
'I had a glimpse of a more cool democracy' In interview: Internet sensation Fidias Panayiotou 

Brussels Signal
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29 сен 2024




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@robotixlab 3 месяца назад
Fidias has some core values that are much needed nowadays. He has an open and out of the box mentality, he is clean and shows integrity, he is resilient and persistent, a curius explorer, simple, humble and a proven doer. No matter what, if he wants something he will get it. He has a clear vision for the common good, not driven by personal or political oportunism. One shouldn't know about politics if politics real objective was not all about corruption and mafia style deals. It is common sense if you are only driven by common good. We need more people like Fidias!!!
@DTalesMatter 3 месяца назад
He will get it. Illegally also. He has proven that he cares only about himself and his dreams. He is also very immature something that is a huge minus in politics.
@anastasiaaggelidou9412 3 месяца назад
Bravo fidias.we believe that your the truth in such corruption o pilitics
@iliaspili1358 3 месяца назад
Εδώ οι ξένοι επικροτούν για τον Φειδία και χαίρονται για την τόλμη και την εξυπνάδα του. Ενώ στην Κύπρο τα κομματόσκυλα προσπαθούν με κάθε τρόπο να τον μειώνουν και να τον λένε απολιτικ. Είμαστε μαζί σου Φειδία και μην φοβάσαι κανέναν.
@GiorgosCY 3 месяца назад
Εγώ όπως τα θωρώ, τα πράματα εν ακριβώς αντίθετα απ'ότι λαλείς. Οι ξένοι εφκάλαν μας πελλούς, αλλά εμείς (όι τα κόμματα) επικροτούμε το Φειδία.
@cgeorg8885 3 месяца назад
Η επιτομή του "Φτύνουν μας και εμείς νομίζουμε οτι βρέχει".
@pcon71 3 месяца назад
​@@cgeorg8885Ακριβώς. Δουλευκουν μας αλλα εμείς στον κόσμο μας.
@babelwrap 3 месяца назад
Είμαστε μαζί σου Φειδία, και τίποτα να μεν κάμεις. Είσαι ένα σύμβολο για το τι χρειαζόμαστε στην Κύπρο, και ήδη πετύχαμε να περάσουμε το μήνυμα. Από εδώ και πέρα, να παρακαλέσω όλους τους συμπατριώτες μου, να δίνουν μόνο αγάπη.
@cgeorg8885 3 месяца назад
@@babelwrap ποιό εν το σύμβολο που χρειαζούμαστε; ανθρώπους χωρίς γνώσεις, θέσεις ούτε τα βασικά; Τι είναι αυτό που σας εμπνέει; Οτι έχει θάρρος και θράσος; ποιά είναι τα κριτήρια σας για εναν πολιτικό; δεν είναι να ξέρει την ιστορία; να ξέρει να επιχειρηματολογεί, να διαβουλέυεται για τις θέσεις του; Εύχομαι τα καλύτερα στο Φειδία εφόσον τον εκλέξατε αλλά δεν είναι αυτό το μέλλον που θέλω για τη Κύπρο. Θέλω ανθρώπους στη πολιτική με παιδεία, όραμα, να ξέρει απο πολιτική, να αγαπά την Κύπρο, να έχει περάσει χρόνια αναζήτησης της κυπριακής πραγματικότητας. Οχι κάποιον 24χρονο που δεν ασχολήθηκε ποτέ με το τι έγινε σε τούτο το τόπο, ή στον υπόλοιπο κόσμο, πως λειτουργεί η διπλωματια, και για ενα καπρίτζιο να εκπροσωπεί μια χώρα που πέρασε χίλια δυο.
@tsiakas 3 месяца назад
For sure this guy is not stupid… !!!on the contrary he’ll SURPRISE EVERYBODY… just give him time!!!
@CharisTsevis 3 месяца назад
This guy is an incredibly gifted person in many way. He has strong values and a really good character.
@robotixlab 3 месяца назад
Fidias has some core values that are much needed nowadays. He has an open and out of the box mentality, he is clean and shows integrity, he is resilient and persistent, a curius explorer, simple, humble and a proven doer. No matter what, if he wants something he will get it. He has a clear vision for the common good, not driven by personal or political oportunism. One shouldn't know about politics if politics real objective was not all about corruption and mafia style deals. It is common sense if you are only driven by common good. We need more people like Fidias!!!
@kyprosportokalides1761 3 месяца назад
Couldn’t agree more. Needless to say or add a word ✌️✌️👏👏👏👏
@kyprosportokalides1761 3 месяца назад
Give the power to the new and younger generation. The future belongs to the. They know how to make things better. Ours and the previous generations failed and destroyed the future of our kids. Bravo Fidias for taking the step to make the change. You deserve more and a higher appreciation. 👏👏👏👏
@menuria 3 месяца назад
His election has been a punch and a breath of fresh air in the face of the stagnant political scene in Cyprus. He represents a post-modern version of politics, not bound by the traditional frames of political parties.
@DTalesMatter 3 месяца назад
Hope this is not the post modern version of Cyprus politics..
@xaraathinodorou5726 3 месяца назад
I'm impressed with the improvement in expressing yourself in English Fidias, goes to show what a fast learner you are!
@p212p 3 месяца назад
He used the words ‘fuck’ and ‘fucking’ several times, in just a video of less than 18 minutes. What are you talking about? Impressed by what? this uncouth and rude way of expressing himself in an interview? Lol
@GiorgosCY 3 месяца назад
@@p212p probably a kid following Feidias on TikTok and trying to cope with his arguments.
@kyprosportokalides1761 3 месяца назад
@@p212pis the F word a forbidden word? Because it’s the most common word used and everyone can understand what someone is talking about. In other words, you simply don’t know wtf u are talking about???
@p212p 3 месяца назад
@@kyprosportokalides1761 this is a serious interview. The fact that he is using the f word several times shows the fundamental unseriousness of this clown. It’s honestly hilarious how you are playing devil’s advocate and ending up saying that the ‘f’ word is common etc. LOL.
@KavlosteMeViagra 3 месяца назад
Amazing person
@kypress 3 месяца назад
Expression, instinct and truth all prevalent here ❤
@babelwrap 3 месяца назад
We are proud of Fidias. Initially when I came across some of his old content I didn't support it. But after listening to him for hours on his podcast and seeing interviews of him, I am impressed and inspired from his self development. Politics need some fresh air and authenticity. We support you friend 💪
@kyprosportokalides1761 3 месяца назад
That’s the only way to understand everything in life. Better to go deeper and try to understand what’s the rational behind eg. someone’s behaviour or actions. Never judge by the book or the title. Just search… and then make up your mind.
@mariakastanea4100 3 месяца назад
You will go very far, you clever and honest and you learn very quickly. Well done.
@giorgosmelaxroinos2819 3 месяца назад
Promising if the system let him deliver
@thetruth1107 3 месяца назад
You can talk to other parties that are not aligned, like 5 star movement and others, and make a group only for the benefits, not have any common ideological background, just make a group of non aligned.
@sotirisnikolaou5744 3 месяца назад
Most Cypriots support Fidias.
@kyriakosmikell6666 3 месяца назад
Πάμε δυνατά!!!
@chryki 3 месяца назад
he hacked the system
@rexusking-ps6mc 3 месяца назад
17:03 so ironic he referred to Socrates 😅. Socrates hated democracy and said that the citizens who can vote should have an education to how to vote, because demogogues like Fidias who dont have any knowledge about politics should not govern people. Socrates hated demogogues and democracy and was sentenced to death due to his very true thoughts as we see here in this example.
@mariostudio7 3 месяца назад
Exactly my thoughts 😊... but let's see if he can prove Socrates wrong, it will be interesting to see.
@kyprosportokalides1761 3 месяца назад
Don’t believe all the stories you read or someone told you so… Socrates was and still is an example to many positive people. If you are a negative person, as you are🍌, then you will find everything in life negative. Find the positivity even on negative things and make them opportunities. Jealousy and criticism are fundamental issues of negative thinking people. It’s like being constantly contaminated 🐒
@planetpositive6203 3 месяца назад
Fidias people expect from you to talk about 1974 about common EU defemce and security
@kyprosportokalides1761 3 месяца назад
… it’s about time EU starts talking about where they stand regarding the Cyprus problem that started in 1974 and where they stand in terms of security. EU doesn’t have an army force to defend any member state, so what’s the secret plan here?? To join NATO as most of EU countries do?? 🤔🤔 Definitely is not Fidia’s work to talk about first the security of EU and it would be too risky one MEP push EU to solve this major issue. I strongly believe that in due time Fidias will talk about Cyprus problem openly to the public.
@theodorac2218 3 месяца назад
Let's go Fidia!
@waterbottle1184 Месяц назад
met a group of scouts from cyprus lol
@stelioschristodoulou9666 3 месяца назад
Need to know more about fidias
@stylianosvita1985 3 месяца назад
Φειδία, εάν θέλεις να γίνεις γνώστης των πάντων όσον αφορά την πολιτική, την οικονομία κτλ, πιστεύω πως είναι σοφό να κάνεις την αρχή παρακολουθώντας βίντεο με τον Δημήτρη Καζάκη και τους συνεργάτες του στο ΕΠΑΜ, και αν κρίνεις θετικά τα όσα λένε, επεδίωξε να τους συμβουλευθείς και προσωπικά ακόμα. Μόνο να κερδίσεις έχεις από ανθρώπους τέτοιας μόρφωσης και ηθικής, κι αν δεν έχεις ακούσει ως τώρα κάτι για αυτούς είναι επειδή κι αυτούς το σύστημα τής Ελλάδας τους πολεμά για να παραμένει η κατάσταση ως έχει.
@georgealatas6900 3 месяца назад
People in power want to preserve that power for as long as can be protected. Politicians whether in Cyprus or Greece or any other place in Europe are predisposed to compromise,corruption, influence. Once you become a member of that Clique, you become addicted and less cohesive,unless you are ideologically driven ,to bring Changes and being able to manifest a social consent that the majority agrees. The socio-economic structure is being fractured a long time ago which has affected everyone,together with an endless pervasion to undermine Culture,faith,history,social norms which will prove very detrimental to the society as a whole. Politicians are corrupted and do not believe in improving and elevating society to higher standards,simply they don’t believe in common good. Democracy necessitates higher standards of education,higher standards of living,and higher optimism. Unfortunately our society in Greece and Cyprus are not able to advance in a cohesive manner,because their foreign and domestic policies are extremely abysmal. The treasonous and greedy behaviour can easily be characterized as a criminal cartel. Greece, Cyprus are impoverished countries heavily in debt and divided. It is unacceptable to have an occupied and divided island by Türkiye. Does NATO Allies agrees to have a Divided Cyprus, why?
@agathiioannou6624 3 месяца назад
@nereussatyros3461 3 месяца назад
What r u looking at vre malaka
@sdfsdfhdgdfgd5815 3 месяца назад
Εφκαλαμεν ναμη παλε,
@my_piano_music_efi_tsangarides 3 месяца назад
Fidias 👏 🇨🇾
@drvedat 3 месяца назад
We, as the children of mixed marriages in Cyprus, ask you to support our republic of cyprus citizenship. There is no country on the surface of earth when at least one parent of you is the citizen of this country and you were born in this country, you cannot become the citizen of this country but when you were born in Turkiye, you may become the citizen of the republic of Cyprus. No! You didn't read it wrong! For Turkish cypriots children are being discriminated on the thesis of punishing these children due to their nonCypriot mother or father's enterance into the island not in control of the republic of Cyprus
@ΝΙΚΟΣΒΟΓΙΑΤΖΑΚΗΣ 3 месяца назад
Next step vote for a garo it's cheaper more intellectual superior patience and honest
@babelwrap 3 месяца назад
Fidias is a breath of fresh air and inspiration for the younger generation. Just from these, he's already succeeded. Let's support him my friend.
@kyprosportokalides1761 3 месяца назад
@@babelwraphaters will remain haters and unnamed AKA will always be on the side… that’s why they are called haters. We don’t need them.
@Pournelaos 3 месяца назад
Feel free to become a candidate then. You have our support.
@ΝΙΚΟΣΒΟΓΙΑΤΖΑΚΗΣ 2 месяца назад
@Pournelaos looking at your profile picture you could vote fir a Garo like feidias
@ΝΙΚΟΣΒΟΓΙΑΤΖΑΚΗΣ 2 месяца назад
@kyprosportokalides1761 of course he succeded . He should have been at best a waiter in local Cafe and instead he went to tge eu parliament . But the bill will come later remember
@pcon71 3 месяца назад
Completely stupid. My compatriots made a huge mistake
@babelwrap 3 месяца назад
He's already elected. Let's support him my friend, he will need all the support he can get from us 🙏
@kyprosportokalides1761 3 месяца назад
@@babelwrapthe same applies for this one also. Probably a left wing supporter of Stalin’s hitleric ideology. These people love money power and wars.
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