
How To Stop Hating Yourself 

Dr. Scott Eilers
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26 сен 2024




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@skeptik-ci5xo 9 дней назад
I often hold other people to the same standards as myself, and then I get resentful when they don't meet them. I am working on lowering my expectations of others because right now I pretty much think everyone is terrible.
@EleanorWeldon 8 дней назад
A wise woman told me, “if you’re hard on yourself, you’ll be hard on other people too.” It caused me to stop in my tracks and look after myself and what I was doing, not worry about others. It was effective and fast.
@atsavvy6.0 8 дней назад
I am the same way .
@Amy3nCAP 8 дней назад
UGH ….. same
@muskylemons9357 8 дней назад
I'm the same. I think it's about lowering expectations for others (and also ourselves...somehow)
@twistoffate4791 7 дней назад
I had to look twice at your name because I could've written your comment myself, word for word. But it was a brand new video, so it couldn't be possible. Thank you for sharing, as it makes me feel less weird and unreasonable.
@MrclMcx 9 дней назад
That's a very big ask from me. My psychologist told me that he had spoken to incarcerated felons with less self hatred than I have.
@experiencelifelittleone 9 дней назад
no one asks it from you u do the effort yourself
@skeptik-ci5xo 9 дней назад
I had a psychologist who once told me I am not a monk and to quit flagellating myself. Easier said than done!
@rocketproductions1441 8 дней назад
That's pretty spot on for anybody in your spot, willing to sacrifice time and effort because the self hatred ends up eating away our lives from the inside out! incarcerated felons are where they are because they normally live a highly dysfunctional life stemming from insecurity that causes them to lash out at authority and have false sense of pride and overt and hollow self confidence.
@photo80sjeff84 8 дней назад
Yikes. 😮🤷‍♂️
@cerulean93 8 дней назад
I hope you can find even a small way to treat yourself with compassion. It doesn't have to start with the big ask. (Also, that seems like a profoundly counterproductive and shaming thing for your psych to say.)
@rickvandijk 8 дней назад
My life became so much better when I stopped worrying and resenting myself about my ‘bad’ intrusive thoughts. They mean nothing, they pop up, I let them, and just don’t care any further. They pass, and that’s that. Sometimes they are persistent, but eventually they will pass, until they come back. And then same: I don’t fight them, I don’t act on them, I just don’t give them any attention. They’re thoughts, nothing more. Good luck everyone, you are good people, whatever your thoughts are.
@neoncycle2230 8 дней назад
I am trying to reach this mindset but I’ve honestly only recently started my journey at 26. What are some skills or methods you use to self regulate? What advice would you give when those thoughts come back and you become more resentful?
@rickvandijk 7 дней назад
@@neoncycle2230 two things: 1. Willfull tolerance: Be ok with what happens in your mind and with your feelings. Tolerate the thoughts, the feelings you get when you go through this process, *especially* when you feel it’s not working and you think you are failing. Tolerate the negativity, and continue what you are doing. And tolerate with… 2: self compassion; be kind to yourself, be patient with yourself. If you want you can use a little mantra when you’re going through a bad spell. I use this one: ‘this is a painful moment. Painful moments are part of life. Now, let me be kind to myself. Let me give myself the compassion I need’. This probably won’t work initially and this will maybe lead to more negative thoughts (‘I am failing’) but then ‘simply’ go back to the beginning. Tolerate this willfully. It’s fine, you are doing your very best. Again, your thoughts are basically uncontrollable. They happen, and if you try to fight them you only feed them. You are a good person, no matter what your thoughts tell you. Good luck!
@Shines-On День назад
@@neoncycle2230I used to be very fearful, anxiety ridden about my intrusive thoughts but as I’m getting older I have found that for me personally is focusing on my breathing for as long as I need to. It will bring more oxygen into your brain and it will start to calm your body down. But start with breath work when you don’t have anxiety and it will be there for when you are having bad anxiety. I hope I’m making sense. I guess you need to train your brain and body with breath work. It really works. And after you have done it for a while, you’ll notice you can nip that anxiety in the bud before it gets worse. Once your brain starts to understand that EVERY TIME you do breath work, you feel better, it starts a good cycle. The biggest thing I once heard that has really helped is to know the reason you get anxiety from those thoughts is because of course you would never do that. That’s the mind playing tricks on you. Your brain pulls up the scariest things you would never do. So it’s ok, tell the thought or picture in your mind to F Off, for real. Little by little you will get more control of those emotions. It takes work and time but worth it. You got this!
@UniMagik 9 дней назад
Hey Dr. Scott, any chance you can have a series on dealing with shame and regret as well? Personally, they're all interrelated issues for me with my depression. Grace is impossible right now.
@jeremiahdreaming2891 9 дней назад
Tis important to know that none of are without 'deeds' which are regrettable.
@brambleinhabitant 6 дней назад
Oh, he has a few videos on that topic already.
@Nadya6 2 дня назад
@UniMagik Accepting your negative beliefs about yourself as something you had to create in order to survive could elicit some grace and self-compassion that may make you feel more connected to others and safe.
@rosannalovespanda 8 дней назад
I often think of where I would be career wise if I didn’t suffer with mental health problems. I am so ambitious but my emotions and personality get in the way. But I am going to do something I almost never do and turn this around right now by sitting here and taking the time to be grateful for what I have instead. It’s not what I envisioned, but it’s pretty good given the circumstances.
@ahsokaventriss3268 8 дней назад
Dr. Scott, I fucking love you. And not in a creepy stalker and/or parasocial lunacy type way… I live u bc I can show your videos to my therapist to help better express myself or a specific point, etc. Thank you so much, and know how fan-fuckin-tastic you are!!!
@V_Hayden7 8 дней назад
No such thing as a thought crime! But, I love the characterization 😂😂😂 My mother, who was a brilliant educator, used to say "Never judge your thoughts or feelings. There is nothing you can think or feel that millions haven't thought, before you." And, thank God you didn't become a soulless Bezos or Muskrat! You're the best at what you do, in my book. Down to earth, relatable, and sound advice. I have thoughts daily about what I'd like to do to tRump and I don't feel a bit of guilt! 😁
@onepartyroule 9 дней назад
I forget what first prompted me to realise this, but it’s been so helpful for me to realise that the thoughts that appear in your mind are not a reflection of who you are; it’s the way you RESPOND to the thoughts that informs you who you are. You can have all kinds of disturbing thoughts, but if you’re not delighting in them and indulging them they aren’t a reflection of who you are.
@lulumoon6942 8 дней назад
@iannorton2253 8 дней назад
In all if your videos, it's as though you're speaking directly to me; so much of what you say applies to my situation.
@RCorDIE 9 дней назад
It's funny that you failed 1st year psyc but went on to become a very knowledgeable therapist. The info and presentation is always amazing
@jimicunningable 7 дней назад
Look up the "replication crisis", "DSM fraud" & "deadly psychiatry medicine". They are all frauds. The more psychs a country has, the more suicide is performed there! His "schooling" was all about studies that were later proven to be FRAUD!!! Thus the "replication crisis"! His education was at the hands of frauds. The *Science* proves it.
@theodorawohler2213 8 дней назад
My mother told me when I was 6 years old that “ you are supposed to hate yourself “. It is hard to forget that. I was raised to hate myself.
@Mantras-and-Mystics 8 дней назад
@tomburns7544 7 дней назад
Intellectually, you know she was wrong but it's so hard to get your heart to realize she was wrong. I'm sorry you grew up hearing that.
@roblena7977 7 дней назад
I wish i could give you a hug. I am terrified of living in a world without my mother.
@theodorawohler2213 7 дней назад
@@roblena7977 Thank you. As a little girl, I couldn’t understand what I had did that was so wrong. I remember saying to myself “I try to be a good girl.” I believe it was her strict Catholic upbringing, God was is punishing God. You were never good enough in His eyes. Which I know now is not true, He is kind and loving, He forgives us . Thank you all for responding to my post with such support and understanding.
@iamgodphotography 9 дней назад
I am impatient with how I think and feel (depressed) everyday- Tired of it! Today I thought I would actually be glad to find out if I had a terminal illness so I can just say goodbye. Anhedonia sucks
@skeptik-ci5xo 9 дней назад
I am so sorry to hear that's how awful you feel. I have been there, though.
@iamgodphotography 8 дней назад
@@skeptik-ci5xo I watch a lot of videos and educate myself on these things but now I have too much information. I don’t know how this goes away because I don’t want to take medication. I think it’s from drug abuse.
@skeptik-ci5xo 8 дней назад
@@iamgodphotography Yeah, I hear you. Education is only part of the equation. And unfortunately it doesn't just go away. It requires work, which is hard to initiate when you're that severely depressed. I tend to get relief from taking some type of action. I am terrible at challenging my negative thoughts; My evil brain tends to maintain the upper hand. Some days are easier than others. Some days require Herculean efforts. Some days are impossible. When all else fails I practice gratitude (it really works) and am slowly, slowly, slowly learning to have some self-compassion. I would try to get some outside support if that's feasible for you.
@iamgodphotography 8 дней назад
@@skeptik-ci5xo yeah and this is reoccurring because I had it in 2020 and it lasted three years but what help me was taking psilocybin mushrooms honestly. Right now I can’t find any, but when I do, I’m definitely gonna give that a go again. I have a therapist, but she really doesn’t do anything for me. It’s hard to find a good one and she thinks that I am an addict so I don’t have that on paper. What sucks is that I am so bored that I just stay in the bed except for four times a day. I walk my dog. Good luck to both of us.
@EleanorWeldon 8 дней назад
I know I’ve felt that way before. I found it helpful not to fight it, to just let myself be that way. It’s pretty painful, but being kind to myself, looking after my own care, being gentle with myself, all helped. There are many people who need you. Stay aware and don’t give up please. 🙏🏼 ❤
@ruthakers7524 8 дней назад
I desperately needed this today. Thank you.
@peggymerritt9019 4 дня назад
Me too!❤
@ChristinaKeenan-u5s 8 дней назад
A lot of these bad things often come from other people in the firmative years...
@ChristinaKeenan-u5s 8 дней назад
@apoet-y6c 8 дней назад
I don't compare myself to other people; I compare myself to who I used to be a few years ago (and even last year). I know who I was and what I am able to do and my current self is vile compared to who I used to be. I don't like the person I am, but I don't know who I want to be or even how I will be able to live in the future (and yes, I do have passive SI).
@JodiMitchell-o6b 8 дней назад
Still figuring out what’s happening in my past, I cannot remember everything and why I do what I do
@ericar2856 8 дней назад
I just6 love how you share you personal experience with the topics. I am a horrible at comparing myself to others.
@sand352 7 дней назад
Love from Russia! Thanks for your work helping others💌
@jonwhitney9559 8 дней назад
This post resonated deeply with me. Thank you for creating this!
@skeptik-ci5xo 9 дней назад
"judging yourself without proper context" - now this is something to reflect on. I like it. However, at the same time, I look at other people who have had seriously harrowing life experiences and are on top of their game. I often think I am letting myself off the hook by making excuses for why I am not where I want to be in life. Realistically it's not black and white; it's probably a bit of both which need to be better balanced. This is a recurring theme that I probably should address in therapy, since I am not objective in this regard.
@jadeybabes33 8 дней назад
Learning to show yourself more self compassion like you have discussed here has been a life changer for me in last few years. It's hard to master this without falling into the trap of feeling so sorry for yourself you wallow in misery - it's more just understanding why you are struggling and feeling compassion as if a friend was going through it and validating yourself. It helps a lot.
@Adama.1 7 дней назад
Yeah it's such a slippery slope into getting swallowed by your own misery. I often try to think about my issues as changable, telling myself I have the strenght to change, but it all too often leads me down the path of ''why me, what have I done to deserve this'' and ''life is torture'' type of thoughts. And before I know it I wasted an hour crying and self pittying.
@Shines-On День назад
Crying for an hour is what was needed for you. You didn’t waste anything, instead, you gave yourself the self love you needed. We have to try to see things from a different perspective. At least you aren’t in Diddy’s shoes. 👀
@LisaRenner-yg1wy 8 дней назад
Oh my goodness. One of the best videos I've ever seen. Gotta disagree that you're a "master of none"! Best content of this type out there❤
@BubblGrl 8 дней назад
I watched this today because self-hatred is absolutely something I am experiencing. I had a conversation today with my boss that had aspects of what you said. A focus on self awareness…. This is one that I will revisit - as a reminder… it’s not a magical cure, but it’s a much needed reframe.
@rosannalovespanda 8 дней назад
I appreciate rethinking the notion of holding yourself to higher standards in this way, but this is also why I am so great at my job. I know some employees are not capable of meeting my standards and performing at the high level I do. However, in general, I hate myself for things I would easily forgive others for as well. There must be a middle ground and this is a good reminder of that. ❤
@ZJDB0102 8 дней назад
I love this channel so much! I remember finding you at one of your first videos and feeling like you truly understood what it’s like to be in a situation because of mental health (because you have experienced it!). Thank you for deciding to join RU-vid and share your experiences and knowledge. You are adding so much value to the world.
@pippacarron1861 6 дней назад
Such great words of advice. I live mostly in a vacuum with no-one to provide feedback on how I'm doing, so I've taken to praising myself not only for the good things that I do, but also for the 'bad' things I think of, but don't do!
@CamStubbs 8 дней назад
What if hating myself is all I got?
@NathanTheTaco 5 дней назад
I don't understand anything of your world, but I do know that hating yourself isn't the only thing you have. Just being alive and breathing is another thing you have, and even though it may seem small, that is all you need to live. So I want to believe that hating yourself isn't the only thing you have, but you are the one who needs to believe. I know that is difficult to believe, but I know you can do this. Of course take whatever you need from this to help you. Since I am no therapist, but a normal guy trying my best to help others since others have done the same for me.
@bradparker9664 3 дня назад
I understand what you're saying, Cam. But the other commentator has a good point. Look around and see what you have. Do you have your health? Do you have a warm place to sleep? Do you have food on the table? I'm a recovering alcoholic and addict...and sometimes all I feel like I have is that I am sober that day. Look around at the minutia...you will likely find tons of tiny tiny things...but tiny things add up. My best to you.
@AnnabelleBeaudoin 9 дней назад
Great video 👍 I don't get out of the house much either, enjoy being home in my own space.
@user-onyoutube868 6 дней назад
Bringing content in such a unique way is a great gift. Thank you. We all have something to contribute.
@katrinaseavers4938 8 дней назад
Wow! What a powerful video, that I didn’t know I needed!! No wonder I feel terrible about myself a lot of the time, I’m doing all of those things! Thank you for what you do, you are helping so many!!!
@summern3064 8 дней назад
This is kind of unrelated to this video but Ive been struggling really bad for a very long time and bought your book after trying to have a heart to heart with my mom about how I’m feeling. I was feeling hopeful and the second it arrived my mom says to me, “oh you got the crazy book” and I know this might sound stupid but she ruined the entire experience for me by saying that and me getting so hurt by things like that is probably a big reason why I’m suffering but I’m commenting hoping for someone to help me find a positive association to it again or knock sense into me.
@DrScottEilers 8 дней назад
There’s nothing wrong with being a little crazy, it’s worked pretty well for me so far
@queenstar1897 7 дней назад
I would love to thank you for being so kind and empathic towards mental health. You are the first therapist I see that is so empathic with what people are going through and is not judgmental about it. Please continue making these videos. You have no idea how many people you are helping. Me, for example. Continue the amazing work you are doing ❤
@julialucas1482 9 дней назад
As a person who strives to live life with a compassionate heart, self-compassion has not been my strong suit. I have to be intentional every day or I dip back into self-loathing. Is it possible that self-loathing has an evolutionary purpose? It must have because so many of us struggle with it.
@rosannalovespanda 8 дней назад
It reminds me of my dad telling me he would rather have an employee who was a little bit unsure of themselves than someone who had unwavering confidence. Someone who questions themselves is a better worker because they are double checking their work and being careful. That is a workplace example, but I think it is better applied at a basic survival level, too. But you and I are taking the self doubt to extremes, at least at times. Take care, friend. ❤
@gabrielookami8774 8 дней назад
I must say, your videos are always so helpful and relevant, rare find on such topics, thank you ! Prosecuting myself for thoughts and Unrealistic rules/codex, that's indeed me, working in the last years on these and self compassion. (Any upcoming video about dysthymia/persistent chronic depression ?)
@Amy3nCAP 8 дней назад
This content was so good; I unfortunately related all too well. I especially liked the manager/employee analogy. Thank you 😊
@kathleenhumbert5731 9 дней назад
Needed to hear this today….thank u!!
@kyozina 8 дней назад
Wow! Your timing is amazing. I just spoke to my therapist about this today. It will take practice and I’m willing to try to love myself. Thank you for this information ❤
@hammersaw3135 7 дней назад
The most helpful thing to do about acknowledging your own story is often reframing it. Most people know what happened, but they're standing in their own way of healing by holding onto a perspective that no longer serves a useful purpose in their life. It did when they were surviving it, but now that they are trying to heal, they need to change their habits, change their thoughts, and change their mind.
@NetflixTopVideos 8 дней назад
Thank you Dr. Scott this was so helpful. 😊
@shawnsmith4692 9 дней назад
I was literally just googled the exact title of this video looking for books.
@missnobody6151 7 дней назад
"Don´t act like you don´t know. Cause you do. better than anyone "
@n1na8329 5 дней назад
Thank you Scott for making these videos. I'm really appreciative of your content
@glacey4906 7 дней назад
Hang on a minute. The inner voices I hear are hateful things others have said to me. On repeat.
@Shines-On День назад
@hrdknox2000 9 дней назад
Thank you for this and it's right on time! I had this happen to me this week in an embarrassing way.
@axelalm7116 8 дней назад
@DrScottEilers 8 дней назад
Thank you!
@pamwatkins4855 8 дней назад
Really glad I found this, today!😅
@frozenfury0 7 дней назад
Your last few videos have been very insightful and really resonate with me hopefully I can start to apply some of it 😅
@mmuench74 7 дней назад
My goodness, did I need to hear this. Thank you!
@berrybest2807 8 дней назад
Daily Delight: Perspective adjustment from Dr. Scott. Thank you for this gift. You have given me viable language to use in my discussion with my inner critic. Actionable advice is always appreciated!!!
@marychristenson1491 9 дней назад
Not sure how you got inside my head because this entire post was spot on how I habitually treat myself. Thank you for pointing that fact out to me. I have some advice for you too. If you get some "ordinary" friends who are good in their field but also have balanced lives perhaps you can enjoy life more i
@teresae9249 6 дней назад
Hi! I've found your content incredibly helpful in my journey, and I'm wondering if you'd consider covering trauma where there isn't an abuser/traumatizer. For example, natural disasters, medical emergency, etc. The PTSD I'm fighting now (enhanced by existing depression) is from a medical event, so many existing resources aren't as helpful because theyre often structured around the idea of the people who hurt or neglected you - while I had almost exclusively people who helped me tremendously, but still nearly died.
@darllindblad3493 3 дня назад
This was very helpful. Thank you
@crystalmittens 3 дня назад
Manager/employee analogy is perfect. Wow, I expect so little from my friends and family because I feel like I don't deserve their time energy or attention. Then get mad at myself for not managing to make a phone call, shower, or take out the garbage. Interesting.
@Peace-tk3gr 7 дней назад
Thank you. This is very helpful. 👌
@muskylemons9357 8 дней назад
I feel like the reason i get so frustrated with other people is because they don't hold up to my standards that i hold myself to
@glitterandducttape 7 дней назад
This is so helpful. One of your best videos. Thank you so much Dr. Scott!!!
@rrivierareject03 8 дней назад
Eh. I have to push back on the comparison bit. There are a lot of sociopaths I grew up with who are happy to be so today (I grew up in north Florida, so you can probably guess) and I'm disqualified from any cohorts outside of that (purity tests are rough). When you see enough horror being rewarded, you lose faith in humanity AND yourself.
@SueEllenSmith-ju4ot 8 дней назад
Shame on me, when guilt tripping because 😅 I have been people pleasing to manipulate situations. Try justify, vicious.😮
@rust8860 7 дней назад
Yes sir....I'm a mess. 😮.❤ your work.
@_Chessa_ 3 дня назад
A messed up thought I have constantly is I hate everything I think about. Everything I type out enrages me. Even without shaming, roasting and screwing myself over and over. I think about writing a comment and then just stop altogether. Knowing it’s impulsive. Knowing no one will like it. Hating everything I write and say. I ask myself why but then get angry about it. Anyone else type out an entire comment and hate it so much you just delete everything? I’d love to figure out how to stop that sort of overthinking and over sharing when I do type, talk, think about. I’m struggling hard on it right now.
@sandy-intro 9 дней назад
excellent as always...very helpful ❤
@lisaoutinen8692 7 дней назад
I mean my life has been fine and I still struggle with self worth and self hatred, depression and anxiety. It all boils down to perfectionism and I do hold myself to these high standards as well. Right now I’m beating myself up because my business isn’t maxed out, not at its best.
@aclarkkent12010 9 дней назад
I am looking forward to this.
@exercisethoughtsanddiscussions 9 дней назад
This has been my life long pursuit
@R.N.LosAngeles 5 дней назад
I can understand the comparisons to people in your career and the jacked dudes (I don’t compare myself to jacked dudes, just Victoria’s Secret models). You are doing such a great service in your field by posting your content for us to watch and learn from. Also, overly jacked dudes isn’t an attractive aesthetic to me. I saw somewhere on RU-vid someone saying that women try to look attractive in the sense of what other women think is pretty (big lips, long eyelashes, hair extensions), and men do the same (big muscles, and whatever else you think may be attractive to women but really isn’t).
@sarahengland1843 8 дней назад
Thanks for the great video! I appreciate the time stamps.
@Crazy_Cat_Lady_13 9 дней назад
Now that is a big ask...
@laureepeoples5572 8 дней назад
I hate myself every day. I sincerely wish I were one of the beautiful successful people. I really really do.
@bertholdroettgers213 7 дней назад
Your content is very helpful, as always!👍
@lulumoon6942 8 дней назад
Radical Acceptance lifted a huge weight off my shoulders so that I could observe my internalized Critic from others!🙏🕊️
@VisualMind 7 дней назад
I've read multiple books from Brene Brown and while I think that she is amazing as what she does, your book is definitely comparable to her work in terms of impact. It has a really good writing style that is easy to read while still delivering deep messages. I hope you'll write many more books like it! (I also tried to read Bessel van der Kolk's book multiple times but I find it really hard to read and way too depressing 😅)
@VisualMind 7 дней назад
Also the whole saying goes, "A jack of all trades is a master of none but often times better than a master of one." I don't understand why people only use half of it. Same with "Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back." These are meant to be uplifting and yet people are mis-using these idioms 🙃
@deela262 8 дней назад
Thank you! Extremely helpful content..!!!❤😊
@slous1131 8 дней назад
Thank you!
@eduardostapenko6808 2 дня назад
i know i have things to hate in myself, and i am working to negate it. healty i think
@clarklarewjones 8 дней назад
This is what I needed to hear!
@Mmmmchocolate 7 дней назад
I do hate myself. I’ve never been good at anything I’ve ever tried to be good at in life, in the things I wanted to be god at. I suck. 🤷🏼‍♂️
@emmanuelbeaucage4461 8 дней назад
@yolandabraithwaite7730 8 дней назад
I always compared myself with the successful paragons. Whether it’s my classmates or someone on a talk show. Thanks for your advice
@bapbirb 4 дня назад
I know I hate myself excessively. Ive been this way my whole life as long as I can remember. Yet whats ironic is that I would visit past photo albums, past artworks, videos I filmed long time I ago, and I would miss that me so badly I would trade my life to go back. So I must love myself in some ways but Im just never there for my present self. Self worthlessness is absolutely exhausting. I think thats the worst thing about it. it drains so much life and energy out of you that life at one point becomes unbearable even when you're doing nothing. Just existing sort of feels painful and it feels like a prison cell you can't escape from. I swear the door is right there and Im free to get out anytime I want to, but I just decide to trap myself in my small room because I have nothing to do and nowhere else to go. I feel like i don't have a place for myself on this earth. I often feel cursed but I don't exactly know why.
@villcat9750 3 дня назад
@InsomniaticVampire 7 дней назад
I've only recently found a way to stop making that last mistake. Those other three are still a struggle for now but 2025 will be the last year i deal with those.
@destroyerinazuma96 7 дней назад
Actually knowing only part of the context can be worse imho than not knowing anything. I once inhabited a certain environment and this left me convinced that given said environment I should be XYZ. I didn't look at (sarcasm) silly stuff like personal wants, I tried to ram wanting XYZ down my own throat and then called myself a loser for not getting it. Imagine jumping from the bushes at an Arts student and yelling "your mom is a doctor - therefore your faculty choice is invalid". Silly, isn't it?
@Ford_prefect_42 4 дня назад
How do you balance acknowledging your own story and making excuses? Everything feels like an excuse when you were previously able to function well above average previously but now can't.
@LucaPariah 7 дней назад
I can be down on myself sometimes, but I grew up in a Christian end-times cult and wasn’t raised with the tools to live as an adult. I’m also trans. Life can be very difficult for people like me, and I need to remember not to be too hard on myself if I’m struggling.
@pruray 8 дней назад
Dr Eilers, any comments on meditation and mindfulness?
@RoknrolZombie 8 дней назад
What's the difference between a reason and an excuse?
@Narsuaq 7 дней назад
I'm at a point now where I'm seriouly considering offing myself.
@villcat9750 3 дня назад
@Tess-ix5bv 8 дней назад
more mark cuban interviews please
@AJManol 7 дней назад
That signed Bladerunner script, tho😯
@DrScottEilers 7 дней назад
A precious gift
@nighttrain1565 9 дней назад
I think I am in an entirely different paradigm of self hatred lol.. nobody hates me as much as I do. On a scale of serial killer from 1 to 10 I'm probably a 7. But I definitely had drill instructors that were 9.5's 😅. Just one step away from being a serial killer lmao
@estelleloye8043 8 дней назад
It's like you know me
@JamesBarry-j7m 5 дней назад
Thank you for your good advice and FYI you are rocking cute😅
@nameless7838 6 дней назад
I'm schizophrenic, it's easier for me to fly to Australia by flapping my arms & find the Loch Ness Monster in the forest than do what you're saying here.
@villcat9750 3 дня назад
@huha123 8 дней назад
How can I stop hating myself when my childhood best friend killed himself because of me? We were about 8 years old, he was attacked by neighborhood girls (the ringleader was the landlords granddaughter), beaten, molested, raped, attempted drowning and attempted castration, I witnessed the initial beating, they threatened me with it too and also threatened with eviction if I didn't keep silent, so I ran amd hid in the woods. Hours later, I snuck back home expecting my beating at every shadow, the police were waiting, they asked me about it and then blamed it all on me. I was grounded for months and the girls were never punished, finally he came home from the hospital not the same, his light was extinguished, our friendship was done. His family moved soon after, when I was in my early 20s, I found him and begged him for forgiveness and apologized for my failure, he just turned around and walked away. I just found out recently that he killed himself a few years ago, naming me as his reason why he killed himself. He would have been famous, he had that charisma, he had the will to do great things and I failed, it should have been me in his place all those years ago, I wish I could rewind 38 years and take his place. The world would have been a better place if he never suffered that.
@rickvandijk 8 дней назад
So, you lost one of the most important persons in your life ánd you blame yourself for it. That’s a really tough place to be in. That is a lot of pain you are going through. If this happened to a friend of mine I would be very considerate and kind to their situation. Being put into a situation like that as an 8 year old child is terrible. An 8 year old is pretty much incapable of making a rational adult decision, because let’s face it, they’re just a child. And to witness a friend being beat up and being unable to do anything about it is traumatizing. And then to carry that trauma for so long is horrendous. I’d actually put my arm around that person and show them compassion. Wouldn’t you?
@klemen4686 8 дней назад
Man i don't know what to say. i really hope you will be able to process this, because that's some hard shit. Wish you all the best though.
@huha123 8 дней назад
@rickvandijk I do it every day being a foster parent, it's a tough go at life, and I question why I keep trying to do it every time a placement fails.
@mph1ish 6 дней назад
You were 8 years old. You were threatened with physical harm and eviction. You did nothing wrong. Your friend (dis)placed his anger at you. By cruelly naming you as the reason he killed himself he wanted you to suffer like he did. Nobody forces another person to end their life. I hope you have a good therapist who can guide you to let go of the guilt. And I must repeat- YOU WERE 8 YEARS OLD!
@aliyaaliya3866 9 дней назад
i dont hate myself i am hated))) how dont you understand it?
@aliyaaliya3866 9 дней назад
if they killed my grandmother why should they love me i think its obvious i know one name alexandrova there are of course a lot more but im scared who those people are because they are around me and it makes me anxious
@Mantras-and-Mystics 8 дней назад
​@@aliyaaliya3866 "Hugs" ❤️💚💙
@juliemarkham4332 8 дней назад
Umm...you ok? You seemed to be agitated in your delivery. Good thoughts and points, though. We all need to be our own best friend.
@Liisa_011 8 дней назад
I picked up on that too that maybe he sped his voice up or had a lot of coffee. Still great man.
@budgie327 9 дней назад
What TF do they put stuff up if you can’t watch it for 10hrs, post it when it’s up?🤬🤬🤬
@MrclMcx 9 дней назад
@@budgie327 it helps me so I can plan ahead and some people participate in the live chat
@crowpen 9 дней назад
It’s a premiere
@Mantras-and-Mystics 8 дней назад
Haha! You must have been really looking forward to this one. I know I was! 😄
@shelleyamos5842 8 дней назад
Maybe so you can make sure you have time to watch?
@shpalman7 8 дней назад
I love me, but I don't love myself back
@57auxmoines 6 часов назад
This was so true, spot on and extremely helpful. Thank you. (That business list of comparison sacrificed their morals and compassion for others - you are a league of your own Dr. Eilers)
@adampotter9183 День назад
Stop comparing your bloopers reel to other peoples highlight reel. 🧐🤔
@Shines-On День назад
So glad I found your channel!!! I needed to hear ALL of that. Thank you so so much!!! You a rock star in this space, man. Love it ❤
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