
I Visited the Roman Catholic Church for the First Time 

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I had the opportunity to sit down with Father Dean to discuss Roman Catholicism and the reason they look towards The Pope for guidance. I had a good time discussing Catholic theology, touring his cathedral, & learning more about The Pope from a Catholic perspective. Subscribe to help my mission to visit everything religion!
Full Interview - • Why the Roman Catholic...



26 сен 2024




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@jacksoncastelino04 4 месяца назад
Catholicism is Beautiful and Fulness of Truth
@aussierob7177 4 месяца назад
If you have objections to Catholicism make sure they are not trash. Catholicism gets a lot of unfair flak from both Protestants and Secularists. In the U.S.A. ,this is particularly an issue due to Protestant influence. I don't have issues with people criticising Catholicism, but make sure they understand what it is Catholics believe.
@aisthpaoitht 4 месяца назад
Catholicism is simply beautiful
@SoldadoCatolico 4 месяца назад
I don't see any catholic in the video however...
@brittoncain5090 4 месяца назад
@@SoldadoCatolico Did you miss the priest?
@carmenanico2786 4 месяца назад
Showing this beauty reminds me of the tabernacle that the bible explains and all done for his glory. The best of the best for him
@RJ-yi1fi 4 месяца назад
I like how respectful this person is
@delvingeorge2807 4 месяца назад
There are 24 sui iuris Church's in Catholic Church and one of it is the Roman Church. The Whole Catholic Church's Head is Pope Francis currently.
@RichDItalianTenor 4 месяца назад
Hi, devout Catholic here. I just want to tell you that I think you did a great job with this video. And yes, just as a few other comments have said, definitely check out a Latin Mass if you can. One suggestion too. Catholicism is composed of 23 "rites", all under the umbrella of the Catholic Church, fully in communion with the Pope the Vatican. Roman Catholicism is just by far the largest and most famous one. But again, great job, thanks for the video.
@BackpackReligion-ev4zq 4 месяца назад
Glad you enjoyed the video.
@Shskfjekdnf38587 4 месяца назад
It’s actually incorrect to say Roman Catholicism to mean Western Catholicism. All of the Catholic Church is under the authority of Rome. It’s more approach to say the Latin Church or Latin Catholicism, which uses the Roman Rite.
@FrJohnBrownSJ 4 месяца назад
​@@BackpackReligion-ev4zqif you want to speak more with a Catholic priest, let me know. I'm a Jesuit who is bi-ritual, Latin and Byzantine rite.
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
Correction, 7 Major Liturgical Rites and 24 Church* Who's Head is the Roman Pope.
@iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643 Месяц назад
‘Protestants are skeptical about tradition’. Yeah. That’s what they say. But it’s a sinister joke. Why do we have millions of protestants cults? Because each one follows its own tradition. Protestants are not divided by the Scriptures. But they are by their different traditions, different ways of interpreting and understanding the Scripture. Lutherans have their Tradition, Calvinists their one, Baptists Tradition is different… etc…
@Mike-bn7kr 4 месяца назад
It’s always interesting. That protestants put so much faith into Martin Luther’s decisions. Much like he was the pope or something. It’s a wise decision to get to know and understand Catholic beliefs before you discredit them.. have a really good read of John 6. Where we come to the understanding of exactly what the holy Eucharist is all about. Protestants reject Jesus as being truthful about what he said in John 6. Claiming it was only a symbolic explanation of the bread and wine. I challenge anyone to dig a little deeper understanding what they deny in the Catholic Church before they choose to run from it. If you want to understand, the Catholic Church read the catechism. Go to a RCIA class and really find out.
@marymargarette4289 4 месяца назад
But whatever you say our Lord Jesus Christ is the Head of the Catholic Church. Jesus build ONLY ONE CHURCH THROUGH HIS APOSTLE PETER and the popes are the successors right from His Apostle Peter. NO ONE CAN BUILD THE CHURCH BUT ONLY THE SON OF ALMIGHTY GOD. But now there are thousand of churches build by men they were reject and against HIS CHURCH. Jesus build only one church through His Apostle Peter only not even to His 11 Apostles. Jesus gave His Apostles the power and authority. Mathew 16:18-19 - Jesus say "you are Peter and on this rock I will build MY CHURCH and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the key of the Kingdom of heaven and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven". Luke 9:1-2 - Jesus called His 12 Apostles together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, and He sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal. Luke 9:5 - Jesus told to His Apostles "and wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them". Luke 10:16 - "he who hears you hears Me and he who rejects you rejects Me and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me". Luke 10:19 - "behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you". Luke 10:21 - In that same hour Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, "I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes; yea, Father, for such was thy gracious will". John 8:31-32 - Jesus said "if you continue in My Word you are truly My Disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will make you free". John 7:18 - Jesus say "he who on his own authority seek his own glory but he who seeks the glory of GOD who sent Him is true and in Him there is no falsehood". John 10:25-26 - Jesus answered "I told you and you do not believe. The WORKS that I do in My Father's name they bear witness to Me; but you do not believe because you do not belong to My Sheep". Mark 13:5-6 - JESUS WARNED US "take heed that no one leads you astray. Many will come in My Name, saying I am he and they will lead many astray". Mark 13:13 - Jesus told to His Apostles "and you will be hated by all for My Name's sake. BUT HE WHO ENDURES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED". Mark 13:22-23 - JESUS WARNED US "false christs and false prophets will arise and show signs and wonders to lead astray if possible the elect. BUT TAKE HEED, I HAVE TOLD YOU ALL THINGS BEFOREHAND".
@zacharycarrier2890 4 месяца назад
I believe you've just begun a long journey you do not even realize you are on my friend
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
Maybe short
@GemaEnriquez 4 месяца назад
You should attend the Traditional Latin Mass ! BEAUTIFUL !!!!
@jperez7893 4 месяца назад
the catholic church is the continuation of the sacrificial system and priesthood of the temple but in its perfect form under the new covenant established by jesus christ in 33 ad. it's marks are one, holy, catholic, and apostolic; meaning it is one holy institution, universal, and historically verifiable. the magisterium came first, the institutional authority received from Jesus Christ to govern, then the holy traditions, and deposit of faith, of which is very few to enumerate, some such as: the sign of the cross, the canon of the bible, specific rites in celebrating the mass inherited from the apostles and disciples; and the scriptures themselves, first from the scriptures used by Jesus and the apostles, and teachings and traditions committed into writing, inspired by the Holy Spirit. visit a melkite catholic church or chaldean catholic church or any of the dozens of eastern catholic rites. the roman is only one of many individual churches in the universal church
@SoldadoCatolico 4 месяца назад
too bad that the vatican ii council changed the rite of ordination going against Pope Leo XIII's bull Apostolicae Curae, so all ordinations after 1968 are invalid, furthermore the aformentioned council also made the effort to make the mass "more protestant" as per cardinal bugnini's very own admision.
@jperez7893 4 месяца назад
@@SoldadoCatolico the pope is the supreme pontiff and absolute monarch of the church. he is the supreme legislator and judge beyond which there is no recourse. he can legislate norms or change them at will to be acceptable to the church unless it is specifically mandated in scripture. the minimum necessary and sufficient conditions for ordination to be valid is that it is freely accepted and given, the ordinand is a natural baptized male and the the ordinator lays his hands on the ordinand in the words and manner accepted or legislated by the church. a pope does not bind future popes from changing the norms unless it is forbidden by scripture or forbidden as part of the constitution of the church or mandated over the whole church as ex cathedra teaching. therefore you are wrong in your opinion. to accept your opinion is to arrive to the logical conclusion that Jesus is a liar, and that the gates of hell have somehow overcome the church against the promise of Our Lord Jesus Christ. that is anathema
@BensWorkshop 4 месяца назад
@@jperez7893 Absolutely. All protestants and sedevecantists believe that at some point the Holy Spirit abandonded the church.
@therese6447 4 месяца назад
​@@SoldadoCatolico That's sedevacantist talk
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
*Beaware of Radical Traditionalist online*
@kathleenfederl5121 4 месяца назад
Pope has gone rouge and forgets he works for God not humans!
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
You clearly are see him with Bais.
@aaron1983 4 месяца назад
Matthew 16:18. If you believe in Jesus’ promise then you know. The Pope also has ordinary power over the entire church (all dioceses), as practiced by the early historical church. How do you interpret scripture without the tradition passed down from the Jesus and his Apostles? God bless!!
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
Yes, Pope is the Vicar of Christ on Earth, the New Eliakim.
@carlose4314 4 месяца назад
You should visit a Syro-Malabar church.
@delvingeorge2807 4 месяца назад
Malayali aan apol 😂
@jacksoncastelino04 4 месяца назад
Pray for The Restoration of Traditional Latin Mass in The Roman Rite​@@delvingeorge2807
@Justaprix 3 месяца назад
What exactly is a Syro Malabar Church? Is it Orthodox or Nestorian?
@carlose4314 3 месяца назад
@@Justaprix They are Eastern Syriac Catholics. Their liturgy is similar to the Chaldean and Assyrian Church's liturgy.
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
@@Justaprix In Catholic Church there are 24 sui iuris (Self-governing) Church's, with 7 Major Liturgical Rites. With its Head as the Roman Pope. Some call us Uniates. But just call us Catholics.
@Rosiedelaroux 4 месяца назад
Well I suppose it’s quicker than GRINDER
@Justaprix 3 месяца назад
Care to explain?
@goatcurry1014 4 месяца назад
Visit a Traditionalist Catholic Church like SSPX I'd like to see a non-Catholic give their thoughts.
@andym5995 4 месяца назад
Stay away from SSPX. They are not in union with the Church and do not obey any bishop anywhere. Nice liturgies don’t excuse dissidence.
@Onlyafool172 4 месяца назад
As a non sedevacantist, i respect your hunger for traditionalism, in the mass, i have a different understanding of Pope autority than yours, but if your fair to him, and Love the church with our your heart, you are Good to go, after analizying thr church s tendecies, depending on the new Pope we will have more accessible tridentine masses, i will visit the SSPX mass, so help me a bit which atire should i use? I understand and dress conservatively, but i dont have tuxedo, so what kind of pants should i use? Are jeans okay can i use a sports shoes?
@goatcurry1014 4 месяца назад
@@Onlyafool172 The Society of St.Pius X is not sedevacantist they say their masses in union with Francis
@Onlyafool172 4 месяца назад
@@goatcurry1014 i mean from what i knew about them they say they dont think Francis is the pope, but Yes the pope validates their masses, because it wants to bring them back to full communion, which i respect, i want a traditional mass as the norm, but hey if they want to be in communion with the Pope who are we to deny them?
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
​@@Onlyafool172 Their Masses are illicit, they have been given special Faculties but that doesn't change facts they are in Schism.
@LiamSGue 4 месяца назад
I was surprised to see this! A dear friend of mine attends this church! I do have some critiques of the commentary. While some Protestant Christians are wrongly overly leery of tradition, the historic Protestant view has regarded tradition as an authority to consult in determining doctrines, just not an infallible authority. Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) does not mean the literal translation of the Latin, the doctrine of the Protestant traditions by and large is that Scripture is the sole infallible authority. Something I thought I might mention! Excellent video!
@BensWorkshop 4 месяца назад
Sola Scriptura gets interpreted in many different ways by different groups. Worth pointing out the Roman Catholic view that tradition does not over ride scripture.
@tirsotesorojr.8094 4 месяца назад
@pmlm1571 4 месяца назад
The Latin side of the Church is what most belong to and are familiar with--our Mass is written in Latin (translated into English for us in the USA, into Spanish for those in Mexico, etc); as the Greek side of the Church says its own separate ancient version of the Mass in Greek. It's not really right to keep saying "Roman" of the Catholic Church: this originated with the English trying to parochialize the universal church in contrast to their novelty "Church of England." People know what is meant by "roman Catholic" but it's not the name of the Church: that is simply Catholic Church.
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
It's okay bro, let the slurs invented by Anglicans be a Crown of Glory for us. As the Roman Church and it's Magisterium is Indefectible and Infallible in all Matters of Faith and Morals from the beginning that is what we say in the Profession of Faith and believe don't we?
@fomarin 4 месяца назад
We the best ✝️❤
@tomlehr861 4 месяца назад
Youll leave after you wake up
@Shskfjekdnf38587 4 месяца назад
Wake up to what?
@tomlehr861 4 месяца назад
@@Shskfjekdnf38587 the politics,money begging and right wing ideology, run
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
Leave what now?
@tomlehr861 3 месяца назад
@@delvingeorge2807 the church
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
@@tomlehr861 What is Church to you? Cause you have shallow understanding of it seems.
@cianmoriarty7345 4 месяца назад
The Orthodox are part the Bride of Christ. We just have, ah, disagreements 😓
@delvingeorge2807 3 месяца назад
I hope so all may be one as Christ Jesus prayed.
@bewoproductions9097 4 месяца назад
Orthodoxy is the True Church. Rome used to be a part of it, but they left, and should return, but won’t because of the pride of the Pope.
@srich7503 4 месяца назад
Which “Orthodoxy” since they are not all in communion with each other?
@bewoproductions9097 4 месяца назад
@@srich7503 there is only one canonical Orthodox Church, and you can look up which ones are in Communion. The Copts and the Oriental Orthodox are not yet in communion, but they are close to working it out. There is a list of canonical churches you can find on Orthodox Wiki.
@bewoproductions9097 4 месяца назад
@@srich7503 there are canonical Churches that are in communion. There is a list on OrthoWiki. Nevertheless, Rome was the first to secede.
@juncatv 4 месяца назад
​@@bewoproductions9097 wrong history facts my friend. Where the succesor of Peter is, there will be the universal Church established by Christ. The ortodox have apostolic succesion but they didn't want to align with Peter's magisterium and as in scripture is said: he has the power to bind and to lose.
@srich7503 4 месяца назад
@@bewoproductions9097 im sure you do have a list. “Nevertheless” those not on your list have theirs as well. 🤷🏽‍♂️
@jamalbaraja6130 4 месяца назад
The chrch is full of graven images and drawings.
@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace 4 месяца назад
It's called Art. We don't worship decorations, but the art reminds us of Whose House we are in and lifts our spirits up to God, It shows us Heaven. It enriches our souls.
@aisthpaoitht 4 месяца назад
smh dude
@SoldadoCatolico 4 месяца назад
and the ark of the covenant also had two graven images (two cherubim) according to you?
@FimiliarGalaxy9 4 месяца назад
The iconoclast controversy was settled in council in the 8th century.
@BrandonDanilition 4 месяца назад
Drawings aren’t the same thing as graven images, God Himself commands that statues of angels be built in the temple of worship in the Old Testament
@cchawk6280 Месяц назад
This seems like a very dedicated priest. But this pope is not to be followed. He does too many questionable things.Just follow Jesus.
@stuff50467 Месяц назад
its not a sin to be questionable... he may not be clear the 1st time but he is looking to unify the church, to do that you have to guide people to the right answer insead of just giving the answer and kicking out anyone that doesnt like it. I would be careful with that 2nd sentence, sounds like schism tbh...
@Hawka23 4 месяца назад
Well done mate, and to the priest, for a fair and reasonable take on Catholicism. I like that you stated everything so clearly. People can still reject it, but at least they're not rejecting a straw-man. Nice work.
@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace 4 месяца назад
You should go to cathedral in Eastertide to get the full flavor. Best if you can find a traditional Latin mass.
@DBossMC 4 месяца назад
Park City St Mary’s - best Latin mass
@GaiusLibrietscientia Месяц назад
Aún hay misas en latín?
@iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643 Месяц назад
Oh. Not again. As if Our Lord celebrated the Last Supper in latin!
@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace Месяц назад
@themysteriousdomainmoviepalace Месяц назад
​@iparipaitegianiparipaitegi4643 He sanctified the Latin language and the apostles set the Church in Rome. It was the Roman Empire all, and Jesus would have spoken Larin, Greek. Hebrew, etc.
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