
How "TransTrenders" Destroyed The Trans Community 

The Blaire White Project
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8 сен 2024




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@marcobaptista9487 Год назад
“youre not marginalized… youre busting out of the margins” 😭😭 that sent me into the stratosphere
@FilPol-yu1es Год назад
Her Blood Type is.. Mayonnaise.
@@FilPol-yu1es 🤣🤣🤢🤮
@eesoteric. Год назад
@talyahr3302 Год назад
"Her hips are giving continent" 😂😂
@kimbertarver6467 11 месяцев назад
Right?! She kept me in stitches for the majority of the video
@sleepymeimei Год назад
It’s giving “look how hot this female body of mine is. But don’t call me she! I’m trans masculine! Can’t you see my mullet?!” Just another way this generation is clawing for as much attention and quirk as they can muster
@thomasbarchen Год назад
Please look at me I'm "different"! Lol, not anymore.
@renaterrier935 Год назад
Seems like it might be part of a fetish. To be flaunting your femaleness but insist on he.
@tizzas1232 Год назад
Oh god, the mullet! I can't believe how that's coming back 😂
@thomasbarchen Год назад
@@tizzas1232 I remember mine biological male here back in the early 90s and still one, wow what a thing good lord.
@heyo80 Год назад
As a man it’s almost funny if it wasn’t so ridiculous imagine being so proud of your female body wand want to claim being a man, imagine these women walking into a men’s restroom like that 🙄
@ri-oj1ul Год назад
If I have to pay more for a suitcase to come with me… you’re paying more if you don’t fit into the seat. Full stop.
@mausemadchenmi7144 Год назад
And the theater you have to do to make it doesn’t weigh a few measley ounces too much…
@halfofmyheart3167 Год назад
Yeah, really. She says an extra 1 or 2 seats. The audacity to expect a seat for free, let alone 2! She us absolutely deranged and lost all sense of reason. 💕
@rachelwoodward5476 4 месяца назад
I am medically considered morbidly obese. Not to the extreme this girl is. And yes. Airplane seats are small and not as comfortable as they could. But I would NEVER insist on airplanes giving me free anything.
@ThePursuitofHappiness 5 месяцев назад
Working in London in the strip clubs, I had a few good girl friends who had transitioned from male. It was the 90s. We all got along. Everyone acted normal. It really was not an issue and my friends hardly mentioned it. They just lived happy lives, going raving, working, partying, shopping, going for dinner. You know, normal life. I miss the 90s. So uncomplicated.
@navarian4579 2 месяца назад
in the 80-90s there was little gender conformity and people were more comfortable in their bodies wearing whatever
@ToxicZen1436 Месяц назад
Omg right?!!! 😢 I miss the 90s so much it's actually a part of the reason I'm depressed 😢
@SamRabbitx Год назад
Also. Imagine "pausing puberty", realizing you fucked up, and then STARTING PUBERTY as a late teenager/early young adult. That sounds like actual hell.
@llb1127 Год назад
Welcome to my childhood and rise to adulthood, my dearest! I can attest it was HELL. I had Lupron for being short and was lied about what was being injected into me and have been speaking up about it for over a decade. This time is so hard for me because it's a beyond difficult conversation to have anymore. Always open to discussing. Love to anyone with a shared experience regardless of labels or the "medical" "cosmetic" reason consensual or not regardless of age, gaslighting by parents and doctors is so so hard for any child for any reason, no shame no shame. I don't want any child to go through what I still deal with without knowing what might happen! No hate to anyone, this is just my story
@ingloriousMachina Год назад
@@llb1127 Did you ever get taller? I continued to grow three more inches after my period (still only 5'2...) so the claim that women stop growing as soon as they start menstruating is foreign to me.
@billbombshiggy9254 Год назад
@@ingloriousMachina I didn't grow. I was 5ft5 at age 10 when I started. Mind you I was a very tall child. I was 4ft7 when I was 5
@llb1127 Год назад
@inglorious_Machina I will never know! It's so hard to go into. Basically I did not have a true difecency. I don't know if the GH and the separate Lupron, really made me taller or not. Because it was basically just let's try this out. There is a great book. "Normal at Any Cost." Discussion on Lupron and GH and the history of it all up unitil its publication in 2009/2010 is a great resource with a works cited filled with a plethora of sources as well. I did grow during the time I was on these meds. If I never took them, who is to say I wouldn't have just grown at all? Also, my point was (who cares?) It was a parenting scheme through specialists and mediance and medicalizing something that is debatable to medicalize and when you do that there are situations like mine and Lupron is a drug with a long history including a extremely large settlement for I beleive it being something caught up in marketing and profit off of the the drug being ruled criminal enough to need to pay a 825 I think million to settle. May have used wrong words and numbers. Algorithm has made this info less availble on Google too. No politics here this is just my story, my body, and what I spent my life researching.
@JF-gy7tt Год назад
Once puberty passes, you cant just start it…. It comes and then its gone. People need to know that
@Jessica_Crease87 9 месяцев назад
My daughter is 14, a freshman in highschool! I raised her that there were no boy colors and girl colors, toys, etc so that she was respectful and would like what made her happy! Now I'm kicking my self in the ass because it has been spun so much that if you are feminine or masculine and the opposite gender than you are trans! I was the biggest tomboy in school amd I didn't want to be a boy! I also didn't have adults or other kids questioning my sensuality/gender! It's a trend now! My daughter can't wear blue or own a "boy considered" object without being asked her gender at school! It's insane
@AlvarM 8 месяцев назад
Wow I'm so sorry people ask your daughter her gender in order to respect her...must be so hard, God truly gives his toughest battles to his biggest warriors 😂
@gomoestas 7 месяцев назад
​@@AlvarM it's not healthy for young girls to constantly be put in the position to have to "prove" their femininity. I grew up as a tomboy, and "are you a boy or a girl" questions hurt and made me feel inadequate
@Duskullite 2 месяца назад
I see what you're saying and I completely agree, however (I've had to explain this to my mum aswell who I have all the patience in the word for as gratitude for raising me) tom boys/fem boys are completely different to transgender people as it is caused by gender dysphoria which is a medical condition (as explained by Blaire before) where as being a tom boy is a style/ fad. It is sad though that a medical condition is being this frowned upon because people are confusing the condition with style, it's easy to tell who is or isn't actually trans though.
@anthonyheyman9833 Месяц назад
the shittiest thing is with these gender specific social norms, is people fail to realize this is part of what creates a trans identity. you did good with your daughter. we just live in a corrupt society where they will find any little reason to tell you you're trans for profit. back when i was a kid, coming out as trans started out as being bullied for being yourself. people tell you its not ok because its not fitting on your assigned birth gender criteria. now we got more people thinking they're trans because of influential sources on media. sources that promote the idea that your interests determine your gender identity when they really don't. i honestly think we wouldn't have gender dysphoria in the first place if we didn't push this whole gender based social norm role bullshit. true transgenders didn't feel comfortable in their own skin cause society made them feel not normal enough so they had to change themselves to fit in. we don't need this in a "proactive" society. if we were truly proactive like everyone is saying, we would've already evolved passed this. don't blame yourself, regret is a really bad thing. corporate greed is to blame, and corporations profit off the LGBTQ these days.
@tibo6749 26 дней назад
@@gomoestas you dont have to prove your femininity, people just ask to avoid misgendering you and if you tell them youre girl they wont really ask again.
@onestorytower Год назад
So let me get this straight. She wants additional seats for herself. But at the same time wants the aisles to be wider…which would mean removing seats or making seats more narrow. These are mutually exclusive goals. The airplane cannot just stretch for her comfort.
@drek9k2 7 месяцев назад
People like her literally want an entirely new fleet of plus size airplanes engineered and built. "Does she not realize the hundreds of millions of dollars that that would take and the extroardinary expense involved that she would just end up having to pay anyway" NO. People like her do not think like this, because they are fundamentally incapable of seeing things outside theirself from anyone else's point of view. Hence this video. That is why so many people like this wind up being tone deaf at best, or just outright solipsistic, that is why these people don't think about the additional needless suffering and death of animals their girth requires to maintain, that is why these people do not think about their added strain onto the healthcare system nor do they think about nor care about the discomfort that they cause others, nor do they think about their own future and health outcomes so of course nor are they capable of actually thinking things through to the end at all because they are slaves to their own impulses and momentary wants and desires. Hence part of how they became that large in the first place. It is because being selfish, narrowminded, impulse driven, unthinking, ignorant, prideful, egoistic, meanspirited, spiteful, self absorbed, arrogant etc. all always ends up biting the user in the ass in the end, it makes that person their own victim ultimately in much the same way all those that would go to Hell aren't being "put there" by an angry God, it is a loving and merciful God who's trying to save them from the outcomes of their own decisions while still granting them free will. People--including the religious themselves--completely misunderstand and misrepresent what the concept of hell even is, it's actually the natural stream of consequences for your own bad decisions, until your bad decision making's consequences become truly permanent and utterly inescapable. Case in point, take heroin for an example. It isn't that a loving and just God is being mean to you by denying heroin, it's not that your parents are "meanspirited control freaks that out to stop you from being free and having fun" they are literally keeping you from DESTROYING YOUR SELF via heroin, those that love you anyway despite your bad decisions who made you want to STOP YOU FROM BECOMING A SLAVE TO YOUR ENEMY THAT ONLY SEEKS TO KILL AND DESTROY YOU and in that case your enemy takes the form of a needle. That's why, that's exactly why it is to prevent you from tasting your first shot of "fun" which is ALWAYS what the evil markets itself as at the beginning, hookup culture and unprotected sex is just "fun" hard drugs is just "fun" being a groomer is just "being fun." And yet meanwhile after you take your first nod you do it more and more until the wickedness begins to define you as a person, it becomes literally who you are to yourself and others until what was left of you is all hollowed out and the only thing that is left is being a craven junkie, completely wholly and utterly addicted to your heroin addiction and it's killing you, it is destroying you right in front of everybody in mind heart and soul to the point where you don't even do it for fun anymore, you're literally NOT HAVING FUN ANYMORE EVER yet you are still enslaved to that needle, and until some day you nod off for the very last time in utmost humiliation and disgrace. THAT is what Hell actually is, it is the process of damnation by which you are making a series of bad choices out of your combination of ignorance and pride, selfishness and conceitedness, lack of willingness to listen to others and lack of foresight and wisdom mixed with craven impulsiveness and cowardice and egotism. So too do ALL the seven deadly sins basically revolve around this, and each and every single last one of them is going to annihilate you in the most long drawn out and ultimately humiliating of ways as possible: Avarice Gluttony Sloth Lust Envy Wrath Pride Each and every last one of these is your destroyers, all of them are going to kill you and harm everybody around you and they are not victimless crimes and not safe or fun and they will ruin your life in the most degrading possible way, so you'll look bad on your way out as you slowly lose and corrupt everything that once mattered to you. The thing is our wifi password community often gets wrongly attributed to just lust only, point of fact our biggest sins probably are pride, and pride is the worst among them, yet is the most celebrated sin in this country along with greed, that abominable worship of Mammon. So it's little wonder, then, that in a country that literally worships its petrodollar like some evil god, and that subsequently does literally everything for money, and whose ultimate rewards are becoming an idol for millions of fans to worship you, that we have such an entirely wicked and self absorbed society that a thing like this can even happen. Because the core of ALL sinning ultimately comes from a complete self absorption and lack of willingness to think for or care about others, it is definitionally the distinction between service-to-others type of thinking, and psychopathic, narcissistic service-to-self thinking, and ALL addiction is ultimately about that STS corruption, followed by the pride and egotism of refusal to admit that "maybe the problem isn't others, maybe the problem really is just Me and not this world." And that's a conclusion I had to of came to in order to just grow the fuck up and quit my addictions and try and move on from them, that's how I unloaded my traumas and all my baggage to try and be capable of being there for a new human being, that is how I lost 50lb and got in shape while quitting smoking and alcohol and I had to pay an enormous, tremendous cost ultimately over the years that gave me those chains and enslaved me, then had to pay yet another enormous cost just to break free and ultimately have literally nothing left but a shred of my human dignity. And that, frankly, is the one biggest thing that I think these people wrapped in their addictions all had to give up in order to lead these lifestyles: dignity. The woman is reduced to being so utterly shameless she films this video rather than trying not to be a bother to others, and as a result she publicly has no dignity left. It is the very first thing that a former addict is going to care about regaining--human dignity.
@mkcxiong 5 месяцев назад
Ikr! She’s soo right to have the privilege first for free xt seats. Not me as a mother with my just 3yr old daughter who’s dependent on me… I don’t deserve the free xt seater. Kids past 2 must pay to stay! You need the xt seat cause the bum and tum are what depends on you are most important above all. Take other modes of transportation… durrrr! There are trains with a whole bunker to self you can eat and sleeep! Hmmmm Uber is efficient if you’re too busy feeding/eating to drive yourself. Ships if you wanna go over seas… my god. I ain’t talking about individuals who are ‘obese’ I’m replying with logic and principles for wants and needs 🙄🤢🤬
@durdinpurd1120 5 месяцев назад
Less seats would mean fewer passengers per plane.... that would mean more planes in the air. Let the climate activists have this one.🤣
@shawnromaniuk 4 месяца назад
I believe STUPID is the word you're clawing for. Obvious to all. Whatever happened to the doctrine of Star Trek "The needs of the Many outway the needs of the one". She is too caught up in her own crap to see what reality is. When I was a kid it seems only rich little sh*ts would behave this way, now everyone wants society to bow down to them. You know why most these campaigns never really take off, the person initiating them dies. Yeah... that's right dies. Then it all settles and we go back to being normal.
@user-zg7jg6zm3f 4 месяца назад
So stupid. Why don't they just build new planes altogether while promoting unhealthy lifestyles. Smh
@evilpulse25 11 месяцев назад
As someone who is overweight (about half that ladies' size), I was mortified and ashamed of myself for barely fitting in a seat. Thankfully, there were empty seats in the back. Next time I'll buy first class or buy 2 seats. I hated putting other people through that. I'm working on losing weight though!
@erinblack9781 3 месяца назад
Im the same way. Im changing myself to live freely in the world not the other way around.
@JakeTaaylor Год назад
I’m a 30y/o man. I never would have guessed that one day I would be browsing content on a channel run by a transsexual individual whose opinions and ideas I actually genuinely agree and align with. I grew up in a household where my parents weren’t too wrapped up in politics. When I was young I would ask them, “who did you vote for?”, and they always refused to tell me. They didn’t want to indoctrinate me into a certain way of thinking. But I kind of knew they were left-leaning in general. So I always felt that the left was the progressive, positive, good-hearted way to be, and lived most of my life believing this. However, the last few years have really shown me how things that begin with good intentions(tolerance/acceptance) can quickly spiral out of control and into complete madness. All that just to say, I’m a new fan of yours. ❤
@Sammysam44 Год назад
Definitely relate! Very well said
@steviekutys Год назад
40 year old white Christian from the south...completely agree with you! Love Blaire!!❤
@victoriaWitch8290 10 месяцев назад
Extreme left and extreme right are both awful.
@sparky.scott09 8 месяцев назад
totally agree. i grew up in a pretty liberal household but my dad would always call out bs & i'm so thankful for that mindset. i knew who my parents voted for but in general they didn't talk to me about politics unless i brought things up & even then they didn't press anything on me. b/c of that there's a lot i believe in that many liberal ppl, especially mainstream would think i was conservative & if i had a platform would be "cancelled" for those ideas. it sucks how if you don't buy into the narrative you're labeled as hateful. the extremeness on both sides is so toxic & we need to start allowing true discourse about things.
@user-bu7vc8vj7r 8 месяцев назад
@@sparky.scott09 Welcome to the center my friend. Its where common sense lives lol. The far left and the far right are batshit crazy. The worrying thing the last few years i think is people cant immediately recognize the far left because they're very good at hiding disturbing policies and ideological stances behind 'inclusion' and 'diversity' and other fluffy buzzwords. Whereas the far right are normally immediately recognizable. Major political partys need to stop pandering to these fringe groups and get back to more centered politics. After all, regardless of what the nutters on either side think, centrists are the majority
@junkjunk1849 Год назад
I can’t believe Shape’s detrans friends are even ostracizing him. He needs all the friendship and support in the world.
@DaisiesInMercury Год назад
I honestly feel so bad for Shape. I could see Shape is not okay. I hope Shape gains real friends.😞
@psychegoddessoflight9358 Год назад
Especially after losing Sugar Daddy 💔😥
@marioluigi9599 Год назад
Has he detransed yet? He's still a girl lol
@Bazibishop Год назад
@@marioluigi9599 he’s medically transitioned into a woman and it’s very hard to de transition that far into a transition. He also likes the process of dressing up as a woman and bc he can’t do anything else he will. He’s made some peace with having to live as a woman for the rest of his life
@marioluigi9599 Год назад
@@Bazibishop How sad... ...especially because people like him just say that gender is a social construct. So he could have just socially constructed his way into a better gender that works with his anatomy. Instead of trying to irreversibly change it
@YaiunicUP Год назад
Every laugh from Shape pains me. They're not "haha" laughs, they're attempts to shrug off the mental anguish, and it's really upsetting to see them in this position. I hope that things get much better for them, and fast.
@Lma832 Год назад
Yeah same it’s literally painful to hear
@xabdab Год назад
Yes I noticed it too, already in previous videos lile jubilee. It's so sad :(
@zeej80 Год назад
Yes.. I know they’re in anguish,& it’s heartbreaking. Shape- u are a beautiful soul. Your story is just beginning to blossom,& u r awakening other people all over the world to a different POV. Please try to be strong. I send love, prayers,& energy your way.
@crystalynnbearr Год назад
Agreed. It’s okay to hurt! I just wanna hug Shape!
@Robert-noir Год назад
Yeah. I think it’s a form of emotional regulation. A coping/defense mechanism. The laugh can signal to the brain “hey this isn’t so bad” to kind of make it easier to talk about
@basedboomer5912 Год назад
My mom used to say, "When I see an obese person, I'm looking at someone in extreme emotional pain."
@noragorcs1085 Год назад
my mom said that too. its an eating disorder that is not talked about that much
@kaygee2121 Год назад
A lot of the times that is the case, but genetics and medications play a huge factor too. I've been on medications that made me gain weight so very fast, that I barely realized it was happening, until much too late. Weight has been a huge struggle my whole life. I've had stomach surgery and barely eat for real, but was on a medication for depression last year that made me gain 60lbs within a few months.
@MathildaFlow Год назад
@@kaygee2121 I’m fat and yes there are a bunch of factors that goes in to being fat and gaining weight and all that jazz but it’s also true that about 100 years ago someone weighing 150 kg was a freak show. Not just another isle on another Tuesday at another grocery store. Yes, there used to be fat people back in the day too but their asses weren’t as wide as a small car like the woman who is complaining about flying while fat. If I had lived 100 years ago I might have been a bit chubby but me being FAT is 100 % about lifestyle choices I’ve made over the years.
@13zaphikel Год назад
Quite possibly physical pain too
@GimeoChick Год назад
It's true. I would eat because I didn't know what else to do to face my issues.
@kathidapp Год назад
Also I'm a woman that's always been a tomboy I still am more manly then most guys I know and so is my daughter and I'm terrified they're going to convince her she's trans... im proud to be a straight woman that looks like a woman but can fix more things then most guys. And that they should stop trying to put everyone in a box
@loriburnip Год назад
I am 100% sure that if I grew up nowadays I would be convinced I was trans. Growing up I was such a tomboy I even had a buzz cut at one point, wore flannel, rode motorcycles, went fishing, the Ninja Turtles, Karate Kid, and Indiana Jones were my favourite things in the world Etc. But as an adult I'm a straight "cis" woman. I'm so glad I grew up in the 80s and 90s instead of nowadays. People need to make it okay to just be a tomboy again!
@Univerzion Год назад
​@loriburnip Even as a Trans man, I've noticed how fast people make kids Trans just for liking the opposite sex things. I find Trans being more than what you like, it's what you ARE. A lot of people seem to misinterpret that if a child likes things made for the opposite sex that means they want to be the opposite sex, when that's not what being Trans is.
@loriburnip Год назад
@@Univerzion yeah and it's not just other people putting the label of Trans on kids who like things that are supposedly meant for the opposite sex. These kids are convincing themselves that they're trans too. Which is why we have such a huge rise in detransitioners nowadays. When that used to never happen because it wasn't trendy to be trans, it wasn't pushed on people, and the treatment for gender dysphoria, like puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgeries were safeguarded a lot more. People had to live as that gender for a while first, I believe it was at least a year, and they had to go through psychological testing Etc. That doesn't happen nowadays, you can walk into a clinic and leave that day with a hormone prescription. It's too fast in my opinion, especially for kids. I know this isn't a popular stance but due to the side effects and everything else I don't think that puberty blockers hormone treatment or surgery should be available to anybody under the age of 18.
@Univerzion Год назад
@loriburnip True. I've noticed it's become more so how you feel in the moment rather than something you've spent years contemplating. Granted, we can't know how people are feeling internally. It also doesn't help with the whole "you can be Trans without gender dysphoria" cause that's literally the reason why one would want to change and without that, you're just doing it for fun really. I was actually able to get on hormones a week after making an appointment, but I was smart about it and spent years contemplating before doing so and was out as Trans for 8 years. I can definitely see someone who just decided they were trans a week ago and immediately go on hormones thinking it's what they want at that moment, not really doing the research and taking into account how much it's going to change them physically and even mentally. And half the time, they don't know what it'll do to them. They're uninformed about it, and then when those changes occur, they're confused or worried. Or they believe they can pick and choose what happens when that's not how it works. You get all the changes when you start, or you don't start and get none of them.
@loriburnip Год назад
@@Univerzion beautifully said! A lot of people don't even realize that puberty blockers have horrid side effects and that if you go on puberty blockers you likely won't ever be able to get bottom surgery that works because for transwomen the penis won't grow large enough to be turned into an adequate vaginal canal. People seem to treat puberty blockers like it's something you can go on and then off with no side effects and that it doesn't have long-term effects on your body. It's ridiculous. The rhetoric that's being spread by mostly trans activists nowadays is just too asinine which is why there is more push back now. And I agree with you about the gender dysphoria thing. It used to be a prerequisite for being trans. But now you can just claim that you're trans and not change yourself at all, still look like the gender you were born as, but still claim that you're the other gender. It doesn't make any damn sense! A person that looks like a man with a full beard claiming they're a woman or vice versa. It used to be that if you were trans you actually had to transition from one to the other, which is why it's called trans! But when I try to say that to most trans activists I'm called a terf or a transmedicalist. These trans activists don't seem to understand that allies like myself are being pushed away from being an ally because we simply can't go along with a lot of this, it's getting too radical. It's a shame. & don't even get me started on the nonbinary & neo pronoun crap.🙄 We used to just call that androgyny & be done with it. People knew that they were one sex or the other but they just liked being androgynous. Then there's people who want to be called fairy, tree and Bunny pronouns. It is literally getting to the point of that Meme where it said that someone identifies as an attack helicopter. That used to be a joke, it wasn't supposed to be a prediction.
@GazuLaiteo Год назад
It was during middle school where I decided to chop my really long hair to a “boyish” cut. My mom would buy me feminine clothes but I’d save money so I could get clothes from the men’s section. I don’t feel comfortable about wearing female clothes because I don’t look pretty in them. I was always the girl who’s pushed to the side, bullied for being fat, and wearing male clothes is the one thing that brings me comfort. I perceived men to not put too much effort on beauty and aesthetic and I wanna feel that way, so I try to be like them by looking like them. But that was my coping mechanism from being insecure. If I were born in the tiktok generation, I probably mistook my insecurity for something else like gender dysphoria. I can see someone who is vulnerable, someone who thinks they don’t fit in the society would succumbed to the internet’s influence.
@ladyhexton3773 Год назад
100%. That’s what I try to explain to people but they refuse to get it. Not every child wearing girls/boys clothes wants to be trans! Most of the time it’s something like your story, or wanting different colors, or wanting to have more comfortable clothing. But this day and age parents are shoving identities onto their kids and further confusing them.
@sidcrook-hutsler9155 11 месяцев назад
THIS! if I had been born in this era...I'd be screwed At 7, I told everyone I wanted to be a boy. Mainly I just likes "boy" things. I used to hide my hair. I tried to act masculine in everything I did...all cause I just didn't wanna be a stuck in the world of "you're a girl so you should like this" I am now 33, and embrace both masc and fem sides. I'm a mother and I am so glad I never messed with my natural body. But now a days...the tomboy girl is disappearing and she is being told she is actually a transman. It's sad
@anyTHINGwerid 9 месяцев назад
Men's clothes are more comfortable. Deeper pockets in pants... Sleeves for better and aren't squeezing the biceps 💪... I am comfortable with who I am. Do t care about titles, never have. Been called a tomboy most my life though and called a lesbian from boys in my school...
@kittywithagun7742 7 месяцев назад
Wow I can relate 1000%. God I even thought I was trans because at the time the transtranders started to appear. I’m glad I overcame it
@SarcasticPixie 5 месяцев назад
Exactly. You don’t change your body to fit gender stereotypes. You FIGHT the gender stereotypes because men are allowed to be feminine and women are allowed to be masculine
@user-jq7ls4ms8e 7 месяцев назад
I currently weigh over 600lbs, (Working hard on losing 😊) and if I were to ever fly, I would have zero problem with paying for extra seats. In fact, I think it’s the right thing to do as a very large person.
@poogissploogis 2 месяца назад
Best of luck!! You can do this!! 💕
@taraverte7877 Месяц назад
Keep it up! You can do it and lose all that extra weight! 💪🏼🫶🏼
@Tigress583 Год назад
Puberty is an uncomfortable experience for EVERYONE. It is hard getting used to the changes that your body is going through and it takes time to get used to the changes your body is going through. Life is uncomfortable, not everything is sunshine and rainbows.
@thomasbarchen Год назад
Some folks want life to be all rainbows. Pick your colors.
@Tigress583 Год назад
@@thomasbarchen So true though. The sooner you except that life is hard the easier it is to deal with life.
@beckee6282 Год назад
Seriously. There’s not a single adult on earth who thinks “you know what would be fun? Going through puberty again!” It’s the worst part of childhood. Everyone feels uncomfortable and awkward during puberty, it fucking sucks
@Tigress583 Год назад
@@beckee6282 So true. I can understand why so many teenagers are relating to the trans label because they dislike the changes their bodies are going through. But if you give yourself time you will get used to puberty.
@Willowtree82 Год назад
Exactly and we are supposed to experience all human emotions not just happiness. There are days you'll feel good, sad, mad etc. Thus is normal but so many people are on SSRIS because they have been told by those old pharma commercial that is not normal to feel these emotions
@staciarupp522 Год назад
I was given the lupron shots over 12 years ago as a treatment for endometriosis and let me tell you. It forced me menopausal. I eventually had a hysterectomy but left one ovary.. The hot/cold flashes and my temperament holy shit. I couldn't stand myself or anyone else. I had to be put on prempro because my mental state was insane. I NEVER want to feel like that again. I can't imagine giving this to children.
@julietarossetti7426 Год назад
I completely agree with you & I empathise. I have endo too & also some 'women's problems' let's say, & last Summer I was given hormone treatment in the hope that it would help with some of my symptoms. It didn't. I gained 6 inches round my waist - nowhere else, just the stomach area - had spells where it looked like I was melting because of sudden hot flashes, my skin became red, blotchy & blemished & my mental/emotional health... I guess I don't need to tell you. I cannot imagine going through this at 12 or 13. Or ever again, in fact! I hope you're doing well now. Can I ask if the hysterectomy went well?
@staciarupp522 Год назад
@Juliet A Rossetti Yes, it was the best thing I ever did. I kept one ovary so I didn't hit menopause. Sex is still a bit painful at times, but everything else is great. I hope things work out for you too.
@julietarossetti7426 Год назад
@@staciarupp522 Thank you for saying that; it's something I'm currently considering. I'm really glad it helped you & thanks also for the good wishes, much appreciated!
@staciarupp522 Год назад
@Juliet A Rossetti I promise you won't regret it.
@_lirael Год назад
Fellow endo warrior here - my heart goes out to you!
@Cpt0bviouss Год назад
"Whenever I lose control of my weight, it's because I had some shit going down." Sister, preach!
@brittr1358 8 месяцев назад
17:50 Blaire, for me personally you are the only one who has turned me into a trans ally. I'm a very right wing person who used to hate all things trans. You've done more than those people ever could to change one mind. You made me realize what I hate are narcissists and awful people who fake medical conditions for attention. I have no problem excepting someone like you who who doesn't see their medical condition as a decoration or their entire personality. It hits me very personally when people do that with a medical conditions because I have seizures, ADHD, extreme social anxiety, depression, and OCD. But I don't let any of it define me. It is not a badge of honor to wear for attention. It isn't a excuse to be a failure at life. I have a career and a family. I've seen people with my same issues declare it was why they failed. They got angry when I gave advice for how to function. They wanted pity! I think all who lean into their issues as their entire personality, or fake issues, want a excuse to do less and get pity. The most fucked up one I can't stop thinking about is a woman in Michigan with OCD, ADHD, and PTSD. She recently declared they gave her memory block when she killed her child. You can see on her face it's a bullshit excuse, but it is horrifying crazy people who want to hurt others are trying to use real medical conditions as excuses. I wanted to point this out because it isn't just gender dysphoria. All people with medical and psychological disorders need to be gate keepers against dangerous and fake people!
@Woman_ofGod24 5 месяцев назад
I have ADHD, depression, and anxiety too. I know you're not a medical professional but could you give me advice on how to function 💀 I'm on meds and they help a little but meds only help so much.
@britt3795 4 месяца назад
​@@Woman_ofGod24idk about op but i use God. Hes helped me through many panic attacks. The biggest thing besides praying and studying His word is your thoughts when i was in recovery had to learn how to challenge my thoughts. It works with anxiety and depression not so sure about the adhd. 😅 but challenge ur thoughts distract urself when u feel anxious hands on stuff is best like dishes laundry gardening same for depression gotta force urself to get out in the sun and do stuff tell urself ur ok and focus on the good thats around u and that ur doing.
@user-mf7ll9oe4h 2 месяца назад
@@Woman_ofGod24I have adhd and anxiety! Music helps me a lot especially when I’m anxious. I know it’s different for everyone but for my adhd I try to set reminders and when I remember I have to do something that I’m probably gonna forget later I do it right away. I also try to write things down it helps me remember :). Personally I overthink a lot due to my anxiety + adhd (not sure if you also do) and when I do overthink I try to divert my attention to something else or just practice breathing exercises(book, show, music, etc). These are just some strategies that work for me but it’s different for everyone!
@babycrossing 29 дней назад
I have PTSD, and I would really appreciate if you could share some advice to me. I'm really struggling to hold down a job and I want to do and be better.
@maggsbufton1969 Год назад
As a person who has been SQUISHED by two enormous plus sized sweating passengers taking up three quarters of MY seat and then sweated all over me, I was NOT reimbursed for three quarters of my seat, nor was my dry cleaning bill covered for my suit, nor for the replacement of my suit.
@CBDhotdog Год назад
That sounds like a nightmare. I hope they felt embarrassed.
@wolfsmaid6815 Год назад
i just want to say that the clip of the woman squeezing through the aiisle was stolen. shes not even a fat activist. blaire didn´t do her homework there
@LokiTricksterG Год назад
I'm claustrophobic, and that is honestly a huge fear I have. I think I would hyperventilate or have a panic attack if I were in that situation.
@gingerdude Год назад
Sounds god awful. I could never stay quiet about that on the plane because of sensory issues. Hope you got your suit fixed
@heatherfeather1293 Год назад
OMG the mental imagine I got...
@Mossy_fox Год назад
I’m not transgender but I’m bisexual and I’m so glad there’s other LGBT people I can agree with who aren’t batshit crazy. I feel like the community has changed so much and i feel like it’s become more of a political party than a community. I don’t understand people making their sexuality/gender identity their whole personality and also turning it into a political thing. I hate seeing all of these accounts with “BLM” or pride flags as their picture with “be kind” in their bio. They almost always happen to be the exact opposite of the “kindness and acceptance” that they preach about. Most of them are incredibly rude and disrespectful. They almost never have their own personality and the moment you disagree with them, they attack you.
@absinthealice Год назад
Right there with you. ❤
@kell2229 Год назад
It's like dealing with a political cult
@Mossy_fox Год назад
@@kell2229 it really is!
@nadasabbagh6273 Год назад
I removed myself from that community after I got completely fed up with the fact that I was constantly walking on eggshells. These people take offence at the smallest thing. Childish and self absorbed.
@MJAYZ007 Год назад
I thought it was turning into a more of a race/religious cult status. No offense to you guys but that's how I thought.
@sundynightlive Год назад
My take on big people on a plane: let’s be realistic, Blaire. If a person that size becomes stuck in an aisle or exit during an emergency, a lot of other people are endangered. They are likely to get stuck in the tiny bathroom. You’re not wrong to notice the obvious dangers in a tin can at 50,000 ft she needs to take several seats, and pay for them
@tlapdf Год назад
As a previous flight attendant, this is all I could think about… this person could prevent a lot of lives from being saved in the event of an emergency 😩
@unicorn.pudding Год назад
I have been saying this same thing for a while also 👍
@stargazerkawaii Год назад
The gal in the plane is an adult content creator who played up her having trouble in the plane for content. The video was behind a pay wall and was stolen for this message. She doesn't believe that fat people need extra privileges on a plane.
@zeals936 Год назад
It’s a false spread of lies. The real girl in the video going down the airplane aisle is BoBerryVIP. She DOES NOT feel discriminated AT ALL. Her content was wrongfully stolen and someone captioned that. She’s such a sweet girl and now is being publicly bullied. It’s a shame Blair and her team did not research for authenticity. It’s spreading more misinformation. And
@NekoArts Год назад
I read something written by an obese woman a couple of years back where she was talking about the seatbelts on planes and extenders. She said that it was humiliating to have to ask for extenders (because the belts were too short so she'd need one or two extenders) so her solution was to simply not ask for any and fly without using the seatbelt (unless asked by the flight attendants). I have seen so many horror-recordings of extreme turbulence on airplanes and kept thinking about this person not being secured in their seat and end up bouncing around the airplane like a very heavy beach ball. I know I'm gonna sound like a B for saying this, but I honestly feel like these people don't belong on an airplane (not a commercial one with limited space anyway) in the first place. Not because they don't deserve to travel but because many of them would pose a serious safety risk for everyone else either by getting stuck, like you said, or by being flung around if they choose to dismiss safety over their own comfort like in my example. I'm a normal sized person, and airplanes these days feel tight even for me. I can't even imagine trying to squeeze myself down the isle with that much weight - even under normal circumstances, but especially during an emergency.
@soteed 11 месяцев назад
So, following her thinking; I'm short (5' 2"). It's hard for me to reach the top shelves in many stores. Sometimes I have to climb up onto a lower shelf to reach the top shelf. I am being discriminated against for being short. SO, I'm going to start a petition demanding that ALL stores lower their top shelves so that I can reach them. That's fair, right?
@camm5245 4 месяца назад
The funniest part is they can lose weight but you have no control over your height
@doid4354 3 месяца назад
It’s funny because as a short person, I have a higher risk of dying if I get in a car crash.. Because I need to sit closer to the wheel in order to reach the pedals and to see better. Technically airbags were NOT made with short people (the majority of women) in mind. And as much as this fact does suck for me, I can’t do anything to change myself to be safer. These people have the ability to change in order for a better life. I just have to hope my airbag doesn’t deploy and break my neck or ribs.. Life is just unfair for some people, but if you have the option to fix yourself to be better (which fat people CAN do) then you’re better off than people who have no choice.
@rayjay1543 Год назад
"You look hot in a bikini, Ma'am" "IT'S SIR!!!!!!!"
@Selynn. Год назад
Just a note here: the woman in the video you see walking down the aisle of the plane, complaining about wider aisles, was used to make that tiktok without her consent. Her videos were taken from behind a paywall and posted on a scammer account with captions that she doesn't even agree with. She came forward to clarify what's happened and she seems to be a genuinely nice woman with her head in reality who doesn't expect the social infrastructure to change because of her size.
@QueenPrism Год назад
That's so unfortunate. And now this is being spread around, and will probably never be verified and she will probably always be scrutinized for what someone else did to her.
@davemccage7918 Год назад
Yeah but her petition was not on accident, and I doubt that plane video was made w/o her consent. The pants she’s wearing, the first impossible attempt to squeeze through, and you can even see her make eye contact with the camera at one point. I don’t know of too many people that would be bold enough to very blatantly film for that long just for a quick lol. I’m calling BS.
@corackadile Год назад
@@davemccage7918 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Fpv3are7qjY.html&ab_channel=ObesetoBeast this video explains it and shows the actual person in the tiktok walking down the plane
@maxipaddvideos Год назад
@@davemccage7918She was videoing something for her only fans, and someone took that video and put a caption she didn’t ever claim to agree with.
@Hooperjz78 Год назад
Thats interesting to know and quite terrible for her. Thanks for providing the info. The internet can be a dick'ish place fr.
@sauceysinister7924 Год назад
I had to have a hysterectomy due to a medical problem in my 40's. It's awesome not to have my period anymore, but there are other side affects to the rest of your body from not having a uterus to hold other organs in place. It took me over two years to feel like my body was healed and recovered into my new normal. I can not imagine the recovery and the lifetime side effects from also having your ovaries and tubes removed as these young adults are doing. Weight gain becomes very easy and you are told you WILL gain weight at first. To do this to your body voluntarily is insanity. Period. (Heh, get it?)
@alexagallagher710 Год назад
Wow, I never thought about it affecting where the rest of your organs sit. Thanks for sharing 🖤
@ritageorge8748 Год назад
Wow you are dead on with the weight gain even 15-18lbs can change scripts&active is cut dwn
@cindyduncan7049 Год назад
When I had mine it busted open and my late husband had to pack it with gauze every day for at least a month. It was horrendous.
@LovelyLadyLissett Год назад
As a transgender woman and in my 40's, I don't understand this new generation! I like the word transtrenders as our community has been hijacked!
@SashaKingUK Год назад
true and real
@diamoradiaz4287 Год назад
@LovelyLadyLissett Год назад
@@diamoradiaz4287 Me? Transexsual is an outdated term for cross dresser. I transition my gender which is why I am a transgender woman.
@skylargrobe551 Год назад
I feel the same way, I feel so alone when all the "trans" people I meet are transtrenders, when I know that I'm an actual transsexual. I swear meeting actual trans people is so rare.
@tonytravels2494 Год назад
Theyve been destroyed as a generation. No morals, selfish, lazy and indolent...
@peggiejohnson2022 5 месяцев назад
When I was over 300lbs, I bought a first class seat because they're bigger and don't have a narrow shared armrest. Now that I'm healthy, I fly coach with room to spare. It's wonderful. She would feel so much better if she just gets help and gets healthier.
@caledonianamerican41 2 месяца назад
Amen, great job on becoming healthier
@gregroberts2424 Год назад
Sad to hear Blaire's going through deep depression and that it is occurring at the time that most trans people hit it (7 to 10 years post transition). Hope she can come through it healthy and happy.
@beckysuperswag Год назад
probably because she spreads negativity
@nikemaraje5 Год назад
​@@beckysuperswag where
@alexcanning5383 Год назад
@@beckysuperswag well people need to get a grip so sometimes it needs to be done
@talyahr3302 Год назад
At least we know she would never off herself because that would let her enemies win. She a fighter for sure.
@nocomment5398 Год назад
​@@beckysuperswagnot being blind and stupid like you seem to be is not ''spreading negativity''...
@nodstradamus Год назад
"you're not marginalized, you're busting out of the margins" one of the best Blaire White quotes ever LMAO!! 😂
@asherz5217 Год назад
I agree 😂
@asleepbydawn137 Год назад
"You've been conned into making cringe marketing videos for big pharma. And you're doing it for free." I'm standing up right now. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
@kaygee2121 Год назад
@llkoolbean4935 Год назад
Marsh needs to be investigated by the FBI
@llkoolbean4935 Год назад
Perfectly said
@user-ic4re8oh9c Год назад
I need this as a bumper sticker
@kiarawentzell1546 11 месяцев назад
Not to mention the complete bs lies they tell about it, you absolutely will not go through a "normal" puberty when you stop taking beta blockers.
@whitneychurchill8282 5 месяцев назад
March 6th 2020 my son had his second brain surgery that removed the rest of a golf ball sized invasive tumor. This was after chemo and radiation failed to even touch it. Five days after that surgery the pandemic was declared and that life saving surgery was considered elective. He almost didn’t have this surgery because of all that. He now has partial paralysis on his right side and will be disabled forever, but he is here. To hear anyone talk about being nostalgic for this time that was so awful for so many is fn sickening.
@crystalynnbearr Год назад
I’m overweight right now too, depression. My brother passed away two years ago, I fell into a black hole and I don’t have any clue as to how imma claw my way out of it. You’re absolutely correct, Blaire. But it’s on me to change, not others around me.
@prolifegenzgal Год назад
You are loved and I am sending positive vibes and prayers your way. I also lost my brother at a tragically young age and I've finally gotten to the other side of the darkness it brought to me. I promise you that it WILL get better.
@therandomname69420 Год назад
I know this sounds like general advice, but please just keep going. I just lost my grandma and I am really heartbroken, the pain will be numbed, but it'll never go away. Just talk to friends and family, go on walks, take showers, eat healthily and see a psychologist if you feel. -Lots of love from an internet stranger❤
@babe7138 11 месяцев назад
Sometimes it helps having a friend just support you on your journey. You could try some Zumba classes to get started. try sitting in nature more. I know it all sounds cliche but honestly it helps. It breaks the routine and spiral of depression by allowing your body to experience other feelings and seeing other sides to life. I wish u nothing but the best on your journey to happiness and I’m sorry for your loss 🩵
@bluesakura2092 11 месяцев назад
Depression makes you lose track of time. Depression makes you waste your life. Depression harms your life. It’s like an addiction, and it actually scientifically has been proven that people can get addicted to depressed state of mind because their brains get addicted to the chemicals and hormones released. Think of it as an illness or addiction that has taken over your life so much that you’re not even in control anymore. And try to remember how you were when you were a child… If you imagine how you were and felt as a child, and had to go back and tell the child that now you’re depressed and have lost will to do anything for yourself, the child version of yourself would cry and feel so much sadness. This will help you realize that Depression doesn’t go away unless you make it go away. If you do nothing to take the depression away, it won’t leave. It’s like a mental and emotional parasite. So stop letting yourself be sucked dry by this parasite. You need to remove it and never let it have power over you again. The only thing that defeats Depression is your own will. Your will to beat it and your will to survive. You can do it. I have been extremely depressed for so long, and it destroys your life and convinces you it doesn’t matter, but the more it takes your life away, the more depressed you become because you realized that you are ruining everything in your life by letting yourself be depressed. I’ve been raped throughout my life and been physically abused and been arrested and I’ve been kidnapped before, So I completely understand Depression and I view it as a battle. You either win or you lose. You need to choose to win, even if you feel like you have no will left, you always have will left even if you can’t feel it. You have to dig deep to find it and do a lot of work to wake it up again. But you can. You always can and always will be able to win over the battle of Depression, but only when you choose to, and start to get angry at your own Depression, start to hate your Depression and talk bad about it, because it’s a parasite. Don’t let yourself go to waste when your child self probably dreamed of being happy as an adult one day. Don’t do this to yourself.
@victoriaWitch8290 10 месяцев назад
I've lost half my body weight; it hasn't taken away my depression but has improved my life. Actually it's saved my life. Sending ❤ to you.
@Marloez82 Год назад
If you can pay for the food, you can pay for the extra seat 😂 Please sis
@richardsaintjohn8391 Год назад
She can't fit in the restroom door. And would demolish the toilet 🚽
@HouseOfWanda Год назад
​​@@richardsaintjohn8391 STAWWWP 🤣🤣🤣
@GoldCamero Год назад
I literally thought this the second I saw sis
@mandymusshafen2092 Год назад
I'm surprised she isn't asking them to include extra peanuts in the deal too 🤦‍♀️
@kendradawn777 Год назад
Imagine when I was in active addiction demanding free medical care cause I got myself hooked on heroin 😂🤣😂 it's no different!
@Whispn Год назад
omg! When you mentioned 'ableism' while discussing transtrenders, I about lost it because I thought I understood your perspective before, but it clicked in my mind and I absolutely do now! I am disabled and holy shit, I cannot stand the activists that talk about "this or that is ableist" when its not and its just setting our progress/accessibility back! Reminds me of when they tried to make "differently abled" a thing. I hated it. It takes away the point of needed accommodations and things like that. It's totally comparable to the transtrenders destroying the image of real trans people
@heatherchansler5886 Год назад
I find it so strange that they want to get away from the word disabled. A disability doesn't make anyone less human or worthy of dignity, it's a simple restatement of fact about their circumstances. And as you said, it may require some very real accommodations for them to get around in the world. Someone in a wheel chair isn't less than me, but let's not pretend that they can climb a flight of stairs like I can. That's not helpful!
@NotAnotherKuromi Год назад
​@@heatherchansler5886 I honestly think that the majority of people who push for not using the word disabled are ableist. They see disabled people as lesser, so like to pretend it doenst exsit, or use distancing language to be able to respect disabled people. It's the same for those who push people to say they are a person with autism, rather than they are autistic. Their explination that they are a person first, suggests that if they hear autistic they don't see their humanity. They are telling on themsleves.
@ravenID429 Год назад
@@NotAnotherKuromi The autism thing - they’ve reversed it now lol, you can never win
@Truth911- 11 месяцев назад
Can not believe someone would actually say “I have lockdown nostalgia” wtf is wrong with these people? No…. Just NO! NEVER AGAIN! 😡🤯
@drek9k2 7 месяцев назад
We're introverts. Introverted people absolutely thrived in the pandemic. Only dealing with people sucked. Not having to actually deal with people was lovely, I do not go to bars or go clubbing and so therefore I only had to suffer angry, loud, entitled pillsbury dough people yelling at me in angry cheeseburger about masks.
@Truth911- 7 месяцев назад
@@drek9k2 I’m an introvert. I don’t go clubbing, I’m not a bar fly, and won’t catch me in a mall unless I have absolutely no choice. I actually don’t really care for most people. I would rather spend my time on a long walk with my dog. Who deserves my attention more than most IMO. However if I want to go somewhere then I am free to do so. I don’t want anyone telling me where I can or can’t go. If I want to stay home then it is by my choice to do so. No more BS lockdown order telling me I have to.
@pinot911 5 месяцев назад
Nostalgia is a coping mechanism for trauma,it is completely normal to feel it for lockdown
@petagriftin 5 месяцев назад
They miss that stimulus check probably 😅😂
@Mallory0410 Год назад
I’m sorry but could her being on the plane be considered dangerous? I mean imagine having to evacuate and you’re behind her? No hate at ALL
@robinpesek3657 Год назад
Don’t be sorry, it is true.
@jelenadrnas3253 Год назад
My thoughts exactly!! Also youre in a plane, in the fcking air, why do you think so many safety precautions and rules have to be applied, like the total weight of baggage and all. Imagine a plane full of people like that woman, idk you could fit like 20 in the plane. Its almost amazing how dumb the fatfluencers are with this plane thing...
@psychegoddessoflight9358 Год назад
The Muh Science crowd apparently aren’t down with _physics._ Or nutritional science.
@cheesemccurdles578 Год назад
I never even thought about it that way but damn if I have to get off a plane and die cuz she can’t move 😮
@ConservativeLefty Год назад
For that same reason, no one with a physical disability should be able to fly. What if you got stuck behind someone with one leg?
@alejandrovallencci Год назад
Honestly the most surprising thing in this episode is finding out that “Busted, Crusted, Disgusted” isn’t already on a Blaire merch shirt
@malakscandar1943 Год назад
I would totally buy it 😭
@finsterbaby1996 Год назад
​@Malak Scandar Count me in!
@AQcg5 Год назад
I live in Canada so obviously most “trans” people here are hyper woke lmfao. I’m in college and went stealth bc I couldn’t take it being associated with them, people would immediately think of me in a different way. I want to be known for my personality and intelligence not hOw I iDenTiFy. Jfc
@killager6767 Год назад
I feel you, but canada must be on another level than where I’m from
@linda11adellio Год назад
Yes I totally agree...the pretenders have taken over...
@bratisaoty Год назад
I dont want to go live to canada no more
@AQcg5 Год назад
@@bratisaoty I’d say some places are good just not the big towns anymore. Montreal, Toronto, best to just visit not live. I have family from Newfoundland, it’s more country-style. Theres LGBT for sure but no woke.
@tianming4964 Год назад
Depends where you live for sure. Downtown Toronto is full of LGBT messaging, but I live literally only half an hour away in the suburbs and never see any Pride flags. Travel another half hour to a smaller town where my relatives live and half the houses have Pride flags. It's really dependent on the culture of the neighborhood or region you're in
@gillianlord2442 5 месяцев назад
My initial rection to the woman walking down the aisles, was what happens during an emergency exit? This would slow down exiting the plane and could be quite dangerous.
@DanielleStarry Год назад
I feel for Shapeshifter. It’s absolutely wild that insurance helped pay for his breast implants, but won’t help pay for taking the implants out. Even if it were covered, I don’t blame him for not wanting to put his body through any more surgery, pain, and complication risks than he’s already suffered
@JF-gy7tt Год назад
@@neko7606 that is such bull poop
@SombreroPharoah Год назад
As a man with low Testosterone and health issues related. A trans person will get T supplemented, because. Us with health issues, nope. Troop through it boyo.
@dwightdodd3734 Год назад
insurance shouldnt have paid for them in the 1st place.......
@BenishaMcFerrin Год назад
@@SombreroPharoah my moms ex has low testosterone, and his doctor gave him testosterone gel..and his insurance covered. Ask your doctor about the testerone gel.
@anarcho-nazgul1325 Год назад
"you're not marginalized you're bustin out of the margins" this one got me
@Olivia-bl8ez Год назад
I used to be anorexic and Eugenia is 100% "body checking" with the internet and getting validation from people calling her too skinny. I used to just think it was really sad, and I still do. But I also think Eugenia is purposefully spreading her disorder and building a community around it because she doesn't see anything wrong with it. A lot like these obese influencers interestingly.
@nah7656 Год назад
Agreed. Also, the fact that the YT algorithm would promote her videos to me when I don't watch her content or any content like that is concerning. it's so sad that she has the platform she does. She will die from this disorder regardless of if she gets help and gets healthy.
@priscillaspets Год назад
just like i say with the fat people who can barley walk- you can’t help people who don’t want to be helped and this is her battle to fight, the empathy and concern i had for her has disappeared. I used to be underweight and struggle with eating and the only reason i got out of it was because i wanted to change, even though i saw myself as fat when i was grossly underweight, i decided to actually get help because i knew i needed it
@vibrantchill7212 Год назад
Its funny, I have very little problem with her aside from I just hope she gets help. Who triggers my ED antics?? The models who do GRWMs in their underwear. THAT, to me, is waaaay more harmful because they still look like a normal, skinny person, not a skeleton with skin
@avablue6062 Год назад
Yeah they’re a lot of denial and mental illness happening with both sides of the movement. They need to get healthy and not preach about their illness being great. No matter what she says she cannot think it’s fun to walk on a plane that way and not be able to fit in the bathroom… I mean she could barely get on the plane
@NekoArts Год назад
I admit that I'm not very familiar with her other than watching a couple of videos about her a while back, but from what I understand, she is surrounded by people who not only enable but encourage her disorder. I think there was one of her friends who tried to intervene and actually help and the result was that all hell broke lose and she got ostracized and talked shit about. I think Eugenia would have a very hard time getting out of it even if she wanted to because there are so many around her that are banking off her disorder in one way or another. And that's not even mentioning all the validation she gets online. I frankly feel sorry for her.
@Desimcd Год назад
57:37 I’m a cis woman and I’m bisexual I’ve always felt like an alien. I never felt like I belonged in any group. We can be aliens 👽 together ❤
@timbarry5080 Год назад
It makes me sad to hear that you've been depressed.. please take it easy on yourself. We love you
@c3meterygirl Год назад
I’d be depressed too if I felt so disgusted with my self to the point of mutilation
@davemccage7918 Год назад
Everyone is depressed ever since Biden fuked the country. Hard to be happy when a quick trip to Walmart for soap, socks ect. cost $85 and another $25 in gas to get there. Not to mention that everyone is paying $1800/month for a 1 bedroom apartment in tweaker infested neighborhoods.
@Ashley-WatchmanStudios2.0 Год назад
@@c3meterygirl Blair didn't mutilate his genitals though.
@c3meterygirl Год назад
@@novadeeen you’re asking the wrong person that question 😭
@c3meterygirl Год назад
@@Ashley-WatchmanStudios2.0 doesn’t have to. She still mutilated herself enough
@sazza84sara Год назад
"i tuck my balls inside my body and put my crocs on like everybody watching" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 thats the funniest thing ive heard in years!! God i love Blaire, so funny and smart xx
@Madmarsha Год назад
I know. Like I don't have balls or wear Crocs but I really want this to be my new catchphrase.
@aloo333 Год назад
For real 🤣 my drink came out my nose. A+++
@unanuevapecula Год назад
@@Madmarsha Me too... I don't want to offend anyone but I would have to use it someday.
@roseanngood2834 Год назад
I was actually having the same trans trend conversation with somebody the other day. Most people never really had an issue with it until it became a trend and is now the cool thing to do. It lessens the seriousness of the suffering and struggles that a transitioning person goes through.I'm sure the people who do genuinely deal with gender dysphoria, wish they could turn it off like all these people who are giving into a trend.
@yol_n Год назад
Yes! It's so wicked they take pride in this. Nobody saying you can't be trans but why are you "selling it" to the masses? The procedure is painful and horrible!
@kaygee2121 Год назад
100% It's the new counter-culture. I believe it kind of started when young folks would put their mental disorders in their social media bios as if that made them cooler somehow. Now they just have to push it to further and further extremes. I'm different and that's better than you, normie. I get it.... I was goth/punk when I was a teenager, but guess what? THAT wasn't a delusion, and didn't screw anyone up for life..
@sharkisland5931 Год назад
It's for sure a very difficult life. If every human had to go thru it for even a year the suicide rates of the transsexual population would be reflected onto the whole world. So it's an insult everytime someone uses it as some sort of aesthetic.
@amandasmith9869 Год назад
@@yol_n bill
@kristianlavarine2486 11 месяцев назад
As a person who came out 3 years ago that has finally gotten on T and such it’s really disheartening when my own family sees this in the news and such and now claim I’m only doing this because “it’s what’s popular.” Like it has come to devalue so many people at this point because others think it’s okay. Like no. You are not trans if you don’t do anything. You cannot claim to be a male while flaunting your breast and wearing bikinis. That’s not how this works.
@chibifrenchfry3056 Год назад
I’m glad to hear from Shape because I have a friend who identifies as genderfluid. Born male and is very feminine. He cross plays (cosplays female characters) and has interests in skirts and dresses. For a long time I thought he was trans but I think he is just a feminine male. I want to support him and let him be himself. Thank you both for sharing your stories ❤
@marriedmagadalene Год назад
Blaire you’re so real about the obesity thing. I’m so tired of the discourse and the idea obesity is oppression and not about life choices. I say this as an ex leftist who now struggles with her weight (already working with a nutritionist and personal trainer now!) because of their toxic rhetoric. It is ruining countless lives
@jelenadrnas3253 Год назад
Best of luck to you, its great youre working on your health!! Amazing!
@saskia9720 Год назад
I managed to lose a lot of weight after I stopped making excuses and listening to fat-positivity discourse. I think it's dangerous for overweight people to be told that the world should be more accepting of them, because that just gives them another excuse not to change, which will eventually hurt them in the long run. Similarly, if certain privileges exist for overweight people (getting free seats on planes, getting to use a mobility scooter and scoot to the front of the queues at Disney world etc) then there's yet another excuse not to take responsibility for your choices and choose to live a healthier life. It's a hard choice to begin with, society shouldn't make up new rules to make that choice even harder. Congrats on getting out of that toxic echo chamber, and good luck with your weight loss journey. It feels so good to take control of your own health and become the best version of yourself.
@h3llo.k1tty69 Год назад
Well done !! keep that great mentality up and you'll get there, determination and confidence is key.
@chickenduckwomanthing Год назад
im relatively chunky, and I dont expect airlines to change their seats. it's my job the change my body to be safe and healthy.
@mariahconklin4150 Год назад
Yeah it would be like supporting someone who is super skinny. That's how my employer was and my co workers mother was so worried about me. That's the opposite of what you're going through of course but it's still not healthy to me for me. Good luck on your weight loss journey I wouldn't be to hard on yourself we all have something we are dealing with. I wish I could change my ugly legs. haha.
It was so weird when I met this chick off Tinder who was feminine as hell. A big ol afro, wide hips, thick thighs and a phat ass, face full of makeup, long acrylic nails etc but *demanded* that I refer to her as "he". She was cool af as a person but I could not see myself introducing her to my friends like "this is my boyfriend Keyshia. Ignore the big fake eyelashes and the hourglass figure, he uses he/him pronouns😁"
@beewest5704 Год назад
@skeelatheskink8724 Год назад
A person that delusional is bound to have more delusions. If we can’t even “agree” on objective reality anymore what was the point of constructing language in the first place? It’s wild but insane how these people operate.
@velvetvulpix Год назад
Yeah I agree it’s just silly
@Charming_Celestial Год назад
Yikes, I hope you got out of there fast 💀
@kaygee2121 Год назад
@@skeelatheskink8724 THIS
@danielescobar7618 Год назад
Ive been on a plane where i had to remind a woman that she has paid for 0% of my seat and is not entitled to have the armrest up to take up any of my space. She called a stewardess over to have me removed, since she was charged for two seats, but unfortunately she made it apparent that she was unable to help in an emergency and we were infact in an exit row. What pissed me off most, though, is that she was not alone and specifically didnt get her seat next to her travel partner full knowing that they both were counting on pressuring strangers to account for their extra space needs.
@ExaltedDuck Год назад
I have my doubts about the veracity of your anecdote. Every "customer of size" policy I've heard of bars recipients from exit row seating. And since exit rows typically have the metal-sided seats with fixed armrests, it's almost always a moot point. Those are 17" wide and most people over about 20" wide can't physically squeeze into them. But even if the row has the swing-up arms, invoking COS is considered to indicate compromised mobility which is a disqualifier for exit row duties.
@vodkarocket1 Год назад
“Theyre on the stampede”…😂
@danielescobar7618 Год назад
@@ExaltedDuck I may be remembering it wrong, where the only available seats were in the exit row and she had to end up complaining her way off the flight... It was a long ago, I don't mind your scrutiny, but I am positive that her complaint to have me removed from the seat next to her wound up in her being removed from the plane all together, rather than just accepting that she will have to be uncomfortable with the arm rest down to keep her from scootching over into my seat.
@FakeVenatus Год назад
Hate that so much. They always complain about seating but they never sit next to their big partners or families or sit with other fat people. They know they take up more space
@stevepalpatine2828 Год назад
Fatties that bad should have to travel in the cargo hold.
@debtesch711 Год назад
I'm a fat woman and everything you said was accurate! There shouldn't be acceptance of obesity...no matter how hard it can be to get out of it! God bless you, Blair! I really enjoy your videos!
@curiositeatv Год назад
Not “the fatties are at it again” 😂😂😂 But seriously, one of my closest friends was morbidly obese and we had a few fallings out over the years because she insisted she was healthy, refused to change her habits, and would get angry at anyone (including all of her family) trying to help her see that her lifestyle was dangerous. Guess what? She DIED last year due to issues with her weight. She’s dead. And I’m so hurt and angry because we’re living in a world where this level of unhealthy living is being normalized and even celebrated. It’s ridiculous and dangerous, smh.
@DianaMayeDesigns Год назад
I'm so sorry for your loss.
@curiositeatv Год назад
@@DianaMayeDesigns thank you, I really appreciate that 🙏🏾
@drayner2517 Год назад
So sorry for you and more sorry for your friend that was enabled. It is a tragedy that we are discouraged from telling it like it is.
@anapontopina86 Год назад
I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. You did what you could for her, you tried even risking these fallouts with her. The current media and online environment is toxic.
@katiepg6168 Год назад
My bff since childhood became obese in high school & morbidly obese as an adult. I used to be a little chunky but lost all the weight in my 20s. She stopped being my friend. She would start fights with me over the smallest things & then it would turn into her making fun of me being a “skinny bitch”. We haven’t spoken since 2015 when she was the maid of honor at my wedding. It makes me so sad that she was so jealous of my weight that she would rather just not be friends. We have been bff since we were 6&7 years old. It breaks my heart to this day. If she had just lost the weight and started living a healthy lifestyle she would have loved herself. Instead she hated herself & let her self hatred & jealousy destroy a 20 year friendship. Sickening what people do to stay unhealthy.
@vg7735 Год назад
I'm not trans but I thought with dysphoria the person would not want to be taking revealing photos highlighting body parts they are dysphoric about or dress in a stereotypical way of the gender they don't feel they are? This won't help with calling your by the pronouns you want.
@lovelymill Год назад
i bet they are the ones who says that you can be trans without feeling dysphoric. totally nonsence, i know
@DekkarJr Год назад
@@lovelymill This is an awful situation the psychology industry has allowed to happen. It's the same thing as if we all had to abide by the hallucinations and delusions of schizophrenics for no reason. This must stop. Now!
@julietarossetti7426 Год назад
I think your comment is absolutely spot on. I have feelings of dysphoria because of a medical condition & struggled with an eating disorder in my teens & early twenties; the LAST thing on *earth* I want to do is take & publish photographs of myself. *I* don't want to see the things I hate about myself so therey's NO WAY I'd want other people seing them. People will say it's empowering & whatever else but, in my view, it's extreme attention seeking behavior, not transgenderism.
@tibo6749 Год назад
​@@lovelymillyou can You don't have to hate yourself to be trans, it can be something like "I'd be happier as this other gender".
@ILoveMenWayTooMuch Год назад
​@@tibo6749 -and then regret it
@fatguyinatesla5780 Год назад
How someone can’t like Blaire is beyond me. She’s so spot on.
@MalfunctioningAndroid Год назад
Some people hate water, some hate pork. People are weird.
@TheCentristChad Год назад
She doesn't conform to their Woke religion. Thats their problem with her.
@cartethhhh Год назад
​@@TheCentristChad centrist = ?, Basis of variable {?}: unreasonable distain and contempt for wokeness {practical | Def: believing in adequate representation, normalization and progression of human rights} "I'm centrist" everybody else:🙄😒😔
@RimaTouya180 Год назад
i think its because she speaks the truth and the truth hurts, nor does she beat around the bush and calls bullshit to its face.
@Enki1013 Год назад
It's possible she has also angered some of the "entitled males" of the world when she makes comments such as "women do not owe you anything." While she was addressing a trans person in the video I saw, I can see where it would rub some entitled guys the wrong way. She is also good at calling out the malarkey, the real medical condition of gender dysphoria verses transtrenders who appropriated it into identity politics. That latter one are the ones who gave mediocre male athletes, child groomers and child predators, and bald faced creeps access into women's spaces just for saying "I identify as female" without having to even try to at least shave their five o'clock shadows. A part of me wants to say "Battle on Tootsie" from that movie but that character was simply a man in disguise and that is different from gender dysphoria.
@jessie.jay03 7 месяцев назад
Jeffrey marsh makes me feel queasy. I just look at him and I feel like I've been violated.
@damarisfern. Год назад
I never really understand that whole “I’m not a female I’m male” but show off their breasts and body which is clearly a female body but claim to be a man😵‍💫 My ex best friend is one of those. They say they’re male and how they’re so uncomfortable in their female body but will show it off and don’t even try to present themselves as male🤦🏻‍♀️
@PhattyBolger Год назад
It's the same thing with "pregnant men". Genuine trans people experience gender dysphoria when their body don't look the way it should, yet certain "trans men" are perfectly okay with their bodies doing the most female thing possible.
@Charming_Celestial Год назад
These people are not real trans people, but trans appropriators just wanting a new label to give themselves attention while doing nothing to change themselves.
@Ilovegrunge123 Год назад
Or transwomen wanting to show their genetils in spas or locker rooms etc. Not sure about anyone else but when I'm in a place where I need to change like a changing room in a pool place I try my best to do that privately even putting a towel over me.
@lutherbellerose9321 Год назад
I already disowned the term transgender for myself months ago and told those who do know my biological sex (because otherwise I am stealth) that I preferred the transexual. And it was after watching one of the video's of you with Buck. I think this definitely needs to be a new thing. We cannot keep the trans trenders out of our side of the rainbow, so let's just walk out and take a new space for ourselves where we can breathe again
@mikametcalf3783 Год назад
Love this. I felt the same way about every sane group that's been taken over by extremists and frauds. No one should have to abandon spaces that belonged to them, but if we can't keep people out through reason and law, we may need to move on and create our own spaces. I think people need to stop trying to change other people and change everything with law and regulation. Stop relying on the government and do it for ourselves. Create our own spaces or like-minded groups and schools. Protect ourselves and our own.
@tula1433 Год назад
Transsexuals are binary and believe in TWO genders. Not non binary not nothing.
@sharkisland5931 Год назад
I feel the same way. Either imma use transsexual & point out the difference to those in my circles unless there's a new word coined for transsexual females who are attracted to males because like Blaire said something else I've noticed the transsexuals who are straight/date men are never the problem. You'll never see a headline of a straight transsexual raping someone, causing trouble or demanding unreasonability such as resembling a man going into womens spaces. This is all coming from other groups but it's lodged onto transsexual women.
@tula1433 Год назад
@@sharkisland5931 absolutely I am a transsexual and I pass fully and have a boyfriend. I have zero issues in society and never face transphobia because I earned it. Way too many heterosexual men who would of just been crossdressers thinking and being told online that they are trans because they get turned on by women’s panties! Lol! 🤦🏻‍♀️
@DarkAngel2512 Год назад
The term transgender never existed to me growing up. The term was transexual and if you were a biological male we called you a transexual man. It wasnt until 2015 and preferred pronouns becane a thing that I recall the switch happen. They then also began calling kids who were tomboys or effeminate boys "trans" when trans should only apply to someone who surgically transitions. Theyve also took other language such as "woman" and "they" and redefined them. Theyve even claimed there is no such thing as biological sex. TRAs and trans-trenders have made life for transexuals so much harder. We need to take back our language.
@VikParisss Год назад
14:51 as a recovering alcoholic, the “my problems are the worlds fault” mentality kept me from getting help for way to long. The trauma you have that may have led you to doing self-destructive behavior is not your fault. But it is your responsibility to heal and grow from them. Nobody else can do that for you. You have to put in the work if you want the life that you want. I just can’t imagine that this is the life that anybody wants, but it is hard work to get to a place where you are ready to change for the better and take full accountability and responsibility for your actions and how you handle life. I realize that an alcohol addiction and a food addiction are different, but they are treated very similarly in recovery. I only speak from my experience and the experience of those around me.
@erinjenkins4738 Год назад
Absolutely agree ❤recovering addict myself
@CoffeeTeaReader Год назад
I was thinking the same thing haha
@kaygee2121 Год назад
This. Exactly this. It's a cop-out, and a plea for attention (or help), whether they realize it or not. I wish you the best with your recovery. I went down the alcoholism path when covid started. I was dealing with a lot of trauma in my life at the time though. Everyday is a struggle for so many reasons, but we are the only ones capable of changing that.
@VikParisss Год назад
@@kaygee2121 I wish you well in your recovery as well! Good luck! Life is worth the fight!
@VikParisss Год назад
@@erinjenkins4738 keep fighting for it! Work it because you are worth it.
@gooeyglitterygirlygutzz Год назад
8:38 Imagine if people organized and came together like this over like, missing kids or domestic and international threats, or people starving to death, or the foster care system. Or literally anything else. 💀
@drek9k2 7 месяцев назад
The funniest thing about self involved people like this is they are so utterly shameless and unbelievably oblivious, that they do not see the comedic value of what they just did, expect to honest to God be taken seriously for doing it, and like they literally do not realize the complete lack of any dignity or shame involved in actually posting a thing like that--then trying to make yourself out to be a marginalized victim. It'd be like if I posted photos of myself, passed out and drunk, covered in my own piss and vomit, to complain about the fact the hotel staff didn't clean me up put me in a bath and wash me arse. Like imagine if I did a thing like that, and loudly complained how the hotel is discriminatory for calling the police on me, because they're clearly wino-phobic.
@noah1502 Год назад
these women with the he/him pronouns in the profile are just women who are trying to run away from sexualization, being disrespected, seen as stupid or inferior etc. except they also enjoy the sexualization because its a whole complex thing. i mean, the entire thing is complex, which is why theyre so susceptible to gender ideology.
@noah1502 Год назад
like its very clear they are flaunting theyre beauty. its funny becuase i felt similarly when i was identifying as a trans man, i still wanted to be a pretty woman because it benefitted me and because i wanted to be seen as attractive. they can still have gender dysphoria but its all self induced.
@avablue6062 Год назад
I actually totally get where you’re trying to go with this 😂 I think that’s true for a large amount of that population.
@meatavoreNana Год назад
Attention seeking bimbos😂
@l.7584 Год назад
This is what happens when feminism brainwashes young women into thinking they are oppressed and being traditionally feminine is being a pick me.
@kadebebesis4204 Год назад
Weird how they’re running away from being sexualized while actively sexualizing themselves. “Serving cunt today.”
@blueredlover1060 Год назад
I get the TransTrend thing. All I want in law is for children to not be allowed to transistion, and instead be required to go through extensive therapy, so that if they want to transistion at the age of 18, they're fully prepared for that life. I got screeched at online for holding such a basic, simple set of guidelines to follow that it shocked me.
@ah5721 Год назад
same ! I've been called all kinds of derogatory terms for it .its pure insanity !
@atk_1 11 месяцев назад
Should be 21- drinking Age and the age when the brain has fully developed. By then hopefully people have had a chance to mature
@blueredlover1060 11 месяцев назад
@@atk_1 by technicality, the frontal lobe isn't generally finished developing until the mid 20s. However, if you're old enough to sign the papers to go off to war, you're old enough for this. It's the same reason that I thought that the cigarette age up was pointless, and honestly think that the alcohol she should be lowered. If you're old enough for war and voting, you're old enough to drink and smoke.
@riley1774 5 месяцев назад
@@blueredlover1060no, the age requirement for the military should be raised.
@phangirlable Год назад
The heavy girl is clearly someone who is highly motivated and organized and she communicates well. She could put those qualities and energy into losing weight and vlogging about it and she would improve her own life and help others improve theirs so much. It's really sad.
@teacat55 Год назад
(That’s what came to my mind as well. She could do anything except what she chose to say in that ‘rally ‘round me’ video.)
@peps1943 Год назад
That's a great observation omg
@phangirlable Год назад
@@peps1943 She's likable too imo.
@DarthPerkins Год назад
She is very organised; that backpack is full of sandwiches in case she gets peckish in between the door and her seat.
@TheLolilaure Год назад
I think puberty is in itself a transition and children shouldnt be allowed to do a double transition. Its really disturbing that the medical board dont even aknowledge that
@ididntaskyouropinion Месяц назад
It is a transition. From childhood to adulthood. From girl to woman. From boy to man.
@wonderingpariah8049 Год назад
The comments section of every video by Blair hurt to read. So many people lied to and hurt by those supposed to help them kinda makes me want to cry. I'm a life long loner but I still feel for others. I hope nothing but the best for you all. Stay strong
@teeleetreasures5570 Год назад
Couldn't they just put a 3rd bathroom for trans women? Outlawing the women's room for them could be dangerous. Many trans women go undetected anyway. They look and act as women. The problem didn't arise until trans women began looking like bearded construction workers with makeup. They put minimal effort in their appearance.
@bisibody1283 Год назад
Absolutely right. I wouldn’t know if a trans woman went into the bathroom with me years ago. Now I will because most of the trans women I see are bearded,deep voiced, obese, angry men.
@yourdarkestfears1134 Год назад
Exactly Yes they can They already have 3 bathrooms at most of the public places here. Like the mall etc Men's women's and family bigger restroom and tiny toilet for kids.
@umwha Год назад
Another toilet isn’t a realistic solution. Plumbing, toilet and sink, interior tiling , the construction will be a lot of money. Businesses and public venues may not want to shell out for another bathroom for less than 0.5% of people. Then that room needs to be lit and heated and cleaned so it actively drains money all the time.
@umwha Год назад
I also dispute the idea that men’s rooms are unsafe for trans women. I’ve heard multiple cases of trans women creeping on women in women’s spaces. I have never heard of a case of a tranwomen actually being creeped on, raped or even assaulted in men’s rooms. Where are the news stories of that happening? I think it won’t happen because of a man sees someone who passes as a woman, he isn’t going to care she’s in the bathroom with him.
@whatadollslife Год назад
the new radical trans don't want to use a 3rd bathroom ,they WANT to make a disturbance .... I imagine trans people have quietly used the ladies room as a person who "passes" and nobody noticed or cared for years .........but the fetish squad has to be over the top
@AFringedGentian Год назад
I love you and care about you, Blaire, so thankful for your voice in these awful times! I’m so worried to hear that you have been in a dark place. Please know how loved you are.
@michellekelshaw7738 4 месяца назад
As someone who has been diagnosed with Hashimotos (a thyroid condition) that caused me to gain weight beyond my control I fully support Blairs remark that it's not the world's problem and that I'm void of accountability for my size . There are many treatments that have helped me lose some weight and regain some of my thyroid stability but if I chose to deny those treatments and let myself get to a point where I am now inconveniencing others as well as compromising the safety of all the people traveling and myself then that's clearly a me problem
@ricardoquintana2630 Год назад
Baby girl you’re not marginalized, you’re busting out of the margin 😂😂😂😂😂 omg you have me laughing so hard
@shimmeree3928 Год назад
Just fyi the big girl on the plane isn't the same woman as the first video and didn't post that video herself. The woman in the second video makes specialized adult content and someone took her photos and videos (some of which were behind a paywall) and made a fake tiktok with stuff she didn't say and a bunch of news outlets ran with it without checking into it first. She posted a video saying she is not a "fat activist" and doesn't even believe in that stuff but millions of people were sold a fake story and she's getting harassed for it.
@vg7735 Год назад
That is sad. Poor lady
@kathybrem880 5 месяцев назад
It’s weird no matter who---
@mommakim45 Год назад
Hey Blaire, remember when the medical standard for transition used to be insistent, persistent and consistent?? God I miss those days!!
@tula1433 Год назад
Oh yes! Gatekeeping needs to return!
@agirlnamedbrett. Год назад
i loooove the headband!!!! As a recovering addict it blows my mind how many people want to live in this victim state. could you imagine if you switched out these fat advocates for drug advocates?! if you put it that way none of it makes sense. no one would be supporting a drug advocate , it would be enabling. if you're in the process of getting clean a big part of that is accepting that you made these decisions it wasn't the worlds or anyone elses fault. there is a huge drug problem in this country, but you keep fighting the good fight to get wider walkways on planes...
@Vegito2287 Год назад
I'm pretty conservative myself, but I have ZERO problem with any person doing whatever they want behind closed doors, with consenting adult parties. Trans stuff included. It's a free country, you do you, and if that makes you happy, go for it. My problem is the only two trans people I personally know, one was an ex girlfriend that identifies as male now, and reached out wanting to get back together a little while back, (lol) and a guy that used to be one of my best friends now transitioning to female. Both had serious mental health issues... Both had drug abuse issues. Both were seeing a therapist and actually getting better for some time. Both stopped seeing their therapists and sought an online community of complete strangers that affirmed their feelings instead, and both lost all their friends, alienated most, if not all of their family, and went on to change their Facebook names to Video Game characters, or TV characters. (Almost as if these are children playing pretend and can't accept reality...) The ex that I hadn't even talked to in 7 years told me I couldn't play Hogwarts Legacy because JK Rowling is MURDERING trans people with her money, and the ex best friend woke me up in the middle of the night when I had to work the next day talking about how the governor of our state (Missouri) was trying to kill "her" by denying "her" testosterone treatments... The law that changed that he was talking about was only pertaining to minors under the age of 18, and even still, I was absolutely dumbstruck that someone or multiple someone's convinced him that he needed testosterone, the MALE sex hormone, to transition, or he would literally die... And when I told him that as long as he was still growing hair, there was no reason to believe that he was deficient in testosterone, he asked "How do you know?" Because testosterone is necessary for Follicle Stimulating Hormone to be produced in the body, so if you're growing hair, you have an adequate amount of that at least. Meanwhile, person denying biology entirely...: "I'm a woman, so I don't produce testosterone..." I assure you, your testicles are. Please let me sleep now, because I have to work tomorrow. I don't get a check from the government that allows me to be a crazy person obsessed with their own genitals but still confused by them and get a free ride in life... I have to work to pay my electric bill...
@madamebkrt Год назад
So true about the "children denying reality" bit. My oldest friend is "trans" (thought he was a transwoman but 2 years into transition decided to call himself nonbinary instead, I wonder when he'll realise he isn't actually trans at all) and it's honestly sad how he fits the bill for 'trenders' a bit too much. He has autism, he's very socially-awkward, his family and friends are all, as Blaire says, "libbed out" to the nines, he's an avid gamer who regularly is obsessed with one anime/video game character or the other. He also wears odd clothes that don't match his age (early 20s) and likes to dye his hair unusual colours. Oh, and he's been in therapy for his entire life. He's also lied to me about the effects of his HRT including "shrinking in height" and "having literally no testosterone". He's actually a lovely person who I care about a lot, but I'm not blind lol.
@DaniHGirl Год назад
So the only 2 you have a problem with are the ones that are personally effecting you?
@bananaboat1808 Год назад
@@madamebkrt I am a trans woman and this is why I don't have a lot of friends in the transgender community. I'm libertarian-right, a practising Jew, a successful graduate student who self-funded my way through college, even when I was in undergrad and I literally qualified for food stamps (thank goodness I don't need them anymore) as I worked two jobs while attending full time school in tiny small 2-bedroom slumlord apartment with four people in it, graduated Magna cum laude, and got accepted into a grad school with generous scholarships. I'm a counselor at a drug treatment center whose annual contract just got renewed. Part of why I relate to the clients at the center so well is that I know what it's like to be different and be judged like others, while at the same time I don't let this difference define my personality. I have real hobbies like hiking, camping, backpacking, marksmanship, painting, and I play several musical instruments. I live in the real world, and know that even though I identify as female I also know that to some people I will always appear to them like a man in woman's clothing. I know that to others that I will always appear to them as nice lady who is "not like the other girls". I have even met many who 100% without a doubt or any type of differentiation do feel that I am a woman, but they show their allyship to such an extent that all they want to talk about is transgender stuff and beyond that they don't really want to get to know the real me. And most people don't care. As for myself, I literally don't care. That's their opinion and mine may be different. At long as they leave me alone and don't personally infringe on my liberty they are allowed to have an opinion. Why? Because I don't fucking care anymore. I know what I look like and I live in the real world. Once I left the college left and joined the libertarians, and got a good therapist, these experiences helped me realize a fundamental truth in life: Nobody owes me shit. Nor do I owe them anything either.
@melissamurray8307 Год назад
@@madamebkrt There does seem to have some correlation between autism and thinking that they have gender dysphoria. Many other people that are thought to have GD include homosexuals and those who have be abused as children.
@RyanSmith6644 Год назад
My first experience with a trans person was a male friend of mine from high school. He showed up as a she 5 years after I saw them last. Now I’m a female so when I would accidentally say him (I knew this person all my life as a guy and when they popped up as female on day one I slipped up a couple times) this person literally balled up a fist and punched me in the face repeatedly saying it’s her it’s her. I apologized and yes I made one more slip up and they literally beat me into the ground so my boss threw them out of the store. I never spoke to them again. They figured because they identified (only took estrogen no surgery) as female that meant it was fine to beat me to a bloody pulp because females can hit each other but they transitioned as a adult man so they still had the upper body strength of a grown ass man. Now trans people men to woman scare me shitless so I try to avoid them because I’m scared I will get beaten up for saying something common like I say to everyone “hey you guys” or “how you guys doing” I don’t mean guys as men I use it for everyone equally but that was one of the things I said in a room full of people when I got beaten up by that ex friend of mine. I have a neighbor who was a friend he transitioned and I’m still cool with them but their other trans roommate is very scary like the ex friend so they invite me over but I’m scared of being hit so I avoid my neighbor friend and their wife because their sketchy roommate. They think I don’t like them witch isn’t the case. I’m also not afraid of trans people I am afraid of being hit because my family was abusive my ex bf was abusive so I would rather avoid being hit especially by people who are pumping themselves with hormones their body’s are not use to and can make them swing on a dime. I know when I had too much estrogen (and I’m a woman) I got cranky never violent but I’m guessing if I had testosterone who knows what would happen. I am also sure men with estrogen may go off the rails as I have witnessed. It is something that needs to be carefully monitored until you reach a proper level and some people abuse hormones to try to push the change faster and that’s when it can be dangerous for everyone because it makes your mood unstable. I just hope eventually people can be understanding of each other and not react violently because that is a huge reason many people have issues with the trans community because many of the fringe group (the agenda trans people) physically attack people in the name of trans and lgbtq groups so it makes those groups all look bad and crazy.
@onepartyroule Год назад
Just want to throw in a few words of appreciation for ShapeShifter, who I first saw on Benjamin Boyce's channel. He (I feel weird using that pronoun because he is so passing as a woman, but I respect his preference) always comes across as a principled, caring and lovely human being. It's so upsetting to me that he is still suffering, I want to take it away for him so badly. I just hope that he is being kind to himself both physically and mentally and that the issues will be resolved so he can find acceptance of himself and others who accept him. Love you ShapeShifter!
@shifterofshape Год назад
@psychegoddessoflight9358 Год назад
So much love for both Shape and Benjamin Boyce! 🤗🥰
@kytticockroach2299 Год назад
Ty for having Shape on the podcast again and thank you Shape for agreeing to be on it. Wonderful conversation. Take care of yourselves ❤
@shifterofshape Год назад
@priscillaspets Год назад
i love shape shifter. an amazing voice for the community
@edithrobinson33 3 месяца назад
You always see those videos of people calling out others for faking disorders like DID, Tourette Syndrome, ASD, and many others; but you never really see people calling out these people for faking Dysphoria.
@imblake0346 Год назад
One reason why as a trans guy i don't put he/him in my bio is because at least 90% of people using those pronouns in their bios are biological woman including those who don't look male in the slightest, why would i make myself one of them?
@Adamant_Adam Год назад
Right? I mean I understand pronouns in bio if there's no way someone could tell just by your username/ pfp, but personally I don't need that because folks see my user and ALREADY know what pronouns to use.
@hijxtin Год назад
They need to make all the seats bigger on airplanes. I’m 6’3 and I couldn’t even imagine being taller. But three seats just because you’re fat? As if.
@Sophie-pv5jo Год назад
I’m 5’0” and airplane seats make me want to end it all, I can’t imagine being 6’3”, I wouldn’t even blame you for being one of those people who loses their minds and gets duck-taped to their seat lol
@Madmarsha Год назад
@@Sophie-pv5jo, omg, same. Flying is like torture.
@jeffrutledge1789 Год назад
Yeah I say screw it and I just drive.
@kelseymaddox Год назад
I’ve been transitioning since 2010 and honestly it was a different time but I think these people are the reason society hates us all the sudden I miss when people didn’t even know what trans was let alone be on a witch hunt for them
@sincerenby Год назад
just because being transgender has become more widely accepted within our society, doesn’t mean it’s an excuse for people to discriminate against and spread hate towards that community and the people in it.
@siobhanrose1680 Год назад
I am anti trans-trender, but I fully support all trans people just living their lives, and 150% believe you have as much right to exist as anyone does, I wish you a peaceful life without gender dysphoria, and appreciate you for your voice :)
@onepunch2310 Год назад
@@sincerenby widely accepted? If anything most people hate trans women specifically now
@kaygee2121 Год назад
I'm sorry that these people are spoiling and making yours and the lives of real trans people harder. We know you guys exist, and should have all the same rights. That's not the issue. The trendiness is the issue. Pushing it onto children is the issue. I have nothing but love for you Kelsey. I just don't like this dangerous fad.
@kaygee2121 Год назад
@@siobhanrose1680 Anti-transTrender....can I steal that? I also fully support real trans persons but am 100% against this dangerous trend.
@Dani-rl5kp Год назад
Love the headbands and how they pull out your bangs/layered pieces. Def flower child vibe. I always wear head bands, they bring a sexy, young look that frames your face and lets you control your hair in a way. Love u!
@letsart6434 Год назад
Blaire, I hope you're ok. I'll pray for you. Be well. Your voice speaking the truth people don't want to hear is more important than you know. I'm sorry you're going through it.
@boredteenagerinthewild Год назад
Mind you she put a 16 year old on the thumbnail of this video.
@zetataylor1550 Год назад
Sending love to Shapeshifter. Thank you for sharing your story . So sorry it has caused you such discomfort. You have helped so many people. You seem like such sweet soul.
@melcraig9855 Год назад
I know I sound terrible, but one of my (many) fears is having to sit next to a person that size. Just because I have anxiety anyways and I definitely don’t want to be touching a stranger or be seated this close to one 🥺☹️ it’s terribly tight on air planes regardless
@simpleton2090 9 месяцев назад
You don’t sound terrible, you sound logical. On the other hand, they could care less that you are uncomfortable hence why they have the nerve to try and squeeze 400 lbs into a seat made for someone no more than 200. It’s not right! Obese people who think like her don’t care for any other stranger.
@LilacMorelli 7 месяцев назад
Yeah my fear came true at like 14 when me and my sister (10 at the time) had the middle and window seat due to some error or other, my sister didn’t want to sit next to a stranger for five hours so I took one for the team. This overweight man who stunk of BO walked on and sat next to me, promptly falling asleep, snoring, drooling and invading my space. My sister desperately needed the toilet but he wasn’t waking up for nothing! Scared me off planes fr
@a.walters123 Год назад
She wants 2 extra seats… for free… on an airplane, because she is unable to control her size.
@arsewell Год назад
I "met" Shape here on Blaire's show a year ago and not a day goes by where I don't think of him and hope he's doing well. He is so brave & raw when sharing his story that I showed his story to a young friend who was struggling. They were shocked and upset hearing the gritty truth about M-F transitioning, really angry for about 2 weeks. Then they told me they broke down in tears of gratitude for Shape, feeling like Shape saved them from making some irreversible decisions they knew deep down they were not ready to make. A year later, they've had intense counseling with a good, solid therapist who actually wanted to help them with the confusion & potential mental health issues, rather than pushing them along the path towards hormones, surgery, etc. They realized they are a perfectly normal young man who adores women & so called "womanly things", but that it's perfectly fine to feel that way and also be true to the body God created for them. Thank you Shape and thank you Blaire. You are changing lives out here.
@nikisawyers7559 Год назад
Wow ❤
@finsterbaby1996 Год назад
Not to take anything away from your friend's situation, but why do you feel the need to call him or her "they?" He or she is one person. "They" is a plural pronoun. Please get a clue, or at least take a refresher course in basic grammar. Or just simply use common sense rather than promoting woke nonsense. Thank you.
@skeelatheskink8724 Год назад
Good to hear someone who took their time. It should be a slow, methodical, and intentional process to find healing. Mental health healing or identity crisis healing shouldn’t be rushed.
@czarinawaldo8308 Год назад
Its saddening to hear that you've been in a dark place. I hope you take it day by day and feel better!! The community loves you
@samebert4440 Год назад
My heart hurts for ShapeShifter!!! The pain in his eyes,,, the suffering he's gone through.... I pray that he finds his happiness and peace in life!!! May he be truly blessed! If I (old man) messed up on Shape's pronouns please forgive me! I meant no harm!
@deannajohnson9572 5 месяцев назад
Hearing shapeshifter talk about his mental health suffering after telling his story, breaks my heart. I deeply empathize, I haven’t the slightest clue what he’s going through but I see him and I love him so much. Shape, you are literally a hero. I’m so incredibly sorry you were ever pressured to change your body instead of being loved and celebrated for who you are. Wrapping you in the biggest mama hug. Thank you for sharing your story. ❤❤❤
@Danishlikeapotato Год назад
I'm plus size, and I'm currently working on losing weight. Lost 8,7 kg (19.1 lbs) so far 😊 the plus size activists encourage me to not become like them 😂
Congrats. From another obese person trying to make it. Lost 5 KG so far.
@Hooperjz78 Год назад
Congratulations on your losses! (Only time it's appropriate to congratulate someone on a loss lol) ❤
@libbyking7319 Год назад
Congrats ^^
@johnb9573 Год назад
Good job!
@FakeVenatus Год назад
Congratulations on your weight loss! Absolutely amazing. I watch the cynicaldude when I eat and it makes me stop eating/not finish food if it’s bad food I got. I would have it another time so split it instead of buying another the next day.
@iLitAfuseiCantStop Год назад
Entitlement mentality is one of the biggest problems of this generation. Expecting airlines GIVE a person three seats for the price of one, because they’ve chosen to abandon self control is the definition of entitlement, not to mention insanity
@savagepatty Год назад
They should feel lucky that airlines don't have an excess weight charge like with baggage. Perhaps they should charge extra for every kilo above 130kg of fat people. If you need 3 seats then you should pay for free seats. Not buy 3 seats and then refund 2 just before the flight.
@stevepalpatine2828 Год назад
Each passenger should have a total weight allowance, spread between them and their baggage. I shouldnt have to pay an excess baggage fee when me and my luggage combined dont weigh as much as the 350 pound behemoth in the next aisle. Selfishly fat passengers make travel miserable for everyone around them when theyre taking up half of the seats next to them, not to mention the smell of unwashed folds and BO
@swish3432 Год назад
I’m 6’3” and 220 pounds (11% body fat but technically overweight) and I pay for first class seats for comfort. Some crybaby thinks she should get free seats for being a blubber butt? How’s that fair?
@Notyourcupoftea_ Год назад
@aqua235 Год назад
I know someone who "came out" as trans but makes no attempt to pass what so ever. Biologically female but demands to be called "he/him". All the while wearing form-fitting dresses, Hello Kitty, and eventually stripping. I rolled my eyes 10 years ago when I was told, 10 years later my friend is still lost in the madness and now has a bunch of other friends who use male pronouns while being unmistakably feminine. They're all gorgeous and what most people would find attractive but they sit around whining about people getting their pronouns wrong.
@ac2060 Год назад
I wonder why pretty feminine women do stuff like that when they could have it easy and use she/her and not think twice about it. It's like purposely putting a red flag on your own forehead. It's so puzzling. I guess it's an attention thing, but I still do not get it. Like I'm closer to understanding butch lesbians using he/him because at least then I get how maybe they would get called "he" mistakenly and such, but with feminine women attracted to men? I really don't understand
@jagodat Год назад
I had a very similar experience. And after I rejected them, they pulled out a "sorry I'm not a real boy" card while looking even more feminine than I am as a straight woman
@chrisjackson8151 Год назад
@@jagodat Take a careful look at the language: “Sorry Im not a real BOY…” Im sure that you’re attracted to grown adult men…
@beewest5704 Год назад
It just looks like being attention seeking.
@PhattyBolger Год назад
Nowadays, you see big bearded men in the news with the headline "Woman found guilty of murder".
@emilycatherine446 Год назад
Shape's nervous laughter is so relatable... Remarkable courage and integrity.❤
@Stalemarshmallow Год назад
Love you Blair but hearing you’ve been depressed made my heart so sad. Hope you’re okay
@DanielleStarry Год назад
Re: Covid lockdown - my bf’s father was a kid during the polio outbreak. He remembers the years when people just couldn’t do anything.
@bebrave1622 Год назад
Isnt jeffry or his fans threatened violence to an innocent muslim woman and her children just for saying he should stop asking children to privately message him.
@jenniferj5324 Год назад
His fans did yeah.
@absinthealice Год назад
Yes, and he fully praised his cult for threatening the hell out of her.
@kellykirk4244 Год назад
I taught at schools during the pandemic. I have pictures of my classes all muzzled by masks. At the time it looked like my classroom was “safe” and now I look at it and it looks so creepy and wrong to me. We all look like the government was taking our humanity away.
@legoclayface 8 месяцев назад
That's exactly how I felt except I'm still a student lol
@jazztastic2521 Год назад
Omg that article about "lockdown nostalgia" makes me mad. Ive never been more depressed and low than when I was sent home from college and kept away from friends and family.
@timmeemiller715 Год назад
Same. As an essential worker i got to be out while i worked but to not be able to go anywhere and not take my kids anywhere was hell. I hated going to work in fear of cov1d and bringing it home with me but had to so we could survive.
@timmeemiller715 Год назад
I got depression more than ever during that time. But these morons have the nerve to make it seem like it was some fun time we went through
@brothelho Год назад
I did not stay inside. It was the government's way of control. We have survived many pandemics without the knowledge we have today Yes I caught covid and I've had it twice. I'm lucky, I have asthma, I smoke and I'm 59. I'm still here bitches. I'm glad I didn't hide from the world.
@noah1502 Год назад
everyone is getting death threats online, especially feminists and the like who oppose current trans ideology-- and yet the only people who benefit from this are people like jeffery, who can capitalize off of his "oppression" and claim it makes him this super special person who needs money, and attention for his "good deeds" aka his narcissism.
@ashdstee Год назад
THIS!! He lives for the martyr role because it fits his “narrative”. So scary and narcissistic.
@feversandmirrors Год назад
I've been saying this since I first ever saw a clip of his on a random reaction video I was watching a while ago- he has all the makings of a cult leader. He even has that creepy pseudo-soothing "ASMR" way he talks that is truly like nails on a chalkboard to my ears.
You had me at " tuck my balls in and put on my crocks " lmao! I love you Blaire ! Stay authentic. Your doing a great job!
@maxmarraccini6344 7 месяцев назад
All the lockdown reminds me of is my already unhealthy relationship with alcohol just skyrocketing, I lost my partner 2 months before the lockdown started so it was heart ache mixed with isolation, I nearly drank my self to death during the pandemic smh
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