8 weeks tomorrow. Almost 0 withdrawl ever after 10 years. Im amazed every day that I got off easy on this. I feel for you who can't or don't. I've tried to quit before and failed miserably, but this time my mind was strong.
I've had substantial blocks of sobriety over the years - but have had many relapses as well. I'm determined right now and see it as the only real option.
I feel for you man. Don't wish this hell on anybody. I'm going to give this getting off subs one more shot - not looking forward to it. One time a sub doctor told me my opioid receptors are probably mangled and I'll be on subs for the rest of my life. She may be right. Take care.
Check my channel out man. I documented my Suboxone detox. I taper down to a quarter of a milligram and came off of it six months ago. The physical symptoms were almost nonexistent, the mental fatigue was there, but physically I was pretty good