
I got all Deep Rock achievements and I'm not so proud about it 

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26 сен 2024




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@anythinggoes9635 5 месяцев назад
Greybeard here, gonna get the final achievement (3000 pts in
@Umbriferous 5 месяцев назад
Best of luck! And happy birthday in advance!
@anythinggoes9635 5 месяцев назад
@@Umbriferous Thank you, small content creator :)
@АндрейЖабин-ш3з 4 месяца назад
Gonna do 1000 hits to the soft spots)
@anythinggoes9635 4 месяца назад
@@АндрейЖабин-ш3з Don't be gentle!
@PiggyKillerQ 4 месяца назад
another graybeard whos final achievement was that stupid barrel game.
@Jenna_Talia 4 месяца назад
6:25 the reason why deep rock has so few progression/time related cosmetics is because ghost ship is trying to hammer fomo out of players (fear of missing out), they want cosmetics to be as accessible as possible, so nobody has to log in at a set time or do a bunch of things in order to get a majority of the cosmetics. I do wish progression related cosmetics stretched beyond scale brigade armour, but we'd just run into the exact same issue only at later progression levels.
@danthezulu7707 5 месяцев назад
NGL this whole review felt odd to me. Achievements have always been an optional thing, and I don't think a game needs to balance itself around achievements. It's there as you said as a reward for players who love the game. You set an arbitrary restriction that you needed to get all the achievements and when you weren't having fun you blamed the game instead of maybe deciding this wasn't a game you would have fun getting the achievements for. And the thing is it was clear from the start you didn't fully enjoy the game, you said you found the progression lacking and thought you had fully experienced the game after only 20 hours. The players who you see with 1000s of hours didn't think that. There's so much build variety and interesting decision making. The guns are so unique, and with OC's I'd argue there is way more variety than helldivers 2. That and there's so much depth to the gameplay, the mobility tools, the ammo economy, target prioritization, the gunplay. It felt to me like you set an arbitrary rule that you needed to get all the achievements and when you hyper focused on them it tampered your experience.
@Umbriferous 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for your feedback and taking your time to write it all. I just want to clarify a few things from my side. First of all, I agree with you that a game doesn't have to balance itself around achievements. Clearly it should be the other way around, though with DRG it felt like it wasn't balanced to the right degree in a few cases, and I wanted to share my opinion on that specifically. This video is not a review of the game, and I would say it's closer to a review of its achievements. The restriction to get them all is certainly arbitrary, but so is anything else. When are you done with the game? After you played one match? After you unlocked all weapons? All overclocks? The most reasonable answer would probably be the simplest one - when you choose to. For each person that moment would be different, and for me - I enjoy completing games. I want to think that I can judge games fairly, and for that I want to see them from start to finish. My arbitrary definition for that is achievement completion, as depending on the game, one play-through might only be one side of a coin. And as arbitrary as it is, it's not some random milestone I set up for myself out of nowhere. Achievements are chosen by the developers, and while their main use can be argued about, what interests me specifically is how they can be used to enhance the overall experience with the game. Because, they definitely can do that, and I gave a few examples with DRG, so why wouldn't you want this extra system making your time with the game better? Maybe I should've only played for 20 hours and dropped it for not really 'feeling' the game's progression. But then I wouldn't have found the fun in missions after playing solo, wouldn't see the cool stuff hidden in the lobby, and wouldn't challenge myself on higher difficulties. I like DRG a lot more now than I did 20h into the game. And that was partially thanks to respective achievements. I just wish that was also the case with the 'Legendary Team' and 'Car Pool'
@darkbladegaming1956 4 месяца назад
@@Umbriferous as a person who is newer to deep rock and someone who has a interest in achievements grinds DRG is a game I would never do that to ask to me the achievements are just there the goal of DRG is to have fun regardless of it being solo or co-op. You said you judged it fairly but I don’t think you did as while you did say this was a review of the achievements side of things you could of also given you experience of how you did/didn’t like the game when just playing it to have fun and not achievement grind.
@baumpaladin 2 месяца назад
​@@darkbladegaming1956 Same here, I put a measly 280 hours into DRG and enjoy it more, the less I think about the reward and instead focus on the path. Just yesterday I got 'Drill-by shooting' naturally. Some achievements can be done by just playing the game normally, it'll take longer, but you'll actually feel happy when you get those achievements randomly. DRG is about enjoying the path, not achievements themselves. If you only have your eyes on the reward, you'll very likely hate the path and only feel frustration with achievements like the gold promotions. This thought process can be applied to a lot in life, not just games.
@gudadada 2 месяца назад
Saying Helldivers progression is better than Deeprock is the weirdest take I've ever heard. This is coming from me, someone who played HD2 first, and for over 100 hours, and who has not played that much of DRG yet. DRG has a million times more variety in the progression. The majority of the guns in HD2 are garbage with little variation in playstyle in comparison. The ship modules are boring, overpriced upgrades that also don't change gameplay, rather being tiny buffs. Stratagems had the best variety and I can't say much bad about them besides some small balance issues, and armor just felt weird and too repetitive. Also farming for super credits sucks. I wish the best for HD2 but it's riddled with problems that DRG lacks, and until it gets smoothed out I can't find it fun anymore - it certainly doesn't feel like I have much progression to achieve.
@raispist3677 5 месяцев назад
0:20 So funny that Deep Rock turning into Deep *ock and back
@Shadowical 4 месяца назад
Deep Cock Gal-ass-tic is the best joke from the game imo. then "Cock and Bone!" as the second best
@danielplocica8766 4 месяца назад
The legendary team does take a bunch of time and investment, and I am still a while away from unlocking it, but I don't see it a super grindy achievement. There should be something that does show dedication to this game, while it's nice you can get all the achievements in under 2 hours in some games, it's a bit weird to have someone that plays for hundreds of hours but isn't a full completionist have most achievements, while someone else has 35 minutes in and already has all 69 because he looked up a guide and really focused on just that. If you said to yourself to get all the achievements, that's on you, no one is forcing you. I can't truly understand people who want to get everything in a game, realize they set their bar too high, and instead of accepting it they complain about how dumb those things that require a lot of grind, so players need to be playing much longer to not have something to work towards are. The fact the journey there is unengaging can really be only tied to the lack of content and not "just the existence of the idea It is at least something to reward promoting a dwarf, the matrix core rewards quickly become useless when you reach silver, the cosmetical star is not something to brag about, so at least we have the achievement, we shoudl be happy there isn't one for promoting to legendary, that would be a tough nut But gotta fully agree with clown pool, the only achievement that slaps you in the face with demanding a mostly coordinated team. Anytime I did bring it up, others we're either uninterested or we couldn't find the harvester again. Still even if an achievement isn't tons of fun or teaches you something important, it's existence isn't so bad it should get removed simply because completionists don't want to overcommit to a game. The only critique could be it fills a slot for different better potential achievements, which they won't add because 69 is a funny number and we cannot have increasing that, nope
@reculixd4345 4 месяца назад
@Umbriferous 4 месяца назад
Damn, good point. I take everything back
@kaustubhowmick 4 месяца назад
I'm a achievemt hunter as well. But I dont understand the rush to promote all the dwarves to gold, take your time, it took me a year to do that, and I didnt burn myself out for a single achievement. I played other games in the mean time when I got bored of DRG. But eventually came a did one or two missions in a week. I got bunch of other achivements as well from other games. To not get burned out of a single game, for a single achivement, you need to branch out and play other games and not cage yourself in a single game until you get that achievement. Put simply dont rush. Enjoy the game be it, a single mission a day.
@imNotDaniX 4 месяца назад
Damn, what a good video. I started playing like a year ago, currently got all achievements but the gold x4 one. I was grinding it for some time till silver rank for all my non-main characters, but at some point I thought for myself - why not just chill and play the game. Like, eventually I'll get the achievement "naturally", so why even bother
@Umbriferous 4 месяца назад
Thank you! And yeah, your approach is certainly the most enjoyable
@nitrogelly_576 5 месяцев назад
I've gotten all the harder achievements, now I just gotta do 100 solo missions Silver Class All Gold Class All
@Umbriferous 5 месяцев назад
Have fun collecting aquarqs!
@Zixye 4 месяца назад
As an achievement hunter myself, Deep Rock is one of those rare games that I want to keep playing even after I got all the achievements and if I'm being completely honest, I wouldn't mind them even adding an achievement for a legendary 3 promotion, it would just be something more to strive for. Then again I do understand that some people don't like those kinds of achievements where you would have to simply play the game for a long time
@grimm9141 4 месяца назад
I asked rando team in public lobby to do the Car Pool achievement with me once. After the many games, we actually managed to get it right and 2 out of us 4 got the achievement. I was not one of them. Pain....
@Umbriferous 4 месяца назад
The description of the achievement is actually incorrect - only the person who wants the achievement has to kill the enemies. So I guess you didn't get those 5 kills. I've been there myself, multiple times.. Better luck next time, you got this!
@bruhmoment5020 4 месяца назад
well if you like playing the game a certain way, maybe just play the game a certain way, some achievements are more like badges of honour for being involved or skilled (or both) at the game instead of an "enhancement" of the expierience, yeah you will suffer, yeah it's probably not gonna get you more than a png with some text on steam, but a medal for succeding in a sport you love would also be just a hunk of metal to someone who doesn't really care about it or what it represents, if you don't look at it like that it's fine but I doubt you would say olympic sports have to be held to a higher standard because you don't like swimming and it got boring for you after 20 minutes in a pool.
@Umbriferous 4 месяца назад
In real life you're not getting medals for spending X number of hours in the pool. You do so by beating records, getting better at the sport than other athletes. It's a challenge, and there certainly is a place for that in games as well, as I said
@bruhmoment5020 4 месяца назад
@@Umbriferous well yea and you dont get legendary team in deeprock by staying in the lobby doing nothing, you gotta get good enough to do dangerous missions consistently (skilled) or grind a whole lotta easier missions (involved), exactly my point.
@peikkeinanen5064 2 месяца назад
As someone who has never really cared for achievements, I had quite a different experience. Some of my most memorable moments with the game come from finding a really cool public lobby with chill people and if need be hunt for an achievement or two (how I initially got car pool). Or realizing I'm almost at Legendary Team and just focusing on Driller a bit more. The only time I grinded for an achievement was when the only one I had left, was to play 100 solo missions and my count was at a bit over 50 (out of ca. 1700 completed missions). Though I definitely agree that the achievements do suck for people who primarily get their enjoyment from getting achievements. One thing I have to disagree with is gun variety. While yes, you only get 3 primaries/secondaries per class, many overclocks are basically a whole new weapon. I went ahead and counted the ones I believe are significant enough (primaries only) and arrived at the figure of 46 significant overclocks (or 36 truly unique in function) with even more variety in secondaries, combinations and other equipment.
@AndreaAttard 4 месяца назад
That swarm of grabbers are TERRIFYING.
@briananeuraysem3321 4 месяца назад
Randomly Finding DRG modded servers is the most fun I think I’ve ever had In a game, especially because I literally had no idea about them when I first joined one
@saycap 3 месяца назад
Can you just join modded servers or do you have to install mods somewhere?
@Papanza295 3 месяца назад
@@saycap You can just join them. Don't need to download a thing. There is even an option in the mission terminal (Sever browser) to look only for modded games. This is because in pretty much every case nothing new is being added to the game, but everything the game has to offer is just being turned up to the 100th degree. I.e, Enemy size, number, effect radius, task amount, player cap, etc..
@saycap 3 месяца назад
@@Papanza295 thanks, I really have to look into mods since I have 200 hrs and my bugs dont even make reverb fart noises yet
@benhales1953 3 месяца назад
I won't lie those first 6 seconds made me close all my windows 😂😂
@yodarya5471 5 месяцев назад
Try custom difficulties.higher hazards. 6x2,7x2,8x2...9x2!!!! Super fun and challenging.
@nicolaspaglione 21 день назад
@k1llerbeam362 2 месяца назад
Needed that 100 solo missions achievement, it’s what opened my eyes to how great and immersive this game is
@Damglador Месяц назад
Legendary Team is the achievement that forced me to continue playing the game, but even after completing it I didn't stop, it sucked me back in alcoholic dwarf insanity and Im glad it did. It forced me to try more loadouts, strategies and ways to play the game and I think that's the reason it exists. It wants you to explore the game and classes deeper, but at the same time not making itself a something impossible to complete or locking you from 100% like TF2 for example, it just requires some time and you don't have to spend this time in one week or month, just keep playing and you'll eventually get it, just don't forget about Karl.
@HotPocketEnjoyer 4 месяца назад
Really helldivers battle pass progression is better than deep rock? Terrible take lol
@Umbriferous 4 месяца назад
you know deep rock has battle passes too, right?
@HotPocketEnjoyer 4 месяца назад
@Umbriferous you know that that isn't the main form of progression right?
@Umbriferous 4 месяца назад
And how is that important? I wasn't comparing Helldivers battle pass with Deep Rock's non-battle pass system. I simply said that I personally preferred the overall progression in one of the games. A terrible preference indeed
@HotPocketEnjoyer 4 месяца назад
@@Umbriferous you said you liked the progression of helldivers over deep rocks even though helldivers is a battle pass system its over done and lame
@mr_tatou 4 месяца назад
​@@HotPocketEnjoyer that's your opinion, people can have their own opinions and like battle passes better
@capfig4471 Месяц назад
When I, and a lot of people first approached this game I don't think achievements or achievement speedrunning were ever on any of our minds, neither do I think the devs ever really properly thought of them either. I think the achievements are there either as an little extra challenge for those that want it (the barrel hoop) or just something to say "oh neat" to whenever you got it (promotion achievements), rather than something to grind painfully towards. So in that regard, while I don't believe this review is accurate to a wider communitys perspective, it still represents an audience who have/want to/do play this game. Thus for those that do wish to look at the game from this angle, this video certainly has many valid points to be considered.
@BenisMannn 3 месяца назад
worst achivement is "play the game" okay bro, maybe it isnt for you then..
@dblundz 2 месяца назад
Did it a couple years ago. Car Pool was the only one that brapped me
@SandwichGamesHeavy 4 месяца назад
DO NOT compare drg to helldivers 2. THEY DO NOT BELONG IN THE SAME UNIVERSE - mission control
@Papanza295 3 месяца назад
But they could...
@SandwichGamesHeavy 3 месяца назад
@@Papanza295 well, yea, but maybe on a different planet, or helldivers -are the rivals- , but I do not think that they are on Hoxxes IV's surface, since drg would have knew about that.
@p_serdiuk 2 месяца назад
Been playing since Season 1. Unlocked Legendary Team at around 600 hours. Unlocked all weapon overclocks at 250. There is no "grind" because _playing the game_ isn't boring. Nothing else is required. Though admittedly I did take breaks from DRG here and there. But I was there for every Season drop, bought every DLC, made use of nearly every seasonal event, and I had completed most season passes except S2 in time. It's a lousy idea to force yourself to play DRG, it's more about loyalty to the game :D
@nexus_keeper 11 дней назад
Dudes only complaints are “I have to play the game a lot for this achievement” like yeah dude, if you don’t want to play the game a lot, don’t.
@R3verse301 3 месяца назад
there are two types of deep rock players: those who play the game casually and not neccesarily that often 100hrs< who have a few gold promotions at most and then there's the greybeards which are actually pretty common and have the triple red promotion on all of their dwarves and as of season 5 you can now see exatly how many extra promotions a dwarf has after the first 12.
@furgel7717 3 месяца назад
I have over 1000 hours, all my classes are somewhere in platinum promotions with my scout being legendary 3. in at least 50% of the lobbies I join there's a higher level player than me.
@R3verse301 3 месяца назад
@@furgel7717 I assume you're on PC because on playstation it's like I described
@Sebastienstudios 4 месяца назад
I love this guys videos
@winkree 3 месяца назад
On the topic of progression, the main things that have driven me forward are assignments, and their cosmetic rewards, but after reaching lvl 100 there isn't much to do but gather every single OC which is kinda tedious But rewards and new seasonal content was never the main reason I played the game, especially as someone who played before seasons even existed in DRG The gameplay loop itself is what hooks me in, being able to combine so many different loadouts, random cave generation allowing for limitless scenarios, and overall having fun alone and with friends This is also why I refuse to call DRG a live service game, because live service relies on new content, a new pulse, without which the game will die off, but DRG is a fully finished and complete piece, with new seasons being just bonus additions and spice ups to the core gameplay rather than the main reason it stays alive And on the topic of the video itself, great job haha, I did carpool with my friends but I was the only one to get the achievement so I kinda felt bad dragging them in 😭
@Umbriferous 3 месяца назад
Thanks, and yeah, it's a good point about the live service
@videog4me 2 месяца назад
The addition of Stingtails to the list of regular enemies with displacement moves made carpool even more difficult to get. Oppressors and Q’ronar are at least melee, but you can’t dodge the Stingtail ranged yoink move without getting off the Harvester. I don’t know if the tracking for the achievement is interrupted by jumping up and down on the Harvester, or if your feet have to maintain constant contact while getting the 5 kills.
@DragonGunzDorian 2 месяца назад
I will say im one of those people that will say achievements like legendary team are there for people with a true love of the game. An achievement thats there to acknowledge the time youve put in. I think in this case its ok because even though its grindy, at least you're always making progress towards it when you play. I can think of similar achievements in other games (grindy, and take a lot of time. Ones youd only ever get if you actually really love a game) that are done much more poorly. First example that comes to mind is monster hunter world, and needing gold/mini gold crowns for every monster. That one is absurd, and ill never get it despite monster hunter being one of my favorite series. lol. I do see your points though.
@ratfarmer1 4 месяца назад
I agree with a lot of the points made here except Car Pool. Seems like a skill issue. With a coordinated team and some preparation I was able to manage it in a single attempt, and I personally feel that it really does encourage and reward teamwork. Only achievement I truly think feels "grindy" is the barrel hoop one. FUCK that achievement just let me play the real game
@ratfarmer1 4 месяца назад
I get the criticism of Legendary Team as well but I had a vastly different experience with it. If you enjoy the game enough you will get there without even thinking about it. A lot of people complain about how hard it is to get certain overclocks but if you just play the game and dont focus on rushing small things like that you will enjoy the path a lot more.
@saycap 3 месяца назад
The barrel hoop one isn’t so bad. I got both of em by just spacing out and kicking barrels randomly while waiting for teams or just hanging out in the rig
@ratfarmer1 3 месяца назад
@@saycap it is intentionally rigged to make me specifically lose and no one else. i swear its cursed
@saycap 3 месяца назад
@@ratfarmer1 I thought so too but the key for me was just being half awake at 3am spacing out just kicking the barrels for no reason. Literally just not thinking about it
@somebodyforever8742 4 месяца назад
Gosh, I love this video. Thanks
@Umbriferous 4 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@generalkeks821 4 месяца назад
carl would be proud
@viniciusdavila2737 Месяц назад
I have 350h and 24 promotions. That's 15h per promotion. Just taking my time, enjoying the ride, these 350h are spread across 2 years, and the first year was all on low hazard. I'll reach All Gold at around 400h. I'm not an avid completionist, but I completed Slay the Spire and it took me roughly 380h. Maybe it's normal?
@PalpatineGaming 3 месяца назад
Im only missing 3 achievements (car pool, drill by shooting, and the abyss bar one where you need to drink and dance with a full squad), I have around 300 hours on console, and I still love coming back and playing more, especially with the new season. I'll get the other 3 in time, but they arent the drive for me
@Lief_Erikson Месяц назад
They are calling from the other side, see y o7
@taliclay 3 месяца назад
My Last two are Car Pool & Legendary Team, and I've almost got Legendary Team. Car Pool w the damn harvester is so damned annoying, I've only ever tried to get it a few times. Heck, the barrel hoop was easier. Glad to see it on the thumbnail, whoever thought up that advancement has never tried to fit 4 dwarf hitboxes on a single silicate harvester.
@Umbriferous 3 месяца назад
Good luck with it!
@Tchibber 2 месяца назад
Drg is not similar to helldivers , helldivers is similar to drg 🗿
@manixburn6403 2 месяца назад
I have it, car pool, it's fun. I don't remember trying to have it, i might have cross player trying it and helped. also have legendary-team, i just enjoyed the game, not really trying. I'm still a noob with full plat dwarf, etc. Just a great game. I realize i was cheating on my life and dealing with pathological isolation and loveliness. Ok, i was very sick...but because i've not succeed killing myself and capitalism can't profit from this type of behavior, I've survived. i'm trying learn to live again. Capitalism still want us all dead trying. But there is bit of time, not hope but time.
@N30Canibal 2 месяца назад
won't the approved mods disable achievements for the xp grind? How did you work around that? Just disable before promoting?
@MrMRMONKEY232 4 месяца назад
Love being worried bout people playing a game they enjoy for fun but then admitting to caring about stats on a digital game storefront.
@Umbriferous 4 месяца назад
Don't worry 😘
@bebrasmachnayq5691 Месяц назад
I swear to god bro Car pool is hardest achievment to do
@jackalsniper892 29 дней назад
The only ones i wont complete are silver and gold promotions for all, i absolutely hate playing scout lol
@symus29165 4 месяца назад
Imo the worst achievements are the ones where you have to do something with 3 other people, nobody ever does those things.
@Bird-md5xz 2 месяца назад
You play games for fun not to do a job calling a lack of progression a problem is a inherently flawed way of thinking because if you think like that you're making the game just another thing you have to do. instead you should stop to smell the roses lay back have some fun and stop caring about what you have to unlock next and play for the sake of playing.
@c4llv07e Месяц назад
>>10:34 >Some of those achievements don't represent anything but a lost of time And why they shouldn't do that? One of them is literally called "Time Well Spent", it was supposed to show how stupid it to do this thing. Why should all achievements be challenging, rewarding, etc? It's just a text, it can be anything.
@c4llv07e Месяц назад
To reword my idea, I can say that you are seeing achievements as recommendations to play the game, but they aren't.
@JackdotC Месяц назад
"Just some overclocks" you mean, unlocks that can completely change how a weapon works and also acomidatw different builds to massivly increase build variety. Just those small things? Im assuming that bc you were grinding for full gold and wanted maximum exp, which is phyco behaviour honestly ngl, that you just ran meta vuild and didnt experient with funns that much, and didnt see just how much overclocks effect the game. Either that or you were deliberately lying to paint the game in a bad light, bc some overclovks can completely change how you use a weapon
@Alexander02739 Месяц назад
460h for me on PS5
@SensatioNEO 5 месяцев назад
This is a great review of the game! I even found the gun unlocks a bit meh, completely agreed.
@heliodoro2104 5 месяцев назад
The gun unlocks are very good. Depends on the character tho.
@Umbriferous 5 месяцев назад
Wouldn't call it a review, but thanks :)
@loafofbread9400 3 месяца назад
deeprocks progression slooooooow, helldivers progression feels way worse since options are way worse
@jurelmacahiya8195 2 месяца назад
no, just, no.
@ReaLgressA 5 месяцев назад
Completely agree about the car pool. It was a hell of a mess and just too much of trying to do something that doesn't make any sense just to get this sweet steam bleep confirming that you got the achievement
@Jenna_Talia 4 месяца назад
Yeah at least with the dotty equivalent, there's an incentive to stay on top of molly. On higher hazards a friend group can get that achievement without even realizing. Then they decided one stand on top of thing and get x amount of kills achievement wasn't enough.
@SandwichGamesHeavy 4 месяца назад
​@@Jenna_Talia I actually did that accidentaly XD
@ceaselessavarice 4 месяца назад
did it with randoms first try Xd
@SandwichGamesHeavy 4 месяца назад
@@ceaselessavarice same
@zyciok912 4 месяца назад
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