
IOG - "The Wilderness: The Place of Safety During The Great Tribulation" 2020 

The Israel of God 📖
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@theisraelofgod 4 года назад
*EXODUS ROUTE IMAGES* www.bible.ca/archeology/maps-bible-archeology-exodus-route-overview.jpg www.bible.ca/archeology/maps-bible-archeology-exodus-route.jpg www.bible.ca/archeology/maps-bible-archeology-exodus-route-overview-goshen-red-sea.jpg
@joyj7790 4 года назад
Pastor great lesson. I am new to your channel. What happens to our pets after we are gathered to safety in the wilderness? APTTMHY!🙏🏽
@biggdogfresh2263 3 года назад
Should we tre take food,water ect to the wilderness
@MrChief132 3 года назад
Wonderful teaching, listen again and take notes and start preparing yourselves!!! Peace!
@mozellmims3602 2 года назад
Knowledge and understanding! Thank you Jesus!
@ms.charlotte4027 4 года назад
What a great revelation of truth for us, Israelites! This makes me look forward to our second Exodus!
@Tbrownie116 4 года назад
You're Awesome brother Buie, thank you for the Lord's wisdom💕
@coreyisrael4856 4 года назад
Excellent Lesson Powerful Message. 👏🙌😇💙💞🙏 💯💯💯
@soundwave4208 4 года назад
I get it and thank the great love GOD OF ISREAL
@judithlinfor1120 4 года назад
Just found your channel. Excellent teaching.
@SarahHeidt1 3 года назад
I visited the mountain in Arabia several times last year. Anyone who is interested to know more about the place, wants to go to see it, feel free to message me. My husband and I have traveled much of the Exodus route in Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Currently in Jordan, since 2018. Thank you for the great message, Pastor.
@suilsistersunitedinlove7348 3 года назад
I would like to know more about it did you take any pictures?
@CanadianVacations 3 года назад
Could I please ask you questions how it is in Jordan? I want to come. I am in Canada and I am wondering how has the lockdown been for you? Are there still some tourists? Do you have a lot of fruits and vegetables available? I would really like to hear from you. Do you keep Sabbath? I do since 2010. Thank you, Rhona
@SarahHeidt1 3 года назад
@@suilsistersunitedinlove7348 yes we have a lot of pictures! Hopefully we will get them into a website soon.
@SarahHeidt1 3 года назад
@@CanadianVacations I am sorry I just saw these questions! Things are good here in Jordan. Now in Summer 2021 the tourists are starting to trickle back in. If you want to come it is open! Yes we keep Sabbath :-) there are others here who do as well.
@naturalbeauty1617 2 года назад
Hi happy Sabbath to you and may god bless I seen your message about you and your husband visiting the mountains I would like to know more about that.
@ahminitumakonnen3388 4 года назад
@Godchild0000 Год назад
Encouraging message Brother! Amen
@catherinefrye7269 4 года назад
A Powerful Message, thanks for sharing! All Praises Unto The Most High!!!
@lionofjudah6763 3 года назад
Many lies have been taught in Christian Churches of today. I believe those lies because I didn't know any better during that time. I am more woke then ever been before. Great teachings from the Edler here.
@jalisarenae7642 4 года назад
Great lesson... Thank you Father 📖♥️🙏🏾
@Iamkymeej Год назад
Teach us Pastor Buie🙏🏽in Jesus Name🙏🏽
@Tayevsworld2001 11 месяцев назад
Bro I love Iog taught me everything I know
@debrach7058 4 года назад
Shalom and Blessings Brother Buie! I had watched this yesterday and it had cut me off and showed up again today, where I had left off. Thank You for this on time Word of The LORD, it is delicious once again! I have a Yes LORD in my heart and I shall watch and pray and wait on The LORD Amen! Shalom and Blessings
@carlbillingsley3452 4 года назад
Sabbat Shalom
@jeannetteMiller-dv3ko Год назад
@carlbillingsley3452 4 года назад
Hit the like button people
@toko631 4 года назад
Herod was like the Antichrist wanting to kill baby Jesus that's how evil theses cats are! Trust in the Lord we will be ok..
@Godchild0000 Год назад
Imposters are all over the 🌍. Yes, "watch and pray" Scary and dangerous! BEAST! HEARTLESS SCAVENGING BEAST! "Safety" is our buckler n shield. AMEN man of God . 🙏
@kevinstephens4377 4 года назад
@skyrider53 5 месяцев назад
Right now, Saudi Arabia is starting to have rivers and grass is growing
@wandahall4633 Год назад
We need an update on this teaching. I'm reading this December 5th, 22..
@anthonyesparsen7776 4 года назад
Why is it that no other pastor is preaching about this coming place of safety
@theisraelofgod 4 года назад
Here's your answer... Romans 1:18-28, 32 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; (19) Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. (20) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: (21) Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. (22) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, (23) And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. (24) Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: (25) Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. (26) For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: (27) And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. (28) And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient (32) Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. Peace!
@mydreamlace3108 4 года назад
When this happens should we leave and fly out to Arabia . I really need more clarity please
@theisraelofgod 4 года назад
@@mydreamlace3108 theisraelofgod.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/7-18-20-Wilderness-place-of-safety-BWF.pdf
@tressacalahhensley8694 Год назад
My step father preached the place of SAFETY back in 1980's NO RAPTURE BEFORE the TRIBULATION..The 3 and half Tribulation is the worst time on earth..The antichrist is going to rule for 3 and half years..IF you take the Mark of the beast your done..
@Psalmwest 4 года назад
Out of 7.5 billion people,how & where is the wilderness for the true saints of God that are scattered throughout the earth?
@quintonrivers4351 2 года назад
So we are to flee to Mt Horeb which is in Midian, Did I hear that correctly?
@theisraelofgod 2 года назад
The place of safety is in a specific place that all who know when to flee will flee to. Please read the text lesson: theisraelofgod.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/7-18-20-Wilderness-place-of-safety-BWF.pdf Peace! If you still have questions, please call the class at 800-96-BIBLE.
@anthonyesparsen7776 3 года назад
Brother buie tell us saints where to meet you ok , clear ok
@daviyanmcewan4676 4 года назад
@Cici_Promised Год назад
@theisraelofgod Can we get an updated teaching on this video?? 😭
@lionelmoore9125 2 года назад
Brother Buie who was Jesus before he became flesh , and Angle or God ?
@theisraelofgod 2 года назад
I added your question to tomorrow's Q&A on our IOGIsrael channel. Peace!
@lionelmoore9125 2 года назад
@@theisraelofgod thank you.
@davidrochamoreira210 4 года назад
Kan HALLELUYAHUWAH 🙏🏿☝🏿📜👉🏿📖👏🏿🦁👑💪🏿👍🏿🌍👊🏿
@pattimurphy5151 3 года назад
Shalom ..so we are going to Arabia when we flee. Is there a teaching on where the Matt.24:15 speaks of obamanation stands in the Holy place?
@theisraelofgod 3 года назад
theisraelofgod.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/7-04-20-abomination-desolation-BWF-1.pdf theisraelofgod.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/7-18-20-Wilderness-place-of-safety-BWF.pdf
@30josephmiro 3 года назад
hey brother buie i have a random question. since jesus was black does that mean god is black? cause wasn’t man made in his image and likeness which doesn’t necessarily mean to look exactly like he does. just curious and i like how you don’t BS so that’s why i wanted to ask you this question. thanks
@theisraelofgod 3 года назад
@anthonyesparsen7776 4 года назад
I don't know about no need of money or passport to get us there we have to be practical about things
@davidjp7197 4 года назад
You're a gentile too Sir Pastor
@theisraelofgod 4 года назад
No, he is not and neither are the children of Israel. Read this lesson and I pray it edifies you in Jesus' name! theisraelofgod.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/2-01-20-BlackHistory-Pt1-Color-BWF.pdf
@davidjp7197 4 года назад
In Christ (the body of Christ) according to the new covenant and under this current dispensation of Grace there is neither Jew or gentile but we are ALL one. Thanks for the article.
@fortheloveofgod7258 3 года назад
@@davidjp7197 👉🏽NO offense, but... You lack basic understanding of God's word, therefore you are unable to interpret scripture correctly. 👉🏽Greek nor Jew refers to Israelites in DIASPORA. 👉🏽Back then many Israelites from the 10 northern tribes lost their identity and believed they were Greeks, 👉🏽just like today we think we are African-Americans. 👉🏽Only the 2 southern tribes of Judea knew they were Jews. 👉🏽Jesus sent the disciples out from Judea to around the world to find the lost tribes who knew NOT who they were, and teach the true gospel to them as lost brethren in diaspora... NOT as black Greeks. 👉🏽The deciples were NOT sent to teach white Greeks (ie: go NOT the way of the gentiles. Meaning: seek out only the Negroes in the foreign lands and teach them their religion and true identity).
@terrelynthomas2593 Год назад
@@davidjp7197 Well that still wouldn't make him a gentile.
@bosslady.72 4 года назад
Excellent the lord make away❤️❤️
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