
HRT Dos and Don'ts for Beginners / MTF Transition Tips 

Claire Fiona Barbucci
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Hey babes,
one of my patrons suggested, i'd make a little simple makeup tutorial for my baby trans girlies out there, who are new to the game and want to learn a few things. i hope i helped someone out and taught a trick or two and i am very excited to see you in the next one!
hope you're all doing well and making smart choices!
Patreon, in case you wanna support me X:
/ clairestransitiontips



1 окт 2024




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@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
NEXT VIDEO will be about Fashion and some quirky alternative outfits! #y2k #slay 💜💜💜
@MellowKeith 8 месяцев назад
@Frabito595 7 месяцев назад
You are very beautiful
@MajorenSnor Месяц назад
My goal is to feel healthy mentally. The bodily effects are secondary to me.
@Sirberrypaw Месяц назад
@fotiacruz194 День назад
Too real
@Sirberrypaw День назад
@@fotiacruz194 extra real
@Nora-transspire 6 месяцев назад
One thing I love about hrt is the determined biomechenical dance of the molecules in your body. No matter how much you think about transition or what you do, no matter if you slack with whatever daily transition thing or not, the molecules will do their thing. This part of your transition just gradually happens. It might be slow, but your body is always churning in the background. Even "wasted days" are less wasted since they are another day you've been on hormones and I find this so reassuring and calming. Helped me a lot to be grateful and appreciative of my body. And the best thing I learned through transitioning is, that self-love is not just some phrase for self care and "better be nice to yourself", but an actual felt emotion of actual love and care for yourself, your true inner experienced self. And it felt akin to loving someone else, just directed towards me and it is amazing.
@Emma_square_Feet 5 дней назад
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, women have different levels of hydration to men and dehydration will cause migraines, particularly in the first year. Exercise and sleep are essential. If you are on high levels of E always take half an aspirin a day. & most important of all get a good therapist/counsellor that is experienced with transgender people, because breaking indoctrination is emotional, before starting HRT. Edit: don't forget you will become as weak as kitten. & definitely get blood tests regularly, you only get 1 liver
@ismiregalichkochdasjetztso3232 5 месяцев назад
If you're on estrogen and progesterone, try dropping the cipro and check you testo levels. Usually, the body regulates the testo to average female levels, it does for me.
@pinkforguys 2 дня назад
that's so cool
@miket7330 8 месяцев назад
Claire i love the clothes you wear, they suit you perfectly!❤❤❤
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
Oh thank you!
@jadekaay День назад
​@@ClaireFionaBarbucci where did you get that knitwear top from? I think it would *really* work with my wardrobe. You're awesome btw x
@daviniarobbins9298 6 дней назад
If one is going to do DIY while waiting do your research first and get blood tests. I am doing DIY because I am not waiting 6 plus years to see a doctor on the NHS. Currently mono. I don't take an anti androgen at all. You don't need a blocker if estrogen levels are high enough.
@chester1882 4 дня назад
It’s the waiting that’s the hardest part
@Necrophyllis. 17 дней назад
My estrogen dose is so low and it scares me because i feel like its not gonna be enough to do anything. Ive been on hrt for 3 days so obviously im not gonna see changes till 3-6 months but you know.
@Pannlicker 6 дней назад
My doc put me on lower dose at first and kept increasing it when I took blood tests and now it's double my starting dose. So they'll likely increase the dose after getting blood work done when you're like 2-3 months in
@AutumnE3 2 дня назад
The dasge will have an affect it will take time tho your doctor will slowly increase it so you don't have as major of side effects
@texmex0923 5 дней назад
One thing I'm still a little confused about, is progesterone. What is the best way to take it?? I've been told by doctors orally, but by folks online rectally. I've tried both for a handful or months but neither seem any better for me. But to he fair, I wasn't super dillegent on noting changes. I can attest, breast growth takes a long time. I only really started noticing growth after a year. And now (almost 3 years later) I'm at a C cup. So all in all, it isn't too bad. Mainly jsut working on my voice and weight atm. I have a great support cirlce. Mainly because all my friend are trans and queer and most aquaintces are queer too. Just one thing that gets to me a bit and has me strughle woth my identity is that none of them are women. Ive never even had a friend who is a girl. Every time I think I do, I dont. Which has really stunted the scoial aspect. I only started wearing skirts a few months ago and started doing nail polish again recently. But I've never worn makeup before and it all seems so daunting. I don't know where to start and I can only rely on myself for learning these things (but that's just how it has always been in general).
@lauraray321 Месяц назад
Awesome video and helpful, I’m six months in on HRT and it nice to get others perspectives on this life journey
@christiecazarez5754 6 месяцев назад
I don’t want to sound contrarian but you literally said the reasons why diy is such a viable option. Yes, do research, educate yourself, make sure that before you make a decision/any purchases that you know what you’re doing. Because in so many cases doctors medicate trans people horribly (like you literally said lol) I love the tips and appreciate what you’re doing for the trans people out there who haven’t started yet, but don’t discourage nor demonize diy. It’s arguably a better option for most people depending on the country they live in. And in many cases they can still get blood levels tested without the need of a doctor. Just encourage not making ill informed decisions please!
@njlauren 3 месяца назад
I disagree with DIY, and with good reason. The endocrine system is complex as hell and girls who do diy tend to concentrate on the levels of estrone and testosterone, but there is a lot more to it than that. The problem is everyone is different ,no two people react the same way. There also is prolactin, that if it builds up you can end up with pituitary tumors ( called prolactin induced pituitary tumors. It is often associated with injections). You also need to monitor liver and kidney functions if taking orals. I realize it depends where you live, but there is a lot of Information from legitimate trans or LGBT sites that have listings for local doctors that are ones girls have used. In general an endo who has worked with trans ppl a while is the best,, but there are gps and nps and clinical nurses who are pretty good. There are a lot more options today, hospitals have trans care programs for example, in the US planned parenthood operates trans health care for her. I worked with an endocrinologist in NYC who literally wrote the book on treating trans ppl, he was the head of endo at a major teaching hospital, he was a world renowned expert on sex hormones with like 200 papers to his name, and working with him he explained a lot ( in part because it fascinated me), and one thing I came away with is how complex the endocrine system is and the risks.
@cool_bug_facts 4 дня назад
​@@njlaurenProlactinomas are primarily associated with high levels of cypro, which a lot of doctors wrongly prescribe based on guidelines aimed at male cancer patients. Obviously diy is not ideal but most doctors not specialized in trans healthcare are genuinely clueless
@njlauren 4 дня назад
@@cool_bug_facts They also happen with injectibles bc they are a sledgehammer dose. What I learned I learned from a world class endo who literally wrote books on sex hormones. Sure there are ppl who do perfectly well using standard dosages off the web, others won't.and even if they check hormone levels on blood scans they may not see what an MD would.
@Nora-transspire 6 месяцев назад
1 pump Gynokadin = 1.25g = 0.75mg estradiol 1 pump Estréva = 0.5g = 0.5mg estradiol. So yes, Estréva has higher concentration (1mg E per 1g Gel), but the pumps are smaller weightwise (less than half of a pump of Gynokadin). 2 pumps estreva a day would be 1mg estro per day, which is super duper low. And for example, if you took 4 pumps gynokadin a day (= 3mg e per day), you would need 6 pumps estréva for the same dose of 3mg. But, estréva has other stuff in it making it easier absorbable. So maybe your lvls will get higher even with an equivalent dose. I wish they would print this on the bottle. How come there is no indication how large one pump is or how much estro is in one. What do I care how much is in the whole bottle or how much is in one gram, when I don't know how large one single dose is?!?!? Where are the nutritionfacts for a serving size? xD
@tangent5 20 дней назад
12:30 accidental buddhism
@its-natalieeee 8 месяцев назад
Thank you Claire we love you!!
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
@theharshtruthoutthere 8 месяцев назад
@@ClaireFionaBarbucci We all are heartbreakers, all of our thoughts are evil and all our good deeds are filthy rags. Jeremiah 17:9 - The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Mark 7:21 - For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Romans 1:21 - Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. We all were: Psalms 51:5 - Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. Our Life Is Like Unto A Race 1 Corinthians Chapter 9 24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. Why are rich and famous depressed? lets list the reasons; they`re trans, faking life 100% daily their master is lucifer, the father of lies. they have no looks, needs to fake these, they have no talent, needs to fake these. they are famous only a moment. they are rich only for moment. To have the moment on stage, wicked and sick ritual must be performed. They are masons in masonry. Nothing`s real, only illusions. They have it harder , to give their soul over to CHRIST and return back HEAVEN (Luke 18:25 KJV and Mark 10:25 KJV) true Christians are born again = new creatures in CHRIST, able to no longer sin and able to understand GOD perfectly. We are to make a conscious choosing between GOD = CHRIST and mammon = lucifer. Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. we since birth live in the devils kingdom, this earth here, it shall be created anew, but not yet, still is the church time = still time for souls to get saved and be raptured up. until we come to repentance and born again, we remain living according to the devil. devils expectations to us are: lie/deceive kill destroy remain wicked sinner who praise death daily. because devil is the father of lies: John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. GOD `s expectations to us: come to repentance come out from BABYLON born again live holy do the will of your heavenly father. Matthew 9:13 But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 1 Peter 1:16 - Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
@hadhad129 8 месяцев назад
Are we talking 50 to 500 pg/ml 500 is a lot not sure if that's safe tbh, according to my research, the female levels and my endocrinologist i've had like 44 as low yeah i feel body feels different again i liked 100 was nice, i had exactly previously but i'm on pills and depends if you take in morning or at night it will peak more. when i asked her she said we want it to be 100-200 once your past that we want to start backing off slightly. though with gels and patch you can probably safely go a bit higher but 500 still is past the female range except during mid cycle, probably 200 is a great place to be. for me i took at night and tested in the morning it went low and the time before i took in the morning and it went ok so i must be between 45 to 105 ish all my day so i tried to take 2x/day so its more balanced idk i feel good with and without just different idk but if below 40 ill die is gross idk how i had 35 before and 26 before at one point too gross that's before hrt ofc. a side note my sister is 21 to 26 pg/ml ish like how is it so low for her cis women wtf but her T is very low ofc I love you videos btw and you are so funny! and your shorts too
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
Yeah 500 pg/ml wasnt the goal and probably isnt THAT desirable but i felt alright ngl. Not comparable to when the levels are low. Ur definitely right 200 would be better (and was my initial goal) but theres no way of knowing how your body reacts to what youre taking until you get tested. But i think it cant be that bad as theres pregnant women too and they deal with levels that are even higher. I wish i could grab some of my cis girls and get their levels tested, would b very interesting. Thank u btw 🧚‍♀️✨️💜
@hadhad129 8 месяцев назад
@ClairesTransitionTips ohh yeah, it definitely would be nice to know my cisgirl friend levels 😅 and so true Some pregnant women go through probably 600+ but they do menstrate away the bad metabolites usually especially after I guess not during that would be bad. Allison just wondered how safe synthetic estrogen at 500+ versus natural but maybe for a short term to get boobs 😅😂
@EmpireGamingWynter 5 дней назад
At the moment I'm on 12.5mg of cypro, and 2 pumps of 0.06% estradiol. I feel like 2 pumps is too little, I've been on it for just over a month though and not done my levels yet so its impossible to know if its the right dose
@rainbowmonkMC День назад
from the resesrch ive done, it is important to have hormones in your system. the body needs them. so blocking t this much and taking low e is a bit dangerous for your body. so my rec would be to take 3 to 4x the amount of e to get to "normal fem" levels. or to go opposite and only do like 1.0 or less of the cypro. and microdose e (thus run on a t system).
@miamaxim7662 8 месяцев назад
Keep it up! You are my inspiration 🤩 How did you feminize your voice? Did you get VF lessons?
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
Oh thank u! No i just try hard to pick up feminine talking mannerisms and increase my pitch by getting my voice used to it. Real lessons or surgery are probably more effective but any effort ist worth it 💜✨️
@ordinaryplatinum Месяц назад
I've heard bad things about vocal feminization surgery, probably best to stay away. voice lessons are the way to go. heat from fire...
@randomnetsurfer Месяц назад
Personal experience: My liver is somehow super-powered, so repeated blood tests and slight dosage adjustments were needed to make sure I was getting enough meds to 'work' but not too much to hurt my organs. I'm lucky to be in Canada where the tests and meds are low cost or free. I have to be a proponent for trusting your Endocrinologist. I would never have trusted my transphobe GP - I insisted on a referral to an Endo, and he was *fantastic*.
@pinkforguys 2 дня назад
that's very good advice, I'm always a little skepical of GPs too
@thatguy6171 День назад
You're so beautiful after just a year of hormones. I've been on for almost 3 years and I have almost never been mistake for female even when I'm trying :( granted I'm not very good at make up lol. Thank you so much
@MellowKeith 8 месяцев назад
Incredible video Claire, looking forward to the next one. :D
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
Thanks im on it babe 💅🎀
@pinkforguys 2 дня назад
Keep your expectations low for your evironment but don't settle for less! You deserve genuine love in friends and lovers, there will be trans and cis people willing to be included in your life and appreciate you for who you are
@Winoa_K День назад
I think people shouldn't obsess on estrogen levels too much. If you notice no change just ask your doctor to raise them. I take 6 mg estradiol and 5 mg progesterone and I develop fairly well. If you feel off too go do exercise and eat well. Some of the idea body comes with effort not just the pills. Meat is fine and that is bull. Meat doesn't effect you and is healthy but still would be good to have vegetables. It's like people who think eating tofu increases feminizing but it does nothing. It would even be bad if it did do something as it would replace estrogen but it really doesn't do anything. Avoid alcohol more. Get electrolysis if you don't want facial hair and if you want bottom surgery it may be important to do that as well as early as you can as you will likely need it for surgery. If your dysphoria is high which not all trans people's are do and you might just get annoyed of those who downplay it cause they don't experience it as bad or the same way try gender reaffirming activities. This could be learning to dance or practice your voice and sing or even sewing lessons and getting into fashion. Do something that makes you feel good and yourself.
@jonnytodd7045 7 дней назад
Thanks for the great video Claire. Can I just ask how you go about taking 5mg of Cypro per day? Are you dividing 50mg pills, and if so how do you go about dividing it up that fine. Thank you
@jonnytodd7045 6 дней назад
OK right now I see that you're getting Cypro in 10mg pills. Nice!
@jadekaay День назад
​@@jonnytodd7045 I divide up 50mg pills.. actually I'm just about to weigh up my doses for the next week rn as it happens :) What you need is a *very* sensitive set of digital scales - they need to be able to weigh to 0.001g and need calibration every use. Then, you check the weight of a single pill and do the maths to figure out what weight your dose needs to be :) For example - I use the brand Siterone (50mg), which weighs 0.20g per pill.. the dose I currently take is 10.5mg per day which weighs 0.042g. So each 1mg strength of siterone has a weight of 0.004g and if you know that as a starting point then you can do the maths from there (each increase of 1mg = a weight increase of 0.004g) Hope that all makes sense to you. But remember to weigh *your* pill weight to start with because different brands of the same strength can have different weights because of different amounts of fillers and binders used in their manufacturing process. Have fun and most importantly stay safe 😊
@LocalBatteryThief 5 часов назад
As a agender person watching this I feel so bad for trans community. please stay safe yall ❤❤
@wumbaka8450 3 дня назад
What veggies should i prioritize? Like does some work better than others?
@visionaryventures12 29 дней назад
You mentioned having an email address, but I don’t see any.
@mercurio-q8g Месяц назад
This tips look so useful (I have the opposite problem so i will use the tips in the opposite way). . Im a trans guy (nb) with big shoulders and I 1000%agree with the tank top tips and shirts. They are so useful to me and not useful (in the opposite way that you). I should use tank tops more frequently then.
@toadburgler16 6 дней назад
thank you so much for making this video :)
@eggisfun4217 5 дней назад
YOU HAVE A RU-vid CHANNEL???, hell yeah
@wismuel 3 дня назад
who needs estrogen when a pokemon addiction can get you 75% of the way there
@wonderluna1265 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this I feel better
@spiceywolf 6 месяцев назад
you look great! im only bout half a year behind you... results definitely vary 😂
@MarcelinaP-ph1rj 8 месяцев назад
I have just (on Tuesday, January 16) happily started HRT 😊, but while the first pill was fine, after the next ones I felt sick in the evening. I hope this is temporary and everything will be fine, but now...🤢
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
Doesnt seem related. Dw sis ur on the right path 🎀🧚‍♀️
@someoneelse6653 2 часа назад
Is 300mg progesterone too much???
@oddrooms 8 месяцев назад
I am the trans friend.
@sa8die 3 месяца назад
thanks so much!
@LadyZ-lr4ud 8 месяцев назад
I love your voice
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
@SofiaCardona-it5po 2 месяца назад
Loved it
@robynkessler4493 Месяц назад
Thank you. I'm trying to work out where to start. I was going to wait until my haemotology clinic in November but..
@claudine_for_hair93222 8 месяцев назад
What do I do if all my trans friends DIY it? I'm totally lost when it comes to doctors. I don't trust my self to DIY it correctly and I don't trust them to do it to me
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
Diy-ing is tricky so id see a doctor and or ask ppl on reddit and definitely research. Starting with diy is definitely not the easiest choice luv 🎀
@davefisher1840 7 месяцев назад
Very helpful information. Thanks for posting!! 😊
@Xcorgi 2 месяца назад
It’s NOT “Sipro” it’s “Spiro” as in Spironolactone. Why are you saying it wrong over and over?
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 2 месяца назад
@@Xcorgi cypro and spiro are two different things 🎀
@SueySapphire Месяц назад
She means siproterone (Cyproterone). Spironolactone is different. 😁
@rvdareyet7201 Месяц назад
Cipro is an antibiotic.
@thepolyhobbyist 7 месяцев назад
Rock on. That was a awesome info film. Thx from a new egg.
@СергейАгарков-д7ъ 8 месяцев назад
Хорошая девушка получилась с переходом❤❤❤
@raymondkent679 6 месяцев назад
Hi hi when you name your blocker Cipro are you referring to the antibiotic Cipro flaxen?
@robinerino 6 месяцев назад
Anti androgen, Cyproteronacetate
@ipppbakker 5 месяцев назад
You are sublieme
@ambulance-tanger 7 месяцев назад
i love you ❤
@michaelcarey379 3 месяца назад
Wow great talk you really hit the points ive been agonizing over....thank u
@jamellehearn1389 8 месяцев назад
You are so damn cute I know your boyfriend is very happy with you cutie
@flyprincess69 5 часов назад
I DIYd mine back in 2000 and yes I had to be my own Dr. Trans care was non existent and to taboo then.
@imzesok 8 месяцев назад
5:53 - "when in doubt take too much" How about we don't do that. From what i've read and heard, if you have too much in your system for you, your body will just convert it to Testosterone to try to rebalance itself. That you definitely don't want happening. It depends on **your** body. that's why every suggestion you're reading vary so wildly, because they're saying what works for them specifically. Yeah, doctors aren't taught well on this front, and it will take a lot of trial and error on their part to find the right doses for you. You just kind of have to be patient with them while they get that pinned down. on breast growth, the common sentiment is, and I know this is going to disappoint some of you, to expect next to nothing for the first 3-5 years. Cis women's didn't grow over night and neither will yours. How much you get will depend mostly on genetics, among other factors(they evade me atm).
@ClaireFionaBarbucci 8 месяцев назад
My dosis got chopped in half lately even though my levels were slightly below average. Doctors dont know what theyre doing sometimes so upping the dose a bit is necessary. Im not saying everyone should take 4 times what they got prescribed. Also yes breast growth is slow and frustrating but im happy with what ive gotten 1 year in.
@yourmomgay874 6 месяцев назад
it will NOT convert to testosterone, that is some stupid pseudoscience spouted by 1 doctor. however excess testosterone will convert to estrogen. also, the risks of DVT at higher levels are likely due to higher levels of estrone when using oral administration.
@njlauren 3 месяца назад
I agree with doses,that upping it may not be wise. If the blood levels are normal going higher will cause problems. Girls breasts develop over a period of years, that is correct. Some girls develop rapidly, others more slowly. It does take most girls 3 years to see near full projection,girth can take time. There is something called the Tanner Scale that shows the stages of breast development in female puberty that you can use as a gauge. I went pretty fast, within a bit over a year I was a B, ended up with a C within a little over 2 years..but it all depends on the person. In general the older you are the slower it goes, but that is not hard fact. Usually how well you develop is genetics, if mom/ sis were well endowed, you stand a good chance of being bigger. If they had smaller breasts, likely you will. In general in the first year breast growth will start ( puffy nipples+ areole), your skin will soften and fat redistrib will start. By year 2 you will have more breast growth, fat will have shifted more, and body hair decidedly less, new hair follicle creation will have slowed down or ceased on the face ( which will accelerate beard removal). By year 3 a lot of the basics will be there, but things will still be changing. By year 4 most of it will be done. Again, this is typical, actual timings vary.
@Xcorgi 2 месяца назад
Hair won’t grow as well without HRT and you know it. So don’t tell people to do things out of order. Also, everyone’s doctor will prescribe the dosage of their hormones so it’s disingenuous for you to tell people what it should be because each doctor prescribes for each person differently.
@cool_bug_facts 4 дня назад
What a bizarrely patronizing comment from the person who didn't know what cyproterone acetate was. Are you seriously advising people to not grow out their hair before transitioning? What do you mean out of order?? First of all, hair tends to grow thinner and drier on estrogen. So long as you don't have baldness-inducing levels of DHT, a testosterone fueled body will generally grow nicer and less fussy hair naturally. And even if this was not the case, on what planet would having short hair as a dysphoric trans woman be preferable to having worse looking long hair? By the time your short hair would have grown long on estrogen, all your previously long hair would have also been replaced by new hair. Do you think hair is a permanent feature that you only grow once? As for the doses, she tells you the ideal levels of estradiol in the blood and literally says that everyone's body is different and that you should always base your doses on blood tests. She also warns you against taking dangerous amounts of anti androgens. That's actually more than can be said for a lot of doctors, who sometimes prescribe poor estradiol doses based on outdated guidelines or very high doses of antiandrogens meant for treating cancer in men.
@Xcorgi 4 дня назад
@@cool_bug_facts I never mentioned cypertone acetate! So right off the bat you’re putting words in my mouth. Also, under HRT, hair may grow thinner strands but the bonus is that it also grows denser on the scalp translating to more new follicles per square millimeter. Also under HRT, your hair growth cycle is longer than its rest cycle which is why women’s hair length always grows faster than men’s to begin with. As opposed to growing under your natural testosterone state where the growth cycle is shorter and the rest cycle is longer which why it takes men much more time to grow hair long than women. It also by the way attributes greatly to male pattern baldness!!! So what your dumb ass is suggesting is to try to grow hair under much more difficult conditions. Lastly, when it comes to doses of each individual’s HRT, their Endocrinologist is the absolute professional to decide what is right for you. The very fact you would say someone on RU-vid is giving better advice on dosing than a hormonal specialist makes you absolutely retarded.
@aurealproportions1917 5 месяцев назад
How can you be your own doctor?
@njlauren 3 месяца назад
Ppl think Dr. Google or pp on trans forums make them experts.
@brodericksiz625 2 месяца назад
@@njlauren Unfortunately, sometimes you don't have much of a choice. I'm not just talking about transition either, there are fields where a lot of doctors are very misinformed. I have celiac disease, which luckily is more annoying to deal with than dangerous, but you'd be surprised by how many times I heard doctors say stuff about celiac that is patently false. The only doctor in my area who is a specialist in celiac has over a year long waiting list, or, in other words, the only doctor I can trust to actually know what they're talking about I can only meet at most once a year. At all other times I have to rely on the collective knowledge of the other people with celiac around me, because most doctors are unreliable on this subject. They make mistakes on celiac that I learned about within the first month of my diagnosis, it's been now ten years since then. Regarding trans issues, I'm not on therapy yet, but I have been speaking with other trans people in person and I've heard stories. Even supposed specialists sometimes give you wrong prescriptions, and you know they're wrong because they don't work, you change doctor, change prescription, and it suddenly works. The problem is that changing doctors for medical transition isn't easy, there aren't a whole lot of them around, so if you suspect your doctor is feeding you bs you really have no other choice but to rely on the internet or other trans people who've already been on therapy for a while.
@cool_bug_facts 4 дня назад
​@@njlaurenwhich is what most doctors also use as they are not specifically trained in trans healthcare
@njlauren 4 дня назад
@@cool_bug_facts They still have medical training and they have things like the physicians desktop reference we don't have. At the very least they have a passing knowledge of the endocrine system& the risks and so forth. It is why I worked with an endocrinologist who worked with trans patients and was an expert on sex hormones.
@SienaaBee Месяц назад
Common ma'am. NEVER DIY.. you are nuts to do so. I tried to listen as much as I can but you're not a doctor. There is no such thing as anecdotal medicine, not in reality atleast. Be very careful guys.
@cool_bug_facts 4 дня назад
you're so right, we should all wait on the 7 year waitlist to be put on 1mg oral ev and 50mg cypro by the wise doctors who know what's best for us
@eidznl1160 3 дня назад
Lol diy is common in asia tho.
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