
Is Atheism Dead? - Eric Metaxas 

Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
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Eric Metaxas is a New York Times best-selling author and the host of The Eric Metaxas Show, a nationally syndicated radio program. His eclectic career includes featured appearances as a cultural commentator on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News Channel.
This teaching is from the Guest Speaker series at Calvary Church.



28 сен 2024




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@FaithfulServant316 2 года назад
Much love Skip!💞 God bless you always! 🙏
@VondaInWonderland 2 года назад
I'm going to share this with unbelieving friends, may God use this in a mighty way 🙏🏻
@CalvaryABQ 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing!!
@brunorhagalcus6132 2 года назад
Trust me. Don’t. It will just be patronizing to them. No argument in this video is new or hasn’t been refuted. Atheists aren’t unenlightened; they’re rightfully unconvinced. Plus the fact multiple studies reveal, on average, atheists are more knowledgeable about Christianity and arguments for God than Christians and you have another great reason to try and listen to their perspective instead of patronizing them with washed-out arguments.
@jamesparson 2 года назад
Why would God need a video?
@jamesparson 2 года назад
@@SEIGNREUR7 It didn't take you long to resort to fear. I have already blasphemed the Holly Spirit so I don't even worry about this any more. Why don't you find some 4-14 y/o to intimidate. Maybe it will work on them.
@jamesparson 2 года назад
@@SEIGNREUR7 I completely understand that religion is a scam.
@maggiemercado4625 2 года назад
Blessings beloved pastor
@AR15andGOD Год назад
atheism will remain as long as satan is not hellbound
@hannahmiller1732 2 года назад
No one knows that Camus converted to Christianity just before he died because it is highly unsubstantiated.
@jacobgrosek Год назад
I think this entire discussion is summarized by Metaxas when he claims atheists are offering only "sophistry" at a 7th grade level (~44-45 minutes into the video). This comes about as he asserts that when atheists say "we create our own meaning", they're offering a bleak and unsatisfying response. His justification for disregarding that response is simply "If you're talking about `meaning' - `meaning' means `meaning'. It means actual `meaning'. It's not something that you create. You're playing head-games." REALLY! We atheists are the ones playing head-games!? After justifying your position with this self-referencing nonsense that doesn't, in any way, address why internally generated purpose cannot be a valid response and/or cannot be meaningful/satisfying? All purpose must be externally generated? Clearly, this guy has never even tried to understand atheism, nor is serious about addressing atheist positions on any of the topics he presents. His arguments throughout this video are just pathetically bad, incomplete, and off-target. It's clear that Metaxas doesn't fully understand science and that he hasn't ever really spoken with real atheists. It is Metaxas who is offering sophistry and a 7th grade level discussion. It's too bad that people like Metaxas are given enough credibility to be invited to speak at what many consider a serious Christian church/sect. Apparently, this garbage is at the forefront of Christian thinking/apologetics in the 2020s.
@theoskeptomai2535 2 года назад
Hello. I am an atheist. I define atheism as suspending any acknowledgement as to the existence of gods until sufficient credible evidence can be presented. My position is that *_I have no good reason to acknowledge the existence of gods._* And here is the evidence I must consider when evaluating the claim by theists and as to why I currently hold to such a position. 1. I personally have never observed a god. 2. I have never encountered a person whom has claimed to have observed a god. 3. I know of no accounts of persons claiming to have observed a god that were willing or able to demonstrate or verify their observation for authenticity, accuracy, or validity. 4. I have never been presented a valid logical argument which also employed sound premises that lead deductively to a conclusion that a god(s) exists. 5. Of the 46 logical syllogisms I have encountered arguing for the existence of a god(s), I have found all to contain multiple fallacious or unsubstantiated premises. 6. I have never observed a phenomenon in which the existence of a god was a necessary antecedent for the known or probable explanation for the causation of that phenomenon. 7. Several proposed (and generally accepted) explanations for observable phenomena that were previously based on the agency of a god(s), have subsequently been replaced with rational, natural explanations, each substantiated with evidence that excluded the agency of a god(s). I have never encountered _vice versa._ 8. I have never experienced the presence of a god through intercession of angels, divine revelation, the miraculous act of divinity, or any occurrence of a supernatural event. 9. Every phenomenon that I have ever observed has *_emerged_* from necessary and sufficient antecedents over time without exception. In other words, I have never observed a phenomenon (entity, process, object, event, process, substance, system, or being) that was created _ex nihilo_ - that is instantaneously came into existence by the solitary volition of a deity. 10. All claims of a supernatural or divine nature that I have encountered have either been refuted to my satisfaction, or do not present as falsifiable. ALL of these facts lead me to the only rational conclusion that concurs with the realities I have been presented - and that is the fact that there is *_no good reason_* for me to acknowledge the existence of a god. I have heard often that atheism is the denial of the Abrahamic god. But denial is the active rejection of a substantiated fact once credible evidence has been presented. Atheism is simply withholding any acknowledgement until sufficient credible evidence is introduced. *_It is natural, rational, and prudent to be skeptical of unsubstatiated claims, especially extraordinary ones._* I welcome any cordial response. Peace.
@theoskeptomai2535 2 года назад
@@Luciacrestina Is there any other reality that you can't observe but believe to be real on faith alone?
@theoskeptomai2535 2 года назад
@@Luciacrestina How do I consider myself a "wretched sinner" if I haven't sinned?
@theoskeptomai2535 2 года назад
@@Luciacrestina Where is your humility? You have claimed to have all the answers of an entire universe.
@theoskeptomai2535 2 года назад
@@Luciacrestina Is there a possibility that this god you've mentioned isn't real?
@Luciacrestina 2 года назад
@@theoskeptomai2535 First of all the Bible has over two hundred plus prophecies that have been fulfilled and have come to pass. What do you mean your not a sinner!?! Everyone has sinned. God has seen the beginning to the end, and said no one is good. If you sin one time then your guilty of all, and fall short of the glory of God. If you say you haven’t sinned then you are a liar. God is holy and doesn’t accept one sin into heaven. That’s why he sent his only son to be sin for us, and when God sees us he sees his sons righteousness because we have accepted him by faith, an unblemished, spotless, sinless, lamb as an atonement for the sins of the whole world. I know God is real because I have seen the goodness and miracles all around. I don’t worship creation as most of the world does, but I worship the creator of all. Nobody goes to the father, but through Christ our savior, who redeemed, justified and sanctified me to spend eternity with him. So when you are saved the father looks at me and sees the righteousness of Jesus in me. It’s not of anything that I do, because I’m a sinner and I could never do good as long as I’m alive and still here in the flesh, for the flesh wrestles against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh. Every day is a fight, in the spirit as we are in a spiritual warfare and not against flesh n blood but against principalities, dominions, unknown rulers, in dark places.
@clemson1993 2 года назад
Awesome! Just awesome!!
@Tovec8 2 года назад
I got tired of watching his self-congratulatory ramble after 10 minutes. Is the evidence for gods exist in this video, his book, or where?
@jamesparson 2 года назад
Maybe God can be found behind some sofa somewhere.
@Tovec8 2 года назад
@@jamesparson That must be it.
@bjjackson7895 2 года назад
Hows about we don't hate each other over religion, I am an atheist and always have been, but I don't devalue someone because they are religious. I feel we should just love each other for important factors and not frivilous things like our religion (I mean it's frivilous to hate others for religion not that religion is bad) and help each other or love each other for our other qualities. Have a nice day to everyone who read this message.
@AR15andGOD Год назад
I don't think you understand. Let me try to help you understand: religion is not some opinion we have, something we choose to believe. I believe in God for the same reason I believe in the sun, for the same reason I believe in the universe and in water. These are things that exist, and things that the evidence shows exists. In this way, God exists as well. I don't choose to believe in God, it is not my right to choose for myself whether or not God exists. God exists regardless of how I feel, and it just so happens that the God that does exist, also has punishment for those who do not believe in Him. Let me put it this way: when someone jumps out of a plane, do they have the right to believe they will be ok without a parachute? Sure, they have the right to do that, but is it true? It's the same with God. This isn't a matter of opinion, this is a matter of the actual reality of the situation. I'm having a hard time understanding your reasoning here, because it seems like you're saying that if God exists, it's ok to choose to simply not believe in Him, even though He actually exists? But that same God has also told us what will happen to us if we deny the God that actually exists, that is, hell. Now you can say what you want about hell, whether you think it's fair or not, but if God exists and if the Bible is true, this isn't up for debate; it is not a matter of opinion. That's the thing I think you've gotten wrong- you think this is about opinion and not reality, no different than science or any other fact of reality. I'm also not sure why you say we shouldn't hate each other over religion, when Christians don't do that to begin with. In fact, God says to love others as you love yourself, and do everything you do in love, as well as 15 other verses to this extent. Maybe you are taking the idea of unbelievers going to hell as hate? We could go in to why unbelievers go to hell and why it's just, but what I would recommend is watching a video on this channel that talks about it, since I probably wouldn't do it proper justice. Love and peace
@nikkinik4188 Год назад
Religion is man made. Jesus Himself rebuked the Pharacees for the religious crap. He told them the sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath when they were barking "restrictions" at His disciples. PEOPLE are whom God loves! Christianity is the only belief system that is not a religion. We are simply people who believe in the blood atonement of Jesus Christ/God. Simple stuff. No rules.
@S_F_D_ Год назад
@AR15andGOD Год назад
I'm so glad I got saved. I was a hardcore nazi before my conversion, someone who thought the holocaust was just fine, someone who saw racism as ok, and I was also an atheist. This is what you get when you're an honest atheist. You get naizm
@GayorgVonTrapp Год назад
Does this ‘god’ manifest itself in reality, outside of the minds of believers?
@nikkinik4188 Год назад
@@GayorgVonTrapp Yes, He did, for 33 years here on earth & He lived among us! His name is Jesus.
@GayorgVonTrapp Год назад
@@nikkinik4188 Now how would you go about proving this? It’s one thing saying there was an activist who stirred things up in old occupied Jerusalem, but coming back to life after three days dead ….. wow. I doubt you could even verify that even if it happened yesterday in the most advanced hospital in New York.
@69Harveyb1 2 года назад
This brings to mind some of the conclusion at which Nietzsche arrived. Namely that society would collapse without the unification of religion. I'm oversimplifying but you get the point.
@jamesparson 2 года назад
What unifying aspect of religion? There are at least 10,000 sects of Christianity
@colemin2 Год назад
Religion can be useful for a society unified in values (virtues as a Christian would say). The stories in the Bible, Quaran, and the Book of Mormon don't have to be literally true to provide a digestible philosophy.
@rodneyspence7441 2 года назад
Good arguments for the existence of God. Unfortunately too many will not believe no matter how much evidence! God already effected complete self-disclosure in the Person of Jesus and even many who saw Jesus perform mighty works like healing the blind, feeding the 5000 and even raising the dead still didn’t believe! Even some of His own disciples didn’t believe He was God in the flesh until He appeared right in front of their faces after His resurrection. Jesus said no one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him. But these arguments are useful for “planting the seed” and letting God work in the mind and heart. Thanks and God bless.
@jamesparson 2 года назад
I am still waiting for a good argument for the existence of God. When that happens, I will then support any grifter God wants me to support.
@jacobgrosek Год назад
A more honest assessment of this is that you have claims, written by anonymous sources, not independent from one another, that Jesus healed the blind, fed 5000, and/or appeared to people after his supposed death. All of these claims were made years after the supposed events happened, and by writers who do not claim that they were eyewitnesses. Unfortunately the gospel writers let-on that they must have been making some of this up by having Jesus supposedly reply to the Pharisees/Sadducees with witty double entendres that make sense in Greek (the language gospels were written in), but do not translate to/from Aramaic (the language Jesus would have been speaking in). All writers present their material such that their goal was to convince the readers to become Christians and/or maintain their belief in Jesus as the Messiah. There are no non-Christian writings that support any of these claims. There are no writings of Jesus's supposed deeds contemporary to when he was supposedly alive, not even by Christians. Furthermore, we know that people did modify the writings of the gospels over time, and since we don't have any of the original gospel texts, we cannot say that what is written now is actually what the original authors actually said or intended. We know that other gospels (not in the Bible) were written about Jesus, some making vastly different claims. The canonical four gospels that made it into the Bible were decided centuries later and after years of committee meetings that were designed to meet the Roman mandate that there just be one universal ("catholic") Christian religion. Finally, none of the gospel writers ever mention how they would have been able to independently confirm any of these supposed miracles/supernatural occurrences. So, when you say "no matter how much evidence", perhaps you should better consider the quality and completeness of these arguments (so-called evidences).
@rodneyspence7441 Год назад
Guess will find out at death....
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