
Howard Storm Near-Death Experience (Full Interview -- February 2019) 

Duane Armitage
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@angelatoscano7070 5 лет назад
I lost my 26 year old son James to a single car accident, Feb 24, 2019. I raised him & my other children to know Jesus Christ from birth. He accepted the Lord and rededicate his life several times over his short life-time. At the time of his death, one would question if he went to Heaven because he wasn't living in God's perfect will??? This testimony is evident of God's most perfect and unconditional love. I know my son is with Jesus Christ in Heaven. I'll see him again one day. What a hope!
@aWindisBlowing 5 лет назад
God is more merciful that people believe, i believe he is in heaven
@JesusIsGodsSelfie 5 лет назад
Your son is with Jesus. 110% have no fear even if we’re unfaithful Jesus/God cannot deny himself. He remains faithful even when we don’t. Our salvation isn’t based on our flesh n blood action. Flesh n blood can’t inherit the kingdom of God. You can’t be saved lost saved lost saved lost. You’re either saved once for all or not. Sorry to blow your lordship salvation out the water. Please Watch Bibleline broadcast network n RU-vid get the real truth about salvation listen to Ralph yankee Arnold. Peace
@markespitallier7884 5 лет назад
Cobweb Cat wq
@starrama7711 5 лет назад
NOOOO> Only the good die young. yes some who can not go further, are living a particular way do go, because they can't go further, refuse to accept unfolding.. Others because theyve fulfilled their destiny and are ready to move on. Try to surpass religion and open to love and God in entirety, not as we've been taught only. :)
@patrickfoster4586 5 лет назад
Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ is the *only* requirement for heaven! (The prison guard: "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" Peter's response: " *Believe* on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved") We will never reach perfection on this side my sister! Your son is absolutely present with the Lord Jesus. You can rest assured in His word!
@stephenkaake7016 3 года назад
I think i've heard every howard storm interview, its always a pleasure to listen to
@ros6111 Год назад
Let's take a lot closer look and see what we find: 1) Howard Storm DID NOT DIE. He wrote that his wife sat there by him. Are we supposed to believe his wife sat there looking at him while he was literally dead and not breathing? She never did anything? Never went to tell anybody he had died or run to get a nurse to at least try help? Why wouldn't she do that? The reason she didn't is because she knew he did not die. 2) Howard Storm doesn't seem to know specifically why he supposedly "went to hell" so he reads/projects/self-assesses things into it, to try explain it. He wasn't "nice enough"? He was "materialistic"? This is ARBITRARY stuff. NOBODY is "nice" and "loving" all the time. People are both "sheep" and "goats" simultaneously. If God wanted us to be angelic, he should've made angels...not human beings. Sorry, you'll need to be more specific than that. You'll have to specifically define what "nice enough" actually means, and how to know where the cutoff point is, to know when you HAVE hit it. Now...do you think "nice", and "loving", would have been defined the same way by Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon man, cavemen, and cannibal tribes, 600,000 YEARS AGO as people now define it? And exactly which commandments did they have to obey to avoid being tormented in an afterlife? Or even 3500 years ago ago all over the world, as it is in the 21st century? No it wasn't, the concept of morality has been changing throughout the millennia, and in cultures. And Neanderthals, Cro-magnons, cavemen, and cannibal tribes wouldn't have even been AWARE of any such criteria, to avoid being tormented in an afterlife. In the beginning, there was no sense of what an afterlife might even be. As strange as it may seem now, there was a time when no one thought they would go to a heaven or hell. 3) Howard Storm is telling everybody he supposedly went to "hell" because he wasn't "nice enough", wasn't "loving enough", and was "materialistic". HERE'S A PROBLEM - NOTICE THIS 4X NDE PERSON, DAN BRINKLEY: “If I didn’t go to hell, in the last four journeys, nobody's going to hell, okay,” Brinkley said. "And I was a, well, basically a jackass, and a typical southern redneck, all the things that go with that. I thought I was the toughest, most narcissistic, ego maniacal bad boy. I thought I was the center of the universe. And I won’t say I was overly materialistic. But I was materialistic. I had a legendary overhand left and a really good right upper-cut. So my fights lasted maybe three minutes. I had an easy answer to everything, and that was to hit it in the face. I could say that probably cynical, skeptical, anal retentive personality disorder, which is my basic personality, you know, and you add jackass, that you pretty well covered me. I JUST CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW IN THE WORLD, BASED ON ALL THE DOGMA THAT DESCRIBES GOING TO HELL, I HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE. About 27% of every time you hear somebody tell you about a near death experience, it’s not true. They’ve either emotionally or psychologically framed it to fit some kind of paradigm in their life, drug overdose, something that they can use that name and that term to brand their reality." He is counselling veterans, assuring them they have nothing to fear from death. NOW I ASK YOU, BASED ON HOWARD STORM'S STATEMENTS, WHY DID THIS MAN NOT "GO TO HELL"? It's a complete contradiction of things Howard Storm says. 4) Here's another NDE story told by the interviewer, M.R.: "In fact, one fellow that was shot in the chest three times and beat up, and in the ambulance he had an experience that was beautiful. So when I was interviewing he says - "What was I doing there?" "Does God ever make mistakes?" He was questioning the appropriateness. He had a good experience, life review, everything. Had all the good stuff. But he was wondering why he was there. Because HE HAD KILLED TWO PEOPLE in a parking lot a year or two before that. He said, this all-compassionate, all-forgiving light: “Gee, I’ve got it made the first time around.” NOW I ASK: WOULDN'T THIS MAN QUALIFY FOR "GOING TO HELL", ACCORDING TO HOWARD STORM? SO WHY DIDN'T HE? 5) I think Howard Storm wrote that his alleged attackers left him "bloodied", etc. He said: "Then at some point, they began to tear off pieces of my flesh. To my horror I realized I was being taken apart and eaten alive." Wait a minute...what? Flesh in the afterlife? Really?! I'm sorry friend, but when you're dead YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BLOOD IN YOU, SO YOU CERTAINLY CAN'T HAVE ANY FLESH THAT CAN BE TORN OFF! And you can't be marked up, bitten, scratched, or scarred, because YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SKIN OR BONES OR MUSCLES. If you did have all this, that would logically mean you would also have kidneys and a bladder, bowels and an anus, among other organs. That would mean that an afterlife would have to have a sewage system! Do you REALLY believe that? 6) Howard Storm wrote that these "beings" told him "we want you to do what you want to do. That means making choices and there isn’t necessarily any right choice." I now have a question for you: If there isn't necessarily any right choice, then exactly how is it possible to "go to hell"? 7) He also wrote that these "beings" told him, "go, they said, and make all the mistakes you want, mistakes are how you learn." Here are more of Storm's own words: “Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human. We are to make all the mistakes we want. It is how we learn.” These words don't seem to be consistent with other things Howard Storm is now saying. Now again I ask: If you are to make all the mistakes you want because that's how you learn, exactly why do you "go to hell"? 8) If you believe what Howard Storm says, why do you reject this person's Jesus story? Read and notice at the end that he had a changed life too: FROM IANDS - "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." I'll give you another Jesus story...NDERF - KAREN: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. We are all equal in spirit form."
@equaljustice7906 Год назад
@@ros6111 Until you've been there, you don't know. Howard did not have any drugs. I won't even address the rest of your statement. There are many things I could rebut, but frankly, it's not worth the time.
@ros6111 Год назад
@@equaljustice7906 There is nothing you can rebut because you can't. Unless you just write some nonsense and call it "rebuttal" in your own mind.
@ros6111 Год назад
Notice this NDE...ANDREW PETRO: "I didn't want to come back. I said I'm home and I want to stay here. THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT, THERE WAS NO HELL, THERE WAS NO GOOD AND BAD, THERE WAS NO BIG TALLY IN THE SKY, there was just the light consuming me with unconditional love. In which I was able to consume everyone else with unconditional love. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT; THERE IS NO PUNISHMENT, there is no fear. It was just my life’s experiences as they were occurring. I could relive every thought, word and action whenever I focused on any one of them. The Light also knew everything that I have ever done or will do, and the Light LOVED ME WITHOUT CONDITIONS. The Light loved me because of who I am - Andy, A PIECE OF THE LIGHT. NO JUDGEMENT. NO PUNISHMENT. NO BLAME. NO SHAME. NO LEDGER OF GOOD AND BAD DEEDS. Only warmth, peace, joy, happiness, FORGIVENESS AND LOVE IN THE LIGHT. I observed all of the moments of my life all at the same time, all around me. Strangely, I SENSED NO FEAR, NO JUDGEMENTS, NO GUILT OR ACCOUNTABILITY, AND ABSOLUTELY NO BLAME OR SHAME. I was one with the unconditionally loving Light. I was stuffed back into my body, which by this time was found at the bottom of the lake, dragged up onto the beach, and my friends were on top of me pushing the water out of my lungs. When I popped back into my body, I immediately started coughing the water up from my lungs. BEING ON EARTH IS LIKE BEING IN A STAGE PLAY. EVERYBODY HAS A PART TO PLAY. THEY ALL HAVE COSTUMES. BUT IT'S NOT REAL. LIFE DOWN HERE IS AN ILLUSION, IT'S A GAME! Don't take it so serious! The light has a wonderful sense of humor. When I was in the light and I was observing all my life's activities, THERE WAS NOT JUDGEMENT. THERE WAS NO GOOD OR BAD. THERE WASN'T GOOD OR EVIL. THERE WASN'T RIGHT OR WRONG. THERE WAS NO HIERARCHY. THERE WAS NO ONE LIGHT ANY BIGGER THAN ANY OTHER LIGHT, ALL LIGHTS WERE THE SAME. And when you're in the light looking at it, its different than looking at it now. In this world when I look at some atrocities, I feel really bad about it. It's a different type of feeling when you're in the light. It's observing and understanding you would not do that again. It's like looking at your life and being able to walk away from it like you would an intense movie. THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION, THERE WAS NO BLAMING, NO SHAME, THERE WAS NOTHING BUT LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE. The light knew everything that I ever thought, did, or will do! UNCONDITIONAL LOVE MEANS UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS. None of my religious experience was there. I was with the light. People ask, 'where do you go after you die?', and my answer is very short, you go to the light. Why do you go to the light? BECAUSE THERE'S NO PLACE ELSE TO GO. One of the questions I always get is, 'is someone like Hitler in heaven?', and MY ANSWER IS, THE LIGHT IS THE ONLY PLACE TO GO. THERE IS NO OTHER PLACE TO GO. So, the question answers itself. The purpose of life is to love unconditionally, and to accept unconditional love from others. Loving without expectation, and without exception."
@sibyl999 Год назад
@johnnypools6971 5 лет назад
This man helps me break through the confusion . Getting to know Jesus has been a lifelong process, but I trust Howard Storm implicitly . I listen to him over and over because I learn something new each time.
@LaMOi1 2 года назад
This generation seeks spiritual experiences … Throughout my early 20’s, after I became a reborn Christian - I was seeking the same. But all the while, there was a still small voice that kept saying read your bible. It is only in recent years that I have begun to realise the essential truth of this. And how powerful it is.
@dorajeanflores3496 5 лет назад
Pastor Howard I cried through your book Descent into Death. So powerful to read about an atheist waking to the reality of The One. Your book helped me through the loss of loved ones who passed within four months of each other. Thank you for choosing Jesus!!! I needed you!!! Love you, God bless you and all connected with you❤️✝️❤️
@Geetachopra 4 года назад
Howard's latest interview! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Wo5eUOi_Qes.html
@annamariezizzi3636 Год назад
@ros6111 Год назад
Let's see what Jesus himself has to say about hell, in these short NDEs below. Do yourself a favor and read all. A Jesus story...IANDS.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus himself gives her an instructive mission, to go tell people...notice what it is.... BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I knew this was Jesus and that I had always known him. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God....BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear." Notice, he was told.... PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....Jewel F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell"? Religions are abuse?....GAIL A.: "I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt. I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. Now notice this one.... B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one...NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@donnaharris6 5 лет назад
One of the most important testimonies of all times!!! God is so Good and worthy to be praised! Thank you Howard! ♡
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Thanks for watching Donna!
@starrama7711 5 лет назад
you havent seen many then?
@kennethray3653 4 года назад
This guy is not telling the truth. He does not stick with scripture and let me tell you something does he describe anyting about the New Jerusalem? I've had dreams and I was saved when I was 5 years old. Have you ever seen the New Jerusalem and its River? It doesn't go like a straight line, it has its own unique way that it flows straight. And that river is crystal clear with golden Mist coming out of it from the glory of God!!! Did Howard storm mention that you get to fly? Does Howard storm mention you get to go in the sea deep in the beautiful Waters without getting wet, no pressure of water, just feeling of peace. You spread this false man's testimony!!! Will you ever see your Mansion or your guest houses!!! Will you ever see the pets or the big beautiful creatures that is Hugh normous and so beautiful to look at. And will you ever see God the Father and His hands flowing like the ocean waves of light!!! And you trust this man's word Howard storm without even asking the Holy Spirit or any confirmation from God!!! And will you ever see the hundreds of universes!!! Will you see it all? Did Howard storm forget to mention that you feel the Holy Spirit, the spirit of God wherever you go in the whole entire world rushing through the wind and seeing the wind rushing!!! Did Howard storm forget to mention that you see the wind of the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit!!! Keep on following this false testimony that Howard storm is saying, a fantasy that he puts that is so small!!! Howard Storm has never seen God!!!
@101acidrider 4 года назад
@@kennethray3653 thats because god is not real
@kennethray3653 4 года назад
@@101acidrider I don't do videos about my dreams on a channel. I'm not trying to get my name out to the whole world. And you've probably heard so many false testimonies that many people think are true. And so have I heard false testimonies. Let me tell you about me. I was saved when I was 5 years old. I went through abuse for 13 years as a child. And I forgive my dad for doing all those things. I've never gotten drunk, never went to a club and never done any drugs, I've never committed fornication. I'm not better than nobody else but I just chose not to do those things. It's just a choice, I've made. Whenever I got away with stealing once. It was when I was little and I threw that lollipop over the fence. The only reason I'm saying this because you may believe me. I've had thousands of Dreams. I've only had over 15 dreams that was dealing with prophecy. I'm not a prophet. When I was 18 years old. I started abusing myself Whenever I sinned. I would hit my chest. And I would punch my belly. There would be bruises and red marks. Right now, I'm almost 30. Anyways I was having a big problem about me being saved when I was 18 and all the way through 24. I believe I was the age 23 and I had a dream. In the dream, I found myself in this parking lot. I didn't know where I was at but I knew who I needed to find. I was looking for a therapist. And I looked at my pocket. There are saw a GPS. I looked at it and it told me which way to go. I looked up and I saw two buildings beside me. They look like schools. One was on the left and the other one was on the right. So I looked at the GPS and I just went to the left building. When I went inside the left building and I couldn't see clearly what this left Building look like. But inside it was complete chaos. It was disgusting and people yelling. I went to ask someone who was part of that left building. I said" do you know where I can find the therapist?" Then they said with a scratchy voice" the therapist!!" They were mocking me. Then out of the blue. Someone came up to me and I did not know who this person was, but he said who are you looking for? "And I said" I'm trying to find the therapist". He looked at the GPS and said to me "you're in the wrong building, this is the right building". So I left and I was headed to the right building. When I went inside the building on the right. It was so peaceful and quiet. It was more quiet than a library. And it was so peaceful. People in this building were silent but they were communicating. I was wondering' where am I supposed to go'? Then I saw these two people walking together. One guy was white and the other guy was black. They were quiet but they were communicating while they were walking together. So I started following them. I wanted to see where they were headed. They went down this hallway. And at the end of the hallway was a wall that they had to climb and they climbed it. So I thought to myself' I can do this'. So after I climb the wall, I saw them stopped at another wall down the hallway. They climb that wall as well, so I said to myself' I can do this'. So I climbed that one and I saw them coming towards another wall that was under construction. They didn't climb it and went another way to the left. I saw two directions I could go instead of trying to climb this wall that was under construction. But I said" I can do this". As I was trying to climb the wall, it came tumbling down with the biggest crashing noise. Then out of the blue. I saw God the Father disguised as a janitor. He wore the custodian clothes and He had the custodian cart. He said to me" that'll be $443". Then I said "ok". Then He said" Wait, you're here to see the therapist". I said "yes"! Then He told me His name. I cannot remember it and it starts with an H I believe, but it is not Hosanna. It is a beautiful name. It is a name to let you know that He is God!!! While He was telling me His name. I no longer saw the custodian cloths but a King's wardrobe that was white as snow. I saw Him take off His gloves. They was white as snow and no Pope ever had these gloves even if they looked in the entire universe, no where could you find those gloves!!! He had a white as snow symbol and I think it was a lion but I'm not sure. When He took off His gloves, I saw His hands. They were white as snow. And I saw waves of water, white as snow in His Hands like the waves when they're very calm in the ocean. He wanted to shake my hand but I ran to give Him a hug. It felt like nothing could touch me in the whole entire universe and just feeling secure, safe, never to worry. I've never had a feeling like that here on Earth but only on a dream that felt more real than ever and More Alive than ever!!! Then He pointed me to the therapist and I went up the stairs and the dream was over. This dream was about once saved always saved. It was about me not doubting my salvation.
@ArizonaWillful 5 лет назад
What I've found in my long life (I am only 6 years younger than Howard) is that children raised in the Christian Faith may fall away as adults. But that foundation still influences them and at some time (like me) they may return. Without that Christian foundation, it would be much harder to embrace the faith because you would have to totally start from scratch with even the most basic elements of belief. I was raised in Catholicism and as a college student drifted away. Then I got involved in the New Age and "human potential movement" for over 30 years (this was very trendy in the 70's and 80's), trying one pop psychology fad (like Wayne Dyer's mind magic and John Bradshaw's "inner child" work) after another. But I came back to Christ as a 65 year old man. I call myself a late bloomer! LOL So parents, do not give up hope if your children fall away. God may have a plan but his timeline is often much longer than our normal "I want it NOW" patience.
@MysticMaverick3527 5 лет назад
God Bless you brother! I'll see you in paradise, sporting a young and perfect spirit body!
@maryannmccabe3648 Год назад
exactly, there must be millions of us who walked the path you describe. A great plan of the evil one and organisations on that team, all planned for decades if not centuries beforehand. One by one, many of us have heard Jesus calling us back to His Side, to the flock, to the truth. THANK GOD THANK YOU JESUS THANK YOU HOLY SPIRIT FOR NOT LEAVING US IN THAT WASTELAND with its delusions. I am forever grateful!!!! more than words can say. And so yes, I listen to Howard over and over and over. 🙏
@IntheBlood67 Год назад
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it". Prov. 22:6.
@pamelaharrison-carr8321 Год назад
Thank u for hat testimony- have a daughter in New Age- raised in church and accepted the Lord as a child and as an adult- praying….
@ros6111 Год назад
Let's see what Jesus himself says about hell, in these short NDEs below. Do yourself a favor and read all. A Jesus story...IANDS.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus himself gives her an instructive mission, to go tell people...notice what it is.... BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I knew this was Jesus and that I had always known him. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God....BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear." Notice, he was told.... PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....Jewel F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell"? Religions are abuse?....GAIL A.: "I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt. I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. Now notice this one.... B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one...NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@kerrymcintyre1056 Год назад
God has opened my eyes to a LOT of things in the last year, at times it has been almost overwhelming and I have questioned my faith at times. Listening to Howard really helps me to keep believing.
@walkingthroughghosts 5 лет назад
I've seen so many of his interviews, and I still enjoy hearing his story, thanks.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Thank you for watching!
@Geetachopra 4 года назад
Howard's latest interview! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Wo5eUOi_Qes.html
@GeoffMakeBelieve 4 года назад
This man has been a big reason why I have stayed the course of Jesus. Jesus’ message of love and humility and born again echoed by Howard resonates with me like no other preacher.
@kimjensenable 5 лет назад
I am one of Howard Storms biggest fans...shhh, he doesn't know it yet. Every time I hear him I learn something new. God I love God!!!!! Wish I could hear Y'all in the background clearly. Fix that for next time maybe? But great thanks goes out to you Duane and Co. for seeing the importance of the testimony of Howard to our confused and selfish generation.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
kim jensen hi Kim you can hear us if you put the volume all the way up but that’s just in the beginning when it’s lower, and we aren’t saying anything important. When we start to ask questions and dialogue with him about an hour or so in, the volume is equalized and the same as his
@joannedunn2949 5 лет назад
kim jensen I’m a huge fan too ! And I too learn something new every time I hear him. ... I’ve basically stalked him on RU-vid looking for any interview with him. I think this one is exceptional. 🙂
@101acidrider 4 года назад
gods a myth total bullshit none of its real
@56squadron 4 года назад
@@101acidrider - First, spirituality does not come to the young, the arrogant and hate filled. Second, you are most certainly wrong. He does exist, and there is tons of proof. (not just NDE's but paranormal activity etc... clearly another side exists) as well as many scientific things which make no sense unless explained thru creation. Finally, this is how dumb you are - 1 - If you're right, the worst thing about being pious and devout is it will have made you a better person in this life, and likely given you a more enjoyable life. You sound pretty sour right now. There is nothing to lose from believing. There is no downside. 2 - If you're wrong, you'll spend eternity in hell. It will be the most costly mistake of your existence. Don't let hate consume you. If you do, that's where you'll go. And don't let this world drag you down. It is supposed to be hard and full of difficulty. That's how we grow and develop. You think your path out is hard? Jesus was scourged and crucified... and he forgave the people that did it. It all starts by you wanting it. You have to want love and reject hate. You have to want God in your life. Do that and he will come.
@101acidrider 4 года назад
@@56squadron show me the proof then
@TEQSUN68 5 лет назад
Thanks for having Howard on. ❤️ I can't get enough of listening to him and what the Lord has shown him.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Bless your soul. Thank you for watching. I agree.
@hpkluch 5 лет назад
Many thanks, Howard Storm, for helping to strengthen my faith and correct the direction of my journey with your fantastic testimony! You are an instrument of God!
@pimpnorris2097 5 лет назад
If you're like me, I find myself coming back to his videos and interviews to look for hope. His message is consistent and it's clear he is not after money or fame. He really believes he had this experience, and I believe it too. He says it all so simply, that God loves us and wants us to love and care for one another.
@luramoore1967 4 года назад
I am like you..i keep coming back to this testamon when I need comfort..plus howard is so lovable.
@Ole67 4 года назад
Me too...
@thebobsquadmob 5 лет назад
Great interview. Carefully listened to the whole thing. I love Howard Storm and his testimony. Thanks for providing it.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Thank you Rand! Thank you for watching and for your kind words.
@rickrouse7865 5 лет назад
one of the best howard storm interviews, thank you.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Thank you Rick! That's very kind of you!
@UberPilot 3 года назад
Another great Howard Storm interview. Even if you’ve seen other interviews, don’t miss these moments. Baptism 2:02 Hippies 6:30 Drugs 6:57 The myth of the art world 10:50 Consciousness and identity 28:25 Reality in Heaven 28:50 What we take to heaven 29:30 Heaven and hell 34:50 Alcoholics 35:40 Psychological addiction 36:05 Addiction to misery 36:40 Bible and hell 39:00 Jesus love you how you are 46:50 Angels and life review 47:35 Indifference 48:20 The God of feelings 49:20 Old Testament 50:07 Gospels 50:30 The word “Love” 52:00 Love and trust 1:02:00 Universities 1:20:00 How to ask 1:24:50 Archeology and the reality 1:26:00 Prayer 1:32:00 Listening and knowing 1:36:40 The crucifixion and atonement 1:44:13 Death 1:45:20
@jenniferpollard4466 3 года назад
Howard storm is my favorite NDE . I so wish he had a online you tube weekly service that I could attend . He is the one person in life I’d love to meet . I just love this man and how much he loves God . I appreciate him more than he will ever know . God bless all of us ♥️🙏
@marylousudkamp3686 5 лет назад
I remember Howard from NKU; I worked there at the same time. I heard bits and pieces of his story from a friend who knew him and worked at NKU as well. He has an amazing story. Too bad the audio of Duane and Claire isn't louder so we can hear it.
@monkeyseemonkeydo432 Год назад
Never mind those two …they are not important… Haha ….just joking …I have a weird sense of humour …sorry I’m Just happy and grateful that all three got the job done…with the guidance help and protection from God of course 🥲🙏🏻
@diankreczmer6595 5 лет назад
I have never heard anyone say God laughed Amazing I am absolutely in awe!
@lukeben5 5 лет назад
I've been watching Howard storms interviews all week, this is the best one! Thank you so much for bringing this interview to the world
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Luke Benjamin thank you ! Thanks for watching!
@Geetachopra 4 года назад
Howard's latest interview! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Wo5eUOi_Qes.html
@PaulDo22 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this interview. Your questions about Jesus and getting into the details of his experience were very helpful.
@ros6111 Год назад
Let's see what Jesus himself says about hell, in these short NDEs below. Do yourself a favor and read all. A Jesus story...IANDS.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus himself gives her an instructive mission, to go tell people...notice what it is.... BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I knew this was Jesus and that I had always known him. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God....BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear." Notice, he was told.... PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....Jewel F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell"? Religions are abuse?....GAIL A.: "I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt. I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. Now notice this one.... B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one...NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@maryenglish9314 5 лет назад
Thank you for this interview. I appreciate Howard Storm’s testimony. God Bless you all.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Thank you Mary!
@brianw.5230 5 лет назад
Howard Storm is amazing! Thanks for the interview.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Hi Brian, thank you for watching and listening! Blessings to you.
@2028end 4 года назад
Howard's testimony was a blessing to me back in 2007 !!! Sadly, the church today loses so many young people when they get into their teen years and 20's because the church gave them no root in Bible prophecy. They have no reason to believe in the Bible, because they were never taught all the prophecies Christ fulfilled. Church is just a place to hang out and socialize. It's sad. : ((
@Duane422 4 года назад
Thanks for watching!
@rebeccanichols9295 5 лет назад
Thank you Howard, I loved your testimony!! Jesus is Love!! And we need the pure love of Christ. I love you.
@jamimoor7311 5 лет назад
I love this man's humility and honesty💕 and genuine compassion...
@ruthsmiley6701 5 лет назад
I love Howard Storm, always great stuff. Host/Interviewer: YOU HAVE THE FRIENDLIEST, MOST PLEASANT FACE I HAVE EVER SEEN. Your eyes and smjle are uncommonly genuine. In glancing at your other videos here, you cannot see all the same warmth & light that naturally radiates from your face. Please look at yourself in Howard's interview (I watched you almost the entire time) - you need to work on getting this same lighting when you record - because your face is filled with too much kindness to not be put in a spotlight!
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Thank you Ruth. You are very kind. The other videos on my channel are densely philosophical (designed for one of my online philosophy courses through my university). Perhaps philosophy makes one "intense"! ha!
@ruthsmiley6701 5 лет назад
@@Duane422True, that makes sense! 😁
@shanelfederico9716 5 лет назад
@starrama7711 5 лет назад
In listening to one Kren Swain interview, I got the distinct impresion he was an arrogant ass****
@wavular 5 лет назад
I guess your Grandpa is an A-hole? lol
@starrama7711 5 лет назад
@@wavular LOL and judgmental..I liked his story with karen Swain and nice to hear him flesh it ot.. but I think he was an arrogant **** and still is judgmental and quite limited to his religion.. pity.
@starrama7711 5 лет назад
PS Shanel, On the up, if you like this guy, you must be very loving :) I could point you to a few similar interviews with some more pleasant peeps.
@56squadron 4 года назад
@@starrama7711 - "Liking" people is a personal matter and we base it on numerous factors. That said, almost everyone genuinely likes Mr Storm. That doesn't mean you have to, but to use a term like "arrogant ass" is telling. IMHO it speaks far more about you than him. Then you had to treat the OP in a condescending manner and say "well... if you like this idiot you should watch some of these "nicer" people." Because YOUR taste is the be all of judgement? Once we all agree with you, we'll be on the right path? It appears there is an arrogant ass here... but it's not Howard Storm. I'm right because if you didn't have issues, you would simply have posted "If you like this, check these out as well because I enjoy them a great deal." You didn't do that. First you had to insult, then you had to be a smart ass. You interjected your opinions twice...and guess what? Right, that's what arrogant people do.
@PaleoBushman 5 лет назад
Howard is a very precious person and a good man. I say that beyond even the subject matter in the video. He really is a good dude. Peace
@monkeyseemonkeydo432 Год назад
I think Howards back ground story shows how rational his thinking/thought process is I mean he is an intelligent/competent guy…. It’s interesting to me how people react to him and others like him with total disbelief/disrespect….when they know he is completely stable in his previous work life I’ve had experiences not from dying but in this life in this world…that confirm what Howard has learnt from his off world experience and when I try and communicate these experiences some of my friends just laugh at me and disrespect me…even though I’m much more competent than they are in work Eventually they do admit that I’ve given them good tips to do with work life…and also bits to do with how we think and interact with others around us…and the knowledge that there is a much greater power controlling everything I’m just really grateful I get to learn from these interviews ❤🙏🏻
@dwgherkemasnurdbird4803 3 года назад
Thank you for letting your guest speak. Many doing this type of thing interrupt constantly
@willister8009 4 года назад
Man I love Howard Storm. He is sooo right about the deliverance part at the end!! This man has been an incredible inspiration to me since i read his book descent from death
@forreal245 4 года назад
It is so true that just a mustard seed of faith is all one needs. Our country has gone straight downhill since removing prayer from school. There are many of us who had little to no Christian exposure except as he describes or only in school. The greatest gift parents can give their children is to introduce them to some type of religion, to learn to have faith in something greater than themselves &/or any other human being.
@jeffscomments1865 5 лет назад
I loved that story. For some reason the idea of calling the grocery bagger by their first name was an epiphany. It seems like the most simple thing but if your mindset is able to recognize how important that is you've figured "it" out.
@ronnieingle1447 Год назад
Pastor Howard thank you so much for doing God's work in funding those Catholic churches in Belize.
@UberPilot 3 года назад
I’ve seen A LOT of interviews with Howard and this one has some extra stuff in it. He always goes done a new avenue and add new stuff.
@ros6111 Год назад
Yeah... the story keeps changing.
@ros6111 Год назад
Why don't you check a lot closer and notice several things here. Read this: 1) Howard Storm DID NOT DIE. He wrote that his wife sat there by him. Are we supposed to believe his wife sat there looking at him while he was literally dead and not breathing? She never did anything? Never went to tell anybody he had died or run to get a nurse to at least try help? Why wouldn't she do that? The reason she didn't is because she knew he did not die. 2) Howard Storm doesn't seem to know specifically why he supposedly "went to hell" so he reads/projects/self-assesses things into it, to try explain it. He wasn't "nice enough"? He was "materialistic"? This is ARBITRARY stuff. NOBODY is "nice" and "loving" all the time. People are both "sheep" and "goats" simultaneously. If God wanted us to be angelic, he should've made angels...not human beings. Sorry, you'll need to be more specific than that. You'll have to specifically define what "nice enough" actually means, and how to know where the cutoff point is, to know when you HAVE hit it. Now...do you think "nice", and "loving", would have been defined the same way by Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon man, cavemen, and cannibal tribes, 600,000 YEARS AGO as people now define it? And exactly which commandments did they have to obey to avoid being tormented in an afterlife? Or even 3500 years ago ago all over the world, as it is in the 21st century? No it wasn't, the concept of morality has been changing throughout the millennia, and in cultures. And Neanderthals, Cro-magnons, cavemen, and cannibal tribes wouldn't have even been AWARE of any such criteria, to avoid being tormented in an afterlife. In the beginning, there was no sense of what an afterlife might even be. As strange as it may seem now, there was a time when no one thought they would go to a heaven or hell. 3) Howard Storm is telling everybody he supposedly went to "hell" because he wasn't "nice enough", wasn't "loving enough", and was "materialistic". HERE'S A PROBLEM - NOTICE THIS 4X NDE PERSON, DAN BRINKLEY: “If I didn’t go to hell, in the last four journeys, nobody's going to hell, okay,” Brinkley said. "And I was a, well, basically a jackass, and a typical southern redneck, all the things that go with that. I thought I was the toughest, most narcissistic, ego maniacal bad boy. I thought I was the center of the universe. And I won’t say I was overly materialistic. But I was materialistic. I had a legendary overhand left and a really good right upper-cut. So my fights lasted maybe three minutes. I had an easy answer to everything, and that was to hit it in the face. I could say that probably cynical, skeptical, anal retentive personality disorder, which is my basic personality, you know, and you add jackass, that you pretty well covered me. I JUST CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW IN THE WORLD, BASED ON ALL THE DOGMA THAT DESCRIBES GOING TO HELL, I HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE. About 27% of every time you hear somebody tell you about a near death experience, it’s not true. They’ve either emotionally or psychologically framed it to fit some kind of paradigm in their life, drug overdose, something that they can use that name and that term to brand their reality." He is counselling veterans, assuring them they have nothing to fear from death. NOW I ASK YOU, BASED ON HOWARD STORM'S STATEMENTS, WHY DID THIS MAN NOT "GO TO HELL"? It's a complete contradiction of things Howard Storm says. 4) Here's another NDE story told by the interviewer, M.R.: "In fact, one fellow that was shot in the chest three times and beat up, and in the ambulance he had an experience that was beautiful. So when I was interviewing he says - "What was I doing there?" "Does God ever make mistakes?" He was questioning the appropriateness. He had a good experience, life review, everything. Had all the good stuff. But he was wondering why he was there. Because HE HAD KILLED TWO PEOPLE in a parking lot a year or two before that. He said, this all-compassionate, all-forgiving light: “Gee, I’ve got it made the first time around.” NOW I ASK: WOULDN'T THIS MAN QUALIFY FOR "GOING TO HELL", ACCORDING TO HOWARD STORM? SO WHY DIDN'T HE? 5) I think Howard Storm wrote that his alleged attackers left him "bloodied", etc. He said: "Then at some point, they began to tear off pieces of my flesh. To my horror I realized I was being taken apart and eaten alive." Wait a minute...what? Flesh in the afterlife? Really?! I'm sorry friend, but when you're dead YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BLOOD IN YOU, SO YOU CERTAINLY CAN'T HAVE ANY FLESH THAT CAN BE TORN OFF! And you can't be marked up, bitten, scratched, or scarred, because YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SKIN OR BONES OR MUSCLES. If you did have all this, that would logically mean you would also have kidneys and a bladder, bowels and an anus, among other organs. That would mean that an afterlife would have to have a sewage system! Do you REALLY believe that? 6) Howard Storm wrote that these "beings" told him "we want you to do what you want to do. That means making choices and there isn’t necessarily any right choice." I now have a question for you: If there isn't necessarily any right choice, then exactly how is it possible to "go to hell"? 7) He also wrote that these "beings" told him, "go, they said, and make all the mistakes you want, mistakes are how you learn." Here are more of Storm's own words: “Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human. We are to make all the mistakes we want. It is how we learn.” These words don't seem to be consistent with other things Howard Storm is now saying. Now again I ask: If you are to make all the mistakes you want because that's how you learn, exactly why do you "go to hell"? 8) If you believe what Howard Storm says, why do you reject this person's Jesus story? Read and notice at the end that he had a changed life too: FROM IANDS - "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." I'll give you another Jesus story...NDERF - KAREN: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. We are all equal in spirit form."
@gardenjoy5223 5 лет назад
The testimony itself is intense and lovely. Good advice to try to love the person you're with. What I am not so happy about, is that at about 2:06:15 the conversation goes to depressed young people, and his answer basically is: cast out the demons. Being depressed and or anxious can be caused by demons, but usually it is simply caused by a lot of neglect, emotional or physical abuse or mobbing. People lose their self-worth over something like that, when it continues over a longer period of time. Young people especially, since they are trying to find out whom they are and try to fit in. If someone faces rejection a lot, that person is hurt on the inside of his being in a very intense way. Some cope by becoming indifferent, some by becoming abusers or aggressors themselves, some by just being overwhelmed by this feeling of to not matter at all. Which is devastating to any soul. They loooooong for affirmation. They've been poisoned so long by lies, they hardly dare to accept the truth and need many and high doses of it. So apply your advice once again here first and not second. Love such people. Make church a place of acceptance and kindness and participation. Invite such young people to the youth group and try to have more mature young people love them to Christ and disciple them. The pastor and his family can't be everywhere. But they can invest in a smaller group, and the individuals of that smaller group can minister to a much larger group in total. Don't try to know it all and do it all by yourself. Don't deny the members of Christ around you. Teach other people to disciple as well. One word of caution: See where they are and help them grow to the next level, not kicking them up the stairs. Just like a 10-year old child has capabilities already, but usually cannot be asked to complete the tasks fit for a 16-year old child. Of course pray for the hurt youngsters. But most of all tend to these hurt lambs. Carry them so to speak for a while. In time they will learn to trust and start to heal. And they will later on be able to help many others as well. Jesus invested a lot of Himself in the little group following Him closely. We ought to do the same, given half the chance. May God bless you and make you a blessing.
@Plethorality 4 года назад
Such a compassionate, thoughtful comment, regarding depression.. Thank you. Yes, there is more to it than demons. I think if Howard had more time on that subject, he would have talked about that, but awareness of the demonic needs to be talked about, nonetheless... It can be a part of it. I am so thankful to read your comment and its conclusion... To feed and tend the lambs. So important. So necessary. My depression started as a young child, and has plagued me for fifty year's. But I have learned compassion towards myself, as well as others, and survival skills, physical, mental, and spiritual... Thank you for showing such compassion for those in this kind of suffering.
@gardenjoy5223 4 года назад
@@Plethorality Thanks! it's still the truth, that sets people free. Only people have been taught to believe the lies about them to a point, that they distrust and reject the truth. And the truth is: made in GOD's image, fallen in sin, worthy of redemption, redeemed, made holy, in training for co-reigning. But the world still continues to reject at many levels and hurt the soul. It takes quite some skills to be able to counter those. Glad you acquired them over time. God bless you in having a pure and intense relationship with Him.
@forreal245 4 года назад
@@gardenjoy5223 I totally agree with you. I have been depressed my entire life. My father was a pedophile. I will not detail & I have been in a 28 yr relationship with a (former) emotionally abusive man. I have stayed for several reasons, mainly because he has been ill for a very long time, has no one else but me & has changed since losing his health. When he RARELY does backtrack, I pray out loud in front him, "Satan, get behind thee! Flee in the name of Jesus!" His being raised a Christian & regular church attendee from birth to young adult immediately shuts off. Abuse certainly contributes to depression.
@ros6111 Год назад
Let's see what Jesus himself says about hell, in these short NDEs below. Do yourself a favor and read all. A Jesus story...IANDS.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus himself gives her an instructive mission, to go tell people...notice what it is.... BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I knew this was Jesus and that I had always known him. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God....BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear." Notice, he was told.... PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....Jewel F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell"? Religions are abuse?....GAIL A.: "I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt. I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. Now notice this one.... B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one...NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@icanwaitanotherday 5 лет назад
Long but fascinating story of another Atheist who died and came back to become a Christian! I always thought if you were an Atheist and you died, that was it! You went to Hell, but wow! Amazing story.
@icanwaitanotherday 5 лет назад
God is very merciful and he doesn’t want anyone to go to hell.
@gardenjoy5223 5 лет назад
@@icanwaitanotherday It would have been 'that was it', had he not followed the urge to call out to Jesus during his very last chance. God is indeed very merciful and He doesn't want anyone to go to hell. But Jesus also knew and said that there were just few that were going to get saved. Matthew 7: 13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." Howard himself thinks it also has to do with the fact that he wanted to be baptised at the tender age of 12, because at the time he did belief in Jesus. Some part of that obviously still resided in him, giving him the urge to cry out. And I heard of another atheist, Ian, who was considered to have already died, whose mother prayed a lot for his salvation. God will answer those prayers at some time. Still, had Ian not taken his last chance, also he would have found out it is easier to get into hell, than out of it. You might enjoy 'a glimpse of heaven' short movie about Ian MacCormack. You will once again be touched by the great love and mercy of Jesus Christ, who is eager to save.
@icanwaitanotherday 5 лет назад
Garden Joy thank you! I find these subjects just fascinating
@gardenjoy5223 5 лет назад
@@icanwaitanotherday You're welcome. In troublesome times we need such powerful stories to know that God is in control and that He does love us. I'm so glad the internet helps us encourage each other, as we share them with as many as are the least bit open to them. God bless you and make you a blessing.
@cmhockey6586 3 года назад
He got revised
@assm8184 5 лет назад
Children really are the future
@rebeccaringler1265 5 лет назад
I first heard this testimony on TBN. I pray God uses this to draw many people to the truth of Jesus Christ.
@susanfanning9480 3 года назад
Short but powerful. Wonderful! Praise God and thank you. Packed full of wisdom!
@susanfinlay9165 5 лет назад
P.S. I am now 72 yrs old, I remember this experience like it was YESTERDAY.!!!!!!!!! Susan.....
@conversationswithme8601 4 года назад
I'm a Christian now, because of Howard.
@Duane422 4 года назад
This is awesome!
@healthisachoice5967 Год назад
I strived to gain a feeling of gratification at work, sports etc., and after I achieved my goal, that old song would play in my head, "Is that all there is". lol I was so happy when I finally gave it all up to Christ and then when I received that love I wanted to kick myself for waiting so long to receive what I was wanting all my life. lol I am a radically changed person that radically pursues emptying myself of me so I can have more of him.
@PeteKaltsa 4 года назад
I’ve read Imagine Heaven where Howard’s testimony is in there. I’ve had a spiritual encounter one night and I can definitely relate to the testimonies that God fills you up like a balloon with a love that makes it feels like your heart is going to burst. It also feels like he knows everything about you in a in a way that’s encapsulating, that’s accepts you wholeheartedly and it’s like he’s watched you all your life and communicates that intimacy. The ‘fear of God’ is misunderstood. My experience is that his presence is so alive, like an earthquake around you and within you, that his presence is so awe inspiring it makes your inside vibrate, that it’s a respectful awe of powerful energy that leaves you in awe of its power. That’s what it means to fear God. Jesus is fully God, and had to let go of some of his attributes in order to show us who he is. God walked in the garden and Adam and Eve heard him, so he had legs. God appeared to Abraham and he ate his food and lay down on the beds. God took Lot by his hand to lead him out of Sodom. God is able to occupy a body as if he couldn’t, then he isn’t all able to do ALL things. Jesus is the pinnacle of who we were created to be like.
@ros6111 Год назад
Let's see what Jesus himself has to day about hell, in these short NDEs below. Were these in Imagine Heaven? Do yourself a favor and read all. A Jesus story...IANDS.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus himself gives her an instructive mission, to go tell people...notice what it is.... BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I knew this was Jesus and that I had always known him. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God....BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear." Notice, he was told.... PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....Jewel F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell"? Religions are abuse?....GAIL A.: "I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt. I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. Now notice this one.... B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one...NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@xarmyrainbowwarriors1445 5 лет назад
Duane, did you happen to ask Howard if Jesus really did look like the images we always see? He held up the statue from his desk and it made me wonder. Thank you so much for sharing the interview! I started praying for truth and discernment in 2017 and I'm learning so much - slowly but surely and without doubt. It blows my mind!
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Hi there!. No, I didn't, but(!) he does address that question in a recent interview. He says something like the 3D image lifted form the Shroud of Turin is the closest that came to it? Thanks for watching! Great to hear about your own spiritual journey, that is very inspiring !
@specialsnowflake9097 3 года назад
@@Duane422 did he say that the shroud of Turin was authentic then?
@livi-e3h Год назад
The end got to me pretty hard. When Howard said, "We need to get ready to look Jesus in his eyes when he looks in us, and not be too ashamed to look at him..." (I'm paraphrasing). I don't know how to get past that. I've done things in my life before I turned to Christ that makes me feel so much shame to this day...that I have a hard time looking myself in the mirror, so I know there's no way I'll be able to look Jesus in the eyes. I don't know how to get past that.
@ml-ws5bz Год назад
Watch some of the David Berkowitz testimonies
@ros6111 Год назад
Some short NDEs below, all about judgement. Read and see. PAT S.: "I had a feeling of unconditional love, and it was as if all of a sudden I knew everything. AFTER PASSING ON IN THIS LIFE, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AGAINST YOU, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DID IN THIS LIFE." LAURA Z.: "I felt in my heart that God is also all right with our fear, although it will not stop showing us love. God loves us regardless of everything and regardless of ourselves. EVERY CHOICE WE HAVE EVER MADE, OR EVER WILL MAKE, IS ALREADY ACCEPTED. FORGIVENESS IS NOT EVEN A THING. All of us is already LOVED and UNCONDITIONALLY, despite our ideas." Right and wrong?....VICTOR P.: "We discussed my life while I relived portions of it. We reviewed my life, proceeding from oldest to younger events. THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION, AND NO RIGHT OR WRONG. There was COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE AND UNDERSTANDING." Good and bad?....SHARON D.: "I was shown that each event in my life was needed for me to be exactly as I am, and how it touched and altered others lives. Not a "life review", MORE OF AN EXPLANATION OF WHY ALL TRULY WAS WELL, and I was perfect for what I was needed for here. Unity so whole that nothing existed but truth. That is what it was like. THERE IS NO GOOD OR BAD, THERE JUST "IS". I felt so loved, so comfortable; there was no emotional pain, no rejection, no separation." Again?....RUTHIE C.: "My NDE showed me that earth is just a school TO LEARN FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG, GOOD OR BAD. It's how we label, or perceive, our experiences here. We all just live to die, and what we do in between is our earthly experiences." No condemnation at all....TAMARA J.: "I then felt that I left this world and my body and was in the presence of God/Jesus. I BELIEVED THAT MY LIFE DEPENDED ON ME DOING THE RIGHT THING, AND TRYING TO BE A DIFFERENT PERSON. It was like every cell of my being was at peace and I had the joy of loving myself and being loved the way I always wanted to be. LOVE IS PERFECT, it is all encompassing, it is everything we have ever wanted, and IT IS WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. What I recall are a few messages. The message that THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION, that God loves us and we are all loved. I WAS TOLD THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION AND NO JUDGEMENT during my NDE. We may choose to turn from God but God does not turn from us. I QUIT THINKING OF HELL THE WAY I USED TO AND NO LONGER CONDEMN ANYONE. Since my NDE I believe THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION." Pay attention to this one....RAY C.: "I understood that the light that I was looking at, was my own. Once I focused past the light, I understood everything. THERE IS NO hate or JUDGEMENT. There is no pain. Everyone we ever knew here on earth is there. WE ARE ALL EQUAL THERE. It is where we come from. It is almost like we are on a vacation from there. It is like WE ARE HERE TO UNDERSTAND ALL THE EMOTIONS THAT WE DON'T HAVE THERE, LIKE GREED, ENVY, HATE, LUST, DISGUST, OR PAIN. WE ARE HERE ON VACATION FROM THERE. WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS. None of that exists there because there is only intense love. Everyone is there all the time. There is no time there, so people are never really gone. WE ARE ALL 100 PERCENT EQUAL.There is an absolute understanding of everyone and everything. WE ARE ALL GOING TO GO TO THE SAME PLACE WHEN WE ARE DONE HERE. Yes, WHAT WE DO HERE HAS NO RELEVANCE THERE. Yes, WE ARE ALL LOVE. The love we can understand here at its maximum, is only a grain of sand compared to the love you have over there." Despite faults?....ERINN H.: "I was LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY DESPITE MY FAULTS and fears.” Jesus again? CARL G.: "I was standing before Christ. He showed me my whole life, the good and the bad and all the rest. HE SAID, "THAT IS ALRIGHT, LIFE IS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE." More Jesus....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. Is all controlled by fear. JENNEANE E.: "Powerful UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and it is a feeling of just knowing what it is. I felt like I was a sinner and I WAS AMAZED THAT HE WOULD SHOW ME LOVE LIKE THAT DESPITE MY MISTAKES IN LIFE THAT MAY HAVE HURT OTHERS OR MYSELF." What about sins? No matter what?....DAN R.: "I had an NDE in 1965. It's the real reality. It is Love that is creating everything. I was brought up as a Roman Catholic, and I considered it wonderful that DESPITE MY MANY TERRIBLE SINS, LOVE LOVES ME. NO...MATTER...WHAT...It was ecstaticly joyful. One of the hardest things for any person to accept is that, in spite of everything, you are loved, unconditionally loved." More judgement? ANNE MURPHY: "All there was, was the most unconditional love, compassion, pure and total acceptance with no judgement at all. I WAS SHOWN THAT THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AND NO HELL, NO OPINIONS, NO PUNISHMENT, not like what we are taught here, about a judgemental God and being sent to hell if you're bad, that was not the case. THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT AT ALL FROM THE BEINGS WITH ME OR FROM WITHIN MYSELF. It was total compassion, and then remembering I chose my earthly experience. IT WAS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. About guilt and judgement....HERMAN V.: "I found myself falling into a black abyss and I knew that I was dead. Then I noticed my rate of fall slowing, and stopping. I noticed pinpoints of fuzzy light all around me, which gradually came into focus. It was then that I realized that a being dressed in a robe of brown, purple, and gold had broken my fall. The greatest awareness that came to me was that THE TEACHINGS OF CHURCHES WHICH FOCUS ON GUILT AND THE NEED FOR SALVATION VIA SOME CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR ARE WRONG. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT, NO RATING OF ONE'S LIFE, NO PUNISHMENT FOR DEEDS DONE OR NOT DONE, just an overwhelming feeling that one is loved. Many times I'd like to take over the pulpit and tell people what is really on the other side, and that THE GUILT PREACHED BY CHURCHES IS COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE." JEFFERY O.: "I 'knew' my whole life, every event both good and bad, yet standing in the presence of divinity I saw the pure love in all of it. THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT, ONLY THE 'KNOWING'; THAT IT WAS ALL PERFECT. That my entire life was created in love FOR me. EVEN MY CHOICES, GOOD OR BAD, HAD SERVED MY HIGHEST GOOD in every way. For I was only here to learn, and God, along with me, had provided the perfect path for my souls progression." No "hell" and no "karma"..... N. DANISON: "THERE'S NO PAYBACK, THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT, THERE'S NO HELL. Humans want revenge and punishment as part of their animal nature. GOD IS UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING AND HAS NO REASON TO WANT HUMANS' IDEA OF "JUSTICE", MUCH LESS REVENGE AND PUNISHMENT. THANKFULLY, GOD DOES NOT THINK LIKE HUMANS (BTW, I have worked in the justice system for 44 years)." No judgement, no "hell"....S. BOYD.: "After seeing what I saw in my NDE, WHEN WE DIE WE DON'T GO TO HELL, WE AREN'T JUDGED, and I need to be more accepting of others as well." No judgement, all loved and accepted....BOB L.: "My relatives (all deceased) were there, all at their prime in life. They were dressed (I would say 1940's style which would have been prime years for most). Relatives I knew of, such as my grandfathers, but never knew in life were there, as well as uncles and aunts who passed before I knew them. My deceased father was my main non-verbal communication point, but the love and support of all my deceased relatives flowed through him to me. I could choose to stay in their world or choose to return. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT IN THE NDE. We are all part of a larger way of thinking. EVEN THOSE WHO WERE DESTRUCTIVE IN THIS WORLD ARE LOVED AND ACCEPTED IN THE NDE WORLD. I chose to return here knowing there was unfinished business in this life, which we all knew to be important, and my choice to return was fully supported with unconditional love from my relatives." Everyone? But what about "hell" and "karma"?....BRYCE A.: "I had an NDE in 1994. Jesus had nothing to do with it. EVERYONE GOES BACK INTO THE LIGHT. RELIGIONS ARE JUST MYTHOLOGY." JO B.: "In one strand I was aware that Light knew me better than I knew myself. DESPITE ANY OF MY FOIBLES, ECCENTRICITIES, POOR DECISIONS, AND PLAIN OLD HUMANNESS, IT LOVED ME TO THE CORE. It found the seriousness with which I viewed myself, amusing."
@ros6111 Год назад
And let's see what Jesus himself says about hell, in these short NDEs below. Do yourself a favor and read all. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus story...IANDS.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus himself gives her an instructive mission, to go tell people...notice what it is.... BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I knew this was Jesus and that I had always known him. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God....BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear." Notice, he was told.... PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....Jewel F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell"? Religions are abuse?....GAIL A.: "I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt. I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. Now notice this one.... B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one...NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@SusanBrooklyn 5 лет назад
I am so thankful for Howard telling us all his knowledge. I have watched so many ndes and didn't really learn much. Plus, a lot that of what they said wasn't clear and conflicted with other ndes. Howard explains his iourney back to God with such conviction there's not a doubt he is telling the truth.
@cindyfitzgerald4500 5 лет назад
SusanBrooklyn some Really good other ones that I think you might enjoy that really tell a lot more going even farther than I believe Howard did past religious beliefs check out Nayas corner of the universe,Rich Kelley and Nanci Danison really amazing! But regardless I love Howard and his also amazing NDE. Much love and happiness to you.
@SusanBrooklyn 5 лет назад
Cindy I've watched Nancy Danison and was in awe. She truly had the most knowledgeable experience of any nde I've EVER seen. I haven't seen the others yet but will check them out. Thank you and God bless you and yours.
@Geetachopra 4 года назад
Howard's latest interview! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Wo5eUOi_Qes.html
@ros6111 Год назад
Let's take a lot closer look at several things regarding what this guy says. Don't be afraid to think, I think you'll be surprised. Read this carefully: 1) Howard Storm DID NOT DIE. He wrote that his wife sat there by him. Are we supposed to believe his wife sat there looking at him while he was literally dead and not breathing? She never did anything? Never went to tell anybody he had died or run to get a nurse to at least try help? Why wouldn't she do that? The reason she didn't is because she knew he did not die. 2) Howard Storm doesn't seem to know specifically why he supposedly "went to hell" so he reads/projects/self-assesses things into it, to try explain it. He wasn't "nice enough"? He was "materialistic"? This is ARBITRARY stuff. NOBODY is "nice" and "loving" all the time. People are both "sheep" and "goats" simultaneously. If God wanted us to be angelic, he should've made angels...not human beings. Sorry, you'll need to be more specific than that. You'll have to specifically define what "nice enough" actually means, and how to know where the cutoff point is, to know when you HAVE hit it. Now...do you think "nice", and "loving", would have been defined the same way by Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon man, cavemen, and cannibal tribes, 600,000 YEARS AGO as people now define it? And exactly which commandments did they have to obey to avoid being tormented in an afterlife? Or even 3500 years ago ago all over the world, as it is in the 21st century? No it wasn't, the concept of morality has been changing throughout the millennia, and in cultures. And Neanderthals, Cro-magnons, cavemen, and cannibal tribes wouldn't have even been AWARE of any such criteria, to avoid being tormented in an afterlife. In the beginning, there was no sense of what an afterlife might even be. As strange as it may seem now, there was a time when no one thought they would go to a heaven or hell. 3) Howard Storm is telling everybody he supposedly went to "hell" because he wasn't "nice enough", wasn't "loving enough", and was "materialistic". HERE'S A PROBLEM - NOTICE THIS 4X NDE PERSON, DAN BRINKLEY: “If I didn’t go to hell, in the last four journeys, nobody's going to hell, okay,” Brinkley said. "And I was a, well, basically a jackass, and a typical southern redneck, all the things that go with that. I thought I was the toughest, most narcissistic, ego maniacal bad boy. I thought I was the center of the universe. And I won’t say I was overly materialistic. But I was materialistic. I had a legendary overhand left and a really good right upper-cut. So my fights lasted maybe three minutes. I had an easy answer to everything, and that was to hit it in the face. I could say that probably cynical, skeptical, anal retentive personality disorder, which is my basic personality, you know, and you add jackass, that you pretty well covered me. I JUST CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW IN THE WORLD, BASED ON ALL THE DOGMA THAT DESCRIBES GOING TO HELL, I HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE. About 27% of every time you hear somebody tell you about a near death experience, it’s not true. They’ve either emotionally or psychologically framed it to fit some kind of paradigm in their life, drug overdose, something that they can use that name and that term to brand their reality." He is counselling veterans, assuring them they have nothing to fear from death. NOW I ASK YOU, BASED ON HOWARD STORM'S STATEMENTS, WHY DID THIS MAN NOT "GO TO HELL"? It's a complete contradiction of things Howard Storm says. 4) Here's another NDE story told by the interviewer, M.R.: "In fact, one fellow that was shot in the chest three times and beat up, and in the ambulance he had an experience that was beautiful. So when I was interviewing he says - "What was I doing there?" "Does God ever make mistakes?" He was questioning the appropriateness. He had a good experience, life review, everything. Had all the good stuff. But he was wondering why he was there. Because HE HAD KILLED TWO PEOPLE in a parking lot a year or two before that. He said, this all-compassionate, all-forgiving light: “Gee, I’ve got it made the first time around.” NOW I ASK: WOULDN'T THIS MAN QUALIFY FOR "GOING TO HELL", ACCORDING TO HOWARD STORM? SO WHY DIDN'T HE? 5) I think Howard Storm wrote that his alleged attackers left him "bloodied", etc. He said: "Then at some point, they began to tear off pieces of my flesh. To my horror I realized I was being taken apart and eaten alive." Wait a minute...what? Flesh in the afterlife? Really?! I'm sorry friend, but when you're dead YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BLOOD IN YOU, SO YOU CERTAINLY CAN'T HAVE ANY FLESH THAT CAN BE TORN OFF! And you can't be marked up, bitten, scratched, or scarred, because YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SKIN OR BONES OR MUSCLES. If you did have all this, that would logically mean you would also have kidneys and a bladder, bowels and an anus, among other organs. That would mean that an afterlife would have to have a sewage system! Do you REALLY believe that? 6) Howard Storm wrote that these "beings" told him "we want you to do what you want to do. That means making choices and there isn’t necessarily any right choice." I now have a question for you: If there isn't necessarily any right choice, then exactly how is it possible to "go to hell"? 7) He also wrote that these "beings" told him, "go, they said, and make all the mistakes you want, mistakes are how you learn." Here are more of Storm's own words: “Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human. We are to make all the mistakes we want. It is how we learn.” These words don't seem to be consistent with other things Howard Storm is now saying. Now again I ask: If you are to make all the mistakes you want because that's how you learn, exactly why do you "go to hell"? 8) If you believe what Howard Storm says, why do you reject this person's Jesus story? Read and notice at the end that he had a changed life too: FROM IANDS - "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." I'll give you another Jesus story...NDERF - KAREN: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. We are all equal in spirit form."
@RD9_Designs 2 года назад
I've been to churches as a visitor and not been even greeted by anyone. The last was a youth targeted church, where the message was love and hope, with the visual appearance of a concert... they even had electric guitars in the music segments. Yet even when I burned my hand with the boiling coffee that they served, noone asked if I was ok! And I yelled when it happened!
@johnnynesbit8289 Год назад
then be that person that greets and helps. its much more blessed to give than to receive
@leoolsthoorn3124 3 года назад
I love you Howard thank you for teaching me so much
@fsdspdf2717 4 года назад
As you are reading this, someone is going through what Howard experienced.
@ros6111 Год назад
Really? Boy, you are presumptuous. Let's take a lot closer look at several things and see this guy. Don't be afraid to think, I think you'll be surprised. Read this: 1) Howard Storm DID NOT DIE. He wrote that his wife sat there by him. Are we supposed to believe his wife sat there looking at him while he was literally dead and not breathing? She never did anything? Never went to tell anybody he had died or run to get a nurse to at least try help? Why wouldn't she do that? The reason she didn't is because she knew he did not die. 2) Howard Storm doesn't seem to know specifically why he supposedly "went to hell" so he reads/projects/self-assesses things into it, to try explain it. He wasn't "nice enough"? He was "materialistic"? This is ARBITRARY stuff. NOBODY is "nice" and "loving" all the time. People are both "sheep" and "goats" simultaneously. If God wanted us to be angelic, he should've made angels...not human beings. Sorry, you'll need to be more specific than that. You'll have to specifically define what "nice enough" actually means, and how to know where the cutoff point is, to know when you HAVE hit it. Now...do you think "nice", and "loving", would have been defined the same way by Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon man, cavemen, and cannibal tribes, 600,000 YEARS AGO as people now define it? And exactly which commandments did they have to obey to avoid being tormented in an afterlife? Or even 3500 years ago ago all over the world, as it is in the 21st century? No it wasn't, the concept of morality has been changing throughout the millennia, and in cultures. And Neanderthals, Cro-magnons, cavemen, and cannibal tribes wouldn't have even been AWARE of any such criteria, to avoid being tormented in an afterlife. In the beginning, there was no sense of what an afterlife might even be. As strange as it may seem now, there was a time when no one thought they would go to a heaven or hell. 3) Howard Storm is telling everybody he supposedly went to "hell" because he wasn't "nice enough", wasn't "loving enough", and was "materialistic". HERE'S A PROBLEM - NOTICE THIS 4X NDE PERSON, DAN BRINKLEY: “If I didn’t go to hell, in the last four journeys, nobody's going to hell, okay,” Brinkley said. "And I was a, well, basically a jackass, and a typical southern redneck, all the things that go with that. I thought I was the toughest, most narcissistic, ego maniacal bad boy. I thought I was the center of the universe. And I won’t say I was overly materialistic. But I was materialistic. I had a legendary overhand left and a really good right upper-cut. So my fights lasted maybe three minutes. I had an easy answer to everything, and that was to hit it in the face. I could say that probably cynical, skeptical, anal retentive personality disorder, which is my basic personality, you know, and you add jackass, that you pretty well covered me. I JUST CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW IN THE WORLD, BASED ON ALL THE DOGMA THAT DESCRIBES GOING TO HELL, I HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE. About 27% of every time you hear somebody tell you about a near death experience, it’s not true. They’ve either emotionally or psychologically framed it to fit some kind of paradigm in their life, drug overdose, something that they can use that name and that term to brand their reality." He is counselling veterans, assuring them they have nothing to fear from death. NOW I ASK YOU, BASED ON HOWARD STORM'S STATEMENTS, WHY DID THIS MAN NOT "GO TO HELL"? It's a complete contradiction of things Howard Storm says. 4) Here's another NDE story told by the interviewer, M.R.: "In fact, one fellow that was shot in the chest three times and beat up, and in the ambulance he had an experience that was beautiful. So when I was interviewing he says - "What was I doing there?" "Does God ever make mistakes?" He was questioning the appropriateness. He had a good experience, life review, everything. Had all the good stuff. But he was wondering why he was there. Because HE HAD KILLED TWO PEOPLE in a parking lot a year or two before that. He said, this all-compassionate, all-forgiving light: “Gee, I’ve got it made the first time around.” NOW I ASK: WOULDN'T THIS MAN QUALIFY FOR "GOING TO HELL", ACCORDING TO HOWARD STORM? SO WHY DIDN'T HE? 5) I think Howard Storm wrote that his alleged attackers left him "bloodied", etc. He said: "Then at some point, they began to tear off pieces of my flesh. To my horror I realized I was being taken apart and eaten alive." Wait a minute...what? Flesh in the afterlife? Really?! I'm sorry friend, but when you're dead YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BLOOD IN YOU, SO YOU CERTAINLY CAN'T HAVE ANY FLESH THAT CAN BE TORN OFF! And you can't be marked up, bitten, scratched, or scarred, because YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SKIN OR BONES OR MUSCLES. If you did have all this, that would logically mean you would also have kidneys and a bladder, bowels and an anus, among other organs. That would mean that an afterlife would have to have a sewage system! Do you REALLY believe that? 6) Howard Storm wrote that these "beings" told him "we want you to do what you want to do. That means making choices and there isn’t necessarily any right choice." I now have a question for you: If there isn't necessarily any right choice, then exactly how is it possible to "go to hell"? 7) He also wrote that these "beings" told him, "go, they said, and make all the mistakes you want, mistakes are how you learn." Here are more of Storm's own words: “Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human. We are to make all the mistakes we want. It is how we learn.” These words don't seem to be consistent with other things Howard Storm is now saying. Now again I ask: If you are to make all the mistakes you want because that's how you learn, exactly why do you "go to hell"? 8) If you believe what Howard Storm says, why do you reject this person's Jesus story? Read and notice at the end that he had a changed life too: FROM IANDS - "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." I'll give you another Jesus story...NDERF - KAREN: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. We are all equal in spirit form."
@ros6111 Год назад
Let's see what Jesus himself has to say about hell, in these short NDEs below. Do yourself a favor and read all. Notice what they were told and shown. A Jesus story...IANDS.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus himself gives her an instructive mission, to go tell people...notice what it is.... BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I knew this was Jesus and that I had always known him. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God....BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear." Notice, he was told.... PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....Jewel F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell"? Religions are abuse?....GAIL A.: "I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt. I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. Now notice this one.... B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one...NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@xxwendyx 5 лет назад
Sweet sweet guy god bless him 🌈✨💖
@thysvanzyl2782 5 лет назад
Thankyou Howard!! 🌿🌾💙🌾🌿💚🌾
@laurasheehy908 5 лет назад
My husband heard me praying out loud and I had dropped the F bomb a couple of times. He asked me how I could say that during my prayer. I said that I might as well say it because God certainly knows that I was thinking it. If I can drop the F bomb in front of my friends and husband I think God can handle my colorful language as it comes from my heart and truth. I feel very close and intimate with my lord. I have no secrets that I could even think of hiding.
@mikem1895 4 года назад
Ha cool
@GimpEMCo-1 4 года назад
Prayer is very strange sometimes. You sound like a very colorful person!
@iphoneuser21diamond50 5 лет назад
I love his testimonies
@michaelmendillo7513 3 года назад
To answer your question Howard, as far as how to reach people,,,,I think you know,,, it's One at a Time ,,,, 😀👍🙏💞
@Denasoutdooradventures 5 лет назад
Thank you Howard, my father was Finn, I was an atheist, then a agnostic then a believer. The reason I came to Jesus was because he was the most peaceful of all avatars that came to earth at that time. I only try to follow his example because of his peaceful nature to all people of all religions, cultures or other circumstances. I do not see it belonging to any group of people but to the world. I watch a lot of NDE videos to see if I am proven wrong and I do not find that.
@ros6111 Год назад
Have you read these short NDEs where Jesus himself tells them about hell? Do yourself a favor and read all. Notice what they are told and shown. A Jesus story...IANDS.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus himself gives her an instructive mission, to go tell people...notice what it is.... BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I knew this was Jesus and that I had always known him. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God....BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear." Notice, he was told.... PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....Jewel F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell"? Religions are abuse?....GAIL A.: "I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt. I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. Now notice this one.... B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one...NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@oneconsc3333 2 года назад
An NDE that everyone must read and innerstand. If you don’t believe you’ll have to deal with yourself and your actions in the next life, go ahead and take that risk. Consequences are too high and too real. I just ordered Howard’s book and reading the PDF, very horrifying experience BUT, it is an absolute beautiful experience as well🙏🏼💜🇨🇦
@ros6111 Год назад
Before you start proselytizing to everybody, I suggest you take a lot closer look at several things. Read this below, and don't be afraid to think: 1) Howard Storm DID NOT DIE. He wrote that his wife sat there by him. Are we supposed to believe his wife sat there looking at him while he was literally dead and not breathing? She never did anything? Never went to tell anybody he had died or run to get a nurse to at least try help? Why wouldn't she do that? The reason she didn't is because she knew he did not die. 2) Howard Storm doesn't seem to know specifically why he supposedly "went to hell" so he reads/projects/self-assesses things into it, to try explain it. He wasn't "nice enough"? He was "materialistic"? This is ARBITRARY stuff. NOBODY is "nice" and "loving" all the time. People are both "sheep" and "goats" simultaneously. If God wanted us to be angelic, he should've made angels...not human beings. Sorry, you'll need to be more specific than that. You'll have to specifically define what "nice enough" actually means, and how to know where the cutoff point is, to know when you HAVE hit it. Now...do you think "nice", and "loving", would have been defined the same way by Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon man, cavemen, and cannibal tribes, 600,000 YEARS AGO as people now define it? And exactly which commandments did they have to obey to avoid being tormented in an afterlife? Or even 3500 years ago ago all over the world, as it is in the 21st century? No it wasn't, the concept of morality has been changing throughout the millennia, and in cultures. And Neanderthals, Cro-magnons, cavemen, and cannibal tribes wouldn't have even been AWARE of any such criteria, to avoid being tormented in an afterlife. In the beginning, there was no sense of what an afterlife might even be. As strange as it may seem now, there was a time when no one thought they would go to a heaven or hell. 3) Howard Storm is telling everybody he supposedly went to "hell" because he wasn't "nice enough", wasn't "loving enough", and was "materialistic". HERE'S A PROBLEM - NOTICE THIS 4X NDE PERSON, DAN BRINKLEY: “If I didn’t go to hell, in the last four journeys, nobody's going to hell, okay,” Brinkley said. "And I was a, well, basically a jackass, and a typical southern redneck, all the things that go with that. I thought I was the toughest, most narcissistic, ego maniacal bad boy. I thought I was the center of the universe. And I won’t say I was overly materialistic. But I was materialistic. I had a legendary overhand left and a really good right upper-cut. So my fights lasted maybe three minutes. I had an easy answer to everything, and that was to hit it in the face. I could say that probably cynical, skeptical, anal retentive personality disorder, which is my basic personality, you know, and you add jackass, that you pretty well covered me. I JUST CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW IN THE WORLD, BASED ON ALL THE DOGMA THAT DESCRIBES GOING TO HELL, I HAVE NEVER BEEN THERE. About 27% of every time you hear somebody tell you about a near death experience, it’s not true. They’ve either emotionally or psychologically framed it to fit some kind of paradigm in their life, drug overdose, something that they can use that name and that term to brand their reality." He is counselling veterans, assuring them they have nothing to fear from death. NOW I ASK YOU, BASED ON HOWARD STORM'S STATEMENTS, WHY DID THIS MAN NOT "GO TO HELL"? It's a complete contradiction of things Howard Storm says. 4) Here's another NDE story told by the interviewer, M.R.: "In fact, one fellow that was shot in the chest three times and beat up, and in the ambulance he had an experience that was beautiful. So when I was interviewing he says - "What was I doing there?" "Does God ever make mistakes?" He was questioning the appropriateness. He had a good experience, life review, everything. Had all the good stuff. But he was wondering why he was there. Because HE HAD KILLED TWO PEOPLE in a parking lot a year or two before that. He said, this all-compassionate, all-forgiving light: “Gee, I’ve got it made the first time around.” NOW I ASK: WOULDN'T THIS MAN QUALIFY FOR "GOING TO HELL", ACCORDING TO HOWARD STORM? SO WHY DIDN'T HE? 5) I think Howard Storm wrote that his alleged attackers left him "bloodied", etc. He said: "Then at some point, they began to tear off pieces of my flesh. To my horror I realized I was being taken apart and eaten alive." Wait a minute...what? Flesh in the afterlife? Really?! I'm sorry friend, but when you're dead YOU DON'T HAVE ANY BLOOD IN YOU, SO YOU CERTAINLY CAN'T HAVE ANY FLESH THAT CAN BE TORN OFF! And you can't be marked up, bitten, scratched, or scarred, because YOU DON'T HAVE ANY SKIN OR BONES OR MUSCLES. If you did have all this, that would logically mean you would also have kidneys and a bladder, bowels and an anus, among other organs. That would mean that an afterlife would have to have a sewage system! Do you REALLY believe that? 6) Howard Storm wrote that these "beings" told him "we want you to do what you want to do. That means making choices and there isn’t necessarily any right choice." I now have a question for you: If there isn't necessarily any right choice, then exactly how is it possible to "go to hell"? 7) He also wrote that these "beings" told him, "go, they said, and make all the mistakes you want, mistakes are how you learn." Here are more of Storm's own words: “Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human. We are to make all the mistakes we want. It is how we learn.” These words don't seem to be consistent with other things Howard Storm is now saying. Now again I ask: If you are to make all the mistakes you want because that's how you learn, exactly why do you "go to hell"? 8) If you believe what Howard Storm says, why do you reject this person's Jesus story? Read and notice at the end that he had a changed life too: FROM IANDS - "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." I'll give you another Jesus story...NDERF - KAREN: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. We are all equal in spirit form."
@ros6111 Год назад
These NDE people don't agree with you. Judgement. PAT S.: "I had a feeling of unconditional love, and it was as if all of a sudden I knew everything. AFTER PASSING ON IN THIS LIFE, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AGAINST YOU, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DID IN THIS LIFE." LAURA Z.: "I felt in my heart that God is also all right with our fear, although it will not stop showing us love. God loves us regardless of everything and regardless of ourselves. EVERY CHOICE WE HAVE EVER MADE, OR EVER WILL MAKE, IS ALREADY ACCEPTED. FORGIVENESS IS NOT EVEN A THING. All of us is already LOVED and UNCONDITIONALLY, despite our ideas." VICTOR P.: "We discussed my life while I relived portions of it. We reviewed my life, proceeding from oldest to younger events. THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION, AND NO RIGHT OR WRONG. There was COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE AND UNDERSTANDING." Good and bad?....SHARON D.: "I was shown that each event in my life was needed for me to be exactly as I am, and how it touched and altered others lives. Not a "life review", MORE OF AN EXPLANATION OF WHY ALL TRULY WAS WELL, and I was perfect for what I was needed for here. Unity so whole that nothing existed but truth. That is what it was like. THERE IS NO GOOD OR BAD, THERE JUST "IS". I felt so loved, so comfortable; there was no emotional pain, no rejection, no separation." Again?....RUTHIE C.: "My NDE showed me that earth is just a school TO LEARN FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG, GOOD OR BAD. It's how we label, or perceive, our experiences here. We all just live to die, and what we do in between is our earthly experiences." No condemnation at all....TAMARA J.: "I then felt that I left this world and my body and was in the presence of God/Jesus. I BELIEVED THAT MY LIFE DEPENDED ON ME DOING THE RIGHT THING, AND TRYING TO BE A DIFFERENT PERSON. It was like every cell of my being was at peace and I had the joy of loving myself and being loved the way I always wanted to be. LOVE IS PERFECT, it is all encompassing, it is everything we have ever wanted, and IT IS WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. What I recall are a few messages. The message that THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION, that God loves us and we are all loved. I WAS TOLD THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION AND NO JUDGEMENT during my NDE. We may choose to turn from God but God does not turn from us. I QUIT THINKING OF HELL THE WAY I USED TO AND NO LONGER CONDEMN ANYONE. Since my NDE I believe THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION." Pay attention to this one....RAY C.: "I understood that the light that I was looking at, was my own. Once I focused past the light, I understood everything. THERE IS NO hate or JUDGEMENT. There is no pain. Everyone we ever knew here on earth is there. WE ARE ALL EQUAL THERE. It is where we come from. It is almost like we are on a vacation from there. It is like WE ARE HERE TO UNDERSTAND ALL THE EMOTIONS THAT WE DON'T HAVE THERE, LIKE GREED, ENVY, HATE, LUST, DISGUST, OR PAIN. WE ARE HERE ON VACATION FROM THERE. WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS. None of that exists there because there is only intense love. Everyone is there all the time. There is no time there, so people are never really gone. WE ARE ALL 100 PERCENT EQUAL.There is an absolute understanding of everyone and everything. WE ARE ALL GOING TO GO TO THE SAME PLACE WHEN WE ARE DONE HERE. Yes, WHAT WE DO HERE HAS NO RELEVANCE THERE. Yes, WE ARE ALL LOVE. The love we can understand here at its maximum, is only a grain of sand compared to the love you have over there." Despite faults?....ERINN H.: "I was LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY DESPITE MY FAULTS and fears.” Jesus again? CARL G.: "I was standing before Christ. He showed me my whole life, the good and the bad and all the rest. HE SAID, "THAT IS ALRIGHT, LIFE IS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE." More Jesus....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. Is all controlled by fear. JENNEANE E.: "Powerful UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and it is a feeling of just knowing what it is. I felt like I was a sinner and I WAS AMAZED THAT HE WOULD SHOW ME LOVE LIKE THAT DESPITE MY MISTAKES IN LIFE THAT MAY HAVE HURT OTHERS OR MYSELF." What about sins? No matter what?....DAN R.: "I had an NDE in 1965. It's the real reality. It is Love that is creating everything. I was brought up as a Roman Catholic, and I considered it wonderful that DESPITE MY MANY TERRIBLE SINS, LOVE LOVES ME. NO...MATTER...WHAT...It was ecstaticly joyful. One of the hardest things for any person to accept is that, in spite of everything, you are loved, unconditionally loved." More judgement? ANNE MURPHY: ""All there was, was the most unconditional love, compassion, pure and total acceptance with no judgement at all. I WAS SHOWN THAT THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AND NO HELL, NO OPINIONS, NO PUNISHMENT, not like what we are taught here, about a judgemental God and being sent to hell if you're bad, that was not the case. Now what about this?....HERMAN V.: "I found myself falling into a black abyss and I knew that I was dead. Then I noticed my rate of fall slowing, and stopping. I noticed pinpoints of fuzzy light all around me, which gradually came into focus. It was then that I realized that a being dressed in a robe of brown, purple, and gold had broken my fall. The greatest awareness that came to me was that THE TEACHINGS OF CHURCHES WHICH FOCUS ON GUILT AND THE NEED FOR SALVATION VIA SOME CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR ARE WRONG. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT, NO RATING OF ONE'S LIFE, NO PUNISHMENT FOR DEEDS DONE OR NOT DONE, just an overwhelming feeling that one is loved. Many times I'd like to take over the pulpit and tell people what is really on the other side, and that THE GUILT PREACHED BY CHURCHES IS COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE." JEFFERY O.: "I 'knew' my whole life, every event both good and bad, yet standing in the presence of divinity I saw the pure love in all of it. THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT, ONLY THE 'KNOWING'; THAT IT WAS ALL PERFECT. That my entire life was created in love FOR me. EVEN MY CHOICES, GOOD OR BAD, HAD SERVED MY HIGHEST GOOD in every way. For I was only here to learn, and God, along with me, had provided the perfect path for my souls progression." N. DANISON: "THERE'S NO PAYBACK, THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT, THERE'S NO HELL. Humans want revenge and punishment as part of their animal nature. GOD IS UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING AND HAS NO REASON TO WANT HUMANS' IDEA OF "JUSTICE", MUCH LESS REVENGE AND PUNISHMENT. THANKFULLY, GOD DOES NOT THINK LIKE HUMANS (BTW, I have worked in the justice system for 44 years)." S. BOYD.: "After seeing what I saw in my NDE, WHEN WE DIE WE DON'T GO TO HELL, WE AREN'T JUDGED, and I need to be more accepting of others as well." BOB L.: "My relatives (all deceased) were there, all at their prime in life. They were dressed (I would say 1940's style which would have been prime years for most). Relatives I knew of, such as my grandfathers, but never knew in life were there, as well as uncles and aunts who passed before I knew them. My deceased father was my main non-verbal communication point, but the love and support of all my deceased relatives flowed through him to me. I could choose to stay in their world or choose to return. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT IN THE NDE. We are all part of a larger way of thinking. EVEN THOSE WHO WERE DESTRUCTIVE IN THIS WORLD ARE LOVED AND ACCEPTED IN THE NDE WORLD. I chose to return here knowing there was unfinished business in this life, which we all knew to be important, and my choice to return was fully supported with unconditional love from my relatives." Everyone?! But what about "hell" and "karma"?....BRYCE A.: "I had an NDE in 1994. Jesus had nothing to do with it. EVERYONE GOES BACK INTO THE LIGHT. RELIGIONS ARE JUST MYTHOLOGY." JO B.: "In one strand I was aware that Light knew me better than I knew myself. DESPITE ANY OF MY FOIBLES, ECCENTRICITIES, POOR DECISIONS, AND PLAIN OLD HUMANNESS, IT LOVED ME TO THE CORE. It found the seriousness with which I viewed myself, amusing."
@diankreczmer6595 5 лет назад
God gave this man something and then this man wanted to give others what was given to him. But people misunderstood physical love and physical hugging so it was frustrating for him But like he said. You just do the best you can in your world
@heatherbradley5030 5 лет назад
❤️ u Howard
@jamesdoughty8086 5 лет назад
In an earlier interview, he spoke of different planets, and people on them, other universes and dimensions within those universes, and the Earth being one of just a very few planets compared to many, that required a sacrifice to get right. Does he still speak of this today? Thanks.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
James: yea he does; I think I asked about that off camera and he said something similar to this: vimeo.com/302735349 . I dont remember him saying anything about sacrifice or anything related to that.
@E-Kat 5 лет назад
@@Duane422 oh dear, strange how Jesus said exactly the same thing people keep saying!! No surprise here and that's a surprise!!
@kathyleenflores72 Год назад
Hello how are you..Thanks God for meeting you at Hongkong personally...with Joy Harris Lowe...I miss her joy too...Just regards my regards to your wife....Godbless
@Jahtrue 4 года назад
Howard Storm has a command on linguistic accuracy
@barbbrittain5502 Год назад
Thank you audio has improved
@maureenmcinerney5316 3 года назад
"You don't have a soul... You have a body... You are a soul.'
@EddyLopez-q7o 9 месяцев назад
@missyfaulker3797 Год назад
I enjoyed listening! I have some stand off from him compared to other NDA's I felt so close to God! I don't know why!
@leticiajordanimilare9566 3 года назад
"Love the people you are with!"
@MaIContent 4 года назад
I was there when he described jesus reaching down and pulling him out.... right there with him. what magnificence! Life is so hard
@Duane422 4 года назад
Thank you Rich. Bless you.
@warrenrodgers7544 3 года назад
Jesus is the only way to heaven , not through pope , not Mary , not anyone or anything else.Humble your self and ask Jesus he will answer you
@pavelkish7142 9 месяцев назад
I love Howard Storm
@acrtez 2 года назад
Please pray for me I'm in need of healing from polio . Lord Jesus forgive my sins and have mercy on me
@Duane422 2 года назад
I will pray for you. He already forgives you; he died for you. Rest in his presence.
@jameshyatt9701 5 лет назад
What a great story i read his book several years ago i wonder what he was told about religion in general.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Thanks for watching James! He says something about the best religion being the one that brings you closest to God, but still Christianity is the truest. Something like that.
@jameshyatt9701 5 лет назад
@@Duane422 Yes i believe your right. That affirmed a lot of what I thought. A lot of Christians go around saying their denomination is better and all that stuff but it's really simple go where you feel closest to God. Humans sure like to complicate things you know?
@EC-yw5vv 3 года назад
Interesting how Mr Howard Storm an atheist became religious after his NDE, as, generally many "religious" people, who have an NDE become "more spiritual" love towards the creator and unconditional love, bypassing the disciples. Also as I listen to more and more NDE'rs stories , I realize each one is uniquely constructed around the experiencer, which suggests to me that " we each individually create our own experience and reality , meaning we are co-creators of this world and in the Next.... Love will unlock and pave the way for the purpose of Life . Thanks for the upload.
@Duane422 3 года назад
Hi thank you for watching and your response. My only worry: if its individually created and kind of relative, then it’s not quite objectively “true,” right? I think truth matters too!
@EC-yw5vv 3 года назад
@@Duane422 not at all, relativity only comes into it from an evolutionary" point of view, which is still a "theory" not fact. If you shifted your point of view to " consciousness creates Matter and not the other way round " it all makes more sense...but here's the catch "paradox" this is also a theory until, one begins to study one's self . Proof is in the pudding as they say . Thanks for the reply..
@Duane422 3 года назад
@@EC-yw5vv But then it’s still relative to consciousness, is what you’re saying? I am a fan of such Idealism (e.g. Fichte). Also, wouldn’t it be meta-matter in an NDE account? But, ultimately, if its relative to consciousness, that’s precisely what is meant by subjective/relative. You lost me on the self-reflexivity of theory, other than to say it starts to become self-reverentially problematic. Is that what you mean? Thanks again.
@EC-yw5vv 3 года назад
@@Duane422 let me ask you a question please, I am guessing that you believe in NDE accounts yes ? Which suggests that "energy personality" soul , or core self survives death and does exist outside the body ... which also suggests that the body is mortal ? And energy personality is immortal? As the science will say everything is made of energy and vibration, and no energy ever dies ...creation and perception are far more intimately connected than any of our scientists realise... it is quite true that our phsycal senses create the reality that they perceive. A tree is something far different to a microbe, a bird ,an insect, and a man who sits beneath it . I.am not saying that the tree only appears to be different. It is different. You perceive it's reality through one set of highly specialised senses. This does not mean that it's reality exists that form in any more basic" way than it exists in the form perceived by the microbe, insect, or bird . You can not perceive the quite valid reality of that tree in ant context but your own . This applies to anything within the physical system that we know ...and to every individual on the planet no matter what their background... it is not that physical reality is false. It is that the physical picture is simply one of an infinite number of ways of perceiving the various guises through which consciousness expresses itself... have you ever experienced the greater self that is within you ?
@Duane422 3 года назад
@@EC-yw5vv But then, your account of reality as being infinitely perspectival…isn’t this perspective just a perspective? In other words, if every perspective is valid , why isn’t my perspective, namely that every perspective is not valid, valid? Do you see my point? And yes, I have experienced and experience the Father and Jesus, daily. But, in short, how can you even have a debate with me about what reality is if it’s perspective? Surely you think your perspective is correct? Otherwise why convince me that mine is wrong? Do you see my point?
@kathrynbarron414 3 года назад
Have you written a book? And if so I would like to know where to get it.
@Duane422 3 года назад
Do you mean Howard? He's written 4 books -- if you type in his name on Amazon they all come up!
@jms4406 4 года назад
I've astral projected or had out of body experiences a couple times and it feels like this.
@pendago8484 5 лет назад
31:00 If people like to know more about how humans can be when there are no boundries and restraints... there is a book called: I escaped from Auschwitz, by Auschwitz survivor Rudolf Vrba... It's chilling.
@davidbroz6755 5 лет назад
yeah, I agree. I read the book (Vrba was born in my homeland - in the former Czechoslovakia). I had a very bad idea - I went on a holiday by the sea (beach) and I took the book to read there. My vacation was not so good for it. A terrible feeling of what people can do to other people - horror
@jamimoor7311 5 лет назад
Yes I understand completely how you feel! That book is just gripping😭😪 Hyman
@richardalolino4518 Год назад
It makes feel like ,I’m really home…. ❤JESUS always there!!….
@danielberdichevsky9998 5 лет назад
love you howard!
@thomaswebb5579 5 лет назад
This is one of those guys that love to talk. He owes everyone a co-payment for a new ear.
@marymorningstar4508 5 лет назад
Howard is trying to get a message out and he does these talks for you and God
@ros6111 Год назад
Yes he loves to talk. It's strange that God doesn't just appear and talk himself instead of needing spokesmen.
@jackprice8525 5 лет назад
The Buddy Jesus originates from the movie Dogma. George Carlin plays a Catholic priest who introduces the Buddy Jesus as part of his "New Deal" to get people to come to church.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Jack, thanks for watching. Yes! I'm a big Kevin Smith fan. I didn't want to sidetrack Howard by bringing up Dogma though!
@jgsmile1331 11 месяцев назад
Howard Storm is a smart man and good man in Christ.
@barbbrittain5502 Год назад
Can’t hear Duane’s questions, love your lessons
@TheDaveSharman 5 лет назад
Is it me or is Axl Rose sort of looking like Howard Storm these days? Great interview btw, wish the audio was louder for the interviewers for the first half
@susanfinlay9165 5 лет назад
I to have had a NDE, when I was 7 yrs old, I was trying to learn how to swim on our summer holidays, and I took with me a Lge rubber tyre to keep me a float in the deep part of our River Thames here in England, because it was a holiday there were many other children off school, where I was swimming there were many boys jumping off the bridge where I was practicing, and one of these boys jumped into the tyre with me, which caused me to swallow a lot of water, hence I was drowning in the deep part of the river, went to a part of heaven, there was a large screen where there was some judging of what I did, then corrected me a few times, then a Life review after that, then some pulled me out of the water, and put me on the waters bank, after getting the water out of my body by some of the parants there watching their children, I ran home, never told no one for 30 odd years, not my parants or family, it was such an unbelievable advent, this is in a book called---- Beyond the final frontier---- authors Dr Richard Kent & David waite, about NDE'S. Thank-you for this smashing video of our precious bro Howard storm, really love all his videos hes a favorite of mine, bless you, Susan ….
@MysticMaverick3527 5 лет назад
Can you elaborate on what you saw in that part of Heaven?
@ros6111 Год назад
A few short NDEs below, all about judgement. PAT S.: "I had a feeling of unconditional love, and it was as if all of a sudden I knew everything. AFTER PASSING ON IN THIS LIFE, THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AGAINST YOU, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DID IN THIS LIFE." LAURA Z.: "I felt in my heart that God is also all right with our fear, although it will not stop showing us love. God loves us regardless of everything and regardless of ourselves. EVERY CHOICE WE HAVE EVER MADE, OR EVER WILL MAKE, IS ALREADY ACCEPTED. FORGIVENESS IS NOT EVEN A THING. All of us is already LOVED and UNCONDITIONALLY, despite our ideas." Right and wrong?....VICTOR P.: "We discussed my life while I relived portions of it. We reviewed my life, proceeding from oldest to younger events. THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION, AND NO RIGHT OR WRONG. There was COMPLETE ACCEPTANCE AND UNDERSTANDING." Good and bad?....SHARON D.: "I was shown that each event in my life was needed for me to be exactly as I am, and how it touched and altered others lives. Not a "life review", MORE OF AN EXPLANATION OF WHY ALL TRULY WAS WELL, and I was perfect for what I was needed for here. Unity so whole that nothing existed but truth. That is what it was like. THERE IS NO GOOD OR BAD, THERE JUST "IS". I felt so loved, so comfortable; there was no emotional pain, no rejection, no separation." Again?....RUTHIE C.: "My NDE showed me that earth is just a school TO LEARN FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. THERE IS NO RIGHT OR WRONG, GOOD OR BAD. It's how we label, or perceive, our experiences here. We all just live to die, and what we do in between is our earthly experiences." No condemnation at all....TAMARA J.: "I then felt that I left this world and my body and was in the presence of God/Jesus. I BELIEVED THAT MY LIFE DEPENDED ON ME DOING THE RIGHT THING, AND TRYING TO BE A DIFFERENT PERSON. It was like every cell of my being was at peace and I had the joy of loving myself and being loved the way I always wanted to be. LOVE IS PERFECT, it is all encompassing, it is everything we have ever wanted, and IT IS WITHOUT JUDGEMENT. What I recall are a few messages. The message that THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION, that God loves us and we are all loved. I WAS TOLD THERE WAS NO CONDEMNATION AND NO JUDGEMENT during my NDE. We may choose to turn from God but God does not turn from us. I QUIT THINKING OF HELL THE WAY I USED TO AND NO LONGER CONDEMN ANYONE. Since my NDE I believe THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION." Pay attention to this one....RAY C.: "I understood that the light that I was looking at, was my own. Once I focused past the light, I understood everything. THERE IS NO hate or JUDGEMENT. There is no pain. Everyone we ever knew here on earth is there. WE ARE ALL EQUAL THERE. It is where we come from. It is almost like we are on a vacation from there. It is like WE ARE HERE TO UNDERSTAND ALL THE EMOTIONS THAT WE DON'T HAVE THERE, LIKE GREED, ENVY, HATE, LUST, DISGUST, OR PAIN. WE ARE HERE ON VACATION FROM THERE. WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS. None of that exists there because there is only intense love. Everyone is there all the time. There is no time there, so people are never really gone. WE ARE ALL 100 PERCENT EQUAL.There is an absolute understanding of everyone and everything. WE ARE ALL GOING TO GO TO THE SAME PLACE WHEN WE ARE DONE HERE. Yes, WHAT WE DO HERE HAS NO RELEVANCE THERE. Yes, WE ARE ALL LOVE. The love we can understand here at its maximum, is only a grain of sand compared to the love you have over there." Despite faults?....ERINN H.: "I was LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY DESPITE MY FAULTS and fears.” Jesus again? CARL G.: "I was standing before Christ. He showed me my whole life, the good and the bad and all the rest. HE SAID, "THAT IS ALRIGHT, LIFE IS A LEARNING EXPERIENCE." More Jesus....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. Is all controlled by fear. JENNEANE E.: "Powerful UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and it is a feeling of just knowing what it is. I felt like I was a sinner and I WAS AMAZED THAT HE WOULD SHOW ME LOVE LIKE THAT DESPITE MY MISTAKES IN LIFE THAT MAY HAVE HURT OTHERS OR MYSELF." What about sins? No matter what?....DAN R.: "I had an NDE in 1965. It's the real reality. It is Love that is creating everything. I was brought up as a Roman Catholic, and I considered it wonderful that DESPITE MY MANY TERRIBLE SINS, LOVE LOVES ME. NO...MATTER...WHAT...It was ecstaticly joyful. One of the hardest things for any person to accept is that, in spite of everything, you are loved, unconditionally loved." More judgement? ANNE MURPHY: "All there was, was the most unconditional love, compassion, pure and total acceptance with no judgement at all. I WAS SHOWN THAT THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT AND NO HELL, NO OPINIONS, NO PUNISHMENT, not like what we are taught here, about a judgemental God and being sent to hell if you're bad, that was not the case. THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT AT ALL FROM THE BEINGS WITH ME OR FROM WITHIN MYSELF. It was total compassion, and then remembering I chose my earthly experience. IT WAS JUST AN EXPERIENCE. About guilt and judgement....HERMAN V.: "I found myself falling into a black abyss and I knew that I was dead. Then I noticed my rate of fall slowing, and stopping. I noticed pinpoints of fuzzy light all around me, which gradually came into focus. It was then that I realized that a being dressed in a robe of brown, purple, and gold had broken my fall. The greatest awareness that came to me was that THE TEACHINGS OF CHURCHES WHICH FOCUS ON GUILT AND THE NEED FOR SALVATION VIA SOME CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR ARE WRONG. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT, NO RATING OF ONE'S LIFE, NO PUNISHMENT FOR DEEDS DONE OR NOT DONE, just an overwhelming feeling that one is loved. Many times I'd like to take over the pulpit and tell people what is really on the other side, and that THE GUILT PREACHED BY CHURCHES IS COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE." JEFFERY O.: "I 'knew' my whole life, every event both good and bad, yet standing in the presence of divinity I saw the pure love in all of it. THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT, ONLY THE 'KNOWING'; THAT IT WAS ALL PERFECT. That my entire life was created in love FOR me. EVEN MY CHOICES, GOOD OR BAD, HAD SERVED MY HIGHEST GOOD in every way. For I was only here to learn, and God, along with me, had provided the perfect path for my souls progression." No "hell" and no "karma"..... N. DANISON: "THERE'S NO PAYBACK, THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT, THERE'S NO HELL. Humans want revenge and punishment as part of their animal nature. GOD IS UNCONDITIONALLY LOVING AND HAS NO REASON TO WANT HUMANS' IDEA OF "JUSTICE", MUCH LESS REVENGE AND PUNISHMENT. THANKFULLY, GOD DOES NOT THINK LIKE HUMANS (BTW, I have worked in the justice system for 44 years)." No judgement, no "hell"....S. BOYD.: "After seeing what I saw in my NDE, WHEN WE DIE WE DON'T GO TO HELL, WE AREN'T JUDGED, and I need to be more accepting of others as well." No judgement, all loved and accepted....BOB L.: "My relatives (all deceased) were there, all at their prime in life. They were dressed (I would say 1940's style which would have been prime years for most). Relatives I knew of, such as my grandfathers, but never knew in life were there, as well as uncles and aunts who passed before I knew them. My deceased father was my main non-verbal communication point, but the love and support of all my deceased relatives flowed through him to me. I could choose to stay in their world or choose to return. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT IN THE NDE. We are all part of a larger way of thinking. EVEN THOSE WHO WERE DESTRUCTIVE IN THIS WORLD ARE LOVED AND ACCEPTED IN THE NDE WORLD. I chose to return here knowing there was unfinished business in this life, which we all knew to be important, and my choice to return was fully supported with unconditional love from my relatives." Everyone? But what about "hell" and "karma"?....BRYCE A.: "I had an NDE in 1994. Jesus had nothing to do with it. EVERYONE GOES BACK INTO THE LIGHT. RELIGIONS ARE JUST MYTHOLOGY." JO B.: "In one strand I was aware that Light knew me better than I knew myself. DESPITE ANY OF MY FOIBLES, ECCENTRICITIES, POOR DECISIONS, AND PLAIN OLD HUMANNESS, IT LOVED ME TO THE CORE. It found the seriousness with which I viewed myself, amusing."
@tammyramey 3 года назад
I LOVE Howard Storm, but the old testament does not have inconsistencies.It's the Word of God!! How could it?
@ET-sp8dy Год назад
Is there any way you can fix the audio so I can hear what the interviewer is saying ?
@ginatulip8679 5 лет назад
Howard said the old testament had a lot of verses where God says to kill them all, he said to look at this through Jesus eyes. Does anyone know how to do that? Did I miss something?
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Hi Gina. Thank you so much for watching. i think what he means is that if God appears to be doing something that Jesus wouldn't do, it might mean human finger prints rather than God's action(s). This is one way of interpreting what he said -- it certainly might not be what he means. Howard is very careful with his words, so I don't assume to speak for him.
@gugoop6918 5 лет назад
Scary he describes hell.
@katbos4995 4 года назад
Rocket001000 Rocket001000 : Lol, there’s not? I went there in my NDE.
@Geetachopra 4 года назад
Howard's latest interview! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Wo5eUOi_Qes.html
@ros6111 Год назад
LOL. No...there isn't. You better read what Jesus himself says about hell in these short NDEs below. There are many others that are the same. Do yourself a favor and read all. Notice what they are told and shown. A Jesus story...IANDS.: "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home." Another Jesus story, notice what she was told...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love." Now look, Jesus himself gives her an instructive mission, to go tell people...notice what it is.... BETTY E.: "I was out of my body. I turned to look down and could see myself laying there, and I came down for a closer look. My spirit went out and I arrived at my home. My husband was sitting in a chair reading, and the kids were running around all over the place. I came into a pitch blackness, but I had no fear, I was bathed in love. I saw a pinpoint of light, and when I came to the end of that light, I could tell it was a male figure. I knew this was Jesus and that I had always known him. A council of men explained to me that I had not fulfilled the calling that God had for me, and it was given to me what my mission was...and that was to bring back all the information they had given me, and to share it. AND I SAID TO JESUS, HOW ON EARTH AM I GOING TO SHARE THIS? HOW AM I GOING TO TELL PEOPLE THAT THERE IS NO HELL? How am I going to tell them that? They believe it! HE SAID TELL THEM THIS: IF THEY AS A GOOD PARENT WOULDN'T CAST ANY ONE OF THEIR CHILDREN IN A LAKE OF FIRE, OR WOULDN'T THROW THEM INTO OUTER DARKNESS FOREVER, HOW MUCH GREATER IS GOD'S LOVE THAN YOURS? And I thought wow, that solves it. It's necessary that people learn that God loves everyone. Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins, and he says in every way he can...look, you're mine and I PAID THE PRICE, so forget about that. Freedom from fear, so you can be the person that you mapped out...it's a blueprint...you made yourself to be. There are few, if any, coincidences in anyone's life." Again, told directly from God....BARBARA M.: "In my NDE, I WAS TOLD HELL DOES NOT EXIST. In the future, everyone is at final form already, and there is no holy war. TOLD DIRECTLY BY ANGELS AND EVEN GOD." Jesus again....L. HERNANDEZ: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear." Notice, he was told.... PATRICK F.: "I had an NDE in 1996 from a car accident. I've not been able to explain how I received the information I did, except to say it was 'downloaded'. I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL, and that it was created by man to keep each other in check. I was raised rather religious, but I do not buy into the BS they spew." Again, notice what she's told....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!" Yet again, he was told....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience." And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife." Another one...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction." Again, she was told....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back." And again....Jewel F.: "I had an NDE in a head-on car accident. God is 100% love. THERE WAS NO HELL. I'm also looking forward to go back when it's my turn." No "hell"? Religions are abuse?....GAIL A.: "I was aware that I could communicate without speaking and that I could know all that I wanted to know. There was a feeling of peace and calm, unlike anything I've experienced since. Then I was told that I had to go back, which didn't make me happy at all, as I knew that being alive would hurt. I instantly realized that life goals are a waste of time and that RELIGION IS A FORM OF ABUSE TO CONTROL THE MASSES. THERE IS NO HELL. Hell and heaven are BS. Now notice this one.... B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.” See this one...NORMA E.: "Two male medical people came along and they're interacting with these two females, and I can see this amazing light they're consuming. And the two young ladies began to discuss...they both attended the same church. The one who went to church is describing the sermon that was preached, and it had to do with hell. I want to scream at this woman, THAT'S NOT TRUE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS HELL, let me tell you about what it's like on the other side, but of course I can't speak."
@jeanette3148 5 лет назад
Dear Howard, You have are loth og wisdom you have learn from Good you shut conciter to make are movi. Regards Jeanette from denmark.( Sorry my english spelling it not the best)
@brianw.5230 5 лет назад
Is there any way to hear the audio from the gentleman and woman?
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Our voices are lower in the first hour because aren't really saying much, when we start to ask questions toward the end the volume is equal; but you should be able to hear us even in the beginning?
@brianw.5230 5 лет назад
@@Duane422 thanks. I was glad to see you're a Professor at a Catholic University...I'm a born again millennial Catholic and huge fan of Howard's :)
@Duane422 5 лет назад
@@brianw.5230 Oh, excellent. What exactly is a born again millennial Catholic!?
@brianw.5230 5 лет назад
@@Duane422 a millennial is someone from the age of 25-35 in America. A born again Catholic is someone that was lapsed but came back to the Church :)
@Duane422 5 лет назад
@@brianw.5230 Oh fantastic. I just missed the boat on that one! (I'm 36).
@MysticMaverick3527 5 лет назад
Howard found himself in outer darkness and was saved by Jesus when he called on Him. Does this mean many unbelievers get the chance to accept Christ at death too? I truly think so!
@marymorningstar4508 5 лет назад
Yes, Jesus gives us every chance not to go to hell. It is up to you if you accept God or not, even at the last minute. Only God can see into the heart of a man, so he knows what our heart really feels
@MysticMaverick3527 5 лет назад
@@marymorningstar4508 Wow. Quite an amazing God we serve. I just wish we had the opportunity to talk to him in a two-way conversation.
@nzmagpie1 5 лет назад
There is plenty of time in the spirit world, after we die to accept the teachings of Jesus. He has lots of helpers in this work, so its not all about Jesus. Jesus is a very humble person and doesnt take all the credit. His mission is to assist you and I in receiving Divine Love. For some who have died, this can take millenia, for others, a matter of months.
@Memawmom72 5 лет назад
This is exactly what christianity does NOT teach. They teach that once you die it's too late. Howard Storm learned this in his NDE, which is why I'm confused as to why he's trying to convert others to christianity. Why doesn't he just tell his story instead of trying to convert to a religion to prisoners? I don't understand this???
@nzmagpie1 5 лет назад
@@Memawmom72 You may have heard Howard say that he gets hate mail from other Christians. Ive found a huge disparity among Christians as to what are their beliefs. If you read The Padgett Messages, you will discover a God of Love who will never stop trying to redeem souls from hell , even after they die. Gods ultimate goal is to empty hell and destroy it, thats why Jesus went and preached to the spirits in hell after his own death. They had been there for thousands of earth years. Jesus says in the Padgett Messages that corrupted Christianity has done much harm to humanity and its now time to correct things. Howards experience helps in that cause. Coincidently? I just read in the Padgett Messages, a message from St. Luke explaining why its so difficult for some spirits to get out of hell, "spirits in the hells, cannot initiate a start towards high thoughts and beliefs, and only when some influence from without comes to them, can they have an awakening of their dormant better and true natures, so that their progress may commence. I don’t mean by this that it is necessary that some high and spiritual helper shall come to them, but only that some influence from outside of themselves must come in order for them to have an awakening. This influence may be from a spirit in an apparently similar condition to their own, but which has received some glimpse of uplifting truth that it may convey to the dark brother spirit. All spirits can help others who are in a lower or more stagnant condition than themselves, and sometimes they do; but the great trouble here is, that unless the possibly helping spirits have some desire to benefit their fellow spirits of darkness, they do not try to help and so as your friend (Nathan Plummer, an earthly associate of James Padgett, who had only recently died) says, “it is hard to learn of heavenly things in hell.” He realizes that fact fully, and even with the help that has been offered and will be given him, he will find it difficult to make a start. The mortal life is not the only place of probation, but it is the most important place, and the easiest for man to make his start in, and understand the beginning of these heavenly things."
@dominicheywood2286 4 года назад
How many of us fall and miss the mark were not perfect we make many mistakes I'm 19 and just been through a summer uncalled for and never expected .
Hi. How can I get his book free?could you please help me?🍀🌹
@E-Kat 5 лет назад
I've heard other people not only Sherley McClain saying that they're God, as they got that from their NDE! I'm just repeating it.
@briangoodspeed8815 4 года назад
Great video! I wish I can meet him too
@ChrisBrown-gu3tp 2 года назад
God is great!
@jimmyjennings4089 5 лет назад
I believe Jesus knows who will tell of they're experience, and I believe he knows the personality of the person and how they will be received maybe not to everyone and maybe a different experincer may faver a different nders experience but I believe Howard's is a very straight forward personality and he pretty much explains his just like he saw it and just like it happened.
@peterjohncummings4671 5 лет назад
I’m certainly glad that the interviewer’s comments can’t be heard because they seem to have the irritating habit of interrupting at crucial times during the story! Please let your guest speak with natural flow as Howard does so well! Amazing tale, thank you Howard for sharing it.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Hi Joe, thanks for watching. I spoke about 2-3 minutes total in a 2 hour 45 minute interview, sometimes going for stretches of 20 minutes without saying anything. Where exactly did you think an interruption occurred at a crucial time (that the topic was not returned to later)? I only interrupted for clarification and if thought he had forgot something (this interview is designed for students of mine, so it was directed as such). Your comment seems a bit gratuitous.
@peterjohncummings4671 5 лет назад
There was a few occasions when Howard was diverted from his story, one comes to mind when he described leaving the ward after reluctantly responding to the voices he heard. Fortunately he returned to his narrative. I didn’t want to miss any detail of the story and thankfully Howard was wise enough to not be sidetracked .Allowing your guest to fully express himself without unnecessary interruptions comes only through experience. I’m sure you’ll do better next time!
@Duane422 5 лет назад
​@@peterjohncummings4671 Naw, we had agreed upon before hand (this part was cut) that the best way to proceed was for him to tell his story and for me to ask for some clarifications along the way, should I or my wife have any. That question in particular was important for me -- I've seen and heard nearly every one of his interviews, so I interjected when I knew a topic wasn't covered before.
@faithworks217 5 лет назад
I agree with most of what he says and it is quite edifying. Haven't listened to all of it, yet, but that bit about being Catholic and raising funds for Catholics concerns me. It's a pagan cult that masquerades as a Christian church and Acts 8 tells us where it got its start, with Simon Magus, also known as Simon Peter, but not Simon Peter who was the Apostle. Simon Peter the Apostle prophesied that Simon Magus would start his own church and lead many people into idolatry. Simon Magus said, "Pray that this doesn't happen,." That was his first reaction, but he got to thinking about how Peter said he would start his own religion and be very successful at it. He gave in to the temptation and laid the foundation for a "universal" church, which is what Catholic means. He blended pagan beliefs, which he was very familiar with, as he was a priest of the Mysteries, with Jewish and Christian doctrines. The Bible says to "come out of her, lest you be destroyed with her (the Great Harlot). It was Simon Peter the Sorcerer who was buried in the Vatican cemetery for pagan heroes, not Simon Peter the Apostle. That would not have been an appropriate place to bury a Christian. Simon Peter the Apostle was called to convert the Jews, so he probably never went to Rome. His bones were found in a bone box concealed in the walls of a monastery named Dominus Flevit, on the side of the Mount of Ollives, back in the 1950s when repairs were being made. Simon Peter was the first pope of the Catholic church, but it is not the Simon Peter that most Catholics think that their leaders are referring to. He just happened to give himself the same name as the Apostle, possibly deliberately to confuse Christians back in his day. Some Catholics are genuinely born again believers, though, and might not know anything about that church's origins and where it very seriously errs in its doctrines. It is actually the present day expression of the Nicolaitan church, of which Jesus said in the Book of Revelation, He hates their deeds and their doctrines. Nicolaus was another of Simon the Magician's many titles, just as the Peter (a title for Babylonian Mystery religion high priests) was the one who had the keys to the Mysteries, meaning he understood what the Greek, Roman, and Egyptian myths meant, among other variations of the Babylonian pantheon. Yes, this close relationship with the Catholics concerns me. Jesus actually said that He came to bring division. All division is not evil. He separates sheep from goats. He said He sets family members at odds, requiring us to care more about believing and obeying Him, rather than pleasing mothers, sisters, daughters in-laws, brothers, fathers, etc. The unity He wants is for us to be in agreement with the Holy Spirit, not united in error.
@Duane422 5 лет назад
Catholics believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and God and believe he died for them. That passes the sniff test for me. Bless you and thank you for your post.
@barbienuno3511 5 лет назад
@Earlana Townsend. Keep spreading that truth! Us truthers are rising up. He is calling his Elect! All praise and glory to YaHuWaH and His Son YaHuWSuWA Ha Mashyach! Shalumn! Would you like to help more of us truthers share the truth? Check it out Warriorsoftheruach.com for tons of unbiased research. We are trying our hardest to reach those who want the truth. And we know that not everyone is meant to accept it. For a few are called and even less are chosen.
@pearlseashell 2 года назад
@@Duane422 the catholic churches i went to believes in maria s the holy one and jesus as her son.
@pearlseashell 2 года назад
The moment he talked about catholic churches he helped build and about which of the denominations he should go to and the story about the babies getting another change in life after death or after being aborted, i knew something was up with his story.
@E-Kat 5 лет назад
Where's everyone, why not many people have watched this?
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