
Ireland abortion laws: Should they be changed? (Full debate on referendum) 

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The Irish government has agreed to hold a referendum at the end of May on whether to reform the country’s near-total ban on abortion.
Helen Linehan and her husband, the writer Graham Linehan, campaigned to change the law in Ireland after she had an abortion because of a fatal abnormality in the foetus.
Cliona Johnson was also told during pregnancy her baby had a fatal abnormality. He lived for 17 minutes after birth and she now campaigns to keep the law as it is.
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@sophiejameson4064 6 лет назад
One of my brothers and his wife had to make this decision. They didn't find out until over 20 weeks and the foetus was delivered vaginally at 24 weeks. There was no way it would have survived. Knowing that it could die at any minute inside her nearly drove my poor sister-in-law to suicide. Even her Catholic priest told them an abortion in their position wasn't a sin because the foetus had no chance of life, and prayed with them.
@theoriginalsuffragent3635 5 лет назад
Abortion needs to become restricted more in the Republic of Ireland
@tedyboy41 6 лет назад
Irish government love this. Keeps the media focus off the persecution of low, middle income earners for a few months.
@supercheesedragon 6 лет назад
#Repealed PROUD to be Irish!
@BattleKid619 6 лет назад
I have so many opinions on it, but just tell me this. If my 14 year old sister (God forbid) ends up in a situation outside of her control where she is pregnant and she decides with our entire family that she could not and would not be able to bear and care for a child. Why should you, in god knows whatever part of the country who will never even meet us or the child and will never have to think about any repercussions or demands that a baby has, why should you have a say in how my little sisters life pans out.
@MrZyphR 6 лет назад
BattleKid619 that's what many reasonable people are trying to say, in those cases yes i agree instead of repeal it why not add to it
@katie323 6 лет назад
Exactly, I’d probably never go through with an abortion but just because my choice doesn’t match yours doesn’t mean I should rip your options away!
@markdunphy4561 6 лет назад
What if pregnant women received healthcare and social support, were affirmed socially for accepting responsibility for their actions, and adoption services provided happy homes to children? Or view the ‘choice’ to kill the children as reasonable -- feel that you have the right to decide what another person's life is worth, and decide who is 'unwanted'. Perhaps you can say without thinking that the child is better off dead than adopted - and imagine some nightmare scenario about adopted kids when you know nothing about the adoption system and the long lists of loving Irish folks wanting to be parents and waiting to adopt. Vote. Choose what kind of nation will Ireland be. PS If you are personally opposed to killing children, but you vote to let your neighbors kill their children or even just fail to vote against that, then you are actually in favor of killing children. Have a heart and a spine, Ireland. And a brain- it’s not either-or: You can support women AND the children.
@jaimemorgan5323 6 лет назад
Now THERE was a golden opportunity for a solid debate. This ought to have been an hour-long discussion!
@Fangtorn 6 лет назад
These are two women who had the same experience with two different outcomes. One wants both outcomes to be legal. The other wants only her outcome to be legal. I have no idea how the referendum is going to shake out but I don't see how even if you're against abortions you can be against giving women the choice.
@gofishglobal7919 6 лет назад
Fangtorn If we are against abortion it is because we are against murder. At that point, the "choice" argument is already moot.
@brendanbutler1238 6 лет назад
Your argument is a straw man. Because it is abortion that limits people's choice. The pro abortionist's want to make it legal for one person to take away all life, all hopes, all dreams, all choices from another person. The pro lifers are the real pro choicer's, because they believe that one person should not be able to take choices away from another person
@jonathanbolger6173 6 лет назад
I would like to think it will be repealed but I honestly don't think it will be.
@fleaship6134 6 лет назад
If women seek an abortion then they can travel over to the UK and have it done, it doesn't need to be introduced in Ireland as it should not be used as a form of contraception.
@sammied7120 6 лет назад
A woman has a choice to do whatever she wants with her body but once she’s pregnant it goes beyond her own personal choice because another life is involved. I’m sure if you saw a heavily pregnant woman partying drunk in a nightclub you would be outraged, but why? Isn’t it her body her choice?
@whitefang6930 6 лет назад
This interview was pointless. They spoke only of one tiny percentage of abortions due to fetal fatal abnormality. The Irish abortion referendum is not about these hard cases, it's about abortion on demand for healthy babies which represents the vast majority of abortions. What a wasted opportunity.
@Justme-zo3jy 6 лет назад
this is the Republic of Ireland's decision. nothing to do with the rest of the world. We dont need your criticism, your options ,nor do we need what we should do,or not do. This debate on Irish Law is our business.
@buskerharmony 3 года назад
but i am irish think before you open your mouth
@Eric-ye5yz 6 лет назад
Those who vote yes are not trying to control the situation, they are just offering choice to those who need a choice and there are all kinds of circumstances that require choice. Whereas those who vote no are making a blunt decision for which there is no way back.
@mcconartist3281 6 лет назад
A very difficult topic- good luck to ireland with the referendum and fair play for allowing the people to have their voice heard
@joekelly9755 6 лет назад
Mcconartist 123 Mc It’s in the constitution to have referendums to change the constitution. The U.K. should write one
@melkidrizzly7390 6 лет назад
Hey You Are you pro-life? Or between either of those two (pro-choice)?
@joekelly9755 6 лет назад
Peppermint Twixt Pro-Choice up to 12 weeks. I think Women should be able to make a decision as I believe that woman can make moral choices such as ending the life of a human organism. I think that women are aware that abortion isn’t about health (like the pro-Choice campaign say) or treating it as contraception or thinking it’s a morning after pill. They understand abortion is much more serious. I think the limit should be 12 weeks, not Britain’s 20-something weeks.
@melkidrizzly7390 6 лет назад
Hey You _Hahahaha!_ Before seeing the rest of your comment through previewed display; I honestly thought you'd written *“I'm pro-choice up to… the **_Max_** …‼”* 🤔👍🏻😉😂☝🏻 Other than that, umm _Thank You_ for replying! 😇✨🎇🙌🏼👶🏽🍼🐣👣
@jonathanbolger6173 6 лет назад
For fetal abnormalities there is absolutely no doubt in my mind abortion should be legal. I also believe it should be the right of the woman to choose up until a certain point. Majority of the science community agree that there is no way for a fetus to be aware of pain and distress up until at least 20 weeks, so for me, a woman who is not mentally able to go through with a pregnancy must have a choice , the consequences for her physical and mental well-being need to be priority at a certain point. I will add though that I don't think this will pass, there is a lot of dark age/religious hangover still in Ireland, by which I mean otherwise well rounded and thoughtful individuals are still anchored to Christianity through legacy and a sense of fear.
@wickedtribeART 6 лет назад
A womans' body is her own fucking business...
@buskerharmony 6 лет назад
@BadSpanglish 6 лет назад
I don't understand those who lobby purely about choice without considering, or even disregarding, whether the embryo/fetus is alive. If/when you believe it is alive how can you not believe it is worthy of the same protection under the law as every other human. The 'pro-choice' advocate never even alludes to a life; framing this purely about choice. I can't imagine me being allowed to kill any other human purely because their existence is inconvenient. That said, personally i don't really see a fetus as a life at conception and I certainly see it as alive in the weeks leading up to birth. My issue is anywhere you draw that line seems artificial or philosophical: Heart Beating, Genitals, Eyes forming, Moving Limbs, Ability to survive outside the womb.
@BadSpanglish 6 лет назад
You write two paragraphs in direct reply, with a valid view that you think life begins at birth and that you place a greater emphasis on the life of a 100% living woman over the life/ potential life of the fetus. After that you go off trying to debunk objective morality, which I did not mention; not once. My whole comment was about the subjectivity surrounding the commencement of life; with the point being if an unborn baby is considered alive (albeit subjective), then it is under the protection of the law. In the west, ‘Merica included, that means protection from being murdered. Now, killing the defenceless or killing simply for convenience may well be morally subjective (you may even be in favour of them) but they are widely considered immoral and are illegal in the UK and Republic of Ireland (where this was filmed and where it pertains to). Also to look at your point on the subjective nature of morality on the whole: “…you can believe what you believe and same for me even though we believe different things that’s fine. But the second you start proclaiming your belief to be truth for everyone and expect people who don’t share your belief to follow it that’s when you become a dictator…” That would be fine if this was simply belief and not action against a potential unwilling party. If I believe you to be killing someone, should I not try and stop you? If someone’s subjective belief was that all women should be killed, would you not want them to be stopped? Or, as you seem to suggest, would you like everyone to stand back and respect the attackers right to an kill as they see fit? Finally, everyone likes pithy closing remarks. I hope I wrote this clearly enough for an American. I know English is likely your second language, after bad English...or Spanish.
@belmum1689 6 лет назад
A unborn baby is life with a lot of potential. All of our babies are precious, even our unborn babies!
@belmum1689 6 лет назад
Do u need google to define if abortions is OK, like it doesn't kill another human being, a baby, I can name a few laws that wasn't allowed but now is & vise versa. Fact: from the moment of conception the unborn are distinct living, whole human beings, we all know abortions kills unborn babies!.
@belmum1689 6 лет назад
& what has religion got to do with abortions, pregnancy is natural its how all life starts out & women's body's are made for it, we all know abortions kills babies. IF our unborn babies are parasite's, in women's womb then we are a parasite too, b/c we human beings only reproduce our own kind? I never heard how's your parasite going, when is your parasite due? Pro choice degrade men, women & some of our unborn babies for abortions by saying they are nothing but really why debate me if our unborn babies are nothing, a parasite if abortion is like getting a tooth pulled out - b/c it is not, as it kills babies. So the unborn baby is not a parasite, if the women wants it?
@belmum1689 6 лет назад
So, u still haven't proved why some babies should be aborted b/c that's how we all of started out developing in our mothers womb, even born humans beings are still developing & it doesn't make anyone of us less valuable human being - to kill us. The belief that every person is entitled to an opinion does not mean that every opinion is as good as any other. Not all opinions are equally valuable. Some opinions are better informed, more practical, or more compassionate-better for the human race in general, you might say. Pro - choice is very misleading & dishonest call it for what it is Pro - abortion that's why u are debating me, so some babies can be kill b/c it give u a superior feeling ..But really u know abortions kills babies. Why be embarrassed about being called Pro abortion, u support & advocate for it, pro choice is still the choice to abort some babies, that's why u are debating me. Only with abortion's are words & arbitrary assertions are used to dehumanize the unborn baby & to try to justify killing some of them. Sorry using a parasite to describe the unborn baby isn't right, as the unborn baby is from the same organism as us, but a parasite : Is an organism which lives in or on ANOTHER organism (Its host)? The host is another organism.
@martinwilliammichael 5 лет назад
God's choice or the devils choice. We CHOOSE where we go when we die. It's up to you!
@ceciliebroman5634 2 года назад
@sophiejameson4064 6 лет назад
The Irish woman's foetus had anencephaly. That means missing some or all of its skull and brain. Essentially headless. To talk, as she does, of meeting this little life, is just sentimental twaddle. Fine if it comforts her, but no basis for policy.
@jamesflynn4741 6 лет назад
And do something you Irish - vote! Vote and encourage all others too like millions of children’s lives depends on it. Nobody who advocates the surgical slaughter of children has the moral high ground. The women who advocate for life, including social and medical support for pregnant women, and for adoption services for those who cannot have children - they are the ones who are the champions of all women - adult and unborn . Be strong and be good - be Irish. It’s not about choice or women’s bodies- that rhetoric is so old and misleading. Choice, choice, choice. Choice of what? its not women’s bodies that end up in dumpsters behind abortion clinics, and choice of what? Choice of child slaughter, by a procedure associated with intrauterine adhesions and other complications. Stand up for women! Do not respect any ‘right’ or choice of killing children.
@barbara1904 6 лет назад
Even with wanted babies, cows in the field are looked after better that pregnant mothers. In the interests of the health of the cow, its calf is sometimes delivered early so that the cow can have more later. So if your wife is in labour, take her to a farm and get her to moo for better care.
@vincederry1105 6 лет назад
It is not your body but the babys' body
@hurryupnow1 6 лет назад
i wonder what the lady on the right wa sgoing to say before she got cut off
@MrSpookyLover 6 лет назад
some more sentimentality driven,nonsense rhetoric
@danielinnicg2114 6 лет назад
why is this english woman trying to change an irish law?
@aengusomaoilriain2019 6 лет назад
Daniélín NicG she's english that should tell you everything. The english believe it's there given right to do as they like in countries that dont belong to them.
@charogarcia9990 6 лет назад
And if you are raped what it will happen?
@hi-ok2ut 6 лет назад
If you’re raped, yes it’s a traumatic experience, but if you abort, then you have to live with that traumatic experience AND the guilt of knowing you killed a baby
@AlanWattResistance 6 лет назад
If we are to respect women's absolute 'bodily autonomy' then shouldn't we allow a woman to throw herself off a bridge in a suicide, due solely to the fact that it's a woman's choice? Shouldn't we also allow women to abort babies after 24weeks simply because she has a right to choose? Shouldn't women have access to military style firearms because she's a woman? Shouldn't women be able to commit indecent acts in public because 'who are we to judge'? The bodily autonomy argument is thus proven false by it's absurd conclusion.
@AlanWattResistance 6 лет назад
Again, your argument is absurd because it would mean that a woman should be able to abort a baby one-week before it's due to be born! That logically follows from your premise! How can you be so blind as to not see the absurdity of this argument? Aborting a human baby only hours away from being born is almost universially despised by every sane individual!
@06rtm 6 лет назад
I just dont think that women should have the right to choose to kill their unborn baby.
@Dana-ns5rm 6 лет назад
George Abortions will happen whether they are legal or not. You can't ban abortion. You can only ban safe abortion. I would rather women have the access to legal abortions and get the procedure they need without risking their lives.
@06rtm 6 лет назад
Dana Bazzi Yes and murder will happen whether we ban it or not, but just because there is market demand for hitmen doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make it legal. Killing unborn infants is not an ethical solution to unplanned pregnancy.
@Dana-ns5rm 6 лет назад
George, it is not up to you to decide what is ethical or not. Women will have abortions no matter what. In Romania they made abortion illegal for a few years and over 9000 women died due to illegal abortions. These women were not able to get the safe legal abortions that they needed so they had to resort to illegal abortions and tragically lost their lives. Abortion needs to be legal. It is not up to you to decide how someone else should deal with their pregnancy. There is no such thing as an "unborn infant". It is a fetus. The term infant only applies to newborns.
@06rtm 6 лет назад
Dana Bazzi The situation in Romania was much more complicated then you describe it. Contraception was also illegal, and the country was starving under communist rule. That’s not the situation in Ireland. You do not have the right to initiate violence against another person. Killing isn’t ethical. You can argue it is if you want, but I just happen to think that killing babies is not moral. If a pregnant mother is murdered it’s considered a double homicide. You said that women aren’t able to get the abortions they need if it’s made illegal. They don’t need abortions. They are unwilling to accept the responsibility inherent in being a woman and so rather than accept that responsibility, have the child, and either give it up for adoption or raise it, they choose to kill it. That’s not ethical. It’s abhorrent. We have birth control. We have morning after pills. We have adoption. Babies are always adopted. Newborns have no trouble finding homes. Killing the baby is not a right. It’s a crime.
@Dana-ns5rm 6 лет назад
The abortion argument comes down to an issue of Bodily Autonomy. Bodily Autonomy is an inherent right granted at birth. Having Bodily Autonomy means that no one can use your body without your consent. Even if they could die, they cannot force you to let them use your body for their survival. If my sister got into an accident and needed a blood or organ donation from me to survive I legally have the right to say "No". Even if she could die without a blood/organ donation from me, she cannot force me to let her use my body. Even when you die, your body cannot be donated to science and your organs cannot be donated to people in need without your legal consent before your death. Forcing women to become vessels for fetuses strips them off their inherent right to their bodily autonomy and LITERALLY gives women less rights than a corpse. Adoption is not an alternative to abortion. It is a fetus, not a baby.
@Meeeeeeee75 6 лет назад
We are boycotting the Irish times and the independent which we bought every day and we won’t be voting FF or FG in the next election. The media and our politicians must know who we are and that they don’t represent us! Pass this message on!
@katenoke1571 9 месяцев назад
@MrSonicAdvance 6 лет назад
Gee! If only there was affordable and reliable contraception for women...
@JohnGormleyJG 6 лет назад
MrSonicAdvance, Alright McCarthy.
@Bill-zp2mt 6 лет назад
Condoms have 18% failure rate if I'm not mistaken.
@roadglide1136 6 лет назад
Maybe both of these women wanted to have children? Nothing in this discussion indicates these were unwanted pregnancies, so your comment isn't relevant to this.
@mylifepostpain3705 6 лет назад
George yes and that means getting an abortion if their child will will live a life of pain and misery.
@06rtm 6 лет назад
Rebecca Brown That’s a different argument than killing perfectly healthy unborn infants. Most abortions are not the situation you are referring to.
@bigwhal9897 6 лет назад
1:50 not your body its a human with its own set of dna and blood type
@lucrezia8borgias 6 лет назад
This right here shows us everything we need to know about people with actual real abortion needs, but how they dealt with it seems to influence the people they are now, one seems sad and unsure, the other confident, happy and compassionate. it’s impressive how our actions change us, proLifer.
@jamesmurphy2017 5 лет назад
Helen aborted her child because she thought of herself and didnt want to have any difficulties in her life. She feared that others would know of her tragedy. Cliona had the wonderful courage to meet her child and to love him and to be changed by him. It is easy to see from the demeanour of both women today who made the right decision.
@Difficultfuckhead 6 лет назад
* * * 2020 * * * Joe Rogan vs Oprah Winfrey * * * 2020 * * *
@cicerhoe7983 6 лет назад
Why is a woman from Norwich talking about this political and decisive matter within Ireland? Im not a No voter but I honestly think you need Irish people on both sides to talk about this subject matter?
@michaelchampion96 6 лет назад
Maybe women/ couples shouldn't have scans to see how their baby is developing? Just allow nature to take its course and give them whatever- be it a healthy child, a disabled child, or a child who dies in the womb or soon after birth etc. This was what happened before women were able to have scans.
@katie323 6 лет назад
Michael Champion Seriously? Women have scans to see if their baby is ALIVE. To see how they’re going to prepare themselves for upcoming challenges the pregnancy may take. To make sure their baby’s forming correctly.
@michaelchampion96 6 лет назад
All I'm saying is that perhaps it's best not to know. That removes the dilemma as to what to do with an "imperfect" baby (morally/ practically etc). We managed for thousands of years when we were unable to have scans. And babies can be given up for adoption.
@katie323 6 лет назад
Michael Champion Parents should have the right to check if their baby is still living inside them. Technology and time had changed. Parents need to educate themselves if their baby is extremely unhealthy/has an illness. Most of these cannot be detected before 12 weeks. If abortion is legalised in Ireland, abortion after 12 weeks won’t be allowed.
@katie323 6 лет назад
Personally, I don’t think I’d ever be able to go through with an abortion. But just because it’s not my cup of tea, doesn’t mean I have the right to rip the CHOICE from someone else. #VoteYes.
@yawnboredagain5363 6 лет назад
A child of rape is a victim of rape. The child has to live knowing that their father raped their mother. We don't hold children accountable for their crimes of their parents. They need a voice to stand up for them and extra help. The state should provide a quick adoption if needed, there are many needy couples who would love such a child. It needs a stronger sentence for rape that leads to pregnancy.
@Justme-zo3jy 6 лет назад
this is a decision for the people of the Republic of Ireland unless you have a vote. your options are not needed.
@zephyrr914 6 лет назад
God bless the second lady and her heart felt and wise birth and healing.
@jonathanbolger6173 6 лет назад
It was right for her, she seems to have come to terms with it, others might not be able for that.
@frozenfan3092 6 лет назад
I have heard so many women who want this right to abort their children. I just cant get past the "killing their own children" part. I just cant do it.
@avaryan5927 6 лет назад
Frozen Fan there’s more too it
@Ld-dj3br 6 лет назад
@niamhnidhalaigh5861 6 лет назад
alot of women drinking bleach?! such bullshit..what planet is she on? also, she has an english accent and lives in the uk so why is she even speaking on this?
@hobbyable1 6 лет назад
Its a necessary evil and its here, so you might as well have a system that is legalized and well regulated, that's seeks to promote the welfare of both women and the child.
@buskerharmony 6 лет назад
the uk uterus is no longer fit for purpose,
@declanmurphy1006 6 лет назад
You get a lot of women drinking bleach?
@anthonyburke5677 6 лет назад
Declan Murphy what the he'll are you talking about?
@declanmurphy1006 6 лет назад
Anthony did you watch the video? That's what the comment section is about. It's for people who watched the video. If you watched the video you would know what the HE'LL I'm talking about. Watch the video Anthony.
@anthonyburke5677 6 лет назад
Declan Murphy I'm half away in at the moment and reading comments! Please explain! There is nothing stopping a woman flying to the uk 45 minutes away to have it done! 50 euros flight bleach bullshit by someone that lives in England. Just lies!
@anthonyburke5677 6 лет назад
Declan Murphy no is the answer to your question! Just lies!
@pigpower1189 6 лет назад
Anthony Burke the pro-choice woman said that women drink bleach in Ireland
@laidir1000 6 лет назад
Audi alteram partem/Let both sides be heard. This thread is unashamedly biased in favour of abortion.
@buskerharmony 6 лет назад
no more shotgun weddings,
@aidanjoyce3248 3 года назад
They're all getting banged up now with whatever mickey comes along next. Law if the ffkknn jungle.
@laidir1000 6 лет назад
No! They shouldn't be changed. This issue was already decided in 1983. Respect the will of the people.
@queendeh6717 6 лет назад
@tutorialsbyj.o.s.h.9425 6 лет назад
@margiedee6700 6 лет назад
It is a woman's right to say yes or no
@margiedee6700 6 лет назад
It is a big thing to have to go though .The church tells you whot you have to do .The church don't go outside the box and think of whot this person has to go though. Time is changing the old law's are also changing .
@avaryan5927 6 лет назад
Hear our voices ,respect our choices comment if you know Jennifer Ryan or tfmr Ireland #repealthe8th ❌8❌
@MrZyphR 6 лет назад
Ava Ryan instead repeal why not add to it and just add the exception such as life threatening illnesses
@avaryan5927 6 лет назад
MrZyphR no
@MrZyphR 6 лет назад
Ava Ryan so abortions whenever you want? You people need to make exceptions
@katie323 6 лет назад
MrZyphR What about when women are raped? When a young teen falls pregnant? Doesn’t the women’s life matter then?
@MrZyphR 6 лет назад
Katie x those are the mitigating circumstances that i want in place
@indreamluo1981 6 лет назад
If a mother used to have abortion, then when she's telling her kids that she loves them would be more convincing.
@MrJoecool9999 6 лет назад
Abortion isn't in the Irish Constitution - the Right to Life is...…! Ireland can set a wonderful example to the rest of the World on Friday - by Voting NO and guaranteeing the Right to Life of the unborn remains in the Irish Constitution.....!
@michaelcraig9449 6 лет назад
They just legalized it, how evil.
@C.I.B.onTV. 6 лет назад
Lady with the glasses has issues from her abortion it seems, god bless her
@Edwardsays 6 лет назад
The constitution protects the life of the living baby. They say, "WE WANT CHOICE", but murdering a living human life is still murder.
@thcrmsnchn1056 6 лет назад
A sperm cell is "human life", does that make jerking off an act of murder? If a fetus is not sentient, why should it be given the rights of sentient humans?
@Edwardsays 6 лет назад
THCRMSNCHN Conception is the start of human life of a totally unique individual with a full set of DNA for that human. What don’t you understand about a living human being alive not separate sperm and egg!
@thcrmsnchn1056 6 лет назад
That's a completely arbitrary definition of an individual "person". What does a person's DNA have to do with their personal rights? By that logic, if I had an identical twin brother, and I killed him, it would not be murder because he did not have a "unique" set of DNA from me and is therefore not an individual person with individual rights. Complete trash reasoning.
@Edwardsays 6 лет назад
THCRMSNCHN The point is that you and your twin brother are completely human with a full set of DNA. What part of human being don’t you understand?
@thcrmsnchn1056 6 лет назад
A skin cell on the end of my nose is completely human and has a full set of DNA, does that make it murder to itch my nose? Your reasoning is still garbage. Individual rights are not determined by DNA or by being human. Individual rights are determined by sentience. Things that are sentient have rights, things that are not sentient do not.
@laidir1000 6 лет назад
There are some things in this life which are just dead wrong. And abortion is one of them. And no amount of self deceptive sophistry will make I right.
@trianfullness 6 лет назад
Thats it cut off the pro life speaker before they get a chance to remind you that choosing to end somebody elses life is always wrong...even if they are terminal.....as we all are.
@buillbogger5768 6 лет назад
a women who murdered her child to prevent herself from difficulties and play the victum -vs- a women with a conscience
@katie323 6 лет назад
buill bogger Her baby still died didn’t he? At least the woman’s baby on the right wasn’t in any pain...
@belmum1689 6 лет назад
What so killing a unborn baby is better before it can die peacefully on its own but can u imagine the pain of being poisoned, crushed &/or ripped apart, now that would hurt alot!
@mattsspelman1457 6 лет назад
Should we be giving pedos the choice what to do with their bodys aswell? I'm not attracted to children so who am I to tell them. This is the logic people use.
@krissyjo2577 4 года назад
🧐I would choose the baby any day over a human who would kill a baby 🎁🧸🎈🥳
@krissyjo2577 4 года назад
🤗I am not my moms body 🤗🥰🥳
@ryankrekeler1292 6 лет назад
still woman's fault she got pregnant
@roadglide1136 6 лет назад
Seems like both women wanted a child, so how is it their "fault?" Your comment is irrelevant.
@nikytag 6 лет назад
There is no "fault" when it comes to becoming pregnant, and even if there is, you're still confused-- women can't become pregnant on their own, why can they shoulder the blame on their own too? Comments like these are the reason people have difficulty taking the pro-life movement seriously. As soon as you treat it like a way to restrict or punish women and not to protect babies, you've already lost. That rhetoric has no place in life today.
@roadglide1136 6 лет назад
Nicky T: The inescapable reality is that pregnancy, birth, and child raising fall 99% on the woman, so it makes sense for women to ensure they don't get pregnant if they don't want a child. It will remain that way until men can get pregnant. How is contraception a way to punish or restrict women? Let's be real: if you aren't responsible enough to take cheap, easy precautions, you aren't mature enough to have a child. The pro-life people don't want an innocent child to die b/c the main stake-holder (the woman) is totally irresponsible.
@bigmassivebrid 6 лет назад
Yeh she did it all on her own.
@krissyjo2577 4 года назад
🤗L❤️ve babes 🎁🧸🎈🤢don’t kill them 🤮
@Bill-zp2mt 6 лет назад
Women are creators of life, so they should also have the power take life if they so chooses. (At least until 6 months before birth.)
@Bill-zp2mt 6 лет назад
We got bigger issues than dead babies, even though all life is equal we don't treat each life equal. Nationalism rule in all our hearts.
@chicotthejester9341 6 лет назад
Bill You’re right...we’re probably going to starve, but at least you could be a man while you do it.
@declanmurphy1006 6 лет назад
I'm pro choice but Bill dude, that is a fucking dumb argument.
@TheSteelEcho666 6 лет назад
Women aren't the creators of life, life happens when a man and woman come together, unless they can reproduce by binary fission now.
@Bill-zp2mt 6 лет назад
A "Man" would do everything in his power to save some, rather than sacrificing everyone for certain death. Basic math problem for you: What's best solution, save 1 human or 0 humans. To reach 0 emissions are almost impossible in 22 years so we have to cut corners if we want to succeed, and you guys want to save everyone at the cost of everyone. That's just crazy! Think about the million of creatures on this planet, they did not agree to the destruction of this earth, even if you did. Don't they have any living value in your eyes ?
@kierengriffiths312 6 лет назад
Abortion is not murder if you want one have one
@gracexxxxo 6 лет назад
Kieren Griffiths so if i killed you because i wanted to it isnt murder ?🤔
@kierengriffiths312 6 лет назад
gracexxxxo can you do it now please
@gracexxxxo 6 лет назад
Kieren Griffiths 😂😂😂
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