
Interview with a Living Buddha (活佛) Spiritual Leader at Tashi Lhunpo Monastery 

Daniel Dumbrill
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29 сен 2024




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@bradbryant332 4 года назад
May I humbly suggest that it might be best to not use the "Living Buddha" title. Rinpoche ("Precious") is much less-apt to be misunderstood as a description of this High Lama. It would be more accurate, in Buddhist terminology, to refer to him as a "Bodhisattva" (a reincarnated, compassionate higher being). Although he has not yet attained complete Buddhahood, he is on the "Bhumis" (the 10 very high, incremental levels that lead to Buddhahood). It's impossible for "ordinary beings" (like us) to even conceive of his spiritual state, but the important thing is that he is here, voluntarily, to benefit sentient beings, and will continue doing that in all of his future lives. Thank you Mr. Dumbrill, for kindly posting this beneficial video.
@sunilharrisonleemakurukula1558 4 года назад
@fighterman8808 4 года назад
Yeah A Tulku isn’t necessarily a “living Buddha “. Could be , who knows ... I had learned that there were many levels of Tulku
@XtruecanadianX 4 года назад
Yes, thank you for your correction. It's important that people don't get the wrong idea!
@xiuchengmu1849 4 года назад
Hi Brad, good point. May I point out "Living Buddha" is exactly the best translation because only in Tibetan Buddhism all sorts of "the precious" can reincarnate into young boys. I would say this translation perfectly reflects the very nature of this institution. In addition, 活佛 has been a term used since Ming dynasty, according to Emperor Qianlong (乾隆) in his article "The Discourse of Lama" (喇嘛说).
@bradbryant332 4 года назад
@@fighterman8808 That's exactly my understanding, Kenan. All lamas and even Western, "ordinary" practitioners take the Bodhisattva Vow. In this vow they pledge to NOT attain "full Buddhahood until they have helped every other sentient being to do so first". Those that have realized Buddhahood, like Gautama, the Shakyamuni Buddha, no longer take a "Nirmankaya" (bodily) form. This is because fully enlightened Buddhas have extinguished ALL Karma, which is necessary for the production of a physical Human body. On the way to Buddhahood, beings pass through 10 stages of development known as "Bhumis". Beings on these Bodhisattva levels are reducing their Karma more and more with each level they ascend into. By the time they reach the highest Bhumis, (like 9 and 10) their Karmic traces are so fine they are almost indistinguishable. You may remember that the Shakyamuni Buddha had a "headache: on the last day of his life. That, and the bad food (stomach ache) which caused his death (Parinirvana) were the very last Karmic payments he had. After that he was free of all Karmic debt generated through all of his previous incarnations, and became the fully enlightened Buddha. Now he resides in his Buddhafield within the Dharmakaya (a realm of complete Truth and Bliss). He, himself no longer takes bodily form, but works through infinite ways, using a Buddha's skillful means, to continue benefitting sentient beings throughout infinite time and space. That is my understanding. (I am a 30+ year student of the late Dzochen Master, Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche (Jigdral Yeshe Dorje), and the late Chadral Rinpoche. H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, who has already reincarnated in the form of Dudjom Yangsi Pema Shepa Rinpoche, and resides in Kathmandu, when he not traveling internationally, giving teachings and empowerments.
@gcyalbert 4 года назад
@上杉レター 4 года назад
@十万天真-v3n 4 года назад
上杉レター ……你阅读能力真的是神级的
@亮子-n3d 4 года назад
@@十万天真-v3n 他心中有业障
@phoebe8515 4 года назад
@@上杉レター 你不信教 但应该尊重信教的人 你这样说别人信奉的活佛就是不尊重别人
@austinl960 4 года назад
@horley88 4 года назад
Just one word “ wow” ... we are so fortunate to see and hear the living Buddha ..thanks Daniel, Jing Jing and CTGN
@YufengWang 4 года назад
there are thousands of in tibet
@shansean 4 года назад
@S Horley almost every temple has a living Buddha,some big temple have hundreds living Buddha, so
@horley88 4 года назад
Thousands or hundreds but if you are of intelligence, wisdom, enlightenment and respected and defined by their people as a living Buddha, I say “wow” again and again .. your attempts of minimalism are futile
@horley88 4 года назад
Tsamchoe 1 He is happy being incognito
@horley88 4 года назад
Tsamchoe 1 Thats your opinion and he is not wearing Gucci shoes and hobnobbing with celebrities for sure
@yingliren9262 4 года назад
I went to many temples in India (many many people). I would like to visit some in Tibet one of these days! It will be so nice to spend a month in a temple!
@烛灯 3 года назад
@MariaAlvarez-sm8bv 4 года назад
Extraordinary interview and very interesting conclusions you and Jing Jing exposed at the end of the video.
@KK-xi7vh 4 года назад
You guys asked really good questions!!! Well done with the interview! BTW the background where you ended the video was so beautiful!! ☁☁⛅
@youmemeyou 2 года назад
This 👆
@chinolee121 2 месяца назад
@lijgame 4 года назад
Very nice and interesting video! 👍
@太子印度神油店 4 года назад
@fongkimchoong 4 года назад
@kenso888 4 года назад
@@fongkimchoong 其实所谓转世,不是随便上街上找一个小孩就定为班禅了。他们会有一个转世的小组,估计会找3个很小的孩子,然后带到寺庙里生活学习几年,观察一下各个孩子的秉性,最后从几个里边选一个最合适的当班禅/达赖,其他几个没被选上的孩子就封一个别的活佛当一当。有些活佛是班禅选剩下的灵童去当新的活佛,有些寺庙的活佛继承 是有一套自己的转世系统。
@fongkimchoong 4 года назад
@kenso888 4 года назад
@@fongkimchoong 转世被说的多神秘,其实一切都是权利和利益。 比如三世达赖,那时西藏其他派系还很强。三世达赖就去找蒙古人的头头,说你帮我把其他派系的老家给端了,我许诺四世达赖就转世在你家里,其实就是一种利益交换。蒙古人把达赖的仇家灭了,四世达赖就是蒙古汗的曾孙,从此班禅达赖这个派系就在西藏独霸了。从一开始这就不是单纯的宗教,他们上位靠的就是勾结其他政治家军事家,那就别怪CPC干涉你所谓的“宗教”事务了。跟欧洲的教皇一样,教皇来自于哪个大家族是有很大关系的,这种东西一定是宗教政治经济结合的产物,割韭菜联合体罢了
@太子印度神油店 4 года назад
@@kenso888 寻找转世的过程是利益交换。但是转世的目的就是财产,教派,地位等的传承。这个转世最牛逼的一点就是:我的地位,财产,没有大的意外,不会被剥夺。因为你传给弟子或者孩子,都会造成争权夺利,然后教派就衰弱了。萨迦,达隆嘎举,霸荣嘎举等都是在家族争斗中,衰弱或者消失。寻找转世灵童是一件非常耗费金钱和时间的事情。历史上很多小的活佛因为没钱被弟子寻找转世灵童,就断绝了。大的活佛财力雄厚,弟子众多,转世没有问题。现在拉卜楞寺的寺主活佛,六世嘉木样当年被寻找的时候,花了好像是两年零十个月左右才找到。第一次找到灵童两千多人,后来再寻找到八百多人。有经过层层仪轨,选拔。才选出现在的六世嘉木样活佛。
@YichiLiu3 4 года назад
This channel deserves millions of views
@牛皮纸老虎 4 года назад
i guess no western want to see it. Those guys only want to see what them wanted. I respect the effort but useless
@tseringdickey4663 4 года назад
It’s propaganda of CCP.
@YichiLiu3 4 года назад
tsering dickey Sure. Yelling “CCP propaganda!” has become so political correct in the western world lead internet that you don’t even need any proof to say that.
@10om99 4 года назад
@@YichiLiu3 every one can see how Chinese officials lie without any hesitation
@YichiLiu3 4 года назад
10 om Yup. Just copy and paste my last comment and replace the “CCP propaganda” part with “CCP lies”.
@nonamegivensuonandajie6565 4 года назад
Hey. Daniel. I just want to say thank you be able to make those videos. That video is absolutely wonderful. I'm also a Tibetan from Amdo. Obviously, there are so many dark histories was going to, and as life goes on. We are going to realize, people are people. As social animals, we all just want to a happy and peaceful life. That's all. I came to the US as an international student. Meantime, I play baseball for college. It was really awesome for me to see those videos about my hometown. Anyway, just want to say thanks to you.
@Natsrah 4 года назад
I watched the entire video without even realizing it was more than half an hour. It was that fascinating. Great job Daniel.
@hw4361 4 года назад
I cannot believe he is just 29. He behaves and talks like an old wisdom sage.
@tibetan.music.universe 4 года назад
29 is pretty old. old enough to have acquired lots of life experiences
@afunguynamedkawhi7959 4 года назад
The living Buddhas working and study very hard their entire life. I feel so sorry Dalai Lama left China. I honestly believe that was not his real will to leave and he is probably very regret of leaving his people behind.
@alantran1914 4 года назад
Yes, because he lives such a good life that's why internet, TV good just like heaven isn't it? If he is a living buddha he should go down the street in Tibet and serve foods to millions poor Tibetan not let them serve him...
@tibetan.music.universe 4 года назад
@@alantran1914 Who are you to judge? It is the choice of them of whether or not they want to serve him
@alantran1914 4 года назад
@@tibetan.music.universe Hey, dude I am not judging I am simply speaking of the truth, and whoever want to serve him be my guess but I know it isn't going to be me!!!
@gottahavfaith07 4 года назад
Me: Man, wondering if it's worth keeping up with my Mandarin. *Watches this video* Me: Ok I'm gonna keep learning Mandarin.
@gottahavfaith07 4 года назад
@Hartono I'm going through HSK 2 material at the moment. Current goal is to ace level 3. Ideally I'd like to get to 4 but depends how I do in practice.
@九儿-e2u 4 года назад
@@gottahavfaith07 fighting~if you get to 4,you can go to the college of china with schoolship, that's a really good chance!
@orianafisher3960 4 года назад
That was indeed "pretty special!" Always learning something from your experiences, thank you!😃
@walterkooy1307 4 года назад
Did you guys see how quick that monk folded the scarf? At 30 minutes in the video.
@DanielDumbrill 4 года назад
Woah yeah! I didn't notice that
@andysun7703 4 года назад
您不提真没注意😂 太专业了
@hw4361 4 года назад
@@tenzinkungyal5726 you must have too much evil karma in your ears and eyes. That's why you cannot see the truth or the bright. Even Buddha cannot save you if you go too far in continuing this agenda.
@walterkooy1307 4 года назад
Tenzin Kungyal why would he speak a language his guests don’t understand?
@liz-yk5nc 4 года назад
@@hw4361 well said
@yizhoujingxuan 4 года назад
@HJ-wg3nw 4 года назад
@代秀雨 4 года назад
人家还是微博大V呢 只是你自己没去找而已
@Divanks 4 года назад
This living Buddha is so kind, humble, wise, knowledgeable and honest, my best wishes to him. And thanks Daniel for your coverage of your footage to Xi Zang.
@tristans7153 4 года назад
This is an amazing interview👍
@a2140416 4 года назад
15:00 His answer is so honest! Omg he is only one year older than me?
@cheongchoi8217 4 года назад
He is really a very nice and easy going "living Buddha " regardless what his superior status is
@nyimagyaltsen8054 4 года назад
Bhuddha does mean to be statue and all.. It means awaken one.. Every human being got ability to do that.. Deep practice.. With deep knowledge..
@user-unifanta 4 года назад
he is such a wise guy. and he is such a proud Chinese
@tenzinkungyal5726 4 года назад
Off course proud Chinese he is made in China rinpoche
@Shenzhou. 4 года назад
@@tenzinkungyal5726 Well, Tibet is part of China after all, so the Tibetans in Tibet are Chinese citizens by birth (it says so on their Resident Identity Card) and there's nothing wrong with being Chinese.
@LoC28C 4 года назад
霍去病 hope that he will be able to learn more and also communicate more with the people and followers around the world so that we all can learn from him too.
@tenzinkungyal5726 4 года назад
Tibet is never part of China Chinese illegally occupied my motherland Tibet but we Tibetan will and always fight back.Watch out for karma China the spirt of god and goddesses will hunt you down soon.How can you say it Tibet is part of China when ours language we speak n write,face Structure,clothing we wear,religion we follow,way of living,National flag and on on is totally different than Chinese.
@user-unifanta 4 года назад
Tenzin Kungyal hahahaha how angry you are.go back to school and learn the history,whether you think xizang is China or not means nothing,so enjoy your selfsatifaction on Internet and your dream,poor guy
@Azariven 4 года назад
wait what he is 29 years old??? Lut I'm 28 and I feel like a child most of the time. Yet he is so wise and mature...
@sungzuk7 4 года назад
Same.. I still feel as a kid d. 😂
@sungzuk7 4 года назад
@R WG I know that. They are different from us. They have spiritual knowledge and matured mind than normal people. They get specialized teachers to norture them. They are blessed one.
@bitesizemandarin4911 4 года назад
I'm amazed by his mandarin. He can talk so naturally, fluently and effortlessly. I thought he might be brought up in the mandarin language environment. It turned out he learnt it all by himself! And I really like the way he talks and his positive attitude towards his career and the world. Love and peace! 🙏
@bunnyhill2024 4 года назад
Lots of Buddhists speak good English too, we all study English though😁
@yanliu7975 4 года назад
Now in China’s most famous temples especially for Buddhist monks, you need at least finished an undergraduate degree to join them, because the scriptures are difficult to read and understand, many characters are rare and unfamiliar to common Chinese people’s language level. So Buddhists like him are really wise and knowledgeable people.
@91诸葛先生 4 года назад
Why are you amazed a Chinese speaks Mandarin?
@Alvin-Sy 4 года назад
@@91诸葛先生 if you have watched the video, then you will know why he is amazed. because the living buddah didn't went to the regular school as the others, and he is living in an environment with tibetan language, but he was able to learn Mandarin by himself.
@91诸葛先生 4 года назад
@@Alvin-Sy You're still not answering my question, forget about the story behind the video, ofc I watched it. A simple question why amazed by a Chinese speaks Mandarin?
@junqiaojohnzhao9517 4 года назад
Humble living buddha and peaceful life in Tibet. I visited Tibet about ten years ago. That is the place you can witness the belief.
@beNatureable 4 года назад
Woo, Daniel, this is a big surprise! Go go, meeting a living buddha in real life will be definitely something special, not just a meeting a person, but meeting will bring you fortune, healthy.....
@billfung3422 4 года назад
Thank you Daniel and CGTN for another educational and informative video.
@bunnyhill2024 4 года назад
Good job Daniel! Love your series of Tibet, great collaboration with CGTN!
@kkay2000 4 года назад
Another extraordinary Vlog! Thanks!👍
@Jeremyzth 4 года назад
you can feel the aura around him of calmness and warmness
@f1aziz 4 года назад
It's nice to see Chinese government putting emphasis on the development of every part of China equally. To see that Tibetan language is still used in education means the language is still not just alive but continues to be developed, which so is opposite to the perspective you get from the western media, where you're told that the Chinese government is shoving Mandarin down the throats of the minorities.
@amolkumar6059 4 года назад
No what you think is wrong if it is so then why did they send Dalai lama to india who was there spiritual leader
@chongdi6140 4 года назад
@@amolkumar6059 you are too ignorant and gullible to Western narrative lies to merit a reply, sad!
@weilee1155 4 года назад
@@amolkumar6059 They didn't sent him to India He ran to India
@amolkumar6059 4 года назад
@@weilee1155 no he was forced because of CCP
@井蛙坐井观天 4 года назад
Do American schools still teach Indian?
@petercua6158 4 года назад
For Non believers, they can not comprehend and understand.
@一个说话大声的中国人 4 года назад
@Dave WA cynical?Stop being judgmental.
@allansh828 4 года назад
Buddism is not a faith, it's a school of thoughts
@liz-yk5nc 4 года назад
@@allansh828 yes, bro! Its is a faith! A good faith!
@liz-yk5nc 4 года назад
Well said!
@ilonailona28 4 года назад
waoo I like the buildings there, so beautiful! and the living buddha is young and modern, honest. some living buddha try to keep mystery and distance, but he is very kind and open one. Lucky Daniel.
@daltl3716 4 года назад
Thanks for giving us that interesting view. I appreciate this break from your other types of videos. It's been so awesome to see tibet. I can't wait to travel there one day!
@paris-sun 4 года назад
Daniel, 你收到的佛珠很珍贵的,很多人都是求不到。祝你好运。
@francoisehembert3243 4 года назад
This video is the cherry on top of all shown so far. You have shown me countryside and people I will never be able to visit. Such a treat. Xie xie.
@ABC-bangkok 4 года назад
thumbs up 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
@cheese-df1yx 4 года назад
As so young age, he is already very wise and also very friendly. Respect him! Great video! So Daniel, you got wechat of living buddha! haha. The western media is still lying that China Gov destroying the local language. Your videos show me the real life in Tibet! thanks!
@sctan8649 4 года назад
Great show
@zhizhanz 4 года назад
一日不作,一日不食。 if I did not work today, I would not eat whole day today.
@AmelieZh 4 года назад
Zhi Zhang i should use this as an excuse to intermittent fasting
@weepingcamel1 4 года назад
It's a really hateful thing when westerners say "development and urbanization is ruining the traditional culture" in Tibet, Africa, South America etc. what they are really saying is "development is spoiling my instagramable safari" they rather the lives of people don't improve to give the tourists a "authentic experience". Selfishness meets patronization.
@LisaTao 4 года назад
You’re absolutely right. I hate it so much when they say things like that, as if they care anything about other people’s cultures. They only like the romance of ancient cultures, never cared about people’s lives.
@cheese-df1yx 4 года назад
Full agree! The people saying in village and high mountains e.g. Tibet, Sichuan, Guizhou are really had very difficult life in the past. The transportation difficulty, low natural resource. similarly for many people in middle east, latin america, Africa, they must be living in this life (so call "tradition, culture" in wester media) for ever? Culture is part of life, tradition is way of living. But it does not mean never changed. People are equal, they should have right to develop own economics and improve living conditions. Chinese people in Tibet or other provinces have new way to connect to other locations, electricity and clean water supply, they have more new technology and materials to build house, more tools to work and enjoy life. Why not? Many places also got high way, high speed train, internet, broadcasting and telecomminication coverage. That is good things for locals. Their tradition and life style will change a bit to adapt new living conditions. That is normal.
@天道酬勤-y3d 4 года назад
@Bodpa2024 4 года назад
The Chinese say “Living Buddha” and it’s such a fantasy-filled adjective. The Tibetan word is “Rinpoche” རིན་པོ་ཆེ། which literally means “the precious one”. I’ve seen people call them “Reincarnated Master/Teacher” which seems appropriate. This particular Rinpoche for example, himself says that he hasn’t reached enlightenment, and therefore not a Buddha. I’m so impressed of him being so true to the teachings of the Buddha Dharma and not succumbing to temptations of people wishing to hear some magical description of Buddhism and the state of enlightenment. So, thank you Rinpoche. I wish the interviewers would’ve shared His name or title. They said “Chungpo” in the beginning as they were entering the monastery, but that just means “little brother” or name of an ordinary boy.
@tanujsharma8427 4 года назад
Fcku uuu china
@spidermann1256 4 года назад
@@tanujsharma8427 Yeah - fuck 'em for: i. the emancipation of the majority (95%?) Tibetan folks who are now free to earn a living & not have to support their nobility ii. improving the living conditions of the monks - running water, electricity, etc iii. modernising the transport systems to improve travel & connectivity like the IoT to enable Wechat, etc iv. the provision of academic study translated into Tibet so the locals can broaden their knowledge & skills in the comfort of their own language v. fuck em for not allowing the locals to continue living in the stone age
@mrtenzin6713 4 года назад
@@spidermann1256 and at price? killing of hundred of thousnds and monks and desructon of over 6000 monasteries? it is better to live peacefully in a stone age then in modern era which foundations is laid by rivers of blood and tears. and for your infofrmation , before the occupation tibet was not a stone age. it was a paradise of kind peoples and thriving dharmas.
@spidermann1256 4 года назад
@@mrtenzin6713 Or so you claim. I've never been there, nor likely to but there's nothing in Daniel's presentation would suggest that the upheaval was as bad as hyped out to be. I'm just going by measurable data (facts) & they all point to a significant improvement in their living standards. I have no way to form a view on the Tibetan spiritual side. This is also backed up by Chris Nebe: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Xsoc4-QnplY.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-l2TvRYPthPo.html
@mrtenzin6713 4 года назад
@@spidermann1256 people are still suffering in Tibet. More then 100 of Tibetans , specially monks has self immolated for Tibetans freedom. It's Chinese propaganda when they speak of good things they claim to have done and removing the history of the dark foundation they laid.
@yuchuanxi 4 года назад
he is quite handsome. I will follow his weibo then.
@西北悍匪 4 года назад
@burung81 4 года назад
very interesting. He is definitely wise man and deserve the title of living buddah. Buddha is not a person but state or level of mind purity/wisdom. Everyone can achieve buddhahood.
@ed1003 4 года назад
@prrp217 4 года назад
When I press the #IntoTibet2020 link, the RU-vid prompt a channel "free tibet" seems just started just a few days ago and host by some Indian looking guy?😂
@RockDavid2 4 года назад
A wonderful interview! Thank you for sharing. Some humble suggestion for the translation: 癡:ignorance (instead of illusion). Because of ordinary person's ignorance, they don't see the truth of reality, therefore, what they perceive is illusion. 苦:suffering (instead of pain). Pain is one type of feeling of sensation. Suffering in Buddhism refers to mental stress or discomfort. Does the Buddha have sensation? Yes, he does. Therefore, he can feel pain. But he is free of suffering. 空: emptiness (instead of sunyata). Not because "sunyata" is wrong, it is because "sunyata" is a word of Sanskrit, not well known by most English-spoken persons. Emptiness means that persons or things are lack of inherent existence. When you realize emptiness, you will see the truth of reality. 有愛心的人:compassionate persons (instead of loving persons). Compassionate means feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others. In Buddhism, love and compassion (慈悲) is a big topic. Love, in Buddhism it means the wish for others to be happy, while compassion means the wish to free others from their sufferings. enlightenment: 開悟 (not 頓悟). 頓悟 is sudden enlightenment, opposite to gradual enlightenment (漸悟). 極樂:bliss (not Pure Land 淨土, although 極樂淨土 can be translated into Pure Land). Bliss means an extremely pleasurable, comfortable and joyous feeling, mainly experienced during deep meditation, or when you are enlightened. 度化:liberate and help others to be enlightened. (instead of take across); liberate sentient beings from sasara (the cycle of existence in three realms of suffering, 輪迴) 特異功能:special powers (instead of magic). Unlike magic that is performed by magicians, Buddhism practice can help persons to develop their potential mental powers. In Buddhism, quite often we talk about clairvoyance, including reading people's minds, knowing your or others's future or past life. But, as Jampa Gyaltsen mentioned, that is not supposed to be your focus in your journey of enlightenment. Why? Let's make an analogy here: if your destination is New York city, you don't want to be trapped by the street view of Buffalo city. Finally, I rejoice your your opportunity of meeting with Jampa Gyaltsen. Wish you would learn more about Buddhism, so that you can ask more profound questions in your next meeting with him. May Buddha's teaching benefit you!
@wix5965 4 года назад
@zhuangziyou8563 4 года назад
can't agree with you more, except for the translation of "空“, because emptiness can be somewhat misleading. people who don't know much about the concepts of Buddhism may think of this word as nothing existed, all is empty.
@lv9657 4 года назад
The living Buddha should have more opportunities like this to share his views and spread good teaching to people .... Well done 👍
@weizhang2834 4 года назад
This video means a lot ! Tell the world how the western media lies to the entire world. Like “China don’t have freedom of religion “. Please CGTN correct the western world, Tibet is called Xizang, Tibet is the name which western world gave them (you can see the western vlogs always put Tibet and China in parallel way ) , just like they separated Xiang gang (HK) parallel from China.
@22many77 4 года назад
Yes. Not too long ago you could still call Mumbai "Bombay" but now people in the West don't even realize that that is considered "politically incorrect," they just think it is old-fashioned. Original Chinese names are not afforded this consideration.
@nikiloving 4 года назад
其实没事啦 哈尔滨 北京都有相应的英文
@weizhang2834 4 года назад
nikkinikkila 你懂个屁,哈尔滨被外国利用分裂吗?总有些白痴逻辑混乱
@nikiloving 4 года назад
@@weizhang2834 那北京呢
@nikiloving 4 года назад
@@petagonkyi According to your words, Tibetan should call Chinese han areas like Shan xi, Beijing,Guangdong etc རྒྱ་ Han people རྒྱ་པ. Kaskastan,Turkistan etc should call China Chinastan. Different places got different languages. Even one ethnicity got different languages as well. You've never been to China, foreigner! You'd better shut up. LS is American. Your kinda persons r Americans.
@1whannibalr428 4 года назад
Amazing interview, the living Buddha is so nice and so knowledgeable . Dalai and Panchen are the most prominent Buddha, there are also other living Buddha. he was one of three candidate for Panchen.
@sino-us-observer 4 года назад
Enlightenment, 开悟。顿悟是开悟的一种。开悟有不同的程度,是智慧和慈悲增长的衡量。
@cam35mm 4 года назад
It's refreshing to see a spiritual leader living in a humble environment. This just makes them more credible. Oh, the place looks like a labyrinth.
@jeffreysoo8779 4 года назад
Thanks. I didn't know that they teach subjects in Tibetian. I was misguided by other medias.
@thisiskevin1000 4 года назад
Bilingual to multilingual education for ethnic minority peoples
@王競-t9c 4 года назад
@cosecant2338 3 года назад
@sylvesterfong9275 4 года назад
Many thanks for such an amazing video and experience with a living Buddha. Blessings. 👏👏👏👍
@skipleapfrog9874 4 года назад
A fine video series on Tibet! My interview would have went slightly different, starting off with the softball question, "Yeti. True or false!?" Eventually ending up at, "In The White Palace there is a secret library with thousands upon thousands of ancient texts (still untranslated), and these ancient "books" were written more than twelve thousand years ago, and they contain the true origin story of mankind. True or False!? Good thing Daniel was conducting the interview...
@serpentzachary1340 4 года назад
Nice interview. It's really cool to see a 29 years old becoming an enlightened person.
@xiaoq8329 4 года назад
20:20 or so, the translation is wrong. Daniel was asking about the core doctrines of Buddhism, but she translated as core requirement of Buddhism. There're some good video about the child Buddhas at school.
@wyodragon4325 4 года назад
Very interesting video. The questions and the answers are most olluminating. Thank you.
@FanDi-m5h 4 года назад
I was smiling when watching the entire video.
@johnathanhong2550 4 года назад
Awesome... This is Eyes opening moments for many. All the Antichina haters (especially the Formal ruling elites slaves owners Tibetans overseas) This guaranteed will ruin your day. Hehehe Hehehe
@catherineli5531 4 года назад
Such precious interview! Thank you! 🙌
@chinolee121 2 месяца назад
@liminshao2868 4 года назад
What a harmonic time. Hope people all over the world could respect and understand one another.
@jessicaw8682 4 года назад
Thanks for the great interview, have learned a lot from it. You are lucky to be blessed by the 'living Buddha" and reveive a bracelet directly from him :)
@shineluvslambiel 4 года назад
Wow great subs! Very accurate translations of some of the key points he made. Curious to know who’s providing the subs?
@MariaAlvarez-sm8bv 4 года назад
Daniel we who usually live in low lands should never underestimate the effects of high altitude even being young and healthy. In your first video of this series, Journey into Tibet, I gave you the medical instructions and the medicines that alpinists and andinists usually take before, during and after climbs. These precise instructions were given to me and my friends group by a neurologist and we always follow them whenever we go to high altitudes in the Andes mountains. The danger of suffering a cerebral edema should be avoided. It's no joke.
@zx6200 4 года назад
It's really cool that he uses social media, went to follow him on Weibo right away after watching this video
@qinwang6250 4 года назад
The Greatest men are the wisest, humblest, and the most compassionate. The living Buddha is the living example.
@Sophia-ox7tx 4 года назад
It seems that their life is very simple.
@ti7me590 4 года назад
We can feel the natural purity from their life.
@chookyrobert1396 4 года назад
Wow! You all very lucky to meet living Buddha in Tibet.Hope too. I hope chance to meet him.
@misterhill5598 4 года назад
WOW. Nice one Jing Jing! You got the Living Buddha's WeChat.
@chinolee121 2 месяца назад
@chinolee121 2 месяца назад
Go to India if want to see the real deal....
@onowhere2653 4 года назад
Wow, his mandarin is so good I don't even notice any accent. It's also great to know that they study everything in Tibetan! The local culture seems well preserved.
@LisaTao 4 года назад
In Inner Mongolia, Chinese Mongolians also study their own language. It’s also written everywhere alongside mandarin. In Mongolia, they don’t write the Mongolian scripts anymore, instead replaced by Cyrillic script due to Russian influence. Chinese government really works hard to preserve our minority cultures, as we Chinese people are all very proud of them, yet always being smeared to be a party that goes around China committing culture genocide. It’s really unfair and insulting.
@ZLL668 4 года назад
My goodness, that girl reporter kept asking questions like what you like to wear? What you like to eat? ...He has been so patient.
@HJ-wg3nw 4 года назад
U mean u don't think the questions r not good? I do like her questions cause for us none Tibetan they r kinda mysterious. Good to learn what their normal life is
@shubhomoypal 4 года назад
They could not record her serious questions. They say it at the end.
@youguanhen9389 4 года назад
@@HJ-wg3nw exactly. Those are the questions I am curious about. I don't really care about his religion theories but I want to know the difference between us.
@misterhill5598 4 года назад
Thanks for sharing this Daniel. There is a positive vibe from the Living Buddha. There is this wise sage vibe about him that made everyone at ease. I have seen this from people who walks the path of empathy and compassion.
@sakimori_mirai 4 года назад
Until the Chinese government liberated Tibet, local nobles still used human skin to make drums, which called "sister drums(阿姐鼓)". Tibet before liberation is so cruel than your thought.
@sakimori_mirai 4 года назад
@Wangbei Gao yeah, that's my foul, it's Tibet, not Xinjiang
@rajkumarnegi2753 4 года назад
oh really???before Chinese came in Tibet,, Tibet was most peaceful harmony Country ,,,
@rajkumarnegi2753 4 года назад
@Wangbei Gao ha ha ha ,, so what??
@Taoistimmortal 4 года назад
Raj Kumar Negi I invite to watch an American made documentary which has historical footages that clarifies the truth. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Wvo8MXny5XI.html&bpctr=1566568485
@rajkumarnegi2753 4 года назад
@Wangbei Gao next time your skin gona make drum,,i think i should learn Tibetan practice,,, waw girls skin i like ,, what about pig skin ? let me know ,,,,i heard Chinese never do any prayer practice than how come make skin drum???and practice,,,ha ha ha its very strange,,
@thefourthrabbit9516 4 года назад
I have to say something about the very different interviewing style of our two hosts. Jingjing is a very lovely host, but she lacks the interviewing skill to elicit in-depth responses. She simply threw all the prepared questions at the guest one after one and barely paused to react to his responses. This, pardon my bluntness, made the Living Buddha sound like a propaganda tool. And this kind of questioning did not show full respect toward a guest (let alone a Living Buddha). Contrast that with Daniel's interview, which started from a very simple question about his religious journey to his path of personal growth and religious thoughts, with gradual build-up and smooth transitions, gave us a much more profound understanding of the Living Buddha, as a real human being with his own thoughts and feelings. Anyway, congratulations to Daniel for this great interview.
@MuhammadUwakIdris 4 года назад
That is the interesting way of starting conversation, that why daniel choose as the last interviewer, open with simple and just like normal chitchat then continue with serious one. I think this is perfect combination between her and daniel. I like this interview very much, its structurally well and build well and that make it more interest from the beginning. Maybe we have different way of how interview should be conduct. Any way, i hope you dont mind with my comment. I like both of this interviewer and i like more to this living buddha, the way of his answer enlighten to what buddha is. Thank you daniel for this one
@thefourthrabbit9516 4 года назад
@@MuhammadUwakIdris Yes, I agree that her questions are fine and interesting, but her way of asking them can be improved.
@MuhammadUwakIdris 4 года назад
Darren Zhu that correct. Thank you. Hope daniel share story like this in the future. Was it in this video daniel collaboration with cgtn?
@pohkhui 4 года назад
I get to see the living Buddha too. Thanks you for bringing the video to us.
@MichaelSvenson 4 года назад
30:15 That monk is a folding guru. I mean who instinctively grabs fabric exactly in the middle to start folding it? Buddha level has been attained.
@liz-yk5nc 4 года назад
what a amazing video!
@humberboy23 4 года назад
@Charlie-jj4jr 4 года назад
@jzprftzhang316 4 года назад
@My-nl6sg 4 года назад
@actmel7983 4 года назад
看过达赖喇嘛40,50年代就拿着相机, 有奔驰的黑白照片
@JH-yx3ix 4 года назад
@leewilson8942 4 года назад
Bracelets been blessed by the Buddha worth a lot and is very rare
@EasyLife2035 4 года назад
I don’t see anything that this monk has to call him ‘Living Buddha’
@harshaperera3690 4 года назад
I got the meaning that he is living as buddha ( monk life). He said, he is not a buddha .
@kcmann8708 4 года назад
According to Chinese Buddhism history, the so called "Living Buddha" was a title given to Tibetan Holy Masters (who was proven to be reincarnated from previous life) by an Emperors hundreds years ago. The living Buddhas are actually still on the way to achieve the Buddha state. It will takes many life times to cultivate enough merits/wisdom to get there.
@ti7me590 4 года назад
Yes. Exactly you are right.
@todd8532 4 года назад
that's what I really want to know but they didn't ask at this interview, thanks a lot
@gangshan 4 года назад
He said he learned to speak Chinese by himself! He would have expressed even better in his Tibetan native language. Next time bring a Tibetan translator.
@瘋哥HK 4 года назад
虽然我不信什么转世之说 但是我对西藏藏传佛教还是兴趣很大 希望有机会可以好好去看看 多多了解
@zhouliu3034 4 года назад
@amidoo7986 4 года назад
@misterhill5598 4 года назад
Thanks for sharing this Daniel. There is a positive vibe from the Living Buddha. There is this wise sage vibe about him that made everyone at ease. I have seen this from people who walks the path of empathy and compassion.
@MrShou-nw7yv 4 года назад
It doesn't have to be necessarily has some special experience after enlightenment, especially when you focus on the body experience, then you might lead to another bad circle. Even if you have some special gift that would definitely come from the Buddhist teachings, Which tells you that you should neglect all the staff and recognize that everything is temporary. all in all, Buddha is normal person but different mindset.
@nananana515 4 года назад
Female reporter should avoid of wearing revealing attired .
@yapyapyap2805 4 года назад
Reincarnation, wow! Tibet has definitely reincarnated and morphed into a civil society free from slavery and religious tyranny.
@ernststadnikov2852 4 года назад
BBC: Boy, you're hired and you're coming to work tomorrow.
@MuhammadUwakIdris 4 года назад
Awesome journey. Thank you for this video, it is really enlightening to know about this living buddha.
@陈俊-l6x 4 года назад
@thug4lyfe 4 года назад
Namo Amitabha Buddha!!! Daniel asked great questions!!!! SInce you got his wechat, I hope you will consult him more with how to cultivate and achieve non-duality!!!!
@cynthiacui9360 4 года назад
As a young spiritual leader, he is so wise yet so humble and practical
@vedantvishwasdeokar 9 месяцев назад
China release the youngest political prisoner The real 11th panchen lama. Stop political exploitation of Tibet......free Tibet
@喵队长 4 года назад
@zztopz9797 4 года назад
@可米-m1p 4 года назад
@@zztopz9797 这些视频是国外播,属于宣传类了
@zztopz9797 4 года назад
@@可米-m1p 我是说班禅见不了
@可米-m1p 4 года назад
@@zztopz9797 那当然了,班禅相当于国家领导人,都有保镖的
@soaprincee 3 года назад
@vegannations 2 года назад
Will you quickly stop🕊evil Koreans from ‘translating mostly to Korean’? I prefer hearing English as English not translated to Korean; such unwanted English translation or unwanted broadcasting&leak is spiritual🧚🏿‍♂️abuse
@Wann-zo7rn2qn4i 4 года назад
So that pretty much debunked the propaganda that China is systematically destroying Tibetan culture and language. Straight from the mouth of a Living Buddha - his education, including secular subjects, was almost entirely in the Tibetan language.
@papageorgio123123 4 года назад
Kent Wan enjoy the show
@sangyemaitreya Год назад
This Buddha is the reincarnation of Pabongka Rinpoche.
@Noone-dm3wu 4 года назад
@gcyalbert 4 года назад
@rickr9435 4 года назад
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Samye Gonba (Tibet) Vacation Travel Video Guide
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