
I Became Cancer Free Then I Got Stage 4 Breast Cancer | Bethany’s Metastatic Breast Cancer Story 

The Patient Story
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26 сен 2024




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@emdm16 11 месяцев назад
My wife was stage 1 in 2012 told this is great you caught it early, lumpectomy, 4 rounds of chemotherapy and 35 blasts of radiation. ER+. 5 yrs pass “in remission”. In May of 2018 she had a cancer antigen test it was great🎉. On vacation in August, she tweeted her hip walking our dogs at the beach stepping from the sidewalk to the sand. It continues to hurt. When we returned home, told the pcp, he recommended physical therapy. That doctor had her doing leg workouts, stretches etc. to strengthen the legs. Then he realized she was a BC patient.😱 Ordered a CT/ PT and they foun her left femur between the shaft and lesser trochanter had been completely eaten way 3/4 by cancer. Her right side Stage 1 now was stage 4 WTF MSBC. It is now 2018 and Ibrance was new on the scene along with Army of other anti nausea and anti diarrhea drugs with shots in the butt to strengthen her bones and that helped for about 15 months. Then afinitor for almost 13 months, then, meanwhile it kept moving and moving and progressing into her bones, collar bones, ribs, spine, hips, shoulders, But no pain thank God!! Come Oct 2022. Started complaining of some shoulder and left tricep bicep pain. Tried cod oils/ salves, pain patches etc. pain grew worse. Had intense heat emitting from those areas. I asked her to call her doctor. She said she is fine. It came to a point where she was crying I told her to call. I finally called. They scheduled a ct/pt scan. The cancer was in her shoulder and scapula. Also in her Liver and Lung. Come along Trodelvy….. That worked up until September this year so 9 months without recurring. Now she started Enhertu. It was 3 days ago and she has been sleeping and nauseated and achy since then. There has to be a way to battle this naturally alongside these poisonous treatments to assist the body in renewing itself. I have been blessed to be with her during this long battle. Each drug seems to last less and less before a new location or reoccurrence shows that is worse. She is having a lot of liver pain with this now. A lot of lesions on her liver. It is a fight that most of us husbands would take from our wives to keep them healthy and alive. To see them suffer is horrific. To not be able to take this and make it better is very hard for us. Being there is all we can do. Support , help, care for, honor, and love them throughout this journey. I pray for all of you woman battling this unrelenting disease. May you find comfort and peace and know that we are loving you forever and always and will be praying that this fight will end with the defeat of this horrific illness someday soon. ❤
@wandah9468 10 месяцев назад
@premilabenjamin4444 2 месяца назад
😊 prayers for your wife. The prayer of faith will heal the sick. JESUS CHRIST himself took our infirmities and bore all our sicknesses. But he was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with His wounds we are healed. Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and you will be saved you and your family. With love and prayers.
@soumias04 2 месяца назад
How is she now?
@elizabethbeth9930 Месяц назад
Did she take any estrogen blockers ?
@emdm16 Месяц назад
@@elizabethbeth9930 yes she did. They put her into menopause immediately when she was first diagnosed.
@judymcfadden3577 Год назад
I made a decision to end a toxic friendship after cancer treatment. I felt I had to be selfish at this point in my life. It was a long friendship, and mental illness had a lot to do with it, but I had to come first. God bless!!
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
I'm so glad you put YOU first!!! That has been one of my greatest lessons too. Sending you big hugs! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@sheliasims5786 Год назад
🙏f0r you.cancer is horrible thing.i had it.i left it in Gods hands.as of now I've been cancer free for a yr.i just pray it stays gone.
@t5l239 Год назад
My nieghbor was like you in her bones, blood and brain.When she found out her daughter was 12. Given 3 months to live she lived 6 more yrs to see her daughter graduate. She was Amazing like You!
@ldav2006 Год назад
You are an inspiration! I have breast and thyroid cancer. Thyroid mets in my lungs. Very hard dealing with it emotionally. After listening to you I feel much better and hopeful. We are not alone.
@commonsense6967 Год назад
May you have many more happy and adventurous years!
@jamieforler9967 Год назад
Well I can understand your cancer journey in a different way. But God bless you for your overwhelming efforts to keep Smiling. I'm 44 years old and I was Diagnosed with Huntington's Disease in 2019. No Cure No medication to help i'm just a 20 year life sentence I watch my father passed away of it in 2019 from it at the age of 68. Sure there's no cure and it's hereditary. I do have three children have a 50 chance of getting it, but I go to work every day keep a smile on my face and I have become a warrior for my father and my children to let them now as long as I wake up and there's air in my lungs I'm happy and I'm just gonna keep on going
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
"as long as I wake up and there's air in my lungs I'm happy and I'm just gonna keep on going" - what a beautiful prescription for living life! Thank you so much for sharing this and I'm sending you much love on your health journey too. xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@susiepingleton3614 11 месяцев назад
I am stage lll. Had double mastectomies with reconstruction all in one surgery! I had 19 bad lymph nodes. I did radiation 27 burns and zero chemo. I am an RN. I did hospice nursing 18 years. I take anastrozole and am 4 years out now! At stage lll no one is cancer free. Should I eventually go to stage lV, I will get a hospice team! You can have a team for several years! I do suffer fatigue. I am active! Enjoying all of my grandkids and two greats! My faith in Jesus has been strong for 50 years! Everyday is blessed! Remember the average patient makes the oncology clinic over a million! As a hospice nurse why were all my patients bald?! Use your common sense!
@pourquoipas971 Год назад
Very brave and resilient young woman . cancer patients show us what courage is. Thank you so much .
@sarahnovamusicatlanta Год назад
I have that dress the white and flower embroidered one and your story hits home. My mother is not caring for my brother who is 19 with leukemia diagnosis and that’s all he wants. He has pushed me away I guess to deal with the pain of abandonment from his own mother. I try to support his recovery in whatever way he asks living three states away and trying to launch my business here. Thanks for your story.
@anurseinthekitchen6442 Год назад
I am so fed up with this healthcare system.
@jenniferwells9032 Год назад
I’m so very sorry🥲 my daughter had stage 4 lymphoma, her twin brother saved her life❤️he gave his stem cells🙏pls god it never comes back🥲🙏❤️❤️
@lanebashford3982 Год назад
I'm in the same situation as you, Bethany. I'm almost twice your age, was dx with stage 4 MBC almost two years ago. Mine started in one breast, spread to one lung, my lymph system, my ribs, spine and pelvis. I have small tumors on all those bones plus in one arm. For the moment, I'm virtually pain-free and doing extremely well and my cancer seems to be a holding pattern. It's not getting worse, at least there's that. I take oral meds (went thru IV Taxol and radiation) specifically Verzenio + Femara. I have scans every 3 months and all seems well at this time. My biggest complaint is really bad fatigue. I'm wiped out. I envy your energy. I try to get exercise and fresh air daily and do household chores but it makes me more tired. I'm praying for you and happy that you're doing so well. Your longevity is amazing so keep up the good work.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Hi Lane, it's so nice to connect with you here! Oh wow, you've been through quite a journey too! Fatigue is something I've dealt with as well - it seems to come in waves in correlation with my Ibrance meds cycle. While I'm so grateful to be able to do so many things, I have days where I'm a napping couch potato too...I notice that when I stop comparing myself to how I "used to be" or "should be" energy-wise, I can find more peace with however I show up each day. And I know it can be super frustrating too. I'm sending you huge hugs! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@mythaichannel9082 Год назад
hello there Lane, you can do it, we all gonna beat this stinky cancer, don’t give up hope. You are not alone in this situation 🍀🍀 wishing you the best of luck 🤞
@theninashop1505 Год назад
Hey, my mom is living exactly the same thing, and it gets very tough for everyone.... I hope you all will feel better and energetic very soon it always touches the most dynamic people, please let us know how are you feeling now after 7 months of these comments
@dorothyparsons1515 Год назад
They have a woman on Utube that has lived so far for 20 years with Stage 4 breast cancer. Her name is Jody.
@sandrag8656 Год назад
In all of this you are sooo blessed with your boyfriend and your mum. 💖
@weirdokelly2.048 Год назад
Yup took me 4 months to get diagnosed with facial numbness, horrible back pain, vomiting, heart palpitations. Finally a doctor did a scan. It was always anxiety. Doctor really need to do it all if you were previous breast cancer
@deborahevans1052 Год назад
That's right better safe then sorry do the scan.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
I'm so sorry this happened to you too! Soooo frustrating....And I'm SO GLAD you kept pushing for a scan. My doctors are all over it now, thank goodness. Sending you lots of love on your journey too. xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@susanehlava3808 Год назад
You are a gutsy lady, you had the choice to curl into a ball and give up or continue on with all the new treatments. You are a positive person and I’m sure that you’re helping many people in a similar situation . So happy that you took control of your life in a way that was best for you ❤
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Thank you so much for your kind words! I certainly have had my fair share of curling up into a ball and crying (hey - that's healing too!) and I've learned to welcome those moments and let all the emotions flow through. Eventually they pass and I'm back to happy times :) Wishing you a beautiful New Year! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@cherierhynes8514 9 месяцев назад
Yes you are wonderful and inspiring. I had a recurrence in breast that am only now addressing. I waited too long and the guilt is so painful to me and to my loved ones. It been very hard to face. Its locally advanced and I am so stressed. I pray God gives me another chance to live and to truly take care of myself to love myself is the lesson in it for me. Please be proactive about a cure. I will be doing jane mclellands online program to block the 4 pathways cancer cells can use when available. Shes a stage 4 survivor 3 times over. You can do it as you have your youth its a big gun in this powrerplay. Blessings on you and yours.
@conniezirkle Год назад
You are experiencing the stages much faster than I have. I started at 39 and was also diagnosed with stage 4 in 2020 ( I am now 67). I had a reoccurance about 8 years ago also and did everything I was told. I also regret not advocating for yearly scans. I think I just wanted to not be labeled with cancer in between treatments etc. But of course it was always present in my dreams (night terrors) and thoughts even if I avoided the medical aspect of it. I still went to primary care and followed my health closely, but enjoyed the time not going to the cancer doctor. Like you stage 4 started with back pain. I've had 3 years of treatment with mets in my liver and and most of my back, hips, leg, arm and skull. I am just going in for testing today which will probably lead to IV treatment. I've been on 4 pill treatments but it looks like I may have to move to the more aggressive stage of treatment. Thank you for sharing your story. It really gives me hope and has me thinking about the choices I have and am making. Good luck!
@bonniehelms6798 Год назад
You are so beautiful and brave. My mom’s cancer spread to her spine. She is near 91 and bedridden with hospice care. God bless you and everyone living with metastatic breast cancers.
@ftmrivas3043 Год назад
Praying for a better future for you
@mjsimmons1 Год назад
I've just watched your video and have the upmost respect for you. I was diagnosed with plasm cell leukemia in February this year. I was in remission then it spread and I got testicle cancer and had to have my left one removed. It is now affecting my paturitree gland so back on chemo. Keep up the fight you have got this. It time we won and not let the cancer win.
@chazlon5061 Год назад
shit its bad enough to get cancer then to find out it spread.....thats what i call double whammy of bad luck.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Oh wow, what a crazy adventure you've been through! I admire you too for continuing to show up every day, facing the challenges, and living your life. It's not easy and we're doing it! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@mjsimmons1 Год назад
@Bethany Webb stay safe Bethany and thank you for your reply. The strength in the support we get from are friends and family go's a long way in keeping are spirits up.
@christinemiles117 Год назад
You are such a positive inspiration. Newly dx age 48 with high grade DCIS bilaterally. Its easy to take the emotional road and have self pity but am trying so hard to stay positive and be a role model for my kids. God bless you!
@Stacie2440 Год назад
Good luck to you stay strong and keep on fighting!!! In 2019 my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with mets to his brain. He was given a 6% chance to make it 2 years. He underwent initial treatment followed by more off and on. 4 years later he’s still here and fighting. I’m his advocate and I have had to be his voice many times. Don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable to get what you need. If I wouldn’t have challenged the oncologist she would have ended treatment back in the beginning using her own opinion of quality vs quantity of time. Ask questions I’ve learned no two people are the same even if they have the same cancer. The Drs say my dad is a miraculous case I just say he’s changing the statistics 💙
@nickywilks7928 Год назад
Bethany, you are amazing..I could listen to you all day, you are an inspiration and a guiding shining light.....may you long continue to live a full life.
@livurelife Год назад
Keep up your good attitude. God will heal you. You’re in my prayers.
@sonyaskogstad3849 Год назад
I really admire your positive attitude and how you have gone about your life since your MRI. I look forward to anything you put up in the future and I wish you all the best.
@genevievegenevieve5205 Год назад
Brave woman.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Cancer has certainly taught me how resilient the human spirit is! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@salcamposano4153 Год назад
Very similar story with my wife I hope they find a cure for all cancers
@tracymcgrath1192 Год назад
So not fair. I’m so sorry. God bless 🙏💕
@juanitagee9511 Год назад
I was diagnosed in the Fall of 2010 with Stage 4 Metastatic breast cancer to the bones and givin 2 years ummm what year did I just ring in with my young daughter 2023... you Live your life girlfriend every second to the fullest... just keep on living. You inspireed me in this video♡.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
OMG! This is soooooo amazing and inspiring to hear! YES! Thank you so much - and absolutely, I am living it up! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@annamankowska9091 Год назад
I'm happy for you 💖💐😊
@susanmhlahleli5985 Год назад
Thank you so much for this message
@bobs1356 Год назад
Sorry but maybe you where misdiagnosed in the first place.
@SD-rm5ty Год назад
So happy for you!!🎉😊
@kehau236 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing. You are so strong. It’s frustrating to hear how you had to fight for the care that you needed, but glad to know you’re in good hands
@debbiec.8553 Месяц назад
I was just diagnosed with breast cancer in June. I have surgery on August 23rd. You are AMAZING!!! You give me so much HOPE. THANK YOU!!!
@lauramaclagan3838 Год назад
I'm so sorry 😭😭😭
@lyricalaska Год назад
@susanriesz1920 Год назад
I'm glad that you have a beautiful life. Be your own advocate and keep the faith. My best to you!
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Absolutely!!! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@indranidasgupta8982 Год назад
What a beautiful, touching thing you have given us. I am grateful to have been a part of it... I am anticipating something that I don't yet know will happen or not, and watching this... it brought me to tears and also made my heart swell with happiness for you. I am glad you're doing well and I wish you much love and strength and luck xoxo
@lisacasada8915 Год назад
I also have stage Iv bc. I can see how positive you are and I am as well. Let’s keep going 👍🏼💗
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Yes! Let's live it up! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@ll1773 Год назад
Omg.. you’re so strong.. I’m really sorry for your recurrent. May god take care of you
@martinejanssens1887 Год назад
You are so brave and beautiful… it’s your optimistic character and gratefulness that puts you through this horrible ordeal. I just had a mastectomy and will undergo radiation soon… u are an inspiration and I thank u for sharing your story!
@bojigirl5672 5 месяцев назад
I had a horrible black infection after bilateral mastectomy. I had to have another one on that side. Then heal from that. Made physical therapy late. I didn’t save nipples. Nothing. Get everything off me. I am seven years free but then at six I got thyroid cancer, but wasn’t metastatic. Now, at seven years I got a brain tumor. Inoperable so we don’t know if it’s metastatic but it probably a primary brain tumor. I am keeping positive. And I am so happy for you being positive. Life is good then and you need that, even f it’s temporary.
@Dannsandiego Год назад
What an amazing lesson in resilience.
@timizo691 Год назад
I lived this story with my wife who got triple negative breast cancer. I’m the guy who she decided to divorce after her treatment. I stood by her side and supported her through all of it. I suffered myself thinking my wife was going to die. After getting through it she through me in the trash because she wanted to be selfish.
@Olive_719 Год назад
@ivonalatu4363 Год назад
She's a cow. You are better off
@battybethc8061 Год назад
Maybe she didn't want you to see her suffer. But that was not a way to do it. She should have told you that she didn't want you see her suffer and put you through anymore pain than you were going through already. Some people are different like that. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Prayers going up for you that you heal and find peace and happiness. 🙏🫶😊
@timizo691 Год назад
@@battybethc8061 Thank you for your kindness. I sometimes wonder if what you said is partially true. In one breath she says that she is not the same person and the old her died. She says she feels weak. She says it is no longer my job to take care of her. On the other hand during our divorce she said I was at fault. She is like Dr. Jekyll and hyde.
@collettewillkinson5505 Год назад
Sorry who's selfish???? Why would you post this and bitch about your ex wife like this YOU have NO idea how cancer impacts you. Get over yourself.
@lmcdonough2293 Год назад
You're so beautiful inside and out. Thank you for sharing your journey. I'm very inspired by you as I have an incurable blood cancer and I feel you!
@bobsilver3983 Год назад
who says its incurable?
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Hi Lonni, thank you so much for these kind words and please reach out if I can support you! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@maddyk8505 Год назад
@ilovesketching1 Год назад
May the LORD give you all the strength and hope in him
@kathrynellman4104 Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing your story.
@Useful67 Год назад
Stay strong, you're really an inspiration with everything you've been through, it's not easy, but I'm learning a lot from you, thanks for the story
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Thank you so much for taking the time to watch it! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@dorothyparsons1515 Год назад
Praying for you.
@corriehordyk3342 Год назад
Tank you for sharing. Si intended I feeling I have this sword over my head and waiting for it to fall. My lupectomy came out clean edges, n lymph node involvement but a 40% change of it preparing somewhere. Kinda keeps me on edge!
@poshmissmosh Год назад
I’m bawling 😭 I was so touched by your story & I’m so grateful I came upon it this evening. ❤ Tysm for sharing.
@dorotapowaza4284 Год назад
Be strong ❤️and God bless you🙏
@jenniferboughton5966 Год назад
Praying for you beautiful, it’s amazes me how so many people have to insist on things they know are not right with their health and get cancer diagnosed, keep fighting girl!❤️✌️😊
@Lalasuga124 Год назад
Sending good vibes your way ! Praying for you 😊
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Thank you so much! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@jenc7664 Год назад
Thank you. I needed this right now.
@rebeccakarlsson1395 Год назад
Thank you Bethany for your powerful story. I am going to read your book. I feel that we are very similar in many ways and I am sure that your advice will help me on this cancer journey. I also do not feel safe now that treatment has ended, mainly because of the poor monitoring protocol for BC patients. Your words struck home. I am going to follow your advice and advocate more for myself. Thank you so very much. God bless you. May you have success after success in your health journey and in every part of your life.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Hi Rebecca, I so appreciate your sharing here! Please know I am not the norm in that the cancer returned and YES, I love that you are inspired to advocate more for follow up scans. I hear some doctors do an annual scan which I completely agree with. And I'm so excited you're going to read my book baby! It's quite the overshare of my life lol...I hope we can stay connected and I'm wishing you so much love, peace, and joy! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@loritolentino9166 Год назад
Bethany , you inspire me! Thank you! 🙏❤️
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Big hugs to you! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@michelegrubl9528 Год назад
I love your positive attitude and I think your amazing!
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Thank you so much! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@luccamartin8197 5 месяцев назад
A very informative and uplifting video of your trials with breast cancer. My identical twin sister was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer last year. She has an aggressive form of this disease and has been through chemo and will be taking Tamoxifen for at least 5 years. I'm scared for my sister and for myself since we have identical DNA and similar lifestyles and diets. Always have hope since medicine is moving forward every day and there might be more effective and promising treatments in the near future.
@nelsonpatel8624 Год назад
I am great to see you are a very tough lady and I pray 🙏🏻 that you have decades to enjoy and be here on earth. Enjoy every moment you can Happy New Year 🎊. Gotha, Florida.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm joining you in that prayer! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@cindyg6329 Год назад
Thank you for this! I needed to hear this today and your video popped up. Thank you.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Yay for the internet, connecting us at the perfect time! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@Myname2663-w2z Год назад
Thanks so much for sharing. Very inspiring!
@ThePatientStory Год назад
Thank you so much for watching! ❤️
@joshuaarcioni2575 Год назад
I enjoyed listening to your whole journey. What a wild ride. I hope to be more like you and grab life by the balls and just live the Fu** out of it!!! I am NED at the moment and it just feels like Ive been though a bad dream honestly. Been through surgery, chemo and more surgery. Hope im in the clear. I really wish the same for you. I love your outlook on your whole situation and all that cancer throws at us. Live the FU** out of life!!!
@sofeabian1372 6 месяцев назад
U r such a brave n positive woman
@ginapisano3860 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your story. It looks as though you are learning and growing so much. Blessings to you. 🙏🏻
@beckyberrett2415 11 месяцев назад
You have a beautiful soul! Sending Prayers your way!
@graham2733 Год назад
Bethany you are amazing 🙏❤️
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Thank you so much for your kind words...wishing you a joyful New Year! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@graham2733 Год назад
@@BethanyWebbYoga You are extremely welcome and I too wish you a Happy New Year xx
@llovingllife Год назад
Your story is just as beautiful as you are.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Thank you so much for these sweet words! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@deirdrekiely6187 Год назад
You're incredibly strong. So sad that your husband was not there for you during one of the hardest times of your life.
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Thank you so much - he was definitely there for me in many beautiful ways, but yes - also struggled in showing up in all the ways. It really taught me how much support our caregivers need too! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@timizo691 Год назад
I think what you did to him was wrong. My wife did the same thing to me. I stood by her side through everything. My biggest fear was her dying. I tried to support her to the best of my abilities but she seemed to think Cancer was an excuse to become selfish. When you get married you make a vow to the other person. For better or worse, in sickness and health. Our young generation doesn’t honor anything anymore. She destroyed me and hurt our son in the process.
@frenchie2700 Год назад
@@BethanyWebbYoga Hi. I have been through cancer 2 times, now MBC at 37. I was married the first time and.my ex was not supportive. My boyfriend now is also struggling. It's hard and I have learned nobody will take care of my as I can or my mom. Good luck xoxo
@battybethc8061 Год назад
​@@timizo691. I'm sorry you have to suffer. Prayers going up for you in hopes you find peace and happiness in your life. 🙏🫶
@elizabethschrier1344 Год назад
You're absolutely beautiful! I love your RU-vid channel. I recently subscribed. I'm happy you're doing well!
@ambergoldman8031 Год назад
Thanks for sharing your story ❤
@ThePatientStory Год назад
Thanks for watching!
@deborahmeyers551 Год назад
Bethany you are absolutely 💯 awsome 💜 you are such a fighter I'm going to pray for you in all my meditations may you have people around you that support you amd uphold you. I have gad 4 recurrences ovarian cancer now its in my liver also had it got to my apendix
@FullTimePatient37 Год назад
I am praying you will beat the odds again 🙏🏼
@MissBe737 Год назад
My daughter's 4th stage breast cancer took forever to be diagnosed. They had her go thru pt first. Makes me so mad. She passed away 12-24-21 at the age of 27.5.
@daezysinspirationtv Год назад
Sorry sorry. May God comfort you
@jodythi1 Год назад
I’m so sorry for your loss Sherie! I’m keeping you in prayer 🙏🏼
@colleengoosman3581 Год назад
Omg ,my heart just heart just broke 💔 😢. I am so sorry .
@devdaarshk6054 Год назад
Only prayers will help you to come back
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
I am so, so sorry for your loss - it's completely heartbreaking and unfair. Wishing you so much love and comfort in the moments of immense grief. I often think of my mom (and my family) when I imagine passing away and it just breaks me. I certainly want them to find joy and keep living, and I know healing takes time, patience, radical love. Sending you huge hugs! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@ThePatientStory Год назад
We’d love to hear from you: Did you make any big changes in your life after your cancer diagnosis? Leave us a comment below 👇
@jacobmartin3357 Год назад
B17 selenium zinc mushrooms D3 megnesium
@tamarasemple7628 Год назад
Quit drinking , eating sugar and refined carbs. Just got my “ in remission “ , it’s been 6 yrs . Thanks for sharing, you are an inspiration!
@PrettyinScarlett03 Год назад
Fasting is so incredibly important!
@StaceyMangani Год назад
Totally inspiring!!
@talktomenowxbmc Год назад
Inflammation is the reason behind cancer. This is a common theme. People feel tired or fatigued. They have anemia. Some body aches. Then suddenly they discover that they have cancer. But conditions for cancer development existed for years, if not for decades. It all starts in human gut with food. There are basically two types of food. The one that caused inflammation (bloating, gas, GERD) and non inflammatory like red meat, eggs, butter, fish. How would one know that one is inflamed? Any form of pain. Lack of energy and unstable energy. Difficulties of sleeping. Anemia, loosing hair, problems with nails. We do not know exactly which part of the body is the most vulnerable, but make no mistake inflammation is breeding ground for diseases like cancer, heart attack and Alzheimer.
@feliciamarte3031 Год назад
Hello world , that is why I say listen listen listen to your God given body and to your voice God Bless All❤️🌈❤️ Love peace and faith
@daniellephillips9079 Год назад
❤ thank you
@juliette2729 Год назад
Hey girlie! I need to tell you how very special you are! There's no denying that as far as cancer goes - you've been to hell + back. Cancer is the scariest "death sentence" according to us lay people who haven't been face to face with a diagnosis to deal with. You're a strong girl to initiate divorce. What a gift that u just happened to meet "Mr Wonderful" - he's cute, supportive, + very "young at heart" which I believe is exactly what you needed right about then. Then you get the "ultimate cancer diagnosis" in the middle of all of the new great love + childlike fun!!! And what do the "2 of you do together"??? You continue to have lots of fun + laugh often + laugh loud. You have treatment but cancer doesn't shine it's black menacing threat, that ruined all that's good in life, this time! Your happiness + love rose above it. I'm SO VERY HAPPY for you, wish you + your man only the very best, + will continue to follow your vids as much as I can. With ❤️ + best wishes.....J. 🙏👍🇨🇦
@BethanyWebbYoga Год назад
Juliette, ummmm....can you write my next book?! You are the sweetest! Thank you so much for these kind words. And you're right, I'm in the absolute perfect relationship for this crazy journey. He is incredible - one of my favorite moments with him was when I was a bucket of tears, telling him he didn't have to do this with me, and he looked me right in the eyes and said, "I'm so f*cking in this with you." And he truly is...thank you so much for the love + support! xoxo, Bethany @mygurucancer
@juliette2729 Год назад
@@BethanyWebbYoga "Thanks" so much for the kind words Bethany! It's so rare that people (besides spouses/ partners, best friends, + family) actually speak decently toward each other - as if everyone is trying to bait you for a con, an abduction, to extort you, etc. We need to be more loving + your beautiful words I'll carry with me forever - I'll remember them if I'm ever really down on myself. Could you do 1 thing for me + you : look up the documentaries here on RU-vid on a a Dr Burzynski. He's an amazing oncologist who works out of Houston, Texas. His treatment is totally different from the Western one + his works with patients seeing him after their Dr has run out of ideas. I encourage you to watch these films + maybe keep him in your back pocket just for extra reassurance. All the best + hoping your health is a type of divine intervention! ❤️' ing you access the snowbanks.....J! 😎
@GG-ve1hv Год назад
You're so lucky to have resources for treatment unlike me, am jst alone & no extra resources even for lab tests...
@lisacasada8915 Год назад
I take ibrance and letrezole for the last four years, I am thriving 💗
@jacobmartin3357 Год назад
Look up mushroom 6 to8 good luck
@elisabethgerni2159 Год назад
Glad you mentioned your meds. I'm on the same therapy with stage 4 bc. 😂
@carolineszepessy5331 Год назад
You are awesome keep it going❤😂🎉😊
@knittingnovice Год назад
❤️❤️❤️ Inspiring.
@brendasnow8255 Год назад
It’s so irritating to hear that doctors minimize symptoms and because of them, cancer progresses unchecked. A friend’s sister had been treated for lung cancer and developed a cough. Instead of thinking it was due to the cancer, her doctors prescribed cough medicine and then antibiotics, when actually, the cancer had moved to Stage 4.
@soonasharma87 9 месяцев назад
U r very beautiful, strong and brave women. Have faith on God, have will power one day u will again become cancer free❤
@haposapi3776 Месяц назад
Bless you 🎉❤prayers 🙏
@alanaharris9488 Год назад
I know a lot of people that got jabbed,jumped to stage four cancers.
@sarahterry2140 Год назад
Reported for false medical information; please get a science education
@sonur5080 8 месяцев назад
Yes I know ppl in my circle too, young and sudden, aggressive cancers....
@phoebesue3008 Год назад
U got this lady!!! 🌷🙏
@bojigirl5672 5 месяцев назад
You are amazing !!!!!
@loritolentino9166 Год назад
You inspire me!
@Masterahsoka 8 месяцев назад
God bless beautiful angel.
@24JJ821 4 месяца назад
What type of breast cancer? HER2+? tripple negative?
@ipat31461 Год назад
Can I ask you if you had yearly oncology follow ups , why wasn’t your Cancer found?
@terrybartick1754 2 месяца назад
❤❤you are a beautiful human ❤❤
@elizabethbeth9930 Месяц назад
I quit taking tamoxifen it was raising my estrogen levels. They wouldn’t have known if I didn’t ask to check . I read a book what your dr may not tell you about breast cancer
@vanessadeleo2987 10 месяцев назад
All the best for you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙💙💙🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Prayers
@deborahbizzell1989 2 месяца назад
Lots of times it can't be seen on the scan,but it's micro!
@Bamaw5 7 месяцев назад
I never had a scan. I had stage 1 breast cancer last year.
@Gigi-dg9mu Год назад
As a nurse this is so infuriating that the doctors 🥼 neglected the back pain. This is a red flag 🚩 warning sign for metastatic cancer. This happened to one of my best friends who had breast cancer. Two years after chemotherapy and treatment she started with back pain and it had metastasized. The same thing happened to another nurse friend too with breast cancer. Breast cancer likes to migrate to the bones 🦴
@drrahulkansal7845 Год назад
True Bone Mets is very common & every bone pain should be seen as Mets until excluded by investigations
@venusserafico1161 2 месяца назад
How are they?
@stevenboe7342 Год назад
What did you do other than chemo other than then the hormone therapy. How long did you take the Ibrance? Did you use food to help you?
@katcihealer Год назад
Cancer is not the devil. Estrogen is the devil. My opinion.
Просмотров 187 тыс.
Tracy's Story: Metastatic Breast Cancer Thriver
Cait: Living With Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC)