
I Called Out My Husband's "Work Wife's" DISRESPECTFUL Behaviour r/Relationships 

Mark Narrations
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15 сен 2024




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@alyzu4755 3 месяца назад
Story 2: OP didn't "neglect" her husband. She had a baby. She was exhausted and overwhelmed, and he decided to look elsewhere instead of being an adult. NTA.
@Chickenfriedpenguin 3 месяца назад
funny how her ppd wasn't a problem after she found out and suddenly could do everything. so she neglected him by choice.
@alyzu4755 3 месяца назад
@@Chickenfriedpenguin Didn't say anything about PPD. And by the time she found out about the affair she'd been taking care of the baby by herself, anyway. So she was used to it. I don't know if you've ever given birth, but it's an intense experience that requires a lot of healing. And taking care of a newborn is a lot of work.
@dandotvid 3 месяца назад
@@Chickenfriedpenguin Postpartum doesn't just mean PPD. Postpartum just means after birth. After a couple has a child, things WILL change. She thinks she neglected him when more likely, she was giving attention to the baby. He should have been doing the same instead of thinking things would stay the same.
@CircusoftheMoon 3 месяца назад
@@Chickenfriedpenguin And he chose to nuke his marriage rather than communicate or offer some grace to his partner.
@theshadowman4015 3 месяца назад
@@Chickenfriedpenguin And he neglected the child his wife just birthed out in order to run off into some whore's fanny instead of stepping up and taking care of the life that he helped create.
@gabak1292 3 месяца назад
Story1: Why on earth did he even take the shirt from her in the frist place? He KNOWS his wife wouldn't like it and he did it anyway, even wore that thing! When you have problems with "Drama" then don't try to create one yourself at home!
@sylviajones6745 3 месяца назад
You got it spot on when you said if you don't want drama, don't start it at home. 😊
@cniknik9863 3 месяца назад
Why is it always the person that says, "I don't want any drama" that starts or fuels the drama!?
@jestersreign7530 3 месяца назад
See I'm stuck at the fact that any update he mentions that prior to him wearing the shirt home he already had a serious talk with her about stopping this s*** she points out that they've had talks about this damn woman a good number of times. So when he finally laid his foot down about his co-worker she didn't think to tell his wife. Nothing he has to go into complete detail but at least honey I've already had a serious talk with her and if she pushes it one more time I'm going to go to HR. That isn't that difficult. I mean she was piling on frustration because she was trying to respect her husband's no drama request. And he decided to just not let his wife in on him being uncomfortable and trying to deal with it. And then wearing the f****** shirt home and feeling hurt that she reacted the way she did. I'm not saying he's a bad husband but God damn just relay information. All she had to go on is him trying to keep drama from happening not what was he was actually doing or feeling about the situation
@Someone-or8tp 3 месяца назад
@@jestersreign7530 all of that put together gives me the idea that he enjoyed the attention Chelsea was giving him and was not at all uncomfortable with it until recently. he was hurt by OP shutting down upon seeing the shirt because he wanted her to argue, he wanted to feel like two women were fighting over him. I'll give it to him that he probably doesn't ACTUALLY like Chelsea, but he certainly enjoys the validation she gives him. and I'll bet he didn't put his foot down until recently, when she had that long temper tantrum- that's probably what made him realise that he should pull away. Because that could compromise his job and also that kind of thing is just unattractive. 100% by saying "no drama" he was minimising the problem ON PURPOSE so that OP would feel like she was overreacting and would hesitate to actually give the issue the attention it deserves. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Granted, I don't think he was ever going to cheat, but he was definitely enjoying the feeling of being liked by two women and he wanted his wife to be the one to "make a big deal out of nothing" so that he could feign innocence and let HER be the one "acting out" while he "did nothing wrong".
@josephmbimbi 3 месяца назад
He was weaponizing his "no drama rule"
@hothotheat3000 3 месяца назад
The fact that Chelsea threw a temper tantrum is all the proof I need to know that this chick was trying it on with the husband.
@jestersreign7530 3 месяца назад
See my issue is the husband didn't mention a single thing about any of the issues he had with the woman though. That's why his wife was in the situation she was in. It felt like he was brushing It Off when she brought up her concerns. Obviously he wasn't actually doing it but you should at least voice that to her so she would know. Also why in Hell's name did he even wear the f****** shirt. Especially when he points out an update that he knew she was going to react like that why would you wear it then
@redonyx5428 3 месяца назад
@@jestersreign7530 get the feeling he was testing the waters so see how op would react. when she put boot to butt, that's when he decided to put firm boundaries.
@rychipuff 3 месяца назад
2:17 “you can open up to me or vent or just tell me to stfu” ok then stfu 💀
@kateemma22 3 месяца назад
Srsly, the way I would yell STFU so fast at that nonsense.
@alicewilloughby4318 3 месяца назад
Me too!
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 3 месяца назад
work wives/husbands should not be a term, because it should not be happening, it should not be accepted, at all.
@ComaLies225 3 месяца назад
Yea especially if the coworkers are in a relationship/married. It’s so weird
@MikkosFree 3 месяца назад
I'm old enough to remember that "Work Wife" used to be a negative tittle. I don't know at what point it was spun into normalcy.
@payko5262 3 месяца назад
Meanwhile, the company I work for celebrates when coworkers get together. Calls the kids "[Company Name] Babies", congrats on the employee portal, the whole deal. Unhinged behavior.
@bakedandbeaded 3 месяца назад
@@payko5262 HUH?? Gross and unhinged fr wtf?????
@AruoraOkami 3 месяца назад
​@@MikkosFree😊ml .... 😊Ikkkkkooo99😊
@hi_stranger9156 3 месяца назад
Story 2: the *“how much did I hurt you?”* WHAT!? Dude, plenty, she’s divorcing you. She didn’t even give you a chance. You’re a bad memories to her! WTF!?
@jumpmain 3 месяца назад
He's getting off by the fact she actually loves him, and it's hurting. This is this POS's ego speaking.
@nikkiwhray1598 3 месяца назад
I was about to comment the same! What sort of stupid question is that?!?! Like there's a scale of acceptable pain... Does he think there is a scenario where that wouldn't hurt? Is he confused because she didn't die of sadness the minute she found out?
@WPFLAWLESS 3 месяца назад
It's the "why didn't you tell me " for me like I'm sorry did he not know he was cheating?
@spheres0082 3 месяца назад
@WPFLAWLESS And if she did tell him, $1000 says he would have just gaslighted, denied, and lied
@nikkiwhray1598 3 месяца назад
@WPFLAWLESS Lol. Right?! She didn't even give him a chance to his way out of it. Imagine the betrayal he must feel.
@nld8985 3 месяца назад
Him: I DONT WANT ANY DRAMA....... Also him: hey honey! My work wife bought me this shirt I'm wearing!
@carolroberts4614 3 месяца назад
I called him a moron for that! Upgrade to double moron!
@hi_stranger9156 3 месяца назад
Story 1: Yeah, she's not going to stop. Either she's going to keep pushing, or get revengeful and lie to HR and make him look like the problem. Also, why wear the shirt, if he think its an overstep, just give it back, and say I have enough clothes or donate it. Wearing makes her think her behavior is okay.
@sovereigncrux 3 месяца назад
He didn't just wear the shirt, he took his original shirt off which he wore to work and put her shirt on immediately and came home that way. That sends all sorts of messages. I honestly think he was playing into the coworkers crush some until his wife/OP put the kibosh on it and that's when he got firm with the coworker. If he was fed up, like he is telling OP, then he wouldn't have changed mid-day at work to put coworker's gift on immediately. He also would not call her his work wife. HE was calling her that.
@shadowkissed2370 3 месяца назад
not just that but he said he KNEW it would anger his wife. WTF. Why take your original shirt off and put the new one on and flaunt it in front of your wife if you knew she would be angry about it.
@Plooky1969 3 месяца назад
Ya, she was in pursuit hardcore. I hate women like this. I also agree, he was enjoying the attention until he realized it was hurting his wife. Ridiculous!!!
@FrederikEngelmand 3 месяца назад
@@sovereigncrux yup, im a man and i would be fucking FURIOUS if she literally took of her shirt to wave that shit in my face. it HAD to be deliberate
@philwill0123 3 месяца назад
​@@shadowkissed2370he wanted a reaction and loved the attention. Stupid thing is, his actions, if he went to HR, shows he encouraged it. He is a moron who played this all wrong. Also, if he genuinely was looking for an affair, Chelsea would be the absolute worst choice because she is indiscreet, obvious, and hates OP on a level where every interaction requires her to rub it in OPs face
@melissasaint3283 3 месяца назад
Cheating on your postpartum wife because she can't lavish you with her full attention....while she is not sleeping, learning to parent, and her body just went through hell and back to bear your child. Like ....are you an emotional toddler, or a grown man with mouth?
@polopuik9198 3 месяца назад
OP in story 2 kept the ace in his hand for critical damage, not only makes the parents remorseful for blaming the wrong guy, it looks like you took the high road
@Nathan_Bookwurm 3 месяца назад
Oh no, not another of these men with a "work wife" 😭😭 how do these people keep thinking this is appropriate.
@alejondromaestas4166 3 месяца назад
...like but isn't it the work wives problem too or are we specifically going to be like "men". Because anyone who say shit like "men" or "women" fail either accept responsibility for their own actions; or look for a scapegoat and vilify people because it's easy. Whats good or bad for the Goose is just as good or bad for the gander in my opinion
@TheRockinDonkey 3 месяца назад
@@thecursed01being friends with coworkers is normal. Calling someone your “work wife” or “work husband” is fucking weird.
@anonymouse9833 3 месяца назад
@@alejondromaestas4166 it's strange regardless of gender, but a lot of these reddit stories are about men with work wives
@malyacelle9096 3 месяца назад
Which one of them made a vow of fidelity ?
@FrederikEngelmand 3 месяца назад
@@anonymouse9833 because women are more likely to go after married coworkers of the opposite sex. it makes them feel better, or the whole chosen bias
@Russman67 3 месяца назад
Story 2: I'm not Even mad at this. The guy cheated on his post partum wife. The move she made is diabolical. Game of thrones levels of plotting but chefs kiss for the execution.
@sovereigncrux 3 месяца назад
Another way to look at it is that OP saved her self esteem years of therapy post-divorce. She proved to herself that she wasn't the reason why he strayed. It's his ego which was the problem, and now she doesn't have to ask herself, "What does she have that I don't? I gave him everything!" OP didn't play the pick-me game. She walked away with her self esteem intact.
@polopuik9198 3 месяца назад
It wasn't even intentional, she was having none of it so he threw the nuke without thinking
@davidburton3447 3 месяца назад
A bit sociopathic if you ask me. Husband has an affair which is bad. She starts acting like she used to which is he ever wanted which is proven by the fact that he came back and left the woman that was doing HER job. She THEN walks away instead of working on the marriage making sure he'll be alone at divorce. What she SHOULD have done is realize how much damage SHE did instead of trying to put it ALL on him. the "guilt she'll bear" is BS. She didn't care about her man or his needs, but she'll be damned if she'll let him be happy without her. She would have divorced him down the road anyway even if he hadn't cheated because she really didn't love him.
@Russman67 3 месяца назад
@@davidburton3447 nah. I disagree. He could have used his words. Tell her he needs more. Rub a few out. Anything else. The go to move isn't in going to bang someone else in the meantime. Then when she left, he picked up with the same woman he was banging and trying to play her off as someone totally not related to the situation. She could have blown the relationship up on the spot, drop the evidence and ride off in the sunset. Instead she just walked away. It wasn't until ex MIL decided to twist the knife and tell OP that hubby moved on that she corrected the record. And even then put just enough information to let MIL know "this isn't as new a woman as my ex says she is". Sociopath? The ex was playing checkers. OP was playing a ranked chess match.
@madalice5134 3 месяца назад
It was the smartest and safest move for her to make. Whether people want to acknowledge it or not, the most dangerous period is when you're going to leave, so getting everything in order behind the scenes was the best thing she could have done.
@eriibooo 3 месяца назад
Story 2: I really hate when people deiced not to tell people their partner cheated. You don't have to scream it from the mountain tops but at least let your parents and in-laws know. Cheaters have already shown they'll lie, and manipulate the situation to justify their actions. What makes anyone think they wouldn't play the victim during/post divorce? OP saw what her ex was already doing, trying to claim a mental break, or is there someone else? The ex-in-laws were already becoming cold and hostile because they didn't have all the info. There wouldn't have been "I'll tell our child we had an amical break when he's older." Because the ex's would've spent that entire time filling his head with OP's a cold-hearted monster that ended the relationship for no reason or that she was cheating herself. There's a pretty good chance that if OP hadn't had that slip up she could've damaged her future relationship with her son.
@devegas4910 3 месяца назад
I agree. NEVER give someone who was willing to betray you an out by not telling the truth. The truth is a powerful weapon that should not be set aside.
@shells500tutubo 3 месяца назад
Usually I would agree with you 100%, but you have to admit, in THIS case it worked out perfectly. Both his mother and father believe Op since they were the ones gloating at Op for their son moving on from an unappreciative wife, and now THEY are the ones spreading his business and giving him grief for it.
@sergeipohkerova7211 3 месяца назад
Not saying it's true in general, but everyone I've ever come into contact with who claims to have a work husband or wife (especially using terms like "work hubby" or "work wifey") has always been an insufferably cringey loser.
@comradekitty3759 3 месяца назад
😂 you just called out a former coworker of mine
@itsjustmaddisen 3 месяца назад
This is why I always look at the comments 😂
@CircusoftheMoon 3 месяца назад
I actually cringe every time I hear someone say that. It’s so embarrassing.
@Freakyanimefan181 3 месяца назад
The only time I found "work wife/husband" acceptable was with my mom and former coworker/friend (still friends she's retired) they both were police officers and worked in a gang unit. During sting operations they acted as if they were husband and wife to be more approachable to bust drug dealers and violent gangs. This instance is why they were called work spouses. His wife laughed and joke about the situation and so did my dad
@jaymevosburgh3660 3 месяца назад
Yeah, because it is.
@loganjoh1 3 месяца назад
Story 2: how did he not figure out OP knew? Like the fact she blindsided him with a divorce should have at least got him thinking that she found out somehow. Granted the dude is clearly an idiot considering he went to date the AP I’m so soon after OP left him but wow he is really dumb.
@potatoempress5731 3 месяца назад
I aspire to be like Story 2's OP. Such patience.
@accidentalgoddess 3 месяца назад
Story 2: General rule, never protect the cheater. You don't have to go nuclear, but someone amoral enough to cheat is the same type of person to try to make you the villain. You deserve the support they will try to deprive you of.
@GaskyChan 3 месяца назад
I do not get this work spouse thing . Just be work friends the other thing gives me the ick
@Azulakayes 3 месяца назад
They are inappropriate
@mikef2811 3 месяца назад
S2: Never forgive a cheater.... Let them go without even shedding a single tear. Go and live your life.
@lynnw7155 3 месяца назад
He cheated when she was at her most vulnerable. He should have had her back; he should have been there for his wife and child. She got the best revenge I've ever seen. The truth should always come out. It give the victim the support they need and the cheater gets their just desserts.
@katharineeavan9705 3 месяца назад
I mean, forgive if you want to and think they deserve or have earned forgiveness. People make mistakes sometimes. But that doesn't mean you should take them back once they've destroyed your trust like that. Forgive (if you want to) but don't forget.
@englishclasschaug 3 месяца назад
Being called a "bloody cheeky so-and-so" just makes my day as the school year ends over here in the states.
@alexnightray3204 3 месяца назад
This should be part of his merch!
@ThatgirlL18 3 месяца назад
I love it when he says that too! I’ve incorporated the phrase into my own speech.
@englishclasschaug 3 месяца назад
@@ThatgirlL18 I'm going to say it to my students in long block today! "Get those paragraphs done you cheeky little so-and-sos!!!"
@paulaprintz6678 3 месяца назад
I WOULD DEFINITELY BUY A "CHEEKY SO & SO" shirt!!!! Hearing this makes me smile ( I don't know why ) and makes my day!! Who do we talk to in order to get "You Cheeky So & So" merch??
@englishclasschaug 3 месяца назад
@@paulaprintz6678 Dear Mark, we've all decided we would like a "Cheeky So-and-So" t shirt. Thank you! Sincerely, The Waffles.
@keijogirl 3 месяца назад
S2: I’m glad for the slip. I didn’t want that jerk to get away without everyone knowing he blew up his marriage by cheating.
@ayanaatthrivebewhole 3 месяца назад
With story one, he should absolutely let HR know! That behavior is unhinged!
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 3 месяца назад
story 1: I don't like how it was resolved in the end. Oh, the husband put up some boundaries? It seems like they both got to blame the other woman without having the husband taking any responsibility for having allowed this friendship to go on and on like this.
@Someone-or8tp 3 месяца назад
yeah this doesn't sit right with me. I know if I was OP, I'd be deeply unsatisfied with the way that conversation went. It seems like OP's husband is a bit insecure and so he loved the attention this new girl was giving him. I'll say that he probably doesn't actually like her, he just liked the fact that someone had a crush on him, so he was playing into it a bit. Apparently HE was the one to start referring to Chelsea as his work wife?? Telling Chelsea his shirt size?? Why?? Then wearing a shirt KNOWING OP would be upset, and not listening when she was telling him over and over again that she didn't like the situation??? The three day temper tantrum Chelsea pulled when he rejected her was probably the thing that told him that this was getting out of hand and ONLY THEN did he start pulling away, I'd wager. Edit: also, he's definitely minimising when he says "I don't want any drama" to make OP feel like she's overreacting and just creating something out of nothing. that part of the story REALLY ticked me off. Like ?? What do you mean DRAMA. You're veering into emotional affair territory! This isn't just DRAMA this is the nuclear bomb you have to dodge if you don't want to continue KNOWINGLY disrespecting your wife!!
@josephmbimbi 3 месяца назад
I have to give credit to the husband for making a move on stopping this before their "big conversation" narrated by OP. But I agree with you, blaming the girl was way too convenient and sweeps under the rug husband's behaviour, allowing / entertaining the whole situation, despite OP claiming complaining about it multiple times. Willful ignorance. He liked the attention and without OP blowing up, it would have continued, possibly escalated. I'm also sure he subconsciously tried to exploit his "i want no drama while mourning my mom" to force it on his wife and get away with it. The audacity of that man.
@edwardmorris8465 3 месяца назад
Because men aren't allowed to have boundaries unless in a relationship women you can't tell them nothing
@LovesGaming37 3 месяца назад
The concept of a work husband or wife is disgusting and disrespectful to the real spouse
@jesussaldana4558 3 месяца назад
See this is what marriage counseling was made for....not for affairs but to solve these kind of issues
@Summer-xi3bo 3 месяца назад
Secord story is amazing. No pick me dance. Just took the trash out where it deserves. Also dropped the truth when least expected and it would hurt most. Proud of her.
@LiminallyYours Месяц назад
I'm just incredibly confused as to why she would refuse to answer "because you cheated" when he asked her why she was leaving. Like, what is the point in refusing to give an answer and coming across to everyone as a crazy who leaves her man for literally no reason?
@baraka629 3 месяца назад
Anyone who uses the term "work wife"/"work husband" - off to the shadow realm.
@MrBizteck 3 месяца назад
S2 that 'slip' was perfect.. Your a better person than me. But to so casually say it like you've always known probably hit that cheatibg sod harder than any amount of screaming and shouting. Also it makes you look almost angelic in everyones eyes .... no drama. Perfect. You may not of ment it to go that way but that was perfect
@Deedoof 3 месяца назад
Two wrongs don't make a right, but a cheater never plays fair. As long as it's the legally correct way, go scorched earth.
@mbyerly9680 3 месяца назад
She didn't cheat, she just walked away. I wouldn't consider that a wrong.
@Deedoof 3 месяца назад
@@mbyerly9680 The societal stigma of secretly planning to leave is taboo, thus "wrong". Some people will say, "You should have tried counseling" or " You should have forgiven him/her."
@carolroberts4614 3 месяца назад
That makes no sense He had a secret affair she can have a secret plan to leave. It's well known that the most dangerous time is when you actually leave, because you can't know how the other person will react.
@Innocua 3 месяца назад
I had a "work husband" once. It started off with other people around the office/warehouse calling us that because we wound up working together so often even though it wasn't required. We just meshed well together and it led to a more productive (and frankly fun) work environment. But we never talked to each other outside of work, and I'm not even sure we ever so much as shook hands. Funny thing is, he was married at the time. I was single. Never once thought of this man in a relationship context, and the work husband/wife thing was entirely a joke started by other people that ended up being more of a thing with him, his wife, and I was just kind of around for. I might have even been the butt of some sort of joke, given that I'm socially very obtuse. Here's hoping I wasn't. He always seemed so nice.
@AndyyWithAY 3 месяца назад
They say living well is the best revenge, but I think story 2 might be the best revenge. If you care. Cheating around pregnancy is unforgivable. Clearly you're a deasbeat dad if you have the time or energy to cheat with a new baby.
@LittleGreenCar514 3 месяца назад
Yeah. After I gave birth, my fiancé made sure that we all went walking everyday. Whether it was around our local grocery store or at a restaurant, he made sure that I had a good recovery. He was there everyday for 6 weeks (parental leave) postpartum. We got to figure out how to be a family and adjust to our new normal. He works for a Mars manufacturing company. Their parental leave is 18 weeks now. We live in the US.
@Russman67 3 месяца назад
The husband took the shirt and didn't think things were wrong before he brought it home? There's unclear on the concept and then there's this guy. Chelsea wants this guy beyond the "work husband" role. Let her throw her tantrums. Mark them down just in case HR has to be called.
@carolroberts4614 3 месяца назад
He knew she would be mad, but the moron still wore it anyway! I I wouldn't trust him.I am biased though, hundreds of years ago when I was first married, my now ex husband had a co-worker who became our babysitter, then his affair partner!
@debipearson8762 3 месяца назад
What got me was that he wore it home!
@tashahantz4643 3 месяца назад
My husband broke one of my absolute biggest boundaries while I was fresh postpartum. Not exactly cheating, but pretty dang close. I can't imagine how horrible OP #2 handled that like such a bad ass. I was and still am a wreck over it
@carolroberts4614 3 месяца назад
I was too! A new baby, a toddler, and just lost my mum. So he started an affair because he was being "neglected".
@Revens1 3 месяца назад
Was it divorce worthy?
@tashahantz4643 3 месяца назад
@@Revens1 it was close to it. But we've been working on it, and I absolutely trust him that it won't happen again.
@diamonddoll6270 3 месяца назад
Why wear the shirt at all? Why accept that gift, at all? I would never buy a male co-work clothing. That is a hard stop!!
@user-ei4tl7qd2s 3 месяца назад
This is a great Video. This brings back painful memories which i have been enduring. My relationship of 5 years ended 3 months ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
@RoyJ.Tillison-tq5ed 3 месяца назад
I am sorry about what you have been through. I have been through something similar and was almost depressed, till I contacted a spiritual counsellor who helped me get my ex back and hence my life back
@user-ei4tl7qd2s 3 месяца назад
Interesting. Who is this counsellor, and how do I meet the person?
@RoyJ.Tillison-tq5ed 3 месяца назад
Online, you'll find shelly renee white, revered for her expertise as a spiritual counsellor. She has the ability to reunite couples and promote holistic well-being
@user-ei4tl7qd2s 3 месяца назад
Thanks a lot. I just did. Impressive.
@Wildpeonies23 3 месяца назад
Story 2. NTAH. OP husband is wild for thinking the woman you married is carrying a life that they both created. So your wife wasn’t allowed to heal properly, that man had no self control when it came to sex. I would have done the same as OP.
@SteviiLove 3 месяца назад
Work spouses are a huge red flag 🚩 I have never heard about a good experience with a work spouse, which leads me to believe the only people that partake in this weird work culture are toxic individuals hoping to become the actual spouse.
@aussiedudeofthesoutheast789 3 месяца назад
It's an attempt to mask two coworkers cheating. If it's a joke or term of endearment like the work wife/hubby then others won't take it seriously
@brandyanderson3522 3 месяца назад
OP2 didn't neglect her husband. He neglected her by not communicating his feelings and that there was an issue. He neglected their family by turning to another woman at all, but especially when OP was suffering from PPD. And by opting to spend time with this other woman instead of his wife or even his child. And he disrespected OP by wanting to be invested in their relationship only on his terms. By only "loving" his wife when she catered to him. Honestly, he disrespected the AP too with how easily he dropped her soon as OP was giving him the attention he wanted and had to work less at getting as she was right their in the house and he didn't have the added work of scheduling and hiding. But AP gets no sympathy just a good riddance and you reap what you sow. OP's husband is a very selfish person and glad OP is done with him
@azadalamiq 3 месяца назад
postpartum isn't ppd... its afterbirth.. which has a several week recovery time for sex. dude just couldn't wait.
@YoYo-gt5iq 3 месяца назад
"No answer was good enough." The missing missing reason! They can't accept any reason, so insist you can't justify your actions.
@CreepyBlueAnimals84 3 месяца назад
I LOVE the comment "I'm sorry to hear that. Goodluck with everything." It acknowledges the person's struggles but shuts down you having to be part of it in a firm but civil way. I'm definitely going to use it!!!
@rosemarie1817 3 месяца назад
Story 2: Why would you feel ashamed? You didn't step out of the marriage, you didn't destroy it for a fling with someone else, you were the victim, your child was the victim and your husband caused this disaster.
@Rose_Bride 3 месяца назад
MIL was apologizing because she was likely talking _ish_ to family members about OP. And frankly I COMPLETELY understand the MIL's POV, here. I'm not a fan of when victims like OP choose to martyr themselves by keeping their partner's cheating a secret. 😩 I just don't understand the point. Keeping it a secret is only making YOU look bad. It's not "being the bigger person"; all it's doing is setting up the cheater to act like the victim in all of this. And 10-12 years in the future, that child that you share will come to hate *you* once the cheating parent spins the story that YOU, (the victim) had up and left _them_ out of nowhere. At least OP *FINALLY* let slip to the MIL about the truth. MIL seems to be the gossiping type based in how fast her ex got on that phone, so the good thing is that this will be all around their family and friend group within the week. Lord knows that OP is too much of a martyr to try to set any records straight for _herself._ 🙄
@slytherinlibrarian3501 3 месяца назад
No, no, OP. You need to tell your son what happened when he's old enough to understand. _YOU_ might tell your son that you guys had an amicable divorce as two people that fell out of love, but _he_ will almost certainly tell your son that mummy left for no reason, that you broke his heart and the family, he may imply to your son that _YOU_ cheated, alienate you, etc.
@aluralovell6829 3 месяца назад
I never understood why people never think of this.
@ALu-nq8rf 3 месяца назад
Also, now that all the family knows, he's gonna find out one way or another when he's older or when he overhears something. It's best she's honest right out the gate.
@smoothsketch 3 месяца назад
Don't let your husband or anyone else refer to another woman as 'work wife' or '2nd wife'. The man will have a seed planted in his head and might try to make a move on the other woman.
@itsjustmaddisen 3 месяца назад
It's just so weird to me. Why do people need a "work wife/husband"?
@MrBrachiatingApe 3 месяца назад
..Uh, you know men aren't dogs or androids, right? It's disrespectful to the marriage; that alone is enough to shut down anyone using such terms. But the term itself isn't going to make a loyal man stray, nor a cheater be faithful.
@goawayleavemealone2880 3 месяца назад
​@MrBrachiatingApe - People are far more likely to have an affair with somebody who has a "work spouse" title. Women are more likely to cheat in general.
@wmdkitty 3 месяца назад
@@goawayleavemealone2880 False. MEN are more likely to cheat in general.
@krypto1976 3 месяца назад
As some one who lost my mom very recently I'm still gonna say your husband can be upset but and depressed but he can't just check out and shut down any and all (drama) this ain't drama this our marriage
@thefallennero5265 3 месяца назад
Story 1: Communication wins again. Both OP and her husband definitely need to be cautious around Chelsea since she threw a temper tantrum for three days when husband talked to her about her behavior and the fact she didn't really stop with the harassment until he threatened to pursue the situation through his chain of command and HR. Also anyone else's spidey senses were tingling when Chelsea started telling husband she was having "troubles at home"?
@recycledapathy7411 3 месяца назад
He shouldn't have threatened HR. He should have already gone to HR, because that girl is gonna spin it around on him and he's gonna get fired. If he's the one who makes the report now, to get it on record, it lets her know that HR already has its eye on her and she'd better behave.
@lenardjones4666 3 месяца назад
2nd story: She, ladies and gents, is a badass , boss! She knows her worth!
@DragonflyandTheWolf 3 месяца назад
I don't get how OP's husband thought it was appropriate to WEAR the shirt the co worker gave him.
@LovesGaming37 3 месяца назад
I want to be the Op in the second story. The pettiness is amazing
@KE-hr4sb 3 месяца назад
S1: I don't feel like this is over, and I agree with Mark that he should get ahead of it with a paper trail before she can accuse HIM of something. I think the term "work spouse" in itself is disrespectful. S2: Hot damn, that's a level of cold I can get behind lol. I'm also glad she told everyone. Cheaters don't deserve to have their actions covered for them; facing the consequences is the only way they will think twice, and her son deserves to know it wasn't something she did. I've seen one too many cheaters try to flip the blame.
@holdfast1979 3 месяца назад
11:35 yup. Husband needs to inform HR and give them any correspondence. Even if to just let them have that documentation. If Chelsea is this unstable, she is likely to do something to retaliate for the rejection. If she does nothing, no harm no foul. But if she does, he’s gotten ahead of it
@patty-pat-pat 3 месяца назад
The willingness of women to show an infinite amount of empathy and wanting to see things from the perspective of the other, baffles me. They know what theyre doing and theyre using your kindness against you. Stop this nonsense.
@laurenjones9924 3 месяца назад
Husband needs to talk to hr immediately. She will put his job in danger.
@bangeryun94 3 месяца назад
S2: The ultimate betrayal is to begin an affair while a partner is pregnant, just had a baby, or becomes sick. The woman is going through changes she has no control over. The man isn't the center of attention; he's competing with his newborn son and that upsets his fragile ego. Frankly I think she was far too nice to him.
@HobieInTheBox 3 месяца назад
That's not a "work wife" that's a mistress. Work spouses aren't a thing, weirdos
@InvasionAnimation 3 месяца назад
Story 1 so he decided to only have the affair at work and not through the phone. He needs to report her if he is really ready to commit.
@denelva 3 месяца назад
What never fails to surprise me, is how unprepared a lot of men seem to be when it comes to pregnancy, post-partum and parenthood. In this day and age, especially, it's so easy to get info on all the potentially shitty sides of becoming a parent and how draining the situation can be, even if the baby is dearly wanted and doesn't suffer any extra complications. Even if a pregnancy happens to tick all the right boxes: Parents who are equally enthusiastic, secure income, a smooth pregnancy, an easy and swift dilvery, lactation working properly, sleep not being a complete disaster, no colicky problems, no PPD etc. it seems like especially plenty of men really come off unprepared for the shift of focus from them to the newborn. They feel "neglected" and while, yes, I understand it's frustrating and a rough situation for all parties to adust to, these men always focus on THEIR needs and THEM being deprived. It's never about if their newly delivered partner feels deprived because she/they is of course completely emotionally and physically fulfilled with the baby and in no need of being anything more than just that: a mother. They worry about them not getting sex, them not getting cuddles, them not being the centre of attention and seem completely unable to deal with that LIKE THEIR PARTNER HAS TO, they basically throw a silent tantrum and convince themselves they're the ones who have been cruelly deprived and neglected. Like, what did these guys expect? Oh, right: a wife bouncing back to normal in 6-7 weeks, all horny and happy with the baby on an all-night sleep schedule. I'm almost impressed by the level of complete and utter lack of common sense and empathy.
@Callimo 3 месяца назад
Probably because these dudes went into the relationship being super self-centered, and their mask only fell off when the attention truly isn't on them only any more.
@MarkNarrations 3 месяца назад
@Leathergirl76 3 месяца назад
Good day Mark ☕️🧇🧇
@sammicunniam3992 3 месяца назад
Not sure if it's just me, but the husband should have already known that OP wouldn't like him wearing a shirt bought by his "work wife". It shouldn't have had to come to OP pretty much ignoring him for the message to get through. They had already talked about it before this even happened so why the hell were boundaries not put un place before now.
@martin99110 3 месяца назад
I remember Reddit defending a woman for having a work husband and calling the actual husband insecure
@RJ-sb5qr 3 месяца назад
Story 1: OP mentioned that Chelsea is engaged. So why hasn't anyone contacted Chelsea's fiancee to inform him of her inappropriate behavior? OP seems to have a good relationship with her hubby, and I think an honest conversation will make a world of difference. Story 2: OP made the right decision about leaving her husband. Poor baby was jealous of his new son, and the attention it takes to adjust and get on a routine that suits everyone. I'm still not sure I would have gone to OP'S extreme, but not my business. She put her MIL in her place by letting her know the truth about what and who broke up their marriage. Good luck and God bless OP.
@browniewin4121 3 месяца назад
1) Worst thing OP can do is not talk to her husband, she needs to talk to her husband immediately and tell him he must shut down this coworkers inappropriate behavior that is overstepping, intrusive, and creepy as hell. No more accepting of text's or calls after work, no hanging out with her at work, no accepting of hugs or gifts. It doesn't seem to me that he is interested in her, but neither has he done what needs to be done to stop what is going on. After update: It makes me angry that OP's husband was giving more consideration to this other woman's emotions than OP's. It's good they are scheduled for couple's counseling. I'm glad their talk went well. It's good OP's husband had told this woman to back off and told her he would go to HR if she persists. I think he should already go to his boss and let them know what has been going on. 2) So sorry OP's husband was cheating, especially when she was postpartum. Good for OP for figuring out how to win back her husband, but also good that she has decided not to stay with a man who would get involved with someone else instead of communicating with her and respecting his family and working on the marriage. He lied and snuck around and cheated, she owes him no consideration as he gave her none. NTA. After update: Good for OP for serving him with divorce as she exits on April 1st. After next update: Good for OP for leaving him wondering,, no answers, no discussion. Good for OP for telling the snarky MIL this other woman was not a new woman in his life. Now the truth is out and I think that's good. After final update: Not surprised he and the AP did not last and I'm glad his parents are not happy with him.
@rachael8646 3 месяца назад
Story 2: He failed to communicate his needs to her, she obviously would have been willing to put in the effort despite EVERYTHING she was already handling. Plus, it seems like it wasn't even a matter of "meeting his needs"/"fantasies" but more because she was able to undermine the other relationship, by making sure he only saw her with post nut clarity.
@AndyyWithAY 3 месяца назад
He asked if you were upset and you should've said yes. That's preferable to blowing up later. This was always a husband problem, but especially in that update. Life IS drama. You can't just ask for no drama. It is sus on a bus that he wore that shirt home. WTF is wrong with him? He says no drama, but he's causing drama. He knows OP doesn't like Chelsea
@TheKingOfRuckus 3 месяца назад
"Sus On A Bus" 😂😂😂
@jaymevosburgh3660 3 месяца назад
S2: I hope Op gets over their guilt of feeling like he cheated because she failed him somehow. That's just gross, it's only his fault. Cheaters are going to do be unfaithful. They know what they're doing every step of their way. And they're all manipulative, and usually aggressive when things start to break down. There's nothing to explain from their end. Usually they try to blame the victim. They're gross people that shouldn't be trusted.
@Peeges_ 3 месяца назад
Thanks for hanging out with us ❤
@MarkNarrations 3 месяца назад
@ajjean2720 3 месяца назад
Story 2- to be a fly on the wall and hear his parents confront him about his current girlfriend/ex-mistress
@NoOne-fo1di 3 месяца назад
I would have paid to see the reaction of the in-laws when she said "oh you mean Karen? Yeah, that's not new. " I would have paid extra to be in the backseat on their way home too because you know they've been talking mad shit about OP this whole time and now they know it's their shitty sons fault and they've got some calls to make to retract alot of shit to family members lol
@ComaLies225 3 месяца назад
Op in story 2 is a much better person than I am cause my petty self couldn’t do that lol. I’m glad she let the truth slip out tho. I understand not wanting drama and being cordial but it also gives the cheater a chance to manipulate the story. Never let other people get a chance to change the narrative
@bluexwings 3 месяца назад
Story 2: "How much did I hurt you?" What a dingbat.
@beccaf262 3 месяца назад
HOW MUCH DID I HURT YOU??? That’s gotta be one of the most unhinged responses. He’s disgusting. And the way she slipped in that into conversation was brilliant.
@PurpleHeartsOnFire 3 месяца назад
“Who gives someone a hug when they’re grieving a parent” Oh sorry my bad, should have went in for a handshake instead. 😂
@LetholdusKaspyr 3 месяца назад
I agree with you about "work wife" and "work husband." It's extremely disrespectful to say that about other people. Steps all over their boundaries and the boundaries of any actual partners. For someone to say that about THEIR OWN relationship at work is weirdly intimate and definitely something that intrudes on any actual partners.
@elsaflood6393 3 месяца назад
S2. OP has given her husband an honorable exit. He didn't deserve that.
@Swnsasy 3 месяца назад
Sorry but this work wife, work husband stuff is just weird AF to me and hubs and I are knocking on 50... What on earth?? Let me try that and my husband would off me, the cat, the dog, my 3 favorite house plants! 😂😂This is just so off to me...
@liyo210 3 месяца назад
😂😂😂😂😂 when the wife casually lets onto the MIL that she knew about the mistress: absolute Game of Thrones play 👏👏👏👏👏
@TheLilbigBlack 3 месяца назад
Story 1: The moment you find out your partner has a "work spouse". Leave, show no mercy.
@Llama_Whisperer 3 месяца назад
Story 1: he wants his life to be smooth sailing? Nobody’s life is smooth sailing. Give me a break. that’s just an excuse not to have to talk about anything he doesn’t want to.
@aussiedudeofthesoutheast789 3 месяца назад
I knew two coworkers who were work wife/hubby. They'd go in the work carpark nearly every break together. (They're both married to other partners) I would often see them behave a little inappropriately. One time when I was working in an outside area which across the road is a cafe. I saw them sitting at a table having lunch. I could see under the table her legs resting over his. If they're not cheating, which I think they were then their behaviour is very suspicious. But even if they weren't I'm sure they're spouses would not be happy. All of a sudden the work wife had to leave her job, so I guess something got found out. But I don't really know
@passionproject568 3 месяца назад
That part when OP told the MIL that she she knew all this time was so gold I had to rewind and relisten cus dang SLAAAAAAAAY
@gostavoadolfos2023 3 месяца назад
As a NO CLOSURE guy I hate it when closure people try to impose their mindset on us. Leave us alone like we do to you.
@Burglar-King 3 месяца назад
1. ETA it goes and does the naughties with his floosey while his wife is suffering depression (Post natal depression is the pits) at a time she needed her man. All she got was a two timing weasel. I wouldn’t be hard on the mother in law because she was left in the dark. That’s not her fault but is OPs. She must have been terribly hurt that the mother of his child left for no apparent reason. TBH I would be a bit cold too. Hearing the truth must have made her reign her wrath on her son. Dad’s still not talking. OP did not need to make them feel bad, that’s inexcusable. Now as for the husband, some men think with their naughties and he not only cheated but weaseled his way back to her after the papers were served as well. Don’t believe him when he says he loves you. No man who truly loved their wife would be a complete tosser like that. (Sorry I get triggered by cheaters).
@theseawriter 3 месяца назад
Currently traveling back to my homestate (IL) for my cousin’s graduation party and a close family friend’s wedding. I’m so excited for her to get married to her wife - I’ve seen the two of them before and can tell they love each other.
@carolroberts4614 3 месяца назад
That's nice! Hope you all have a lovely time!
@wendywilliams3098 3 месяца назад
My "work husband" and I were extremely close friends. She and I both had alot of allergies and had a hard time finding a scent. One year for Christmas he bought his wife the cologne I wore thinking it might work for her. Only after did he realize how weird it was to be intimate with his wife with her smelly like me. He asked me how to fix it and I told him to "accidentally" knock it off the counter and break it. We laughed about it for years!!!!
@lalalachris 3 месяца назад
I was cheering when it read that she slipped up. And in a low monotone voice? No emotional crack? Fuck yes! Good for Op. Good lord. The man asked his victim to explain how much he hurt her and to take him back. Good riddance
@LibKatisold 3 месяца назад
Kinda wish in Story 2 she had told the cheating scum that the reason she fell out of love with him was that he was absent and unsupportive after the baby was born. If she had used all the reasons he used with his AP it would’ve been the cherry on top of the revenge sundae.
@Zminator1986 3 месяца назад
Story 1: Didn't even started the video, but I'm on OP's side 100%. You have one wife, one husband. You don't get to have a work wife/husband, you don't get to have a side wife/husband. We're not in a polygamy society. Hell, Mormonism doesn't practice polygamy anymore outside of fringe cults. Doesn't matter what OP did, the husband has a side piece for accepting this "work spouse" culture. Update: So in his desperate pursuit of asking for pease and quiet from the universe, he instead gets dumped more drama in the form of his wannabe side piece getting a hissy fit and an angry wife. Way 👏 to 👏 go👏 husband 👏
@franciebelcher4594 3 месяца назад
S2. OP did well. It's ashame she blames herself for her husband's actions. I hope she heals, and learns that she is not responsible for her spouse's lack of communication or his behavior. If OP didn't leave him, he WOULD cheat again. Cheaters always find a way to justify their vile actions.
@GalliaUchiha 3 месяца назад
If it's at the point of threatening to go to HR, it's well past time to go to HR. GO TO HR WITH ALL THE SCREEN SHOT
@madambutterfly1997 3 месяца назад
Be an adult and tell him the truth. The marriage was ending cuz he chose to be selfish in your hour of need after having HIS BABY. Feeling neglected is a privilege he doesn’t have…not in this situation
@dianasmith8248 3 месяца назад
Story one: creepy Chelsea wants OPs husband. I think OPs husband needs to give HR a heads up though.
@MegaHarvickFan29 3 месяца назад
Story 1: Chelsea is definitely after the D, good thing they are putting her in her place. Story 2: The STBXH isn't as 'hurt' in all of this as he claims. He clearly doesn't love OP that much if he went back to Karen as soon as he could. I think the only reason he got rid of her is because once the truth came out, he realized his family will never accept her because she was the homewrecker. In the end, the STBXH got what he deserved. He thought he could have his cake and eat it too. It wouldn't surprise me though if he tries to shoehorn Karen into the family in the future though. People like him really have no shame. He would probably think, 'meh, enough time has passed, I'm already an AH, might as well go all the way'. If xMIL and xFIL are as torn up about the situation as claimed in the post, it will be on them to hold their son accountable for his scummy behavior
@sidoniejordan-olsen7673 3 месяца назад
What's in the dark will always come to light.
@christinesinclair6938 3 месяца назад
S1: "Work Wife?" More like wannabe side-chick! She is crossing lines and OP os not imagining it! Though, OP WBTAH if she doesn't say something! Update: Wow. Good riddance. Wonder if Chelsea is going to move on to a new victim at their workplace? S2: I've seen this story before. I LOVE that she did this, because it was what he did to her, in a way. Made her think she was his one and only, but instead had other plans. I don't agree with her not telling him that she knew about the side-piece, though. Still the truth will out. A cheater's apologies are just like cheaters themselves: trash.
@christywilson986 3 месяца назад
I have had work moms, very helpful for young women who either don't have a mom or,like me, no relationship with mom
@tofumar 3 месяца назад
Buying a man a nice shirt is like buying a woman perfume.
@lina9535 3 месяца назад
Story 1: Ok so someone might have to explain this to me. But, wtaf does her being "neurotic" have to do with anything? If that's a problem, he should take it up with his boss or HR, no? One thing I don't understand at all, why is it wrong/not ok to hug a grieving married coworker? Like... are you guys ok? It's called compassion and sympathy.
@Gymtoshi 3 месяца назад
Story 2: “when did you stop loving me?” “When I saw the text messages of you cheating on me.” Edit to add: “I’m sorry, I’ll never stop loving you, blah blah blah.” The only response I’d give back is, “you went to her when I left you.” And leave it at that. Tell him he has to live with himself I’m always so baffled when a cheater gets dumped, the partner doesn’t tell them they know and they don’t realise THAT could be the reason. If I was a cheater and my bf left, that would be the first reason I’d assume. These people are so thick in the head honestly
@RyomouShimei 3 месяца назад
Story 2: The accidental slip in OP was the absolute best way OP could have finished this nuclear revenge. It was the one thing she didn't plan for but which made her plan utter perfection. Before that, ex-inlaws and her ex could just blame OP for her 'unreasonable decision'. Because 'our marriage was going great, we were so good, why did she throw it away??' The reveal not only absolutely sank the affair, as in-laws now hate the AP because she was half of the reason for the divorce, but they are feeling quiet guilt for blaming OP who was the victim. Cheating is horrible, and cheating on your wife who //just have birth to your child// is despicable. There's no way to excuse the shithead and now everyone knows. He can't play victim now and he lost his AP in the process. Also AP really love yourself a little, the guy dumped you and then went back to you when his relationship was over. Girl, have some self-respect (not that you have much since you're an affair partner) MIL got a massive uno reverse because she almost tried to hurt OP for leaving her son and then found out that her son is garbage. OP My respects, I hope you and your child have a wonderful life and, if it's in your plans, that you find someone who loves you both and cherishes you and your baby
@megaspit 3 месяца назад
Story 1. If she's "neurotic" then why is he keeping her around, humoring her, and accepting gifts from her? Not accusing him for cheating but damn. In so many of these stories the problem is obvious to everyone and nobody is doing anything about it until it gets out of hand
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