The chances of pregnancy during the three days leading up to and including ovulation are higher - between 27-33,% and having sex multiple times during this time period - e.g. daily or multiple times a day - increases the probability of a sperm surviving to reach the ovum due to the increase in the overall amount of sperm in the vaginal canal. The 20% chance is nothing more than an average, and while averages are useful, they are only that - averages. Averages are just the mathematical values that have been adjusted to be less influenced by extremes and outliers (unlike using simply the mathematical mean itself, which is more heavily influenced by both.) There will always be people whose chances are below and above that average, and as such it's nothing more than a generalization. The chance of someone getting pregnant within six months is NOT static. It's HIGHLY variable depending upon multiple factors, e.g. Their partner's sperm count and the quality and motility *of* said sperm, whether or not they have a hostile uterus due to hormonal issues, endometriosis, adenomyosis, or uterine fibroids, whether or not they actually ovulate during their predicted fertile period as things like ovarian cysts and conditions like PCOS can affect this, as well as irregular menstrual cycles, the frequency of intercourse during their fertile period, how accurate their predicted fertile window is, fertility treatments, et. al. To suggest that the chance of pregnancy per ovulation is cumulative is just plain incorrect as that's just not how biology works. It's accurate in mathematics, yes, but not biology.
@absolutrumo 4 месяца назад
No, the majority of mathematically literate people would not have made this mistake
@JakeDiMare 4 месяца назад
@@jadedimage :) It's not how it works in mathematics either. The assumption that the probability of one event having anything to do with another is a classic misunderstanding. See the "gambler's fallacy".
@phnification Год назад
Been waiting for this one! I would also love an episode specifically about supporting healthy pregnancy/fetal brain development as well as infant/early child development.
@hellyeah_ellajane Год назад
I second this!
@badassdadscast1903 Год назад
Yes, I was hoping for this as well!!! My wife is 4 months pregnant. I would love to optimize this pregnancy!
@benmarshall3931 Год назад
Yes please. Me too
@nab5035 Год назад
@@badassdadscast1903 don’t you think that consulting a obstetrician gynaecologist or a neonatologist would work better? i mean huberman is nit an expert in eVeRyTHiNg
@kayann3 Год назад
Yes please
@vadri Год назад
Dear Huberman! I'm listening from Hungary. My english is not the best, but you speak so well and explain the things clearly that I can understand most of what you say (automatically generated captions are also very helpful). I always learn a lot from your podcasts and this episode was extremly helpful for me. Your enthusiasm for science and to share knowledge with others shines through every minute of your videos. Thank you very much for the valuable content!
@peterszilvasi752 Год назад
It is delighted to see that the words of Andrew Huberman were spreading into multiple countries. We live in a significant time in history when we can get any information at any time without any cost. Furthermore, it is so valuable that scientists (like Andrew and many others) digest, process and present the information in an easy-to-understand way. Éljen Andrew és éljen a költségmentes információ minenki számára!
@waveisocean Год назад
After discussing so much about fertility and people wanting to have children we should definitely do deep dives on childhood development. It was adressed lightly in several episodes: attachment styles, trauma etc... but a deep dive into a child's brain development and the effects of the environment and interactions as he/she grows would be amazing. You have demonstrated that solely the conception of children can be an enormous challenge. Parents probably don't squander all that effort on purpose by messing up their child. They probably just don't know what they and their child needs.
@sportl1899 Год назад
That would be amazing
@TheGreektrojan Год назад
There's a lot of debate but the good news is that the research pretty clearly shows that not being a terrible parent is much more impactful to childrens' outcomes than being a fantastic parent. That doesn't mean there aren't places to optimize but just generally trying to be a solid parent is likely to be the 80/20 solution to good parenting.
@lyzse Год назад
Right. The best thing parents can do for their children is work on their own issues. Deal with their own trauma, etc. So they don’t pass it on.
@Jessica-tz5cl Год назад
That's fine, but ppl who have no issues with having kids should Def do this.. I'm a teacher at an elementary school, and the behavior and paternal involvement is a mess.
@manfrombc5162 Год назад
A note on the probability of success conception touched on in the middle of this video. The probabilities are not cumulative. They are independent events, the rough equation is 1-(1-p)^n, where p is the probability of conception and n is the number of attempts. So if there is a 20% (or 0.2) chance of conception and there are 6 attempts the probability of conception is 1-(1-0.2)^6 or appropriately 74%. Assuming a 20% conception rate, the cumulative odds of conception are as follows: 1 attempt: 20% 2 attempts: 36% 3 attempts: 49% 4 attempts: 59% 5 attempts: 67% 6 attempts: 74% 7 attempts: 79% 8 attempts: 83%
@FrisoKuipers 4 месяца назад
@perolsson1993 4 месяца назад
No, no, there is obviously a probability of 5*80=400% of *not* becoming pregnant... :)
@Nachos4587 4 месяца назад
He literally addresses it at the @2:02:10 mark onwards with Fecundibility
@Nachos4587 4 месяца назад
Maybe listen to the whole thing before you reply about basic stats to a researcher's podcast
@perolsson1993 4 месяца назад
@@Nachos4587 THat's not the problem with what he says. However, he just posted a reply correcting it, so all is fine.
@technoutopia4687 Год назад
Huberman should wear a cape.
@Podcast.Universe1 Год назад
@lindaohanraha-hanrahan2817 Год назад
Not all heros wear capes.😉
@phajduk86 Год назад
@@lindaohanraha-hanrahan2817 You win RU-vid today, congratulations
@Shmitty2023 Год назад
Completely agree! What manor of superhero is this?
@memastarful Год назад
The doctors told me I couldn't get pregnant but then I started to drink everyday pure concentration pomegranate juice within months I got pregnant with a beautiful healthy girl. Supposedly in the ancient times pomegranate was known for fertility.
@sahilshenai7988 Год назад
How much time did you need to record this 4 hr long episode Dr. Huberman? Such dedication and efforts to bring zero cost information to general public. God bless you.
@porto1st Год назад
At least 4 hours I reckon
@OfficialTheoryY Год назад
@@porto1st i never leave comments on a video or like a comment ever but this was the funniest comment I've seen in a long time
@AbhilashNairSpartnax Год назад
@@porto1st nah atleast 4.5 hours IMO
@magdanieniewska2687 Год назад
I was just wondering, how he can put out so much high-quality content within such a short period of time. He's constantly uploading new podcasts. Taking into account all the research he has to do for each one... I'm wowed!
@magdanieniewska2687 Год назад
@@AbhilashNairSpartnax I think he meant the research he's doing beforehand + the actual recording.
@labsanta Год назад
Takeaways: -Fertilization: The process by which sperm and egg cells come together to form an embryo. -Menstrual cycle: The process in females that prepares the egg for fertilization and leads to the shedding of the uterus lining if fertilization does not occur. -Spermatogenesis: The process of how sperm cells are produced. -Embryogenesis: The development of the embryo after fertilization. -Fertility: The ability to conceive a child. -Hormones: Chemical messengers that play a key role in the onset of puberty, the menstrual cycle, and the production of hormones in the gonads. -GnRH: A hormone that activates cells in the pituitary gland, leading to the release of LH and FSH. -LH and FSH: Hormones that travel in the blood and affect the gonads, leading to the production of estrogen and testosterone in females and males respectively. -Sexual differentiation: The development of female and male genitalia. -Factors that affect fertility: Science-based tools, prescription drugs, acupuncture, and the presence of certain scents and odors. -Hormones effects on cells and tissues: Different hormones can have different effects on different cells and tissues, such as testosterone stimulating hair growth and estrogen enlarging breast tissue. -Ovulatory menstrual cycle: Triggered by FSH and to some extent luteinizing hormone. -Medical conditions that affect the menstrual cycle: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). -Understanding the biology of fertility and fertilization can help couples facing infertility issues. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations Sperm Survival and Fertilization -sperm survival after ejaculation, timing of intercourse for successful fertilization, sperm quality and concentration in ejaculate, optimal strategy for fertilization -Sperm can survive for a certain period of time after ejaculation, and couples should aim to have intercourse with ejaculation around the time of ovulation to increase the chances of fertilization. Ejaculate contains varying levels of sperm quality and concentration, and with each successive ejaculation, there is a decrease in the concentration of sperm per milliliter of semen. The optimal strategy for fertilization involves maximizing the concentration of healthy sperm within each ejaculate and timing intercourse around the day of ovulation. Factors such as the woman's age, health, and fertility also play a role in determining the best timing for intercourse. Cumulative Pregnancy Rate -probability of conception, cumulative pregnancy rate, independent probabilities, fecundability -The probability of conceiving in one month is around 20% for women under 30 years old, but independent probabilities do not apply to fecundability as it is a cumulative pregnancy rate. Fertilization is not just about the egg, but also the sperm and multiple probability events are at play. The likelihood of pregnancy depends on the independent probabilities of the sperm and egg meeting and fertilizing. Women under 30 should try to conceive naturally for at least five or six months before seeing an OB GYN, and older women may need to try for longer periods before seeking help. It is important to understand the concept of cumulative pregnancy rate to understand the process of fertilization and the likelihood of getting pregnant. AMH and AFC -AMH, antral follicles, ovaries, age, probability of successful fertilization and pregnancy -AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone) is a structural imaging measure of the antral follicles in the ovaries. The typical trend is for the number of antral follicles to decline over time. A woman in her 20s or 30s might have 20-40 antral follicles exiting the reserve each month, and the number of antral follicles and the levels of AMH will decline with age. It is a good idea for women interested in conceiving in the future to get their AMH levels or follicle count measured regularly. The earlier and more frequently a woman measures her AMH and follicle count, the higher the probability of successful fertilization and pregnancy. Intermittent Fasting Ovulation and Hormone Administration In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) -Egg and Follicle Collection -Sperm Collection and Washing -Embryo Creation and Implantation -ICSI and Embryo Selection -Sex Selection Cannabis Use and Fertility Behavioral Interventions and Fertility Acupuncture and Fertility Nutritional Supplements for Fertility -Coenzyme Q10 -Inositol -Myoinositol -D-chiro Inositol -Folic Acid -Vitamin D -Zinc -Selenium -Omega-3 Fatty Acids -Antioxidants Stress Management and Fertility Zinc and Male Fertility -Food Sources of Zinc -Dosage and Supplementation Recommendations Intermittent fasting is a dieting pattern where an individual alternates between periods of eating and fasting. It's important to consider whether or not you are overweight or lean when determining if intermittent fasting is right for you. Ovulation can be suppressed through the administration of exogenous hormones. Under ultrasound guidance, an OB GYN can collect mature eggs and follicles and put them in a dish. Sperm can be delivered to the dish, either frozen sperm or live sperm collected that day. The sperm are washed through a straightforward procedure. The sperm compete for the eggs and fertilize them, allowing them to advance to the early embryo stage. The embryos can be frozen and later implanted into a woman for full term pregnancy. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical procedure that involves collecting eggs from a woman and sperm from a man, fertilizing the eggs in a laboratory, and then implanting the resulting embryos in the woman's uterus. A specific sperm can be selected for fertilization through a process called ICSI. Multiple fertilized embryos can be obtained through this process. The genetic makeup and karyotype of the embryos can be examined, allowing for sex selection. Sex selection is only possible through IVF. Recent research suggests that sex selection is also possible at the sperm level before fertilization. Clinics outside of the United States have developed methods to separate sperm into fractions that give rise to male or female offspring, allowing for more reliable sex selection. Cannabis use can negatively impact egg and sperm quality. Avoid using cannabis, whether smoked or vaped, when trying to conceive or during pregnancy. Behavioral interventions, such as pelvic tilt, can improve fertility. Acupuncture is a proven effective treatment for improving fertility and pregnancy outcomes. It has been shown to be effective in clinical trials funded by government agencies such as the National Institutes of Health. Acupuncture is no longer considered fringe science. Acupuncture can also be beneficial for hormone status, stress relief, and chronic illnesses. Acupuncture works by stimulating neural pathways that link different organs of the body. Nutritional supplements such as Coenzyme Q10, Inositol, Myoinositol, D-chiro Inositol, Folic acid, Vitamin D, Zinc, Selenium, Omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants can improve egg and sperm quality and overall reproductive health for both men and women. Stress management can improve overall reproductive health and increase chances of conception by reducing stress levels and improving overall well-being. Zinc is a key nutrient for males to consider in terms of increasing fertility. Zinc can be found in foods such as oysters and can increase testosterone and dihydrotestosterone levels. A dosage of 120 milligrams of zinc twice per day with meals is recommended for maximum benefit. Zinc supplementation should be done with meals to avoid stomach discomfort. -It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations
@mobicomplex Год назад
Wow thx for this!
@electrodynamicorb6548 Год назад
@secretcinemalagos5662 Год назад
@GauravKetkar08 Год назад
@dtviff45 Год назад
Thank you! his videos are just ridiculously long 😅
@rahamh Год назад
PLEASE do an episode on Women’s hormonal health issues like PCOS, insulin resistance, hashimotos and all!!! We women are tired of suffering and having so many conflicting opinions on these!!! Thank you Dr. Huberman!!
@Escalusfr Год назад
If you experience any of those, maybe waiting for an episode isn't the best thing to do and maybe you should talk to your gyno about it
@tiryaclearsong421 Год назад
@@Escalusfr Those of us with health issues do have doctors we talk to. We just want some general best practices because different doctors frequently give different advice and it can be hard to personally figure out who is giving the best information. Dr. Huberman isn't an expert in the field but he's better than me and he tends to focus on up to date research and discuss everything from lifestyle changes to supplements.
@Escalusfr Год назад
@@tiryaclearsong421 Yeah, I get that, but Pr Huberman isn't a gyno, so the best thing would be to find a reputable obgyn who actually reads new articles
@dodopson3211 Год назад
@@Escalusfr doctors are generally not equipped to dealing with those problems. For example my friend has endometriosis; she suffers, a lot. Been to many doctors by now, seriously thinking about a full hysterectomy just to maybe stop the pain. Huberman would probably have more helpful information about dealing with this stuff than any of the doctors she has visited.
@nikhatkarel8773 5 дней назад
All gynos do is ask to lose weight which is not enough as it is difficult to lose weight in pcod and even after losing good amount of weight it doesn't regularize period ..only thing that has helped me in my more than 12 yrs of fighting pcod is a carnivore diet which I didn't even do as religiously I just did it in between sometimes did allow myself to indulge on carbs still the diet helped me get pregnant after 8 yrs of trying and I had amazing pregnancy journey.however,😢 my baby passed away at birth due to medical negligence and malpractice but I still believe my dedication to exercising, getting the sun as huberman suggests and diet and prayers have been useful
@lindaohanraha-hanrahan2817 Год назад
It’s leg day!!! Huberman’s podcast is my favourite podcast by far. He’s such a wonderful teacher. I think he was born to do it. The amount of content he put out every week is crazy. I’m a retired RN so science and medicine podcasts and lectures (nerd) make me feel like I’m still learning which I love. I’m in my early 50s and would love a show about hormonal changes as we age. Menopause has been a complete nightmare for me and I’m sure I’m not alone.
@CharlotteFairchild Год назад
Look into vitex, or chasteberry and magnesium.
@alekholm8537 Год назад
Legs and Huberman yes.
@itsdrmitali1 Год назад
More power to you and us nerds!
@heidiw637 Год назад
You might like Dr. Barbie Taylor here on RU-vid.
I listen to huberman podcasts while exercising every morning to gain knowledge while improving my physical health.
@crystalgreco5699 Год назад
Me too!!! Neuroplasticity!! 💚
@harrisonmorford3028 Год назад
In a world where it can be so difficult to get good information, it’s a blessing to have podcasts like Huberman Lab to turn to. Thank you for your contribution to the public Andrew!
@YasminA-jm9zs Год назад
I don’t have kids nor plan to have any but I know so many people who struggle with infertility and had to get IVF treatment. I know this information is greatly appreciated. Hormone health affects everything.
@timberwolves10452 Год назад
You can get a cat
@melissagreye8445 2 месяца назад
@@timberwolves10452 why are you bothered by other people's personal choices.
@fiona7558 Год назад
A key indicator of intelligence is being able to absorb mass amounts of information and repeat that information to another person in a way that is easily understandable and digestible. So grateful for your podcasts, I am amazed every time how you take all of this information and present it to us in a way that is engaging and actionable for the average person.
@palomaserrano7642 Год назад
me too I am so amazed about his speech, how can he be so clear and speak so fluently about any subject. i admire this so much.,
@jimbohaddon Год назад
Me and my Mrs had our first set of IVF treatment fail yesterday, so I've made notes and hopefully something will work. This is a incredible indepth video, so thanks for all your hard work for getting it out there.
@dyanimoriah Год назад
I hope it goes well for you and the Mrs!!
@waveisocean Год назад
Only Andrew Huberman can make me sit over 4 hours and have my attention only on one thing: his podcast. Very informative ! Thank you for all that you do, it is a great benefit to all if us!
@jaichintu6758 Год назад
4 Hours ❤. It’s Huberman and chill.
@everything-ri7fq Год назад
@crazymovie7759 Год назад
Netflix and chill😂
@caromartinezo Год назад
@olgaw1620 Год назад
@nancer2279 Год назад
Thank you so much for covering this topic! I'm a nurse midwife, women's health NP student and I know this topic will come up continually. I just wish I had the 4.5 hours to watch this instead of studying for my tests which won't give me a 10th of what you provide for free! A condensed version would be so so appreciated. Your are an amazing person and are changing health and wellness. Your podcasts should be required in all medical and nursing schools! Thank you!!
@rebeccapenders5050 Год назад
I would save it for later! Too much good to condense. I love that you are a midwife 🙂
@johnny7808 Год назад
fair point. Or maybe a summary statement at the end. But something.
@Rs-rq9fd Год назад
I listen to it at 2x speed during meals or tasks lol
@memastarful Год назад
My doctors told me I couldn't get pregnant but I started drinking everyday pure concentration pomegranate juice. After few months I got pregnant with a beautiful healthy girl. Supposedly in ancient times the pomegranate was known for fertility
@memastarful Год назад
@@metaphysicalfractionals4509 Thank you
@dubbahco Год назад
00:00:00 - Maximizing fertility: The science and tools 00:04:37 - Sponsors: Maui NUI Meats 00:05:57 - How to Get a Great Night's Sleep 00:07:11 - Huberman Lab: Momentous Supplements 00:08:20 - Fertility and the germline 00:13:27 - Fertility and reproduction, from conception to fertilization 00:18:27 - The biology of fertility and fertilization 00:19:49 - The causes and physics of puberty 00:23:01 - The onset of puberty and its causes 00:24:44 - The onset of puberty has been accelerating 00:28:43 - Pheromone effects on the onset of puberty 00:35:25 - Athletic Greens 00:36:24 - Ovulation and the Cycle 00:39:18 - The menstrual cycle and the lunar cycle 00:40:36 - Ovulatory cycle 6, The follicular phase 00:51:59 - Ovulatory cycle 6, The luteal phase 00:59:08 - Malaise during the menstrual cycle 01:03:00 - Sperm Health 01:04:18 - Spermatogenesis, the generation of sperm 01:13:29 - If You're Trying to conceive in the Next 90 Days, Avoid 01:15:04 - Boxers vs Briefs 01:17:19 - Spermatogenesis 1, Introduction 01:22:31 - Vasectomies 01:24:04 - Sperm physiology, morphology, physiology 01:27:30 - How often should I have intercourse with my wife? 01:28:28 - Problems of spermatogenesis in males 01:36:16 - Probability of fertilization in a human pregnancy 01:41:12 - Sperm counts decline 01:44:12 - Fertility 6, Quality of sperm and frequency of ejaculation 01:46:45 - How Often Should Couples Have Sex? 01:52:15 - Can You Feel Your Ovulation? 01:53:21 - How to predict when you'll ovulate 01:54:35 - How to manage libido before ovulation and sperm health 01:56:39 - Choosing the optimal methods for conceiving a child 01:59:50 - How long should a couple try to conceive? 02:08:08 - Miscarriage 6, Women's experiences 02:11:14 - Ovarian fertility and fecundability 02:23:08 - Sperm Analysis, importance and cost 02:28:59 - How to Get Enough Sleep to Be Fertilized 02:31:12 - Five Don'ts to Do to Hurt Your Fertility 02:36:04 - Binge Drinking and fertility 02:41:46 - Alcohol and sexual health 02:44:02 - Viral Infection during pregnancy 02:45:44 - Cystic fibrosis affects the sperm 02:47:33 - 5 Tips for Increasing Your Fertility 02:51:18 - Does Phone Use Affect My Sperm? 02:59:02 - Cold Exposure for Fertilizer 03:05:27 - Fertility 6, Exercise and stress 03:07:20 - Intermittent Fasting and Time Restricted Feeding 03:09:13 - Intermittent Fasting During Pregnancy 03:11:46 - Is Intermittent Fasting Bad for Spermatogenesis 03:14:30 - Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and How to Help Your 03:24:07 - In vitro fertilization and sex selection 03:32:08 - Do pelvic positions affect the likelihood of pregnancy? 03:39:08 - Are cannabis users Aphrodisiacs? 03:41:12 - How to Improve Your Fertility? 03:49:09 - 3 ways to maximize your fertility 03:53:52 - Coenzyme Q 10 03:56:02 - Fertility Supplements 04:00:57 - Omega 3 fatty acids 04:03:47 - Two Options for Boosting Testosterone in Men and Women 04:05:37 - How to Increase Testosterone and FSH? Sheila Gee 04:09:45 - Fertility 6, Zinc 04:12:53 - Fertility drugs, pharmacology and surgery 04:17:40 - The Human Reproductive Axis 04:20:27 - Huberman Lab Podcast Timestamps by Clippah
@aarrynz9721 Год назад
You dropped this 👑
@dubbahco Год назад
@@aarrynz9721 🥰
@turvus2 Год назад
Thank you sincerely my man
@Wiseman478 Год назад
Omg thank you for this , I can't hold my attention span for 4hrs
@lf9838 Год назад
Thank you !
@coribanane2305 Год назад
Thank you from Germany to Prof. Huberman! Your podcasts are outstanding! Thank you for your expertise for everyone! Best wishes, Franziska 🙋🏼‍♀️
@nicih9251 Год назад
A fellow Neuro fan from Germany jippie! 🎉
@krishmore9739 Год назад
Hey,Andrew, If you are reading this, please keep reading. Please don't skip. It's a request. You are the most wonderful human being running the most wonderful podcast ❤️ . I just want to tell you that till date you haven't covered a single podcast for STUDENTS(even if you are a professor,no pun intended 😃.) I just want you to know that you should cover a whole podcast for students because you know we sometimes have a lot of issues regarding our studying. I have listened to many podcasts of you on other podcasts also (when you where a guest on other), but no one asked you a question about a student life. There are a few questions that I think every student will find helpful if they get an answer from you. I am sure there is a lot of literature out there regarding optimization of studying specifically. Here are some questions that I think you should answer if possible through a podcast 1. How students can enable themselves to study long hours such as 9 to 10 hours or 11 to 12 if needed. 2. How to be focused during all those study hours and how to not get fatigued while studying. 3. Your thoughts on the famous Pomodoro technique and studying for long without a single break. 4. How workouts or meditation might affect student performance and which workouts to follow specifically for students ( you can even ask Andy Galpin 🥲, I love that guy ). 5. How to reduce stress which causes because of constant studying, and also during exams. 6. And please give some protocols and some tools on optimizing studying (recommended by you and by science of course),with Food and Supplements ( if needed ) for better performance as a student who wants to study whole day for some intense period like 3 to 4 months or as needed. ( not trying to be selfish, but yeah, it's ok I guess 😉) So, Andrew If you have read this until now then I genuinely request you from the bottom of my heart to please record this podcast and to please reply to this comment and I am eagerly waiting for you to reply, also If you decide to do a podcast ( which I think you will ) please release that before 30 days or so from today because I have my most important exam in 3 to 4 months from now so if you release it in Feb, I will be very delighted. Thanks 😊 🫂 🙏 - A request from a student to a professor. Hope you don't ignore this.
@mehanatking2635 Год назад
I think it's a really good idea
@krushnarajmore9077 Год назад
Hope he reply
@mehanatking Год назад
It will be interesting podcast
@krishmore9739 Год назад
@@mehanatking2635 yeah, it is
@krishmore9739 Год назад
Hey Andrew will you make it ?
@oneofmany7051 Год назад
Wow! Nearly 4.5 HOURS?! This much be a pretty comprehensive conversation on the topic. Looking forward to it!
@hellyeah_ellajane Год назад
I hope he’s drinking plenty of lemon/honey tea. I’d be so hoarse if I talked for so many hours!
@drlorashahine Год назад
Thank you for this! As a reproductive endocrinologist- I appreciate your thorough review. Incredibly detailed, accurate, but clear explanations- I’ll be sending my patients here to learn. Reach out if I can help you on fertility, IVF, miscarriage topics.
@clarissamcdonald Год назад
Hallelujah! So happy to see this topic being discussed in depth. I think if society as a whole had these understandings there wouldn't be such confusion and conflict occurring around gender and identity. With the dropping of birth rates around the world, our younger generations particularly need to hear this and recognize the role they play in the survival of our species. Also our law makers need to learn this and recognize how their decisions with companies whose byproducts fatally disrupt our hormones negatively impact our future in all areas.
@cookholistic3425 Год назад
Couldn't agree more with you.
@SmultronsyltNatha Год назад
A lot of the fertility information intended for laymen is directed at women and presented by women (e.g. Natalie Crawford and Mama Doctor Jones). I think that information is great, but it’s also an issue that men don’t tend to be interested in that content. Instead, their women relay the information to them and unless those women are professionals, men will naturally be skeptical about some of the things - especially things that need them to change practical habits (like having their phone in their pocket). The fact that Huberman presents this information in a way that I think is easy for men to be captured by and understand, makes it very valuable. When Huberman holds up a meta-analysis saying that having your phone near your testicles is bad for your sperm, I think men will understand that it’s not a myth. I was waiting for it while listening to this episode, because I knew it would come and when it did, I was so happy that you presented it in such a clear way. Thank you!
@tessadargis170 Год назад
This is so interesting! I’d love an episode about humans first food- breast milk and how it aids in neurocognitive development. Thank you as always, Andrew!
@w.w.w.n Год назад
Is it just me or the amazing Huberman podcasts are getting longer (4hours+!), earlier and more frequent👏 but HOW do you do all these ..
@CharlotteFairchild Год назад
The complex beginning of life is not a 30 minute discourse. I could lecture for 4 hours of the complications causing infertility, and I am a retired chaplain who is a citizen scientist.
@em4227 Год назад
Well all of this seems to be maybe like just too much information how could you live your life that way life is supposed to be enjoyed and live not analyze at every single moment and molecule😱
@Jake-kw1py Год назад
I prefer Huberman's long-form topics.
@skyfever111 Год назад
i'm a medical doctor and this video will be forwarded to many of my students
@Seabeams Год назад
59:08 Thank you SO MUCH for discussing the malaise that’s associated with the mid to second half of the luteal phase of the ovulatory menstrual cycle. I’ve gone decades thinking I’m just a terrible person who starts projects with high energy and then suddenly gets lazy at intervals for no apparent reason, and no amount of blaming and berating myself changes the pervasive feeling like I don’t want to do anything some days of the month. I’ve learned to just plod along and adjust my activities to more mundane work and make up for it when energy levels are higher. Was about to skip this episode - no plans for having kids - but am glad I listened to the intro and then all throughout the discussion of the female reproductive cycle, this information is better than any lecture I recall in school or cycle-tracking app I’ve seen. Thank you, thank you.
@11Tashi Год назад
It might be worth you checking out Mindy Pelz, who specialises in the menstrual cycle and safe fasting methods for women. She talks in detail about different phases of the cycle and the associated moods/feelings, healthy foods to eat, when to fast vs when not to etc. I've found her stuff really helpful so far, although still early days! Hope this helps in some way.
@praise-the-solaire Год назад
Andrew, any chance you are going to be doing an episode on the neurology of the developing mind? As a new father I would love to see this.
@613will Год назад
congrats bro
@AseeF Год назад
Until the episode comes out (I am awaiting as well) , your kids do as they see you do. So if they see you as a responsible human being and caring, they will be caring as well. My parents were very big on my diet growing up and today I help the kids in our family in prioritizing eating fruits and veggies before chips. They can still have it, but after. Congrats and may God grant us righteous children. Amen.
@jpintero6330 Год назад
Inositol and choline restored my daughters' cycle after months of 45 days or more. We never eat any choline foods and started taking Biosil twice daily and eating 350 grams cantaloupe every day. The results was astonishing and she is back to 29 day cycles. Her skin cleared up completely too.
@karinsarv9732 Год назад
He really did focus on the mechanisms, like said in the description, but I was missing the psychological or let's just say humane part of conception in this talk. There are so many people who are doing everything right, the eggs and semen are fine, they don't drink wine, don't keep phones in the front pocket and what not, but still it's not happening (as fast) as they'd like. Huberman only mentioned it not happening quickly on statistical terms, but often the solution is to just live your live without limiting yourself in every step of the way for the fear of not doing it right. E.g finally relaxing and having that wine that you graved could result in healthy pregnancy better than following all the do's and don'ts if that leads you to live a life where you're never relaxed or happy really
@lyzse Год назад
You said that we don’t know what causes one follicle to be selected each month to mature into an egg that is released. I asked my fertility doctor (reproductive endocrinologist) this exact question a few months ago. He said that one of the follicles has more receptors. So then when you do an egg retrieval cycle, you are injecting tons of FSH which stimulates more than the one dominant follicle to grow, so that more eggs mature and can be retrieved. (Also just a small thing, in IVF the embryo isn’t implanted in the uterus by the doctor. It’s transferred into the uterus. Implantation is something that subsequently happens if it’s successful but the doctor isn’t implanting it).
@johnkeddy2557 Год назад
Just finished this podcast on Apple Podcasts.. probably my favourite listen so far as my wife & I have been trying for over a year. I promise one thing.. if these practices I will be implementing going forward work I will be name my son/daughter after you!
@S_Tito Год назад
keep us updated :)
@jeleckamip6514 Год назад
As always, an abundance of knowledge! I'm so thankful I came across your first posts over a year ago. Thank you for sharing!
@ЖивкоМ.Ленков Год назад
The best podcast in the world. I also have a question for the folks watching it - is there any podcast that makes you feel such a productive person than this one ? For me there isn`t. Watching something, whatever it is, often is associated with procrastination, but this one right here is like reading a book, or developing a skill. Keep up the good work Dr. Huberman, you and your team, standing behind that are amazing.
@pameladeniselong Год назад
I’ve not heard anyone describe the menstrual cycle as a “beautifully orchestrated process,” but it certainly is. The human body and physiology(male & female) are absolute phenoms of nature.
@scarletlady3727 Год назад
I love that he described it that way too!!!
Your content is priceless...just to be able to receive such concise, science based information presented in such a way that a layperson can comprehend is incredible, a service to society. Thank you!
@mahsamoadeli5294 10 месяцев назад
You've an expert on so many subjects, and can relay information at such impressive speed without pausing or stuttering, it's beyond comprehension. Very impressive specimen indeed.
@magdanieniewska2687 Год назад
I'm addicted to this podcast 😎 I listen to it whenever and whereever I can. Thank you for this continuous flow of high-quality knowledge 🙏
@bitcoinbelle Год назад
55 and haven't started menopause yet. My OBGyn who delivered my 3rd took a looksie and said it's all looking like the average 35 yo woman today. That is sad for young women of today.
@hellyeah_ellajane Год назад
Perfect timing on this episode! I’ve been trying to get pregnant for 9 months while simultaneously nursing my first baby. Now that he is almost 2 and I’d really like to buckle down on optimizing fertility and balancing hormones after almost 3 years of feeling completely out of whack!
@sarahallenhumboldt2638 Год назад
Have you considered the larger picture of our having destroyed most of our planet by over-breeding?
@_notsaf Год назад
As someone who has studied this topic extensively, I am amazed to find that there were so many gaps in my knowledge about the process, that all were made clear with your amazing research Amazing episode. Thank you
@trudels1130 Год назад
Deserves a spot on the Top5 Huberman episodes list 🙌🏽 Thanks Doc.
@TheJackeeeo Год назад
Very useful information on this episode. I had hoped the female hormone episode would follow up and further expound on infertility approaches for women, however I found this episode much more informative. I've been patiently waiting for both episodes. Thanks for putting so much time and effort into compiling this information. I do hope to hear an infertility expert on your podcast as well someday. However, I think the Kyle Gellet episodes have been super helpful as well. I just didn't get as much out of the Sara Gottfried episode that I hoped for; it often felt off topic or opinion based. This one was great at providing guidance and ideas to bring up to my docs, Thanks again Huberman Lab.
@cyclist5000 Год назад
Looks like my joke about a 5 hour video is coming close to backfiring 🤣 Always good info though!
@CMEConquerVids 6 месяцев назад
Watched the whole episode (on regular speed too (I’m typically a 1.5X viewer)). Took me over a month to get through it all in a way I could digest and retain the info. Well worth it. What a great service being provided here. Thank you so much.
@springpena9873 Год назад
This episode couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. Thank you as always ❤
@emmmab521 Год назад
I think it’s important to point out the cost of freezing your eggs. It is typically between $10K - $14K. Most millennial women don’t have that kind of cash. While it may be an advisable procedure, it is out of reach for the overwhelming majority.
@bloominmelbourne8020 Год назад
Thank you Mr Huberman. I finally listened to the entire 4 hours over a week all while taking notes. This is a topic of interest to people trying to have children. The whole process is so complex, I wish the obgyns have a series of tests they can do to determine problem areas rather than recommend the standard, IVF. It'll be good if you can cover in more detail he various tests like the sperm test that one can do to determine their chances of getting pregnant naturally. Thank you again for sharing this wealth of knowledge.
@CharlotteFairchild Год назад
I wrote Fertile Prayers: Daily Fertile Prayers. Low grade infection is a difficult barrier for anyone with fertility issues. A simple yeast infection can lower infertility and raise miscarriage rates.
@HeatherRoussel Год назад
Great podcast. After going through my own journey with fertility issues, I completely agree with the statement said about wishing I had done things sooner. I was diagnosed with unexplained infertility after trying for 2 years to become pregnant naturally. After 4 failed IUIs, I was able to conceive after my first round of IVF. I researched everything under the sun during that time. My husband and I took many of the mentioned supplements to improve our success (and even a few additional more targeted to IVF success). We are now beginning a second round of IVF and I really enjoyed the podcast to refresh on the subject. Two books that I found incredibly helpful that may be a help to others - (1) on egg quality and focus on supplements/environmental factors: It Starts With The Egg by Rebecca Fett, and (2) on the role of inflammation, it's impact on fertility, and immunotherapy to improve conception success: Is Your Body Baby Friendly? by Alan Beer. Looking forward to a future podcast on ART and IVF.
@kimrodriguez5946 Год назад
Hi there! My daughter had recently had a failed IVF with two miscarriages as well. She is discouraged and ready to give up. Would you have any suggestions? She is healthy and 32. Thanks!
@jennymcculloch5573 Год назад
As a specialist teacher, I am mystified when I hear classroom sex education discussions as none that I have heard ever mention the clitoris, including talks run by medical professionals. The clitoris is an ORGAN that gives females pleasure and when it becomes aroused causes creativity and lubrication for intercourse making sperm easier to reach the egg. I must mention that most discussions I have heard are about the mutilation of this organ, but once quite recently I heard two female surgeons talking on PBS weekly news about their work to surgically repair the clitoris damaged in pelvic operations. They showed diagrams of the clitoris and I was surprised by the shape and size. The surgeon's clients wanted a better quality of life. I apologize for getting off track, but I would like to more hear about the value of the clitoris organ in all discussions about the mechanisms and processes of fertility and conception.
@SaraLim Год назад
One caveat that I don’t think was discussed is that measuring AMH for women with PCOS is basically useless because the numbers are unusually high without necessarily signaling higher fertility (and may sometimes signal the opposite)
@ArseniyCat Год назад
I love the graceful way Dr Huberman handles the most sensitive topics! I believe that every mother should explain the physiology covered in this podcast to her daughter, and every father should do the same for his son as the children get into puberty. One point that I dare disagree with Dr Huberman on is cold exposure for female fertility. With no disrespect to the dopamine release triggered by cold exposure, cold exposure itself is very often a cause of cystitis, which, in turn, is a pathway to infertility. I believe it would have been beneficial to mention that on the podcast so that women know to be particularly careful with cold exposure and would make informed choices between additional dopamine and risk of cystitis. Otherwise, another brilliant podcast and a beautiful example of perseverance and commitment to a cause by Dr. Huberman. Thank you.
@atla4579 Год назад
Small suggestion: When you’re define words that you really want the audience to remember, like GNRH, it might be helpful to place the text on the screen for a short period. I think it would help “visual” and “reading” learners a bit more. But it also depends on how much editing you want done. Just a thought! Thank you for your continued commitment to shared science based knowledge!
@RedstartMedia Год назад
In regards to supplementation: What are the differences between Acetyl L-Carnitine vs L-Carnitine? In regards to lifestyle: Can you delve more into intermittent fasting and fasting for fertility benefits or damage for both sexes in regards to promoting fertility? Should women do different diets (keto/fast/carb) during the different phases of their cycle (follicular, ovulation, luteal, mense) to optimize their hormone levels? Or how do you optimize your female hormones with diet and supplements? Some other doctors (on RU-vid) would say that doing a fast and exercising as much as you can (an increased level of cortisol) is beneficial for women during the follicular and ovulation period since estrogen isn't affected by a higher level of cortisol and fasting increases autophagy so it's beneficial for cell repair. Do you agree with this statement? Can people use HRV to determine their stress level for fertility purposes with a wearable health band? (aka Garmin watch) Extra request: Can you do one on female hormones, diet, supplements, and lifestyle with a special guest? Thank you!
@Otto-rq3ov Год назад
Thanks for your awesome content! Would love an episode about hairloss!
@hellyeah_ellajane Год назад
Copper is really important for hair! It belps minimize grey hairs and hair loss. You could also try mixing rosemary essential oil with pumpkin seed oil and leaving it on your hair for a couple of hours.
@electrodynamicorb6548 Год назад
Just shave it
@kristin9740 11 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to share your knowledge and explain this topic with such great detail. 3 years of TTC, this video was a great watch.
@xelaklement3367 10 месяцев назад
4 hours omg we are BLESSED 😭 Thank you so much!!!
@madamealchemy6126 Год назад
I can’t believe all this information is free. This is so amazing. Thank you so much!
@viktoriastable2714 Год назад
Prof. Huberman, thank you for another amazing episode, for the wealth of information, the level of depth and nuances discussed, and the manner in which you're presenting it - you can make anyone listen even to the most complex or boring subject! Thank you! If you're planning future episodes on this topic, I would love it if you go deep into Bioidential Hormonal Replacement Therapy for women. 1) Types of BHRT - What are different types of BHRT, and what are the potential long-term side effects from different forms of BHRT - oral vs. transdermal vs. vaginal, vs. sublingual, vs. pellets, other? - T.S.Wiley protocol of BHRT - controversial among medical circles but makes sense as it tries to mimic the fluctuating levels of hormones in a normal cycle (rather than constant setady dose of hormones on standart HRT) - BHRT for young women (20+ years of BHRT) vs. BHRT for menopausal women (much shorter treatment window). Currently there is one standard treatment for all. 2) Hormonal Testing on BHRT - When you are on BHRT, what is the best way to test your hormonal levels - blood tests, vs. 24-urine test (DUTCH test), other? - When is the best time to do the tests if you're on BHRT and therefore on a steady (same) dose of hormones (example: estradiol twice a week, and progesterone 12 days a month)? Does it make sense to test progesterone levels on the days you're off your progesterone supplementation for instance? - Does it make sense to test the FSH if on BHRT, and will that give you a clue whether your hormonal levels are sufficient? 3) Optimal hormonal levels - How do you know if your hormones are optimal, when you are on BHRT? - What are optimal hormonal levels for your age, and when you are on BHRT? Reference ranges given by labs are so wide even within a cycle phase (Follicular vs. Luteal) that it is impossible to determine what is optimal. Most doctors will even refuse to test your hormones because according to them, if you are on HRT, we know your levels. That does not take into account however, the fact that HRT was designed for menopausal women, and if you are a young patient you may not get the optimal doses. 4) The different types of estrogen (estradiol, estriol, estrone) and how estrogen gets metabolized in the body - OH2 pathway, vs. OH8 pathway vs. OH16 pathway and how to fix suboptiaml metabolism? 5) In case of POI or loss of ovarian function, the standard HRT is estrogen + progesterone. However, other hormones are certainly impacted as the ovaries produce testosterone as well. What other hormones need to be tested and monitored in these cases? 6) As a subtopic, if possible, I would like to hear an expert talking about Premature Ovarian Insufficiency in which case, you have no choice but to be on HRT for 30+ years (if you're diagnosed in your teens). This is very different from being on HRT when you hit menopause. There is very little research that I could find, concerning young girls with POI. They are being treated like women in menopause. However, I believe that the levels of estrogens and progesterone they need when they are in their 20s and 30s is way higher than the level of estrogen/progesterone women in their 50s need. I have heard from Dr. Sinclair and others anecdotal evidence that NMN supplentation can restore menstrual function? How does that compute with the theory that women are born with limited amount of eggs? Do you know of any human studies on NMN and ovarian function? Apologies for the long list of questions, and thank you for your time!!
@retro-ronin Год назад
Babe, wake up, new Huberman Lab Podcast episode just dropped.
@consciouspreconception334 Год назад
Thank you for using your platform to address this. Male Factor Infertility is on the rise - worldwide. And I love how you emphasize vitality through increasing fertility -even if a person doesn't want to have children.
@zenrir640 Год назад
Do an episode on long fasting and cancer treatment with Dr. Ernesto Prieto Gratacós plsss
@TomDilling Год назад
I can give references but sex determination of a child can be influenced by uterine pH which affects sperm motility asymmetrically. In vitro we can modify pH and use a motility assay to reliably separate male/female sperm. Uterine pH is affected by estrogen which peaks in the middle of the fertile window. So targeting the tails of the fertile window can result in high rates of male babies (70%+). But targeting the middle of the window (a few days before ovulation) can result in something like 55% female. So people can affect the likelihood of a male/female child by timing sex to different times of the fertile window. Also more attractive women have higher estrogen and are slightly more likely to have girls.
@avp8430 Год назад
4h:22m of Andrew Huberman, that's insane.
@ShakeiraMacLean 11 месяцев назад
Hello Dr. Huberman! I wanted to thank you for all this info. Having two miscarriages in the past, I listened to this episode at the beginning of the year and my husband and I implemented many of the recommendations. We’re now happily pregnant! Thanks for always sharing such up to date and valuable science and research with us! ❤️ (He is also now back to his much-loved sauna protocol now that his guys have done their job 😆)
@J1997-j7x 3 месяца назад
Did everything go well? Planing to implement some of the recommendations myself!
Made me feel 10x better about my miscarriage and gave me hope to keep trying. Thanks DR. Huberman!
@DorotaBielecka-qd3pb Год назад
Dear Andrew, It's amazing that I can sit on a couch in Poland, a country some 9,500 km away from you. I smile at the screen and take notes, even though I'm a long time graduate, thank you! People read gossip magazines in their spare time, and I'm learning from you.
@claudiapastorahdez6177 Год назад
We are hoping for a miracle (following all these strategies) for the next 2 months and starting ivf in September. I know with my age, 38 even though I have good reserve other factors like endometriosis make it harder on top of the age.
@CABrooks4283 Год назад
As someone who has used IVF to conceive (mainly male factor, but also egg quality issues), I found this episode really interesting in terms of supplements. The infertility world seems to revolve around the supplements recommended in "It Starts with the Egg" by Rebecca Fett when it comes to egg quality. The list included in that book and the supplements discussed here are quite different with the only overlap being COQ10 and myo-inositol. I also have an acupuncturist who recommends supplements (mostly based on the book) and also includes some herbs. I had never heard of using l-carnitine from her or my RE or my OBGYN. Really interesting stuff that I will definitely check out before going into round 3 for a sibling!
@adelaideo7417 Год назад
4 hours?! You are amazing. Thanks for taking the time to make this!!!
@Dani-jo9yr Год назад
You are right Andrew- it’s amazing, we are wonderfully made 🙏🙌
@Lefty1x Год назад
28 year old male, watching to learn more as my wife and I have been trying for a child for a while now. Done test and verified to be ok, just hoping to learn more with this video! Thank you in advance
@ut100c Год назад
I know it is not a proper video but I have questions 1)Is there any good place where one can discuss and get advice from peeps like you on their problems of psychology and neurobiology as some simply cannot afford a doctor 2)I watched two of your video, 1st one was about fat burn and second on ADHD,the one with of adhd helped me a lot in understanding my own condition Like for example I was addicted to table suger,I often do stuffs fidgeting and I have almost all the symptoms of adhd that you mentioned,I have never been diagnosed and will surely not be in future because of my financial issue (Lol,I am from India and here 1st thing is avarage income is very low and and 2nd doctors are just way more expensive that one can afford ,I almost do self medication but brain is such a field where I will not) 3)Make a video on how exercise helps in focus of people with adhd or one without 4)Last request do a podcast with anyone in your field from India if you know them on topics which is specific to indian region Sorry I am not god at English so currently
@NeuroReview 2 месяца назад
Rating: 8.7/10 In Short: Cant get any deeper than this! (That’s what she said…) Notes: What an incredible solo podcast--a deep, deep dive into fertility and every aspect you can possibly think of. The way the mechanism was explianed, with so much excitement, humility, and passion was so cool to hear. And then when talking about touchy or awkward subjects, huberman does a great job adding in a touch of cringy humor around well spoken scientific details. Honestly, this podcast is so impressive that huberman is able to get through 4.5 HOURS without skipping a beat. I remember Lex's advice to AH when starting his podcast: "Don’t have it be yourself blabbing into a camera". Well this episode is just a slap in the face of Lex's comment and another example of hubermans ability to communicate science in a unique and powerful way. This is the best example of huberman talking about sex and sexual things as a scientific professional; he does it in other pods, but this is the top one imo. Great episode for anyone who cares about fertility and making a baby, and wants some science behind it instead of just love and emotion.
@MrFlashbr Год назад
I don’t write reviews or comments. But, thank you Andrew for providing us with such incredible knowledge on a daily basis. The world is a healthier and better place because of you!
@sam_samiam Год назад
I'm very keen for a lunar cycle episode!! 🌚🖤
@jaygeeh Год назад
Thank you so much for taking the time to put together this fantastic resource. This is a topic that’s very close to my heart, and this episode is by far the most comprehensive overview of fertility that I’ve found. I’m looking forward to your future episode about embryonic development - I’d love to see you discuss chemical pregnancies and recurrent pregnancy loss.
@cattailsforlunch Год назад
I was a fat kid but didn’t have my first period till almost 17. Interestingly, I’m still very fertile, pregnant at 44 naturally with very little effort. Also had a baby at 42 naturally with little effort
@abigaellehardy4260 Год назад
I love this podcast! Had previoulsy listened to "optimisation of female vitality" and i had questions on the possible effects of egg donation on my hormonal health and egg reserve etc. But this podcast answered them ! Do you know Lara Briden? Specialist in female health from New Zealand; she shared part of a result from a recent study where the possibility of ovarian stem cells in naked mole rats were Found ! The hypothesis for human females goes in the direction of ; yes, eggs stop being produced but might not be linked to a low/depleted egg reserve. ... Well, being an egg donor at 20, it reassures me because apart from health and procedures informations, i Found that the specialists had very little to say about longterm effects of egg donation.
@niharikatomar6403 Год назад
Your podcasts are absolutely amazing. Please do a podcast on how to sustain a pregancy - the dos and donts.
@henryg3702 Год назад
Does he mention varoccele in this episode?
@GG-jj3hw Год назад
I would like analysis of women's reproductive cycle on life, health and optimal performance. Which hormones and how, interfere with our exercise, emotions, focus and concentration during female reproductive life, and in menopause. What happens in menopause and how menopause impacts health of bones, musculature, vascular system and mental health.
@maggyfrog Год назад
hands down one of the best reasons to ever be online these days. great podcast ☕
@JadesFitnessBucketList Год назад
ive been waiting for so long for this episode to drop! over 4 hours of pure gold 😍😍😍😍
@christineb6975 9 месяцев назад
This is so helpful, I had no interest in learning about this in high school but now that I am 40 and trying to conceive, it is so interesting! Thank you so much. You’re reaching so many more than you know!
@FaziletKale 6 месяцев назад
Wooow ich schau ihnen aus Deutschland zu ! Was für ein toller Vortrag. Vielen lieben Dank für das teilen ihres Wissens. Sie helfen so vielen Menschen mit Kinderwunsch! . ❤🎉 Danke
@mohsen3163 Год назад
Dr Andrew, Thank you so much, you are a generous man , I’m grateful for you, best podcast in the world
@botanicalbecca8443 Год назад
Anyone wanting to do an extension on this awesome deep dive, check out Dr. Shanna Swan's book, Countdown. Excellent info about the dramatic drop in sperm count & quality over the years. I have some theories as a mama of four (and an herbalist) who didn't plan on having any children when I was growing up. My husband and I are both 36 and deeply cherish all our "happy accidents" as we witness so many of our peers struggle with fertility and pregnancy losses. 💔 Tough topic. This episode is so appreciated, sir! You are a rare gift to this world. Thank you.
@botanicalbecca8443 Год назад
Women who want more info on the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding, check out doc and midwife, Avivva Romm. She's got several excellent books.
@nancer2279 Год назад
@@botanicalbecca8443 I love Aviva Romm
@crystalgreco5699 Год назад
Best health podcast ever, always learn from you Dr. H
@hellyeah_ellajane Год назад
@simpleman7203 Год назад
Andrew is a beast! Such a valuable content. Changing the game and raising the bar consistently. We hear about overpopulation, but more than likely we might face or even already facing underpopulation crisis and I know some couples that struggle with conceiving. Also, pretty sure fertility health simply cannot be not linked with general health.
@jmg810 Год назад
Yay!!!!! In anticipation I’ve been telling everybody who will listen to me to keep a lookout for this lecture! I am so excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
@mishguna7 Год назад
Looking forward to watching this! Such a great topic!
@the_chrome Год назад
Adding the odd image here and there to illustrate the concept while Dr. Huberman speaks would greatly help the understanding for some
@hubertgrupinski7747 Год назад
Hi Professor! Not sure if was mentioned above but regarding sex determination - in Buddhism tradition it is all about desire and reincarnation. Particular being, just before incarnating into next, human entity, somehow observe their future parents during intercourse. When the sexual arousal during the act itself is bigger in woman, reincarnated being will become man, whereas if bigger in man, parents can expect daughter. Not perfectly scientifically described, that for sure, but as you've mentioned Aristotle, Buddhist explanation can be mentioned as well I think :D. Best regards and eternal thanks to you for all Huberman Lab content!
@ninabeltran6656 Год назад
Haven’t had a chance to go through all the comments to see if anyone has mentioned this, but I think that there is a big chunk of the woman’s fertility that was left out. There’s a huge conversation around cervical mucus and basal body temperature tracking and how these things are related to an Impact fertility. There is a super brief mention of how to identify ovulation that I think was misleading (I think referencing the rhythm method) but there is a much more accurate way to anticipate and confirm ovulation using the two biomarkers mentioned above. I would love to hear another episode that focuses on these things! I absolutely adore this podcast.
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