
I'M JUDGING YOU | Am I The A-hole? 

Merphy Napier | Manga
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21 окт 2024




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@mellieg.7543 Год назад
My mom is really intense about spoilers. I could tell her that Bowser Kidnaps Princess Peach in a Mario game and she would still say that's a spoiler 😂
@toryevanss4512 Год назад
This is my issue with people being extreme about spoilers (like the Harry Potter example given) - how can anyone talk about books at all without giving SOMETHING away?
@mellieg.7543 Год назад
​@@toryevanss4512 My personal preference for spoilers is if it's more than halfway through the story it's a spoiler.
@damaris5228 Год назад
I had a friend once that whenever I would recommend him something he didn't even let me hive him the *synopsis* of it because it would be a spoiler I can't even start on how much that annoyed me
@yuukinoyuki9064 Год назад
​@@toryevanss4512 Well that's precisely it, as soon as I say I want to read a book, I don't want to talk about it *at all* until I've finished reading it. I won't get mad at people for accidentally spoiling something that they didn't mean to. But if I've made it clear I don't want to talk about the book until I'm done and you insist on, "just saying this one thing, it's not a spoiler, I promise!" That's when I get aggravated.
@purpleghost106 Год назад
I love spoilers, but I've had to heel my urge to discuss anything because I've met someone who found the basic synopsis to be spoilers, and I can't fathom how but I trust that it's how it is for them. My view of things is, if I can't read the full summary and STILL enjoy the book/movie/comic/et cet. Then I don't feel it's worth my time. I like FULL spoilers and find my enjoyment of things I go into blind is far less than things I know what's going to happen and then watch.
@jaginaiaelectrizs6341 Год назад
5:53 - Not only is it her property and her prerogative, if you are un-dog-earing her pages, you are losing track of places she's trying to keep track of either because she wants to easily find them again later or because she isn't even finished reading yet and needs to keep track of her place! As long as they are HER own books, it's totally up to her how she does or doesn't keep them organized and whether she uses bookmarks or not. (And I'm someone who likes to keep my own books like-new, because I want them to last as long as possible, like..long enough they could be passed down for generations...even if that might not ever actually happen.)
@josiahbaumgartner7643 Год назад
What a weirdo, touching someone else’s personal stuff. You can’t go into her computer and rename all her files because you don’t like how she does it. Creep
@1250-s8n Год назад
Am I the father? I like the word undulate, and want it used more in books! 😂
@merphynapier42 Год назад
yes. You are the father
@jag519 Год назад
I legit smile every time undulate is used in a book. Thank you for cursing me with this Merph.
@olivenkranz Год назад
Luke, am I your father?
@stews9 Год назад
You're evidently an ungulate.
@notrixamoris3318 Год назад
@@merphynapier42 please read the promised neverland and my hero academia...
@thatsci-firogue Год назад
8 books is more than enough to know if an author is for you or not. Two or three would be my limit. To be clear I enjoy Stephen King.
@zofiabochenska1240 Год назад
Absolutely. However, with Stephen King I'd add a caviat - make sure one of the eight is The Gunslinger. Dark Tower is so different from anything else he wrote, that it would suck to miss this one out, because you didn't like The Shining.
@AmeriMutt76 Год назад
@zofiabochenska1240 this. Otherwise you might think he's just writing horror stories. Loved re-reading classics like The Stand and It, and having it take on completely different meanings.
@zigzag8392 Год назад
Isn’t is a question of total books written and amount of weak books written? Say an author wrote ten books but three suck. You need to read at least one good book. You could read three but they’re the three weak books, and still need to read one more to find their better work. So each author has a different threshold of good and crap you must cross to have an opinion.
@TheMrNukeman Год назад
​@@zofiabochenska1240 Gunslinger was pretty good, but far from great. The rest of Dark Tower series was jumbled trash...
@kimbarbeaureads Год назад
I'm not a horror fan and I think he cusses WAY too much, but what I like of his I REALLY like. Shawshank Redemption and Misery are the best stories. The movie adaptations are superb. He's still not for me, but he def deserves props for skill.
@f0rth3l0v30fchr15t Год назад
"It's up to the authors what's canon" The Council of Nicea: "Are we a joke to you?"
@Juan_Jose_Miraballes Год назад
Yeah, I disagree with that one. It's up to the reader or story consumer to decide what is canon.
@Aldric524 Год назад
@@Juan_Jose_Miraballes I mean, canon for yourself in your head, sure. But if you take your argument very far, then you're kind of denying reality. Basically, you can't have discussions with anybody else about X story, because you made up half of it yourself. If you never discuss the stories with anybody else, then sure, make up your own canon. If you do, then they're going to be pretty confused.
@petardraganov3716 Год назад
The argument for the councils is that the Author was present and guiding them infallibly. Still got a chuckle tho.
@SirArthurTheGreat Год назад
@@petardraganov3716 The argument is making a justification for the ultimate instance of church = state
@TiltedSun-ji6be 10 месяцев назад
It was more solidifying a baseline of what is and isn’t heretical doctrine and interpreting it correctly… from a religious point of view it was a little unfunny because of inaccuracy but 75 people thought it was so who am I to be a comedy nazi. And guiding hand of God in interpretation and whatnot.
@advisingassable Год назад
Timestamps Part 1 1:30 scenario 1 "i dont want stormlight adapted" 2:40 sceneries 2 "im not letting my messy friend borrow my books" 5:01 scenario 3 "i check my sisters books for dogears" 6:16 scenario 4 "i spoiled an old book & got banned" 8:15 sceneries 5 "i work at a bookshop & recomend something random to difficult customers" 9:23 scenario 6 "i spoil the ending for myself" 10:09 scenario 7 "i dont like this commonly liked thing" Interlude 11:10 interlude 1 "the intruder" 12:03 interlude 2 "Edwards question" 13:29 interlude 3 "Skypia skipper" Part 2 14:28 scenario 8 " Steven King is overrated" 16:26 scenario 9 "i want people to be quiet when i read" 16:42 scenario 10 "i backed out of a buddy read" 17:34 scenario 11 "i judge people who arange books by color" 19:07 scenario 12 "i dont think audiobooks count as reading" 21:50 scenario 13 "i think Mudman from onepiece is cool" 22:33 scenario 14 "i dont like Kora but do like Aang & dunk on it evry time its brought up" 24:12 scenery 15 "i punished my students by spoiling GoT for missbehaving" 25:52 scenario 16 "i didnt go out with a girl cuz she said a fictional creatures name wrong" All then follow up with "Aita?"
@august1837 Год назад
The audiobook post grinds my gears so much. I haven’t been able to physically read a book in about seven years due to vision problems. Audiobooks have been a huge comfort in the few months after I suddenly lost a lot of vision, and I’ve been an avid reader ever since. Yes, a reader not a “listener.” I don’t care that they added a caveat in the end. Its pointless after they went on a whole rant about how audiobooks aren’t real reading. It basically is like oh all those books you’ve read don’t count, oh you have vision problems? I guess they count now. I don’t appreciate being told that my favorite hobby is invalid because I do it differently. They clearly think that despite the caveat at the end. And what about people with reading disabilities, people with attention difficulties, etc etc. And let’s just ignore all that, who gives a damn if audiobooks are the easy way out, does reading have to be a struggle to be valid? I’m so tired of hearing this. If you don’t like audiobooks that’s fine, but leave us audiobook users alone. We’re all still readers regardless of why we use them
@merphynapier42 Год назад
❤ your reading is valid without any caveat needed
@whisper_dvm5157 Год назад
I agree with you. Despite their caveat at the end, that AITA take was so ableist. The same words enter your brain, why does it matter if it enters via your eyes vs ears? This is coming from someone who doesn’t really enjoy audiobooks as much. I personally find audiobooks don’t stick in my brain as well and lose attention easily. I’m actually jealous of those that can really absorb books that way. My brain just doesn’t work that way!
@billyalarie929 Год назад
EDIT: Okay so I re-read your post and am editing this. The person didn’t have any issue when it came to people who had an impairment of any kind. That said, your interpretation of how they sounded despite that caveat? Totally valid. That said, reading is reading, even if you’re listening to it. NTA :)
@garrettmitchell8656 Год назад
My thoughts exactly. No one would have this opinion unless they view higher volumes or higher difficulty of reading as a status symbol that makes you better or smarter than other people.
@kimtherrien8643 Год назад
Actually for me it's much harder to listen than to read, my attention wanes and I have to listen to the same chapter again. I am not made for audio at all. Wether you consume the story via audio or written medium, you still consumed the exact same story.
@ruthlessjones8220 Год назад
Audiobooks work very well with my learning disability. I think it’s listening not reading but the material is all the same and I can still discuss the read in depth if I wanted.
@shy_swimmer5750 Год назад
"Adaptions always make readers out of somebody." The Percy Jackson movie led me to reading the books! I was already a big reader, but after that I became an even bigger book nerd! 🤓💖
@elentari_22 Год назад
Same here! I didn’t even know that the books existed. I watched second movie in cinema, really liked it and only then got to know that the Book series existe
There are no Percy Jackson movies in Bah Sing Se.
@shy_swimmer5750 Год назад
@@kurathchibicrystalkitty5146 I still think the first one isn't that bad tbh. I hated the second one though
@silentcookie7261 Год назад
I haven't watched the movie yet back then, but my first PJ book was the movie version (cover and some photo pages in between). When I saw the book, I haven't even heard of PJ, but I thought it looks interesting and hey, if they made a movie then probably many people liked it. So I bought it and fell in love. Now it kinda hurts to see the movie version book next to the normal versions on my bookshelf and I'm thinking about getting a second one for the aesthetic, but at the same time it's ridiculous how much this book means to me because it got me into PJ... and basically all because of the movie, I don't know if I otherwise would've picked it up (which is kind of ironic, because I was never a fan of movie cover books ^^')
@lionheart343LOL Год назад
I think the issue I take with the audiobook scenario and why they are the father is partly because they said that it was the easy way out. Looking at reading books that way is very strange and seeing audiobooks as some kind of lazy thing to use or that somehow in some small way makes you worse because you took the 'easy way' is pretty fatherly behaviour.
@dericksmith2603 Год назад
This whole attitude tells me that since they think audiobooks are the "easy" way that they must find reading itself difficult. Why else would they be upset that someone claims to have read the same number of books as them when some were audiobooks? I question how much they actually enjoy reading because they're acting like it's something you struggle through for your own good rather than a fun way to spend your free time.
@SpacemanTheo Год назад
It's like someone telling another that they 'didn't really play that video game because they played it on easy mode and not the ultra hard difficulty because the story is the struggle!' like, no dude duck off. The words are the damn same. Audiobooks now have an extra layer with the narrator and I think that's awesome! There some new context and angles talk about with others. Also, putting in the disclaimer but still saying 'its the easy way out' in the same breath still reeks of ablisim. Tldr: some people just want to feel superior to others in order to feel validated and should maybe do some self reflection if they think a different means of enjoying a book is 'easy'.
@AuronJ Год назад
Honestly I think there are two problems. First is that "read" is often subbed in for "experienced" when talking about books. Its easier to just say you read this whole series then it is to say "I read books one and two and listened to three then did a combination of reading and listening to four and five." Second is that many people see reading as a competition and taking an easy shortcut is offensive to them so they have to shame those people to make themselves feel better about how much they read.
@dericksmith2603 Год назад
@@AuronJ That's so weird to me. Reading as a competition? I enjoyed a hobby better than you did! I win at leisure time! Crazy.
@AurorXZ Год назад
"fatherly behavior" lmao. Seriously, though, my response back is that while audiobooks DO expand the opportunities for engaging books (on the road, during cooking, etc), they actually take me 2-3 times as long to finish since I naturally read MUCH faster, and speeding up audiobooks can radically distort the experience. At minimum I speed them up to x1.25, but x2-3? Yikes.
@danielcampos1715 Год назад
I didn't get which language merphy mentioned at the begining where "aita" means father and halfway through the video I realized that I spent 5 years living in the only region in the world where people speak that language. I had my very own interlude for comedy when I finally made that connection and realized how long it took me.
@fishbowlwoman Год назад
With the audiobook situation, I used to feel this way, too. But then I realized that if I listen to an audiobook, (#1) I know the entire plot, the characters, the setting, and every other detail as well as eyeball-readers, (#2) I know the writing style of the author as well as eyeball-readers, and (#3) I can discuss the book in exactly the same way as people who eyeball-read it. It would sound weird to say "No, I haven't read that book" and then start talking about the details of the ending. So IMO you've read the book if you've experienced the actual, unaltered book in any way, regardless of format or medium or physical senses used.
@Aldric524 Год назад
I have no problem with audiobook readers. I just can't ever see getting into it myself. I was a paper book reader for all my life until eBooks came out. I already made the "huge change" for myself of switching almost entirely to eBooks, which I now love. Audiobooks for me is a step too far. I just prefer to read the actual words. But as I started, I have no problem with others reading how they want.
@tanvi7532 Год назад
I agree. im someone who flips between audio and physical book for many reads - like im into the story so ill switch to audiobook to do dishes or walk, then ill go back to my book (kindle or physical) so i just say i read the book i dont really calculate how much was audiobook vs physical. I would say i read more physical as i read faster then i can listen to a narration
@excellent.side.characters Год назад
Uh, the lending out books question is a good one. I stopped lending out books because I didn't get them back at all. To this day two of my cousins and at least one of my friends have books of mine that I will probably never see again. I feel awkward about constantly reminding people to give books back and in these cases they were spare copies or books I didn't care a great deal about, but I have since decided that I won't ever lend out any books/editions I really like.
@kimtherrien8643 Год назад
Same! I only lend books to my mother cause she has my trust. Even my dad lost a book of mine, I looked for it at his house and never found it (parents are divorced). Did he eat it or use it to start a fire? To this day he does not remember what he did with it.
@emmafritz4657 Год назад
When we broke up, my ex still had a very special edition of Dante's Inferno which had both a modern English translation and the original vulgar Italian. When he returned my other things he said he couldn't find it. It's been almost 10 years and I am still salty about it, haven't been able to locate another copy. 🤬
@andreamiller3578 Год назад
I no longer lend books for that reason, and I now no longer lend DVDs either. A friend lost my first season of Chuck and I'm still a bit salty about it. They had no clue what they did with it a month after I lent it. Just .... how? You're a single person so you can't blame your kids and your dog is too well-mannered to have eaten the DVDs. LOL. Complete mystery. I had to get mean to get my Psych seasons back with another friend--3 months after I loaned them. Nope. Never again.
@zofiabochenska1240 Год назад
Edward one was hillarious :D The one about audiobooks annoys me so much. There is no umbrella word for both - phisically read and listening. So when I want to say "I've consumed such and such story and I want to talk about it" I use the verb "to read", because there is no better word. And if someone interrups "Um, actually, you didn't read, you listen", than I want to push them out of window. When I say how many books I've read last year I usually add, that many of them were audiobooks. Not because I don't count them in the same way, but because it makes so much more time for reading. I can read while riding a bike to work, or doing dishes and walking a dog. Of course I read more than before, but is cheating? Ffs, no it's not.
@lDanielHolm Год назад
As long as you're absorbing the text in some way, calling it "reading" is fine. Saying "you didn't read it, you listened to it!" is just gatekeeping, frankly.
@thatfuzzypotato1877 Год назад
Haven't studies also shown audiobook stimulate our brains just like a physical book? Just with ear involvement instead of eye? Humans told eachother stories for all of our history. "Audiobooks" are a MAJOR part of culture. They 100% count
@johnhhibbert4690 Год назад
Telling people they are/not the father makes this feel like an episode of Jerry Springer
@1901180108 Год назад
I once loaned my beautiful copy of 1984 (the white cover with the blue eye) to a friend. I made it very clear that the book needed to come back in the same condition in which I'd given it to her: no spine-bending, no dog-earing, no water damage or stains. A year later when I got it back, the back cover had some kind of pink goop on it. (I am autistic and have a strong sensory aversion to goop, so this was a problem for multiple reasons.) My friend did not know what the goop was, and she didn't apologize. There is still a pink stain on the back of the book.
@StudlyFudd13 Год назад
I am so sorry :( Had a "friend" put their food on my artwork. This was years ago and I was not a very good artist back then, but it was special to me. It completely ruined it with grease stains and when I told them about it they simply said, "What do you want me to do about it?" Then all their friends laughed as me as I walked away.
@LiteratureScienceAlliance Год назад
The audiobook comment is weird to me since audiobooks are easier to fit into my life but are actually harder for me to focus on since auditory retention is a skill I have to practice, so when I do that I am not taking an easy way out lol
@penguinabroad Год назад
I love having this convo with people. I hear so many people talking about books they listen to at the gym and I'm like cool what did you think about X and they usually respond with "I don't remember that part..." The only people I have good discussions about books who listen to audio are people who do actually have difficulty reading with conditions like ADD or Dyslexia.
@yzfool6639 Год назад
It's plain, not weird, to me. It's listening, not reading as she said. I would not in honesty tell someone that I read a book that someone only read to me. If listening is reading, I was literate by the age of two and a half having "read" the entire Dr. Suess corpus. Also, I am certain (mansplaining translation which means, "70% sure") that the brain does not process audio books the same way it does visual books and that the difference is measurable when it comes to understanding what the author wrote.
@ChrisAsHell Год назад
In the audiobooks one, getting annoyed for calling it reading is like telling someone that they don’t eat soup, they actually DRINK it.
@jamiereid7428 Год назад
Drinking soup is the just easy way out! Freeze it, and then eat it! Like the eating elitists we all aspire to be!
@sungbean6062 Год назад
I think it’s as equally useful as reading but not the same as reading. It’s listening.
@bnew5905 Год назад
Do you drink chicken noodle? No. Also, if you're annoyed of saying things one way, then why can't he or she be annoyed of people saying it a different way? People are different. Some people focus on the definition of words and using them properly. It wasn't a personal attack.
@itmademesignup9508 Год назад
At what point between soup and stew does drinking turn to eating?
@Nelsathis Год назад
@@itmademesignup9508 And where do cornflakes / cereals fall on that scale?
@jonathanhenderson9422 Год назад
I think the complaint about "reading an audiobook" is based purely on the definitional difference between reading and listening; but I also think one can look at "reading" as a metonym for "experienced." One experiences a book whether they read it or listen to it. I actually prefer doing both simultaneously; reading makes me focus more, but listening allows me to read faster because if I "miss" a word reading I can still hear it.
@Liesmith424 Год назад
3:15 I loaned my fancy copy of House of Leaves to a squadmate when I was stationed in Korea, and she returned it to me with tons of the pages dogeared. She didn't understand why it bothered me, but she did eventually buy me a replacement copy.
@choco1199 Год назад
That’s just weird to me…At least she got you a new one…🤷‍♀️
@PureMagma Год назад
I buy copies of my favorite books for my friends and/or loved ones... so that I don't have to entrust them with my precious book-babies! I don't own a public library. 💞😅
@evilemuempire9550 Год назад
I cannot understand how someone can just think that’s ok to do with a loaner, like if it was literally any other item (clothes, car, tool) and someone brought it back in worse condition, it would be expected that they fix or replace it
@katehh9396 Год назад
I only loan books if I'm ok with never getting it back. I've literally bought cheap paperback copies of my favorite books so if someone expresses interest I can force it on them. But I'd rather not get the book back than have it returned with dogeared pages, food stains, etc. Also now I kinda want a copy of House of Leaves that's a messy pile of different sized .papers held together with binder clips
@whadoyoumen Год назад
Missed opportunity with AITA as Am I The Antagonist?
@llodoroo Год назад
The Perospero interlude was great
@kirbyhm Год назад
I had to throw in the ~perorin to make sure it was clear
@PropperProp-her Год назад
As someone who honestly struggles with audio reception and processing, i envy people who can read with audiobooks. To me it's so much harder than actual reading so I never understand why people get up on a high horse about it.
@shadowcreature7598 Год назад
Same. I don't have the attention span to just listen and I can't read WHILE listening. Listening to books instead of reading them would be such a good way to multitask or not need to take a book with me when commuting or something but noooo. My brain just doesn't work like that apparently.
@alirem422 Год назад
I organize books by colour on my shelves. Most of my books are thrifted and the heights don't match up nicely, but organizing by colour makes that less annoying. Some books are still unread, but they were also before I changed to organizing by colour. I buy books when I see them, and add them to a never ending TBR. You can be both aesthetically pleasing and intelligent.
@marmotarchivist Год назад
I recently rearranged my books by colour and every time I pass by them now, I think about how nice they look and it gives me the urge to start the unread one’s. And I’m also not a library that has to maintain a system where everybody can find books easily, this is my personal collection.
@levvynook Год назад
In my family, books used as decoration are called Academic Wallpaper. It is a wonderful thing to behold.
@waltcruz1631 Год назад
Petition to add a sound byte of Maury saying “you ARE the father” for the next one of these
@ne6toto Год назад
I came here not expecting much and left smiling. Great video.
@GMan2118 Год назад
I had an Audible ad right in the middle of the audio book comment at the 20 minute mark 😂 gave me a good laugh and had to share
@viinaart Год назад
I have not once in my life listened to an audiobook (and I don't plan to, because I get distracted from audio way too easily! Unless I also see it written down, everything I hear goes in one ear and out the other lmao), but that person is really just arguing semantics, which is. extremely annoying
@matthewhaynes509 Год назад
I (30 m) recently inherited some antique jewelry from my uncle (111 m). A family friend (3116 m) told me I have to destroy it. My uncle calls it his “precious” but I’m still leaving town with some friends to do it. AITA?
@mellieg.7543 Год назад
Info: is one of your friends a gardner?
@matthewhaynes509 Год назад
@mellieg.7543 Год назад
​@@matthewhaynes509 Then I am going to say NTA.
@CamReeds Год назад
"I liked it cuz it's pretty" lol words to live by. Great video!
@yannispapoulis7550 Год назад
I’ve had people borrow and absolutely destroy a book. The attempt to replace was then a $3 used copy from an old edition that didn’t match the rest of the series on my shelf. I’m still irrationally angry about it. I’m more selective on lending now.
@mynamedontmatter4796 Год назад
it would be hilarious to have AITA but on the perspective of characters from books(not my idea i saw it in the same post just want to spread it)
@HGmolotov Год назад
There is a subreddit called AITFA, which is people roleplaying as fictional characters, but it includes all media, rather than exclusively literature and graphic novels
@amy_harboredinpages8272 Год назад
I listen to audiobooks, too, while reading along with the physical/ebook, when I'm unable to fully focus, or I'm having vision issues. I'm glad the person who brought this up made a distinction when it comes to disability. 📖😃📚📚📚📚
@MusicalErika Год назад
Oh, the audiobook thing. I love them. I love to physically read, but with three kids, it’s very difficult. NO matter how you consume a story, it’s just that: Consuming a story in its entirety. Reading or listening to an audiobook gets you to the same goal. YOu want to increase your reading speed or word fluency? Sure, physical books are better for that, but everything is dependent on your goal.
@ErimlRGG Год назад
You just said it. It's not the same. Yes, if you are going to discuss the story and talk about it to friends or whatever I think audiobooks are valid but I don't think the reading skills and language knowledge you get from actually reading is not there and for me and a lot of people is not as impressive. Also, I have actually found myself being distracted a bit more if I'm listening to an audiobook so I can see someone making a case that you may not have grasped the story as well as if you have read it, specially if you are doing stuff while hearing it, not just on the bus or whatever. I don't think is a sin but I'm not as impressed, maybe because I read to improve on my reading skills, and not only to get a good story
@kat4923 Год назад
​@@ErimlRGG But there are people who get distracted while reading and they can retain better the informations via listening. Just because it doesn't work for you it doesn't mean it doesn't work for other people (especially people with physical or learning disabilities). Also, my father reads a lot of physical books but he still can't spell right a lot of words, so...
@jay15951 Год назад
Timestamps for easy polling Part 1 1:30 scenario 1 2:40 sceneries 2 5:01 scenario 3 6:16 scenario 4 8:15 sceneries 5 9:23 scenario 6 10:09 scenario 7 Interlude 11:10 interlude 1 12:03 interlude 2 13:29 interlude 3 Part 2 14:28 scenario 8 16:26 scenario 9 16:42 scenario 10 17:34 scenario 11 18:07 scenario 12 21:50 scenario 13 22:33 scenario 14 24:12 scenery 15 25:52 scenario 16
@Zerigala1028 Год назад
Scenario 12 is at 19:07, not 18:07. Thank you so much for compiling this. Sad mine wasn't mentioned. 😔
@kathrinjenner5179 Год назад
Thank you so much!
@bryanmitchell78 Год назад
The same areas of the brain are active when reading or listening to a book. We still have to create the image of the story in our heads. I think it's just a preference thing. Some people retain things better one way or the other. I think there is also an issue with time for some listeners. If they spend a lot of time in the car or walking, they may rather listen to the book rather than run into a semi or be that person who falls into a water fountain in the park.
@anamericanseoul1391 Год назад
I absolutely have to defend Skypeia, it’s one of my favorite arcs in One Piece. I am a huge fan of Treasure Island and an integral part of pirate lore is treasure hunting. Skypeia is the one arc where this takes front and center and I will always adore it for that. The side characters are all super fun (WYPER) and for me, it is just a joy for me to read. Skypeia4Life. Only wish the G-8 arc was canon 😢
@realexiscastro7213 Год назад
Skypeia was and still is my favorite One Piece arc too - and with the recent chapters I love that it’s become more relevant but even if it hadn’t I think it’s a perfect little encapsulated story. If you include Jaya the setup, world building, characters, everything is like a perfectly neat little bubble with awesome ideas and wacky adventures. Alabasta may be the first BIG adventure but Skypeia to me always screams “ THIS IS ONE PIECE “ - -and the formula Oda showed there made me fall in LOVE with the series. Every time I see the cloud image at the end with the jump I still break into a huge smile
@tulip5210 Год назад
I loved it too! It was so mystical and adventurous!
@ninnusridhar Год назад
G8 is definitely the filler arc in the history for anime. It's just so fun, but also so much focused on character development. It showed us who these people were and what their skills are. Plus luffy breaks the 4th wall like an absolute pro
@Gahlfe123 Год назад
Skypeia was amazing
@sharnicaxd5321 Год назад
Thank you 😢 us skypiea fans fight for our lives in the OP fandom it’s literally so good
@TheUncleJelly Год назад
Using the medium you prefer to experience books in is obviously taking the easy way out. So people who prefer to read books should listen and people who prefer to listen should read. Because doing what you prefer is taking the easy way out. That take oozes superiority and is 100% the father.
@angryotter9129 Год назад
I let a girl borrow a boxed set of Sookie Stackhouse books that were in pristine condition and somehow I got them back with broken spines, tears, spots, pages falling out. I wasn’t mad. I was impressed. Like what did you do with these books? I’d read them twice and nothing happened to them. She read three of the books and somehow destroyed the whole set. She took those books on an adventure lol
@heather9130 Год назад
A good friend in high school was our group's manga matron. She had all of the series, but! She kept them in pristine condition. She was known for harping about returning her manga in perfect shape. I lost borrowing privileges cause I was just not as careful as I should have been. I still feel bad about that. It's not fatherly behavior to expect your property to be taken care of or to revoke someone's access lol. We're 36 and still discuss manga series regularly, which is neat.
@itsnotnoel Год назад
The interludes are so much fun! Took me to the ~perorin to get why she was laughing so hard.
@EJandEF4ever Год назад
What was that one? I couldn't figure it out
@itsnotnoel Год назад
@@EJandEF4ever I was from One Piece if you read/watch it at the middle part of the Whole Cake Island arc. It was one of the most common debates in the community if he was in the right or wrong.
@latima123ify Год назад
@@itsnotnoel I legitimately dont know how its a real debate. Its like people forget that Big mom took a crew member and that's the reason they were there and even then once he was rescued you were going to kill that crew members family (Even if there was only one person he liked) And its not like the big mom pirates are good people to , they have probably done worse then the straw hats coming in and beat some people up and saving their cremate. It just doesn't make sense to me because his own family started the problems.
@Jay-yr9oi Год назад
Guy is not the father for backing out of the buddy read, but, for not telling the friend
@Enigmanaut Год назад
Scenario #5 reminded me of when I worked in a bookstore. There was a time when someone came in and asked me where the Self-Help area was, and I responded "now, if I tell you where it is..." Yeah, I was totally the father.
@xedra Год назад
The reading vs listening debate is odd to me. It's a story, why does it matter if you take it in through your eyes or your ears?? I suppose it's technically incorrect to say you "read" it when you listened to an audiobook, but when discussing the story with someone does that even matter? Also, personally, when I read I can hear the words in my head as I read them. So, does that mean I'm not "reading" but listening?
@laurakuhlmann1626 Год назад
So audiobooks don't count as reading unless you have vision problems? So that person is NTA, they're just dumb. Logic walked out the window in that brain. FYI: I sometimes finish an audiobook and then grab the print copy a few weeks later to annotate the life out if it. I remember my favorite scenes to crazy details without needing to re-read it. So what counts as reading? The act of turning pages and moving eyes on the page? Or the act of retaining the information? I consider the latter is the actual purpose of reading so not considering audiobooks reading is IMO dumb. And again: if it counts as reading for people with vision problems then it counts as reading. Don't tell me you focus better in print--I can daydream while reading print just as much.
@codapop7231 Год назад
Am I the father for believing that spoilers should always be marked? I am the father, because I have twin babies 😍 So maybe this is painting my perspective a bit.. Like Merphy said, you never know what someone has read (or watched) Plus "it's been about 20 years" as an excuse; what about for people who weren't alive during the original presentation of the story. Born 20 years later, 100 years. Future generations deserve to experience the story as the author intended. The author deserves to have their story experienced properly by future generations. If people need to express a spoiler as a concept, a couple of culturally accepted ones are, the end of The Sixth Sense, or Luke and Vader's relationship (I still don't like giving even those spoilers, personally) Scene from Show: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia; Mac: "M. Night Shamallan, he's awesome, he always puts some crazy twist at the end of his movies to surprise the audience!" Charlie: "Yeah, like in The Sixth Sense, at the end of the movie, you find out that the guy in that hairpiece, that was Bruce Willis the whole time! Mac: "No, that's not the twist.." Writing a joke about spoilers without giving any, it can be done
@johnathanrhoades7751 Год назад
I used to have that audiobook take (you didn’t actually read it), but after experiencing more audiobooks, I really think it counts as far as story consumption. It does different things in the brain listening vs reading, but audiobooks help me consume more writing and stories than I otherwise could.
@katelinmize8023 Год назад
#3 had my blood boiling. I had something similar happen once, someone erased annotations I had made in my own personal book. I now do all my annotations in pen. 🙃 I'm not precious about my books at all. I dog ear them, I write in them, I don't care if they get messy. They are MY books and nothing makes me happier than opening a book I've read and seeing evidence that I've been there before.
@StudlyFudd13 Год назад
I would lose my shit if someone undid my dog-ears in my books. They are on my favorite parts in my books. Parts that I want to come back and read again and again because I love them so much. The thought of having to flip through the entire book to find that one part because of a pretentious dickwad messed it up infuriates me to my core.
@EmphaticNod Год назад
Hey Merph, if you do this kind of thing again, can you copy/paste each question into the poll so we can more easily refer to which answer we put without having switch back and forth between poll and video? I got confused about halfway through and realized I was off by one question since scenario 6 😫 Had to go back and fix them all. Loved this concept though! Super fun!
@stormRed Год назад
Seeing you crack up so much at the joke posts just filled me with serotonin for the day 😂 PS. I think it would be fun to see a follow up video discussing the poll results
@AnyMEmdq Год назад
9:55 Homer getting out of the theatre yelling "Who would've though Darth Vader was Luke's father?" next to the people waiting in line for the following screening came immediately to mind xD
@FaintImpression Год назад
That's the exact scene I thought of as well 😂
@madalynnr9940 Год назад
The audiobook one infuriates me. No matter the caveat if you're invalidating how someone enjoys their hobby and saying it doesn't "count" because it's "taking the easy way" yta. Some stories are better as audiobooks, some are better as ebooks and some you can't beat a physical copy for. I think audiobooks are a far superior way of consuming epic fantasy or other stories with a strong story telling/world building/myth making element like lord of the rings and stormlight archive which are absolute joys to listen to. I prefer mystery novels in ebook format cause it's faster than an audiobook but prevents me from cheating and looking ahead. As for physical novels it really comes down to size it's really not comfortable to read massive tomes. (If you find audiobooks difficult especially in maintaining your focus some tips I have is one start with a book you've already read and enjoyed and two set a sleep timer for however long your focus is and then just hit play when again when you've noticed it stopped)
@litlbucky Год назад
love this video! see Merphy doing her best Maury "you are the Father!" filling out my poll soon but forgot which scenario was which
@rivka8576 Год назад
Really relate to the person working in a bookshop as I work in a library and have the *same problem*. Some people just don't take no for an answer and will insist you give an opinion on a book (and have literally followed me out the building asking for recommendations). If they're bothering me, I'll say whatever is necessary to get rid of them 😅
@notrixamoris3318 Год назад
VAADDDEEEERRRRRR!!! Merphy are we that judgy to the point you are becoming a *father...*
@Donkeyhead Год назад
Aita in my language (Finnish) means fence. Your pronunciation of Basque, paska means shit in my language also :D
@IceRiver1020 Год назад
I dont care if people make their shelves into a rainbow, I just don't understand why they would want to, because it seems like it would be a huge pain in the father to find anything.
@blocinmotion Год назад
I don't know if you noticed this but you're so chill, innocent, and nice at the start of the video and by the end of the video you're cut-throat unapologetically proclaiming your opinion on a soapbox haha
@Neverrgreen Год назад
For the audiobook one...if people consider "reading" as exercising your eyes by looking at words, then no audio sister reading, but scrolling twitter is. If "reading" is ingesting a story than yes audio is reading. If reading is ingesting a story through exercising your eyeballs ...than Twitter and video games is still reading and you need to get over yourself.
@mbs.writes Год назад
For the audiobooks - if it can count for a visually impaired person it can count for everyone. Your brain is still consuming information, and you are still visualizing the story just as you would physically reading. Just like using sign language vs speaking - it’s still a way of communication, it’s still valid. Audiobook person is the father, and it’s an ableist take.
@SKULLKR3W Год назад
A massive father
@Wallie759 Год назад
i am very curious if merphy just laughed at the absurdity of it or if she realzied that the first interlude comment was perosperos perspective on the strawhats invading wholecake
@DeathBean89 Год назад
as someone who has never watched/read one piece, I thought that you had a stroke at the end of that comment lol
@LynzArts Год назад
The audiobook one is the father. I mean if you really think about it, ALL books are audio. Yes you look at the words with your eyes, but the words (especially in english but frankly most languages) are literally symbols representing sounds. Whether through your inner voice or somebody else's outer voice, it's basically the same. (graphic novels, comics, and manga are in a different category. similar, but different.)
@LeonC0704 Год назад
As for the spoiler one, it depends on the book. Things like Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings or Narnia do not count as spoilers. Someone who’s never read them and is an adult will probably never read them. Some people just love complaining
@bibliophilecb Год назад
Regarding the recommending books question, while I don’t think he’s necessarily the father, I also work at a bookstore and still try to recommend books to people who read different genres than I do. If you work around books all day, you know what’s popular, and there’s even a good chance you have coworkers who read that genre. So if an old woman asks for a mystery recommendation I’ll say “oh yeah a lot of people like the Thursday Murder Club, let me show it to you!”
@wdentonmatheis5598 Год назад
On audiobooks: they are a fantastic tool to help someone get through less enjoyable reading that they feel like they HAVE to do. Example: I never would have finished Moby Dick without the audiobook. Did not connect with the characters (except Ahab), did not want all the information on how to hunt whales and the myriad of uses their corpses have. I wanted more depth in the psychosis of revenge rather than a book about whaling with a brief anecdote about a vengeful sea captain. I think anyone who finishes that book without harpooning themselves to make it stop deserves a medal and I interject this into every discussion on Moby Dick. Least favorite book I've ever read. Am I the father?
@coradonquixote Год назад
I'm late to this however, the audiobook scenario is fatherly for a number of reasons. I agree with a previous commenter who called it strange for its reasons. I'm gonna add my personal opinion and say, I'm speculating that OP might have a lot of free time to read and that's their privilege, some people aren't as lucky and if they listen to audiobooks because they love reading/novels/stories in general then OP is a father because it feels like they are acting superior just because they read words on paper when they're aware that both of them experienced the same story from a narrative perspective just using different methods. An audiobook is not the same as an adaptation, its just the book being read to you instead of you doing it. I wanna say that while the teacher is kind of a father, its still hilarious
@SvenHolgersson Год назад
I know someone who has only ever seen the 4kids anime adaptation of One Piece and then skipped MULTIPLE ARCS and picked the series back up after Fishman Island. I want to grab them by the collar and shake the stupid out of them so bad.
@giants8585 Год назад
Merph is 100% on the first point. I would have never began reading fantasy let alone reading without a Game of Thrones. I was 30 years old and never read any books since high school. I picked up a ASOIAF series and have never looked back. I am so thankful for that adaptation because it opened me up to a new medium of enjoyment and the fact now that I have read so many amazing stories from these creative minds I just feel blessed to take part in this world of reading.
@wayne5486 Год назад
Similar for me, I was a reader but had been in a teenager transition slump so to speak. I had read Harry Potter up to GoF but when the Lord of the Rings movies came out I had to read and I loved fantasy ever since and also discovered I like historical fiction
@Florkl Год назад
No one is under any obligation to loan anything to anyone. This is, however, why I have a second, cheap copy of Way of Kings that I got for basically nothing at a used book store. I can loan it out and not be too upset if it isn’t returned. Edit: Though even then, I only loan it knowing there’s a *risk* it will be damaged. If that risk becomes a near certainty, I’m not in the habit of intentionally wasting things.
Great video! But the "your not the father". Sound like a line out of a Jerry Springer episode💀💀💀
@Louigiart Год назад
Love how this vid is structured like a Sanderson book 😭😭
@FlyingFocs Год назад
16:26 I'll just bookmark this for later because my family is LOUD
@avsambart Год назад
I flipflop with my threshold for spoilers, if it's something I'm really excited for or really enjoying then absolutely zero spoilers. But if it's something I'm casual with most spoilers don't bother me.
@wayne5486 Год назад
Audio books are the only way I can enjoy books anymore. I just don’t have time to sit and read, I’m a truck driver so a good chunk of my day is spent driving then a smaller portion doing other work related things after that it’s cook dinner walk and sleep. I would love to sit down and read a book but I just can’t and I can listen to audiobooks while I drive so that is my take
@ChantelReadsAllDay Год назад
Also, as a former teacher, I really appreciate that form of discipline. But as someone who doesn't like spoilers I'm very torn . . .
@maedhor2125 Год назад
Liked the poll idea but having a brief description of what each scenario was on the poll itself would have been super helpful. I had to scroll through the video again and figure out which scenario applied to which question, and without chapters in the video either it was super difficult since the questions were mostly only flashed briefly on the screen. Fun video though, just figured I'd mention this in case you do another video with a poll like this again!
@dannyboi7877 Год назад
There is a qualitative difference between reading a book and listening to a book. Listening is much more passive, reading is active and allows you to slow down and set the pace in a way that immerses you and activates your imagination rather than focusing on the words and keeping up with the narrator. This being said, I do both and enjoy both, and they both have their place, but they are not the same thing. Listening to an audiobook is a qualitatively different thing than reading a book.
@rodvincetolosa9386 Год назад
Maury Napier with the am I the father, I rock with it
@DanielHaywood Год назад
On the reading vs. listening take - yes, the act of reading and listening to someone else read (audiobook) are not exactly the same. BUT if you are actually listening then you can have the same strong and meaningful connection to the book and fully understand and appreciate it, with the exception of books with graphics, formatting or font differences, etc that can't be translated to audiobook. Outside of those cases I think it's extremely pedantic to try to correct anyone who says "read" when they really had someone read it to them.
@andrewberenson5717 Год назад
I would like to have done the poll. However, I did not take any notes while I listened to your video. When I went to the poll, all it said was the number of the scenario. Not even a brief summary. Had a wanted to do the poll, I would then have to listen and toggle back and forth through the entire video. Not sure how long poll will be active. Some on line pills only allow you to keep the poll open so long. I am saying you, Merphy, are the Father for having viewers have to watch this video multiple times (thus increasing your metrics). But I still liked the video anyways and clicked the like button. So does that make me the Father too?
@SatyaPrabhu07 Год назад
Merph, We Want More Of These!
@shutdownseti2493 Год назад
People need to realise that "read" doesn't mean "viewed". To read is to understand (or at the very least, attempt to). You can look at every word in a book and come away not having read it if you can't relay any information about it, to reckon with the text. Meanwhile a person can have read on audio and come away with a much stronger understanding. Reading is less about having *viewed* the written word, more with having *reckoned* with the written word, and that being said: yeah, audiobooks count as reading. The part I find funniest about audiobook detractors is that they say they don't like audiobooks, many say they often have trouble focusing on them, but then they'll say they think audiobooks are cheating and are the easy way out, which doesn't make sense! If audiobooks are *harder* for you to focus on, does that not make them the *harder* reading method for you? We all absorb information differently, in the end. But just like we call a film a text, we give our reading on it, we read a room, or in radio communications we use the lingo "do you read me?", this relates the act of reading to one of understanding, comprehending, and so on. Not actually with the act of *looking*. And also, fun fact, reading quietly is a relatively modern thing. For much of history people read aloud. It was considered abnormal to read quietly. Because words are meant to be heard, they have value in their sound. The sound of language is an integral part to understanding it, in reading it. For some readers who can vividly reproduce sound and imagery in their heads, that may not be a problem, but many people actually can't do that. Audiobooks can offer a greater depth of understanding for a reader. And those are my two cents: audiobooks count as reading. Note: this is not to say audiobooks are the same experience, as obviously a narrator influences the way a reader understands a text. Much like a translator influences the way a reader understands a foreign language text. It's not a bad thing to admit they're not wholly similar experiences. They both count as reading though.
@garrettmitchell8656 Год назад
The perospero one had me CACKLING
@monkpato Год назад
Pretty darn good takes, Merphy!
@LiteratureScienceAlliance Год назад
😂 to “everyone in a 5 mile radius when you open a book should be quiet”
@ChantelReadsAllDay Год назад
Lol! I've been waiting for this ever since I saw the community post. You have made this so fun, Merphy, especially the interludes. 🤣
@sifibruh7055 Год назад
Charlizard man I want you to know that you are not alone
@JCRineer Год назад
Re: Audiobooks. Okay. I'm a new mom. Audio books are WONDERFUL imo. It's pretty much the only way I can read - I listen while breastfeeding so I'm not alone with my thoughts, it's saved my sanity 😂😂 There are so many reasons that someone may not be willing or able to read a physical book...
@dianaly6956 Год назад
Audiobooks 100% count! Just because the media you are comsuming the contetn in varries, it does not neglect the fact that you still get the same information in your brain! (Sometimes audibooks even add something extra when the narrator performs accents etc)
@Juan_Jose_Miraballes Год назад
Count for what?
@dianaly6956 Год назад
@@Juan_Jose_Miraballes count as reading, some people think listening to aidiobooks is not a 'valid' way to 'read' books
@amorvincittomnia Год назад
I think it counts, but at the same time to me it just feels so different!! You still receive the story, but the narration really changes the way that I personally process the story. Certain styles of writing or jokes, for instance, take too long/feel clunky when read out loud, whereas on the page it flows a little faster. Idk, I find some parts a lot more cringy when I hear them read out loud! 😅
@zackwalker1789 Год назад
When it comes to the audiobooks thing, while it isn't technically reading, I think its valid to consider it reading. It's effectively the same thing. You are experiencing the book through the same words as someone who physically read it. There are some minor differences. The voice of the person reading it for an audiobook could cause your mind to think about things in a different way than if you physically read it, but I don't think that's an important distinction. And I would argue that sometimes an audiobook can give a better experience than reading it yourself if the reading voice is a good one.
@penguinabroad Год назад
Not only do I always love your content, but I love that sweater!! Not only do I want it but it looks great on you as well.
@Alice-tn5xb Год назад
In my perspective : reading vs listening is a matter of using accurate language/the right word to describe the thing. We have two words for two different actions, use the right one! That's the basic of communication.
@stormRed Год назад
Saying "listening to audiobooks means you didn't read the book." To me sounds like "If you watched the dubbed anime you didn't watch the anime." It's a slightly different experience, sure, but you still experienced the same story at the end of the day.
@Mariamox Год назад
@Merdragoon Год назад
About the Audiobook point (More of a discussion than really just posting to the form because I just want to explain my own experiences lol): Sometimes some books are only avilable on Audiobook and the Physical/Kindle book is a pain to get. There's also the other case where sometimes It's just easier to have an audiobook with you while you're reading the physical/ebook. I discovered this when I was trying to get the Kindle version of "The Rowan" and boy was it a pain.... the Kindle version was literally just avaliable to the UK and one or two other countries, you couldn't get it anywhere for the US. And the Physical book while I was able to get it through Amazon..... Was far more expensive than I really wanted to pay for, and thus had to suffer through getting the Mass-market book and it's awful cover they gave this poor book. (I hated this cover so much that I Deco-podged peices of the origonal cover of the Rowan onto the cover as well as used paint pens to blend the Decopodgeing into the cover and cover it up even more so..... so I would want to pick it up more often the cover was so bad. It's not a romance novel dang it!!!) The second example is that I've started to read Lord Dunsey. Both his Short stories and his famous Novel "The King of Elfland's Daughter".... and it would be very hard for modern readers to read his work without the help of an audiobook if they did not read the original Bewolf in a good modern english translation or the Old English..... the "tempo" of the book is very much lyrical and poetic that would absolutely would help the reader. (I'm enjoying the King of Elfland's Daughter because I'm listening to it and after a small convo with my mom with the tempo and finding the right person to read it, it helped me enjoy it a lot more as there's two Audiobook versions on RU-vid for free if anyone is curious). Now for the Short stories......... There is no audiobook, review, or even conversation about the "At the Edge of the World" book of his short stories... and it was a bigger pain to get the physical book because it's been out of print for so long... so I'm going to stream that on my Twitch reading it outloud as it's Public Domain now and it needs more exposer. So I personally would feel the person is being a bit too judgy because sometimes it's just hard to get the Kindle/Ebook and/or a physical copy with how books are out of print and all that.
@zofiabochenska1240 Год назад
Yes! I defend audiobooks with my whole heart but didn't even think about this one. I have a Storytel subscribtion, which means that for a price of less than a one book a month I have access to hundreds of them. Including some English new releases, which I could never afford to get physically.
@mariekeana Год назад
@@zofiabochenska1240 Same, physical books are so much more expensive and if like me, you don't live near any libraries, it's a game changer. I also feel like the person asking AITA came across as feeling superior for physically reading instead of "taking the easy way" which, no, you're not. There's a lot of reasons why people would choose audiobooks over physical ones, judging them for how they choose to experience them (audio, physical, ebook etc.) is just silly.
@Merdragoon Год назад
@@zofiabochenska1240 And I have no problems with Audiobooks, I actually been using them for a while to get back *into* reading. Also Audiobooks may help in bringing older, more forgotten books back into view and for an wider audience. And sometimes for some people it's just easier to say 'I read this book" instead of "I listened to this book" because you are still processing the book just differently. With the Rowan I just wanted to physical words to see the Formatting of Clervoiancy for a story that has it but I don't really see many cases of Clervoiancy. (Found out that It wasn't the Rowan that would show it, but the Talents Trilogy set before the Rowan and her series of "The Hive and the Tower".... I do wonder if Storytel has the Non Abridged version of that book as Audiobook as Audible only has the abridged of the first and second book and the non-abridged of the third book which apparently messes with the actual story telling according to reviews I've seen. But I may have to either buy the book through Barns and Noble or see if the Libary has the non Abridged version but I'm struggling even then when I look in my libary app, so may have to look in the physical libary, which is fine, but yeah, been difficult.)
@silco.faustus Год назад
Am I the father for actually liking the sentence: "She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding". Because I do that all the tiiimmeeeee. And it's so relatable. But people seem to hate it when characters do that. And it irks me when they think of the novelist is bad just because they can't relate xD
@JoeMama410 Год назад
That’s a big sticking point on the 372 Pages podcast. They hate those sentences while I don’t think it’s a big deal most of the time.
@desolateleng9943 Год назад
It's not the action that's a problem, it's the wording. Some books have so many of these rote descriptions that they start to feel like they've been written, or rather compiled, by an AI.
@Frogface91 Год назад
Yeah I agree that that's an odd complaint because it's really relatable!
@silentcookie7261 Год назад
I feel the same way. While I recognize that it is used often, the sentence doesn't really bother me. Because as you said, it's relatable and can happen in so many different situations. Some say it's just about the wording, to switch it up, but honestly... I read some sentences where authors obviously wanted to write that sentence but tried to word it differently and it's always so wordy and messy and obvious, that that attempt is more annoying then the original version.
@Beautiful_Serenity_00 Год назад
The amount of times I have been personally peer pressured and kinda made to feel bad for reading spoilers is.... crazy...... And I have never spoiled stuff for people. I'm one of those people who religiously learns spoiler tag methods on goodreads, stroygraph and whatever place I have my friends on to chat about books. So yeah not a fun experience.
@itsjoxius Год назад
The "Charlizard" comment made me cry laugh and whiplash, like why is this for Merphy. But I can relate. I'm like "Yep I can smell that bs from a mile away. She ain't it chief."
@vcackermanwrites Год назад
“Am I the father” this is so funny, especially because it keeps reminding me of Maury’s “you are/are not the father” segments.
@tinagarcia3571 Год назад
fun video, thanks for the shout out for us dyslexics.
@pinkcatreads Год назад
"Aita" in Estonian means "help", in a sense like "to help out".
Let's Judge Each Other | AITA
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