
How to Talk so Kids Will Listen, and Listen so Kids Will Talk - Workshop with Dr. Jennifer Reinke 

Colorado State's Adult Learner & Veteran Services
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Based on Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish’s national bestseller, “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk,” this workshop is filled with communication strategies for parents to use when interacting with children.



28 сен 2024




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@EhsanSarshar 2 месяца назад
I was reading "The six pillars of self esteem" by Nathaniel Branden and he recommended this book
@dameanvil 11 месяцев назад
00:15 🗣️ Dr. Jennifer Reinke, an associate professor, emphasizes the importance of parent-child communication and shares her personal experiences as a parent of twins. 02:06 📚 "How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk" by Faber and Mazlish is recommended for its effective parenting strategies and worldwide popularity. 03:32 🛑 Faber and Mazlish advocate against punishment and time-outs, promoting effective communication and strong relationships with children. 05:38 🤝 First aid for emotional distress in children is as crucial as for physical injuries, emphasizing the importance of validating and acknowledging their feelings. 07:02 🤔 Acknowledging and labeling children's emotions with words helps them understand and express complex feelings beyond basic happy, sad, and mad. 08:14 🌌 Encouraging children's wishes and fantasies allows them to explore imagination and creativity, promoting a sense of autonomy. 10:45 ⏰ Engaging in "time-ins" rather than "time-outs" provides a safe space for children to calm down and process their emotions without isolation. 13:35 🛑 While all emotions are accepted, not all behaviors are, setting boundaries is crucial for healthy emotional expression and behavior. 15:16 💡 Authentic empathy and compassion are essential when validating a child's emotions, creating a genuine connection and sense of being understood. 17:28 🗣️ Refrain from immediately giving advice or solutions; instead, focus on active listening to allow the child to express themselves fully. 19:25 🤔 Children have the right to feel miserable at times; trying to make everything perfect may hinder their emotional growth and coping skills. 22:53 🗣️ Addressing a mistake in handling emotions with a child involves acknowledging the error, apologizing, and committing to try better next time. 27:05 🗣️ When parents deny children's feelings, it can lead to unhealthy responses, highlighting the importance of validation and understanding. 28:32 😔 Responding in anger or frustration may feel satisfying in the moment, but it's unproductive and doesn't help the child. 29:16 🤝 When parents slow down, listen, and validate their child's feelings, it creates a supportive environment and helps de-escalate emotions. 30:49 ❌ Using "but" in responses can dismiss the child's feelings and hinder effective communication. 31:49 ⏳ Implementing these strategies may take time, especially in high-stress moments, but it's worth it for effective communication. 33:56 💡 Practicing these skills in non-crisis situations makes it easier to implement them effectively when needed most. 35:52 ✉️ Writing notes can be a creative way to communicate expectations or express feelings in a non-confrontational manner. 36:34 🍪 Encouraging cooperation involves using strategies like describing the problem, giving information, saying it with a word, talking about your feelings, and writing a note. 49:22 ❗️ Effective communication with children may require trying different strategies based on the situation and the child's receptiveness. 50:08 🗣️ Express feelings without attacking character: When addressing children's behavior, express your feelings strongly without attacking their character. Use "I" statements to communicate your emotions, making it less confrontational for the child. 51:31 🗣️ Avoid "you" statements: Steer clear of accusatory "you" statements. Instead, use "I" statements to express your own feelings and concerns. This prevents the child from feeling defensive and encourages open communication. 52:57 🤝 Show how to make amends: Guide the child in making amends for their actions. Provide practical steps or solutions for them to rectify the situation, rather than resorting to punishment. 54:22 🔄 Give the child choices: Offer children choices whenever possible. This empowers them and allows them to have some control over their decisions, fostering independence and autonomy. 55:32 ⏩ Take appropriate action: When necessary, take action to prevent future issues. This might involve implementing measures, like locking up tools, without punishing the child. 57:41 🧠 Problem solve together: Engage in problem-solving discussions with children. Acknowledge their feelings and needs, brainstorm solutions together, and evaluate each idea. This promotes critical thinking and collaboration. 01:04:59 🔄 Let children make choices: Encourage autonomy by allowing children to make decisions, even in small matters. This helps them develop decision-making skills and a sense of independence. 01:06:37 🚀 Foster resourcefulness: Avoid rushing to answer all of a child's questions. Encourage them to find answers on their own, promoting resourcefulness and independent problem-solving skills. 01:08:04 🌟 Encourage aspirations: Embrace and support a child's dreams and aspirations, even if they seem ambitious. Help them explore ways to achieve their goals rather than dismissing them. 01:13:02 🩺 Discuss any concerns with your doctor: If you have an upcoming appointment with a healthcare provider, consider discussing body image and self-esteem concerns with them, especially for teenagers. 01:13:17 🧍‍♀️ Validate and avoid negative self-talk: Encourage positive body image by validating feelings and discouraging negative self-talk about appearance or weight. 01:13:30 🔄 Model healthy body image: Be mindful of how you talk about your own body, ensuring your messages promote a positive body image for your children. 01:13:46 🤝 Handle body image discussions with sensitivity: Recognize that discussing body image, especially with teenagers, requires sensitivity due to the challenges they mayface. 01:14:15 👚 Respect children's choices: Allow children to express themselves through clothing choices, refraining from critiquing or over-analyzing their decisions. 01:15:00 🏷️ Avoid unnecessary body comments: Refrain from pointing out details about a child's appearance, as it can affect their self-esteem and creativity. 01:15:28 🎨 Encourage creativity and independence: Focus on a child's feelings and independence rather than fixating on their appearance or choices. 01:16:11 ✅ Use positive reinforcement effectively: Instead of generic praise, provide specific and descriptive feedback to reinforce positive behaviors and efforts. 01:17:11 🌈 Be specific in praise: Acknowledge specific details or efforts in a child's work or behavior, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-worth. 01:18:06 🔄 Challenge prescribed roles: Avoid labeling children with fixed roles (e.g., "the lazy one" or "the smart one") and provide opportunities for them to demonstrate different behaviors. 01:19:49 🔄 Break free from set roles: Recognize and celebrate moments when a child defies their prescribed role, showcasing their diverse capabilities and strengths.
@unclejojnz6771 4 месяца назад
Today special book for me I'm just getting when I ordered the book last week 😅
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