
Is Genesis History? - Watch the Full Film 

Is Genesis History?
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Комментарии : 32 тыс.   
@gingerhalo 8 месяцев назад
I love that we can watch the entire documentary for free. This is how the academic world is supposed to function - the free exchange of ideas, honest scientific inquiry, and the search for knowledge.
@flybylightmedia 8 месяцев назад
100% agree. Got to laugh at a “scientific” community that is incapable of admitting their pet theory has long since outlived any plausible hope of support by physical evidence. 😂 God bless their darling hearts…
@GilGTG 8 месяцев назад
I love that misinformation is free.
@michaelg377 8 месяцев назад
@@GilGTG Do you say that because you believe in the modern mythology that fish evolve into philosophers, and if you just wait a really long *time* puddles of chemicals can fizz into people? This information isn't free, it's funded by tax payers and force fed to us for "free", and we are all uncritically indoctrinated into this atheistic origins mythology as young children. It's even in our cartoons and children's stories.
@megan1010ify 8 месяцев назад
I plan on purchasing the documentary on DVD. Nothing is free. It wasn't free for these people to make this film. People deserve to be paid for their work and their knowledge, which can take decades to acquire. We should be willing to pay for their expertise.
@seankennedy1377 8 месяцев назад
Hear! Hear!
@williamelliott 4 года назад
My wife and I have a small 10 acre farm. We grow many fruits and vegetables and flowers. There is no way that someone with eyes and an open mind not be able to see the hand of GOD in all the beauty and complexity of life whether plant or animal. Each plant has a relationship with the bugs and the roots of such plants with the bacteria in the soil. I could go on for hours but I'll just cut it short and say thank you my heavenly Father and to GOD be the glory.
@markvonwisco7369 4 года назад
Those various organisms have a symbiotic relationship because they co-evolved with one another over millions of years. No god needed at all to explain how nature functions.
@josh2388 4 года назад
William Elliott Why did you capitalize GOD? Similar to IN GOD WE TRUST on dollar bill? Get back to your lodge...
@firecloud77 4 года назад
"We are surrounded by a world of incredible complexity, and beauty actually. And everything about the living world screams design. If you look at the way a body works, look at the way a body of any animal or any plant works -- it's clearly designed, you might think." --Richard Dawkins
@williamelliott 4 года назад
@@josh2388 the one true GOD. Creater of all things deserves capitals.
@stanstevens6289 4 года назад
@Rebecca P Yeah, like the Corona virus.
@Bellajane127 6 месяцев назад
This documentary has changed my husband's belief! Thank you for making this documentary and posting this on youtube. My husband didn't believe in God and didn't believe there was a creator all his life until he watched this documentary in 2021. He was lead to research about God after his employer decided to have a vaccine mandate to all their employees but gave religious exemptions. After watching this documentary, my husband claimed religious exemption and in his letter to his employee, he declared that there is a God who gave him his immune system and is good enough to fight any virus. Thank God he got the religious exemption from getting the vaccine! Keep up the good fight Is Genesis History team and God bless! We've purchased the movie and have been sharing this movie with family and friends.
@psalm91allthyways 6 месяцев назад
I Love this testimony! Praise the LORD! God bless you & your husband!!!!!
@jonathanlucas3604 5 месяцев назад
Humanity has worked a long time without divine help to rid ourselves of the worst diseases imaginable: polio, smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, rsv, flu, diptheria, tetanus, and many more. I hope your husband doesn't have to learn by experience what humanity has had to learn. That being said, I have a deep and abiding hatred for anti vaxxers.
@scrumpymanjack 4 месяца назад
Just ask the millions who died of COVID whether, if they were given a second chance, they would take the vaccine shot. I wonder what they would say!
@marilyntape508 4 месяца назад
Amazing 💯%🙏
@radioguy801 4 месяца назад
@@scrumpymanjack how many boosters are you up to?
@Marci-Yah777 9 месяцев назад
Brilliant documentary- without all the lies, the world makes sense. The Almighty is the creator of all - I am in awe and praise. Thank you 🙏
@DIRTY-4PLAY 7 месяцев назад
Religion is a lie, there is no proof of gods
@billybob4274 3 месяца назад
The Bible is nothing but lies. Every single thing in the Bible was written well after the supposed events took place. It was passed down orally, and we know that is accurate 😉🤣
@cadon35 3 месяца назад
Maybe I missed it, did they show any dinosaur and rabbit fossils found together?
@wesleycolemanmusic 10 дней назад
​@@cadon35 That's not something a creationist would predict. All Glires (Including rabbits) appear after the K/Pg boundary which is post-flood. Their ancestors, which were rodents, do exist in the strata of dinosaurs. This includes multituberculates, Protungulatum, Alphadon, Purgatorius, Kryptobaatar, etc. All these were the rodents that were related to the ones that got on the ark. After the flood, they spread out and repopulated the Earth's new ecological niches. Then they diversified into the many rodent/rabbit species we see today. Which later recessions of ice and sediment buried and fossilized in the ice age. So you're right, you technically don't see rabbits with dinosaurs. But you do see their ancestors together with the dinosaurs (many of which are identical to the rodents of today).
@jackjones3657 3 года назад
After reading many comments and having watched numerous high-level debates between Creationists and Evolutionists, it becomes abundantly clear that this is a "heart" issue more than a "head" issue.
@woodysthoughts4032 3 года назад
Maybe God created evolution.
@Semper_Fish 3 года назад
@@WildPhotoShooter Look in the mirror.
@immar1075 3 года назад
@@WildPhotoShooter Exactly. Faith is the belief in the unknown. If it was known we wouldn't need to use our faith.
@michael9237 3 года назад
@@immar1075 That's not entirely accurate. You have faith in the pilot every time you step onto an airplane, faith in a doctor every time they operate on you, faith in your teacher every time you uncritically accept what they are teaching you as true (evolution?). That's what faith is. Do you say that because you believe in the modern mythology that fish evolve into philosophers, that you are literally related to bananas, and that entire universes can quantum pop into existence and create themselves at any moment? I don't have enough *faith* to believe in those very unscientific assertions my friend....
@immar1075 3 года назад
@@michael9237 " Do you say that because you believe in the modern mythology that fish evolve into philosophers, that you are literally related to bananas, and that entire universes can quantum pop into existence and create themselves at any moment? I don't have enough faith to believe in those very unscientific assertions my friend...." Where did you ever get the idea that I believe any of which you spoke above. You assume much my friend....
@fckickboxer 4 года назад
I am a geologist in Colorado. You can see the Great Unconformity here in several places. I remember, as a student at CU Boulder, all my professors clearly stated that no one knows why the Great Unconformity exists. It’s b/c they re viewing it from a secular worldview.
@keithb4604 4 года назад
Please explain what is the great unconformity
@steve-oh4342 4 года назад
@@spicyroads unbiased? Oh the irony.
@billcat1840 4 года назад
Do you see large boulders embedded in mudflow rocks? some of them are incredibly massive. It took alot of water to throw them around
@kimbanton4398 4 года назад
@@spicyroads secular is the opposite of unbiased
@sean748 2 года назад
Any scientist unwilling to declare that they do not know is not worth your time. Science is inductive - it can only ever disprove falsities.
@conduit68 4 месяца назад
This is a MUST watch for all world views. From "Creationism" to "Evolutionism", and all in between. Absolutely packed with fabulous information. There's something for everyone here in this documentary. Incredible world we live in... Shalom shalom.
@billybob4274 3 месяца назад
Well, no. Most of the info is incorrect, from using a testing method on Mt St Helens that was not supposed to be used for anything younger than 2 million years old, which these people did, to comparing erosion in 2 different places with 2 different materials. It is much easier and quicker for ash to erode than it is for rock. But with the Shalom, you are cousins of Christianity and Judaism. Yes, we DO live in an incredible world, one that was not created by any god.
@firecat3613 3 месяца назад
Fabulous information? I do believe you spelled, "fabricated," incorrectly.
@firecat3613 3 месяца назад
@@billybob4274 It's nice to see I'm not alone. Perhaps I can offer you a warning before engaging with these people. You and I must adhere to verifiable evidence and proven facts. Both of which will be denied, sometimes for reasons as blatantly ridiculous as, "your reality does not align with my delusions and feelings." We MUST also adhere to logic and reason, wherein these are two places the religiously challenged never dare go.
@Kenlydford 26 дней назад
@@firecat3613it’s interesting that you came across this video and that you made a comment. Have you ever just wondered if you’re possibly wrong? Maybe not. You have come to your conclusion a long time ago and nothing will shake you is my guess. I hope that changes some day. I was once atheist. I read, asked questions, until I started reading the Bible I had no idea how powerful truth is and majestic God truly is. I started in Job and I was intrigued but when I read Genesis it started changing my world view. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made... Romans 1:20 ❤️
@rawpraisehorn5716 9 месяцев назад
My wife and I like this presentation so much that we have watched it many times .
@unclecharliesunholyworldof7145 6 месяцев назад
Me and my wife give each other sloppy toppy twice a week to it. In the name of the Lord.
@sjl197 4 месяца назад
There’s a vast wealth of other information out there, step away from the brainwashing now and try a second video elsewhere.
@debbielewis3986 Год назад
Couldn't get to sleep & found this last night. I really loved it! So many scientific people explaining it. Now if i could just get some others to take a look at this explanation rather than just listening to the popular view point.
@mountainhours4443 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Oh boy! I hate to be the bearer of bad news Nicholas but here is Evidence for young Earth; Most dating methods gives a young world. Helium in atmosphere, Helium in ground, Meteor dust, Buildup of carbon 14, Human population, Natural plutonium, Sodium in sea, Sediment in sea, Erosion of continents, Earth's magnetic field, Oil leaks in earth, Natural gas in earth, Orphan radiohalos, Decay of rock magnetism, Tight bends in rocks, Coral reef growth, Oldest living plants, Human civilizations, River delta growth, Undersea oil seepage, Uranium in sea, Rotation of spiral galaxies, Decay of comets, Dust on the moon, Slowing of earth's rotation, Heat loss from earth, Niagara Falls erosion and many more. Billions of years is story telling.
@mountainhours4443 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Also there is no such thing as evolution (No evidence for it). You continue to lie to the students with no science to back it up.
@mountainhours4443 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Provide evidence for evolution. I know you can not do it as there is none. All talk and no action. Good Luck!
@mountainhours4443 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Just as I thought, NOTHING! You are a liar.
@mountainhours4443 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Still Nothing?
@megaterang 4 года назад
I know my experience is only anecdotal but I once watched a very strong flash flood cut away a swath of earth at least 20 feet deep and a half mile long of what had previously been solid rock. Rushing water is incredibly strong and once rocks get mixed with it, even solid granite rock walls are ripped away by the force. This happened in New Mexico during the summer monsoons late 1980's. It all happened in about a half hour. I remember walking out into the gorge it left. The landscape was completely changed - gone in fact. It was a place where my young wife and I often walked our dog and I also remember joking with my wife that I wonder if this how the grand canyon was formed and we laughed and said maybe it took only a couple of years and not billions. I actually think the instantaneous force of water is a more credible explanation for the Grand Canyon then the slow erosion of billions of years.
@rickkwitkoski1976 4 года назад
Have you ever BEEN to the Grand Canyon!!! It is NOT composed of unconsolidated till like shown in this video. The rocks (ROCKS not soil!) are different layers of differing hardness and types that contain embedded fossils that can be seen to be of a specific type in each layer. There are several places where the planes of the sedimentary rock are tilted to extreme angles as well. NOT the result of a quick outflow of debris material but rather a slow sedimentation process that shows that different types of material were laid down at different times. ALSO the bottom of the canyon cuts through many hundreds of feet of very hard IGNEOUS rock! Rock that was molten and then solidified underground. This guy's equating of his little stream and erosion gully to the Grand Canyon is completely ludicrous! Rather than finding someone who supports your pre-conceived ideas and conclusion, why don't you look at the actual evidence first! Understand the parameters that must have existed before the Grand Canyon could have been cut and then get a real and actual conclusion. You obviously have no background in soil geology, rock geology, hydraulic physics, paleontology, geomorphology or any credible science discipline. Grand Canyon's rough dimensions: 1 mile deep, 10 miles wide, 100 miles long. Through SOLID ROCK!
@mde6955 4 года назад
@ megaterang- least 20 feet deep and a half mile long. Multiple that by 10,000 feet at least. Open mindedness. Global not county. Watch the video. If you did you closed your hearing!
@dlighted7643 4 года назад
megaterang yeah, a global flood! Duh! It only makes sense. I’ve thought about this for a long time. It’s actually annoying how dumb smart people can be. Forgive them God. Strengthen us to love them!
@rossrosco4544 4 года назад
@@jimmyray5524 Hundreds of Creationist scientists have changed their minds. None of the millions of other scientists have. Why would that be ?????
@BibleResearchTools 4 года назад
Ross Rosco , you wrote, "Hundreds of Creationist scientists have changed their minds. None of the millions of other scientists have. Why would that be ?????" None? You must live in a cave. I believed in evolution until I was in my 60's. An examination of the geologic column converted me. There is no way those thick, homogeneous, uneroded, unbioturbated sedimentary rock layers were gradually deposited. A global flood is the only thing that makes scientific sense. Dan
@JESUSSavesWAKEUP 2 года назад
Your ministry was a major reason of me coming to Christ. I couldn’t justbelieve, I had to know.
@Gamefan86 2 года назад
Christianity began as sun worship, the stories about Jesus are symbolic. He is just a personification of the sun, made into a god figure later on. The sun "dies" for 3 days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25th, when it resumes its movement north. In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin" The sun rising in the morning is "the saviour of mankind" The sun is "The light of the World" The sun "walks on water" is just the reflection of the sun on water/the sea. "He cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him", is just sun rays. Jesus' "crown of thorns" is just the sun's glare, also know as a halo. The sun's "followers", "helpers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun must pass. The sun at 12 noon is in the house or temple of the "Most High": thus.."he" begins "his Father's work" at "age" 12. The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30 degrees, hense, the "Sun of God" begins his ministry at "age" 30. The sun is hung on a cross or "crucified", which represents its passing through the equinoxes. The vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected. The reason why saviour myths are so similar with a godman who is crucified and resurrected, who does miracles and has 12 disciples, is that these stories were based on the movements of the sun through the heavens, an astrotheological development that can be found throughout the planet, because the sun and the 12 zodiac signs can be observed around the globe. In other words, Jesus Christ and all the others upon whom this character is predicated are personifications of the sun, and the Gospel fable is merely a rehash of a mythological formula revolving around the movements of the sun through the heavens. Jesus is a fictional allegory for the sun. Christianity is ancient astrology. It's just fables about the sun. Check out Acharya S aka D.M Murdock for more info. .. .. . .. ..
@Gamefan86 2 года назад
@JESUS slaves, it's a shame none of it is true.
@JESUSSavesWAKEUP Год назад
@@Gamefan86 behind me Satan! I researched it all and found the Truth. I won’t give you counterarguments because you won’t read them but continue searching the Truth and you will find it.
@JESUSSavesWAKEUP Год назад
I know you will come back here someday and say you found Jesus. Because all that search for Truth sincerely will find it. Meanwhile I’m praying for you
@billybob4274 3 месяца назад
@@JESUSSavesWAKEUP If you researched and still came up believing in god, then you didn't really research. Christianity stole everything it is from different religions. They weren't the first monotheist god, not the first resurrection, no the first to die, etc. Even stole pagan holidays to help get people to convert. Christmas, Halloween, and Easter. Actually research and learn. You researched nothing. Happy Saturnalia.
@XAViiERSBABii Месяц назад
The Glory of God is so evident in this documentary is mind blowing! i am speechless i have no word to express how grand God is to me right now! Magnificent awesome amazing still cannot express how GRAND our Creator God is! give Him PRAISE!
@Lightgiver23 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for putting out this beautiful film and for FREE! Glory be to God, God bless.
@billybob4274 3 месяца назад
Glory be to God, for all the enslaving, the rapes, the murders, the starvation, the cancers.... Need I go on?
@terrymeadows1827 3 месяца назад
@@billybob4274 LOL I hope there are no sharp instruments in your home.
@pattiwaseta1672 4 месяца назад
I saw this on Netflix back in 2017. Finally, a documentary about the planet that makes sense. And it's so well done!
@spongebombepicpants1073 4 месяца назад
Netflix? I thought this platform is just a godless entertaining place!
@edgarmatzinger9742 3 месяца назад
_"Finally, a documentary about the planet that makes sense."_ Nothing in the bible makes sense.
@spongebombepicpants1073 3 месяца назад
@@edgarmatzinger9742 Explain what does not make sense.
@davidhawkes1981 Месяц назад
@@edgarmatzinger9742 I second that challenge. What exactly does not make sense. Cite the Biblical verses that you allege as nonsense and let us analyze them in their proper context.
@edgarmatzinger9742 Месяц назад
@@davidhawkes1981 _"Cite the Biblical verses that you allege as nonsense"_ The verses about Jesus walking on water and turning it into wine. Just like those about to sell your raped daughter to her rapist. Or those on how to keep your slaves. And Genesis? Doesn't make any sense. And context? That's the way an apologist tries to make awkward things in the bible go away.
@samuelrivera4362 Год назад
A must see presentation for all who love the subject on Bible Science and Creation.
@rebsince71 Год назад
Nicholas, everyone in this film, including the host, is doctorate level educated. Which science are you referring to?…Everyone, including those scientists you choose to agree with, are giving opinions. They’re giving hypotheses. Carbon dating, at best, is highly inaccurate and unreliable. No one, including those scientists 200 years ago, was around to validate any claims. This representation, to me, has indeed met the standard to be given consideration.
@ChristEnlightenment Год назад
@Nicholas Christie-Blick you aren't a good scientist you actually believe in fairy tales and lies, I'm sorry for your lack of faith, and also hate for Christianity and God, you must be a big sinner
@GAMER123GAMING Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 "They are contradicted by things we learnt" or false narratives that are pushed? No... no... cant quesiton things
@Mk101T 2 месяца назад
@@rebsince71 Are all who claim to know God Holy and Righteous ? Does no one use religion for evil purpose ? If not , how would you discern their differences ?
@storybyosmosis 7 месяцев назад
Excellent work. I've had a foundation of God's Word and His Creation built into me as a young person and still greatly enjoy hearing the consistency and proof of God's existence and intentions in His Creation. Thanks for putting this together and giving us a great opportunity to review and strengthen the Truth.
@jobotmang 3 года назад
" (A)Paradigm ( has been) imposed on the data rather the the data providing the paradigm". Makes sense.
@nicholaseaves2591 3 года назад
That's literally what christians do with science. They have a narrative paradigm established by the bible and their faith and then cherry pick evidence to support their claims and ignore the evidence that refutes them. I work with a seventh day Adventist that believes in "biblical science" and we get into arguments all the time that end with him throwing up his hands saying "That's what i believe and nothing will change it!". That is the complete opposite of the scientific method
@michael9237 3 года назад
@@nicholaseaves2591 Mr. eaves, that's literally what atheists do with science as well. It's a matter of competing worldview interpretations over the exact same evidence, the difference is that atheistic-Naturalism is demonstrably internally inconsistent, it has an embarrassing history of radical ad-hoc readjustment, it can't explain foundational things that it ought to be able to explain, and it is not existentially viable (ie. you can't live it out in reality). We already discussed how atheistic-Naturalists believe in Supernatural phenomena (and you tried to say that pre-existence is "natural" - God is pre-existent)... you know, for all your anti-God assertions, you sure do suspiciously live perfectly in line with everything He said about you. See by your belief system you are a meaningless evolved chemical accident in a meaningless universe - you have no basis by which to assert your opinions, human value, how you deserve respect, or to explain why you as a human being have unique capacities to be able to exercise "dominion" over all of creation. Why is murder wrong - who cares if we kill another chemical reaction, it's just chemicals? On what basis do you assert that you are any more important than, say, a dirt clod on the side of the road - you're both just chemical reactions? Your very thoughts are mere chemical reactions in your brain, how can you trust them? I love that you do these things though because this is evidence that you are not just a chemical accident in a meaningless chemical universe, but that you were made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27) with a capacity for "dominion" over creation (Genesis 1:26) with morality (Genesis 9:6) a conscience (Romans 2:15) and deserving a basic degree of respect (James 3:10) among other things. You are a walking contradiction to your own atheistic religion, and you live as if you believe in the Bible, and I love that God put such internal inconsistency into you so you can clearly see evidence in your own behavior that He exists and that He created you. You are truly blessed. This is a problem called existential viability (the ability to live out your worldview in reality), and a lack of existential viability is one sign of a faulty worldview. Existential viability is a problem for atheistic-Naturalists and their meaningless puddles to people belief system. Existential viability is not a problem for a biblical worldview. You are not a meaningless chemical accident. You are a valuable human being made in the image and likeness of God with a purpose, morality, and deserving of respect. "They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them." (Romans 2:15) "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- *having a form of godliness but denying its power.* Have nothing to do with such people." (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
@HS-zk5nn 2 года назад
it is so sad that even in the 21st century, some people believe that humanity evolved from pond scum and want others to believe that because ... science.
@nicholaseaves2591 2 года назад
@@michael9237 the religious answer has no explanatory mechanism. Intelligent design can't be tested. It's not even close to comparable with scientific theory
@nicholaseaves2591 2 года назад
@@michael9237 btw, im not going to reply to all the assertions in your novel of a comment. Try to be more concise. This is a youtube comment thread. Not a college dissertation
@1voiceCriesOut 10 месяцев назад
This host reminds me a lot of Mike Row...he is very attentive to each of the interviewees and contributes to the conversation in a meaningful way. Great documentary. Thank you❤
@markwildt5728 9 месяцев назад
That's called reading from a script... But yes, it was well done.
@billybob4274 3 месяца назад
Mike Rowe is a realist who wants to help people. These people want to enslave people to a belief.
@JohnnyButtons 3 месяца назад
Yeah, he does favor Rowe a bit, I see it.
@donnaruby1304 3 года назад
I too suppressed between my spiritual experiences and what appeared as lapses in scripture yet having faith that God is true. Then I began to learn of these truths in an apologetics class. It is the calming balm in these days of uncertainty. For there is one certainty - God is.
@matthewbennier7476 3 года назад
Yeah, He found me in His written word June 18th last year. God is good.
@TMPreRaff 3 года назад
ZZzzz.... ZZzzz.... ZZzzz.... ZZzzz....
@mimilights 3 года назад
@danite1742 3 года назад
@Jimbo Bell We collectively are God my friend. We are the only creatures on earth that can combine information into formulating new ideas. We also have the ability to heal ourselves and have supernatural abilities just like "Ice Man".
@michael9237 3 года назад
Here is another piece of evidence that I hope you find useful, from one Christian to another: Did you know that the secular 4000-5000 year old Chinese language suspiciously contains biblical imagery not found in any other known mythology? How did it get in there? For example, the Character for "boat" consists of the characters "vessel" " *eight* " and "people," suspiciously matching Noah's family of 8 on the ark. The character for "flood" consists of "water" and "total", and the character for "total" is made up of "together," " *eight* ," and "earth," again suspiciously matching Noah's flood. The character for "To create" consists of "speak" "dust" "life" "walk" suspiciously matching how God spoke life into existence and formed man from the dust of the ground. The character for "devil" consists of the characters "secret" "man" "garden" "alive" , and the character for "tempter" consists of "devil" "two trees" and "cover," suspiciously matching the description of Satan in the Garden of Eden. The character for "Garden" includes "dust" "breath" "two persons" "enclosure" again suspiciously matching the account of God creating Adam and Eve from the dust in the Garden of Eden. The character for "happiness" includes "God" and "sheep" reflecting God's desire throughout the Bible to be with His sheep. The character "forbidden/to warn" includes "God" and "Two Trees" suspiciously matching the two trees God put in the Garden of Eden to give man a free will choice between good and evil (among other things). Some argue that the Bible is just a "Bronze age" copy of other ancient mythologies, but that doesn't make sense. There are dozens of these Chinese characters with specifically biblical imagery, and I have yet to see an ancient copycat legend that has these same details. The birth of the Chinese language suspiciously lines up with the time the Bible says the Tower of Babel incident occurred, and it would make sense if this imagery entered their language because the early Chinese people were simply familiar with the biblical account of creation and the biblical flood. If you deny that though, then how do you explain this? Christian missionaries didn't exist until millennia after the Chinese language began. As a related finding, some ancient Chinese writings and pottery depict cultural parallels between the ancient Chinese and ancient Hebrew people concerning animal sacrifices... food for thought.
@obinnaobiorah651 Месяц назад
God bless you Sir. God created the world is 6 days, there was a real flood, and judgement is real. Thank you Lord Jesus.
@razark9 26 дней назад
Sir, that's your religious literalist beliefs. Not based in history or science. I'm fine with you having beliefs, but there is literally zero evidence for a six day creation nor Noah's ark and the flood, but there's evidence against these stacking all the way to the moon and back.
@schris9664 4 года назад
So thankful you guys invested so much of your time, energy and money to make this fascinating documentary. Thanks so much for making it available on RU-vid!
@rogerhector5885 4 года назад
i agree fascinating
@miketomlin6040 4 года назад
It's more fascinating how in 2020, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary- including the fact homo sapiens behave almost exactly the same as Monkeys - there are still some people who believe Bible stories!
@elviahernandez3313 4 года назад
Exactly 😩
@sathviksidd 4 года назад
@@miketomlin6040 atleast better than believing there is no right or wrong and there is no meaning to life and no reason to do science
@miketomlin6040 4 года назад
@@sathviksidd I don't understand your comment?
@robertjacob5dmk3 2 года назад
very powerful and thank you to all who made this factual events come to life in the 20th century. Christianity Is The Beacon Of Light Love for GOD and Hope .
@chrislachat459 2 года назад
@@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 your butt-hurt screeds don't change anyone's minds. Common sense easily shows truth will rule over you. Selah
@chrislachat459 2 года назад
@@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 LOL. Atheist are religious, that's were the common sense comes in. Atheist have made "science" their religion of choice, not that it implies they're any smarter, just more arrogant. Science is God's creation, so it therefore makes known what is applied to our lives and in our lives. Christian's with this view have no problem with a young earth just as God describes in Genesis. That's what this video shows and it's why unbelievers gnash their teeth in anger. Don't like it, move on. We are steadfast.
@judahborgwardt2860 2 года назад
@@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 You sound hurt... are you alright? Cuz competing in a shouting match against Christians isn't gonna do anything.
@judahborgwardt2860 2 года назад
@@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 The cool thing about the Bible is that it never says how old the universe is. Genesis just begins with, "Now the earth was formless and empty" so for all we know, the universe itself could actually be billions of years old. It also doesn't mention how long Adam and Eve were on the earth for before the fall into sin. The earth itself could also be billions of years old, since no animals would have died in a perfect world. And yes, it can be frustrating sometimes seeing Christians wander into an argument and get blasted because they don't correctly know how to defend their faith. I've seen Christians say terrible things and not act like they should (Im on ifunny, so that should explain a lot). That's the effect of sin in the world because nobody is perfect. My "philosophy" is just seeing other people as... well, people. We often get caught up in everything that we forget that a comment online was made by a real person with their own life and experiences. So if everyone is willing to see the other side from a different perspective, we could truly open our minds and find what the universal truth is. Well, that's my rant for today. Thanks for listening and not being rude. Have a good day ;)
@judahborgwardt2860 2 года назад
@@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 Ayy no problem. That's awful to hear as well. These days I feel like "Christians" just use the title to make themselves feel superior. It's just depressing as the rest of us get a bad name. The way you spot a true Christian is the way they act. If they always act out of turn and force their religion on others, everything becomes a huge problem. True Christians try to act as we believe Jesus did - even loving our enemies, which seems impossible at times. Of course, that doesn't mean we don't make mistakes. Everyone is sinful... but all have been saved. Hats off to ya 🎩
@tishamae6546 4 года назад
What a great fascinating, thought-provoking, eye-opening, and factual Documentary. HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD! UNMEASURABLE BEYOND HUMAN MIND. Please consider accepting my endless love and support here from the Philippines. Really really worth it to watch!. Consider my endless gratitude brothers and sisters out there! God Loves you beyond your own understanding.
@FRN2013 4 года назад
Mabuhay! We're in Davao City. What place are you in?
@matthewboster5506 2 года назад
Define factual i mean Jesus Christ you people are living in a fantasy land lol grow up
@terrymeadows1827 Год назад
Wonderful, compelling presentation. Thank you and God bless you all.
@IsGenesisHistory Год назад
You are very welcome! We're so glad you enjoyed our film.
@billybob4274 3 месяца назад
Nothing compelling her except for believers, as everything presented has been done so with ill intentions. Look things up instead of just believing. Wait, that's what religious people do, believe instead of know. When someone uses a test that is not meant to be used in the way it was done, it is with ill intention, as these people were warned beforehand. That one issue throws everything else out. Want another? Comparing erosion in 2 different places, with 2 different materials, as the same. Ash and rock are 2 different materials. Of course erosion happens faster in ash than rock.
@terrymeadows1827 3 месяца назад
@@billybob4274 Of course it's compelling for we believers. I've always found it amusing when God-deniers lob accusations at the Holy Scriptures. Where's your confidence, your certainty that God does not exist that you need to dispute its truth claims? Something's eating at you. ;)
@yvetteschneider5172 Год назад
Everything old is new again... amazing how science of old can be explained to be a newer occurrence by the explanation of layers of earth being formed by water, heat and cooling with the water subsiding, retreating, and not taking an extreme amount of time such as millions or more of years to do so in a miniscule amount of time compared to that being anywhere from a mere generation to just a few generations. Incredible!
@adelinomorte7421 7 месяцев назад
***universal time is not the same as our "clock time"***
@billybob4274 3 месяца назад
There is no evidence of a great flood that covered the entire world. The entire world of a small group of people in a localized area, sure. There is NO evidence that it was just a generation to a few generations. ALL evidence points to millions and billions of years. I want to see the erosion that created the Grand Canyon happen in just a few generations. It cannot, and did not.
@florencelinderman3797 4 года назад
Thank you so much for all the effort, time, and money that was put into this film. God bless you all.
@joelbachmann10 4 года назад
That is, If he exist
@joelbachmann10 4 года назад
@Jake Lloyd free will
@joelbachmann10 4 года назад
@Jake Lloyd non, we follow scientific facts
@fredkilian4049 4 года назад
@@joelbachmann10 It is not scientific fact if it is not repeatable. "Replenish the earth" says God.
@numbersix9477 4 года назад
@@fredkilian4049 --- You must be a scientist. What is your specialty?
@sofianakharkongor2077 2 года назад
I came across this channel and I am glad I watched it fully it was a mystery of time. God is great and did not give us all the wisdom he have, that leaves us a mistery to think. Praise God almighty who created heaven and earth.
@ozowen 2 года назад
Shame it's all nonsense really.
@Gamefan86 2 года назад
Christianity began as sun worship, the stories about Jesus are symbolic. He is just a personification of the sun, made into a god figure later on. The sun "dies" for 3 days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25th, when it resumes its movement north. In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin" The sun rising in the morning is "the saviour of mankind" The sun is "The light of the World" The sun "walks on water" is just the reflection of the sun on water/the sea. "He cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him", is just sun rays. Jesus' "crown of thorns" is just the sun's glare, also know as a halo. The sun's "followers", "helpers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun must pass. The sun at 12 noon is in the house or temple of the "Most High": thus.."he" begins "his Father's work" at "age" 12. The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30 degrees, hense, the "Sun of God" begins his ministry at "age" 30. The sun is hung on a cross or "crucified", which represents its passing through the equinoxes. The vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected. The reason why saviour myths are so similar with a godman who is crucified and resurrected, who does miracles and has 12 disciples, is that these stories were based on the movements of the sun through the heavens, an astrotheological development that can be found throughout the planet, because the sun and the 12 zodiac signs can be observed around the globe. In other words, Jesus Christ and all the others upon whom this character is predicated are personifications of the sun, and the Gospel fable is merely a rehash of a mythological formula revolving around the movements of the sun throug the heavens.
@jonsweetland6527 2 года назад
@@ozowen prove it . . .
@joeythebushkangaroo1 7 месяцев назад
​@@Gamefan86 Interesting... reminds me of when the the True God's 10 plagues insulted ancient Egypt's many gods,at least one was proved powerless with every plague God brought against Egypt. I've never thought of Jesus's actions insulting the pagan sungod worship,which was so prolific among the pagans, with his miracles as well. Thank you for this information.
@walterbrown8694 Месяц назад
The question posed in the title is easily answered by one word - Yes. Any questions ? ( The entire Bible is God's "Remez" to anyone interested.)
@jobotmang 3 года назад
God now says in the Bible, " No more water, but fire next time". Pepole, get right with God like Noah did.
@BowlerScott 3 года назад
A major flood just ravaged Europe. This is also a scare tactic, and eagerly awaiting a glorious conflagration to overtake the world and bring on the ruination of civilization isn't moral - it's wicked.
@TKO67 3 года назад
@@BowlerScott Yet you can not deny 3.5 million square miles of sand in the Sahara desert.
@suzz1776 3 года назад
Amd Yellowstone has been having higher then normal earthquakes lately and the magma has been rising. I wouldn't b surprised if it erupted soon. Also Germany and the area of rhe Rhine River is flooded. We r in some interesting times. Get right with God
@karenpearson6991 3 года назад
@@BowlerScott The deadly and devastating floods in Germany and Belgium are tiny compared to the global flood which wiped out nearly all of humanity.
@darkeen42 3 года назад
Look around this is water and fire
@stephaniejoiner3382 3 года назад
Gods intelligence is beyond comprehension. He created all this for our enjoyment. We sinned against him and then in the richness of his grace came to earth to die for us. 1 Corinthians 2:9. What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him” Wow just wow.
@michael9237 3 года назад
@@maylingng4107 With respect, your argument ignores God's Omniscient character. God knew all of this would happen from the beginning, and He prophesied Jesus' coming right off the bat in Genesis 3:15. The bad things that happen are a result of allowing free will. God created everything good (Genesis 1:31), but then Adam and Eve decided to rebel against God, seek to "be like God," and follow Satan (Genesis 3:5) and trust in a lie rather than their Creator. You still see this kind of behavior today. I don't have enough faith to believe that fish evolve into philosophers, you are cousin to a banana, and entire universes can pop into existence at any moment. "They perish because they *refused to love the truth* and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a *powerful delusion* so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who *have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness* ." (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12)
@analyst1777 3 года назад
God created all of the problems you see on earth when he cast Satan down to the earth alone with all of his followers and still to this day he / she hasn't been able to clean that mess up. There is no question about who's running the earth 😀
@michael9237 3 года назад
​@@analyst1777 The problem is that Adam and Eve made a free will choice to rebel against God, follow Satan, and trust in a lie, and it is through their sin that our nature became corrupt. What do you mean God "hasn't been able to clean that mess up" - He is in control and you can't do anything unless He allows you to (Genesis 3:5). If God is Holy and Just then He has to punish sin, and He will... but the reason He allows evil to continue to exist in the world temporarily is because you are evil, and He delayed Judgment Day to give you a chance to repent. You are very fortunate. "But God is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish, but for all to reach repentance" (2 Peter 3:9).
@analyst1777 3 года назад
@@michael9237 If you erased satan from the Genesis story there isn't any logical reason to believe mankind would have ever fell. There would be no lie and they would have never even known evil. The book of Enoch even teaches what fallen evils fallen angels taught mankind I will agree with you somewhat he is in control in the sense that Satan has to get permission to convince people to rape, murder, cause war, sickness and destroy the Earth from God just like in the story of Job.
@michaelling2477 3 года назад
@@analyst1777 Not every act of evil originates from Satan nor the fallen angelic host. Evil also originates from the free will of those who choose to do wickedly, e.g. not every murder originates from Satan as people can freely choose to murder from their own impulses.. The importance of the Millennial Reign of Christ in the present creation at the end of the age is a necessity for in that time (era) Christ will reign supreme over fallen and redeemed humans while Satan and the fallen host are bound. At the end of the reign Satan will be unbound and there will still be those who choose of their free will driven by their desires in opposition to Christ to follow Satan thus negating the Devil made me do it (I am a product of my environment) mentality which seeks to place the blame elsewhere but upon one's self.
@williampacheco8695 2 года назад
I have watched this over and over and always get a better idea of how vast God's wisdom is.
@michael9237 2 года назад
I agree with you. Here is some more evidence that corroborates Genesis that I hope you find of interest, reposted: *Did you know that the secular 4000-5000 year old Chinese language suspiciously contains uniquely biblical imagery in some of its characters?* How did it get in there? For example, the Character for "boat" consists of the characters "vessel" " *eight* " and "people," suspiciously matching Noah's family of 8 on the ark. The character for "flood" consists of "water" and "total", and the character for "total" is made up of "together," " *eight* ," and "earth," again suspiciously matching Noah's flood. The character for "To create" consists of "speak" "dust" "life" "walk" suspiciously matching how God spoke life into existence and formed man from the dust of the ground. The character for "devil" consists of the characters "secret" "man" "garden" "alive" , and the character for "tempter" consists of "devil" "two trees" and "cover," suspiciously matching the description of Satan in the Garden of Eden. The character for "Garden" includes "dust" "breath" "two persons" "enclosure" again suspiciously matching the account of God creating Adam and Eve from the dust in the Garden of Eden. The character for "happiness" includes "God" and "sheep" reflecting God's desire throughout the Bible to be with His sheep. The character "forbidden/to warn" includes "God" and "Two Trees" suspiciously matching the two trees God put in the Garden of Eden to give man a free will choice between good and evil (among other things). Some argue that the Bible is just a "Bronze age" copy of other ancient mythologies, but that doesn't make sense. There are dozens of these Chinese characters with specifically biblical imagery, and I have yet to see an ancient copycat legend that has these same details. *The birth of the Chinese language suspiciously lines up with the time the Bible says the Tower of Babel incident occurred, and it would make sense if this imagery entered their language because the early Chinese people were simply familiar with the biblical account of creation and the biblical flood.* If you deny that though, then how do you explain this? Christian missionaries didn't exist until millennia after the Chinese language began. As a related finding, some ancient Chinese writings and pottery depict cultural parallels between the ancient Chinese and ancient Hebrew people concerning animal sacrifices... food for thought. In addition, there are thousands of global flood legends all around the world, including 300+ Native American global flood legends which were developed in geographic isolation of Judeo-Christian influences, many of which specifically corroborate the biblical Noahic flood account, but not the other Mesopotamian flood myths. All of these geographically isolated people on separate continents suspiciously also had a knowledge of dinosaur-like creatures, and they also suspiciously had the same taste in architecture (ziggurats) all around the world. All of this evidence makes sense if these people descended from the same common people from the Tower of Babel incident after the biblical Noahic Flood. Otherwise this is all very strange and seems to contradict the secular narrative of human origins at many points.
@blackholeentry3489 2 года назад
@@michael9237 Please explain two things; 1) Where did enough water COME from to flood the entire earth above its tallest mountaintops? 2) Just where did it all disappear to afterwards? BHE
@keriwilliams8980 2 года назад
@@blackholeentry3489 im not sure your able to expand your mind enough to possibly comprehend this possibility but here goes nothing, IFthe earth where totally flat it would be completely covered with 2733 meters of water. Now I'm sure you would counter with "but the earth isn't completely flat" and that would be a correct observation. Whoever at one time the earth was much smooth than it is today. Observe the evidence in the mountains where the sedimentary layers have been pushed up at 45°or more angles. Powerful forces were responsible for this. The Bible says there were water above the earth and under the earth (crust). When the waters above collapsed it caused fracture in the earths crust causing it to be releast. Water seeks the lowest point, thus accumulating in these places. The earth, being like a ballon, depressed in some areas and pushed up in others. Are you aware that sea fossils can be found on mountian tops in sedimentary rock? How did they get there? Maybe have a mango daiquiri and contemplate the universe
@wordwarrior2350 2 года назад
Over and over for generations and YOU still haven´t figured it out. It is all a legend.
@ColonelEmpire 2 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Your denial is a demonstration of your weak position.
@jacquelineyu78 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much for making this documentary free on RU-vid so that I could recommend it to ppl who believe in evolution. Giving them second opinion on something they thought was true but really was just hypothesis. Your work is so blessed. It makes such a difference!
@Emmitaaaa-v1b 4 года назад
The amount of evidence revealed in this well-made documentary is shocking and revolutionary. If one watches this objectively, one cannot but conclude that some of the currently accepted theories of the origin of life, the flood, and other subjects are severely distorted and based on incomplete evidence and/or are influenced through false presuppositions. This explains thoroughly and offers a more sound understanding of the treated subjects. Well done and glory to God!
@chrisyoung5929 4 года назад
" in this well-made documentary is shocking and revolutionary" I disagree I watched a couple of sections and groaned at the rubbish. Like the part were they say that "you have to look at the text" about the Bible then they lie about what the Bible says about genealogy of Joseph. So a challenge pick any section of this post it here and we will look at this evidence together.
@alphatav3733 4 года назад
DD DDD Do you presuppose that there is no Creator, despite a creation? Awkward.
@chrisyoung5929 4 года назад
@@alphatav3733 Are you presupposing that all acts of creation require a thinking being some how? Where did you get that from? A volcano explodes creating a hole and new landscape do you think that means the volcano is an intentional being?
@alphatav3733 4 года назад
DD DDD so you presuppose that there isn't a Creator because you don't believe something is created? I see a building, a assume there was an architect and builder. That is my point. You believe that nothing created/formed/made/produced everything. That is also a presupposition, but it is disingenuous. The truth is that people don't want to believe in a God, because then we would be held morally accountable for all the sin in our life. Atheism allows us to make god in our image. Therefore nothing is wrong and there is no reason to argue about it. Why would you argue about something when there is no ultimate meaning to it?
@alphatav3733 4 года назад
Chris Young How did the volcano get there in the first place?
@Kari77251 2 года назад
I love this video. I watched it about a year ago, and I rewatched it today. I think I’ll be watching it again and again, because there is so much information here. My kids are all interested in science - they each have a personal favorite - and they have asked me several questions about how different scientific principles seem to disprove our faith. This video answers their questions. It also shows them that Christianity and science aren’t mutually exclusive. Hearing marine biologists, geologists, paleontologists and astronomers explain how their fields of expertise prove Creation has helped me reconcile my family’s devout faith with our love of science. Thank you so much for this video, it is truly a gift. And, of course, Thank God for making this video possible!! To Him go the Glory!!
@matman4464 2 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 outstanding ego my friend!👏👏👏
@ozowen 2 года назад
@@matman4464 Or he is speaking truth. Which is far more likely- ego or not.
@michael9237 2 года назад
I applaud you for not giving in to the scientifically ludicrous mythology that fish evolve into philosophers, that puddles can literally turn themselves into people if you just wait a really really long time, and that "nothing created everything accidentally." Unfortunately you fell into the militant atheist troll trap on this page... but amen sister. Look up GotQuestions if you need answers to hard Bible questions. Your kids are not "meaningless evolved protoplasm" in a meaningless chemical universe that doesn't care about you - they are valuable human beings made in the image of God. *"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"* (Romans 3:23) *"The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord"* (Romans 6:23) *"It is appointed for man to die once, then comes Judgment"* (Hebrews 9:27)
@ozowen 2 года назад
@@michael9237 Mikey will actually try to encourage you to lie to your kids. The "science" on this video is nonsense. Your kids might start by being fooled, but when they eventually learn actual science, and the actual scientific method, then this fetid BS will necessarily fall by the wayside. Then you will need to deal with the fact that your kids will regard all that you "explained" to them as nonsense. That's a normal parent thing- so no worries. But the fact that they will likely turn away from God because the limited and nonsensical version preached here- well that will be a sad thing indeed.
@michael9237 2 года назад
I just don't have enough faith to believe that fish evolve into philosophers and that puddles can turn themselves into people if you just wait a really long time. Here's an observation/question: 1-) DNA contains mass quantities of ordered, sequenced, encoded information that "tells" your body how to grow, including instructions for your eye. 2-) Every single observable instance of information in existence always has an intelligent source (the words on this screen, in a book, programming in your computer, etc.) Conclusion) Therefore, consistently interpreted, the information in DNA also had an Intelligent Source (a Creator - God). How do you handle this observable evidence? Do you: A) Consistently interpret this evidence - the information in DNA had an intelligent source like the rest of the observable evidence. B) Inconsistently interpret the evidence - information in DNA Unscientifically must be the exception to all the rest of the observable evidence. Information created itself from non-information just that one time. C) Deny that it's information, it's just chemicals - chemicals just fizz into your eye's concave light-refracting lens, 137M light sensitive cells, 40M nerve endings, and precise muscles that auto-focus this complex optical system 100,000 times a day. D) Ignore the evidence, say "well science just doesn't know yet," insist on an Atheistic/Naturalistic explanation. *Wouldn't it be more scientifically consistent to interpret the information in DNA as also having an Intelligent Source, like all the rest of the observable evidence...?* Your answer speaks volumes about your scientific/unscientific worldview assumptions/biases.
@gospeljohn413 Год назад
Wonderfully done, my hats off to this production and I praise God for the inspiration to all those who contributed. God bless you all
@gospeljohn413 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 lol , the vast greatness of God cannot be questioned by mortal man, God is Spirit. I trust the word of God over any science, we could not have science if not for God and His Bible. I believe the Bible and take every word of it literally and if that makes me a fool then I’m a fool for the Lord God. This explanation makes perfect sense on how it was all done by God. But then Gods word tells us God will confound the wisest. Thanks for your input, I will pray that your heart will open your mind to God and not so much on man. God bless
@danielthomas5212 Год назад
are you an ethnic jew?
@bicycleutopia Год назад
which god??
@gospeljohn413 Год назад
@@bicycleutopia , there is only one true God. LOL
@mehallica666 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 A bit late, but excellent post, dude.
@rickyblackburn-n9e Месяц назад
Excellent. Every classroom should see this film!
@binevanit 2 года назад
I been looking for this video for 51 years and I finally found it ! From now on Im going to sleep in peace.
@velocitysam4185 2 года назад
Please tell us more..
@chriskragtwijk6191 2 года назад
Sarcastic XD
@Gamefan86 2 года назад
Christianity began as sun worship, the stories about Jesus are symbolic. He is just a personification of the sun, made into a god figure later on. The sun "dies" for 3 days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25th, when it resumes its movement north. In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin" The sun rising in the morning is "the saviour of mankind" The sun is "The light of the World" The sun "walks on water" is just the reflection of the sun on water/the sea. "He cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him", is just sun rays. Jesus' "crown of thorns" is just the sun's glare, also know as a halo. The sun's "followers", "helpers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun must pass. The sun at 12 noon is in the house or temple of the "Most High": thus.."he" begins "his Father's work" at "age" 12. The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30 degrees, hense, the "Sun of God" begins his ministry at "age" 30. The sun is hung on a cross or "crucified", which represents its passing through the equinoxes. The vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected. The reason why saviour myths are so similar with a godman who is crucified and resurrected, who does miracles and has 12 disciples, is that these stories were based on the movements of the sun through the heavens, an astrotheological development that can be found throughout the planet, because the sun and the 12 zodiac signs can be observed around the globe. In other words, Jesus Christ and all the others upon whom this character is predicated are personifications of the sun, and the Gospel fable is merely a rehash of a mythological formula revolving around the movements of the sun throug the heavens.
@immanuelhavneraas 3 месяца назад
Interesting and cool things. There would be no problem with much of what you are saying. It can be two things at the same time though. The bible is the best Book for society and tells us the most of our universe and salvation. It certainly is different than other religion since it is anti-works based salvation meaning that you can not earn your salvation by your own good works.
@5winder 4 года назад
The whole bible is history... with the whole truth --- unlike what we were taught in "school".
@DonnieTHORMacLEOD 4 года назад
He did say in Revelations that the knowledge of man would speed up in the latter days & that He would reveal Himself to those who didn't believe by that knowledge . What better way then proving Himself to be the creationist in the growth of proof that He is allowing our modern Scientists to embrace such as with Francis Collins Faith that God created it all & now attending Church as a Christian after decades of being an obnoxious atheist as he once was. .
@hightechredneck3362 3 года назад
I am amazed at how often Luke 19:40 is shown here. It is woven throughout. While humans in general and certain Christians remain silent, the rocks are declaring the Glory of God.
@patrickvanbaal2837 2 года назад
But your god doesn't exist. Fact. So the rocks you're babbling about don't declare anything. Who wrote Luke? Hint: not Luke.
@michael9237 2 года назад
@@patrickvanbaal2837 That's because you put your Faith in the modern mythology that puddles can turn themselves into people if you wait a real long time, fish evolve into philosophers, and entire mathematically ordered universes can pop themselves into existence at any moment... we just don't have enough faith to believe in that. For all your anti-God assertions, you sure do suspiciously live perfectly in line with everything He said about you. See by your belief system you are a meaningless evolved chemical accident in a meaningless universe - you have no basis by which to assert your opinions, human value, how you deserve respect, or to explain why you as a human being have unique capacities to be able to exercise "dominion" over all of creation. Why is murder wrong - who cares if we kill another chemical reaction, it's just chemicals? On what basis do you assert that you are any more important than, say, a dirt clod on the side of the road - you're both just chemical reactions? Your very thoughts are mere chemical reactions in your brain, how can you trust them? I love that you do these things though because this is evidence that you are not just a chemical accident in a meaningless chemical universe, but that you were made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27) with a capacity for "dominion" over creation (Genesis 1:26) with morality (Genesis 9:6) a conscience (Romans 2:15) and deserving a basic degree of respect (James 3:10) among other things. You are a walking contradiction to your own atheistic religion, and you live as if you believe in the Bible, and I love that God put such internal inconsistency into you so you can clearly see evidence in your own behavior that He exists and that He created you. You are truly blessed. This is a problem called existential viability (the ability to live out your worldview in reality), and a lack of existential viability is one sign of a faulty worldview. Existential viability is a problem for atheistic-Naturalists and their meaningless puddles to people belief system. Existential viability is not a problem for a biblical worldview. You are not a meaningless chemical accident. You are a valuable human being made in the image and likeness of God with a purpose, morality, and deserving of respect. "They show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts sometimes accusing them and at other times even defending them." (Romans 2:15) "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- *having a form of godliness but denying its power.* Have nothing to do with such people." (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
@breadfish4683 2 года назад
@@patrickvanbaal2837 You'll be surprise when you see God with your own eyes in spiritual body.
@smitty121981 2 года назад
@@michael9237 "we just don't have enough faith" Yes....creationists are extremely lacking in faith, that's why they're all liars!
@Biblical_Mystery 10 месяцев назад
Wow, I'm thoroughly impressed! The effort and creativity you've put into this video really shine through. Can't wait to see more!
@IsGenesisHistory 10 месяцев назад
Thank you @Biblical_Mystery! There is much more to come!
@Samael-Metzger 10 месяцев назад
This is laughable to anybody with a proper education in the sciences and geology.
@michaelg377 9 месяцев назад
@@Samael-Metzger Do you say that because you believe in the modern mythology that fish evolve into philosophers, that puddles of chemicals can fizz into people by chance if you just wait a long enough *time,* and that planets can randomly clump together to meet 122 precise anthropic constants (conditions required for life) - a 1 in 10^138 probability - from a "Big Bang" by chance? Science is a methodology. What you're talking about is an Ideology, and I just don't have enough faith to believe that these unscientific beliefs happened by chance, never mind the many scientific problems with them. *"The evidence of God... has been clearly seen since the beginning in all that has been created, so they will have no excuse"* (Romans 1:20)
@lindafras1762 8 месяцев назад
I Thank YOU All" SO Much", For That Christian program Of (GENESIS History"!). The only Things). They didn't talk about Was THE Many "Earthquakes". Of "THAT'S HAPPENED"😳." THROUGHOUT The Many HUNDREDS OF YEARS".
@JoubertMalan 7 месяцев назад
@@Samael-Metzger okay my bulle, gaan huil by jou ma.
@axelstarosteen Год назад
Отличный фильм! Огромная благодарность всем создателям фильма, обязательно покажу его своим детям)
@domagojbiskupic3807 Год назад
this is nonsense! who believes in these lies. these are melted buildings, stone and brick! compare it to Sodom and Gomorrah and you will see the difference or you won't!! no difference same forms! Ron Wyatt
@Quinoezi 10 месяцев назад
замечательно от людей, которые привезли нам Санта-Клюз
@daursan 7 месяцев назад
Действительно, согласен. Отличный фильм
@IsGenesisHistory 7 месяцев назад
Большое спасибо! Мы рады, что вам понравилось.
@specialtymachining 4 года назад
In talking with the wife of a geologist: She said he studied the Grand Canyon, & floated the river; concluding it had to have formed underwater (submarine).
@christianclark347 4 года назад
Interesting. That complies with the conclusions presented here as well of large water-borne depositions and the bit about the underwater sand dunes locked in the upper limestone layer.
@tagiilimaesene6261 3 года назад
“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools,” (Rom. 1:20-22 NKJV)
@lindawhite6635 3 года назад
Amen!! Amen and Amen!!!!
@no-yp4ts 3 года назад
Amen !
@bluenose7984 3 года назад
Why would an all loving being require that we worship them? It's soooo egotistical!
@no-yp4ts 3 года назад
@@bluenose7984 He never told nobody, you mast warship Him. Who you love , you warship too. But one rebel love only himself and nobody ellse. This person is really egoistic . By the way ,do you love your parents ?
@bluenose7984 3 года назад
@@no-yp4ts Worship is not love, we love our family and friends but this being needs to be worshipped which is fanatical love!
@28heisenberger Год назад
Yes, I believe Genesis is history. I also believe in biblical cosmology. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
@TheIntrovertedBella 4 года назад
It's amazing how God talks to us w/o us not even knowing it. I am a believer and yesterday, I had a question as to why there are a lot of different species of dogs and birds and how do they connect to GOd's creation. Today, this video got suggested. I watched it and my question is answered. Yay! What an amazing GOd we have.
@christopherlastname7638 3 года назад
Evolution is what happen
@mamamarianovits9029 3 года назад
@@christopherlastname7638 You do realize that ALL dog breads of today are descended from wolves... yes.? This was not a case of evolution, but of breeding to the point of a loss of information(narrower and narrower gene pools).... with absolutely no additions of genetic information, whatsoever, at all. Rather than merely parroting what you've been programmed with ~mere theories~ try to engage that grey matter between your ears a wee bit. There has NEVER been one credible transition fossil, specifically showing the evolution from one "kind" to another. They have all been proven fallacious, hoaxes designed to brainwash, but were successful only in their own "debunking" upon closer study... be it through dna testing or exposure by another researcher. Evolution, as is propagated today, does not exist my friend.
@alantasman8273 3 года назад
@@michaeljameson6468 Evolution teaches that one species branched out an became others....which a species' genome makes impossible. Evolution also teaches that all living things came from a rock or even nothing.
@alantasman8273 3 года назад
@@christopherlastname7638 micro evolution or natural selection is not in doubt...evolution teaches that on species can become another...a dog can become a cat given enough time...evolution is a fairy tale at DNA put the lie to.
@jamisojo 3 года назад
@@mamamarianovits9029 the fossil called "Lucy" it's a great example of a transitional fossil. But what does it matter to you? You have decided what you believe, so you will ignore any evidence to the contrary. ....but you are naive and immature enough to suggest other people "use their grey matter." I can tall you that I have used mine. All of the physical world I see around me tells me that a supernatural being creating everything around us makes no sense to me. I find the amazing story of the changes in our physical world to be much more interesting. I don't resent people who disagree. They should believe what they like.
@gerby8 3 года назад
I’m in my 50’s as I grow old I do appreciate everything I see miracles every single day
@michael9237 3 года назад
@@maylingng4107 With respect, what's miraculous is that evolutionists literally believe that mass quantities of ordered and sequenced instructions (DNA) can come into existence out of non-information without an intelligent source in contrast to every other observable instance of information in existence which always has an intelligent source . It's sad that when they run into a problem like young comets that don't fit in their billions of years atheistic religion (evolution, Big Bang, etc.), they are willing to fabricate entire celestial objects like Oort clouds without a shred of observable evidence . When we find young soft tissues in dinosaur fossils, or young C-14 inside of diamonds, coal deposits all across the US, and in fossils from every geologic layer, evolutionists just reject it and twist the evidence to fit their atheistic religious beliefs concerning our origins. Then when the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and other laws of physics contradict each other at the beginning of the universe (making it naturally impossible) they invoke infinite alternate universes... a supernatural solution that supersedes our observable laws of nature, and btw, *infinite alternate universes and realities mean that there is inevitably an alternate universe that is run by magical fairies and with T-Rex's driving tanks down the street... that means that this popular atheist theory requires atheists to concede that their beliefs include the possibilities of magical fairies and other absurd fictional ideas.* And all along the way, you literally believe that we are distantly related to a banana, among so many other problems.... and then they call it "science." Evolution - the internally inconsistent, existentially unviable atheistic religion with a history of radical ad-hoc readjustment, and which cannot explain basic things that it should be able to explain. These things are not a problem for a biblical worldview. I'm not sure you have any grounds to mock Christians May Ling Ng. "It is appointed for man to die once, then comes judgment" (Hebrews 9:27).
@sw_1776 3 года назад
In the end almost every atheist will argue that there are thousands of universes and we happen to live in the one where life could exist the way it has and is now. So where exactly is the machine that's spitting out thousands of universes and where does it get the mass and energy to do so? People often criticize any religious belief strictly because they do not want to answer for anything and live as they see fit. Don't judge them for that show them love, hate and blood profits mankind nothing
@michael9237 3 года назад
@May Ling This isn't a question of evidence, it's a matter of competing worldviews over the exact same evidence. For example, please consider the following observations from your belief system (several of which you have personally championed here): The first law of thermodynamics doesn't allow energy to come into existence from nothing. The 2nd law of thermodynamics doesn't allow energy to remain usable forever. If the universe can't have a beginning, and if it can't last forever, then how do you "naturally" explain the beginning of the universe? Atheistic-Naturalists have no choice but to invoke *supernatural* phenomena that supersede our observable laws of nature: *Infinite* alternate universes, an *eternal self-existent* singularity, alternate *unobservable* metaphysical laws of nature, or a "quantum fluctuation" that causes entire universes to pop into existence which requires space-time to be *pre-existent* . *This is the amoral atheist God: Infinite, eternal, pre-existent, unobservable...* The only way for nature to create itself is if nature is *pre-existent* (a Supernatural quality). And it is on this "supernatural" foundation that atheistic-Naturalists assert that everything in the unobservable past must be "Naturally" explainable. They claim everything is only "natural" and extrapolate that assumption backwards an incredible 14 billion years, but then begin to invoke Super-Natural solutions at the foundation of their worldview. Atheistic-Naturalists invalidate their own "natural" assumptions, and therefore every theory they fabricated based on those assumptions (evolution, big bang, abiogenesis, etc.). Internal inconsistency is a sign of a faulty worldview. Internal inconsistency is an atheistic-Naturalist (evolutionist) problem, not a problem for a biblical worldview. Supernatural God + Supernatural Creation Event = Internally Consistent. And you can't hide behind "we just don't know the answers yet and that's okay" - because *we do know.* The laws of nature actively point to the beginning of the universe being a "natural" impossibility, so in order to assert "we just dont know yet" you have to actively ignore the evidence in blind hope of finding a more atheist-friendly explanation later on. That's cognitive bias. GotQuestions .org for any honest researcher who really wants honest answers to difficult Bible questions, 650k+ questions answered and counting.
@mtmhoops1506 3 года назад
@@michael9237 MICHAEL you are a absolute Menace to atheist in this comment section and I’ve read so meny of your comments, I’m a brother in Christ is there any way I could get in contact with you, Facebook ,snap chat email, phone number anything man, I’m very Shook by your intellect and I would like to talk to you farther brother
@alantasman8273 3 года назад
@@maylingng4107 There is a word for people who fail to see life for the precious gift it is...bigoted or hateful.
@zaney1956 2 года назад
Had me believing them millions of years in school and after but now at 66 years young I believe in six day creation and the great flood! Praise God he opened my eyes to the truth just like he said! Seek and you will find!
@zaney1956 2 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 HaHaHa you are a funny person! You have been decieved just like I was and talking dillusional! God created it in six literal days in bc time we now live in ad time in a matter of about 7000 years old and Jesus will return soon to prove it as we are in the days of Noah!
@elijahfreeman5299 Год назад
@@zaney1956 No. There is no scientific evidence of that. None.
@danielthomas5212 Год назад
are you jooo ish?
@zaney1956 Год назад
@@danielthomas5212 White American!
@modakkagitplugga Год назад
Amen brother
@user-gd3se9fp5v 11 месяцев назад
Scientific interaction and collaboration at a high level. Weighty arguments and analysis that confirm intelligent design and undermine Darwinian evolution. It strengthens our faith in God and Jesus. 🙏👏
@sophisara8566 2 года назад
Wow..I was a survivor of Mt. St. Helens and watched this mountain on a daily basis. Over 4 feet of volcanic ash on our roof. It was like walking on a grey moonscape in my garden.
@voltaire6668 2 года назад
So, what happened after? Did you dig out? Or was your property a totaled forever? Does insurance cover anything? Seriously curious as to what happens to you when a volcano erupts on your house.
@hananewell547 2 года назад
Woww thanks for sharing !
@melaniehughes8909 2 года назад
I was a kid living in Rainier when it erupted. We just had to stay inside for several days. We also had ash on our, everything.I remember looking at the two mountains Rainier and St Helen in the distance and Mount St Helen's top was flat like the top blew off
@chickshd 2 года назад
I was in grade school NYC when Mt. St Helen erupted. If I remember correctly, it was a few days to a week after the eruption. I remember one of the kids in class pointing to the window. Look! It was an overcast day, and we saw what appeared to be snow falling from the sky. It was ash, and it covered everything....Never forgot that day.
@bradjunes1610 2 года назад
We had 1/2 inch of the ash-----Left for home watching the blast getting mommy ready to leave. Air filters were the item in demand.
@seanherbeck9412 Год назад
Someone please explain this because I may have missed it... If the layers of sediment deposited by the flood contain all the fossilized bodies of the creatures that were on Earth prior to the flood, why are there no human fossils in those sedimentary layers?
@seanherbeck9412 Год назад
This video answers my question: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eDK0r88Y70M.html
@mystery_mustache 7 месяцев назад
I would assume it has to do of the location of the grand canyon. I think that the western world hadn’t been settled yet so there just weren’t people there. I would fact check me tho bc that’s just my guess and assumption 🤷‍♀️
@HigherPlanes 7 месяцев назад
@@mystery_mustache That's not even the most interesting part. How about Moses was 460 when he started working on the ark, took him 125 years to complete and he died at almost 1,000 years old.
@aaehguf 7 месяцев назад
*Noah, not Moses.
@HigherPlanes 7 месяцев назад
@@aaehguf Wow...I messed that up. I won't edit it otherwise your comment won't make sense, but thanks for the correction.
@toddashley407 Год назад
Excellent work.... That only scratches the surface of the complexity of the true God's creation - Each topic covered could be another documentary of equal or greater length. That's part of the awesome nature of God's creation - it takes more than a lifetime to fully grasp each topic. This is where faith comes into play. I greatly credit the producer for utilizing practicing expert testimony to solidify God's word. Pick the topic(s) that most stimulate you and seek the truth and it will be revealed to you - that is what I myself have found through my own research to the point that I myself no longer question the word but now truly marvel at it.
@mountainhours4443 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 You can trash the billions of years as most dating methods gives a young world. Helium in atmosphere, Helium in ground, Meteor dust, Buildup of carbon 14, Human population, Natural plutonium, Sodium in sea, Sediment in sea, Erosion of continents, Earth's magnetic field, Oil leaks in earth, Natural gas in earth, Orphan radiohalos, Decay of rock magnetism, Tight bends in rocks, Coral reef growth, Oldest living plants, Human civilizations, River delta growth, Undersea oil seepage, Uranium in sea, Rotation of spiral galaxies, Decay of comets, Dust on the moon, Slowing of earth's rotation, Heat loss from earth, Niagara Falls erosion and many more Go ahead and try to refute any of these.
@IsGenesisHistory Год назад
Thank you so much for the kind words, @toddashley407! We are actually in the final stages of producing a follow-up film to this one called 𝘔𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘈𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥, which will soon be available for pre-order. By signing up at this link, you will receive an email notification you as soon as the pre-order goes live: mailchi.mp/isgenesishistory.com/pre-order
@joteirlinck4778 9 месяцев назад
only brainwashed people believe this
@americanveteran1382 8 месяцев назад
I only commenting here because my space is blocked. We are not the center of the universe we are no the only species of humanoids to have existed. We are not the only planet that has total eclipses. Every thing that was created was by mutation from cells of reproductions restoring the earth to its former glory. Humans came from another planet and we were an interplanetary species. God exists today, but we are all our own creators of our own destiny. That is where free will came to be. Although some people need to be encouraged for overcoming challenges 1:23:25
@americanveteran1382 8 месяцев назад
We came from another planet. And we are the third ir fourth series of planetary creation from dna strands. 1:24:38
@wilmap1124 Месяц назад
Wow I am in awe. Thank you for this amazing film. Drew me to tears in the end. Thank you.
@alarmman961 2 года назад
What a fantastic example of truth. So well done, I think I’m going to watch it again. God is GREAT !!
@michael9237 2 года назад
I agree. We are all *Uncritically Indoctrinated* into an Atheistic-Naturalist worldview (abiogenesis, particles to man evolution, etc.), but praise God that some are still capable of critical thinking and can see beyond the indoctrination. Science is a methodology. Atheistic-Naturalism is an Ideology. Science and Naturalism are not the same thing. This is a matter of competing worldviews over the same evidence and you have to evaluate the worldviews to determine which one more rationally handles the evidence. For example, *did you know that atheistic-Naturalists unavoidably have to invoke Supernatural phenomena in order to "naturally" (atheistically) explain our universe, most of them just aren't aware of it?* The first law of thermodynamics doesn't allow energy to come into existence from nothing. The 2nd law of thermodynamics doesn't allow energy to remain usable forever. If the universe can't have a beginning, and if it can't last forever, then how do you "naturally" explain the beginning of the universe? Atheistic-Naturalists have no choice but to invoke *supernatural* phenomena that supersede our observable laws of nature: *Infinite* alternate universes, an *eternal self-existent* singularity, alternate *unobservable* metaphysical laws of nature, or a "quantum fluctuation" that causes entire universes to pop into existence which requires space-time to be *pre-existent* . *This is the amoral atheist God: Infinite, eternal, pre-existent, unobservable...* The only way for nature to create itself is if nature is *pre-existent* (a Supernatural quality). And it is on this "supernatural" foundation that atheistic-Naturalists assert that everything in the unobservable past must be "Naturally" explainable. They claim everything is only "natural" and extrapolate that assumption backwards an incredible 14 billion years, but then begin to invoke Super-Natural solutions at the foundation of their worldview. Atheistic-Naturalists invalidate their own "natural" assumptions, and therefore every theory they fabricated based on those assumptions (evolution, big bang, abiogenesis, etc.). Internal inconsistency is a sign of a faulty worldview. Internal inconsistency is an atheistic-Naturalist (evolutionist) problem, not a problem for a biblical worldview. Supernatural God + Supernatural Creation Event = Internally Consistent, and *all of the best evidences of evolution can also be explained by Genesis 1-12.* And you can't hide behind "we just don't know the answers yet and that's okay" - because *we do know.* The laws of nature actively point to the beginning of the universe being a "natural" impossibility, so in order to assert "we just don't know yet" you have to actively ignore the evidence in blind hope of finding a more atheist-friendly explanation later on. That's cognitive bias.
@michael9237 2 года назад
Those things I pointed out are not "science" (a methodology) - they are part of the Atheistic-Naturalist worldview (an ideology)... it's a religion. *Did you know that the Theory of Evolution (and atheistic-Naturalism in general) shares characteristics of a religion?* Not just saying that, it's a fact. In Arkansas, a 1982 federal court ruled that Creationism can't be taught in schools because "it is not falsifiable." With its history of rewriting itself every time we discover a new problem with it, what would it take to "falsify" evolution today? Maybe hundreds of Living fossils? Or allegedly millions of year extinct creatures still alive today? Finding fully developed vertebrates in the Cambrian explosion? Discovering that numerous vestigial (leftover) organs actually have a normal purpose, like the appendix? Finding an alleged 70 million year extinct evolutionary predecessor to land-dwelling mammals still alive today with no signs of evolution (the Coelacanth)? Young soft tissues in a growing number of dinosaur fossils that appear similar to 4000 year old mummies and the Tyrolean ice man? *Did you know that secular scientists recently debunked evolutionist claims of "junk DNA"?* Or should we just reinterpret all of these problematic evidences *in order to sustain the Atheistic-Naturalist belief in abiogenesis and evolution?* Is this really how "science" (a methodology) is supposed to work, or is this more about your agenda of attempting to explain our origins without God? In contrast to modern evolutionists, Charles Darwin met the gold standard of modern science and gave a testable hypothesis for the validity of his theory, saying "if an *organ* were discovered which could not possibly be explained by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down..." and he didn't have access to the fields of genetics or microbiology when he made up his theory. *If evolution is true, then how did male and female evolve?* Now be careful, the usual evolutionist rescuing devices of "algae," "asexual organisms," "alleles," and "populations" just don't answer the question here - you have to explain the critical *organs* in these separate, yet interdependent, precision tuned "all or nothing" biological systems "by numerous, successive, slight modifications." Going backwards in the evolutionary narrative, which of these critical organs do you gradually reduce first? And if they did evolve "by numerous, successive, slight modifications" then which gender evolved first and how did it reproduce while the other hadn't evolved yet? *"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"* (Romans 3:23) *"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them."* (Romans 1:18-19)
@michael9237 2 года назад
Definition of Science: "the intellectual and practical *activity encompassing the systematic study* of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through *observation and experiment."* [ie. a methodology] Definition of Naturalism: "the *philosophical belief that everything arises from natural properties and causes,* and *supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded* or discounted." Science and Naturalism are demonstrably not the same thing. You are erroneously conflating the two. QED Indeed.
@ozowen 2 года назад
Mikley appears keen to present his ignorance on science all over these threads.
@Hannestv4607 2 года назад
*The ETERNAL GOD would do anything for you!!* Even out of love for you he went to the cross as a human!! Philippians 2:5-8
@kennaoconnor4633 4 года назад
All of this is absolutely amazing. If I weren't a believer in Christ, I'd be convinced watching this series.
@profphilbell2075 4 года назад
You set the bar for critical thinking far too low.
@arcangeloblues 4 года назад
@@profphilbell2075 Maybe or maybe not.
@SherriP 4 года назад
Amazing, praise God
@kennaoconnor4633 4 года назад
@@profphilbell2075 it's called faith and reasoning. I don't have to see something to know it exists or it's true. I've seen more in my life than anyone would understand and it's all God.
@altinokz 4 года назад
And if you’re a true believer of Christ you must watch Tovia Singer’s Isaiah 53 video, you’’ll love it! G-d bless you 🤗
@Spkr4TRUTH 2 года назад
I really appreciate the attention to the fine details that they have put in this documentary. Packed with solid data, not just our beliefs. I have sent this and posted links to this to many people and message boards on these topics. And I suggest if you run across people with questions, send them this. ❤️ love you guys, hope you have a great day.
@ozowen 2 года назад
Shame it is not science nor factual.
@ozowen 2 года назад
@@globalcoupledances Yes, creationists deliberately misinterpret the data.
@tardischick6629 2 года назад
@@globalcoupledances Actually, the data isn't even correct. It isn't a matter of misinterpreting it, it's a matter of ignoring well known facts in order to 'prove' your own biases.
@Hannestv4607 2 года назад
True love = the love of God! *God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being* Philippians 2:5-8
@blackholeentry3489 2 года назад
@@Hannestv4607 Absolutely and totally incorrect FALSE information. Jesus died on the cross.....NOT God. However, Jesus claimed to be the son of God.
@hans.stein. Месяц назад
Great film! Regarding time: The seventh day of God lasts until this very day and we ought to enter. (Comp. Psalms and Letter to the Hebrews) The deluge after 40 days of rain (and snow) lasted for over a year (more than 360 days). So the days of God are not our days. (Comp. Psalms) The rainfall began on the 17th / 27th (Flav. Jos.) of the 2nd month. Thats is Nov/Dec and the Arctic Polar Night where the water precipitates as snow and ice, leading to iceshields of 2 miles and more of thickness.
@gallo916 4 года назад
I have learned so much more about science and history and archeology listening to all these videos than I did in school .
@Paul-hl8yg 4 года назад
These videos spew total rubbish.. Creationism & Genesis are completely false. Evolution is real!
@martinwoodworth3715 4 года назад
@@Paul-hl8yg There are missing links. This video states changes via evolution, but only changes within a species. The thing I'm confused by is the Earth being 6000 years old when ancient trees exist that have rings showing 20,000 years. So Bible says 6000 years yet there is clear proof of 20,000 years at the very least. I know carbon 14 dating is a mess for dates beyond 20,000 years.
@Paul-hl8yg 4 года назад
@@martinwoodworth3715 Creationism is false, utterly & completely false! .. The Earth is millions of years old, the sun older than the Earth & the Universe 13.7 billion years old. All these are facts, that have been studied. The data that makes these figures, come from many sources. Evolution is completely true & again, many sciences all come together for this. The whale, for instance.. We have found fossil evidence that they once walked on land. We have found transitional fossils, creatures that once lived & were ancestors of the whales. Whales are mammals, they breath air, like all mammals. Even their tail bones show, that they once walked, not swam! All fish have gills & do not breath air like mammals. Fish tails always go from side to side. Yet all the mammals in the seas, their tales go up & down. The bones in those aquatic mammal, show ankles, knees etc, that have elongated & changed for swimming. There are microscopic creatures living on our eyelashes, which clean them. They eat the debris on the lashes. Since the invention of mascara, these creatures have evolved. Everytime someone uses mascara, the creatures start to die off. However before they do, the last eggs laid, hatch with their digestive systems changed, to only eat mascara! Then, when the person stops using mascara, the same happens again, but the creatures have adapted their digestive system, to only eat the normal debris again. This is evolution in action, a creature adapting to its environment physically, for existence. There is no proof or verifiable evidence for any of the worlds deities, none, zero! Yet an abundance of data, proof & verified evidence for the old Earth & for Evolution!
@martinwoodworth3715 4 года назад
@@Paul-hl8yg If carbon 14 dating can't be trusted beyond 20,000 years I want to know how they date rocks to be 4.5 billion years. I'm very open minded & not a Christian. I am spiritual & love science. Science is our ability to understand our surroundings. Bible talks of beings living 800 years, these were aliens. They messed with our dna theory is very interesting theory too.
@Paul-hl8yg 4 года назад
@@martinwoodworth3715 Also, always always remember.. Anything that claims to be a "god", is not worthy of that title! And, if such a great being actually existed, surely it couldn't just exist? Surely 'it' had to have a beginning? Surely 'it' had a parent/s or species to belong to itself? Firstly Man invented gods, then they decided there must only be 'one'. Why? The Pharaoh Akhanaten was the first in recorded history to claim, there was only One (the Aten) & the word spread. Then people, later to become "Jews", carried that forth, making their own religion, with their own "one god". Plagiarism is rife within religion!
@rightsidewarrior2010 Год назад
Question #4 If it is true that the sedimentary layers which contain the fossils were formed in “minutes or even seconds” wouldn’t if follow that every species of living organisms which lived in that day be in all the layers and not confined to one or maybe two of them?
@erick289777 Год назад
Their source is: trust me bro.
@cosmictreason2242 Год назад
They are found everywhere. If you’re asking why every organism isn’t in every single burial site that’s because every organism didn’t live in every square mile of the planet. Ecosystem destruction, remember
@daveleics7358 Год назад
@MR-ChristIsKing Год назад
@erick289777 Oooo. You sure got us. You're a quite enlightened talking ape
@annakristine6118 Год назад
does a turtle run as fast as a horse?
@WayneMemphisMojo 2 года назад
Absolutely among the most important videos i have EVER viewed.
@WayneMemphisMojo 2 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 I do not agree with you
@WayneMemphisMojo 2 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 I'm very proud of you Nicholas for pursuing your degree.
@ozowen 2 года назад
@@WayneMemphisMojo Your agreement or disagreement is irrelevant. The literally understood creation myths are a nonsense.
@ronmey7500 2 года назад
@@WayneMemphisMojo Little good that it may be.
@WayneMemphisMojo 2 года назад
@@ozowen I am a creationist
@parsons585 6 месяцев назад
Our amazing powerful God can do anything He wants and that includes creating this old blue ball we live on just as He tells us in Genesis! He is awesome and I'm glad I know Him and His Son Jesus!
@mysticalglowtv1796 4 года назад
There is two ways to live your life, One way is to live as if there are no miracles, The other way is to live as everything is a miracle.
@vivians9392 4 года назад
The whole universe and everything in it is a miracle!
@larrynickel2807 4 года назад
(quoted from Einstein)
@keyboarddancers7751 4 года назад
There ARE two ways...
@DrDrakesr 4 года назад
Best Answer
@YDDES 4 года назад
If we start to believe in ”miracles”, we can never be sure of anything. Just anything can happen any time.
@cherrystimecapsule7302 Год назад
Wow, love this documentary. It popped up when I was questioning God and the Bible. After this, I realized that how powerful and magical our God the Creator is. I feel astonished by these scientific facts.😁
@syasenns294 Год назад
Magic means evil
@syasenns294 Год назад
It is truth only none believers of Jesus say it is false especially college teacher
@joteirlinck4778 9 месяцев назад
@@syasenns294 only brainwashed people believe this
@DGBozz 4 года назад
Absolutely awesome presentation of Biblical truth. Thanks so must for the enlightenment
4 года назад
The Buybull contains maybe 25% truth and 75% lies.
@r0xjo0 4 года назад
@ That is hardly convincing without any evidence to support your claim
@FirestarterTube 7 месяцев назад
VERY...VERY WELL DONE!!! My heart leaped at every segment of truth and WISDOM!!! Thank you!!!
@ozarkprepper1718 4 года назад
Is Genesis history? Thats a question for Phil Collins.
@ronaldcossin4525 4 года назад
Atheist would still deny it to this day , only God can open the ears to hear and open the eyes to see the truth ... .. . good luck on convincing atheist ... .. . it's the way of the world like Jesus has said ... .. . the walking dead they all are ... .. . just walking to the Pit " The Grave " ... .. .
@Dikvanluik2033XL7HS 4 года назад
Ronald Cossin: It is just a joke. He means the early band of Phil Collins: Genesis. Btw this is a very good clear and wise documentary. And you always have a lot of scientists and semi scientists who knows a lot, but are not wise. The wisdom of men starts with the recognition and fear of our Lord. The G’d of the Bible.
@veritastriumphantchurch776 4 года назад
Ha ha. Oh you're a riot
@lutkedog1 4 года назад
@@Dikvanluik2033XL7HS Je bent gek.
@jesusbeliever2457 4 года назад
LOL :-) He is only 69 years old so I can see him coming back to make a last tour
@teemorris5757 3 года назад
This was awesome... Glory belongs to King JESUS forever more. Thank you King JESUS, Love you King JESUS. Amen.
@Miriam-fk9wr 3 года назад
The King of Kings, the almighty God, Amen 🙏🏻
@sandomingue 3 года назад
Praise be To The King of Kings and The Lord of Lord. Our Lord and Our God, Christ Jesus! ❤️✝️🕊
@deonliberator8953 2 года назад
JESUS will Reign forever 🙌😇
@yvonnedonnell7254 4 года назад
Thank you so very much. this movie has answered so many questions, and confirmed what I believe through the bible . What amazes me is that the Holy Spirit reveals lots of information to us who are not scientists, and now we have documented evidence. God bless you all.
@allanbeesey1006 3 года назад
Anyone sucked in by this please talk to a sane scientist, or to aa psychologist or even a friend. It is a classic example of pseudo science which is unattached to reality. They are like early people who believed in a flat earth. This time it is a ‘young earth’, my god,no explanation of the neanderthal man moving to homo sapiens, and from hunters and gatherers to agricultural which is all so well documented by scientists all over the world. Please believe in religion and God in your own sense but please do not believe these backyard American scientists. Please recall that it is only Americans that have a problem with evolution.
@johnnyplunkett8532 3 года назад
@VideoAudioDisco09 The rape story is not an endorsement of it just a historical story, details matter. Spontaneous generation of life has zero evidence, Its just a neurotic fantasy to avoid feeling guilty.
@johnnyplunkett8532 3 года назад
@VideoAudioDisco09 atheists believe life accidentally arose.
@johnnyplunkett8532 3 года назад
@VideoAudioDisco09 There is no natural explanation, that's the problem, it requires outside intervention with power and inteligence. Atheism is not rational.
@johnnyplunkett8532 3 года назад
@VideoAudioDisco09 All the experiments you mentioned disproving spontaneous generation prove it cant work back in the day. Proof of a god or gods existing is simple, Creation exists therefore it was created. The complexity of an ecosystem accidentally occurring is beyond belief. Now you can believe in that if you dont try and pretend your using science and rationality. Atheists in my own town put up a billboard claming to be supported by science. That's the selling point if the system. This movie gives a rational system but one I reject based on the time factor, it needs refutation not moronic mockery.
@Tee_Jay_Seas 9 месяцев назад
I really enjoyed watching this. Not at all what I expected. Glad to see a non-conventional explanation that makes more sense than conventional "Scientific" theories. 👍🏻👍🏻
@jbsan9791 4 года назад
This morning, I thought about what the evolutionists say about the neanderthals and how they, somehow, turned into the present humans. I admit I did not have the answer to their claim, but I know the Bible doesn't make a mistake. Then, somehow, as if God had directed me to your video, the answer to the question I had this morning was answered. What an amazing God we have. He cares about what we think. Thanks for sharing your video. God bless you, sir.
@mikev4621 4 года назад
Evolutionists dont say Neanderthals turned into present humans
@cesarepelaschier4829 4 года назад
how do you know the bible makes no mistakes?even if there was a flood,why do you put it down to a god, noah and an ark.
@consul6262 4 года назад
It's not turned, it evolved, plus neanderthals were a different species with a common ancestor.
@scottb4579 4 года назад
@@cesarepelaschier4829 The central, and most important fact of the Bible is God's plan for redeeming the human race from sin. This plan's most crucial point was when God incarnated, became a man known as Jesus and eventually paid the punishment for our sins, then rose from the dead. Jesus gave testimony to the historicity of the flood, and the God inspired nature of the Bible. His resurrection is the single most important fact of history, and proves his divinity. If He gave testimony to the divinely inspired nature of the Bible, then that's what is true.
@scottb4579 4 года назад
@@consul6262 No, they didn't evolve into humans. They were humans, albeit with some differences compared to the average human today, but still well within the genetic range of diversity of human beings.
@bettyjanefelts 4 года назад
Thank you so much for giving glory to God!! ❤️🙏
@alexandervanwyk7669 4 года назад
Jesus said""If you do not believe my Word like a little child, you shall never enter into the Kingdom of God" To 'believe in the Bible' my friends are a free choice. The consequences is truly yours. Thanks for an exceptional program.
@truenorthstrongfree8566 4 года назад
@@Steven-ff4wl Absolutely not, because the beggar on the street is NOT the Son Of God - period :-)
@karencompton5926 4 года назад
@@Steven-ff4wl As a scientist, I would have to consider his qualifications on the subject...just like all the guys on this film with a PhD... It takes much more faith to believe in millions of chance events than to believe in intelligent design.
@computerkid1416 4 года назад
Exceptional is the right word, exceptionally false.
@karencompton5926 4 года назад
@@Steven-ff4wl I understand evolution or to put it another way adaptation very well. But when you study, for example, human cells and the homeostatic mechanisms of our bodies, you also understand that for cells in a working format to exist they had to exist in their working form immediately. That is not evolution that is immediate existence.
@Ankita-vr8ri 4 года назад
@@Steven-ff4wl ok if evolution is right what will happen mostly we will die and be eaten by worms thats all. If this is true then that's a very serious matter to think about. That our soul will not die. Period if you don't like it just ignore man, or why justifying your point evolution according to you is fine...nothing bad on that one day everyone has to die big deal. Chill out
@WilliamBay 3 месяца назад
Wow! This whole thing is like watching Flat Earthers cherry pick and invent farfetched reasons for natural phenomena that don’t fit their model. Do you want to know why the canyon near Mt St Hellens eroded so quickly? Because it was a recent pyroclastic flow that contained loose packed soil. The Grand Canyon on the other hand was multiple layers of hard packed rock and calcified earth. The densities and compositions are far different to loose volcanic debris. If were to believe the Grand Canyon was formed in hundreds or thousands of years, you would be able to produce erosion studies on the rocks with the hydrology flow rates suggested. Oh, that’s right. You can’t provide that. And as far as stars being millions of light years away, your fabrication is that some supernatural event outside the laws of physics sped up time and the speed of light so that the stars and galaxies could suggest that they’re further than 6,000 years away. Why not just admit the truth that they ARE millions of light years away and the earth is far older than 6,000 years old? See, the problem here is that scientists seek the truth without a preconceived attachment to the answer. “How olds the Earth? Hmmm… could be 1 year old… could be infinite… Ok, let’s start narrowing it down based on what we’ve discovered so far. The Creationists on the other hand are exactly like Flat Earthers. They start with a “truth”, and come up with outlandish ideas to explain the physical phenomena around them, often glossing over things like Laws of Physics. Here’s my take on Creationism…. If you want to believe God made everything in 6 days, and there was an Arc and all that, just believe it. It’s a fascinating story. Believe it all you want. But don’t pretend to play scientist and come up with nonsense explanations to reconcile science into the biblical narrative (or vice-versa). It’s an insult to both Science and the Bible.
@bonnielucas3244 2 года назад
When I was at Grand Canyon, I found a couple seashell fossils at edge of north rim. Over 8000 feet above sea level . I think Capitol Reef area shows the Flood wreckage very dramatically also
@h.gonyaulax2190 2 года назад
Never heard of orogenesis?
@Fairburne69 Год назад
@@h.gonyaulax2190 They probably don't understand tectonic plate movement either.
@quix66hiya22 Год назад
@@Fairburne69 you can understand plate tectonics without agreeing in old age Earth.
@Fairburne69 Год назад
@@quix66hiya22 Ah no you can't. Clearly you don't understand.
@williamsparks1036 Год назад
As the ice age glaciers crawled over the land it picked up sea shells as it worked it's way south, then when the ice age melted it left sea shells scattered here and there. I've picked up sea shells in Kentucky. The glaciers changed the earth"s surface such as the Grand Canyon.
@specialtymachining 4 года назад
Apocalyptic: We can't see the forest for the trees. It is too great for a closed mind, to grasp.
@YDDES 3 года назад
@John Monday So,You are against vaccine? Then You can go out and hug and pat some rabies dogs.
@c.s.frederickson1152 3 года назад
@John Monday Agree. After this comment, more information is coming out. This particular "vaccine" is certainly setting a precedent.
@vroddestroyer300 4 года назад
I've watched your movie repeatedly... probably 50 times... I'm watching it again right now... Thanks!!!!
@Paulogia 4 года назад
I didn't think anyone had seen it more than me. That might count.
@ourlifeinwashington4114 4 года назад
You must check out Brian Nickels Hydroplate theory here on RU-vid. It's an amazing look at the evidence from a scientific approach. It's a 6 part vid you can't miss it.
@vroddestroyer300 4 года назад
@@ourlifeinwashington4114 Sounds awesome... thanks
@knightclan4 4 года назад
Have you seen Evolutions Achilles Heel by ICR?
@ourlifeinwashington4114 4 года назад
@@knightclan4 no but I'm about too. Tyvm
@MrDavidmung 8 месяцев назад
This film builds my faith. How many times I’ve watched it! Who counts? The Bible is the manual given by the Creator.
@Steven-rp8zo Год назад
Great work! Very professional and good editing. Thanks for your efforts to educate!
@IsGenesisHistory Год назад
Our pleasure! We're so glad you enjoyed our film!
@theojobse3341 6 месяцев назад
Notice something! Exhaustive observations? Ohhhh science? " Hebrew. "My expert has, after all his experiences and observations and explanations deep thoughts that influenced his mind. The wow factor that is the science. Thankyou Lord for the wow factor and ability to be after so many years to be impressed anew.
@theojobse3341 6 месяцев назад
Thankyou Lord for my friend Noel Weeks who went through so much to have the privilege to study Hebrew ancient and modern. That over his life felt the need to write down despite all opposition and You Lord made his zeal possible I'm very late in appreciation for his efforts because he's long buried and in that place prepared for him to wait for You Lord. Thankyou Lord for Life and the wow factor I experience daily.
@theojobse3341 6 месяцев назад
WOW factor
@paulwright6947 3 года назад
God bless you for making this available for all to see. He will richly bless you for that
@michael9237 3 года назад
Did you know that the secular 4000-5000 year old Chinese language suspiciously contains biblical imagery not found in any other known mythology? How did it get in there? For example, the Character for "boat" consists of the characters "vessel" " *eight* " and "people," suspiciously matching Noah's family of 8 on the ark. The character for "flood" consists of "water" and "total", and the character for "total" is made up of "together," " *eight* ," and "earth," again suspiciously matching Noah's flood. The character for "To create" consists of "speak" "dust" "life" "walk" suspiciously matching how God spoke life into existence and formed man from the dust of the ground. The character for "devil" consists of the characters "secret" "man" "garden" "alive" , and the character for "tempter" consists of "devil" "two trees" and "cover," suspiciously matching the description of Satan in the Garden of Eden. The character for "Garden" includes "dust" "breath" "two persons" "enclosure" again suspiciously matching the account of God creating Adam and Eve from the dust in the Garden of Eden. The character for "happiness" includes "God" and "sheep" reflecting God's desire throughout the Bible to be with His sheep. The character "forbidden/to warn" includes "God" and "Two Trees" suspiciously matching the two trees God put in the Garden of Eden to give man a free will choice between good and evil (among other things). There are dozens of these, and I have yet to see an ancient copycat legend that has these same details. The birth of the Chinese language suspiciously lines up with the time the Bible says the Tower of Babel incident occurred, and it would make sense if this imagery entered their language because the early Chinese people were simply familiar with with the biblical account of creation and the biblical flood. If you deny that though, then how do you explain this? Christian missionaries didn't exist for millennia after the Chinese language began?
@Snailmailtrucker 3 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Sure Genius ! Now crawl back under your Rock !
@Snailmailtrucker 3 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Sure Einstein...You believe in The BIG Bang... *In the Beginning there was Nothing...* *and then this Nothing Exploded into Everything !* *NOW GO CRAWL BACK UNDER YOUR ROCK !*
@Snailmailtrucker 3 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Sux being you CupCake
@giorgiobevilacqua5351 3 года назад
@@Snailmailtrucker that is really not what science says at all..you don’t know anything about the Big Bang and what science actually says about it. Just the fact that you call it an “explosion from nothing” proves that you have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. Don’t try to “disprove” or “ridicule” science if your actual understanding of science is nothing more than a simplistic and twisted perception. Math is math, and observations are observations, wether you like the results or not.
@marivanderlinde2026 3 года назад
History is His story!
@kimmyle0 3 года назад
@ashantiberenice5798 3 года назад
@Melody-c2g 4 месяца назад
Thank you for presenting this information! God is and was in control of creation! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@helengoff9675 3 года назад
Enjoying this on a rainy afternoon. I have watched it many times, and it fills me with joy every time. Thank you for producing this!
@michael9237 3 года назад
Helen, here is another piece of evidence that corroborates Genesis, and I hope you find it of interest: Did you know that the secular 4000-5000 year old Chinese language suspiciously contains biblical imagery not found in any other known mythology? How did it get in there? For example, the Character for "boat" consists of the characters "vessel" " *eight* " and "people," suspiciously matching Noah's family of 8 on the ark. The character for "flood" consists of "water" and "total", and the character for "total" is made up of "together," " *eight* ," and "earth," again suspiciously matching Noah's flood. The character for "To create" consists of "speak" "dust" "life" "walk" suspiciously matching how God spoke life into existence and formed man from the dust of the ground. The character for "devil" consists of the characters "secret" "man" "garden" "alive" , and the character for "tempter" consists of "devil" "two trees" and "cover," suspiciously matching the description of Satan in the Garden of Eden. The character for "Garden" includes "dust" "breath" "two persons" "enclosure" again suspiciously matching the account of God creating Adam and Eve from the dust in the Garden of Eden. The character for "happiness" includes "God" and "sheep" reflecting God's desire throughout the Bible to be with His sheep. The character "forbidden/to warn" includes "God" and "Two Trees" suspiciously matching the two trees God put in the Garden of Eden to give man a free will choice between good and evil (among other things). Some argue that the Bible is just a "Bronze age" copy of other ancient mythologies, but that doesn't make sense. There are dozens of these Chinese characters with specifically biblical imagery, and I have yet to see an ancient copycat legend that has these same details. *The birth of the Chinese language suspiciously lines up with the time the Bible says the Tower of Babel incident occurred, and it would make sense if this imagery entered their language because the early Chinese people were simply familiar with the biblical account of creation and the biblical flood.* If you deny that though, then how do you explain this? Christian missionaries didn't exist until millennia after the Chinese language began. As a related finding, some ancient Chinese writings and pottery depict cultural parallels between the ancient Chinese and ancient Hebrew people concerning animal sacrifices... food for thought.
@Captain-Awesome 3 года назад
@@michael9237 Wow!! I didn’t know any of those details. I am a card carrying Christian would you email that to me? I’ll send it when you respond back just don’t want to have my email out there.
@Captain-Awesome 3 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 You sir have over a thousand posts on this channel. Seems to me that you are on a mission. What else do you do during the day other than hate God for creating you??
@Captain-Awesome 3 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 I left you a longer comment and question on another post but quickly as a Scientist how then does soft tissue last for millions and of years in Dinosaur bones in the wild in extreme conditions?
@timgiles9413 3 года назад
@@Captain-Awesome Amen !!! You have to keep in mind that his Father is Satan and he will live in Hell with him if he doesn't repent.
@juneloretto5569 4 года назад
Marvelous--You made compelling evidence for the hx of Creation and the Flood--thank you so much--another Bible reader and servant of God
@TheKurtChaney 3 года назад
Look up the movement of dirt and rock in Louisiana when a drilling rig on a lake drilled into a salt dome. It made a 12 mile long canal in reverse and a 100ish foot water fall.
@markterzano8962 3 года назад
I lived in Baton Rouge, where is the lake drilled you are talking about? Is it Avery Island? I would like to look it up on Google Earth. Thanks.
@---yu7ff 3 года назад
@@markterzano8962 Lake Peigneur, 1980
@thatjoeguy7348 3 года назад
@@markterzano8962 Lake Peigneur, there's an episode on Engineering Disasters about the accident with video. Pretty wild stuff, glad no one was hurt.
@DeoVinDixie 5 месяцев назад
This was a realy great documentary. Thank you for making it available to us for free. Such a wonderful blessing.
@anonymousintrovert3864 3 года назад
So beautiful...thank you for sharing this awesome truth. Your hardwork really paid off and you will be rewarded in heaven and on this earth. God bless you. Keep on filming great stories like this. You are a real man of God.
@dacman53265 3 года назад
Nicholas Christie-Blick Hi . I tell you what else gets them to deflect there answers. Do you watch the Australian opal mining. Obviously they don't believe you but it takes 6,ooo,ooo years to get one inch. Water gets through cracks in the rock picking up silicone. Same argument as diamond 💎, gold, marble. All of these natural forming elements. They can't explain. You can hear them stutter. Then the truth can do that sometimes 😇😇😂
@HS-zk5nn 2 года назад
it is so sad that even in the 21st century, some people believe that humanity evolved from pond scum and want others to believe that because ... science.
@HS-zk5nn 2 года назад
@@gustavmahler1466 nah. maybe just you.
@NealBones Год назад
Absolutely love this. It shows you follow the teachings too by putting this out for free! God bless ❤️
@bulletanarchy6447 11 месяцев назад
This is like a practical joke
@marcgottlieb9579 11 месяцев назад
@@bulletanarchy6447 There is an identical on Mars only much deeper...Both ours and the one on Mars where there isn't a lot of water was formed by a 4 minute plasma strike from the Sun or a biary star...Both only 12 thousand years ago when we had our Atlantean event..
@bulletanarchy6447 11 месяцев назад
@@marcgottlieb9579 A plasma strike from The Sun, are you serious ? lol
@marcgottlieb9579 11 месяцев назад
@@bulletanarchy6447 My replies no longer appear...Either RU-vid or the most likely the content creator is afraid it will give problems for this channel..
@marcgottlieb9579 11 месяцев назад
@@bulletanarchy6447 I'm blocked..Let me try again..Our Binary Sun..
@oallcmdsoner2607 4 года назад
Wishing everyone who marks this day, a very Blessed Good Friday. A day where Christians around the word commemorate the ultimate sacrifice, so that amid despair and despondency, hope and forgiveness may be found.
@russellmillar7132 4 года назад
Ah yes, when Jesus tell his disciples (Mark 7,1-15) that it isn't necessary to wash hands or utensils before eating, he either wasn't aware of the creatures he created called microbes that cause disease or he had a plan that includes many people dying in horrific ways! What a merciful savior!?
@russellmillar7132 4 года назад
@tsimahei Jesus spoke of hand washing as if it were unimportant. Unless you can site some passages wherein he tells his followers the necessity of hand washing for health, then he either really didn't know that dirty hands can spread disease, or didn't care.
@WilbertLek 4 года назад
@Oallcm Dsoner What "sacrifice"? "He" "sacrifices" "himself" to "himself" as a loop hole to forgive "himself" from "his" own mistakes and three days later "he" supposedly is alive again..... What "sacrifice" are you talking about?!?...
@WilbertLek 4 года назад
@tsimahei You have reports of "resurrections"?.....
@blockpartyvintage1568 4 года назад
Amen glory to God!
@neville4451 9 месяцев назад
When I see the highest mountains and the lowest valleys, I can't help but wonder how much more water is stored away in the belly of the earth.😇 🇦🇺🙋‍♂️🇦🇺
@AntonetteHopkins-cv7hd 9 месяцев назад
About 1.7 percent of all of Earth's water is groundwater and about 30.1 percent of freshwater on Earth occurs as groundwater.
@shineandre 3 года назад
Thank you for making this documentary. It in itself is a blessing from God containing the knowledge and understanding of the true missing link. All glory to God our creator who shares with us his wisdom and secrets just like he did with Adam when they walked in the garden.
@michael9237 3 года назад
Evolutionists will disagree with you because they believe in the modern mythology that fish evolve into philosophers, they are literally related to bananas, and meaningless protoplasm in a meaningless universe somehow evolved to become valuable, moral, and important. Evolutionists need us to have an ape like ancestor as part of their attempt to explain our origins without God by "separating science from Moses" (Charles Lyell). But as for cave men, keep in mind that God gave Adam and Eve furs to wear after being removed from the Garden of Eden and they essentially had to start from scratch. We did not evolve from apes, that is a mythology, but the idea of "cave men" has some kind of a basis even in the biblical worldview.
@midlander4 3 года назад
@@michael9237 idiotic bollocks.
@michael9237 3 года назад
@@midlander4 No need to be so hateful or angry my friend. Hey, did you know evolution shares characteristics of a religion? In a 1981-82 federal court case in Arkansas, it was ruled that creationism can't be taught in schools because "It is not falsifiable." With its long history of rewriting itself as we find more and more problems with it, what would it take to "falsify" the Theory of Naturalistic Evolution today? Should we hold it to the same religious standard?
@midlander4 3 года назад
@@michael9237 no need to be so passive aggressive. God expects better from you, "Michael". And why did you forget the banana?
@rosewhite--- 3 года назад
@@midlander4 no need to be so passive aggressive. It's what your friend Satan expects from you, And why did you forget the banana, or polar bears, or frogs? Lots of creatures share DNA as DNA designes our baisc skeleton, bones, lungs, stomach and so on. Go away, try to mature and seek knowledge and stop trolling. OK?
@theHermitcrabshow 3 года назад
Really appreciated that the presenter posed 'mainstream' challenges to the presenters..and they explained their positions... If the corona virus has taught me anything... is that keeping an ear out for what others are saying and investigating it is the best course of action. Superbly presented show. High quality. Succinct. Appreciated
@theHermitcrabshow 3 года назад
@@bartbannister394 I would be very interested in reading any book you could recommend considering the discrepancies in age of these dating methods which I found to be a perplexing issue as I continue to investigate. Thanks!
@roseanndolcimascolo5253 2 года назад
Yes Great description; i agree with your commebt
@sidirmusic 3 года назад
This is by far the BEST documentary I have ever watched!! And to all evoloutionist, what say you now
@sidirmusic 3 года назад
@@maylingng4107 I have one for you...Does evoloution stop?
@sidirmusic 3 года назад
FYI, not all scientists believe in that crap. CRAP =evoloution. Im a Herpetologist, even. For crying out loud, I would never let the world know I was a "Biologists " and use Evoloution in the same sentence. Biologists should know more than everyone, its impossible, given the complexity of the human anatomy. Go check out Kent Hovind on youtube.
@JordanHarlem2021 3 года назад
@@sidirmusic she may have bought her PHD from Darwin the Mr Apes universe. And she may ended to become Apes by evolution that never stop🤭 (if keep studying skull with brains of Apes)
@pedalman130 3 года назад
What do evolutionists say now ? BOLLOCKS !
@pedalman130 3 года назад
@@sidirmusic Evolution NEVER stops .
@fepatriot 10 месяцев назад
When the windows of heaven and the fountains of the deep opened, the earth became one huge ocean covering even the highest mountains. But my big question is ,where did the waters recede to following the flood?
@TheLookingGlass001 10 месяцев назад
Well knowing that water came from beneath the earth also would assume that there was somewhat a cavern to store the water. Much like an aquifer, the water likely just made its way back to where it came. I'm no professional, it is honestly my best guess. Hope this at least gives an idea for you
@michaelg377 9 месяцев назад
Earth is still 70% covered in water today. According to NOAA, if our earth had a smooth flat "outer shell" surface (ie. no mountains, etc.), the water would be 8200 feet deep worldwide. I don't know if that measurement is accurate because I haven't verified it myself, but I do know this... Secular scientists believe Mars was once covered in water, which would explain how it has its canyons throughout - yet there is no observable liquid water on Mars. Earth is 70% covered in water, with marine fossils on mountain tops, and even solid layers of rocks bent at vertical 90 degree angles with no breakage - indicating they were soft, pliable, and *wet* when they folded - plenty of evidence for a global flood, but we say "there's no way earth could have been covered in water by a global flood." Why do we have such a double standard here? It's because of our Atheistic/Evolutionary biases in interpreting the evidence.
@StephenBingham-kp2ld 7 месяцев назад
They evaporated!
@shaneamundson1192 2 месяца назад
The continent was flatter and the oceans much more shallow before the flood. During the flood, the continent separated into the current 7 continents. The mountains were rapidly pushed up much higher while the seafloors rapidly sank to their presesnt depths.
@Zepllica Год назад
What a fascinating documentary! This is absolutely the best thing I’ve ever seen! I love it! I’ve always felt deeply that somehow the bible is a history. This was just fantastic! Thank you so much!
@hry940 Год назад
and its accurate prophecy of the future because it is God's word.
@Zepllica Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 yeah…too bad…lol. 😂😂
@Zepllica Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 did you watch the video?
@Zepllica Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 so, while I don’t think it’s reasonable to take the bible literally, I think it is reasonable to understand that it is offering us a history wrapped up in dogmatic views that are understandable considering post deluvian man’s loss of scientific knowledge. However that does not take away from the fact that it was written as an attempt to explain the catastrophies humans have lived through. To believe that life began in a ‘primordial soup’ as a single cell and through evolution became what we see today and what we can find in the fossil records is preposterous at best and horribly disingenuous at worst. So for me, it opens up a dialogue that is so important. That we need to think about every aspect of the history of this planet and the known universe in new ways and let go of the old dogmatic Darwinisms. There is not a chance, even a slight possibility, that Darwin was right. Not even the slimmest chance.
@Zepllica Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 I would never claim the bible should be taken literally! Of course not! But it should also never be discounted as merely the ramblings of ancient man in his never ending struggle with the knowledge of his own death. It, to me, is so much more than that. There is much we can say in 2022 that is wrong with the bible. Slavery for an obvious example, but there are of curse many more, was socially acceptable. It was a different time. So again, we can never take everything the bible says literally. That would be ridiculous. But to discount it as complete rubbish is just as ridiculous. There are histories in that book, the flood for example, that are real. That fact alone should drive us to look at that book I’m a different way. In a scientific way. Thanks to the internet, mere peons like myself can watch lectures by professors on every scientific topic in existence. And one thing is rings true throughout all of academia. To speak out against the outdated and archaic theory of Darwinism means career suicide including loss of tenure. Those of us on the outside looking in, see this as no different than priests burning scientists at the stake for claiming the earth rotates around the sun. Pure dogma. Through and through. Scientists are the equivalent of modern priests. Even with the findings of published, tenured micro biologists who scratch their heads at the marvel of a single cell. To even suggest something outside of the primordial soup could have been at play. Some sort of intelligent design, amounts to tenureship revoked. Even with the overwhelming amount of non existent evidence in the fossil record of missing link after missing link. Just terms like ‘the Cambrian explosion’ as if that just doesn’t need to be investigated further lol. If it wasn’t so disingenuous, and didn’t ruin so many careers of men and women in archaeology, geology, anthropology etc. that merely suggest a different paradigm than Darwinism, it would be funny. But it isn’t funny. Because no matter how much evidence is found, or not found like in the fossil record, todays priests of science circle the wagons and burn the heretics at the stake. It’s preposterous to believe that the vast universe of a super computer housed within my skull and is typing out these words right now comes from the same common ancestor as an earthworm. Preposterous for a clear thinking human adult to even consider that to be true. Maybe in the 1800’s, but not now. Not after 200 years of research. Not after we see how those with the same training as you propose a differing idea are treated.
@alangordon4186 3 года назад
Mt St. Helens. I was there. I saw it while driving home from work in Beaverton. I didn't know what it was. It looked like an atomic bomb.
@RodMartinJr 3 года назад
And yet, that was a tiny eruption compared to others.
@jpmcpinning4255 3 года назад
I was born the day it erupted! My dad said when they brought me to the car there was 2” of ash on it in Greeley Colorado
@alantasman8273 3 года назад
Mt St Helen's is a mini example of the massive geological upheaval experienced during the Flood. Any Scientist willing to take his head out of the sand can see the stratified rock layers laid down within hours at St Helen's and apply that to the evidences of stratified layers globally. Yet they are willing blind to the much worse global disaster which took place at the time of the Flood .
@jpmcpinning4255 3 года назад
@@alantasman8273 agreed. It makes billions of years ridiculous. Not that it wasn’t ridiculous before st helens. Now its just much more blatant.
@saturn722 3 года назад
You lived in that area and you never talked to anyone or never watched TV or listened to the radio?? It was all over the media for like 2 weeks before it erupted. I was 17 and living in Florida and I knew it was going to blow soon! I can't believe you never talked to your friends, neighbors or workmates about the impending eruption!
@starboard6372 4 года назад
This is the best audio quality I've ever heard on my little laptop! THANK YOU!!
@grantbennett333 4 года назад
Is the earth..flat ? Since curvature can't be proven
@jmckasyru 7 месяцев назад
A very wise statement: "The past is the key to the present."
@GodsentJesustosaveus 2 года назад
Watched the DVD last night. Outstanding! Glad it's on RU-vid; saved it as the first video in my RU-vid 5 Star Documentaries playlist.
@Gamefan86 2 года назад
Christianity began as sun worship, the stories about Jesus are symbolic. He is just a personification of the sun, made into a god figure later on. The sun "dies" for 3 days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25th, when it resumes its movement north. In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin" The sun rising in the morning is "the saviour of mankind" The sun is "The light of the World" The sun "walks on water" is just the reflection of the sun on water/the sea. "He cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him", is just sun rays. Jesus' "crown of thorns" is just the sun's glare, also know as a halo. The sun's "followers", "helpers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun must pass. The sun at 12 noon is in the house or temple of the "Most High": thus.."he" begins "his Father's work" at "age" 12. The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30 degrees, hense, the "Sun of God" begins his ministry at "age" 30. The sun is hung on a cross or "crucified", which represents its passing through the equinoxes. The vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected. The reason why saviour myths are so similar with a godman who is crucified and resurrected, who does miracles and has 12 disciples, is that these stories were based on the movements of the sun through the heavens, an astrotheological development that can be found throughout the planet, because the sun and the 12 zodiac signs can be observed around the globe. In other words, Jesus Christ and all the others upon whom this character is predicated are personifications of the sun, and the Gospel fable is merely a rehash of a mythological formula revolving around the movements of the sun through the heavens. Jesus is a fictional allegory for the sun. Christianity is ancient astrology. It's just fables about the sun. Check out Acharya S aka D.M Murdock for more info. .. .. .
@jonsweetland6527 2 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 so, Alessandro cites two ideas that challenge the "evolution myth", and you immediately misrepresent his argument to say that he meant to use these ideas to support "Young Earth Creationism". you are disingenuous, a deceiver and an over-educated fool who wastes time responding to people to whom he supposes to condescend. if, indeed, you are well educated why not concisely explain why evolution is not a "myth"? you know, how it is that evolution is not a traditional story, concerning early history or explaining some natural phenomenon, involving supernatural beings or events?
@jonsweetland6527 2 года назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 so to be clear here's what i believe: i believe you are a poor logician and a disingenuous arguer. incapable of responding to direct questions, you posit suppositions regarding those whose logic and inquiry you are ill-prepared to answer. in short, you are an internet troll according to the current vernacular. my "place to begin" is right here. rather than pontificating about your puesdo-scientific dogma and citing irrelevant gov't support for your dogma, why don't you address my original question. define "evolution" as you wish to consider it here, and then explain how it is not a "myth" as i have defined it previously.
@OfficialPiggy Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 evolution is only a theory. in fact, I read in an article that it’s disproved by the second law of thermodynamics
@jess65963 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 Nicholas!! My favourite grandson's name. Having said that, I do agree with you and your knowledge. It fascinates me right from the earliest beginnings of earth. Through no fault of mine, I was raised in a religious cult. I was rebellious and disagreeable. Something inside of me as a youth said, " It ain't necessarily so." Pardon the grammar. Long story shortened, my family, Mother, Father and 5 siblings were thrown out of the cult with a box of food and nowhere to live. Godly people doing godly cleansing????? Now I am almost 80 years old ☺️. I aknowledge parts of the Bible in it's historical information. But........ Way off hundreds of thousands of years in many other respects. The guy with the navy blue sweater and blue jeans is talking TWADDLE. Where is his proof? No offense.
@Blanketsoflight Год назад
We are surrounded by God's creation and I love Him for allowing His us to be in awe of His masterpiece. Thank you, Jesus.❤️☦️
@rwd2213 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 There isn't a well established protracted history measured in billions of years, because this circular method of dating has proved to be inaccurate countless times in history. When I went through school in the 70s, the theory of evolution was vastly different from what is being taught in schools now. Why is that? Because the theory of evolution keeps 'evolving.' Why is it evolving? Because they keep having to amend what they were saying yesterday as being inaccurate. Hence, 20 years from now, what you know now will be proven to be inaccurate once again. And yet, the Bible remains consistent.
@rwd2213 Год назад
@Nicholas Christie-Blick Well my friend, I am going to cling to the best selling book in history, nearly 7 BILLION copies in circulation. I see the circus of scientists trying to change basic biology in the college curriculums today, and they can't even define what a woman is. God's Word is true, He has spoken to me, and I believe Him.
@rwd2213 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 And by the way, I have visited most of the national parks, as well as 25 countries on 5 continents, examining the history of the Bible. That is my area of expertise.
@rwd2213 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 BTW, Nick, evolution is battling 5700 years of documented history and is relatively a new baby to this game of the anthropology of man. It has a ways to catch up to the Bible.
@rwd2213 Год назад
@@nicholaschristie-blick3139 That would depend on what you describe as superficial. I am a retired military veteran, and in those travels, I was a part of a process that changed the course of history through several wars. I was there when we liberated Kuwait from Saddam's grip of death and tyranny. I was there to disband the genocidal tyrants during Bosnia and Kosovo. I was in theatre when we chased Bin Laden into the mountains. Hardly superficial. All the while, I had many opportunities to look into the histories of the place, and discover an appreciation for the archaeology and history of it all. There is only one true God. While visiting a sleepy little town in the mountains of Mexico, He spoke to me. It was unlike anything I have ever experienced. God, the Creator of the universe, spoke to me. This was a voice unlike any other, a presence that went through me, and all around me, and at the same time, was a voice. It was not like a human voice, but at the same time, He spoke to me in a way that I would understand. This came, after seeking Him diligently all my life. It was an encounter that changed my life forever. When I hear people say that He does not exist, I pity them, because they have not enjoyed the same blessing of His presence that I have experienced. Nobody can tell me otherwise, and I am a well-learned individual that doesn't chase emotional events, nor do I just 'follow the crowd'. I don't even attend a church. But I do read the Bible on a daily basis, and I have studied many other religions in my travels. Science cannot work using the scientific method if you want to prove evolution, because the premise is based on false information. I can say this with assurance, because anything that opposes the Word of God is a lie. God's Word can also be tested with a scientific method: God says, "If you do A and B, then C will happen." It is a book that has been analyzed and criticized for thousands of years, and yet still stands against all the hecklers. And btw, my field of expertise in the military was in a technical field: I shot down missiles with a complex $20M gun that relied on scientific data and processes to ensure the highest level of accuracy. I can appreciate science, but not when it comes to the origin of man...because then it eventually comes to a matter of faith in something other than God, in order to avoid subjugating yourself to both truth and our Creator.
@javiermgtaoism5702 4 года назад
I came across this documentary a few years back and wished that I had recorded it. Now is back and I am doing just that, for future reference. Thanks for uploading it again.
@rosefenton3005 4 года назад
Please show me how I may record it to watch later. I am elderly.
@javiermgtaoism5702 4 года назад
@@rosefenton3005 There may be a way to record but I use a software that I purchased. Sorry.
@robertashcraft1360 4 года назад
@@javiermgtaoism5702 What is the software, stuff like this is invaluable, but I have a lot of gray hair so it has to be relatively simple, thanks in advance.
@javiermgtaoism5702 4 года назад
@@robertashcraft1360 I am not an advertiser and hope it will not be interpreted as spam. The software is called 'Wondershare Uniconverter'. It costs about 39 US dollars for a years subscription. I have downloaded hundreds of videos and movies with it.
@briansturner 4 года назад
Please pay the Author guys, Thou Shalt Not Steal.
@Van_Liberty 8 месяцев назад
I would love to see a treatment on the Giants and Nephilim in the pre-flood world...
@michaelg377 8 месяцев назад
I would too, but that's a very exegetically in-depth topic and I'd be wary of searching for something like that on RU-vid. Dr. Michael Heiser wrote a couple books on the subject: "The Unseen Realm" and "Reversing Hermon" which both dive deep into what the fine details of the text in light of ancient Near Eastern culture say about that particular topic.
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