
I Lived 6000 Years Ago! NEVER BEFORE HEARD lost teachings of J*sus Revealed! 

Love Covered Life Podcast
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@angierox6964 Год назад
Loose ends are coming together! There’s that feeling one gets when they hear something and it finally resonates with them; but when that something goes completely against the grain is so refreshing rewarding gratifying when we find other pieces of the puzzle! Thank you so much! We are putting this puzzle together I’ll continue to spread love and happiness. and serve before self… Serve before self in Balance. One of my primary lessons this time!
@elizabethlamkey7332 Год назад
I just got chills. I quoted the verse (I thought it was in Proverbs) about wise as a serpent, gentle as a dove 2 days ago!!!
@LoveCoveredLifePodcast Год назад
Thank you for sharing my friend!
@BrookeSheaLauer89 Год назад
Matthew 10:16 NKJV Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
@amsumalivallaart2805 Год назад
What happened to you is your synchronicity doesn’t mean story was authentic
@herminepursch2470 Год назад
Believe whatever you want
@KelvinChinTurningWithin Год назад
@@amsumalivallaart2805 That is true. You could be right. I agree. As I tell my students, experiences are always open to interpretation. And as I discuss in detail in my new book that Melissa read and is interviewing me about, the best we can do is look at those interpretations through the filter of 1) whether there is any reliable evidence to support that interpretation, and 2) how reliable is that evidence (because there is always a wide range of reliability from "this is what the experiencer thinks" to "this is what someone else who is reliable thinks about that experience" to "this is what this group of people with reliable evidence thinks about that experience" to "this is what we know historically happened"...and everything in between). That is what I teach my students to look at. I always tell my students to NOT believe anything I say just because I said it nor just because I claim to have experienced it. I teach my students to question EVERYTHING, including what I say. I hope that helps clarify.
I had a vision years ago that I was a disciple of Jesus ✝️
@swirvin704 Год назад
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.”
@UnkleAl215 Год назад
He lost me after claiming to be King Richard, Marcus Aurelius, and Frederick II of Prussia in his past lives. He was never just a regular person. He just so happened to be a great historical leader in his past lives. 🙄 This is narcissism on steroids.
@deannastone8313 Год назад
I'm unsure of where you get your information. I would simply like to say that this energy was my teacher in many lifetimes.
@lindavanassche923 Год назад
Agree. Billions and billions of people on the planet over the eons and so many of his past lives are famous people. NOT
@deannastone8313 Год назад
BTW, my energy is masculine and I have lived male on earth. Many many times.
@herminepursch2470 Год назад
And you know, because you were there. I wonder who you were in a past life Maybe , Thomas.
@mikamikalson7393 Год назад
You/Me/He were EVERYBODY of the past and present. He just Re-Membered certain lifetimes. There is only the ONE and you/me/he are that!
@deannastone8313 Год назад
Hi Kelvin. Here we are again. I remember your energy.. so, its lovely to cross you once more. You were my teacher in past and future experiences. It still amazes me how often I am crossing those I have known. Bless you Brother. Can't wait to talk with you when our missions are complete.
@Schoolforthesoul Год назад
It seems a lot of our missions are going well solo but so far it's been difficult to scale it up. How do you get people to unite in peace and love when so many are consumed with negativity
@MariaGennetti1111 Год назад
​​@@SchoolforthesoulBE THE LOVE you want to see I the world. That's what my intention is daily. Easier said than done these days, but I hope that helps!❤
@Schoolforthesoul Год назад
@@MariaGennetti1111 I am trying my best. It's not hard for me to try and be the love, it's just hard to accept that a lot of people I try share the message of peace and love with throw the message away because I haven't accepted a certain belief or custom of their religion. After all I have learned I can not accept any one religion but still will respect all of them because there are many paths to walk on Earth. ❤
@kkate577 7 месяцев назад
Hi! I'm Zsuzsanna. Do you know something about my past life? Did we know each other?
@deannastone8313 7 месяцев назад
@Schoolforthesoul I have found that when negativity surrounds me, if I can hold my focus on vibrating even higher, it effects the frequency of those around me. Then, I begin by being the role model. I find when I ignore negativity in others and continue being positive. Most often, that changes the whole atmosphere.
@Clarkssman Год назад
Jesus walking around teaching people how to think clearly doesn't resonate with me. He would have taught them how to meditate or sit in silence. You can learn the best thinking techniques but its useless if your emotions are all over the place. when your nervous system is chaos you can't think or act clearly. He probably taught people to be still and connect with God within.
@KelvinChinTurningWithin Год назад
That is exactly what I said he did. Your thoughts match what I seem to remember and said in this interview.
@liteelite8901 10 месяцев назад
How do you know what that being that incarcerated as that character Jesus at that time would have been doing ... unless you were there and you were that person and or you viewed thru his eyes at that time you couldn't have know anything about his life or his group of souls that incarcerated at that time... you should probably just listen more and try to step back from everything and anything
@MrSpoonfeeder 10 месяцев назад
​​@@KelvinChinTurningWithinHi Kevin, I can relate to a lot of what you said in this video. While in a deep meditation, I kept asking who am I? I was told or downloaded that I was one of the originals. I had no idea what that meant. And I was shown that I was Judas. Like you, I couldn't decern if it was me or something else. I was also shown why I did what I did. I had to help Jesus complete his task. It felt like Jesus told me what I had to do. I know this sounds crazy, but afterwards I cried, because I felt the extreme loss of my friend and could do nothing to help him. Am I losing it, or was this real? I am now hesitant to meditate again as it was so profound. Any advice?
@KelvinChinTurningWithin 10 месяцев назад
@@MrSpoonfeeder Thanks for sharing this. I am so sorry to hear that this experience has upset you so much. That said, you should relax, because it sounds to me like your imagination was trying to fix the issue with Jesus being betrayed by Judas by concluding (incorrectly) that Judas’s actions were all part of some bigger plan Jesus had in mind. You should rest assured that Jesus did not have a larger plan in mind that somehow involved Judas betraying him. Whatever you may have inferred from reading the Biblical stories about Judas are not correct. The real Judas was temporarily disappointed that Jesus refused to be king. That was why Judas did what he did. Judas then acted on that disappointment in the way that you have read about. You may know that many thousands of people at that time 2,000 years ago thought Jesus was coming to be the “king of the Jews” - however, that was never Jesus’s intention, nor was it ever part of any soul plan before he was born. Jesus was and is a spiritual teacher. It was never his intention or ambition to be a leader of a religion or political organization. So you should relax. It wasn’t you. And clearly, you have a kind-hearted imagination, trying to fix big problems like that. So you should feel good about that - you’re a good person. But please free yourself from any emotional or psychic stresses that your recent meditation experience may have created within you. And get back to meditating again - this time free from fear. I hope this helps you unburden yourself. Warm regards, Kel
@elsaberhe9704 11 месяцев назад
I personally understand"Turn the other cheek" shows unconditional love in all circumstances. It is a way to cut resistance out and choose compassion. Of course, the chances to encounter negative situations will be minimal, though conflicts may not be eliminated completely. "Jesus, in what we call the Sermon on the Mount, told the gathered crowd, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also” (Matthew 5:38-39). "The crowd likely understood what Jesus meant in the context of their times; but today, people interpret “turn the other cheek” in various ways. The New Testament, if taught the right way, it definitely has all the values that close the bridge or allows us to become one with our Father / Jesus/ Holy Spirit. God bless❤🙏
@ninastar5833 10 месяцев назад
Hi Elsa, in the Aramaic version is do not resist evil, and I think that is because what you resist persists. It is better to face it in order to understand it and therefore loosen its grip over you. I think the bible has been altered from its original words and somethings don't make sense, and when they don't make sense that is when I tend to question if what was written retains its original integrity. One of the most common mistranslated lines is, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle then a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God', which seems hard to make sense of, because the word Rope was mistranslated from the original Aramaic to be 'Camel'. I also see the benefit of returning evil acts with goodness, one because if we all did to another what they did to us the world would spiral into the pits of darkness, which is why we face so much calamity in the world. The other benefit is that we can also be a source of a new way of being for that person who acted from a place of darkness. This isn't to say that we overlook Justice, but we should also not overlook Mercy either for it is just as much a remedy if not more then we believe in most day to day experiences of life. I agree with you if the new testament is taught the right way it would allow us to recognize our oneness with the Father, Jesus the Christ and the Holy Mother. But we also can discover that through our own personal commune with the Divine, which is ever present and ever being, it just begins with a word.
@elsaberhe9704 10 месяцев назад
@ninastar5833 I totally agree, I thank you for the perfect explanation. God bless❤️
@ninastar5833 10 месяцев назад
@@elsaberhe9704 God Bless you always too 💖
@ideasareLIMITLESS Год назад
This interview and what Kelvin says about his memories makes more sense than anything I think I’ve read in a very long time and I’ve done soooo much study , researching, reading and discussion with others. His depiction of life with Jesus feels so right and also very much as the way Jesus snd disciples lives are depicted in The Chosen.
@ninastar5833 Год назад
Ashur/Asher is a Sumerian/Assyrian/Aramaic name that is still used today. It comes from the word shur, meaning begin/beginning and I believe his name meant from or off the beginning. Looking out at the Sun (Son) rise symbolically also captures that meaning, as the sun rise is the beginning of the day. Thank you so much Kelvin, these things were in my heart too and I had a dream about something only a few days ago that I think related to you.
@MariaGennetti1111 Год назад
Beautiful! Nosuch thing as coincidence. Only synchronicities!! This ancient knowledge is in our DNA. ❤
@greatlakeliving Год назад
I’m always suspicious of people who claim to have been famous historical figures in past lives. There have to be dozens or hundreds of people alive today claiming to be the same people this guest claims to have been, and the odds that he had several very famous past lives I think are extremely low. Obviously just my opinion. I think it’s more likely that he was able to tap into the consciousness of these people, probably because their lives had strong lessons for him now in this life. I read about a man who had an NDE and talked about during the experience he “lived the life of Jesus from a first person perspective” but not because he was Jesus reincarnated - he was just tapping into Jesus’ consciousness while in the NDE state. I think it’s much more likely that the guest has done that than that he’s the literal reincarnation of all these famous historical people.
@SJmystic Год назад
I agree that a possibility to consider in listening to this guest is that he taps into universal consciousness where we are all one and capable of tracking into any number of historical figures. He may also be getting impressions from the Akashic records. These possibilities would not account for why he has tracked into particular lives, but we can simply consider the information, whether or not it is accurate about his soul's other expressions in time . . .
@Kristina3rdeye 7 месяцев назад
One famous person with many who profess they were the person, it cant be valid that they are, only if they were carry his karma.
@amsumalivallaart2805 Год назад
I don’t believe one word of this story First of all if Peter after his divine association with Jesus would now return in the 21st century as THIS GUY???????????????? We are in big trouble big big trouble Also Jesus said judge behavior not soul etc etc that’s it???????? WHATTT???? If you were with Jesus OMG the amount of unforgettable memories should be so revealing not just regurgitations of the Bible Anyway have a nice day
@Schoolforthesoul Год назад
I don't think he is speaking the truth, but he may believe what he is saying. Either way though he is another human on his earthly journey and I will wish him well with peace and love❤
@mellie5899 Год назад
He said he was Marcus Aurelius, but I happen to know a man who travelled around England and had five different mediums at five different Spiritualist churches all tell him the same thing, that he was Marcus Aurelius in a former life. To me that holds more weight than someone just getting that impression in meditation. I suppose it's possible that souls could split and the one Marcus Aurelius is now two different people alive on planet earth, but it's also possible he's mistaken. Regardless of if everything he recalls is accurate or not it was a very interesting talk.
@Plethorality Год назад
Maybe we access old memories, rather than having been those people? And maybe some people make stuff up? Funny how past lives tend to be famous.
@KelvinChinTurningWithin Год назад
Yes, as I say in my lectures and in my book, the accuracy of one's memories is much less important than what the memories teach us about ourselves and how we can apply those insights about ourselves in our lives today, in the continual present. Whether anyone believes what I say is not the important thing, not to me and it should not be to you. Focus should be on the content of the messages, what can I learn from this or that, is it useful to me now in my life and can it help me live a more contented, inwardly peaceful life in the here and now. That is what any memories -- whether they are from a so-called past life, or from this biological life we are in now on Earth -- should be used for. What is the practical value of the memory? The who, when and where are simply what I call "cocktail party" talk, and I understand why people are fascinated by it. So I answer questions about it, because they are my memories -- however, nothing is provable of course. But what has helped me the most from all these memories is what they have taught me about who I am, i.e., my personality traits, and how I have been able to apply that knowledge about myself in this 20th and 21st century lifetime.
@ziggystardust3060 11 месяцев назад
​@@KelvinChinTurningWithinso much of this video resonated with me, it's uncanny! Since childhood I've had a secret feeling about Paul, that he wasn't such a nice guy, and I felt guilty about this 'knowing'. It's the first time I've ever heard anyone else mention there was something 'off' about Paul. I've also always had a deep love and regard for John the Baptist, and I don't know why, but it's undeniable. Over the years I've had very many times walking with Jesus on a hillside above an olive grove outside Jerusalem. Sometimes we would just sit and rest, and look out over the valley. There were never any words, just a mind connection, ESP kind of thing, and a sense of really close companionship and deep love. There is no fear in death, only love. Please keep speaking your truth. Those who need to hear it will find you. Thank you for shining your light.🙏✨
@KelvinChinTurningWithin 11 месяцев назад
@@ziggystardust3060 Thanks 🙏 so much for your comment and kind words. I’m very touched. And your experience with both Paul and Jesus resonate as well. I think Paul was not a malicious person but was very insecure and needed to be front and center. That’s my recollection and interestingly it’s supported by the religious historians who have read Paul’s original letters in Greek that reveal he was often trying to make up for the fact that he was never with Jesus in person when he was alive. Your Jesus memory sounds like a very sweet memory. 😌 Warm regards, Kel
@ziggystardust3060 11 месяцев назад
@@KelvinChinTurningWithin thank you for your reply! I've been taking a look at your website and watched some of your videos on fb. I like that you keep the balance and don't get too fluffy. Truth is seldom fluffy. ✨
@theodoremikellguerrant4918 Год назад
I wonder whether he knows about John of New (on RU-vid) who says that he is the reincarnation of John the Beloved Disciple of Jesus, or Nick Bunick who wrote several books ("The Messengers," among others) claiming that he was the Apostle Paul?
@stevewaugh2191 Год назад
It's interesting that a majority of people claiming such things all seem to come from north merica.
@NHNEU1111 Год назад
I have a channel that is focused on the study of the end times from the perspective that they were fulfilled in the past by 70AD with the destruction of Jerusalem and The Temple. I also have just come out as a Universalist and have started doing videos on that topic as well. I would like to come on your show sometime and offer another explanation for The Book of Revelation and the teachings of Paul. God Bless 😊
@dianeruiz0721 Год назад
You absolutely should ❤
@MariaGennetti1111 Год назад
Thank you! 😊 every word spoken here is exactly how I feel as well. I often tell people that we need to accept each other for who we are and not what our expectations are of others, mainly kids. Most don't have the patience to deal with, or the ability to know how to, accept everyone. Much love and appreciation to all!❤❤👍😊🙏😍
@ninastar5833 Год назад
@wisconsinfarmer4742 Год назад
great guest. humanity is on the march.
@arienneira 7 месяцев назад
Great interview! About past lives...I feel we are in Essence what we call Consciousness ... so I feel the Essential I as Our Souls can tap in all lives on Earth and other planets and realms and gather another personality... In other words...we all have been Sitting Bull for example...so before we incarnate we can choose which part of different lives we want to explore in this life! We all have access to every life or role ... ❤
@rougefox9233 Год назад
Souls can split or shards of the soul go into differnt lives at the same time. So yes it is possible. We live many lives as time is a program so actually we are living them all at the same "time". 😊
@ninastar5833 Год назад
Also Kelvin, its interesting that you speak about the teachings being about Discernment and 'separating the wheat from the chaff' at 34:34 because the Sun is currently in Virgo, the sign of discernment of what's good and what's bad. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, that rules how we think and it too is the sign of Virgo at this time. Mercury is also said to be the Messenger of the Gods and amazing that this video came out today, especially as the Sun in Virgo is making a flowing angle (angel) to Uranus (the higher mind of insights and revelations) in Taurus. The sign/constellation of Virgo sits opposite the sign/constellation of Pisces. Pisces is said to be the sign denoting spirituality, love and compassion, and it is the constellation/sign where Venus (planet representing Love) is exalted. We see in the constellation of Pisces there are two fish going in opposite directions, which to me also depicts discernment; One fish is higher and the other fish is lower, so it could be representing the 'scales of frequency, vibration and resonance' and also because they each have a thread that meet up, as though they are scales of weight too. Venus also rules the constellation called Libra, which is often depicted as Scales. The scales are said to to have been depicted as weighing our hearts, in ancient Egyptian mythology, against the feather of Truth, the truth of our love, compassion and mercy for others, as a feather is light and fine and can reach to great heights - perhaps showing that is through Love that we ascend. And that Venus rules Libra also shows that Love should rule our discernment. Some astrologers say that Virgo (the young maiden holding a rod off wheat in one hand) also once held the scales of judgement (Libra) in the other.
@KelvinChinTurningWithin Год назад
Interesting, thanks.
@grammapolkadot2231 Год назад
I have a memory of being a follower of “The Nazarene” approximately 75 AD
@H.C.Q. Год назад
Kelvin (Peter), When YeHoshUWaH gave you the name Peter (petros, rock) and that on this rock He would build his church, and He gave you the keys to the kingdom, etc, did you know that you were to become the first “Pope”to the early church? Can you explain what He meant by this? Thank you.
@etoneetone Год назад
Yes he came to earth as a high dimentional being in a star-ship :) love Kelvins inner-view :)
@JamesW225 Год назад
Hey , speak in greek or aramaic for us with that great memory
@SJmystic Год назад
It is my understanding that the idea that Jesus went to India (and Tibet?) has come from the fact that there are writings about him that are housed in monasteries there. But that was during the ≈30 years of time of Jesus that is not accounted for in the bible, and would have been before he was working with Peter and other disciples. So, this guest's sense that Jesus did not travel could be accurate to the time he knew him, leaving the possibility as also accurate that Jesus traveled previous to that time . . . In addition, whereas I agree that Jesus had abilities coming into his life that were far beyond most, that does not mean that as a human being e did not need teaching/guidance. I suspect he intuitively knew to meditate, but that does not mean that was not value or purpose in him being exposed to a broader range of ideas/beliefs/practices beyond where he grew up. There is some evidence he spent time with the Essenes, which would have played that role, as well as in his travels to India/Tibet prior to working with those who became his disciples. To me, these are the kind of experiences he would have planned before incarnation so that he was assured of being with others having a human experience who would support him in his expansion as an incarnated soul. Finally, I have read that it was his baptism by John that marked his full advancement into 4th density, and that the 40 day/nights following that were actually time needed for the human Jesus to settle into his much expanded self. These ideas, to me, all contribute to understanding how Jesus, in human form, came into his full expression as a spiritual being. And I consider that to be important to us all seeking to understand human expression and development for a spiritual being . . .
@landonmatthew Год назад
anyone else love this interview???
@jburdick8611 Год назад
Absolutely amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing all that information with us!! I would love to be able to remember some of my past lives. But I really appreciated hearing about yours! 🙏❤😊
@truthbknwn Год назад
If he is telling the truth about Jesus, then the New Testament has a lot of scriptures in it that have Jesus saying things that he never said.
@Jackie-rc6cj Год назад
Oh Wow, I'm so glad I subscribed. This interview was more than interesting. Thankyou !!!!
@OnyxIdol 11 месяцев назад
Another great one
@sslexus430 Год назад
Was he referred to as Jesus? Idk why they call Him Jesus. Was His name not Yeshua? Also, do you know if he has been back on Earth as a human after that lifetime?
@Plethorality Год назад
He is also currently speaking English, not doing the Aramaic... things get translated
@KelvinChinTurningWithin Год назад
@@Plethorality Thank you, Lisa. I was just going to say that as well. We also call Joseph and Mary by their 20th or 21st century English names, not by their Hebrew names, Yusuf and Miriam. So, yes, I use "Jesus" today because calling him Yeshua would confuse most English speaking people.
@KelvinChinTurningWithin Год назад
Yes, I have heard he has been back once on Earth as a human after that lifetime.
@robdagenais3023 3 месяца назад
God would have to look down on him self if he or she was to judge you there fore only your ego does that.
@Kristina3rdeye 7 месяцев назад
My past lives that i knew werenot coming in meditation, but in dreams, cause there are evil spirits/demon who stalking me and attack me, then i ask who are you? Then they tell me about who themselves, theysaid i kill them in my past lives, and i apologise to them and they left.
@usbeinghumanz 3 месяца назад
Wow, why don’t u sign up to get on the show and tell us more about it, this is interesting
@dewo929 Год назад
I find it interesting that he doesn't speak about any lifetime as a female.
@KelvinChinTurningWithin Год назад
She did not ask me about my memory from my female lifetime although it is in my book.
@eileenmelrose2281 Год назад
I bought a book recently by Tina Louise Spalding who has supposedly channeled the autobiography of Jesus. In it, Jesus describes going to India. Your guest says he never went to India. I don't know what to believe!
@KelvinChinTurningWithin Год назад
Just think of it using one's common sense. To travel to India back then was VERY expensive. You don't just hitch a ride on a caravan for 3,000 miles for free. And we know that Jesus came from a poor family and was a carpenter not making a lot of money. And he was not famous when he was alive, so where would he have gotten the money to pay for such a long 6,000-mile (remember he needed to travel back to Judea too!) trip?
@eileenmelrose2281 Год назад
The book I'm reading 'Jesus My Autobiography' channeled by Tina Louise Spalding is very interesting and convincing. In his younger years Jesus describes travelling widely in Africa and India. He goes into great detail about how he managed to do this, the many jobs he did and the many ways he travelled. He was always in touch with and guided by the nonphysical. He had a great drive to see and learn about the wider world and the people there. Jesus puts forward a lot of wisdom in this book. It is well worth reading.@@KelvinChinTurningWithin
@dianeruiz0721 Год назад
@@KelvinChinTurningWithin He could’ve gone to Egypt the same way he “had the money” to feed 5,000 people. Not saying I believe that travel to Egypt story or not. Just making a point. Just like all the famous miracles he could have projected himself anywhere he wanted.
@ideasareLIMITLESS Год назад
Ask Jesus himself when you leave your life behind here . We may have to wait that long for an answer 😅😅
@eileenmelrose2281 11 месяцев назад
In the book channeled by Tina Spalding, Jesus seems to want to experience on a human level, travelling the world and interacting with people. It doesn't sound as if he was thinking about teleportation at that time!@@dianeruiz0721
@grammapolkadot2231 Год назад
I wonder if he remembers the women who also traveled with Jehesua
@KelvinChinTurningWithin Год назад
Yes, there were many women who also traveled and taught. It was much more difficult for women to teach back then because it was against Jewish law for them to do so. It was even against Jewish law for women to congregate in groups to have meetings. But nevertheless, there were a number of women who violated those rules and traveled and taught. Because the Bible's New Testament (and Old Testament too for that matter) was written by a bunch of men, we naturally do not hear much about any women teaching in it.
@Samuel_S_Hirsch Год назад
Jesus atoned for us. I don't believe this. The devil is expert at confusion and deception.
@KbeezyThe Год назад
I hear you brother. The deception is next level these days.
@herminepursch2470 Год назад
I don't believe in Hell . Therefore, I don't believe in the devil. You believe what you want.
@simthiam3712 Год назад
It's always easy to dismiss anythings u don't believe in as devil - inspired
@WizardKitty723 Год назад
@RainessaASMR Год назад
@SoulAndGarden Год назад
Thank you❤
@ideasareLIMITLESS Год назад
Its a shame that the Bible is being perceived as "wrong" when actually it is the TRANSLATION that is wrong, especially the Old King James. Fortunately, now we have ancient language scholars who have been able to share and pool their knowledge and it IF this is combined with the kind of knowledge about the idiomatic language and culture of the Eastern civilizations it IS possible to have a far better translation and therefore understanding of the Bible...including the books that the Nicean Council left out , some for the most insane reasons! Very interesting interview!!!
@simthiam3712 Год назад
Serpent has always been labelled as evil by the Church, & yet we have Jesus telling us in the Bible, to be gentle as a dove, but wise as a "serpent"...and mind u, Jesus even compare Himself with that Bronze "Serpent" on the pole held up by Moses to heal the Jewish people of snake bites
@francocarrieri1988 Год назад
Anyone that thinks islam is a religion has misunderstood it.
@MomKimHub 11 месяцев назад
Where's Calvin's links?
@MrsTracyGuichard 11 месяцев назад
What about Mary was that his wife?
@kardoyle Год назад
Oooh nice… gonna dig in now ❤
@MsPinkhaven 10 месяцев назад
This interview does not resonate with me. Jesus was born a human, just like the rest of us. His message of “the kingdom of God is within you,” means that we are all Gods in the making. We do not need an outer teaching, but to listen to that quiet voice within, not necessarily through mediation although meditation does help. And Jesus DID travel to the east in his 20’s to learn about mystical spirituality. A few messengers have confirmed this and I intuitively know this is true as well. I do agree with Kelvin’s message of unconditional love. ❤
@hotpeppas Год назад
Sounds like he identifies with individuals as archetypes rather than being them himself. India has records of 'Jesus/Isa' visiting there.
@KelvinChinTurningWithin 11 месяцев назад
You are correct. There are such records in India, it is true. However, I think those records were all written after Jesus died and was a well known spiritual leader. When Jesus was alive, he was relatively unknown in Judea and the surrounding areas because there were hundreds if not thousands of other spiritual teachers in the region of Judea claiming to be the prophesied "Messiah" (which Jesus never claimed to be) so the masses had lots of others to be distracted by, and Jesus definitely in his lifetime was unknown in other parts of the world. So I suspect -- and this is just my guess -- that after his death when he became a well known spiritual teacher, folks in different parts of the world "backdated" their "evidentiary documents" to claim some connection with him to further legitimize their own religious institutions to their followers. That is my guess of what probably happened. Who knows. But what most people forget is that Jesus was the main breadwinner for his family after his father, Joseph/Yusuf, died fairly young when Jesus was in his approximate 20s. So Jesus had to support his mother Mary/Miriam and his younger siblings through his carpentry business. Years later, when the younger siblings were themselves in their 20s, they started supporting themselves and their mother. That's why I think Jesus didn't start his teaching until he was about 30 years old. The supposed "Lost Years" were because of family commitments and being a responsible son and brother.
@bernadettemamaker8209 Год назад
Why didn't you ask the question about the central point of Christianity: Did Jesus rise from the dead?
@joylowther5068 Год назад
The main point of christianity is that jesus died for our sin and then rose from the dead to be seated at the right hand of our father
@herminepursch2470 Год назад
Only if you believe it's true.
@herminepursch2470 Год назад
Everybody seems to have an opinion.
@KelvinChinTurningWithin 11 месяцев назад
Hi Bernadette, thanks for asking. Yes, he did. Many people, I estimate about a thousand or more, saw his light body form come and visit, and he gave a talk on a hillside several days after he was murdered by crucifixion. He visited us just like many of you have probably had visits from your own dead loved ones after they have biologically died. It is the same phenomenon.
@reginafisher9919 Год назад
I don't believe this, I've seen Mary Magdalene channeled, and that is not what she said he did travel to India to learn, he traveled to India with Mary Magdalene to learn energy work, this is not my favorite podcast, try next level soul or the Jeff Mara podcast
@LoveCoveredLifePodcast Год назад
Jeff and Alex have both interviewed Kelvin Chin before me.
@reginafisher9919 Год назад
@@LoveCoveredLifePodcast you go girl, you're on it, I like your spice, don't let me stop you.
@robdagenais3023 3 месяца назад
Allot like a tree not being perfect.
@jenniferpollard4466 Год назад
@larrysmith2123 Год назад
common sense
@TheDeadAreWalking 11 месяцев назад
I’m curious, so this woman who has this page, are you a Christian? Do you actually believe the bible is the written word of God or do you believe that we are all “god”. Your page says that we have a “divine being within us” or something to that degree. So do you believe that we are our own god? Also, the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. Please remember sister, devil can play tricks on your mind just as much as God can reveal things to you in your mind. If it doesn’t line up with scripture you should be careful and tread lightly. Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
@wkdgrneyes 9 месяцев назад
Oh hell no
@christopherrhead9274 Год назад
Come on past lives nonsense one life that's why it's so important
@pat2562 Год назад
Billions believe in reincarnation and bashing them is inappropriate. How can a just God give one chance but wildly different starting points?
@Schoolforthesoul Год назад
Past lives are not nonsense. Many do a better job here on earth when they believe they only have one chance. I think what people have the biggest problem with here on earth is learning to love their fellow humans even when they have different beliefs. We are all Gods children. ❤ I wish all peace love and happiness on their journey through life.
@herminepursch2470 Год назад
I agree
@herminepursch2470 Год назад
Every lifetime is important. Every life Is important
Decompress small game, have time to play it!
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