
Is America the New Rome? Whatifalthist Debunked 

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Whatifalthist, famous right-wing historical dilettante, compares the USA to the Roman Republic. Featuring Oswald Spengler, imperialism, and a lot of hot takes.
His video: • America is the New Rome
• No Copyright | Calm Ja...
Video Sources
• Counter-insurgency Ope...
• Fighter Jets Stock Foo...
SPQR, Mary Beard
The Restoration of Rome, Peter Heather
The Fate of Rome, Kyle Harper
Caesar: Life of a Colossus, Adrian Goldsworthy
Augustus, Adrian Goldsworthy
A History of Capitalism, Michel Beaud
I’ll add more to this list later



27 сен 2024




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@lykael6833 Год назад
0:00 - Why WhatIfAltHist 3:12 - The facts 14:07 - Historical cycles 15:28 - The sources 20:32 - Ideological History 39:09 - Why people listen to WhatIfAltHist
@bideni408 14 дней назад
Trump protects the Constitutional Reoublic and all rights. Global team wants to desteoy the Reoublic for a system were a big gov force on you wgat to eat,how to speak, how to think.....
@James_Wisniewski Год назад
The comparison between the Bronze Age Collapse and the fragmenting of the Frankish Empire is nonsense on even more levels. For one, the Frankish Empire fragmented in part because of how they handled succession, which was by dividing the kingdom's lands among the king's sons, with the only times this didn't happen being when the king only had one surviving son. For another, the Bronze Age collapse was the result of many wildly varying societal and economic factors across multiple civilizations that created a domino effect across the board, with some societies being hit much harder than others. To say it was just down to invasions from foreign peoples is oversimplified to the point of outright dishonesty, and the only reason anyone would do such a thing is if they're pushing a particular agenda which happens to include fearmongering about foreign peoples coming into the society being discussed as "at risk."
@TheRezro 10 месяцев назад
Yup. Those crisis have the exact opposite causes. The main reason for Bronze Age collapse weren't as much Sea People. But the development of iron works. Previously Empires gain huge advantage if they have operating bronze works, but that demand higher level of organization and global scale trade network. Because empire rarely have both copper and tin mines on own lands. With development of steal works. Any random tribe could start making equal quality equipment and need for empires disappear. The sea people were just result if this change. While Frankish Empire didn't really collapse. But fall victim of inheritance law what hold Holly Roman Empire on knees for almost half of milenia. France, Germany and Italy still did keep mostly the same level of relations as before that. And Roman Empire didn't actually fall. With Frankia being Roman province. Just that East and West stop recognizing legitimacy of each other.
@ethank.3201 4 месяца назад
He doesn’t say that the Bronze Age collapse is like the Frankish Kingdom collapse. He argues that the fall of the Roman Empire is the modern the Bronze Age collapse -barbarian invasions, huge population decline, and civilizational collapse. The Bronze Age collapse was the og trauma that sparked the classical era similarly to how the Roman collapse is our og trauma.
@dairallan 9 дней назад
Even saying the Frankish Empire "collapsed" is going to far. Its like saying the Roman Empire ended in 472 when it continued for another 980 years. The Frankish Empire is still around. Its called France.
@Innerste_ Год назад
I think it's funny whenever he talks about how the west sacrificed social stability in exchange for equality because I sometimes think he's about to support feudalism
@thucydideschannel Год назад
feudalism was never real: www.jstor.org/stable/1869563
@Medgewick 11 месяцев назад
The only stopping him from being a full blown fascist is that he was born 80 years too late
@MrMarinus18 10 месяцев назад
Personally the biggest shortcoming of the modern left is that they remain as worker focused as they are. Worker's rights are still important of course but in today's society consumer rights carry a lot of weight as well. A lot of the modern far right actually appeals to consumerism by pointing out the ability of the megacorps to force all kinds of content down people's throats and take stuff from them.
@MrMarinus18 10 месяцев назад
The left though does have a habit of prioritizing facts over narrative which does hurt them quite a bit cause it's narrative that compels people. The only way to change someone's narrative is to provide them with an opposing narrative, presenting them facts that don't fit in their narrative usually doesn't work as they will just dismiss or ignore them. The left also has a habit of talking about stats and theories rather than focusing on the actual things people can see.
@TheRezro 10 месяцев назад
@marshalmarrs3269 And you would dig rice in the field in exchange of not being whipped. Because East Emperors consider themselves as perfect and refuse any changes in the society.
@jasontoddman7265 Год назад
I dislike WhatifAlt Hist just because he called the city where I live (Portland Maine) the strangest city he has ever been in, without really giving any concrete reasons why. Also, who calls themselves an intellectual? Takes a really inflated ego to do that; especially when you're an early 20-something college drop-out.
@flowgangsemaudamartoz7062 Год назад
The man definitely has a "blind-ego" vibe to him.
@jasontoddman7265 Год назад
@@flowgangsemaudamartoz7062 Very much so. It seems to me to be a very common trait among conservatives regardless of age, race, or nationality. True, it's certainly not exclusively a conservative trait, but it does seem to be a more evident trait among them.
@MeanBeanComedy Год назад
Meh, he's fairly intellectual. Don't get butthurt about your city. He's from a different part of the world. I'd probably find it odd, too, and you'd find my hometown odd. No big deal
@jasontoddman7265 Год назад
@@MeanBeanComedy It wasn't just that he said it was odd. He said it was the *oddest* place he's ever been. And the mofo has (or at least claims to have) travelled extensively all over the world. And I might find your hometown different. But unless you practice human sacrifice there or something I wouldn't likely call it *odd!* And the guy isn;t anywhere near as smart as he evidently thinks he is. All of his videos are filled with factual errors and places where he jumps to weird conclusions or sees relationships in things that are mere coincidences (some are even in his titles).
@beto5010 Год назад
@@MeanBeanComedyMann get his nuts out of your mouth, you’re trying a little too hard in these comments
@WB-se6nz Год назад
I believe the earliest concepts of nationalism began during the Hundred Years war, and certaintly not before. The French, in their war against England, began to view their "country" as something of a shared linguistic and cultural heritage as a sort of unifying force against England. It definitely wasn't nationalism as we understand it today, but the French were begining to see France as an entiry rather than the constituent parts of feudal society.. there's a really interesting book about this period in history I highly suggest!
@wholesomedoll6635 Год назад
can you drop the name of the book please!
@WB-se6nz Год назад
@@Hwje1111 okay, so I think I should have specified that I'm talking about the modern concept of nationalism that is intrinsically connected to the nation state. Yes, nationalism does go far back to ancient history. I don't disagree with that at all. The concept of a nation state is modern, and their official creation was with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648. What I was trying to say is that the concept of modern nationalism, as tied to a specific nation state, began during the Hundred Years War.
@WB-se6nz Год назад
@@Hwje1111 “The Westphalian system, also known as Westphalian sovereignty, is a principle in international law that each state has exclusive sovereignty over its territory.”
@WB-se6nz Год назад
@@wholesomedoll6635 A Distant Mirror by Barbara W. Tuchman
@WB-se6nz Год назад
@@Hwje1111 ancient Israel was not a nation state and the people of that time did not have a concept of such a political entity. Israel and Judah, as a "united monarchy," was more of a tribal confederacy, and people then would have identified themselves based upon their tribe. An Israeli identity did not exist like it does today. And that is really the core distinction here, you can look back at ancient history and say any unified polity was a nation state but the people who lived then did not identify themselves as part of an overarching nation state as we understand it today. You've mentioned ancient China before, perfect example. The ancient Chinese people didn't view China as a nation, it was an empire and people's loyalties were to local governors or the Emperor, not the polity itself. Sure, people had a concept of country, a land comprising of people that share a culture or language with, but the concept of being loyal to a nation itself didn't exist. Ancient China, Persia, Rome, and etc were not nations, they were multiethnic conglomerates.
@Pantsinabucket Год назад
Reminder that whatifalthist claims that he refuses to read any historical works written after 1960 because they’re too “woke”, and seems to only cite books rather than papers in journals. Any history student would know how flawed of an argument this is. 13:30 also yes, cathedral proportions are near-perfect with a great degree of math involved. Reading about Cluniac monasteries or any other Romanesque/gothic churches will show the efforts they put into achieving “golden ratios” in proportions, and St. Bernard of Clairvaux provides an extremely detailed account of achieving the proper balance of lighting through stained glass.
@Eliel20117 Год назад
He reads a lot of pop-history books from the last decade which makes him likelier to say stupid shit that doesn’t make sense, the old book reading list just makes him more chauvinistic
@salzigerfranz1291 Год назад
He should refuse to read any historical works written past the 1940s.
@MeanBeanComedy Год назад
1960s is too recent. That's his issue. Gotta go even further back.
@none2912 11 месяцев назад
Wait until he finds out these were influenced by Islamic architecture
@Pantsinabucket 11 месяцев назад
@@none2912 you’ve got it the wrong way around bud. Gothic cathedrals drew their influence primarily from evolutions of Romanesque ones, which if the name doesn’t indicate it, drew theirs from Roman-era basilicas.
I think of rome everyday
@abitoftheuniverse2 Год назад
Some days; every waking hour... I❤🍝🍕🍷🏟️🏛️🎭🥾📖📅🏺🇮🇹🪙⛲⚓🧭🥗🍅🧄🧅🍞🎪 🪐 🌞🌕⚔️📨👑💖⏳ Su Mo Tu We Th Fr SA Etc. Etc. ego gratias ago roma pro multis ❤
@KOCChristian Год назад
I day dream the mongols and Romans take over the universe
@HVLLOWS1999 Год назад
​@@KOCChristian Oh god
@nont18411 11 месяцев назад
@@KOCChristian Meanwhile, I have a wet dream about Tokugawa shogunate
@MrCrosby.s_lunch 5 месяцев назад
And then they got their asses kicked, trust me i'm italian and studied a lot of classic history, rome was a centrally planned theocracy
@emptychair3932 10 месяцев назад
this is a very mature and well argued refutation. lots of people just make fun of him without properly dismantling his arguments. Great job!! stellar work!
@Δ-Δ-Δ-Δ 9 месяцев назад
I don't even believe one should be forced to dismantle his arguments. The guy puts 0 effort in what he does. He deserves all the slack that gets tossed his way.
@landsknecht8654 8 месяцев назад
Actually, the Romans did have political parties in a big sense, maybe not in exactly the modern way we understand, but they did have political parties such as Optimates and Populares, for example. Actually, most scholars do agree that Christianity did "united" Europe to some level or the other. As a matter of fact, one can argue there were fewer wars in Europe during the Mediveal times compared to the last 500 years of history. The fact is Christianity was a glue that kept Europe to some level together. You don't really see that with other regions, at least not in the same level. At 19:50 I mean, some cultures are better than others... Unless somehow you think the society and culture in Afghanistan are just as culturally vibrant as, let's say, I don't know Polish culture and society? 21:45 believe it or not, that's not his views on china. The Chinese themselves believe their culture hasn't changed for about 5000 years. 23:00 What he meant by "more creative" is like they invented a lot of technological progress more than any other civilization, which is pretty true. If that wasn't the case in colonialism, it wouldn't have happened to begin with. 23:35 and what do you think everybody else is doing? The Mongols, Huns, Chinese, Mali, Timurid Empire, Otomes, Aztecs, Incas, Moors, and many other non Western Empires? Just to put it in perspective, the Mongols did kill about 10 to 12 % of the world's population. The Moors killed more Spaniards in one week than the entire Spanish Inquisition. So I don't understand your point about the European colonization? Empires happen?
@moustachio05 24 дня назад
​@@Δ-Δ-Δ-Δso what you're telling me is that you have no counterarguments against this vid got it
@Δ-Δ-Δ-Δ 24 дня назад
@@moustachio05 Huh?
@Δ-Δ-Δ-Δ 24 дня назад
@@landsknecht8654 What the hell is even the West?
@Cheesenommer Год назад
People are really calling whatifalthist a "centrist" when he compares democrats with a political group he claims caused rebellions that destroyed the Roman republic. I won't say anything about the truth of that, but it's certainly, explicitly not a centrist position.
@gotworc 11 месяцев назад
While I don't necessarily agree with him. I think there is some truth to his statement. The division between parties, radicalism, rebellious attitudes and overall untrustworthiness of the government. Mainly started in the early 2010s on the left in more niche groups. Slowly gaining traction. Then really ramped up in popularity in 2015-2016 where it then sparked a similar thing to start happening on the right as a response. While one group is obviously not to blame i think there is definitely some validity to the claim that the Democrats or whatever you want to say kind of sparked it all.
@itsmedjoom987 2 месяца назад
To say the right wasn’t becoming more anti government before 2016 is preposterous. We had militias popping up in the early 2000s and we even had that thing where some rancher who was trespassing on federal land tried to start a revolution in Nevada that wanted to overthrow the government there. So to say that the left is at fault for the alt right we have today in the US is bs. Also, u ignore that the democrats have been sticking to centrist candidates that learn towards the right. We had Obama stating that he was sympathetic to a certain form of conservatism. Not to mention, Obamas Middle East policy was just a continuation of the previous Bush administration. @gotworc
@cruznix745 Год назад
I feel like the only way that this comparison could be made is if you take the rise and fall of the Roman political machine as a wholly unique thing and not something that tends to happen to superpowers.
@TheRezro 10 месяцев назад
Literally every major collapse of Empire has different cause. Bronze Age Empires fall because ironwork's make need for extensive trade networks obsolete. West Rome fall due to migration crisis. East Rome was conquered. Franconia face inheritance crisis. China face adaptability crisis, where Emperors refused to acknowledge changes in world order. Soviet Union has economic collapse. Only common pattern is that world change and Empires tend to born on specific advantages what become obsolete over time. So either they adopt of fall. On top of that some cases of collapse are falsely attributed. Like West Rome didn't actually fall, as become overtaken by Tribesman. While many of its structures adopted and survived even today. Furthermore it already did not look like Classical Roman Legions, due to change in technology. In fact people would have hard time to notice difference between Late Rome and Early Medieval. With round shields and heavy Catafaracts (knights).
@TheRezro 10 месяцев назад
And no. US is not collapsing. Despite internal divisions and some economic problems. US is still in far better shape then China. What actually may collapse due to poor preparations to issue of Middle Incom Trap. When they waste they economic growth on competing with US and pissing of they all potential allies. Currently only real threat to US is Trump who may similarly blow up country for arbitrarily appearances of power. No one else make America as Weak as Him! Anyway. US faced worst economic crisis in the past and US military was even in worst shape. Yet, the core aspects didn't change. Whole idea of US collapse is libertarian propaganda and only thing what actually may end US hegemony are Americans themselves. Democrats seriously should consider education reform. Especially adding elements of political and international affairs education.
@Peanutjoepap24 Год назад
I used to like whatifalthist but you can really tell when he’s making bad faith conservative arguments
@ratherunique1995 Год назад
@TonyFontaine1988 Год назад
And this channel is loony revisionist lefty zone
@dontew.6508 Год назад
I still watch, big fan Will be subbing and reading your list
@yannislaurin5438 Год назад
You're a liberal?
@ratherunique1995 Год назад
@@yannislaurin5438 nah but its pretty obvious what whatifalthist’s agenda is and if you can’t see it that speaks volumes about you ✌️
@kahunab7400 6 месяцев назад
The renaissance did not revive old texts. Albertus Magnus had already commented on all of Aristotle's works. The renaissance is mostly an art movement, and the progression was much more linear. The important part is the gradual spread of paper mills as well as the printing press, and second most important is that cities' growing power meant that kinghts lost influence and a continous urbanization began.
@codymoon7552 22 дня назад
I'm 5 months late but I would like to add that the growing influence of both merchant and craftsmans guilds also played a huge role in urbanization and played a role in bringing about the industrial revolution after
@bergmann2128 4 месяца назад
This is like a reddit comment section in here. Let me get a show of hands for how many reddit moderators we have here!
@lifeofsomeguy8093 24 дня назад
have an updoot kind stranger!
@NobodyJones 11 месяцев назад
I think the British Empire is a better comparison then Rome
@Baldwin10000 5 месяцев назад
@mikolajtrzeciecki1188 4 месяца назад
Whatifalthist mentions this too.
@1F098 2 месяца назад
That makes no sense why do you think there was a revolution America is a Republic not a Monarchy
@NobodyJones 2 месяца назад
@@1F098 in terms of reach, influence, pure logistics, trade deals, economy, and land mandates the British Empire at its height is just a better comparison.
@1F098 2 месяца назад
@@NobodyJones I get what you’re saying in a power aspect, but the United States was based upon the Roman Republic.
@ComradePingu 6 месяцев назад
“WhatIfFascist” might be more accurate. The unironic anti-Semitic and incel conspiracies blatantly smeared over his channel is pretty difficult to ignore at this point.
@jrc25_ 3 месяца назад
buzz word warrior we got here
@aaronhagel9796 3 месяца назад
​@@jrc25_when people say things like you said it makes me smile because I know exactly what you are, and even though I may be in hell at least you have it worse than I do.
@board-qu9iu 2 месяца назад
@@aaronhagel9796ok dude what the hell?
@ambmamb8370 2 месяца назад
​@@jrc25_its true tho, literally
@kry9324 Месяц назад
@@ambmamb8370is it though? I mean, you seem pretty upset over someone getting called a “buzzword warrior”. Besides that, is he really wrong? It’s kinda crazy people call someone a incel because of something unrelated to women. Grow a pair and maybe you’ll understand 🫡
@skepticalbaby7300 10 месяцев назад
Great video, but u really gave him a pass on the 'US system of government is modeled on Rome' comparison. Other than being a republic and naming a legislative chamber after the Senate, they're not very similar. The US system has more in common with their contemporaries like the Iroquois confederacy, the near contemporary Dutch republic, and even the British monarchy. I think this would have underscored ur point of continous development and not cycles. The Roman's feared autocracy and power in the hands of one man. So the most significant distinction of their republic versus their contemporaries was collegiallity, the idea that positions with executive power had to have a partner that shared that power. That's how u get two consuls, multiple censors, praetors, etc. They felt the best check on a greedy man was another greedy man, i.e. rivalry. They also insured that executive power was split into multiple positions. The consul couldn't order a censor or tribune around. This is vastly different than the US system. I just think that this modelled on Rome myth needs to be put to bed.
@Motherofchicken Год назад
yo homie, i hope you upload more, love to hear actual intellect and not hear about how the guy created social clubs
@bagavondo2477 Год назад
considering how they effect the world, i would compare america to an empire. empires do generally have natural tendency to expand - phisically, politicaly, econ-culturally...u named it...wolf can change his hair, but not his temper - clumsy translation that is
@Sean12248 Год назад
Oh boy another video ripping Whatifalthist!!!! Glad to see it's catching on.
@RomanticDrip69 10 месяцев назад
Something that doesn’t really get taught in schools about the American independence movement is the very open expansionist attitudes of the founding fathers, it was a core reason they sought independence. Even the reasons they say like unfair taxation is not really expanded upon. Why did the crown increase its taxes on the colonies? Because the colonists were continually starting wars with the natives that the crown had to back, once the colonists began being too expansionist and started too many wars they couldn’t finish the crown taxed them more because they were the ones starting the conflict. This is deliberately left out of history books in primary education for obvious reasons. It’s a lot easier to say your revolution was for fighting tyranny and not because you want to genocide faster than the authority let’s you
@angamaitesangahyando685 15 дней назад
I'm not sure whether WIAH has mentioned it, but the clearest parallel between Rome and America is neglecting its founding stock (Nordic in both cases). - Adûnâi
@ExSpoonman 10 месяцев назад
7:28 - You need to put that in a graphic, print it on something, and sell it. A little kernel of wisdom.
@danieldossantos5868 Год назад
Just found your channel, felt like finding a gem.
@DavidEColon 7 месяцев назад
The problem with these debunking videos is that they are basically "not always" and "that's oversimplified". While making counter statements that are also oversimplified and are "not always". His video had a narrative that needs to be squeezed into a compressed single video. Your response also has a narrative with the basic aim of "Nuh uh!" You're not actually offering at actual knowledge or information. If YOU have an idea, then put it forth. In your own words and research.
@frostyleech3167 2 месяца назад
Rome had political parties 1. Optimates 2. Populares Eastern roman empire had the greens and blues who were carriage racers but acted more of a political party as well. Edit: although you're right about whatalthist being wrong, you're also wrong about your historical analysis when it comes to how Europe and America became so powerful in the industrial age, and up to now. I recommend watching "what why how" because he made a good analysis on the video.
@da90sReAlvloc 6 месяцев назад
Everything you say is like rome is actually like Carthage
@r_e_t_h_e_r_f_o_r_d8568 Год назад
I've never watched any whatifalthist videos, but he seems pretty goddamn entertaining based on this video. Some of his statements were *shockingly* ignorant. Like Philomena Cunk level stupid. The US never invaded and annexed land in a war of aggression? Does he seriously believe that South Dakota was empty when the settlers showed up? 😂
@MeanBeanComedy Год назад
I don't think he means like that. I think he means from a civilization like Spain did.
@ultra-papasmurf 11 месяцев назад
you gotta see any video where he talks about africa to a significant extent it genuinely feels like watching Cecil Rhodes or a phrenologist rant
@JurzGarz 26 дней назад
I agree that WhatifAltHist’s video is garbage, but you started to lose me from 20:00 onward. From that point this video falls into a similar trap as the one it’s criticizing: over dependence on a particular narrative about history to the point of excluding or twisting evidence that doesn’t fit. For example, there is basically no evidence that “funneling money to the military industrial complex” played a meaningful role in the motives behind the Iraq or Afghanistan wars. Such claims are entirely rooted in the “who benefits?” fallacy and lack actual archival evidence.
@peepance1799 10 месяцев назад
As a history enjoyer, I do not have enough alcohol to endure a what if alt hist video. Nice work.
@nicolaspinto76 Год назад
The New Rome always gona be Constantinople
@brandonlee4858 Год назад
So Turkey?
@logangonzalez-patton3121 25 дней назад
​@brandonlee4858 No, it belongs to the minions and gru
@arsha1434 7 месяцев назад
Your analysis was good until talking about why Europe was able to succeed. The simple answer is we just don't know, there are no good models that explain why Europe was able to become the hegemon of the globe. The arguments about exploitation and genocide can be applied to other empires, like the Qing State in Dzungaria or the Ethiopian Empire in Oromia. Both states committed a similar process of exploitation and genocide, yet neither could compete with Europe in terms of wealth or power, the Qing being partitioned and Ethiopia falling into devastating civil war from internal circumstances. Trying to answer such an expansive question with a simplified model will fail, so it's best to just not provide an answer to this question.
@nopasaran191 Месяц назад
“Tries to find the patterns in history and anthropology to better predict the future and understand the dynamics that result in civilizations rising and falling” That’s literally the definition of the one of the foundational principles of Marxism called historical materialism. So he’s literally attempting to do a historical materialist analysis while constantly strawmaning a caricature of marxism. I guess I used to do the same thing before I actually researched this stuff and did some reading to actually know what I was talking about when I argued with people only to find out that I was wrong and, with the exception of a lot of insane online tankies, they were right.
@pietervancoppenolle4749 Год назад
Whataltist and Spengler makes sense in a way. Culture goes towards civilization. But you can't predict future nor explain every detail or even large events. It is just a bit of guidance to understand history. No culture starts from nothing and not all events can just be explained through Spengler. I agree that the video simplifies things to much. Comparing the crusades with the invasion of Alexander the great is even wrong in Spengler way of looking. He does wants to create to much of a narrative and history often just falls upon people. That being said: You accuse whataltist from simplify things, but the way you explain the west and capitalisme comes from colonialisme and its resources is just the same simplification. The industrial revolution was a combination of many factors and colonialisme was just one of them. Building colonies and maintaining them was also a drain on Europe itself. It didn't bring that much profit and it also took a lot of losses. Spengler never claimed that one civilization is superior to another. He said that they all had a very different way of looking at reality. India and China and civilization can still evolve throught events, but not at just a fast rate as in the culture fase. China adapted well to western technology, but it still has to be seen how that will go further.
@tereziamarkova2822 11 месяцев назад
I am pretty sure "colonies were unprofitable" is not true across the board; most colonial ventures were pretty profitable at one point in time, or else the colonial powers wouldn't bother with them. I am sure there were particular cases when the colonial ventures turned out to be more of drain on resources than a source of income, such as during scramble for Africa, but make no mistake, scramble for Africa was not the whole of colonialism.
@ultra-papasmurf 11 месяцев назад
when people bring up colonialism being unprofitable they forget that it isnt just the state reaping the benefits, the same people often paying for colonies (the taxpayer or discovery era peasant) arent the same people exploiting the land, slaves and resources that come with it (the merchants, aristocrats, governors and eventually capitalists)
@AllAbout78Records 5 месяцев назад
@@tereziamarkova2822 The argument is totally braindead to begin with. Did the US trying to bomb Vietnam and southeast asia back into the stone age lead to "profitability?" No of course it did not. Saying this is proof of America's "civility" or "generosity" because amongst American commentators at the time there was a genuine belief they were doing something beneficial to humanity only shows America's depravity and barbarity. It also ignores the deeper and more interesting historical fact that those who made the fundamental decisions in American government had substantial material motivations. They did not want any rival systems to American soft colonialism to exist at all, because they felt it could threaten to induce other countries to fall away from American corporate extraction and domination and adopt alternative models of self determination. Whether it was communism or anything else didn't matter. Independence of any kind was not permissible because of the "rotten apple" could spread the "contagion" of self determination. Imperial predatory states take actions which they believe fit into the larger strategic design of profit and enrichment. This does not mean that each action in itself will be profitable directly.
@landsknecht8654 8 месяцев назад
Actually, the Romans did have political parties in a big sense, maybe not in exactly the modern way we understand, but they did have political parties such as Optimates and Populares, for example. Actually, most scholars do agree that Christianity did "united" Europe to some level or the other. As a matter of fact, one can argue there were fewer wars in Europe during the Mediveal times compared to the last 500 years of history. The fact is Christianity was a glue that kept Europe to some level together. You don't really see that with other regions, at least not in the same level. At 19:50 I mean, some cultures are better than others... Unless somehow you think the society and culture in Afghanistan are just as culturally vibrant as, let's say, I don't know Polish culture and society? 21:45 believe it or not, that's not his views on china. The Chinese themselves believe their culture hasn't changed for about 5000 years. 23:00 What he meant by "more creative" is like they invented a lot of technological progress more than any other civilization, which is pretty true. If that wasn't the case in colonialism, it wouldn't have happened to begin with. 23:35 and what do you think everybody else is doing? The Mongols, Huns, Chinese, Mali, Timurid Empire, Otomes, Aztecs, Incas, Moors, and many other non Western Empires? Just to put it in perspective, the Mongols did kill about 10 to 12 % of the world's population. The Moors killed more Spaniards in one week than the entire Spanish Inquisition. So I don't understand your point about the European colonization? Empires happen?
@csfischer007 8 месяцев назад
Thank you. The second comment, and most thorough, that pushes back on these claims/points. I was pondering these exact points before reading the comments.
@landsknecht8654 6 месяцев назад
@@csfischer007 No problem man, it seems like a lot of these people leave out a lot of information and just go by their rhetoric without understanding history. Maybe they do know history they're just ignoring it to push an ideology.
@ambmamb8370 2 месяца назад
Good comment
@handlessuck777 26 дней назад
Even if it did "unite" Europe, I still hate Christianity. It's still false, and still laid the groundwork for everything Christians whi e about that's wrong with our societies.
@vinozarazzi5633 2 месяца назад
In the US there are NO slaves !?😂 The US is controlled by political parties!?😂 Come on man!😂
@hunterpayne6167 Год назад
Mercantilism is a thing, its different from capitalism, and it was the dominant economic system during the times of European colonialism (NOT capitalism). Your tankie analysis is just plain wrong. News flash, Marx wasn't a respected economist or political commentator either. You are no better than the guy you are analyzing. Just as ideologically blind and just as cherry-picking in facts.
@chickentoucher55 29 дней назад
Went from logical to straight wome narrative of history in the second half, cry about it!
@georgepugh9863 Год назад
Not complete, I have other sources, but it is an interesting concept and we have to think through it and increase our understanding. Calling yourself Th. is a trope like laughing hyena: be gone!
@jaredhiggs9316 Год назад
I got a question, are you going to do a video on his new one? He just released a couple days ago about colonialism.
@Diogenes_43 Год назад
I screamed inside about his video but your take was even worse.
@TonyFontaine1988 Год назад
@TheDrumstickEmpire Год назад
I think it’s fair to say that Rome and America are entirely different kettles of fish.
@TonyFontaine1988 Год назад
@@TheDrumstickEmpire Disagree. America has many similarities with Rome and even modeled a lot of its government on Rome. Look at the parallels: 1. Rebellion against a king 2. Set up a republic 3. Republic became too big and corrupt and a semi-empire, not taking care of its citizens and instead importing and outsourcing labor 4. Rise of populist politicians whom the optimates republic supporters hate
@minutemanchan7232 Год назад
What's wrong with his take?
@board-qu9iu 11 месяцев назад
@@minutemanchan7232 pretty good but it has it;s own simplification of European colonialism as well as "Northern" Domination. Which isn't inheriently wrong but is too simplistic
@DivePlane13 11 месяцев назад
I still can’t believe he puts up paragraphs upon paragraphs of text while he’s already speaking. He’s so unhinged
@richardscott9750 11 месяцев назад
You go so far “explaining his over simplified explanations” that I literally forgot about the topic video. Yes he simplified a lot but if he had to go so in detail his videos would be 5 hours long. I think a smart person would be able to dissect each statement in their own head. I’m not listening to his videos to hear about how cultures were victimized. You get so far off topic as soon as you said “racist” you lost me
@Ulyssestnt 4 месяца назад
Some of whatifalthists videos makes you wanna take a shower afterwards if you make it all the way trough.
@Ggggch687 Год назад
Awesome video this channel 100 percent gonna be huge in like a year. Great work man
@margarida9023 Год назад
Great video! A bit unrelated for me to say but you sound exactly like turkeytom it's tripping me out😭
@ThugShakers4Christ 27 дней назад
The fall of the Native Americans was a skill issue. It is not the US's fault the failed to get good.
@skyybaa5726 Год назад
I love whatifalthist debunking vids. Hate that guy
@user-uf2df6zf5w Год назад
I wanted to praise the video for the well presented criticism of the original video, till the Marxist narrative started to shine through... Ultimately, this one in in no way less biased than the original.
@imperator8801 Год назад
I always seek out critics of Whatifalthist since despite watching him, I don’t agree with everything he says. Every critic ends up spewing some Marxist drivel. Turns out people shouldn’t get their history from RU-vidrs and should actually read a book 🤷‍♂️.
@gooblewoobles3686 Год назад
@@imperator8801 please give me an example of said marxist drivel
@redcrown5154 11 месяцев назад
it's right here :)@@gooblewoobles3686
@jhonklan3794 10 месяцев назад
@@gooblewoobles3686 His argument that the origin of capitalism is tied to colonialism. He ironically ignores evidence contrary to that oversimplified grand narrative. Like how Imperial Spain was a feudal society, not a capitalist one, when they colonized latin america. Or how non-European empires also had colonies whose resources they exploited, but never developed capitalism.
@davidtejada9675 4 месяца назад
I agree that many of his parallel comparisons were reaching and some wrong. But they are many accurate parallels between Rome and us.
@gooblewoobles3686 Год назад
he really made it, what a legend, will enjoy this one
@mg4861 11 месяцев назад
Always be wary of those who choose the eagle as a symbol, even double-headed, it makes a declaration of intent
@silentking5559 3 месяца назад
I have my problems with whatofalthist's content that's for sure, but I think some of these are unfair criticisms. -without simplifications and shorthand's its almost impossible productive conclusions from the real world, that's why Physics and Chemistry model with ideal behaviour most the time to remove the noise. -some cultures are certainly more vigorous than others, if by vigorous we mean the shared belief in society and willingness to fight for it. Rome at the time of Adrianople was surely less vigorous than during the second Punic war. -some cultures and cultural practises are clearly better or worse by any objective metric, for example polygamous society's are almost invariably less stable than monogamous societies with pretty much everyone facing a worse quality of life.
@lucvader_1 10 месяцев назад
This video is really great and applies excellent analysis, are you familiar with Marx's work?
@thoughtsuponatime847 10 месяцев назад
You will find economists has advanced a lot since Marx. Marx got a lot of fundamental things wrong.
@csfischer007 8 месяцев назад
Is it not obvious, he has heard of Marx? Every few comments is dripping with Marxist sentiment.
@paulussturm6572 Месяц назад
Ignore the right wing cope in the comments. This video is a perfect debunking to RU-vids favorite pseudointellectual and his drivel.
@americanliberal09 6 месяцев назад
3:37 ummm...I personally think that he have just said the "barbarians". Not the vikings.
@abitoftheuniverse2 Год назад
33:01 Did you mean continent, instead of country?
@SpateHicks 28 дней назад
i think this video is ohio brimstone.
@TreeGod. Год назад
Too many people think of themselves as non political or centrist. But then get upset when they hear views they deem as “right leaning”, an start saying a whole bunch of political left nonsense.
@ungusbungus2486 Год назад
I’m pretty sure althist guy is conservative
@TreeGod. Год назад
@@ungusbungus2486 I think he calls himself a classical liberal in his videos, but anything that’s not left is considered conservative at this point
@bobby_c07 Год назад
​@@ungusbungus2486he is slightly, but barely.
@spartanparty3894 Год назад
@@bobby_c07 Please, he is very conservative.
@mylerwilson4879 11 месяцев назад
@@TreeGod.Just because someone calls themself something doesn’t mean shit. An idiot can say they’re smart ALL they like, doesn’t make them any less of an idiot. He’s 100% right wing
@vinozarazzi5633 9 месяцев назад
"Rome was a Slave-Society - while America is NOT!" 😂
@jamesbailey9140 8 месяцев назад
1865 just expanded the plantation.
@frostyleech3167 2 месяца назад
we have slaves? where? where can I buy one?
@guillecalahorra9546 Год назад
OMG, finally a roman historian who isn't a weird right wing romaboo. You got yourself a new sub
@TonyFontaine1988 Год назад
Yeah instead he's a revisionist neoliberal.
@lifeofsomeguy8093 24 дня назад
You gotta keep in mind that a lot of his most popular videos were made when he was like 19, 20 years old. He’s a baby who reads a lot (allegedly)😂😂😂
@Mr.Nichan 6 месяцев назад
22:04 Your "alternative" explanation is completely perpendicular to his: It neither confirms nor denies the idea that European's did these things you describe and the other culture's didn't because Europeans were more "creative". 27:38 Exactly. He never said it was justified. He was talking about which part of colonizing the US was more difficult: killing the natives or farming the land. You're not even disagreeing with him.
@BaldingClamydia 10 месяцев назад
I don't know any men that actually think about the Roman empire, except when I bring it up :D
@SerenityNeverStops12323 6 дней назад
I’m a far right winger and I’m here to challenge my beliefs.
@johnlinley2702 Месяц назад
Discussing Whatifalthist's version of history in front of historians is waving a red flag in front of a Bull.
@sagittariusa7662 6 дней назад
Actually Rome never fell. America and the entire west including Greece and Turkey are still Rome. Rome never felled, it evolved.
@saragos1216 Год назад
Debunking whatifalthist is a rite of passage for every history youruber
@ryanfinnamore1309 Год назад
The worst part of whatifalthist is he’s so full of himself he has a “consulting business” and charges people money for his “advice”
@jxcksxnx6 Год назад
What alt hist gets wrong completely is he doesn’t understand that yes there are cycles in history that are comparable but society as a whole is a growing and progressing experiment. Yes you see similarities between now and ancient times/antiquity but the obvious that he can’t see is the progression from one to the other. America is like Rome in a way. But it is just like todays China is like ancient china. They are evolutions of a geographical region but using niche examples from ancient times to predict the future of geographical region just doesn’t make sense.
@evolvedape3341 5 месяцев назад
Don’t trust grand narratives of history - like historical materialism.
@picahudsoniaunflocked5426 4 месяца назад
The "unwitting empire" thing reeks of "white man's burden" crap. I guess his name fits.
@Urlocallordandsavior Год назад
Man don't you just love another RU-vidr dunking someone for their political views that aren't progressive?
@mylerwilson4879 11 месяцев назад
Despite the fact that whatifalthist is the very definition of a pseudo intellectual who’s ideas are literally just “vibes” and far right bullshit
@logangustavson 10 месяцев назад
Whatifalthist political alignment isn't the issue, its his batshit ideas and rhetoric that are.
@notastone4832 3 месяца назад
@@logangustavson batshit? i disagree with lots of his takes but thats more on answers to problems.. not the problems themselves.. hes usually right about those if you disagree you are in a cult.
@jvlam949 2 месяца назад
​@@notastone4832I mean I agree with that too but being able to identify societal problems are not hard. Being able to provide and implement solutions is incredibly hard. For instance, just because you agree with him that male loneliness is an issue, it does not mean you agree with his batshit crazy idea of joining a civil war. Being able to provide solutions is way more important in social contexts and is MUCH, MUCH harder.
@Michigander269 Месяц назад
Ft. WhatIfAltHist huh? Funny, I never heard his part of this debate..? Must be technical issues, can't be this guy knows Rudyard would destroy this guy in under half the time of this video... 😂🤷‍♂️🤙💯
@michaelduncan6060 10 месяцев назад
You also generalize a lot and i have some problems with the arguments you make but overall good vid.
@df71cz Год назад
USA is Carthage
@mylerwilson4879 11 месяцев назад
Carthage got invaded by an empire. The USA is the most powerful country on the planet and no one invaded them since 1812
@thoughtsuponatime847 10 месяцев назад
Should we be watching out for the Canadians?
@The818carlos 11 месяцев назад
I'm not a full blooded socialist, but Whatifalthist has massively pissed me off in his misrepresentation of history and downright insulting political takes.
@timmy77898 Месяц назад
10/10 video 👏👏👏
@jensphiliphohmann1876 4 месяца назад
I disagree on Africa only being poor because of colonialism and neocolonial extraction. Of course, it exists. And it's let happen by corrupt leaders.
@abitoftheuniverse2 Год назад
40:32 👍
@emperorclaudius5499 Год назад
Nah Whatifalthist is pretty good at historical analysis, you just have compeiting political views of how the world works.
@imperator8801 Год назад
For real, every critic of Whatifalthist I’ve seen ends up spewing some Marxist drivel.
@spencerbuck1074 Год назад
I know there's a lot of people who think whatifalthist is stupid but I think he hits the mark on most of what he says. He is not far right, he just has a realistic view of human society and events. I don't think 100% is correct but the people who suggest he's a whack job or lazy either aren't paying attention or they happen to be marxists. That's what I can tell
@mitonaarea5856 Год назад
​@@imperator8801I have noticed that internet leftists absolutely hate when non leftist history or political RU-vidrs have a lot of success. To them it is heresy that people can agree with non leftist people or ideas.
@mylerwilson4879 11 месяцев назад
@@spencerbuck1074Even though his videos are just a psuedo intellectual making bullshit because of the fact his sources are either EXTREMELY outdated or non-academic, so he relies on ignorant people or arrogant twats as sources
@redcrown5154 11 месяцев назад
''you just have compeiting political views of how the world works''@@mylerwilson4879
@spacemario 7 месяцев назад
I feel like most WhatIfAltHist cricticism is basically "you aren't being specific enough"
@matteosalsedo8316 Год назад
hell no
@Polyhedron69 Год назад
Riveting commentary
@regentmad1037 14 дней назад
nah. way more like the bronze age collapse with a bit of roman politics put in... just for fun : )
@Nosceres 3 месяца назад
I'm starting to see the pattern for smaller RU-vid channels here. Find a channel that is highly successful, disagree with them (the argument is irrelevant to the technique, what matters is that you're claiming that you have something that disproves them.), and then... profit!
@ambmamb8370 2 месяца назад
What a copout argument
@jawvees2585 Год назад
Amazing video, perspective changer 👌🏾🥀
@tokiwartooth2661 Год назад
i love you
@channdler Год назад
I knew there was something great about your channel, so glad that you made a video about this guy i used to be a big fan but god looking back he is terrible. you can't just "write-off" the bad stuff because it leaks into everything he makes
@GoogleUserOne Год назад
Give it another 1000 then maybe. Btw we’re Americans. We’re don’t have to do shit. So awesome.
@MegaUMU Год назад
Loved the conclusion, Whatifalthist narrative is US/Eurocentric.
@TonyFontaine1988 Год назад
So? Is it correct or not, not whether something is centric
@channdler Год назад
@@TonyFontaine1988 it gives an incredibly biased view on everything, he also lets his politics ruin a lot of it but acts like he's apolitical
@Bluebelle51 Год назад
well that's a nice way to say racist AF I'm not as polite
@TonyFontaine1988 Год назад
@@Bluebelle51 lol, the "dats racist brigade" out in full force.
@Bluebelle51 Год назад
@@TonyFontaine1988 truth hurts sometimes LOL
@amlord3826 11 месяцев назад
You never explained why Europe was able to "colonize" the much larger (and less technologically advanced) populations of Asia and Africa. Hint: Technology = creativity
@tereziamarkova2822 11 месяцев назад
Not really? The dominance of Europe is actually an incredibly complex affair that had different causes in different parts of the world; the reasons why Spaniards were able to conquer Central and South America are very different from the reasons why colonial powers were able to strongarm China in the 19th century. In any case, just the Wikipedia page on Great Divergence (as the edge Europe had gained over the rest of the world is called) lists numerous more or less convincing possibilities, this video presents just one of them - though I agree that it does so very badly. The hypothesis goes that Spain and Portugal, having gained the will to expand trough reconquista and the ability to do so by the seafaring and military technology (which was pretty good, though still not quite on the level of China or India of the time), first went after the colonial "easy pickings", especially in the Americas, which were technologically behind and lacking in several crucial technologies (horses, immunity to most diseases) mostly trough sheer geographic bad luck. Having gained vast wealth from these "easy pickings", they forced their rivals in Europe, like England, France and the Netherlands, to keep up and expand as well, kickstarting a competition over parts of the world that weren't as urbanized and technologically developed (again mostly trough geographic bad luck). European powers were able to exploit their newly acquired subjects for vast amounts of wealth that fuelled the technological development, which in turn meant that Europeans were able to trounce all over their former peer competitors like China, Ottoman or Mughal Empires (which didn't have the motivation or the opportunity for the same kind of aggressive overseas expansion).
@PaulThePandaren 11 месяцев назад
The dominance of Europe was not a guarantee and therefore cannot be reduced to creativity. Also, individual ingenuity has played a big role throughout history whether we’re talking about a competent navigator, a Machiavellian general, or a genius inventor. To call a group of people superior or more creative because of the chance contributions of a few of its members is ridiculous. Personally, I think that the enormous benefit europe had was its proximity and access to so many vastly different cultures and civilizations and the cross pollination of ideas and technologies that came as a result from that. There were several expanses of land and river valleys where a group of people could isolate for a few centuries and then emerge with new innovations to spread. Europe’s access to the Mediterranean played an enormous role in its later dominance as the Roman’s were influenced by the Greeks who were influenced by Egyptians and Mesopotamians.
@einfachlumir7633 10 месяцев назад
To my knowledge medieval europe had only close contact to one culture which was the islam and even there only limited trough the space trade and crusades. Meanwhile the ottomans could pull from the same roman/Greek history and had close contact to both slavic/orthodox and latin /catholicism;the steppe nomads the Persians and don't forget the Muslims traded from one side off the world to the other with written records of trade visits as far apart as northern China and the holy Roman empire even down to what is now Madagascar, by logic of exposure to different ideas ether they or southeast Asia should have become what europe had. Ps. I know the spelling isn't the best pls don't judge on that to harshly
@thoughtsuponatime847 10 месяцев назад
Please listen to historians instead of Alt-right RU-vid videos. Loads of factors led to Europe snowballing over the rest of the world. Making a functional civilization is tough. The first one to create one during the age of industry has an unimaginable advantage.
@amlord3826 10 месяцев назад
@thoughtsuponatime847 Europe was in a constant state of war from before the fall of the Roman Empire until the end of WW2. Maybe all that war gave them advantages? You know, technology?
@mr.battledroid2195 7 месяцев назад
Classic WhatIfAltHist ultranationalistic L
@bobby_c07 Год назад
@salzigerfranz1291 11 месяцев назад
If you studied History, but aren't right wing, then you didn't understand History.
@mylerwilson4879 11 месяцев назад
Then why are so many historians not right wing?
@joao.fenix1473 11 месяцев назад
​@@mylerwilson4879they like lies, especially those who insists Nazi Germany was anything but socialist
@mylerwilson4879 11 месяцев назад
@@joao.fenix1473 Even though not one socialist supports nazi germany
@salzigerfranz1291 11 месяцев назад
@@mylerwilson4879 Because learning facts by hard does not compensate for a lack of pattern recognition.
@Redditor_Lucis_Aeternae 8 месяцев назад
​@@salzigerfranz1291 Presumably, you see a pattern between the late Roman Empire and Modern day America. Would you care to elaborate, please?
@lihangsu249 9 месяцев назад
As a historian, this guy makes me cringe for every video he make
@HowlingWo1f 5 месяцев назад
Your videos were great when you stuck to actual history, but you’re turning out to become a political leftist.
@baneofbanes 5 месяцев назад
@notastone4832 3 месяца назад
@@baneofbanes thats what a leftist does when someone disagrees with them.. not a right winger.
@MultiStendhal Год назад
America is Athens during the peloponisian wars
@d.cirovic1695 2 месяца назад
While Whatifatist or how he is called is obviously wrong. Your arguments about europes power and wealth are just as clouded by political Ideologie.
@bjornbuckley Месяц назад
You two are equally biased. You both reduce history and omit important details.
@asmrnaturecat984 Год назад
Iraq, afghanistan, most of african nation, heck almost all of the world In terms of world influence, usa is more global than rome In terms of genocide and brutality, rome might be brutal as we don't know exactly what usa did to most of middle east nation
@WeirdMagnus Год назад
Are you 10
@Bluebelle51 Год назад
wait, we DO know what the US did to the middle east tho over 6 million dead brown people is usually called "genocide" but you do you boo
@TheDrumstickEmpire Год назад
Except.. We do know most of it?
@spencerbuck1074 Год назад
Rome would have been considered global in the sense that they controlled most of the known* world
@dieu7905 Год назад
I hate whatifalthist so bad
@Sergio1Rodrigues Год назад
Very good video
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