
'I'm not a bad person for breaking the Ten Commandments' 

Living Waters Europe
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Tim, a trainee from our Ambassadors' Academy, talks with Anna.
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17 сен 2024




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@kirkschiefelbein8549 3 месяца назад
So Good !! I admire this gentleman for stepping up and bringing the gospel to this young lady. Folks who criticize this way of sharing the gospel are quick to have an opinion- makes me wonder if they have the courage to share the gospel in the open air .
@Carolinamoonbeam66 3 месяца назад
this is great, so simple and clear, but i wish people would explain words like repent and use something more commonly understood by non church folk, but this is great, God bless your courage in speaking to the public x
@mac9869 3 месяца назад
I love this technique! So effective for all but the most hardened hearts to make us recognize our sinful nature.
@Ste_Brit 3 месяца назад
Asking an admitted liar how many lies they’ve told in their life is just asking for more lies 😂 She was lying when she said a hundred. She may have told a hundred lies in the last 6 months but in her whole life it’s gonna be way more. All those little lies to her friends when they ask her what she thinks about their makeup, outfit, boyfriend, kids all add up. Ive watched enough of Ray Comfort to understand the method you’re using and undoubtedly it works but asking a liar how many lies they’ve told is like asking a politician during elections to give you an honest answer about what he’s actually going to do for the people. It’s the definition of futility
@the_alchemy_method 3 месяца назад
Question: should repentance and conviction be led by another man or by the holy spirit in our hearts? The reason i ask is that i became a Christian without. The good person test but yet experienced that conviction in my heart… 🤨
@jessehernandez8616 3 месяца назад
Good question. I did the same thing almost 2 years ago , and I repented and put my faith in Jesus . There's no need to have a person leading it. God sees your heart I you truly have put your faith in Jesus and have feel conviction for your sins. God bless 🙌.
@catholic4sure976 3 месяца назад
You can always tell a bad person, *because they are always telling everyone how they keep the 10 commandments*
@RichardMizenko 3 месяца назад
Jesus loves you very much but Catholicism will not get you into Heaven. You must have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and be born again. Only Jesus Christ saves. Peter knew this and so did Mary and saints of God. Peter or saints never put Mary on a pedestal they worshipped and prayed to Jesus Christ and the Father. Repentance must be made which means to change one's mind and be remorseful for sinning and turn from the way your going. It's living for Jesus Christ and hating sin. Follow Jesus not religion. No denominations or religion will save only the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ for sin and accepting what he has done which is death on the cross for your sins, burial and resurrection is anyone saved. Jesus Christ loves you very much and so do I thats why i need to tell you the truth.
@catholic4sure976 3 месяца назад
@@RichardMizenko One cannot say as the Protestants do, Jesus I love but Mary and the Apostles I despise. Neither does one who loves Christ and then falsely testifies and slanders his followers. My friend, you have no relationship with Christ for you refuse to keep his commandments and stop slandering Christians.
@RichardMizenko 20 дней назад
@@catholic4sure976 I don't despise anyone. I love all but Mary, Peter or any religion will not get you into Heaven. Jesus never taught Catholicism. Mary and Peter put there faith in Jesus Christ death on the cross for there sins, burial and resurrection and were saved from there sin and are in Heaven because of Jesus. Not because of any good works or trying to be a good person. If I didn't love you I wouldn't speak the truth. I know the truth isn't easy to hear or that being a sinner leads to Hell is rough to hear. Jesus Christ loves you very much and watch to save you from sin. He never said to live in it. He told the adulterous women to go and sin no more. Come out from the unclean thing. Realize you are a sinner needing to repent Greek word metanoia meaning change ones mind and put your faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. When I got saved I wasn't in a church but at home and Holy Spirit convicted me of my sin and led me to Psalm 51 a prayer of repentance i read it cried because i realized i was a sinner needing Jesus forgiveness of sins and Jesus saved me. Now i dont live in sin anymore and Holy Spirit helps you live a holy life and hate sin. Jesus said we must be born again. That is the born again experience. John 3:3 Verily verily I say unto thee unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of God. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away". Filthy rags in Hebrew is Bagad Idim meaning a used womens sanitary napkin. A women's menstrual cloth used to cover her vagina. In terms of today a used bloody tampon. That is how God looks at your good works.
@gordo191 3 месяца назад
How many people violate the Sabbath and do not even think.about it .
@the_alchemy_method 3 месяца назад
Matthew 12
@gordo191 3 месяца назад
@@the_alchemy_method JESUS is showing the pharessies here that the way they keep the Sabbath is not in accordance with the commandment . They have made the Sabbath a burden and not a delight . It is good to do good on the Sabbath.
@catholic4sure976 3 месяца назад
Read Isa. 58:13 forbids, *"doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:"* *Who believes for one second that the Adventists have ever kept the Sabbath after that manner?* Yet, they try to pawn it off on you as them being so holy! They love to quote Isa.58:13 as if they were so holy!
@gordo191 3 месяца назад
@@catholic4sure976 Does that apply to JESUS. The Apostles. The Catholic Church which kept the seventh day Sabbath for over 300 years does it also apply to the other 400 churches that keep the seventh day Sabbath. OK does it apply to people that keep the 1st day of the week Sabbath ? The Sabbath is that important to GOD he put it in the commandments. GOD bless and have a wonderful blessed Sabbath.
@catholic4sure976 3 месяца назад
@@gordo191 when will you stop sinning and put away you sins?? Christ abhors all your fake facades. Stop using the Sabbath to do and speak EVIL
@devanvandervelde2226 3 месяца назад
The only thing you need to do is believe in Jesus for Salvation, Repentance is simply a change of mind (NOTHING about turning from sin)❤ You are then sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise and no amount of sin can pluck you out of the Fathers hand. That is the Gospel❤ I would recommend stop watching living waters as they teach faith + works(repentance of sins) although they are very sly about it❤ And they usually say people like me advocate sin however in Romans 6 Paul tells us how Christians SHOULD live AFTER Salvation❤
@aYoutuberWhomJesusLoves 2 месяца назад
My friend, Romans 6 is explaining how we are to live to God, and be slaves of righteousness which results in sanctification. We are meant to bear fruit in keeping with repentance. A disciple of Jesus Christ that genuinely believes that Jesus is their Lord and Savior, should always aim for their life to be evidence that they have turned from sin and turned to God. Agree or disagree?
@jassharma962 12 дней назад
I am glad my country banned preachers
He didn't want this on YouTube
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