
I've Never Weighed as Much as I Do Now 

Thomas Mark Zuniga
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10 сен 2024




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@fojo1184 4 года назад
Hey Tom, I know we've never interacted before but thank you so much for this video! As someone who has always struggled with my own weight and body image this really resonated with me. Between 5-6 years ago I lost 100 pounds in a year and have largely kept it off since then. But I have still struggled to like my body/love myself even with the much improved health I've enjoyed. And that along with coming to terms with anxiety/trauma/sexuality in recent years has been quite a journey and those factors have probably also played a role in how I view myself and my body. Needless to say, you are the only one who knows your "sweet spot" in terms of weight/body composition. Hopefully this is just a temporary spot with everything you've been through medically recently and that you can figure out some good rhythms with exercise/diet/care for yourself to be as healthy as you want to be. Give yourself grace for sure!! I need to offer that to myself more as well.
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
Thanks for commenting, Forrest! Always a joy to hear from folks. Thanks for being real. How awesome for you to have lost that much weight. Congrats! You're right when it comes to knowing our own "sweet spots," regardless of what other people see or say. I know 174 is certainly not mine. But I'm also showing myself lots of grace right now, all things considered. Experimenting with some physical rhythms like long walks around the neighborhood and pushups...and hoping to increase the intensity as these weeks and months pass. All best to you! Thanks for watching, brother.
@fojo1184 4 года назад
@@thomasmarkz Thanks so much! I definitely appreciate you being real as well. Realness begets realness, I suppose 🙂 Those are great physical rhythms you mentioned! Hopefully those are things you can do and build off of as you continue getting to better places health-wise. And I'm certainly praying for you and your health. All the best to you buddy!
@chrismartinez6891 4 года назад
Oh Tom, so much I want to say to you. First off, you are far from being overweight. You still look great. I know how frustrating it must be though to have gained that much weight. What I will say, don't pay too much attention to BMI. It's not the most accurate way to show how "healthy" you are. Doesn't factor in your bone mass, etc. Don't know if that helps any, but I hope it does. I know weight has always been a struggle for me. Even after having lost 100 pounds, I still feel fat at times. Being how active you were, you'll get back to where you once were. This is just a temporary road bump. Continued prayers for your healing.
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
Thanks for the support and prayers, Chris! And thanks for sharing some of your own weight loss journey. What an achievement to have lost as much as you have. Definitely giving myself grace for the current health situation and medications. Just hoping this new weight tide stops and gets reversed sooner than later.
@coreywigent7693 3 года назад
I've been struggling with my weight my entire life. I lost about 70 lbs in 2015 but I gained a lot of weight this year because the gyms being closed. This is inspiring me to get back at it 💪
@thomasmarkz 3 года назад
Get it!
@juandelariva3342 4 года назад
Hi Tom !!! I think you look better with this little overweight, really :-) At least your face looks better.
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
Well thanks. I don't mind the extra weight in certain places. I just wish I could move some of it in certain other areas!
@LarryInLynchburg 4 года назад
Ok, having known you nearly two decades, I’ve seen you at several points on the emo-vita-pendulum (or maybe life-psych-continuum), and I think - scratch that - I know that you’re doing well in a trying time. Roughly twenty years older than you, and my adjustment to having an autoimmune is def no easier than yours. A good day feels like the flu, but sometimes I can sit or recline in relative comfort - until I stand. And the meds - oy vey. Since I haven’t yet found a NeuroRheumaPulmonGastro, I have multiple docs, all trying to work in synch, and generally between 12-15 active daily rx. Weight gain? Yep. Confusion about whether aches, pains, headaches, new symptoms are due to a specific malady, to rx, or to rx interactions? Daily. Lie-down-for-two-hours fatigue after 4-5 minutes of mild activity? Fact of life. But, we’re better off than we could be - tho at least monthly I consider stopping all the meds and living on Excedrin... Still, the treatments even a couple of decades ago, when SZ and MZ were your age - oh wait, that’s when I was your age also - weren’t as effective or as available as today. Probably not as expensive as today either... Pls be assured that my rambling thoughts originally had a point - which currently escapes me. Probably the meds, or my exponentially advancing age. When COVID allows, you should visit again. We could compare meds and other rheumanations - you know, generally be unwell, with company. BTW, this vid is the first time I’ve thought you looked like your bro. One of you is gonna be mad at me for that statement😼 Romans 12:12, L.
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
I'd expect nothing but rambling from you, L. Kinda disappointed your comment didn't go on for another paragraph or two, but no matter. Not sure if I'm pleased about the comparison with my brother, but I guess I'll accept it. Just kidding, of course. He's a gem. Thanks for watching and sharing. Prayers and love to ya!
@LarryInLynchburg 4 года назад
@@thomasmarkz I saved the ludicrous length for email ;-)
@shalomrutere2649 4 года назад
3:38 I did see your video about your leg hair and that was my first time to see your legs. I'm a recent subscriber. I'm in support of those who tell you that you have nice legs. With or without hair, they are still very good looking. Yahweh knew what He was doing when He gave them to you because you've done the half marathons and people have noted them in their beauty. Just forward the glory to Him because He gave you those beautiful legs.
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
Thanks for the love! Glad to have you as a new subscriber. I'm gaining more of an appreciation for the shape over time. Especially with a more manageable amount of hair.
@shalomrutere2649 4 года назад
@@thomasmarkz And by the way, do not torment yourself in thought over your weight. You weigh 175 pounds which is 80kg. I'm quite a bit taller than you are and I weigh 66kg which is 145. You can now imagine my body size. It's a bit disturbing but I don't let it get to me.
@Freetown37 4 года назад
I also have a stuffed animal collection lmao. Also don’t listen to the people who were insulting you, I have BDD so my body image affects me everyday. And I can tell you that you look completely fine. Some people get over their head when they write comments online
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
Thanks for the love! Appreciate it a lot. And yeah I've learned over the years not to take Internet comments from strangers too seriously. Especially on RU-vid hahaha.
@emmanuelaquino4340 4 года назад
I have struggled with my own weight many times over the years. There was at one point maybe sophomore year of college where I lost a lot of weight was the thinnest I have been. Looking back at those pics of me though I feel sort of sad because I was constantly worried then and not really enjoying life. Weight though is on my mind because I am also short (5'6") and so it's not as easy to hide weight gain as it is for someone taller. I wasn't satisfied with my weight a few months ago, but at least was sort of active and being mindful of what I ate. I was more frustrated with my muscle because I know I had little to none. (Lack of muscle alone impacted my thinking of I'm not manly enough, but that's a different story). Then coronavirus and quarantine affected my routine. Part of my exercise was walking every day to and from work, but now I don't have that or likely wont be able to do that for a few more months. Plus I ended up being a bit more depressed during the season of isolation so I would just use food to cope, which of course added to the weight. I was thinking about it this week as I was getting in the shower that I don't like what I see. I also though try to check myself though because I don't think I'm at a level that others would consider as dangerous. To others, I might just look average or have gained a little bit of weight during the pandemic. But your perspective of how you look at yourself physically does have an impact. Thank you for sharing. From my vantage point, you look good (really, I was even jealous once you said your height). But with weight and physical appearance, I know the opinion we think matters most is our own, which can include positive or negative thinking.
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
Thanks for being real, Emmanuel. I appreciate your sharing. Something I wanted to get across in this video (not sure if I succeeded) is that concept of how we view ourselves versus how others see us. I readily admit that others could look at me and say "you look fine" or even "you look great." But if I don't internally feel that, what does it matter? Still, I want to be someone driven by both internal and external instincts. Someone who can take a compliment but also be driven to be better. So I certainly receive your compliment! And I also want to strive for the physical health I know I'm capable of, the point where my feelings match my perceptions.
@thegroundhog001 4 года назад
Tom, if any of your treatments involved steroids, this will cause a weight gain. As time goes on, you should return to your normal svelte self. I actually think you look pretty good with some meat on your bones.
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
Strange comment...but I'd expect nothing less from The Groundhog.
@hotstuff400 4 года назад
I wish you give us an update with your majestic legs as well Tom. I hope that it's back to hairy. 😍
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
Haha, obsessed with my legs much? That's a big negative on the hairy. But I've also never seen them as more majestic than they are now. So, win.
@hotstuff400 4 года назад
@@thomasmarkz alright :( i just can help it..you have massive manly legs just so lovely.
@odg8188 4 года назад
On the one hand, you're attractive so your insecurities are downright lies. On the other hand, what if they were true? How would it matter? It doesn't really change anything. Your identity or masculinity isn't connected at all to your leg hair or bmi or any other physical variance.
@thomasmarkz 4 года назад
Thanks for the affirmations, Deon! It's generally easier to hear encouragement from someone else than look in a mirror and summon it from within. I've gotten better at this practice over the years, but it certainly goes against the grain.
@odg8188 4 года назад
I have learned that self esteem is a western idea. And a new one at that. The Bible would call it "pride". We were never meant to esteem ourselves. Our esteem comes from (and should only come from) God. Pray for the faith to see your identity in Christ.