
INTERVIEW: Build To Stay In South Africa. 

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@LR-yu3mx Год назад
South Africa is still the most beautiful and friendly country. With lots of sunshine .
@vvr881 Год назад
​@@Dinuzulu1879Aa dude not everyone is bad. There's "A" holes in all groups🤣...✌️👊
@ConsciousCaracal Год назад
Cheers for a great chat, Roman.
@grahamleigh8398 Год назад
Great chat. I’m looking for a quality shovel. Born and bred in SA as a whitey from English and South African blood. NOT a rooinek as some would say. Just a guy who wants desperately to live and work with each other. Salute Roman and Byron.Will fight to keep the Afrikaaner and all other tribes together that runs so deep on this soil.
@TrevorduBuisson Год назад
I think this was one of the most important conversations you've had on Morning Shot. The best I've seen on your podcast yet, IMO. Thank you.
@trainingvam7529 Год назад
Absolutely! Moving to a smaller Afrikaans town...a community that knows and cares for each other and getting off grid...it's the only way to go...
@trainingvam7529 Год назад
@@Dinuzulu1879 why don't you
@trainingvam7529 Год назад
@@Dinuzulu1879 so?
@trainingvam7529 Год назад
@@Dinuzulu1879 ah..the old "go back to Europe you didn't come from here" argument? Well neither did u...this lands true inhabitants are the Khoi san... and it's incredibly racist and classist to assume that I'm white that I don't belong here and that if I'm white I have millions I'm hiding that I can hop onto a plane....people like you need to leave...your comments show that you don't want to live in a country where all races can work together ....don't assume that an Afrikaans community/town has only whites, it doesn't....why do u watch this show? Take your cultural and economic bias elsewhere...South Africa doesn't need people like you
@trainingvam7529 Год назад
Omg...did u read my comment thoroughly? Obviously not... You assume a lot of things and judge based on your false assumptions...it seems I'm dealing with a teenager here in which case, please let your mom a rational adult make the next comment....
@trainingvam7529 Год назад
@@Dinuzulu1879 of which you are one... seriously...your ignorance only barely eclipses your racism...at least white "invaders" built roads, schools and hospitals? What has your culture of invasion done? Rape, pillage and not even look after their own people....I'll stick to the white invaders thanks...
@hudsonchalmers6504 Год назад
In Rhodesia I did a Topographical Survey in a remote area for the Marist brothers order, who then built the School Hostels etc who designed and built a sealed sewerage system that produced manure and a gas that fuelled the generator. That was 60 years ago
@xxyy_6969 Год назад
I have an American wife, yet we choose to live in SA, do not emigrate the grass is not greener on the other side. We must stand our ground, decentralize SA and change it for everyone.
@xxyy_6969 Год назад
@@Dinuzulu1879 You seem spiritually unwell; I will pray for you.
@chadwheeler854 Год назад
This was excellent thank you. I'm an engineer and moved from KZN to Auckland, NZ 12yrs ago. I'm moving back to KZN soon to build my trench with my family. South Africa is home and I'm bringing my skills back to make a difference. Immigrating has made me thankful for what we have in SA 🌈
@losonsrenoster Год назад
It gives me a lot of hope for the future of our people to hear young people like Roman, Byron and Afriforum's young management like Ernst think along the same lines. Thank you from one of an older generation who lost control. It seems we have an upcoming developing leadership corps at last.
@intellifly747 Год назад
I agree but the young generation that just want things for free outnumber the ones who want to take responsibility and they typically vote for governments who "promise" free things like the EFF and the ANC
@losonsrenoster Год назад
@@intellifly747 right, but we only need a small number to start building a nation again. Many are lost, but that's the way these things go.
@losonsrenoster Год назад
@@Dinuzulu1879 build something for yourselves first, then start talking.
@michellegrobler9732 Год назад
@@Dinuzulu1879 Who is "us" exactly? You? Hiding behind a collective makes you weak.
@losonsrenoster Год назад
@@Dinuzulu1879 I was going to tell you to dream on, it is easy to convince yourself of bulls..., not so easy with people who can think. There is a reason why the eastern border was 800 km from the Cape for longer than a century, work it out for yourself. But it is useless argueing with somebody who has no facts, only conjecture, so I shall tell you nothing. Goodbye.
@dogbox2290 Год назад
Very cool Ernst. Love your mindset. The benefits of blockchain....in achieving personal autonomy and sovereignty....We need a complete break from any centralized government. Can blockchain not help facilitate and guarantee this dream. We must not beg for freedom and personal sovereignty, we must simply exclude the dunderheads from the loop. Reinventing the wheel☀️🌴
@ELVISCFW Год назад
I agree 100% with Ernst
@frikrabie5371 Год назад
THE SOLUTION The ANC doesn't fulfill its constitutional obligations. The ANC is far worse than just a "poor" government, it CHOOSES to break down and to destroy. That is why this action is warranted and needed. Most importantly the ANC incites hatred/violence against us when they say that we stole their land - I checked, we didn't. It is not reasonable to expect law abiding tax payers to continue with "the winner takes all principle" of a democracy to their own and the country's demise. Who says we HAVE to be part of this political dispensation? Nobody questions this. It is time to stop, think and QUESTION this. Nothing and nobody have the right to force us to be part of this self destructive political dispensation. Approach the courts - convince them that it would be in the best interest of the country as a whole if we control our own taxes (first goal). Justify our rejection of the current political dispensation (main goal). Alternatively we can just use the constitutional court as a platform where we inform the ANC and public of our decision to control our money and effectively start our own government. Give reasons and evidence for our decision. DIE OPLOSSING? Die enigste praktiese oplossing is om ons eie belasting (persoonlike, besigheids en brandstofheffings), munisipale fooie en betalings vir elektrisiteit self te beheer. (Our money under our control). Deur dit te doen kan ons die land feitlik oornag omdraai. Maar is dit haalbaar, hoe gaan ons dit reg kry? Ons het nie n keuse nie, ons moet dit doen. My voorstel is om die stelsel te verander deur n hofsaak in die konstitusionele hof. Dit is dalk net n beginpunt. Ons is GEREGTIG om die land om te draai. As dit is wat nodig is om die land om te draai (en dit is) dan moet die hof ons toelaat om ons belasting ens. te beheer. Dis tog ook vir die beswil v.d. land as n geheel. Hoekom nie? Die ANC het NIE DIE REG om ons te weerhou om die land om te draai nie. Dis die kruks van die beoogde saak in die konstitusionele hof. Indien die hof nie onomwonde in ons guns beslis nie wat heel moontlik is kan dit nog steeds susksesvol wees want dan het miljoene Blankes, Bruin en Indiers gehoor dat hulle GEREGTIG is om te doen wat die beste is vir hulle en SA as n geheel. Op die oomblik dink nie een van hulle so daaraan nie. Niks of niemand het die reg om ons te dwing om in n selfvernietigende politieke bedeling te bly nie ook nie die konstitusionele hof nie. So n hofsaak sal ook die besef tuisbring. Die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel - regsaksie teen die ANC As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie kan daar mos nie grondonteiening sonder vergoeding wees nie. Dis dan die rede waarom die ANC en EFF vra vir onteiening sonder vergoeding. Ons het grond by die Zoeloekoning gekoop. Daar was ander gevalle ook gewees, tewens Bennie van Zyl v.d. TLU se vir my dat daar 25 traktate was tussen die Voortrekkers en Swart stamme vir die koop van grond. Die Voortrekkers is bes moontlik die enigste groep mense in die geskiedenis wat nie grond met geweld af geneem het nie maar gekoop het! Die V.O.C. het ook maar hulle was nie n nasie nie. Die TLU het al in 2019 vir Ramaphosa gese dat hy en die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel. Die TLU het ook al R100 000 aan gebied vir enige iemand wat kan bewys dat ons die grond gesteel het maar niemand het nie. Ek het n ou onderhoud op RU-vid van John Vorster gesien (Firing line with William F. Buckley) net voor die '74 verkiesing waar hy sê dat die regering reeds in 1936 besluit het om 7.25 miljoen morge grond te koop en as ADDISIONELE grond te gee aan die tuislande. Tydens die onderhoud het hy gese dat daar reeds 7 miljoen morge gekoop was van Wit mense en dat dit al reeds aan die tuislande oorhandig was. As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie en ons betwis nie eens die ANC en EFF se leuen nie is ons sekerlik die grootste idiote in die geskiedenis! Kom ons vat die ANC hof toe. ANC waar is jou gedetaileerde lys van grond wat gesteel was? Ons kan grondonteiening sonder vergoeding nek om draai eens en vir altyd met so n hofsaak. Omdat ons nie vir die ANC en EFF se hulle lieg oor die grond nie dink almal al klaar dat ons die grond gesteel het. Deur ons stilswye kondoneer ons die leuenaars se leuen. Ons kan dit nie in hierdie geweldadige land bekostig nie. Hoeveel plaas aanvalle en haat is nie al deur hierdie leuen veroorsaak nie en hoeveel nog? Bennie van Zyl se vir my so n hofsaak sal omtrent R5m kos saam met litigasie want die ANC sal definitief apelleer. Die TLU het nie die fondse hiervoor nie. Om as n regering dit jou doelwit te maak om mense se grond by hulle te steel gebaseer op jou eie gefabriseerde leuen. Om mense se grond by hulle af te vat is gelykstaande aan n oorlogsverklaring. Die ANC breek die land ekonomies af as ook die samelewing, tewens die ANC hits rassehaat aan teen die Blankes as die sê ons het die grond gesteel. Hoe kan daar verwag word van ons om verder ons belasting te gee aan die ANC en belangriker om deur die ANC regeer te word? Wat sal n groep redelike persone doen onder hierdie omstandighede? Of eerder waarop is n minderheidsgroep in ons omstandighede GEREGTIG? Dit is eintlik die saak wat ek wil begin. Blankes sal baie meer as R5m gee vir hulle vryheid. Ek dink nie mense besef dit nie maar dit (die ANC se leuen oor die grond) kan DIE REDE wees wat n hof (insluitend die Wereldhof en VN) se uitspraak in ons guns swaai as ons besluit om ons self te distansieer van die huidige politieke bedeling. Bruin en Indier wil ook onder die ANC uit kom, ons staan nie alleen nie. Dis nie net n Swart en Wit kwessie nie. Dit gaan oor waardes, breek jy af of bou jy. Blankes bou, ons kan nie langer onder die afbrekende ANC regering aan gaan nie. Die ANC is DIE REDE vir die verval v.d. land. Daar is honderde indien nie duisende bewyse hiervoor wat in die konstitusionel hof voor gele kan word. Hoe kan ons hierdie saak verloor? Om Swartes titel regte te gee vir die grond waarop hulle bly in die ou tuislande sal die grootste welvaart skepping ooit in die land tot gevolg he. Hoe is dit moontlik dat die ANC en EFF nooit daaraan gedink het nie!? Die huidige stelsel waar grondeienaarskap onmoontlik is, is juis DIE REDE (histories en huidiglik) vir Swart armoede, Swart verstedeliking en plakkerskampe. Die ANC se hy is Swartes se "Liberator" maar hy lieg. Die ANC is Swartes se "Opressor".
@ollievw3450 Год назад
It is easier to build a trench in SA than in NL, where the government truly makes entrepreneurship impossible and taxes one to death. Which is why I have invested in a farm in SA. Great opportunities, great neighbours, great community and high standard of living if one manages to circumvent the issues. Came back to NL three days ago after a three week stay In SA and I feel miserable already.
@infocus-media Год назад
Bring some young guys with you from NL we need more farmers. Here is millions of acres ready for farming, not all got a lot of water, but good for Sheep, Goats, Cattle and a library of local knowledge to get them started. Bring the whole family!
@ollievw3450 Год назад
@@infocus-media the way our government is screwing over farmers, I am sure some would love to come.
@desreepage338 Год назад
Excellent conversation👍
@GlendaHayward Год назад
I unfortunately have to emigrate as a senior citizen there is no support system here for senior citizens. I have to move to were my son is and his family were I will get that support I require and need.
@petramyburgh506 Год назад
Guys, I am so proud of you! Julle tannie!!!
@TrevorduBuisson Год назад
Can't wait to see this! This is absolutely the answer to survival in this country. Self governance, individual (familial) autonomy, community federalism is the way forward. Municipal services should be allowed to be aided and kept in check by the community. We as citizens are going to have to take cleanliness, maintenance, weeding of pavements etc. upon ourselves. We need to minimise the government’s influence on our lives as much as possible.
@rynoopperman5010 Год назад
While paying 70%-80% in taxes to the government?? How many people will be able to afford this? This is a nice idea… but implementation might be problematic. Dismantle the government, stop taxing me & I’ll do very thing myself 👍🏻
@TrevorduBuisson Год назад
@@rynoopperman5010 Perhaps it's time to start investment in smaller communities, and to stop squandering your hard-earned money by placing it in the hands of the voracious and criminal thieving ANC. The money they make off fuel levies and VAT alone is keeping money flowing into the trough. It is up to the hard working citizenry to find ways of minimising the flow of funds into the coffers of this mafia organisation, that fund their houses in Dubai and the like. The people of SA who have economic clout have to become more demanding as to where their taxes are going. Companies in SA need to grow a spine get to the table in the financial re-education of the ANC. #cashwhereverpossible
@paullombard00 Год назад
Ernst: *15 minute monologue* Roman: Well, I really have to run... Lol. Interviewing skills.
@debraolivier2147 Год назад
I'm digging my trench. Thanks guys. And well done Ernst.
@debraolivier2147 Год назад
@@Dinuzulu1879 you think? Shem!
@InalleErnst Год назад
'n Boer maak 'n plan.
@rynoopperman5010 Год назад
So we should pay e-Toll, Tolls & road tax.., and then fix the potholes ourselves? Surely that is not the answer…
@petramyburgh506 Год назад
@Podlitiek Год назад
Ons bou om te bly.
@modsa8901 Год назад
ROMAN and ERNST should team up with MICHAEL TELLINGER (Waterval Boven) He has been researching, planning & promoting a Movement called "One Small Town" at a time. Where small areas, villages, towns, communities take ownership of ALL aspects on their lives. UNITY is STRENGTH
@wimcoetzee2484 Год назад
WoW. Thanks.
@digithuman Год назад
Community federalism is a nice idea, but we might be 50 years away from having that, we might go through a communist/socialist state first especially with the rapid increase of poverty. Furthermore, no one is talking about access to land and resources, where will your food come from, not everyone can just move back to the homeland. Roman talks of globalisation, and I think he has a point, even when you apply it on a smaller scale to just the country, modern infrastructure is interconnected, unless we want to go backwards and go back to the great trek and whites and blacks can invade each other and plunder each other of land and resources.
@jacquesvantonder2158 Год назад
Well done though Roman on the "spiritual cost" comment.
@businesspins5825 Год назад
@karlvanrooyen7402 Год назад
My question is ..Why is no one asking for the government for a refund ?
@TrevorduBuisson Год назад
Lost cause probably.
@jacoaucamp2155 Год назад
I left SA years ago. Never looked back. Life is to short to deal with all this shit. Get out if you can folks.
@ralph7676 Год назад
Awesome Show. Good job. Now. Question..? We all know that you don't have to pay taxes to the government you can pay it into the bank account of the political party you voted for or a institution as long as you pay your dues? Is this true?
@rynoopperman5010 Год назад
Maybe I don’t understand this… I will sort myself out, but how do I do it, when 70%-80% of my income is taxed (PAYE, VAT, Fuel levy) You cannot expect citizens to be self reliant while milking them dry…
@infocus-media Год назад
conscious caracal I presume?
@ConsciousCaracal Год назад
@kazer353 Год назад
So want build little ethno states within black majority province why don’t take western cape all move their ????
@southapedia3471 Год назад
aaand why did all the afrikaaners come to SA in the first place? For prosperity and seeking a better life, gold rush..this guy is contradicting himself.
@jiangli6498 6 месяцев назад
Don't forget how, they fled persecution from the Roman Catholics so they can freely serve Jesus.
@Oatmeal_Mann 4 месяца назад
Lol. The gold was discovered in the 1880s. Our ancestors came here in the 17th and 18th century for religious freedom and, realistically, land. But not necessarily all of it, just enough to live comfortably.
@southapedia3471 4 месяца назад
@@Oatmeal_Mann came to Africa to follow Jesus then started a racist regime. You fucking stoopid.
@rift5980 Год назад
Whilst I understand what Ernest is saying he is unfortunately incorrect by thinking there are only 2 options, stay or go when in fact there are other alternatives. Its called flag theory. I am not fighting for anything, I will just go were I am treated best.
@jacquesvantonder2158 Год назад
I'm Afrikaans. Maar moet ons nou rerig oor die DUIWEL praat? Kom nou man.
@jacquesvantonder2158 Год назад
Roman. Satanic app? REALLY? I find Ticktok very boring and shallow. Silly app for mindless people but to call it satanic? No man. This is starting to be too religious again! Most if your content is excellent, but can't we at least keep overt religious beliefs out of it? I believe in the Lord but I'm also a spiritual person. I'm a great fan of this channel bar some utterances. Also, I'm one of your gay fans.and I really appreciate that you're happy with having gay subscribers. Can we just drop the satanic/ the devil nonsense please?
@stuartadams2819 Год назад
It is a portal for satanic .leave him to express the truth.
@Chrisjan0.7 Год назад
@jean-rouxviljoen5966 Год назад
the crux is overpopulation
@jacquesvantonder2158 Год назад
The devil. No man!!!
@xinyorixahumba6307 Год назад
I sense Catholic social teaching
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