
I Never Wanted to Have Kids 

Ascension Presents
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Jackie Angel admits that she never wanted to be a mother … until she met her future husband Bobby.
Sometimes it takes time to let go of our selfish desires, like the desire Jackie had to be a “princess” when she was a kid, but God is faithful.
He knows that true happiness is only possible when we become a gift of self.
Jackie had to take a leap of faith, and take a path she never wanted to take, to realize that.
“He who finds his life will lose it. He who loses his life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39).
“Man can fully discover his true self only in a sincere giving of himself” (Gaudium et Spes 24).
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@Skyezrlj 5 лет назад
Even though I’m a guy, I was really moved by this video and I hope in my own way I can serve the Lord and my family with the same level of sacrifice as you with your family. Much thanks, God bless.
@parahjapheth7920 Год назад
@Jen-CelticWarrior 5 лет назад
Lol, “You made them. Sell them on Etsy!” 🤣💜 Love your videos! And yes, I am a princess.😊
@Rachel21846 5 лет назад
As a teenager I used to say I never wanted kids, and that I would get married but just stay on birth control my whole life. I've always been a Catholic but I never really looked into the Catholic views on birth control or why it was wrong. It wasn't until I watched a video by Emily Wilson on youtube about birth control that my views totally changed. As soon as I realised the real reasons why the Catholic Church doesn't accept birth control, having children just seemed like such a gift! I used to be afraid of having children one day, but now I am more worried that I won't be able to. But in everything I trust in the Lord
@jesseholthaus8357 5 лет назад
Rachel Barry such a beautiful testimony! Thanks for sharing
@adamhovey407 5 лет назад
Rachel Barry I probably won't ever have kids, have to find a woman that will tolerate me for more than 5 minutes. Anyway, I've always been against contraceptives, even since before I was Catholic. I was conceived while my mother was on them, and that's always made me feel a little bit like I was unwanted.
@materamabilis3 5 лет назад
Right now, as a teenager, I feel the same way. So many girls my age melt when they see babies and children and I usually run away and do my own thing. I'm an aunt and I love my nieces and nephews, but I think that if I'm ever called to be a mother, I'd probably have difficulty being selfless lol
@4everMrsB 5 лет назад
My biggest wish was to be a mother and now I am expecting my third miracle The doctors told us that we might not be able to have children BUT I prayed and prayed and now, like I said, no 3 is coming in october 💖 Blessings
@doneliatonk7946 5 лет назад
Every time I listen to a vlog of yours another child has come !
@red_writer 5 лет назад
Thank you for this video. I'm single, in my late twenties, and still struggling with this--and, when I was younger, I used to want kids! Now, I don't. Fortunately, there's no significant other on the horizon, so I don't have to worry about it too much right now XD However, the prospect of having children still scares me and makes me cringe. I'm fully aware it's me begin selfish. Right now, I enjoy all the time I have to myself, I'm happy with how I look and the shape I'm in, and babies are adorable but I'm glad I don't have to take care of them 24/7. But, if I someday want a good, Catholic marriage to a good, Catholic man, I need to change my views on children, don't I? I pray about it, mostly asking God to just open my heart, put my trust in Him, and accept His plan for me, but I have the most trouble with this particular issue. As much as I want to meet the right man ASAP, I'm not ready to give up what I need to in order to open myself to children with him. :(
@sashadence6409 5 лет назад
you write, "I'm fully aware it's me being selfish" -- well at least you know! You're way ahead of where I was lol! I didn't know I was selfish -- or rather -- how selfish -- until after I had kids. I was astounded at how much I thought my time, my body, my life -- belonged to me! I really didn't get it. I remember when my oldest was about 1 and I was wanting so bad to get out of the (then) apartment and I realised , and it was like ice-water splashed on my head, that I could never leave again without 'permission' - that is, without someone who agreed to spell me. But my daughter had to come first always and that really wasn't a pleasant thought. Even when I loved my husband i hadn't known what it meant to put someone first -- always. i think now that selfishness is the human condition -- we're born into it. It's original sin. It's the disease we all have to be at least partly cured of here before we're ready for a kingdom ruled by love. Selfishness is the opposite of love. I had thought love was that wonderful feeling i had for husband and (initially lol) for kids. It's only very very very partly that. Feelings are like the weather -- they come and go. Only having someone who needs you, needs you to quite literally survive -- 24/7 -- can get us unstuck from ourselves and what we want to do. It's so so worth it. I didn't have kids until I was 34 - and then had three. I wish now I'd had 6. Once it is over -- it's over. I'm 61 now -- and that daughter is married. They were spiritual formation. You're right to be cautious about the process of getting at least a bit more unselfish - it's not fun -- but I think now it is the kindest, gentlest way God could think of to get us out of the black hole which is thinking we belong to ourselves.
@Lovechic4361 5 лет назад
Wow, it's crazy that you posted this today because recently I have been having this exact mentality. My boyfriend and I have kept saying how we do not want kids ever but deep down I know that him and I would be good parents. We're just young but I feel like this is God's way of telling me that I should not say never and that it will happen in time and hopefully my boyfriend who I hope to marry one day changes his view as well.
@martin1b 5 лет назад
Would be interesting to know your reasoning of why you don't want kids. Kids intensify your marriage. Your highs are much higher and lows are lower. However, with both of these, you'll bond much closer to your spouse, making your marriage stronger. Kids are not for the faint of heart, but a) are part of marriage vows, and b)are one of God's greatest gifts. You'll never regret kids. Even more so, you'll never regret having a large family.
@Davidjune1970 5 лет назад
Game over, guys don’t usually say it with hidden meaning like you are. Don’t expect him to change his mind, especially if you are lying about your own feelings.
@DaninaPetroskova 5 лет назад
Lovechic4361 Marrying him hoping that he will change his mind, it‘s a mistake. Don’t do the same thing that i did.
@onigirimely1 5 лет назад
This channel is a blessing for all of those who have no spiritual guidance in their lives.
@srftilu 5 лет назад
Thank you for the idea of spiritual mother and spiritual father for those who are single and do not have children. I want to serve my nephew but can not help to do things in many ways that a mother can do. I hope to be selfless in my role in the family and to be a spiritual mother to others that I meet children and adult.
@Onlinesully 4 года назад
If you can help somebody along their way in life this is great. not cookies or silly talk. but real constructive help, spiritual or otherwise is a great thing to give or to receive.
@delmar8218 5 лет назад
I believe that you're a great mom now right. God bless your family. Thanks for this testimony
@myriamkanga8518 2 года назад
O my God. I used to be exactly the same. So selfish I used to be, wanted all for myself, got renewed in my mind ended up with 4 but still struggling with selfishness and embracing motherhood, after my 5th I completely embrace, love, surrender to motherhood and enjoying it so much even though sometimes feeling like selling them 🤣🤣🤣 on Amazon, but I enjoy motherhood, the growing up in me, the continued renewal of my mind, learning from mistakes, falling but raising up with so much more grace from the Lord, asking for forgiveness, asking from help, an learning journey. Sometimes painful when confronted with my shortcomings but full of expectations, hope of what the Lord can do through me by serving motherhood. I love your message. Thank you fellow princess🥰🥰😄😄
@jeanlanz2344 2 года назад
Very humble, honest, insightful presentation, Jackie. Thank you. God bless you and your family.
@musicgeekish 5 лет назад
Thank you for this! I still struggle with giving up my selfishness. I have been a mom of four beautiful healthy children for 15 years. I am so thankful to God for them and their health and my health so that I can serve them. So good to know that I am not alone in the struggle of motherhood. Praise God!
@elplanetadedelfos4939 5 лет назад
Thank you! I really need this. Getting married this December, meditating about this!
@heroicaknight4735 5 лет назад
Congratulations! I pray for a happy marriage for you, and that God prepares you and opens you and your spouse to the gift of children!
@elplanetadedelfos4939 5 лет назад
@@heroicaknight4735 thank you :)
@abigailcole9172 5 лет назад
Thank you for your videos Jackie.
@jonathangoodwin646 Год назад
I have no regrets Having a wonderful wife And kids .
@michaelsalter3459 5 лет назад
I really liked this video! God Bless!
@danielalovejesus7912 2 года назад
but..there are people who want to serve the world with their spouses by doing great other deeds which will be a blessings to many...
@madelynnhass1353 5 лет назад
Uuuuuuugh Lord help me I am so frustrated with my selfishness! I love these beautiful kids but MAN some days the desire to just do what I want to do is so frustrating.
@annasahlstrom6109 4 года назад
Being a Mommy has always been in my heart. I have no husband or husband prospect right now, so I have to wait. I am nervous about how having a baby could change my body, derail my career, and what kind of Mom I would be. People really do judge women about wanting to have children and all these people like to give their scary opinions on women being too old by a certain age to bear healthy children.
@vickyyjay3263 5 лет назад
Thank you so so much. Your words are so wise!
@kristieckler6561 3 года назад
How do I be a selfless wife and mother without yelling at them when they literally do not listen to me? I pray about it constantly. What am I doing wrong?
@stephanielemancik3997 5 лет назад
Jackie, I LOVE your humor and honesty! It's so refreshing and enlightening. The prospect of having children is one that has weighed on my heart heavily for a long time (though I'm single now so it's not an immediate worry!). I realize that the Church sees children as a blessing and the fruit of marriage and I know that children help us grow in ways we never could have imagined. However, seeing how we humans are steadily destroying the beautiful planet that God has entrusted to us breaks my heart, and I feel so guilty about potentially bringing more children into existence and causing further strain on our resources and the environment. I would so much rather adopt and help those in need, but I feel like the Church almost sees having children as a responsibility of fertile married couples. Additionally, many people do not think they could love an adopted child like they would love one of their own biological children. Maybe I just need to wait for the right person who would be able to love an adopted child equally as if they were their own? Does the Catholic Church think less of married couples who choose to adopt rather than have their own biological children?
@heroicaknight4735 5 лет назад
I'm no expert, but at the very least you need to be OPEN to having biological children. There is a natural method to a women's body that can be tracked so that you know when you are fertile, so, if your are not planning on children, that is the day you DON'T engage in martial relations. Please know this is coming from a guy who knows this mostly from health class in high school (I'm 21 and in college now) and a little from minor digging into Church teaching. So like I said, I am NOT an expert. One thing on the depleted resources thing: some if it is exaggerated. Not all, and I'm not sure which, but it's really not as bad as some people say. And birth rates are low, so we may be seeing a bit of a natural course of correction to regain some list ground.
@miszk5690 5 лет назад
The delivery and postpartum part is what I am mostly worried about. In my country, we have very poor quality of delivery care for mothers, we cannot move around while in labour, we cannot choose the position while pushing, and some procedures are performed as a routine without the need, like episiotomy or oxytocin. Most women who gave birth don't want more children not because of the hard part of being a mother, but because of the trauma that they have surrounding labour.
@erinsymone1645 5 лет назад
this sounds like America!
@KatrinaDancer 4 года назад
I never wanted kids. I never got married. People who want kids and people who don't want kids can both be selfish and selfless. I'm narcissistic and don't want kids because I don't like what it would do to my body and I'm pain avoidant but I'm also altruistic and don't want to force a child to be born without their consent into a world where they will suffer. I know people who desperately wanted kids and some just had so much love to share but some just wanted what they wanted with no consideration for others, not even their spouse. I have a friend who's wife destroyed their marriage because when she found out she couldn't have children she told her husband God was punishing them for things he had done. She refused to be intimate with him but didn't want to let him leave either. She basically kept him around to financially support her and torture him because she felt so unhappy she would never have children. I've also known more than 1 person who got married because they wanted a sperm bank and didn't even love the other person. I thought that was disgusting. Regardless, I think people should think of potential children before themselves. I would not raise happy and well adjusted kids and that's reason enough not to have them.
@danielcantu1157 3 года назад
This was great! Thank you!
@malibu64 5 лет назад
Thank you so much for this video. I may be a little different than some of your other viewers - I’m 30 and will soon be getting engaged. I’m feeling like you said, way more excited about the idea of motherhood since I met the love of my life, but it’s hard sometimes to imagine my life changing so drastically. I have so much freedom right now. Do you have any advice?
@ellenkorson4481 5 лет назад
"Love consists in a commitment of freedom because, after all, love is self giving, and to give oneself means precisely to limit one's freedom on account of the other person. The limitation of one's own freedom would be something negative and unpleasant, but love makes it something positive, joyful, and creative. Freedom is for love. Freedom that is unused, not employed by love, becomes precisely something negative, it gives man a sense of emtyness and unfulfilllment." - Karol Wojtyla in Love and Responsibility
@Tabatha437 5 лет назад
I’m still confused about why you changed your mind about wanting to have kids. You wanted to have Bobby’s kids, but why? Also if Bobby virtues were the reason to want kids would you have not wanted them if he didn’t have those virtues? Plus most mom don’t get to stay a princess after having kids with massages and dinning out. Most work hard to provide, never see their kids and pay a nursery to raise their kids while they work without money for luxury.
@sitka49 3 года назад
That's because she submitted to his will and he wanted kids' and that's that, as a good catholic girl who has been indoctrinated by her parents and the church since being a kid thats what you do ( kinda like brainwashing) it would be interesting to be a fly on wall at there house , I honestly think he's manipulative, I certainly wouldn't trust him.
@annmaryjose3729 3 года назад
@@sitka49 I want to point out that you also sound like you've been indoctrinated - against organized religion. Indoctrination is a thing, but it goes both ways. All of us are being 'indoctrinated', manipulated, brainwashed, persuaded, convinced etc by our life experiences and the consequences of our actions all the time. Atheists have convinced themselves that there is no God. Agnostics don't care whether there is. Theists are convinced there is. So I honestly find your 'I know better because I'm not indoctrinated' attitude quite ridiculous. We never go through a life experience without getting affected by it, but you seem to think that you have the capacity to overlook your experiences to a degree that Jackie doesn't have?
@Theonlygracius 4 года назад
Nothing wrong with never wanting them, nothing with with wanting them either. Your life isn't any less meaningful if you never have the desire. I definitely would like to get married however if a man can't accept my decision, don't want him in my life.
@user-or1ye3iz6d 3 года назад
Agreed. I don't like the implicit message that we're inherently selfish of that's not our path in life.
@Animebrity. 4 года назад
Its your business
@truegirl2anna 5 лет назад
Great video, now are there any being made for the hundreds of thousands of couples who have had miscarriages or infertility and CAN’T be a mom or dad?
@Onlinesully 4 года назад
did you get an answer ?
@Onlinesully 4 года назад
Did you get your reply ?
@Amber_Aviva 4 года назад
Adoption is a beautiful thing. I’m 27 and a girl I graduated high school with fostered to adoption of her son, and is about to adopt again. And we’ve all seen the stories where people adopt and then conceive on their own 😊
@fgg-m5d 6 месяцев назад
i never wanted a kid people think this is wrong but it is not
@jesseholthaus8357 5 лет назад
Probably not many mtg fans on here but all the pics in the background look like basic land art 🤗
@barneyleseven2854 2 года назад
Oh is that where the term handmaid comes from? The angel put Jesus in Marry?
@tkeyeathornton3248 5 лет назад
I got my tubes tied, clipped, and burned after 1 kid. I will NEVER have another kid.
@tkeyeathornton3248 5 лет назад
@ZenCloud9 4 года назад
And that's okay! I'm Christian, but not opposed to sterilization or birth control.
@sydneyc.6714 5 лет назад
What about when your children are in their early twenties and won't move? 😳😳
@huskyfaninmass1042 4 года назад
You shouldn't have brought them into the world.
@ghostghost7067 3 года назад
Kudos to you, you made a magic novena and met a great guy while you're both young enough to have kids. And you want to. But for most people life is messy. Novena after novena unanswered. Then you hit 40.most men are divorced. Maybe you were a mother but the man cheated and left and you're already raising 4 kids. Maybe you're an ex nun or seminarian who never wanted kids but left your community after witnessing abuse and cover up. This is for you. You don't have to have kids. And quit watching channels like this because life isn't a fairytale for everyone no matter how much you pray. Some people are lucky. Some arent.
@dianajanna7228 5 лет назад
@abereagan7642 5 лет назад
"Im 54 and i still dont want to be a mom" Uhh yeah its a little too late for you anyways.
@AnnInFL 5 лет назад
I think st society's feminism poisons young women against the idea of motherhood. Young girls are taught to pursue traditionally male careers that often conflict with taking care of a family. Some of these careers work better for men than for women, but feminists keep pressuring girls to pursue them without telling them they would have to sacrifice marriage, motherhood, having a large family, or raising and educating their own children. The result is that women often wait too long to pursue marriage and motherhood, and then find themselves alone and childless not by choice. Most men are happiest and at their best when providing for their family, and most women are happiest as wives and mothers, having the time and opportunity to care for their family. Young women should be encouraged to learn the truth about the trade-offs involved in all these choices and not be pressured into conforming to the feminist agenda. Growing up, I knew I wanted children but I was never a "baby person". I loved my children, but my feminist brainwashing caused me to resent motherhood, since after I had children, it became impossible for me to pursue the career I had planned. I knew I was doing the right thing for my children, but I felt my identity had been taken from me and I didn't like the new "stay at home mom" stereotype forced on me. It took years to let go of my silly pride. Now I know that the career was not my true calling and my true identity is a daughter of the Most High.
@SarahKate365 4 года назад
Some women just aren't meant to be wives or moms, just like some men aren't meant to be husbands or fathers. That's perfectly fine! I'm 27, Christian, single and in a traditionally male career. Feminism had nothing to do with my decision and I'm perfectly happy. I'm very left-brained and not cutout for the role of wife or mom. Never have been! I find Lydia of Thyatira very relatable!
@christinebutler7630 3 года назад
Having kids is womens punishment for the sin of Eve. It is not supposed to be fun. Marriage is part of the punishment. It is not supposed to be fun. Spending your entire life driving carpool is a grind. Putting up with whatever your husband does, noatter how destructive, is a grind. Pumping out a kid every nine months and ten minutes and doing without sleep for the next twenty years is a grind. That apple was costly.
@nette9836 4 года назад
I never wanted to be a mom either but not because I "wanted to be a princess" but because children never appealed to me in general. It is possible not to want children without inherently selfish reasons being attributed to it. My mind has since changed because I recognize that a family unit is an integral part of maintaining a healthy society and healthy me. I am still not thrilled at the idea of taking care of young children because I am simply not domestic by nature but I am excited to love someone outside of myself and my husband. We are planning to adopt and I already love whoever they are unconditionally.
@chrisobrien6254 Год назад
How is not wanting kids because they “don’t appeal to you” not selfish?? It may not be wrong or malicious, but how is it not selfish?
@savanahtompkins1565 4 года назад
I think you can serve others without playing a “mother” role. You can serve in your church, community, or a career field. It’s not selfish to not want to be a mother. Motherhood is beautiful and wonderful, but it’s not selfish to want to find other ways to serve others.
@StevinHabba 4 года назад
Of course we can serve in other ways. That is not the point of this video. What she is saying is that there are those who want to get married but do not want the “having kids” part of being married. She explains that being a mother when you get married is one of many ways that we continue to serve as Christians and grow in the spiritual fruit of charity (The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines "charity" as "the theological virtue by which we love God above all things for His own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God").⛪️🤍🙏🏼
@wg820 2 года назад
In his Apostolic Exhortation On the Dignity and Vocation of Women , Pope Saint John Paul II said that it is innate in woman to nurture others in a motherly way. He said that there are two vocations for women: virgin or mother. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the exemplar of both. It is not selfish provided that you are called to a life of service as a virgin. However, it would be selfish if you entered into a marriage hostile to the idea of self sacrificial love entailed in the vocation of wife and Mother.
@mariadelaovergaramoreno6967 2 года назад
I understand your point when You say that people can serve without playing the mother role. God, who created us is pretty aware of that. That's why He calls some people to serve as religious, to serve as doctors, to serve as teachers, to serve as a mother or as a father... The situation is, being honest, the main reason young people don't want to have kids nowadays is not because they're planning to serve following another types of projects, but because most of them don't want to serve at all.
@barbaracimini1447 3 года назад
My daughter says she’s always wanted to be a homemaker, but that she dare not say this among her peers for fear of being labeled “not a ‘girl boss’”, not with it, etc. She feels quite depressed about it.
@effiewilson8164 5 лет назад
I didn't want to be a mom until I had my first child and now I want 20 kids. There's a lot of propaganda making out motherhood to be so unflattering, but in reality it's the most beautiful part of life. Even if I didn't anticipate getting pregnant my first time, I'm so glad I did get pregnant. I adore my daughter and can't imagine what my life would have been like without her. Yes, it's stressful, but incredibly rewarding! Don't underestimate how much holding a little one can change everything you think and feel in an instant
@bananewane1402 4 года назад
It’s not the “propaganda”. It’s interacting with actual children that makes me not want any.
@rehema2018 3 года назад
Wise Woman
@jeanfelix9696 2 года назад
I actually agree with Effie. I heard way too many conversations of people, mainly young people, making children to be a burden. Like who would ever want a child? It's wild to me. I get that you( not you personally) don't want any, but to think that people are weird or crazy to want children is just ridiculous.
@gabrielamaya2964 2 года назад
please only have as many kids as you can raise. I was born into a very large family where my parents made the older children raise the young ones. It made me hate children, resent my siblings and I haven't spoken to my parents in 10 years. it's pretty much the same with my other older siblings. none of us have children of our own, our childhoods were stolen when we were forced into the responsibility of being parents to our younger siblings. Just sharing perspective.
@jeanfelix9696 2 года назад
@@gabrielamaya2964 Wow. I'm sorry about what you and your siblings faced in your childhoods. Praying for your healing as well as theirs.💛
@witchf4ce310 4 года назад
Not having kids isn’t going against God though. You can be celibate. You can be infertile.
@Theonlygracius 4 года назад
Or just point blank dont want any. lol Can be like me- 27 and has never had the desire.
@annieoutman8418 5 лет назад
Honestly this goes far beyond motherhood. It shows how doing even the smallest things that we don’t want to do yet still do are acts of love and laying down ourselves for others is the greatest way to find ourselves.
@ponypublications 5 лет назад
I don't want to me a mom because I'm scared of becoming my parents and unintentionally harming my children psychologically. :')
@Mister-Christer 5 лет назад
Don`t worry, be happy
@ponypublications 5 лет назад
@@Mister-Christer And what if I refuse?? jk
@suegz139 5 лет назад
Donna, don't focus on your parents and what they are or did and try to go the opposite direction (because that's when you will turn into them), they had their reasons, however wrong. Focus on yourself, the beautiful you and how good you want to be, with God's help you will be the good mum you want to be. 🙏😄
@nancysiemonsma9677 5 лет назад
Donna, I had a gut reaction to what you have said. I had the exact feelings as you have now back when I was young. I am now 60 and I have regretted that sentiment. I wish I overcame that.....but I only now understand that wound in my younger self. Ask God to heal that wound in you. Have children and raise them to Love....God Loves you !!
@ponypublications 5 лет назад
I appreciate the kind comments, I really do, but I feel like this is kind of assuming that children is automatically God's plan for my life. He may call me to singleness, or heck, even religious life! And "not wanting to be a mom" isn't actually a total rejection of the idea--if God leads me to marriage and a child results, I will accept His will with as much grace and joy as He provides me. I'd just...really rather that not happen for that reason. But His will, not mine be done.
@mariastephens8643 5 лет назад
My problem is I desperately want to have children in the future but I am deathly afraid and very removed from what must be done in order for children to exist. I have a lot to overcome and part of me thinks I'll never be able to. At least adoption is an option.
@heatherfeather1293 5 лет назад
39 and still don't want them. People always said I would change my mind.... LOL I try to consecrate myself to God in other ways
@babycar529 5 лет назад
I think in the similar way, but I don't know how to convince myself. Did you get married?
@kelechukwuanozyk7605 3 года назад
Are you celibate?
@kaidas732 3 года назад
I wouldn’t ask a girl that question bro. O_O
@sylviamccormick3961 5 лет назад
I needed to hear that. Thank you
@lizzy3450 5 лет назад
I like to see kids, but only on Etsy XD... and baby faces are scary!!! Who likes doggies better? lol
@girheakinna 4 года назад
Thank you for sharing! A lot of girls my age struggle with this!
@nichv857 5 лет назад
You can make life not about you in many other ways than parenting in any form. Many careers revolve around serving others and self-sacrifice.
@amyneu8078 5 лет назад
Ok I’m single. I do not want kids lol I’m afraid of them. I lost my mom at 4 then my dad got involved in a very toxic relationship. It left me pretty broken. I’ve also got mental and physical illness. I don’t think I’m capable of being a good holy mother. What are your thoughts?
@CHAZER-sp5cm 5 лет назад
amy Neu remember that with God anything is possible, but also many people, like myself, are not called to marriage
@Alleciram 5 лет назад
God’s called many people to do things that they didn’t think they were capable of. If it is part of your vocation or calling, then God will give you the grace to do it. The enemy is the one that wants you to believe you’re incapable. Maybe God will allow you have to children, and maybe there will be another calling. Whatever it is, it’s equally beautiful and holy. 😊
@chanisecarvalho5869 5 лет назад
Maybe you need God to heal you of your past that was seemingly broken.. Be delivered of that.. And then move on.. Bt yes God wld make a beautiful mom out of you... Amen
@amyneu8078 5 лет назад
The Miserable Man, by not wanting kids I also disqualify myself from matrimony. a Catholic marriage must be open to life or it’s invalid. Which is also why contraception is wrong. I need to figure out if my not wanting kids is from God or not. I need to trust more in God’s plan even if it isn’t the same as mine.
@amyneu8078 5 лет назад
The Miserable Man it’s in the Catechism in the sections dealing with the Sacrament of marriage. I think it’s also discussed in Humane Vitae.
@Onlinesully 4 года назад
Jackie is there any chance you could brag less and teach more ? it seems her talks are about her mostly. This lady is so so out of touch with the masses who live a life unfamiliar to her.
@stuckmannen3876 5 лет назад
For some reason mothers are looked down on these days... but in reality its one of the most important jobs a woman can do. :)
@wyomingpark 4 года назад
I never wanted children. And I never met the right person to even consider it. But I have no regrets whatsoever. I was just never ever maternal. Ever. And I believe that was Gods plan for me not to have children. You dont go against God if you decide not to be a mother.
@user-or1ye3iz6d 3 года назад
Thank you! Agree
@abereagan7642 5 лет назад
So many people dont want to be a mom until they find out that they cant be one. Then its too late.
@venust.4119 4 года назад
I hear that a lot “if you don’t want kids, you just don’t have a good man with you”. You can be sure that women that have enough courage to proudly stay childfree have enough sense to choose the best of men for themselves. When will people stop thinking that not wanting to have kids is a sign of impairment!
@-mushroom7757 4 года назад
I know right. And the right man would stand by us
@user-or1ye3iz6d 3 года назад
@mtshrhr3232 3 года назад
I didn’t want to become a mom until I became pregnant with my first “angel” baby. I now have 2 “miracles “ whom I love unconditionally! Thank you for this video!!!
@ThePlay3000 5 лет назад
I am 48 and still don't want to be a mom...
@alldoneup 5 лет назад
That's ok... Sometimes your vocation is consecrated single life. Jesus is sufficient.
@user-or1ye3iz6d 3 года назад
I am also 48 and it's still not in my journey to be a mom. I had a rough childhood and am working through that. I serve this world in other ways.
@ThePlay3000 3 года назад
@@user-or1ye3iz6d You wrote me 2 years later. Now I am 50 LOL. Still not a mom, and K with it. Serving the world is what matters
@yustmeok 4 года назад
Thank you for your candid video. It terrified me to become a mom, once I became one my life changed in the best way possible. My selfishness went away, and now 18 yrs later I looove being a mom, it's literally the greatest blessing God has given me
@missevelynr 4 месяца назад
God bless your family’s homes🩷
@chadguindon6909 3 месяца назад
Looks like you got hit with the whole “One you meet the right partner, you will change your mind!!!” comment that most of us childfree people get, it really happened to you.
@christophercairns3689 4 года назад
This was a video I needed to see
@rachela.5311 5 лет назад
I really needed this video, thank you. I feel like I really fail sometimes at being a good mom to my kids. When I don't play with him, or when I tune myself out, or when I yell at them, I feel so bad afterwards and promise to do better next time, but I end up just repeating the cycle. It does boil down to "me" and what "I" want or don't want to do. It does help to know I can offer these moments up to God.
@chrisobrien6254 Год назад
You never wanted kids??! Is that maybe one of the reasons why in some of your earlier videos in your late 20s you claimed that you were “completely happy” still being single at that point? People who passionately want kids, especially lots of kids, will naturally be a little unnerved when they find themselves till single in their late 20s
@Sksiwixiekasks 2 года назад
Please, have a guest who is a mother of a special needs kid. It is a very special calling.
@Loolooette 5 лет назад
Just had my 2nd child. I’ve had to learn to die to myself...never saw myself as someone who would have kids when I was growing up, but here I am and I’ll always be thankful to God for my children.
@michellewilson8693 5 лет назад
Thank you .
@wannabekool2 4 года назад
Haha! You made them, sell them on Etsy! I love it
@chronicmasterbaiter5467 5 лет назад
Everytime she says "Man" 😂
@camilasalcedo6761 5 лет назад
Jackie, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I don't feel alone anymore! SOO true. God bless More people need to watch this.
@erinbecker4057 5 лет назад
Seriously? Why do you have to deliver this message in such an implicitly condescending way? Just because someone doesnt want kids or doesnt see that as their purpose in life doesnt mean they're a selfish princess. Get over yourself! You're just projecting your own experiences onto other women and looking down on them like "aw you'd rather be a cell biologist or firefighter than start a family? Poor selfish princess, its ok i used to be just like you until i grew up and started being a REAL christian." Yeah, thats not helpful jackie😒 Look, its fine if anyone wants to become a mother, but the keyword there is "wants". Motherhood is a serious choice that while wonderful and beautiful, closes doors to many other things. No one should be shamed if they dont choose it for whatever reasons they have.
@cindymeS2 5 лет назад
Yes! The "princess" and being "selfish" part annoyed me too.
@FNA777 5 лет назад
Alengthy read, I agree especially when you use God and also there are woman who can't get pregnant are they not worthy? Or woman who are not spoilt and don't have the finances or support too bring a child into your life is that selfish? Too be able too make choices for the child so that you will not suffer as well as the child is that being selfish? not too have a mentally and emotionally unstable home and not having kids?It's ok cause it's God's will and doesn't make you selfish? I love God too but if he blesses me with kids or no kids is up too him and my husband is awesome aswell he loves me with or without, and so do i there will be feelings hurt watching this cause it's a touchy subject and for those who are struggling in any aspect of there life's or choose not too have children is there choice it doesn't mean your anything less or selfish and if you are selfish cause you want your life too be about you that's your business do you and hold your faith cause one day when that time comes round you will know cause people change all the time.. thanks and GB
@101Checks 5 лет назад
nadzusu afiafi struggling with having children is one thing, and God can perform miracles. But it is the natural design of God for every man to desire fatherhood and every woman to desire motherhood. Fatherhood is to sacrifice, motherhood is to nurture life. All these things you mention are problems, but God can provide, and He asks us to suffer for Him and for others.
@FNA777 5 лет назад
@@101Checks The Bible is very even-handed about fertility and child-bearing. Children are a blessing (Psalm 127:3-5). Children are required to fulfill God's purpose for mankind that we "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28). At least twice, God used fertility to reward or comfort women (Genesis 29:31; 2 Kings 4:8-17). Yet nowhere does God condemn a woman because of infertility. For the most part, infertility was cured with the birth of a significant character, including Isaac (Genesis 21:7), Esau and Jacob (Genesis 25:21), Samson (Judges 13), Samuel the prophet (1 Samuel 1), and John the Baptist (Luke 1). The godly men involved in infertile relationships seemed to care more for their wives than any potential offspring. Abraham was apparently content with his wife Sarah; it was Sarah who pushed her handmaiden Hagar onto Abraham as a surrogate heir-bearer (Genesis 16). When Rebekah thought she was barren, Isaac did not seek out a second wife. Instead, he prayed that God would open his wife's womb (Genesis 25:21). Both Jacob (Genesis 29:30) and Elkanah, Samuel's father (1 Samuel 1:8), fiercely loved their wives despite troubles with infertility. The pressure to bear children in Bible times was more cultural than theological. Except for the Greeks, who often left their infants on the street to die during rough times, most Bible-era cultures valued children and fertility. Even the Canaanites, who often sacrificed their first-borns, did so in hopes of securing more children later. Women adopted the cultural belief that bearing children was their greatest responsibility. There was some measure of urgency; the eldest son was responsible for caring for his mother when her husband passed away. But if the Bible is any indication, women often valued fertility to a point approaching idolatry. Peninnah, Elkanah's second wife, provoked Hannah bitterly to irritate her (1 Samuel 1:6). When Sarah's plan worked and her Egyptian maid conceived Abraham's child, Hagar despised Sarah; Sarah subsequently abused Hagar so much the maiden escaped to the wilderness (Genesis 16:4-6). And when God blessed an unloved Leah with sons, Rachel became so jealous she demanded Jacob give her children (Genesis 30:1-8). When Jacob pointed out that it was God Who opened and closed wombs, Rachel gave Jacob her own handmaiden. Thus began a fertility war that involved Jacob, four women, and the origins of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. We see no fewer examples of infertility in modern times. Whether the causes are environmental or genetic, thousands of couples struggle with the inability to conceive and carry a child to term. In the Old Testament, when God dealt with Israel as a nation and His blessings were related to the strength and wealth of the nation, fertility was a direct metaphor for God's blessing. In the church age, God's relationship to us is much more personal. So much so that it is possible He wants our hearts for Himself, without the distraction the blessing of children would incur. It is good and appropriate to mourn infertility. It is not good to place the desire for children above the desire for a relationship with God (Exodus 20:3). Even so, it is perfectly biblical to seek out healing in the realm of fertility. A Christian couple is free to judiciously look into fertility treatments. Many others choose adoption. God gave us the intelligence to develop tools that counteract the fallen world's effect on our bodies; it is okay to use them if we do so with wisdom. Fertility and parenthood are not in God's plan for everyone. But if we trust God and His plan for our lives, we can imagine Him repeating to us the words Elkanah spoke to Hannah: "… why do you weep? And why do you not eat? And why is your heart sad? Am I not more to you than ten sons?.
@lizzy3450 5 лет назад
Maybe the vid was not good for you but it is good for certain people! she just hopes to help someone who could be like that. And I think (when something is not obvioulsy a sin), God asks us to do the choices that we "desire and want", and not the choices that seem the most saintly/beautiful according to our society's criterias. And actually even if someone chooses to be a princess (not necessarily meaning the selfish part, indeed she focused a lot on it) it is also something that will be hard to pursue. I believe God asks us to fight for it and to avoid being lukewarm...
@parahjapheth7920 Год назад
I was here somehow.
@fgg-m5d 6 месяцев назад
me too
@GreenMM_11 5 лет назад
The intro 😂🤣😂🤣😂
@FreedomandBaconHomestead 5 лет назад
Thanks for sharing!
@roniquebreauxjordan1302 5 лет назад
..never thought i would not have kids,...maybe that's why i started aerobics before marrying? Kids are fine...thinking it's more of an adjustment for men...
@roniquebreauxjordan1302 5 лет назад
...I did teach CCD before having kids...It opened up yhe idea of what kids were like in the 90's...
@timothysaye5535 3 года назад
Jackie, thanks for fulfilling God's call on your life and all ladies, to have children, love your husband and be an excellent soccer mom! -I Timothy 5:14. My mother had six of us, and we all are serving the Lord, which is God's highest calling for Christian ladies. Also, to raise children in the fear of the Lord is a very high calling, if as adults, they have not strayed from the faith.
@DoroteeaZorici 5 лет назад
Greetings, ma'm! I Don t know how many kids you already have, I am sure you have hard times with them like eveybody has3 ( maybe less cause you are both faithfull and virtuous not like the rest of us sinners) . Are there moments when you are afraid to get one more Child ? I mean specifically you as a woman ( and the rest of the ladies out here) do you ever get unconfortable when you get intimate to your husband, because of this fear to get pregnant again ?
@nicoleyoshihara4011 2 года назад
I never desired to be a mom but I want to get married one day and be open to life. Hoping if I meet my future husband that desire will naturally grow I am an honorary Godmother so that's a start ❤
@yasedky 3 года назад
Mmm, I wish she can reach mindfulness.. And trust her genuine self.
@adennyh 3 года назад
LOL it's so funny when she said: "I don't wanna be a mom, I want to be a princess. I want to be fed"
@brynnmcdonnell2260 5 лет назад
You want to be a parent? Good for you. I'll never have kids and I'm proud to be Childfree.
@valeraphil 5 лет назад
Anyway God loves you.
@brynnmcdonnell2260 5 лет назад
@@valeraphil As if he'd love me any less if I didn't want kids? (operating under your premise that he exists)
@saritabonilla1416 3 года назад
ooooh my precious
@amaiers4861 4 года назад
"no you made them sell them on etsy" 🤣🤣
@MiaHemstad 5 лет назад
You are so brave for saying that out loud! Thank you!
@adorablebelle 4 года назад
I really appreciate this video!
@jimecifrian 5 лет назад
😂😂 The Etsy jokeee
@GinnyandEric 5 лет назад
I can totally relate to this!
@RGTomoenage11 5 лет назад
Love your message sister.
@JelenaKrnjic 5 лет назад
Loved this
@tyliful 5 лет назад
it takes selfless to be parents.
@johnjohnsten4158 5 лет назад
When people are very young having kids is not attractive but as you grow older those feeling change and you want children.
@wyomingpark 4 года назад
No it doesnt. In fact my desire NOT to have children only strengthened over time. And im glad I didnt conform to society.
@user-or1ye3iz6d 3 года назад
Not for everyone. Open your mind.
@allygreer9404 5 лет назад
I’m a mom of three (4, 2 and 1 year olds)...I needed this so much today!! Thank you for your truth, love and joy!! P.S. I feel like we are best friends!
@stephg3547 5 лет назад
I've always been on the fence about having children. I used to want them but I was in a relationship that I thought would last (it didn't) I was diagnosed with lupus and my antibodies can cross the placenta. :( my partner at the time told me he didn't want sick children and left me a few months later after 4 years together. I'm open to God's will but I'm in my late 20s and not even dating
@Amber_Aviva 4 года назад
Dating is overrated Have to meet a man that’s able to lead you in the will of ABBA The Father for it to be worth it
@cheshire_skatkat9093 5 лет назад
Glad I don't have kids. I like my stuff!
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