
Interview with Agnes Martin (1997) 

Chuck Smith Productions
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@flyboy1c 6 лет назад
"The best things in life happen to you when you're alone." I love this.
@beckyhittner9049 9 лет назад
How humble and bold at the same time.
@firstladyssdaughter 10 лет назад
So much wisdom in her voice. I wish I could write songs the way she painted.
@jojames576 2 года назад
Agnes Martin's later paintings are beautiful to me, evoking an emotional response like I get from listening to some musical performances. I am not a student of art history or art appreciation, but like anyone else I came to her work with ideas about what art is or should be. The balance, harmony, colors (words fail) I see in her work change the way I feel in a positive way. It cannot be explained. It just has to be seen.
@blabc0 14 лет назад
What a wonderful look into how a great painter thinks. So straightforward and unassuming.
@bridgetmercado3663 10 лет назад
When I first looked at her work and artistic talent, I to didn't exactly see the meaning behind it. But after viewing this interview she emphasizes her point of view, explaining her insight in how she express's her artistic talent and what life consist's of to her. "Don't over think, just do what you feel. In my opinion that is art."
@AlexanderVerney-Elliott-ep7dw 11 месяцев назад
Agnes Martin is so enlightened; in that having an empty mind, one then sees more clearly; against the poverty of 'theory'...
@stem1023 10 лет назад
she is speaking from her point of view about her approach and her thoughts on art . . . the individuals making rude and hateful comments are showing us theirs . . . negative and hateful.
@jellyphish1111 13 лет назад
This is the most content old woman I have ever seen. She has figured out what the world is and is fine with it.
@JeanneneLangfordartist 13 лет назад
Beautiful interview, thank you so, so much for doing a posting. Agnes is inspiring on both personal and artistic levels. This makes me hunger for more non thinking time outside meditation.
@kateremington3788 10 лет назад
thank you Agnes!
@claureic 14 лет назад
She sounds like one of her paintings: zen, calm, tranquil, majestuous...
@TravisLinares 10 лет назад
Apparently some of you need to really learn the definition of what "art' is. Which it is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Let the lady Rest In Piece.
@erebollar87 10 лет назад
"let the lady rest in piece" :-) ... yes ... in a PIECE of art :P
@musads 10 лет назад
Agnes keeps a clear mind as I do myself. This is the first time I've heard anyone say this. As an artist myself I see the importance of clearing your mind. Check my Facebook/photos.
@eayllon1 10 лет назад
***** I'm a believer and I agree with her. Having a mind full of thought and worry makes you go out of touch with your body and spirit. I see clearing your mind as a great thing to do. Having a clear mind brings peace which allows you to be more authentic with God when you pray. And I see being a believer as irrelevant when creating art because art is just a means of expressing emotion.
@BobbyTucker 10 лет назад
Edson Ayllon I agree with you Mr. Ayllon, the more negative comments only escalate the individual's status. Peace. :)
@jagger01983 10 лет назад
What an inspiration! Thank you Google :)
@adrianmichaelkelly277 3 года назад
"I paint with my back to the world." Brava. But in a way, she didn't paint; she made portals. To what? Serenity, bliss. A bona fide mystic, a lovely human being.
@DannyWrigley 15 лет назад
She's got a great perspective.
@rangerfox532 10 лет назад
"I don't have any ideas myself. I have a vacant mind"- Agnes Martin
@BeHappyNoMatterWhat 10 лет назад
I agree with her. People think way too much when creating art, and that's okay if it's you're thing, but some artists just try too damn hard. Everyone creates and looks at art differently, if you don't appreciate her art there are tons of other artists, no need to bash. There is a very delicate sensibility to her style, and just like she said she has to have a clear mind when painting, I think it is necessary to have a clear mind when looking at her art or else the weight of all your preconceived notions are going to blind you. Personally, I find the repetition and simplicity very therapeutic, just like minimalist music.
@allisonlong5448 10 лет назад
Thank you, Agnes. :) Painting from the void! so important.
@dougclark540 3 года назад
That is a BOLD cinematic decision to tighten up the voom on her face at 7:08
@eamesdreamer Месяц назад
""I used to mediate until I learned to stop thinking, now I stopped thinking and don't think anything" 6 mins 41 secs
@saltman147 10 лет назад
i completely get the whole not thinking thing, very similar to meditation where u remove all thoughts from the mind and then something very interesting happens, you get this inflow of energy and imagery thats mind blowing.... however her art reminds me of old's folks homes, not thought free but dead thoughts
@earthgal2000 10 лет назад
Or of one that has been brainwashed. I kind of felt the same way while listening to her. She seems like a Beautiful person though.
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
Yeah! I know a lot of beautiful people At the OLD FOLKS HOME IN THE VALLEY 🚵🏌️⛹️🏊🕵️🕵️👳👦👰👰👴👵👩👴👸👮 this is like...Nothing is the New Something
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
I'm just realising ( in lockdown) THIS HAPPENED 6 YEARS AGO ( Now we're all mad like Aggy)
@ldf2782 8 лет назад
Nice interview, if you want to see more of Agnes Martin you might also want to check out a new prize-winning documentary about her ("Agnes Martin: Between the Lines"), trailer available here on RU-vid
@sharonloder4954 10 лет назад
They look like linens to me. I love the detail in texture. Could be wearable art. Would love to wrap myself in that blue.
@anoshya 4 года назад
I’m a painter and would find it difficult to write an artists statement ..can art be explained by an artist to a viewer?Ive sometimes cried quietly when listening to a piece of music but never when looking at a painting ….too many painters want to talk about art ..nothing can be said
@joejoemctwisti7710 10 лет назад
If this is art then the tiles in my bathroom, the colour on my ceiling, and the shingles on my roof are a masterpiece.
@littleflyer4 10 лет назад
If they bring you any joy,they are.
@carolforbes22 3 месяца назад
how are the subtitles produced? they are ridiculously inaccurate
@dbarber97 10 лет назад
@Mike Anthony---A TRUE artist, one that is willing to expose his or her creative soul for others to see or hear because they MUST, does not have a need to criticize other artists(they are way too busy creating and learning), and you seem to have a need (by way of posting your same opinion several times, as if you require validation for it) to criticize SIMPLY because her art has no place within YOUR critical vision of what art is / isn't.. If her art inspires you NOT to create art in a similar fashion, or to appreciate the art of others MORE(including your own), then she HAS actually influenced you, and no criticism is required. Chew on that concept and someday you'll poop out the real stuff.
@JustYerStandardUFO 10 лет назад
I agree about the intellectuals...that's just a bad guess. They do not leave room to the spiritual world.
@musmann 10 лет назад
I have a serious question for fans of this artist. Do you consider ice skating a form of art? Let's say there is a minimalist ice skater. This ice skater does very basic maneuvers, skates forward backwards, maybe a few spins here and there, couple small basic jumps. Would you consider this ice skater a great skater?
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
@David O'Halloran BULLSHIT😷
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
That's the perfect metaphor!!! 👈
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
Yeah! Here's your wages. Wha? I've reduced them to hear zero! 👈
@GoldPondFrog 10 лет назад
Yes Agnes, I agree we are all full of shit and we all are entitled to have our own thoughts and creativity. Unfortunately she lived a life thinking what is she going to do next instead of knowing. RIP glad to meet you. Interviewer sounds shallow in my opinion but he got the interview so thanks for that. Hope she enjoyed it.
@princesswarrioramy 10 лет назад
I'm fearful that I live in a generation where people say wisdom is not to think at all. I pray you all think and have many ideas and discover what is true and what is not, what is right and what is wrong. When you know truth your mind is clear but not vacant. You will be at peace but you have to think about what is truth. Think hard! In the body if you are in pain it's a sign that something is wrong and you need to pay attention to the pain to fix the problem. Ignoring it will not help. The same goes for emotional pain. If you are in pain don't ignore the issue. Think about it, seek council and you will find truth and peace. But you must THINK and WORK through your problems. Ignoring it never works!!! This wisdom Mrs. Martin offers is the foolishness of the world. The Wisdom of God (1Cor 1:18-31) For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart." Where is the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God through the folly of what we preach to save those who believe. For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. For consider your calling, brothers: not many of you were wise according to worldly standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, so that, as it is written, "Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord."
@caren758 10 лет назад
Do you think people would read your message and be inspired???? Try writing less and you might get your point out... Also, drop the religious quotation and say what you want to say.... :))
@serenabeaulieu7599 8 лет назад
Wonderful, But what does she says at 4:43 ? because what i hear now is that " you want it to puke to other people" I'm pretty sure that's not what she says haha Appeal to other people ? Thanks to anyone that can answer me
@vangoventures6513 8 лет назад
Yes......."you want it to appeal to other people....". I recent saw many of her works at SF Moma last week....very impressive, meticulous art.
@jeffmazur8037 10 лет назад
I admire her work, and at the same time have much contempt for those who place her on a pedestal (as an artist). Agnes seems like she was a simple, unassuming soul, and I do see a serene, soothing rhythm in her equally simplistic and unassuming art. I can't detect any great measure of ego in her statements about her work, and so I can't help but like her. On the other hand, the lack-wits who would canonize her are kind of overstating her role in the whole process. She does indeed, as she says in this interview, appear to be a simple conduit between concept (a bunch of pastel parallel lines, for example - a recurring theme in her art) and execution (paint on canvas), and to her credit, she claims no credit other than just being there and not interfering with the creation. @Bobby Duong - shame on you, grow up and express yourself as an adult.
@louiseelpers9740 10 лет назад
@musmann 10 лет назад
It's surprises me what some consider art. It is my opinion that this is to art what someone playing one note over and over is to music. It takes a very steady hand to make her paintings but seems to me there is very little thought and or skill.
@gregorcollins 10 лет назад
@benmaffit4117 10 лет назад
Mr. Alexander Lee and friends of his post..... Either you are not an artist which would explain exactly why you don't get it OR you are simply missing the wisdom due to your Ego. Peace
@coolruehle 10 лет назад
She could have had a really great job working for a wallpaper or golf shirt manufacturer. Nice lady, but that's what her work looks like. Patterns for shirts and wallpaper. But that's only my interpretation of it. Everyone will see it differently. Happy Birthday Agnes!
@SuperMartin223 10 лет назад
Buddha mind...........
@rhomis 10 лет назад
GOOGLE will create a "doodle" for this but skips Easter Sunday as though Easter does not exist.
@mikemauro3119 4 года назад
Haha, religion is evanescent.
@mgu1N1n1 2 года назад
This woman "Artist" is a mess. And i used to handle her paintings. Trust yourselves, people...
Or trust her, because she has an instantly recognisable style that can never be imitated without it being blatantly obvious. She pretty much owns faint colours AND grids.
@Zorn76 10 лет назад
"The worst thing you can think of when you're painting is yourself."
@9avedon 6 лет назад
Think of Collectivism instead of yourself.
@evanjones5664 5 лет назад
@Mark Thompson I agree. Any time I feel bad thoughts creepin in while I'm working, I think of that line, and they go away.
@devonlamond 9 лет назад
complete babe
@alistairdicksonartist1050 8 лет назад
She possesed rare commodities in the art world - insight, honesty and emotional depth.
@roundtriptoheaven1848 5 лет назад
Interesting that you describe her qualities as "commodities" - a term better used for, say, Jeff Koons.
@mindoermatta 10 лет назад
I can't bring myself to mimic her creative process. This is incredibly tough even though the premise sounds simple enough.
@paintpaper9 8 лет назад
mindoermatta why would you mimic something that is not you? It is her...
@DuckyEggwood 9 месяцев назад
So many of her sentences are so loaded with truth. They really strike deep in me. Thanks for the video. I would love to have an afternoon with her talking about art, oof...
@Purvinska 9 лет назад
"I am an empty mind so that something comes into it you can see it."
@WCCXtra 10 лет назад
Totally agree with her on music. Very perceptive woman. Glad to have ran across this. Thanks to Brain Pickings.
@tomburke9624 10 лет назад
Like many others, Google brought me here. A lot of these comments are cruel and unreasonable; it's audacious to pronounce such harsh judgement on something you've probably looked at for a maximum of twenty seconds on Google. People seem to expect to be "entertained" or "wowed" by any media; they want to be diverted by movies, to feel emotion out of music, and to be "amazed" by art (presumably via technical skill). And that's fine. But some artists don't make work just to satisfy the public this way; maybe they want to communicate a particular idea they've had, or perhaps, like Martin, they only want to fulfill an inspiration as purely as possible, and are satisfied by just that.
@77GGSS 13 лет назад
It's incredible so many great artists were never really discovered until they were well into their 40's...today, so much pressure and emphasis is put on "making it" before you turn 21...art is something that often takes time to mature. Yes there are many James Dean type artists who flash brightly and burn out quickly, but that isnt the full spectrum, nor should it be expected as such.
@johnnyrocket7466 10 лет назад
I've been thinking about it all day with Google's images, and such....We need artists like this: The point of the art was: It's just a drawing of a Grid on a piece of paper. That's it. And the reason we need to see that is to realize other things usually are not as big as they seem. The internet isn't all that: It's just a grid of information: There's more to life. Same with alot of things in society we are afraid of: Like corporations, and Government, and authority, and etc. etc. They are just people. It's Just a Grid made of lines people: It is what it is: That's the point of all the art she made. JUST LINES...Like all art really.
@lauramarkovic5307 4 года назад
Thank God for Agnes Martin. How great she was!
@rebouel 10 лет назад
Brilliant. It takes evolution of the soul to understand what she accomplished.
@tiffanybrown4628 2 месяца назад
I’m taking Art Appreciation & I pulled MoMa Agnes name out of my professors hat it was God’s doing that I selected her I have a daughter who suffers with schizophrenia and I’m just so n love w/how she turned her back to the world not seeking Validation from the world but creating her own biography of her own life through Art legendary ❤❤❤❤😢😊😊😊😊RIH Legend🙏🏽🙏🏽🫶🏾💗
@perkins3188 2 года назад
It’s remarkable how humble she is…one of the greatest painters of the 20th century, and she credits external inspiration.
@fernandosolanovalverde8467 10 лет назад
"if you don't take credit, you don't take the blame!!"
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
@DrJudy3 9 лет назад
Abstract artist Agnes Martin says music is the highest form of art. I agree, music is completely abstract. Art is not intellectual at all. Art is emotional. The Inspiration tells me what to do.
@projectilequestion 9 лет назад
Couldn't agree more.
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
She's not a famous MUSICIAN 🤔🤔🤔
@candacewilkins4545 10 лет назад
Heart warming.
@glassarthouse 2 года назад
I really liked her description of her state as "a vacant mind."
@l2ic3 10 лет назад
The ending blew my mind.
@xkdavid1451 10 лет назад
I agree..."Empty your mind so when something comes in you can see it" she had such clarity of thought...perhaps it is what she said at the beginning and what we can aspire to..."the best things in life happen when you are old...it is when all the revelations come."
@rebeccathomas4334 8 лет назад
She says ALONE not OLD
@theallinmoment 10 лет назад
real art takes courage
@rd264 9 лет назад
"give up all the theories" "'empty the mind"
@MyFurrylove 10 лет назад
Great personality, great mind, but her art. Just... uh.. not worth a cent... People who have serious talent, that spend hours upon hours creating beautiful works of art, don't have any acknowledgement. But when this woman paints this trash, she gets appreciated by Google, and is seen as a hero. Seriously? She doesn't deserve anything! I can paint that bullshit but everyone would look at it and scoff, but when she does it people are actually paying money for it? Ridiculous
@VarechinaBee 7 лет назад
RemarkableCow give us an example of what u consider art
@nompoo3115 Год назад
Still listening to her.
@alexanderleeart 10 лет назад
those paintings are totally useless. They're not even ugly, because they are literally nothing. And it's pretty bizarre that she thinks it's good to have no ideas in your head.
@XxSliphxX 10 лет назад
have to agree. There is no talent in these "paintings" I've seen better wallpapers at walmart.
@bobbyduong1391 10 лет назад
There are people who probably pay 6 figures for her art too.. Criminal.. Maybe I'll take some laxatives and just blow one out on a canvas and call it abstract bowel art.. Who knows my shit might literally be worth alot.
@XxSliphxX 10 лет назад
Armada Dee I know enough to be able to spot bullshit when i see it. I know art my wife is an artist. Most "abstract art" is complete bullshit that a 5 year old could do and the only reason it's considered art at all is because certain people claim it to be so. There is no deeper meaning in this crap. If I look at your painting and i cannot derive meaning from it without pr bs then it is not art. You know what most abstract art is really about? Conning rich people into paying absurd amounts of money for wall scribblings so they can feel self important and try to pretend that they just "get something" that you don't understand. It's all phony and bull and is a disgrace to real art. It honestly makes me sick and people like you that fall for this crap make me sad.
@explodewithlove 10 лет назад
zionmaster I totally understand your frustration with how high of a pedestal we place these art pieces sometimes - and in terms of mechanical skill or technical finesse...these abstract art pieces mean nothing. But art that purely replicates and reproduces something from a technical standpoint does not contain as much creativity as art that does not seek to impress or be seen as grande. Your wife finds joy when she creates - she feels freedom and is transformed during her journey from beginning to end on a particular art-piece. Its almost meditative and completely introspective...so although her art may look like complete shit to me, I cannot judge it purely on what i see as "good technique etc etc"....instead i should look at how she as a human-being has transformed through the process of creating that very piece. Just like a musician is transformed as he/she loses them-self into a harmony...in the same way. So you are absolutely correct! This abstract art is quite boring and bland and crap for our stereotypical art installations...but if you learn to listen to how the artist has evolved and transformed....how they have changed as an identity through their art....the art itself is useless....you are missing the point - even though i agree with your views on abstract art. keep an open mind
@jagger01983 10 лет назад
I believe Art exists only for you: if you believe its bullshit, then its bullshit. If inspiring, then your inspired. The point is, nothing matters but your opinion. Google led me here, I am inspired! Learning to master your mind takes a lifetime and she clearly mastered hers.
@estlack 10 лет назад
Her paintings are totally compelling! 7:30 intellectuals = priceless!
@joesotelo2287 10 лет назад
In my opinion she painted spectacularly remedial pieces ... but then again, I'm sitting in my mom's basement rent-free judging the world. She wins!
@rayuav 10 лет назад
I feel like more of a person after watching this interview, my life was changed by her art, its so skillful
@Waybyways 23 дня назад
Agnes Martin has always been one of my most understood and favorite visual artists. Thank you for this! I especially appreciate the question and her answer concerning meditation [06:38]. I wish that permissions would allow for the creation of RU-vid Shorts so that others today will continue to celebrate and remember this important artist.
@Kmansssdfd 4 года назад
amazing women...
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
@lemonite1 15 лет назад
One of my favorite painters, although one wouldn't think so looking at what I do. Funny thing about this interview; if you took various artist from various generation throughout history, either some or most would at least agree with her somewhat. My point is that all artists from the earliest of times deal with the same stuff we do today. Agnes Martin not only realized this, but did it.
@isobelinottawa3315 10 лет назад
"Martin also pared down to the most reductive elements to encourage a perception of perfection and to emphasize transcendent reality." That is an oxymoron. That's like taking the roundness out of an apple and painting it as a series of plain grey lines and squares, which is what she's done, and then publicly applied a philosophy about intellectualism to explain why round things can be square. This does not make one an artist - just a dreamer - a lot like the people who buy the sales pitch, then buy her work in an attempt to make it their own philosophy.
@fromthepeanutgallery1084 2 года назад
Happiest moment: "when they go out the door". Who, the painting or the interviewers? Always thought her statement had a double meaning, as she liked to be alone when she worked.
@jalehtoran6196 10 лет назад
This is crudely mercenary, abjectly authority-pleading art. What makes her blank canvas "art" is the fact that someone is willing to pay for it. What makes her blank canvas "art" is the fact that those with power to define art are willing to call it that. Other than the money, other than acceptance by those who have authority, there is no difference between her blank canvas and someone else's blank canvas.
@richardlabonte2448 10 лет назад
Emotion and art music is a art of emotion I love that Hey sometime when you don't like please don't make me read your craps change the channel it is so easy
@abdellat 15 лет назад
I love this great spirit. What a beautiful woman.
@McConneheyArt 10 лет назад
shes not crazy it's the people who like her paintings, they're crazy...
@bridgetmercado3663 10 лет назад
Only the crazy feel others are crazy, so what does that say about yourself?!?!
@McConneheyArt 10 лет назад
ive never heard that one lol... so if i think the guy that murdered my mom was crazy... that makes me crazy??
@joesotelo2287 10 лет назад
Drunk Kennen TOUCHE' ......... Having said that, the question remains: WHAT IS ART? If ART can be defined, then judging from her interview, it may meet the criteria in some measure as her work appears to be an expression of her self. SECONDLY, judging from the comments on this blog, her work has tapped into the creativity and emotions of at least some, Now, do I consider it art? It doesn't resonate with me but I have to agree that it may qualify as art on these two fronts. Maybe the discussion should center around the definition of art......... maybe "ART" has already been defined. I DON'T KNOW!
@McConneheyArt 10 лет назад
i never said it wasn't art lol a person can throw eggs on the ground take a picture of it and call it art... i'm just saying the people that make a big deal out of art like that are crazy..
@a.b.h.i.j.i.t.h 5 лет назад
Translation- "if other's aesthetics doesnt resonate mine they are crazy!"
@almostfancyconnoisseur8929 21 день назад
why would anyone bother about what this boring old lady has to say ?
@ememuskan 8 лет назад
wonderful AGNES !
@jeffreyc.mcandrew8911 10 лет назад
I enjoy your videos. Thanks very much for sharing. I agree that music can be the highest form of art!
@CatherineJHMiller 12 лет назад
I knew I loved her from the first time I saw her work in the PAM.
@ATAXIA424 Год назад
She talks just like an Agnes would - I know, I am Agnes too ;)
@GigFizZ 10 лет назад
Thank you mr Google for sharing this. As an artist I definitely agree that the artist can take no credit for their work. Inspiration is just that. It comes from no where and is given to the world.
@plywood75 15 лет назад
very nice. paint with your back to the world. now that is no bullshit.
@kerumbo 10 лет назад
Did she design wrapping-paper for a living? If not, she missed her true calling.
@TheFeelin89 13 лет назад
Ok i think this woman is amazing. every word she said was beautiful.
@autofocus4556 2 года назад
My graph paper in math class was more artistic. What a joke.
@WhiteEmerald1991 10 лет назад
Wanna get the top comment? Say "google brought me here."
@fromthepeanutgallery1084 2 года назад
'Born to do it.' Is there anything else that can be said?
@bernicejustine 9 лет назад
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
IQ. TEST find the missing letters B L SH T
@Gregh47 10 лет назад
I believe it's true we should rid our mind of bad thoughts. But to not allow any good thing to come in your mind leaves you with nothing, which is what she has expressed in her paintings. But imagine what she could have painted if she had allowed the Holy Spirit into her life and filled her mind with love, joy and peace. And if she followed the scripture Phillipians 4:8 "Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
@kanuk51 10 лет назад
Art can be expressed by individuals who have their own inspirations they create....what she created on canvas is disappointing though and I don't see how this can be expressed as art. Anyone who can draw a line or paint can do this. Music is an art, its not always abstract, and evokes an emotional response. Compared to her artistic expression, I personally don't experience any emotional response. To experience thought is what keeps humans connected to their meaning of life. I need to think.
@martinhasson4942 3 года назад
NO WAGES are The NEW WAGES 🤔☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
@emre28oz79 5 лет назад
I love it.
@tomburke9624 10 лет назад
Okay, also, for everyone out there: to define art limits it, but I can't help myself: art is GENERALLY defined as something made from a medium/media, that requires human skill, and communicates a mood or idea. If I draw a smiley face on a piece of paper, then that is art. It is made from line on paper, my cat could never do it (HUMAN, not technical, skill), and it communicates happiness.
@donnadavis4761 10 лет назад
Love her .
Agnes Martin at Tate Modern on The Art Channel
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Просмотров 242 тыс.
Agnes Martin with my back to the world
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Dame Maggie Smith | 60 Minutes Archive
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Yayoi Kusama - Obsessed with Polka Dots | Tate
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Ian McKeever Interview: Mystery to the Viewer
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Agnes Martin: Music for Healing | Laraaji
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Pat Heron, British abstract artist documentary
Interview - The unique textile art of Cas Holmes.