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@MuklukYoutube 5 месяцев назад
0:00 Intro 1:52 Easiest to Learn 11:07 APM 13:36 Stability 17:41 Aegis 21:19 Sabotages Teammates 24:14 Caught in the wrong mode moments 29:40 Revive Carry 33:05 Flex Utility Slots 34:19 Powerful Toolbox 35:35 DPS 36:30 Healing/Boon Range 38:30 CC Carry 42:22 Teammate Targeting 43:03 Forced Movement 45:00 Healing Output Issues 45:40 Annoying Quirks 48:07 Are people happy to see you 50:04 Personal Enjoyment
@CarnaghSidhe 5 месяцев назад
If Willbender made the list, why didn't Virtuoso, which while not a serious healer can pump out way more healing (almost by accident) than a Willbender?.. Now I'm not a healer, so I could be making a stupid mistake in my assumption here, it's just I knocked about on an Open World Cele Vituoso for a wee bit, and it threw out some half decent healing just as part of doing its thing. Like I think it's easier than a Willbender also :)
@MuklukYoutube 5 месяцев назад
@@CarnaghSidhe Because it doesn't provide a 5 man group alacrity or quickness.
@CarnaghSidhe 5 месяцев назад
@@MuklukRU-vid ahhh, gotcha, fair shout :)
@ignacerael2472 5 месяцев назад
how about wvw? for the healer
@dylanwarwick4429 5 месяцев назад
I would say an offensive dps runthrough next and then consider which of those classes provide complementary boons/utility to 'cover' the weaknesses of some of the healers mentioned. For example, qdps herald can cover stability at x dps loss with dwarf making it a solid pairing with any other alac heal that sucks on stability (scourge and mech for instance).
@blackmist1981 5 месяцев назад
“Every single healer here, are healers that can do the job. If youre in a group with any of these people and they know what they’re doing, you can clear 95% of the content in the game.” The most relevant and important comment in this video
@MuklukYoutube 5 месяцев назад
I tried very hard to make that clear. Don't want some crazy person kicking people from groups cause "hur dur mukluk said..."
@devinm9245 5 месяцев назад
I love that preface, because you know people take these kinds of information as argument points to exclude players (WHO ARE SUPPORTING THEM BY THE WAY) because they (for whatever reason) see it as sub optimal
@dfg12382 5 месяцев назад
Revive power it's Druid/Tempest, then Scourge in my books. Glyph of Stars revive is much quicker than what Scourges do and can carry where the wells revive simply is too slow. Also it is on a 48s CD, not 1 minute. You can cast it pre-emptively to even rezz yourself (lets say a tear took your aegis at deimos). GoS is the most broken skill in the game. Staff tempest has 2x geyser (water3 Range+16s CD and trait 20s CD), Signet of Water AoE rezz (20s CD too), Glyph of Renewal (Basically Signet of Undeath) and Rebound which basically is an instant revive.
@jamesmmu 5 месяцев назад
Transfusion is just too good with pugs
@lashonawaldmeister1111 5 месяцев назад
I don't think tears take your aegis
@Cross_111 5 месяцев назад
I agree that the tricks possible with tempest are massive!! Nonetheless transfusion is still stronger on pugs. To be able to pull out 5 people from puddles instantly! is just too good in regards to rez power Search and rescue can do it too or also the glyph of renewal in air - but only 1 person But gor has a 90 second cd so its very flexible but if used up? Things become difficult during that time Scourge can transfuse every 15 seconds - without alac which you will give yourself then Those 3 are the ones which can pull people out of s*** which is amazing carry potential And all 3 are very good! Just wanted to clarify the pull out specifics 😊
@dfg12382 5 месяцев назад
@@Cross_111 I mean there's exactly 1 encounter where this is really useful and only with a very bad group. And it only works if all the other people press F too or it often is too slow. On every other encounter, where the party is more split and people go down all alone (running away with poison at Mattias/Sloth etc) or even need to save yourself and others from insta death mechanics (bad timing at MO CM, shield fail at CA) I'd rather have the tempest toolkit with double geyser and rebound.
@Cross_111 5 месяцев назад
@@dfg12382 nope there are many encounters where people can relax in puddles ^^ Dhuum, Mathias, vale guardian if the pizza phase starts, Sloth poisons, sabatha with her wall, QtP fire circles or in CM fire paths, XJJ puddles and the list goes on and on... And the scourge range is 600 around himself which is huge Additionally if your group is good then its better to tackle a healer which does not focus more on pug carry but increasing the potential of the whole group like with HFB or Heal Chrono If you pug, you will need to rez continuously - if you want or not And as I said before - all these options are viable and you are free to do what you want 😁 But scourge is the better rez machine and pulling people out ir bad spots in comparison The others can do it too of course - but not as good and as regularly 15 seconds is quite mad
@blastmanutz7798 5 месяцев назад
I'm maining heal herald in fracs and raids/strikes and disclaimer: I don't consider myself being a super computer. I manage just fine. Once you learn the basics you will never really think of energy that much - simply because swapping legends becomes a key part of your rotation - swapping legends brings a 10sec 20% outgoing healing buff so you want to be swapping off CD anyways. Ventari brings a lot of stability if you spam your ulti skill on top of condi cleanse and a ton of healing so ventari in my mind is pretty much about spamming that single skill. In herald stance you just alternate the facets, ideally keeping prot up all the time and swinging between swiftness and fury facets. It's not that hard once you get it. You can even afford to not keep 6 pips of upkeep all the time for quickness just for the fact how easy it is to generate in both stances. You can also use the prebuff tactic where you open up with regen+fury+swiftness facet and crank that up on allies for easier start rotations when fight begins. I'd say it's easier to play than firebrand, honestly. A lot of times I get compliments for healing and saving stray players with my ventari tablet, which is an extremely powerful thing because you can control it even if you're knocked down/disabled. Really cool stuff to play with. As to targeting the tablet - it's not half as bad as it looks once you figure out that you can move tablet mid cast too - just cast a skill you want and direct the tablet towards the player. Hits much more reliably than for example warrior staff 3 which takes ages to arrive to location with a small radius and many times by the time you get there people (especially pugs) will just dodge out and you will heal nothing. Edit: Oh and another thing - save your weapon skills for when you're in herald stance in case of on demand healing. Exception being shield 4 for aegis spam for pre-emptive protection. Use facet of nature constantly. Preferably herald stance for extending boons.
@Casual_Lucas 3 месяца назад
Which one do you find better for fractal cms, healbrand or herald? I usually do old cms as dps and it's always a firebrand carrying the team. Just curious if heal herald is good for fractal cms..
@blastmanutz7798 3 месяца назад
@@Casual_Lucas so here's the thing. Firebrand is an amazing class. The amount of aegis and stab it can provide on top of quickness and ranged heal is among the best in the game and can easily help the group skip certain boss mechanics, allowing for a faster clear. Saying that though, its strength is also its weakness - the boons a FB gives have a short radius and especially mantras feel extremely bad because the AOE is a small cone shape - this means that you need a very good group that knows how to stack properly. If you can have that FB will feel amazing and will elevate the group. One upside of FB, similarly to a Herald is also the following: While people favoring low intensity build usually say FB are high APM because every skill only gives a couple seconds of a specific boon - this is actually better in my book as opposed to large boon time applications with large CDs for one simple reason - fights with boon strip. It's very easy to reapply boons with a FB or Herald while a warrior for example suffers when a boon strip takes swiftness away and your warhorn skill4 is on a CD. It's more debilitating to the group but it's easier to play. Now to herald : Herald has a higher healing output to a FB. It is also the tankiest of the healers. Meaning, it can compensate for a lower aegis application with raw healing. Ventari tablet is one of the most amazing tools for healing once you get a grip of it because you can float it around in a decent range and still heal people for massive amounts, cleanse, apply stab etc. You can do this while ressing too which means you can easily heal the group and ressing another guy. It's no scourge though, that's for sure (in terms of ressing). Important note: Mukluk criticizes the tablet for a clunky boon application because it takes a while before the tablet explodes and applies stab or heals - what he missed though is that you can pre-cast the skills and use the tablet reposition skill on spam to follow the person/group you want to apply stab/heals/condi cleanse to. This is especially important to learn if you really want to have a fluid ventari gameplay. I don't mean it in a condescending manner though - just constructive criticism to help fellow heralds out. It can provide aegis, can cleanse condis pretty decently well, perma quickness/prot/fury/swiftness/regen/25might and here's the deal - has great stability on demand. Wait, a herald has great stab on demand? Yes. Although of course it's not as easy as it is on a FB but with knowledge of the fight and its mechanics, you simply switch to ventari and break the tablet, which will apply a very good heal, condi cleanse and stab at the same time - a solid 3x stab for 10 seconds if you run 100% boon duration - very easy to do as well. You don't even need a sigil of concentration. This essentially means that you can provide enough stab duration with enough stacks to fully offset the CD of glint stance and exactly by the time the stab runs out, you can already swap to ventari and pulse even more stab. This way it is possible to actually nearly perma mantain 3 stacks of stability which is something not many classes (if any) can actually do. In raids/strikes where boon coverage is already fullfiled, you can drop glint stance and go ventari/jalis and literally perma maintain a large stack of stab - while still providing perma quickness - but that's pure overkill. On top of that, you can double stack stab if stab is all you need (energy cost) which will in turn give you 6 stacks of stab for 10 seconds - that's a lot of stab. You will never run out of stab if a team stacks and you rotate legends correctly. On top of that if the need arises Herald can tank extremely well - because of salvation trait "resilient spirit". That gives 339 barrier per active boon, stacking up to 5 times, every 3 seconds - since it is extremely easy to keep 5 boons up all the time, this essentially translates into a 1.5kish heal every 3 seconds, just from existing, on top of a very powerful version of regen, buffed by herald trait "Elder's Respite". Add relic of the flock on top of that for extra heal and barrier + ventari and infuse light heal from glint stance and you basically cannot die even if you stand in a 1 hit zone (as long as you have infuse light active). So as you can see, the situation is similar to FB - you need to know the encounters but honestly you will have an easier time with a heal herald, especially if you're dealing with a pug group. That's where Herald really shines because it is immensely easier to keep the group going as opposed to a FB. All those boons mean nothing if your mantra only hits one guy because they aren't stacked properly. All the while when Herald is easily applying all essential boons permanently in a 600 radius. The main thing a Herald is missing though is a group stun break. Meaning if you don't know the encounter in advance and the stun happens when you didn't manage to apply stab - you will have to wait the stun out. Good thing is that you can swap to ventari and still operate and heal with the tablet even if you are still being stunned. That's a big wall of text, I'll stop here lol. In conclusion yes, you definitely can do CM fracs with a Herald, very much so and in a pretty relaxed and easy fashion if you know the mechanics.
@Casual_Lucas 3 месяца назад
@@blastmanutz7798 wow ty for all the info. Honestly muk should pin this comment lol I appreciate your explanation and it makes me want to keep learning herald and do endgame content with it. Thxx! :D
@blastmanutz7798 3 месяца назад
@@Casual_Lucas keep going at it if you like the way the class plays, learning the "stance dance" and ventari flow will reward you greatly :)
@roberts.2300 5 месяцев назад
Thank you Muk for this. I really appreciate the perspective from your standpoint. Especially from someone who PUG's then having a static group. The only down side is that this eventually get dated with balance patches as time goes on but for now it works. Plus better then a tier list.
@TheRedGauntlet 5 месяцев назад
I can only picture the Berserker headbutting the F1 key over and over
@Laryon720 15 дней назад
Healbrand got to be the most fun i had healing in a game. you have pretty much everything to your disposition and it feel like the old days of playing Monk in Guild wars I
@a.flucker 5 месяцев назад
Perfect length video, 10 min would be too short
@fredarmstrong6418 5 месяцев назад
Just dipping my toes into support - starting with boon DPS, but this was such a great series to understand what's going on from the healer's point of view. Loved this. please do more!
@demenion3521 5 месяцев назад
STABILITY: scrapper by default runs stab on function gyro as well and you can run elixir B for even more. so you have 3 ranged sources of stab with multiple stacks each. you will never need more than that. specter has stab on shroud 5 with 16s cd which you never need to use in your rota and you have well of bounty on top. if you lean into it with earth traitline and staff on tempest, you can have very high stability output, but at the cost of uptime of some other boons, especially you lose your boon extension. REVIVE CAP: scrapper actually can take elixir R whose toolbelt skill is also an aoe revive, so it's quite good if you desire it. tempest with staff and normal+lesser geysir is really nice, but obviously it's not as great as a scg or druid. specter has shadow refuge which is an aoe revive field. it's not great, but better than nothing. RANGE: i would say druid and specter are quite good because they can give a LOT of their boons at like 900 range if you give up boon uptime on yourself. CC: my biggest complaint, druid cc with double mace, storm spirit and glyph of equality has WAY more cc than even a chrono on a much shorter cd. i can literally do 12k cc in a single sammy run with my group doing normal cc. renegade with darkrazor has an instant cast 600 ranged aoe cc button (which is on a 12s cd, so infinitely better than moa) which herald doesn't have, so it's definitely more than herald. scrapper can take personal battering ram for being top of the cc table in any normal group, but even without you have double cc with sb 5 twice and blast gyro plus you can put lightning fields for others to leap in for daze finishers. firebrand can take sanc and even hammer of wisdom if necessary, so you can do quite a lot if necessary. other than that i can't find any problem with these lists. you make a lot of good points. i would like to add one column with skill ceiling or performance in high-level groups: you would definitely want a druid, herald, chrono or scrapper in the current meta. scg is good, but limited in it's tools and output. meanwhile you wouldn't want a heal renegade, untamed or willbender in your group
@arturogutierrez7463 5 месяцев назад
Cc wise, specter is the best cc character for support, so much in fact Its a pain in certain encounters to bring since is doing cc all the time, should be at least second in that classification, since it has: Basilisk venom Well of gloom The 3 and 5 of shadow shroud Pistol off hand head shot (quick) The steal gives slow The 3 of specter dagger gives chilling Well of silence Shadowfall Spike trap ( can be prepared) Can paralyzed a target with certain traits every single time he is poisoning the target The share venom that paralyzed. Now if you mean how quick can deliver all this then it's true, is not that fast, only head shot and basilisk venom.
@chrisgoal 5 месяцев назад
For flex slots..while heralds don't have individual flex utilities, they flex swap a legend based on the fight [dwarf/centaur/demon]. It's only really in issue if you need 2 of choices (mostly stab/bubble)
@Reddotzebra 5 месяцев назад
Also that the biggest heals and cleanses you have comes from centaur. So if you bring dwarf instead in order to get mondo stab then you kneecap your AOE healing and condition removal. And if you go demon to... I actually haven't played revenant enough to know exactly what the demon does, but I seem to remember it having one of those cheerful "grab all conditions from allies and rub them all over yourself" abilities, something that applies short duration resistance, and a heal that heals you for more depending on how many conditions you have on you? Does the elite even do anything useful for a healer, I seem to recall it just being a pulsing condi field thingy, I guess it drains enough energy to proc quickness?
@chrisgoal 5 месяцев назад
I hardly ever use demon outside specific content. It mainly gives group resistance, and mass amounts of boon rip. (For example: it's very nice for dealing with avatars of gluttony in convergences)
@Jaeger460 5 месяцев назад
@@chrisgoal only time ive ever taken demon stance was against vg, cus youre healing is enough there without vent, so having the boonrip for blue guardian is nice but only if literally no-one else has any
@piedpiper1172 5 месяцев назад
11:20 Re: Hitting the F1 key constantly. Allow me to introduce my friend the small dense weight. Fishing line weights, small paper weights, or a hunky bolt. Anything that sits nicely on your key. It now lives on your F1 key. Your tendons are saved! Note: Some keyboards have different repeat rates for held keys, you can usually turn it down if it’s repeating so fast you find it disruptive. Just google your KB model and “change held key behavior.”
@SpottedWithin 5 месяцев назад
As a fellow heal/support enjoyer and Druid main, this is very useful as I try and find a "quick heal" class as heal untamed doesn't tickle my fancy xD
@Denuhm 5 месяцев назад
So I have been playing mirage for a while now and I can with confidence say, with staff staff you can be a very capable off healer, or even focused healer but never for more than 4 other people and there is a really high requirement for stacking to maintain your boons. You can consistently pop out both regen through ambush or mirrage and stability through shatter, resolution from skills and even a good amount of aegis from false oasis on a 10s cd with alacrity but it's rough to focus on healing while maintaining alacrity stacks on the party as mirage. You strongest tools for healing is staff 5 and false oasis, both of these things are stationary small well style zones, both of these have short windows of applying boons. Rifle is (was) used in pvp a lot for the 5th ability tp but the evade is a flame thrower that gives vigor, rifle is inconsistent though but I've used it on claw of Jormag a lot in smaller groups. Chaos armour is amazing for snapshots, but it's so hard to use at the right time. You have a decent invulnerability window for yourself but that's not really healing and rakes away a lot of your AoE boon application. In general viper staff staff mirage dps is just significantly better and more fun and still provides a lot of boons to the party with almost no investment in healing at all.
@lillithsummers8817 4 месяца назад
Great job! The struggle is real with scrapper, I learned it and give myself repetitive motion injury in both wrists.
@paulminor4707 3 месяца назад
at the same time where Firebrand was so dominant in fractals, druid was as dominant in Raids. 10 man Might, Fury, Prot and Heals were insane, especially when all other boons were covered by BoonDps (RRs and QuickFirebrands).
@NickShelden 5 месяцев назад
on the dps rankings, I think that scourge and healbrand should be mentioned. I am by no means an expert with either as a dps class, but while doing full healing (but not tank) I can usually hit 5-6k dps on heal alac scourge and pretty dead on 5 on heal quickbrand, both in real fights (not on the golem).
@xezzee 5 месяцев назад
With some setup you can heal on Quick Deadeye. You give boons and have ways to heal. You will be missing Aegis, Stability and Protection 🎉 but it can do the job 😅 basically worse specter.
@SpartanOfLuxon 3 месяца назад
As an Untamed Support I had a commander in strikes think I was a DPS that was just doing low damage because they never saw an untamed healer and then in a convergence I kept the rat alive by myself. Untamed Support would be my go to if not for the stupid snot cloud.
@LazyLame666 5 месяцев назад
As a druid player I can confirm allies somehow die the moment you leave celestial. I don't know how, I don't know how they know. But they do. Half of the group just waits for you to press F5 to stand in EVERYTHING.
@MetalHev Месяц назад
Seeing "berserker" in the list of healers will never stop being funny
@artinotsoparty 5 месяцев назад
Did you try signet of courage with the willbender to boost your healing a little? Wouldve liked to know if that made any difference on the content youve tried with the willbender. Edit: i really like the idea of this chart and you explaining everything. That makes it really easier for me to make decisions. Keep it up 😁👌
@mimimalloc 5 месяцев назад
For Chrono in "caught in the wrong moments" column you were probably thinking of weapon swap locking you out of situationally useful cooldowns, something might come up you want to block with shield or heal through more effectively with rifle.
@MadTawnyOwlet 5 месяцев назад
I was really interested in the potential for heal specter and had even cobbled together some ritualist gear for my thief a while back, but Gw2 healers have rarely had to actually target their allies to heal, so it feels much more awkward compared to just spamming an aoe... I'll still give it a shot, but my favourites atm remain Druid and Tempest. :) 👍
@daniellind7559 3 месяца назад
Short bow on Mechanist was overlooked its giga, it gives a long protection. extra aegis that u can dubble up. good healing good CC and barrier..
@ivanruzic2592 5 месяцев назад
There is a faster way for bladesworn to swap to staff: F1. After you Dragon Slash, you simply swap to staff with F1, since F2 is the slash, and F1 is the gunsaber. And at absolute worst, F1 has a...... maybe 2 secs cooldown? So you can swap quickly with bladesworn, if you remember that you can weapon swap with F1 as well as regular swap with whatever button you use for it. Also, chrono can use Illusion of Life to help ress, but you only have 15 secs to kill someone to fully revive a person, and in a boss fight, you may not have an enemy that you can kill that quickly for a full ress.
@willitnoodle 5 месяцев назад
As one of the few specter mains in-game, I will say I agree on heal herald being more complicated to learn than heal specter XD IMHO, heal specter may be clunky at the beginning, but once you get used to how it works, you'll begin to understand the 'rhythm'...of healing with specter, if that makes sense lol. Herald on the other hand... Oh god, imagine having to balance between cooldowns AND upkeep?! AND also ally targeting with the scepter main hand? Heal specter is a lot easier XD
@AirickGuitar3917 Месяц назад
Hope you try FB again. (Guardian is my main since the first beta, so take what I say with a grain of salt) but FB just feels so good with support. It's the ultimate multitool. If there's a problem, the FB has an app for that. There's never a situation I ever felt like I didn't have an answer for it.
@2222lex 5 месяцев назад
40:10 Shoutout to darkrazor's daring on renegade. 12 sec cd skill that does 600 AoE breakbar damage. I often solo cc the wyvern at Qadim using darkrazors daring (600 BB), Staff 5 (up to 1350 BB) and ventari elite (300BB). 3 skills doing about 2250 AoE BB in about 1 second. Cooldown on all of this is only 20 seconds cause of staff 5. Don't think any other class beats that.
@DragonFae16 2 месяца назад
I've been interested in trying out a healer build for years, but know I likely wouldn't be able to keep up with it. I have brain fog, so remembering skill rotations, let alone knowing when to switch weapons, is a struggle for me. I main Reaper because I can basically just smash my way through most problems.
@robinoflocksly6342 5 месяцев назад
Anet really advertised Specter as a Thief spec that would finally be a support. I wish they followed through but poor thing has been forgotten so far. Holding out hope it gets some love in future balance patches.
@EmilSrensen-zj4lo 5 месяцев назад
That one time I put Glyph of the Stars on five different downed players during Dhuum and we went on to succeed with no deaths could possibly be my most enjoyable time playing GW2. I carried hard that day 😂 You can do it from across most boss arenas, people don't even know why they're suddenly alive most of the time 😅
@eerolz8758 5 месяцев назад
The "caught in the wrong mode" list could also include the engineers as much as it does chrono :P The main reason why I never liked playing heal mech was because the kits would just mess me up, and I'd try to use weapon skill thinking I was out of a kit when I wasn't. Even died to those few times. I main HAT (now swapping to chrono) so bunch of skills and changing skill bar is no issue to me, its just the way you swap between them. Also when playing HAT, I often kinda skip water during my rotation, if I know regen should be enough for everyone, just so I can go back to it whenever I need. (also I use air overloads quite often, especially at the start of the fight to stack plenty of alac quickly so that if I get interrupted it doesn't drop alac)
@Kamirose. 5 месяцев назад
I think you're selling willmender's CC short a bit. You have sanctuary, willbender elite, hammer 4, bane signet, and heel crack all available since no utilities are required to give alac.
@arhonvalran1551 5 месяцев назад
25:40 I play tempest healer and I switch to water only when its needed to avoid situation where its on cooldown and I must heal party :P 32:49 Chrono has Ilusion of life which can revive too if revived player kill a foe (like downstate 3 (??) on warrior) 42:00 I personally think ele has lot of CC too.
@relentlessnights4211 5 месяцев назад
This was a fun video for sure! Loved hearing your thoughts, it sounds like your against the unga bunga, but next tier list for your fav dps builds :) come the muk on 🤞
@roboblade6046 4 месяца назад
One of specter's wells (and engi shortbow, the one that's specter themed) are also the exact same size and shape as Deimos oils. Ask me and my group how we know
@jerod4036 5 месяцев назад
Heal Cata is shockingly effective when you play it right, but it is also shockingly easy to meme yourself and your group. Heal cata actually does more healing than tempest as the empowered empowerment increase your healing power by up to 10%, but it doesn't have stab at all and it's aegis is part of the rotation so you don't have aegis on demand. The main issue with heal catalyst is generating energy. If it wasn't for the way catalyst generates energy, heal cata would actually see play as ice-bow heal cata can pump some series heals. I have healed bone skinner on catalyst before, not because I wanted to, but because I couldn't find a quick-heal for the group. I did it, it worked, and I hope to never have to do it again. Unless you have mained ele and catalyst for a while, I would 100% recommend you not try heal catalyst.
@telemkam 5 месяцев назад
Man, I will still say, Specter support was the most fun I had as a support BEFORE they removed the siphon revive. It was such an amazingly fun mechanic. Now it just feels mediocre.
@dot5774 5 месяцев назад
Tempest may only have the one aegis, but arcane shield and rebound can are decent shield substitute. If I need to 'aegis' the group arcane shield is especially nice cause its much harder to strip by say something like Deimos tears :)
@cypherdk85 5 месяцев назад
I honestly disagree when it comes to herald, i think its one of the easiest to learn with just staying on staff.
@J0kuc 5 месяцев назад
You forgot that firebrand has the Protective Reviver trait that can make you revive allies faster, on top of the signet res. Also Sanctuary does 1050 cc with the trait.
@njorun1829 5 месяцев назад
I have rev-staff-fived myself over more edges than I can remember.
@bosunbones.8815 5 месяцев назад
Its a occupational hazard. Can confirm. 😂
@Zero2x0 5 месяцев назад
Chrono can actually solo all of Sabir's Breakbars. Huge CC
@Inariuz 5 месяцев назад
Heal Berserker will have its place in fights that boon strips a lot. Hence the F1 smashing makes up for it and keeps the uptime high. e,g WvW
@DraconiusDragora 2 месяца назад
For the Mesmer I think it boils down to using the Rifle with them.
@Halak014 5 месяцев назад
Yes! dps providing the offensive Boons is an idea Anet should think about, i want to bring a thief and have the Furry/might on point
@zephyruspring 5 месяцев назад
It's never going to work the way you hope while the concentration stat is in the game. It is far more effective for the group when the one guy stacking concentration is the guy providing all the boons. That's just how it is. I hate it too.
@kwaddell 3 месяца назад
This video inspired me to go make a Scourge healer!
@ajbackfromthedead 5 месяцев назад
Scrapper can easily upkeep 100% fury, prot, AND regen though, without wasting some tools. The build you're using needs tweaks.
@onurdogan6839 5 месяцев назад
That video is really awesome, I never do comment to any video but you deserve that. Thank you so much. 🎉
@Jonaleth 5 месяцев назад
You should rate every spec in each category and find out the best healer from the sum of the ratings
@wojciechszatko 5 месяцев назад
I would argue that mechanist is more difficult than druid, mainly because of how pet AI is making your mech go to a random place around the boss when you command it to attack it, instead of the closest route to be able to actually hit it xD
@Rikki2684 2 месяца назад
Regarding Stability, I disagree. With Chrono I can upkeep permanent stability on my group just built into my rotation. With Firebrand this would be difficult to juggle around and I would have to deliberately prioritize keeping stability up permanently over keeping my group alive. Chrono is without doubt the best at giving stability
@Stevethebeast08 24 дня назад
Berserker has 2 forms of aegis. One on line breaker and one on the banner.
@daydev2599 5 месяцев назад
Personally, when I'm not the healer, I'm most happy to see a scourge, and better yet, two scourges. None shall pass away on a scourge's watch, or at least things need to get quite bad before someone does.
@hvkjb-mr4vo 5 месяцев назад
I never really understood the hype as far as firebrand healing goes. When I meet a firebrand, they usually provide a shit tone of boons but they are not as good at healing as the other builds. Maybe it has something to do with the learning difficulty of it but I see firebrand more as a boons support then a healer. I'd say firebrand thrives in experienced groups that don't make as many mistakes.
@MrMadkilla787 5 месяцев назад
A video showing best group composition for each raid boss will be great condi here power here qheales here better ect
@BackwardsCombatable 5 месяцев назад
Heal herald is so close to being great. They literally just need one trait that removes the cooldown on legend swap while nerfing energy a bit and it would be competitive. As it is, not being able to be in the stance you need to be to handle the mechanic thats about to happen feels extremely bad for a support.
@Xialoh 4 месяца назад
Shouldn't Druid be gettign a mention for teammate targeting?
@SpicyMutt 5 месяцев назад
ive been using quick heal zerker for some time and it can kinda heal carry if people dont get one shot or insta melted (like boneskinner) i just wish it had more stab T-T
@Apoz 5 месяцев назад
Willbender is way better with mace+shield for aegis/projectiles or mace+sword for condi cleanse btw! Direct heal output from willbender is very high on low cd's, utility is mediocre, condi cleanse is on the low side, boons are very easy and require no intensity.
@meisenology 5 месяцев назад
Muk do every class best build for every renown heart.
@OldTime--Gamer 5 месяцев назад
why deadye doing stealth will cause interrupt of your allies auto attacks ? is this a bug or ANet impresive features/balances ! ?
@Blu3Souls 5 месяцев назад
I'd like to see boon dps actually. I'm looking for alternatives to my bread and butter boon dps options.
@JRZTT 3 месяца назад
Yes about Untame I hate those freaking cloud so much, it cover my screen and I can't see thing
@petros8204 5 месяцев назад
That's some quality feedback/review.
@MagusShade101 5 месяцев назад
i hate how herald has to burn energy to output quickness. It feels so bad to burn all your energy in dragon just spamming things "because", and then switch to ventari and put a bubble up in a fight with no projectiles just to burn your energy for quickness uptime. And i agree the scepter is awful. Renegade used to give 10 man alacrity so it had a unique powerful thing that was worth the tradeoffs. They took that away in the name of homogenization and now its meh.
@sanders339 4 месяца назад
Chrono literally was "caught in the wrong mode" moments 🤣
@conejerow 3 месяца назад
I know I'll be targeted because of this: i'm not having fun playing Elementalist here. I hate with capital H the pressure it has been imposed onto the Elementalist going thru all the elements to make a sustained damage. FFS why can I just play the way I want it? Why does it has to be so effing competitive and stressful? This is why I left the game a for like 2 years because if you couldn't make 40K sustained damage MEASURED with ArcDPS you were either called out or kicked. I found joy playing Mechanist because I could be anything so easily: from healer, to power dps, condi dps, healer alac, power alac dps, condi alac dps since i returned, and that's what kept me in. The posibilities for every class except the Elementalist. This is the only game where I won't play mage.
@uandubh5087 3 месяца назад
It's so sad that healers have to provide all of the boons in order to be viable nowadays. Vindicator would be such a lovely healer :(
@KamilDrakari 5 месяцев назад
So Specter is the Braham of healers?
@hanyhanysix 5 месяцев назад
With our static we are sometimes clowning around with heal harbinger :D
@MuklukYoutube 5 месяцев назад
When you play with the same people repeatedly it opens up a lot of build freedom for sure.
@rotip309 5 месяцев назад
ya should test heal mirage and heal deadeye
@hirdy932 3 месяца назад
Came looking for opinion on cata because I love it for some fights. And nah...
@Matthias_meh 5 месяцев назад
so.. you have not heard of heal quick deadeye then?
@Werkzeug-100 5 месяцев назад
Chrono has way more stability than guardian. Stability Mantra, Precognition and distortion. X2 if we’re counting a split rotation.
@AATproducer 5 месяцев назад
1:05:18 is still the best part :)
@RobGale 5 месяцев назад
Would have been good to have a disclaimer that this isn't necessarily accurate for WvW. I play heal Vindi sometimes in WvW and it's still very viable. Probably wouldnt use it anywhere else except casual open world. It's super fun but lacks boons compared to Herald.
@MuklukYoutube 5 месяцев назад
Ah yes. If I failed to say it I was focused on group PvE content.
@altf4thc 7 дней назад
I cant tell you how many times i have reaper shoud 2 right off an edge
@uwebockwurst9613 5 месяцев назад
Am i mistaking or is there no heal vindicator build? dont they have the blue fraction abilitys and ventary as well as the trailine in vindicator that heals? maybe its because they dont give alac or quick idk i dont play that xDbut a healer in the end.
@bosunbones.8815 5 месяцев назад
Is it pretty much down to the Alac or Quickness issue. That's what the "Meta" wants from it's boon support healers. I am thinking about looking at vindicator more closely just cos I have a full set of Harrier gear for my herald.
@zephyruspring 5 месяцев назад
It's the same with soulbeast, dragonhunter, spellbreaker, and even holosmith. They all have interesting healing tools that have been left by the wayside because they don't have meta boons.
@Tobnosh Месяц назад
A true Berserker heal or smash fury fast on em all
@evelynn2790 5 месяцев назад
just saying with mesmer u see the clones numbers u dont need to count them on map u have the pink dots ^^
@MuklukYoutube 5 месяцев назад
Of course.
@LaHuguu 5 месяцев назад
Scourge can also give self stability using Reaper shroud, you forgot to mention it !
@MuklukYoutube 5 месяцев назад
Scourge. Reaper Shroud. eh?
@LaHuguu 5 месяцев назад
@@MuklukRU-vid Exactly ! Why u never talk about it ??
@Oryxon 5 месяцев назад
@@LaHuguu Scourges cannot use Reaper shroud, it requires them to be in the reaper elite spec. 😅
@kittymeyw8299 5 месяцев назад
Am I stupid or was there no Warrior Heal in this one?
@MarineCARMINE 5 месяцев назад
herald is way easier to learn imo.
@trace3954 5 месяцев назад
Havnt played in ahwile. is reaper still busted dps?
@sanguin3 4 месяца назад
No, reaper is a pretty balanced spec.
@FeWolf 5 месяцев назад
Herald Staff
@chavian0 5 месяцев назад
Dodges heal and cleanse too
@Funkm4ster96 5 месяцев назад
who needs stab for scourge when you have barrier #barriergang
@THEBLUENINJASHEN 5 месяцев назад
berserker is basically war fury in wow
@skoomadealer5173 5 месяцев назад
Loved the video
@bridgetboyle687 5 месяцев назад
I think their needs to be a ingame title: Self Yeeter. Cause I always yeet off a side of a fight.
@MrAbaker1991 4 месяца назад
What about Soulbeast?
@MuklukYoutube 4 месяца назад
There is no competetive soulbeast healer builds I know of.
@MrAbaker1991 4 месяца назад
@@MuklukRU-vid haha that would explain it! Just found your videos and definitely inspiring me to pick gw2 up again as a support untamed!
@JustS0meChick 4 месяца назад
I want to play WvW with youuuuu!
@sunebites 5 месяцев назад
My boy specter designed to be a good support role but doesn't get to br useful anywhere xD
@slcainehmierz7681 3 месяца назад
Yeah, i find it also idiotic that you as a heal have to do so much and bring so much while the majority of dps dont even bring damage to the group which increases the difficulty and when you ask people to bring buffs they cant because they arent support. Most time those that say this, arent dps either when arcdps is correct. The longer something take the more errors can happen which results in deaths which then takes even longer. There are some classes and weapons that are helpful like Herald or Engi Hammer with boons. I have mained Mesmer. But i also like HScg and untamed heal. Hscg is easier then Chrono but untamed is for me harder then Hscg and Chrono because of the timing of unleash and weapon swap when you dont pay attention or your clicking doesnt get through you waste a charge for quickness and a hugh heal. Herald was ruined for me with having uptime to gain quickness which was my main before the balance patch. I was never good with Firebrand (i sucked hard), Willbender heal is more to my liking dont like the sprint mechanic. The whole engi healing (Mecha, Scapper) is for me to much finger work - the whole kit usage annoyed me. I tried specter out of curiosity its nice but an effect overload from hell of doom and the whole target swap, set a target before battle swap between enemies and your targeted ally is so annoying. Never tried warrior as heal, but maybe i willl. I like unique classes, the specter is too unique for me^^ I hope they remove the effect overload of specter and untamed staff and give untamed a thought through option for stability. For hscg i am ok with the sand path. 1 stab is enough, but just a bit faster^^. I have also the feeling that the more rezz you have the more people love to stay inside damage feels or just dont evade. The boneskinner is prime example for this. With my chrono i dont rezz, but i give aegis thrice which saved many times people that dont evade. Played now the last few days the untamed with no stab just pure heal and you see how many people just expect you to outheal their own lazyness like standing in fire fields, not evading death mechanics or standing before the boss when they use hugh damage skills like dagdas whirlwind. With my chrono or hscg it doesnt matter, you can outheal, outbarrier or reflect it. As an Untamed you have only reflect with staff and pet and your pet is sometimes not were it is supposed to be.
@nexirioawesome3650 5 месяцев назад
Waiting for Mirage and Catalyst Heal builds...PeppoPraying
@rowenaellwood2389 5 месяцев назад
An additional note on Necromancer's Spectral Grasp. It shoots out 5 projectiles that chill enemies and pull them to you. While you are fighting an enemy with a large hitbox, such as Sloth or Samarog, if you have good positioning you can place yourself within their hitbox and get multiple/ all of the projectiles to hit a single target for a very large burst of CC
@tauronmitronion377 5 месяцев назад
Would it still work if there are no ads in range?
@Coiney100 Месяц назад
@@tauronmitronion377 No, it needs to see them in range to target them. 1 target it only gives 150 CC
@demenion3521 5 месяцев назад
in regards to the healers you didn't try: heal mirage is just a worse heal chrono, but you can find an example of it as a heal kite on ht cm. heal cata on the other hand is amazing at giving literally 99% of its boons at range, so you can kite very easily on it, but compared to tempest you have barely any healing. you really depend on running frost bow, water elemental and signet of water. but if you have a low pressure fight or one where you want your healer to kite, it's actually quite good
@wcocytus 5 месяцев назад
Oh hey, my friend used to do the Heal Cata with the same setup. Though I remember him doing heal just fine on Boneskinner. Didnt think it would be so unpopular that you cant find a guide for it haha
@Kantharr 5 месяцев назад
For the Heal Mirage example I saw the same thing for Heal Quick Deadeye where the only example of it was in HTCM. So yes there are 2 different healer roles for every class. Just some of them are better than their counterpart lol.
@harude 5 месяцев назад
The downside with heal mirage is that there is no relic to complement the play style. With the Manipulation trait and Defender relic, i can pump out near infinite Aegis on heal chrono. Using a similar setup on heal mirage, the near infinite rifle ambushes is kinda wasted unless there's a new relic that can convert the over heal into barrier
@FalconZeroSeven 5 месяцев назад
for heal catalyst, can also use arcane wave over frostbow now with karakosa relic. scepter/wh and never felt like I had a lack of healing when I needed it.
@thomasvanhede5771 5 месяцев назад
@@wcocytus you have two main problem as cata , either you play staff and you will heal just fine but your energy fill up is gonna be scuffed hard (staff has no big multihit ability) or you play whatever/warhorn and there you gonna lack healing but have full energy all the time.
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