The Vuitton bag is real, you know why ? Because on real LV bags, the "LV" logo is never cut (if you see a bag with the "LV" in the coutures, it's a fake one. So, yours is a real one ;) Bisous de France ^^
Chanel bag isn’t real, the inside zipper part is a plastic zipper and Chanel doesn’t have plastic zippers. As far as the LV, looks real but most likely not as thrift stores vet these items and they generally never make it to the floor. I still think it’s worth getting for the price! Lots of influencers do these videos for content but not legit!
FYI: The new top tier counterfeit bags have ALL the correct markings, serial numbers, stitching, zippers, locks, and even fake receipts, boxes and bags. And..they can pass the best authentication services available. These bags usually cost a few hundred dollars, and the luxury brands are shaking in their boots over them. An article was written about this and ALL the fake bags passed authentication services. Enjoy!
Don’t worry about the brand. If it’s good quality, fits well, and is your personal style preference… get it. Don’t get something just because you want others to be impressed. The only person who cares about what you buy, wear, and drive is yourself.
That is the ugliest handbag i’ve ever seen. People have gone crazy nowadays going so far for a bag just because of the company’s reputation and high pricing.
Exactly my thoughts. She just got it because it had 2 C’s at the front. She wouldn’t get that thing if it wasn’t Chanel. That’s how I shop designer. Would I buy this item if it was a brand like Bershka? If yes, spend your money. If no, move on.
@@dyahekaa I don’t give a shit about trends and don’t follow them. Most people are retarded and when those retards do the same thing all at once it becomes a “trend”. No thanks, I’d rather buy what I LIKE even if the “trend” says it’s ugly. Whatever.
I bought a beautiful Prada bag at a thrift store for $2.49 and then I went to a yard sale and bought two Louie Vuitton bags for $10 each and yes they were all real.. now you want to talk about sunglasses I have purchased every name brand sunglasses from Goodwill for $2.50 and I probably have 50 pairs now
My mom had the authentic LV purse, I remember that the zipper did not extend this far! The canvas is surprisingly well done, but the whole zipper area is shady haha! I saw your second video, I'm not suprised the LV was fake, but congrats on that Chanel!!
Omg my work gave me a bag since a customer didn't want it today... I think it's a real Celine Paris bag and I'm freaking out. Deep diving to figure it out!!
I got a Balenciaga Le City Medium bag for $3 at this tiny little thrift store run by a Korean women's church group that used to be right up the street from where I grew up, I was visiting my parents and my mom & I went. I couldn't believe it. Also got a 2000's Coach bag for $2.
I've found several Chanel and other designer bags that are real and were at thrift stores. Some people just don't know what they have. Happy thrift hunting
I am more simple about things. My first instinct is how functional will it be and how diverse it can be used. The Chanel bag was my fav for how I like things & I will actually use!
I can tell the Louie bag is a fake. The print/letters on one side are straight..the back should not be straight but upside-down. LV always used one piece of his logo fabric to cover front to back. This is why the back is upside-down but correct for a LV bag. It's very cute though. Enjoy it. The Chanel bag I'm not sure about.
The pochette accessories is not 1 continuous piece so it's not upside down on one side. The speedy line is 1 piece so your statement would be true for that line. NOT all LV bags are upside down. As for this particular pochette, it's fake cuz the font is incorrect.
I also found a real Chanel bag at a Beacons Closet. Which is a thrift store. It truly does happen sometimes. You just have to take you’re time and really look around.
Fabulous find on the Chanel it's real.The LV is fake though wrong font and the yellow stitching is the wrong shade.Its far to bright but Bravo on that Chanel.
Hola Benda, soy nueva seguidora, me gustaría si puedes dar mas im formación sobre las reservaciones en tu transcript sobre ese paquete de todo incluido? En la pagina oficial no encontré ese tipo de opciones!!
Chanel bag is fake, the zipper on the inside pocket is so cheap and doesn’t even match the colour of the lining. Also I have Chanel bags and wallets and all zippers inside inside pockets are metal and have Chanel branding on the zipper
Reminds me of the small incident we had at our garage sale this year. For context, we have family in California who sometimes gift us brand bags (like Coach and Kate Spade) however, we also have a black Chanel bag that we put away years ago and only found it again this year. We decided to put it up for sale and some people looked at it but didn’t buy it. After a few days, I was looking through the sale stuff so we could go put it in the donation bins and I come across the bag. It’s a little dusty but still in good condition and I wondered why we’re giving it away. I take it back into the house to inspect it for tears or anything, and lo and behold I find a card of authenticity and tag. We freaked out when we searched up the bag on Chanel’s website because the purse was apparently at least $500. We just put it away and haven’t really looked at it again since. 😂
I have that same Chanel purse so I can say that it’s real, but I’m second-guessing on that Louis I’m pretty sure that is not there’s a few red flags and one being stitching and the color of the stitches
I have that LV bag (real) - there are amazing quality fakes out there - but it doesnt look fake to me. I think if they were fake it would be illegal to sell them. Even for 10$
Yea the value village i thinks off of dundas west station...I just remeber passing the BMO bank Anyway That value village you would find gucci chanel top name brands. I bought a par of.$800 pajar boots from there for 20 bucks. I would buy my jackets from.there because you could get danier leather coats for pennies. I use to laugh walking out of that store! But those racks be swinging its always packed because everybody knew the secret. The value villages in TORONTO ARE THE BOMB!!
also his outfits are screaming queer but as much as he denies, jessica’s book definitely implied that he was struggling with his sexuality. she didn’t flat out say he was gay but it was certainly implied that he was at least experimenting. there’s no questions about it, she worded it in an honest way without fully outing him
If the purses are real and the store just has them stashed with the other used bags, that store doesn't care about business. I don't think either are real.
You sure have good stuff at your thrift store. I'm in Central Calif, & it is definitely slim pickens. I don't buy designer bags I may see in stores because I have no idea what's real and what's not. There are many groups on FB where the admins buy knockoffs from China. The ladies in the group pay them to get it for them. I left the group as soon as I saw what they were doing. I hope yours are real!!
Nope. 👎🏿👎🏿 Even if they were real, the quality of those designer bags are not as they are advertised. People pay high dollar, only for the name. Wear them with pride regardless. ❤
Please remember that if something was real, the Goodwill or thrift store that you are at would actually be selling it on eBay themselves and not even putting it out on the sales floor. I’m so serious.
Who the heck cares, if it's real?! It looks great, you can't tell if it's fake, so I'm sure no one else would be able to tell either unless they're full on examining your bag. Just enjoy! Great find!
You don't have have to buy ugly things because it's says "Chanel" or any famous brand on it and trying to convince yourself (and people) that they're stunning 🙂😌
At least the Chanel bag is kinda cute , i feel u on the Louis bag tho it’s just is bleh tho I never have gotten the appeal of the monogram logo pattern shit they do
That’s not an authentic Chanel. 100%. I’ve never even seen a lining like that. The hard wear is CHEAP, not Chanel that use the highest grade hardware and materials. The is not authentic either. You can probably get both of those bags for very cheap 2nd hand. But not at the thrift store.
It could be 50 cents! Still ugly! Just because it is designer doesn’t mean it is worth! Save your money, and don’t buy things just because it is name brand! 😩🤦♀️
Hey people I have a chanel bag jumbo 2.55 I wanna sell it never been used was made in 2009 so in 2029 it would become vintage if anybody want it let me know.
I hope they are both real and good for you! I never had such luck! I did read a story about a woman that found a genuine Chanel bag for 20 bucks, she authenticated it and then sold it for three grand. I hope you had the same luck.
❤❤❤she had the bags authentication the Chanel was real lv fake really lucky to find out the Chanel for 10 dollars 💵💰💰 really shocked ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉great find
just because its cute or a good price doesnt mean u should overconsume. objects can be a burden. shes a fashion youtuber she has so much clothes and bags already as well. and eventually when she dies itll go into a landfill possibly anyway. shes probably saving herself the burden of a cluttered closet with things shes not in love with that she'll have to re-donate eventually anyway. its not saving the planet. saving the planet when it comes to shopping is simply just not buying new items. only second hand items. plus if u put your mindset in action, itd fuel ppl to think they can consume new because people will buy just anything and not limit themselves while thrifting, we all have limits.