
Inner Healing - 528 Hz - Physical and Mental Healing - Binaural Beats - Solfeggio Meditation Music 

Magnetic Minds
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Inner Healing - 528 Hz - Physical and Mental Healing - Binaural Beats - Solfeggio Meditation Music
Purchase this MP3: goo.gl/TYdJrX
Magnetic Minds:
This video contains the powerful 528 Hz frequency from the Ancient Solfeggio Scale. This frequency balances both the Mental and Physical levels, and works to transform emotions of lower levels into love, compassion, and re-balances the Heart Center.
There is nothing more important right now than raising the collective consciousness of the planet. Literally everything depends on it. You are more powerful than what you've been told. Your thoughts have power. Your actions have power. Your emotions channel this power. The only way out is in. Stop looking to external events, situations, people, ect, and start placing your inner attention on yourself. Heal the past from the present. Reform the future from the past. Discard old ideas, and situations which no longer serve you. Let go of hatred, racism, ego, pride, and forgive those around you. Even if its difficult, forgive them .. you'll feel better, and so will they. Focus your attention on what really matters. What would you do again, if you had to do it all over? Do this now.
Nothing is more important than raising the Consciousness of the planet. Each action matters, Every person counts.
The following frequencies are contained in this video:
528 Hz
Pure Tone
Ancient Solfeggio Scale (Tone 5)
Inner Healing / Transformation
6 Hz
Theta Binaural Beats
Deep Relaxation / Inner Peace
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11 сен 2024




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@ketsune23 3 года назад
This is the best one so far. I just grabbed a piece of paper and i imagined my future self and with my eyes closed i started to write about me
@zaaishen9733 2 года назад
I do the same, I close my eyes and visualise myself having and being everything I desire.
@starchild7399 5 лет назад
So beautiful! Positive vibes for everyone who listens to this let’s get that inner healing, knowledge, and understanding we are infinite manifesting beings and we create our reality catch that vibration. ✌🏽 ☮️
@aqsle 4 года назад
@jesusisking3814 Год назад
If you die tonight, do you know where you're going? Did you know that Jesus Christ is THE Truth, the life and the only way to Heaven? Revelation 20:15 ''Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.'' Through Jesus Christ, God offers you a FREE gift - forgiveness. All you need to do is repent, turn away from your sins and evil ways, from now on put your faith completely in Jesus Christ and be obedient to Him. Biblical explanation of the Gospel: God doesn’t want anybody in hell, but you must understand why we deserve hell and why those who refuse to live under His authority will go there. He gave us the law (Ten Commandments) not to make us righteous, but rather to show us our sin (Romans 3:20). God gave us free will and since Adam sinned in the garden, sin is the nature of our flesh and we ALL have sinned. (Romans 3:23) The law demands death to those who sin (Romans 6:23). Since we have all sinned, we all deserve hell. Revelation 21:8 says that all liars will go to hell. Yes, even if you have lied once in your life, you are sentenced to hell - that's how high God's standards are of moral perfection because God is holy and righteous, there is not one sin in Him. For someone to be justified before holy God they have to be sinless, that's why everyone need Jesus Christ - for He lived a sinless life, died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day. None of us are good in God’s eyes, because for God good means moral perfection. We all have broken God’s commandments, we all have sinned in our lives so none of us are good. ‘’For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.’’ (James 2:10). Our carnal mind is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's moral law and it never will (Romans 8:7). We hate the thought of God for the same reason a criminal hates a policeman - we know we have sinned against God and are guilty of it and we don't want to be damned. No good works will ever save you. You can't earn salvation by good works, because God will judge us for our sin. Good News is that Jesus Christ lived a perfect, holy, sinless life and He died for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was buried and He was raised from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’’ (John 3:16) We aren’t saved by our good works, but only by the grace of God through faith in Christ. ''For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Jesus said ‘’it is finished’’ (John 19:30) just before He died on the cross, which means He paid the fine for our sins (past, present, future) to be forgiven only IF we repent and trust in Him. This is how you can get saved from sin and hell - repent of your sins and trust in Jesus Christ. Get to know Him by reading God's Word. So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” (Luke 11:13) ''What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!'' (Romans 6:15) ''Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out'' (Acts 3:19) Repentance is a turning away from sin and all evil works, and it always results in changed behavior (Luke 3:8). Biblically, a person who repents does not continue willfully in sin. While sorrow from sin is not equivalent to repentance, it is certainly an element of scriptural repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10). Do not play a hypocrite. ''God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.'' (1 John 1:5-6) (John 3:3) Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." If you have repented and have genuine faith in Jesus Christ then you will receive the gift of Holy Spirit and be born-again spiritually. When you believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession - to the praise of His glory. (Ephesians 1:13-14) Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36) ''You will know them by their fruits'' (Matthew 7) If you have been truly born-again with the Holy Spirit and He has regenerated your heart, you will desire righteousnes - to do what is good and righteous in God's eyes, to seek God everyday in His Word and prayer, to strengthen your relationship with God. You will no longer desire to willfully continue living in sin but will want to obey God out of your love for Him because of His amazing grace revealed to us through the death and resurrection of His Son. ''Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.'' (2 Corinthians 5:17) ''For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.'' (Eph 2:10) You will have a testimony - of what your life had been before and how has it changed now when you have surrendered it to Lord Jesus Christ. As a declaration and affirmation of your faith in Jesus Christ, get baptised in water because He commanded us to do so. In John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.'' ''Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'' (Matthew 28:19) ''Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.'' (Acts 2:41) ''And this water symbolizes the baptism that now saves you also - not the removal of dirt from the body, but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God - through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,'' (1 Peter 3:21) ''We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.'' (Romans 6:4) ''Having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead.'' (Colossians 2:12) Please get right with God and get to know Jesus Christ personally today before it’s too late, because there’s not much time left! "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.’’ (Mark 13:32) Get to know Christ through God's Word - Bible. At first I recommend reading Gospel of John and book of Romans. God bless you! Jeremiah 29:13 - ''You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.''
@vikkiwhitton 5 лет назад
I never post comments, but this has really helped me this morning. Was feeling very anxious and emotional beforehand. Thank you for sharing with us.
@vilma3367 10 месяцев назад
With my anxiety I feel like I'm fighting for every breath... now I feel like I can just breathe for the first time after all this pressure. Thank you, God bless you ❤
@Yasmeen.AlHumood 6 лет назад
There is something special about this, some melancholic sensation. Thanks for the beautifulness and professionalism of creating.
@christinash2235 4 года назад
This is my jam. It makes me think of detective movies and jazz clubs, a boat on the water at sunset, benign haunted houses, rainy misty days....I will be able to listen to this a bunch, I like the Love frequency too, but it's so overpowering while this one feels familiar and like I am in control, in a very low key relaxed way.
@healingandbeyondvicky8953 3 года назад
@@christinash2235 love that !
@madalixful 3 года назад
@israeltrujillo8183 3 года назад
Wonderful words
@healingandbeyondvicky8953 3 года назад
I got here at 111 comments 😁😇 just beautiful , thankyou , love it ! Sending lots of love to everyone reading this right now 💗 💕 💖 💓 ❤ 💛 💗
@Jerrodswmhr 5 лет назад
One of... the finest arrangements that gently places the Soul and Spirit in the space of Love, forgiveness and peace.. Best to you
@lisad7065 2 года назад
Spot on Jerry Nowacki!!Thanks so much Msgnetic Minds. Be blessed
@francoisem6032 4 года назад
This really helps me reflect and relax. I definitely feel a change within me and the energy around me. I'm drawn to this one so think I will continue listening till another one draws my attention. I feel lighter each time I listen.
@carileecurtis4167 3 года назад
I’m such a proud mother my son will graduate as a US marine congratulations my son that has transformed into a man🙏🙏🙏
@girlwithadhd3233 3 года назад
Congratulations ma'am, wishing your son all the best! :)
@christinash2235 4 года назад
I've listened to about five of these and this is my favorite. Like a mix of jazz and Eastern flute.
@Loveonmysleeve 3 года назад
This was the first ever track I began my journey of meditation to. Thank you for opening my mind to the wonder and peace of the world. I’m forever grateful.
@monica8064 6 лет назад
The music wraps the frequency as it wraps my inner being/soul. Simply Perfect.
@lovekindness2014 4 года назад
@healingandbeyondvicky8953 3 года назад
@@lovekindness2014 😁😁😁😁💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
@richardcastro2619 6 лет назад
Wow, this takes me somewhere else, but within myself. Beautiful, relaxing, peace, and almost like a release of what's blocking the peace inside. Thank you so much 🙏
@magnetic_minds 6 лет назад
You're very welcome Richard. We appreciate you listening.
@salmathecat590 5 лет назад
I feel the same
@healingandbeyondvicky8953 3 года назад
@@salmathecat590 💗
@healingandbeyondvicky8953 3 года назад
@bobby ruest 💗
@healingandbeyondvicky8953 3 года назад
@domoskull 5 лет назад
I have enjoyed the meditation with this binaural beat, deep gratitude.
@AC-zz7pt 6 лет назад
My favorite among so many favorites. You are wonderful.
@CelestialMelody1 3 года назад
This a great vibration to heal our souls. Heal the world.
@carlavoltage4223 6 лет назад
so much truth . its hard fo forgive but the inned peace is so woeth it
@beautifulsnow9043 6 лет назад
Thank you so much everyone for this new inner healing music. We love the tone. GREAT one!!!! Much blessings!
@ernestcyrus_wh 3 года назад
Awesome working deep inside & gratitude to the channel. Joys : peace to all, I have recently recovered from PTSD after the death of my beloved after having 3 years relationship & she had died a month before our marriage had arranged. It was in September 2019. Well May God Almighty keep shower your blessings upon all & bless love to all, Amen
@wendyallman7141 3 года назад
I’m so very sorry for your deep loss of someone so very close to You 💔🙏🥰 Healing and positive thoughts sent to you from the U.K. 🤗
@ernestcyrus_wh 3 года назад
@@wendyallman7141 May Almighty God shower his blessings upon you Wendy Allman, your words literally felt as a source of console. Love your attitude towards your perception about me & grieves.
@freisein6554 5 лет назад
This is truly helpful. Very calming and relaxing . It’s nighttime and as I m laying in my bed, images of people and places appear inside of me . The images come alive and there is a certain sweetness in them. Good job, thank you so much. ❤️😊
@the_chosen_ones_odabrani 5 лет назад
This is works. This is magic. Pure miracle 😍💪🏻👊🏻
@vivekkundra2709 4 года назад
please heal me make me stronger and safe
@briceduncanartworks3790 2 года назад
Perfect music to heal too and to manifest my dreams with! Thank you
@nuggetbucket1864 Год назад
Only 5 minutes in and i feel way calmer. This is the best one so far, so relaxing and u don't even feel it till u realize ur calm all of a sudden.
@Kiahhhhhhhh 3 года назад
I realllllly like this. Instantly calmed me
@wooddavid9888 3 года назад
It is 🪄 magic! I felt the twinkling and trembling in the heart area and on the shoulders!Then I have a smoothing sensation..: feeling calm and relaxed!
@orenoUKgames 5 лет назад
Took me for a meeting with my inner self
@naicarnosyn219 6 лет назад
I'm just working and healing :)
@SeilaZeadin 6 лет назад
Thanks, I need this frequency, be bless al, I love you al
@maxwell8087 4 года назад
Your music is unlike anything I've ever heard.
@yamileatkinson2210 5 лет назад
Wow very relaxing. Peace to all ✨and love💖
@1o1beauty 5 лет назад
Too bad the whole planet couldn’t hear this all at once
@freisein6554 5 лет назад
1o1beauty Great comment 🌹❤️
@lisad7065 2 года назад
Sending love to the whole planet will certainly shift things
@AUROROASAAJAA 2 года назад
Say less ✨🫶🏽✨ Stay tuned 🙌🏾
@avi-ventures 5 лет назад
A powerful experience by Magnetic Minds
@VlPULTRA 3 года назад
That’s the right vibe for me ☺️🙏🏽 good soul music.
@beatricevale9142 6 лет назад
Beautiful!...so gentle!...
@NanaOppong Год назад
This sounds like I’ve heard this before, in another life or something. This is so familiar it makes me emotional🤍
@Original1Thor 6 лет назад
Thanks! Goosebumps at 1:25 with the dazzling syncopation of vibration
@magnetic_minds 6 лет назад
Thanks for listening John.
@Original1Thor 6 лет назад
Always. I hope you have not been adversely affected by RU-vid’s monetization policies with the Ads; I like to think in this way I am supporting you materially when I view. I have enjoyed your content for so long now I feel without that it would be unfair, you deserve sustenance with all the energy you put into this and your subscribers. Peace! :)
@kmaddux9 3 года назад
Sounds like Native American's flutes. Bibigwun (Chippewa). Beautiful. Or so many other groups with similar sounds. Thanku
@MohamedNadjmo 5 лет назад
So goooooood 🙏💚 thank u
@magnetic_minds 5 лет назад
Thank you!
@salaheddinesahraoui8687 5 лет назад
@mrdestoryher171 3 года назад
This is very POWERFUL, VERY POWERFUL!!! I started to see things..
@audomarcosdeoliveirapinhei4950 11 месяцев назад
@sandracurry3034 6 лет назад
Very beautiful soft music
@iiluvvv.j1699 Год назад
This feels nice I felt called to do some inner work❤💕I hope everyone is having an good year 2023
@ryandixon6977 3 года назад
You're videos are the best on youtube.... I hope you are not done and will continue making more! Thank you!
@lovekindness2014 4 года назад
Soothes my soul with love and peace. Very grateful to you 💝
@LowleyUK 5 лет назад
Beautiful music.
@christinash2235 4 года назад
Oh this is great
@bleuw5054 11 месяцев назад
You can feel dis 1 fasure !!
@fabricejoseph9214 6 лет назад
I listen to this while doing my self healing reiki morning routine just amazing!! good work. am def buying the mp3
@holywater9425 4 года назад
Did you bought it? How is the sound quality? Thanks.
@fabricejoseph9214 3 года назад
@@holywater9425 I did. I still listen to it. It's great!!!
@israeltrujillo8183 3 года назад
It's ok to be alone and happy
@anubhutihealing 2 года назад
Positive vibes everywhere while listening and went into another world. Thanks.
@dianaderamon-rius5967 6 лет назад
This is deeply beautiful - enjoying it very much -
@BoReads 3 года назад
I could seriously fall asleep to this.
@nba6151 Год назад
Peace and prosperityyyy
@thegodslivemoore7752 4 года назад
This one is my favorite.. I can play it anytime and feel good
@FocusLover 2 года назад
Amazing. Please upload @spotify ;-)
@kmaddux9 3 года назад
I can't believe that you have any thumbs down!
@wooddavid9888 3 года назад
Thank you 🙏 @magnetic minds for the wonderful music 🤍!
@antonychios6035 6 лет назад
Well done....good work ....continue
@k80underwood12 6 лет назад
This is wonderful! 💤
@richardplacido4231 2 года назад
Watching this Saturday, April 16 2022
@bradleywhetstine353 2 года назад
you just don't know how much this help me .👍
@amelias6969 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this. This music really help me ❤
@ezyrida4204 5 лет назад
@CambiaAhora 11 месяцев назад
I can feel lighter, negative emotions dissipate.
@nishammaharjan2469 3 года назад
What a soothing sound....thank you so much..
@ebonyaustin6666 6 лет назад
this is amazing I wish it was longer for sleep ty ty ty💙☺
@krisdd527 5 лет назад
Just loop it- then it works great for sleeping. :)
@monikakallausch8106 2 года назад
So beautiful. Thank you very much for this wonderful music ;)))
@ellef2592 5 лет назад
This is very calming.
@danielbrown1724 2 года назад
Love this, great chords. Magnetic Minds, how many of there are you composing these pieces?
@culintedoi 4 года назад
bruh, this helped me to stop a headache. Shit really works
@X_explorer 6 лет назад
Great clip!
@taofik37 4 года назад
thanks you for the vibe, it helped me.....
@magnetic_minds 4 года назад
Glad to hear it.
@healingandbeyondvicky8953 3 года назад
@@magnetic_minds same 💗
@unconquerablepresence4360 5 лет назад
Please Lord God. Help me. Free me from this bondage Heavenly Father.
@christinash2235 4 года назад
@ayfreebirdy8748 4 года назад
@Th3Tripl3Godd3ss 4 года назад
Thank you ❤️
@onemind369 2 года назад
this is amazing thank you
@hongminhle5317 4 года назад
So beautiful music! Thank you a lot!
@BenjaminLion 6 лет назад
Just purrrfect!
@ImTravi 2 года назад
So peaceful and soothing
@Danny-sj6es Год назад
My left ear is loving this :D
@jnd5208 2 года назад
This is just beautiful. Peace and love to everyone.🤍
@lukastaylor1868 11 месяцев назад
Beautiful. I love it thank you.
@ScififanP 6 лет назад
Oh this is so nice.
@magnetic_minds 6 лет назад
Thank you for listening.
@TheDark-jh1do 4 года назад
Very good
@samyahf5552 Год назад
omg i love this
@tahsinbareezisan9846 2 года назад
Very nice music
@yunusyalcintas4146 6 лет назад
Thank you =)))))
@mm-ic8vp 3 года назад
can I listen to it while I'm sleeping?
@SuperJikster 3 года назад
@neveralone7 3 года назад
@supersleuth3527 6 лет назад
MM - Are these to match the changing Schumann Earth frequencies (which are increasing)? 😎❤️
@openheartedwarrior2971 6 лет назад
Super Sleuth How do you know they're increasing?
@anitabeer2092 9 месяцев назад
@empressshem6883 3 года назад
Nice ♡
@user-nl2zq8lk4e Год назад
@TheCosmicConnection111 11 месяцев назад
Is this one on Spotify ?
@amsro9094 4 года назад
Almost a Blade Runner like soundtrack, but happy.
@marthag2424 6 лет назад
@magnetic_minds 6 лет назад
Thanks for listening Maryann.
@horizon5677 6 лет назад
That drop tho
@Rosarizzy 5 лет назад
The chords are so beautiful and forgive me for saying but makes me feel beautiful and sexy
@tothemoon222 5 лет назад
You are beautiful and sexy :) beauty is not determined by other people's opinions, it is expressed and felt by oneself 💖
@maxwell8087 4 года назад
You don't need to ask forgiveness for that. 🙏
@sylena1040 4 года назад
How long do you have to listen to feel the effects?
@magnetic_minds 4 года назад
At least 15 Minutes is recommended.
@holywater9425 4 года назад
@@magnetic_minds hi, is there wav file of this and your youthing one?
@camilla8883 4 года назад
Standoff 2 is a true horror! #standoff #horror #meme
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