
How to play Jinx in Low Elo - Jinx Unranked to Diamond #1 | League of Legends 

Vapora Dark
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9 сен 2024




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@myparentsaredivorced4573 Год назад
Something to note is that even from Level 1 Jinx’s ult is a short enough cd to effectively be used in global fights a ton, so if you’re splitting and you know you won’t immediately be grouping you can throw ult and do dmg for your team while all the way across the map. Remember when you play Jinx that her ult can actually be slightly spammed and it’s all about just knowing when to save it. The aoe and the dmg increase when enemies are low is so helpful that when I split with Jinx I usually throw out my ult for fights. TL;DR: don’t be afraid to use your ult :)
@blagdahlialol3363 Год назад
That part at 11:50, "I'm probably just screwed here." As you proceed to miss every ability and still just walk away without taking hardly any damage was just gold. Haha
@LittleBoyOfHope Год назад
i was really amazed by that too, made me really sad though when he didnt go for the morg kill and opted for cait instead off jinx passive
@xXBenutzer235Xx Год назад
Just started playing adc recently because of overlapping roles in our team and your videos have been a great help. Thought about trying out Jinx yesterday and now you post this, thanks
@alexia4251 Год назад
Legit the best reasoning I have ever heard explaining when to have sustain vs when to have damage... Sustain when the enemy champs job is to kill you ASAP, and take damage when the enemy job is to tank as long as possible
@xXBenutzer235Xx Год назад
Also at 3:26:46 I dont know if you already know this but there is an indicator if Zed ult is going to kill you when it procs. If it has enough damage stored to kill you, you have a shuriken rotating above your head. Even LCS casters dont know this most of the time which surprises me.
@LittleBoyOfHope Год назад
i think that's common knowledge for most people but im surprised the casters dont know
@xXBenutzer235Xx Год назад
@@LittleBoyOfHope Nah definitely not common knowledge. Maybe for Midlane mains and maybe ADCs cause they tend to be the ones having to pay attention to it the most. Its also kind of hard to miss or mistake for just a standard animation or something soo Also I havent watched a lot of LCS in the last couple years so maybe by now most know it. Then again Zed probably wasnt picked in LCS in the last couple years so not that it would make a difference lol
@connermorrison1330 Год назад
Awesome stuff, just started watching your stuff recently. As a jinx main, super impressed with both your skill, and how you aren’t being completely trolled by your sup, or how your enemy adc didn’t pick someone like reigar
@sololeveling7390 Год назад
I miss seeing jinx vids. She is getting buffs next patch. Looking forward for the w buff and ult buff. I havent seen/had many jinx ult objective steals lately and i miss it
@gregsavitt7176 Год назад
“I don’t need more kills” Immediately kills the enemy Garen with his ult 😂
@Anna-ej4wq Год назад
I woke up and saw this video and it made my day, thank you for having such amazing content
@derekwells1624 Год назад
Love the video I slept through and watched whole thing
@iisaka_station Год назад
I just started playing jinx a week ago. This will be very helpful thanks
@juanacea6450 Год назад
Everytime I see you play an ADC, it makes me want to play that ADC lol. I'm blaming you for my lack of indecision in who to OTP. 🤣
@tommydh69 Год назад
wow what a good video, i found it cause iam reached 1mio points with kaisa and want to watch a good jinx before i main her :) the infos about and around jinx and adc gameplay are very good love from germany
@plumisha Год назад
I'm pretty sure the Thresh didn't use W to have an assist. He did it because he wanted the soul from Ziggs's death (and he got it) :) Thresh can pick up souls far away from him with W.
@zoravursingh5617 Год назад
crazy mouse skills
@MrHarry37 Год назад
Looking forward to it
@L3GiTAc1D Год назад
caitlyn was pretty smart though. She placed traps behind your turrets sprite so you couldnt see them
@Mamadbazargan Год назад
Thanks im a jinx main. Appreciate it
@manuel7738 Год назад
Can you do Lucian, Trist, Jhin, and Samira vids as well pls? :) thanks Dark!
@doorknob8972 Год назад
​@@soput1 kkkkkk
@Roweus1998 Год назад
That thresh q that hit you should of hit the minion. They were walking infront of you.. weird how the game bugs like that sometimes..
@ashlakeAnimation Год назад
good gameplay, thank you
@kirokirin Год назад
I was Diamond 2 a couple of seasons ago, but now I'm very out of the game, and these kinds of videos are very helpful for both people who have been playing for a short time and for those who have been playing for a long time, whether it's high or low elo. Great job, seriously. One question, when to use Heal and when to use Ghost? I quit LoL before the new season and recently came back, and these changes have me a bit confused. If you could explain it to me, I would appreciate it
@VaporaDark Год назад
I just always use Ghost on champions who benefit from the movement speed, I only use Heal on dash-based champions like Ezreal, Lucian, Tristana.
@shadows_star Год назад
Heal has lost a LOT of value since most supports and assassins have an ignite which basically nullifies heal existing as well as ignite having a shorter cd than heal meaning there's never a point where you'll have heal but they don't have ignite. The movement speed burst is helpful but for all that just take ghost.
@AbductedLlama Год назад
I’ve been hoping you would do more Jinx content/a series with her! Great videos lately. Keep them coming
@yinokkim6170 Год назад
You are so kind and a good adc :) yo don’t get angry with teammates 🙏⭐️🌺
@lprite8507 Год назад
I'm one of the poor silver who queues for a fun LOL game after a long day and gets a smurf that destroys me and my team , fun video thu :D
@veitinger8967 Год назад
why are you not selling dorans in game2? is the lategame value really that good?
@sololeveling7390 Год назад
What is your camera move speed? I've been trying to learn how to play with free camera and it has been hard. I'm thinking i have it set too fast so trying to compare
@jegantdragoch.7088 Год назад
played the video in the back ground and maybe missed out on the explanation for Galeforce VS kraken - and the reason to hold back on the zeal item for 4th item almost after IE and blood? (sry for miss spelling)
@AlphaSC2 Год назад
Hey there! Good job, just as always! Could you please explain why do you want to cancel iron->masters series again? I think I kinda missed your point:( Thx in advance, keep up the good work!
@VaporaDark Год назад
It's not cancelled, just put on pause for now. That series will basically be my way of hitting Master this season, but I'm not really as interested in hitting Master for the 15th time compared to the prospect of hitting Diamond on every ADC. That sounds more fun, so instead of putting it off until the Iron to Master is done, I'm just slowing down/pausing the Iron to Master. I'll complete it when I feel like hitting Master basically.
@AlphaSC2 Год назад
@@VaporaDark roger that, thx for the explanation! Been looking forward to a Cait/Jinx to Diamond from ya, so glhf in all of the upcoming matches, we'll keep an eye on your progress:)
@ZaddySeeBot Год назад
45:13 farkannan lol
@pedrinbalafina4122 Год назад
so I'm winning a lot now that I know some more stuff but that one game that I've played that we were clearly winning and we won but there was a specific moment that all lanes were pushed up to like t2 t3 and I didn't really knew what I could do, I mean ok I know I should group up but no one was doing it so what else was I suposed to do cuz I can't get that far to farm and I can't waste time so... any tips?
@mrmuffin5046 Год назад
can you make a video about how to play vs Heimerdinger using jinx. i cant get past the guns.
@anieshuli Год назад
Whats the best solo queue adc in your opinion
@nicklassjoblom4042 Год назад
I often hear players say: Galeforce if enemy team is squishy, kraken for tank enemies. I feel though kraken is kind of a “must” mythic every game, since tank meta has made almost everyone build some kind of tank item (in silver), and somehow it works out on almost every champ. Like jaksho or heartsteel on junglers and toplaners What are your thoughts?
@nicklassjoblom4042 Год назад
Add: For example, if I get mythic before top and chose gale, I can easily get fkd by top lane going tank mythic second item
@shadows_star Год назад
Thing is, if you don't get behind then you can get away with not going kraken due to the sheer damage increase crits give you. A doms later is good.
@L3GiTAc1D Год назад
I also hate how unranked, they're already a MR5-7's so you're up against people who PLAY their champs
@malteeinvall3062 Год назад
Ever thought about doing one of these for Sivir? I find it difficult to both gain and maintain advantageous game states with her
@VaporaDark Год назад
There will be a series for every ADC eventually is my hope, but Sivir probably won't be for a while.
@L3GiTAc1D Год назад
Q for poke, worth more in groups, W for waveclear & autoresets, E for mitgation. Use her W & Q in combos to maximize a wave disadvantage during an engage. You can clear pretty quick so it's huge plus continue to press on with her Ultimate. And you can use W to poke them if they're hiding in the back. Even if the damage is slim, nobody wants to take free damage, so it secures a wave most of the time cause you're putting pressure that requires them to play backwards. I used to have massive problems with sivir because she feels so underwhelming early, but I've began to work in macro from other ADCs & now I'm pretty confident with her weak autos early. There's always an opening to look for, and you never want to be down on cooldowns during an engage, otherwise she hurts herself. The new items they added since 2014 really made her feel more comfortable to play too. Back in the day, you got a Blade of the Ruined King and hoped for the best. Now you can build a Kraken Slayer and put in a ton more work. The biggest advantage for you is your own ability to control movement. The longer you can hold off from having to use your E, the better it is for you. That free absorption is great when you want to be aggro. And sometimes, you time it right, it can absorb multiple abilities at the same time. So again, having good macro and mobility is insane for sivir. Her Ult is a great engage tool but it can be an even better repositioning tool if you feel confident enough to turn around on someone. If they cant hit you, they cant kill you, so make sure you're practicing kiting around enemy abilities with any champions you play. And get this: You don't have to really understand the champion you're using to do well. You just have to know how the game functions to the core. Your ability to macro around skills, to control a wave, to control farm, controlling objectives. The pressure you apply to your lane, and to other lanes. All of these things are neutral game mechanics you learn with any champion, and are a keystone in winning a game. Playing your champions kit right is just icing on the cake. In 2018, there was a Pantheon Main ranked #1 with Pantheons old kit. He strictly played Pantheon, Top, Mid, Support, ADC, JG. And he always won lane. Pantheon was terrible, and provided minimal composition to the team at that point in time. But his own ability to control objectives, to manage waves, all the above stated, made him insane to play against. His base knowledge of the game could be applied to any champion, he just chose to play Pantheon. You can do that too, with some practice,.
@Letotheon Год назад
Hey Vapora :) could you maybe comment a bit more on your makro movement in the next video - thank you so much
@VaporaDark Год назад
I'll try and remember to do that!
@Letotheon Год назад
@@VaporaDark I dont know how you manage to stay so calm when you are an immobile adc like jinx and have to potential sidelaners in your team, but they just refuse to go sidelane and deny you all farm, wherever you go. I always tilts me so much because I feel like im not allowed to play this game :D
@Justin-wu2jp Год назад
was it just me or did your 3rd game look like a 1v2 the whole time? your "support" was malding.
@zoravursingh5617 Год назад
why isn't jinx auto attacking the minions when you're standing still? Whenever I play I have to keep moving or the autos mess up my CS.
@VaporaDark Год назад
You can either disable auto-attack in the options under Game, or you press S. Personally I do both, I play with auto-attack disabled and also press S when I want to stand still, saves you from having to click on the exact spot you want to stand still in, you can just click in the general direction and stop when you're in the position you want.
@SameOldRhetoric Год назад
What software is he using to review footage of plays right afterwards? eg: 3:13:59
@VaporaDark Год назад
Replay HUD
@emhyrvemrais7574 Год назад
Jinx is my i am in bronze 3 recently and i play good but always bulid her bad bc i suggest win rate bulid and other stupid stuff i think with your help i can escape bronze and i reach my boloved rank gold XD, bc i am to weak player to go to the diamont
@evnbd1370 Год назад
Has itemization changed at all since last patch?
@averageadventure200 Год назад
@sololeveling7390 Год назад
You watch aot? Quality! Nice!
@Ollieys Год назад
how do you get the aa range indcator? it shows up as a grey circle sometimes. Great content btw
@kaitierae Год назад
Press A
@VaporaDark Год назад
That's Lethal Tempo proccing, when it gives you +50 range the circle shows up to tell you your new range.
@DorsettBarbra2014 Год назад
Hit by morg q....put a trap underneath it? I don't understand...
@VaporaDark Год назад
You put traps (E) underneath whoever Morgana lands Q on. Since they can't move, they can't get away from the traps during the arming time, leading to a free traps proc.
@ichmagapfel7355 Год назад
watching you farm in the first game makes me gag
@martinaxelgard4246 Год назад
What program are you running to do the instant replay during the game ?
@VaporaDark Год назад
Replay HUD
@martinaxelgard4246 Год назад
@@VaporaDark thanks man, love your series 👌☺️
@darkuglycreep Год назад
Next samira or jhin?
@VaporaDark Год назад
Xayah episode tomorrow, and we'll start Jhin once we finish the Kai'Sa series!
@Angel-jn7gw Год назад
who do you ban
@VaporaDark Год назад
@t1gdisgamer961 Год назад
Is there a Jinx like ADC with a higher skill ceiling you recommend?
@VaporaDark Год назад
Aphelios, but he currently sucks. You'll have much better results with Jinx.
@gruszkiensss3271 Год назад
@pedrinbalafina4122 Год назад
I got like 16 kills and still lose cuz I died too much knowing that u win games by not dying made me learn more and now Ill start the real climb, Im not gonna die 1 game- 5/0/6 W 2 game- 4/9/4 L 3 game- 13/6/7 W End Conclusion, yes don't die you win but if u die try to get the shutdowns if u do it still winnable and honestly fuck you supports
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