
Is homosexuality really a sin? 🤔The Big Questions, 19.2.17 

Eric Henry Jnr
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Audience discussion on the rights and wrongs of homosexuality in the Christian Church. At 02:54 a point is made that is well worth noting. Listen, analyze and ponder the discussion.
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#homosexuality #sin #god #christianity #debate #thebigquestions #erichenryjnr



7 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 68   
@EricHenryJnr 3 года назад
"If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do" (Psalm 11:3, KJV) How much interpretation does the Bible need? Does the Bible present moral absolutes or not?
@cynicalidealist11 6 лет назад
I used to think adults were smart when I was a kid lmao
@shihoblade 6 лет назад
It's cute when people act like the Bible actually matters. You use it when it confirms things you already believe and you interpret different meanings if it denies the things you already believe.
@ryancreed2385 6 лет назад
They keep going on saying man should not lay with man in the bible, if u read it properly it says man should not lay with another man's wife
@TheHarleystaggers 7 лет назад
painful listening to this drivel...
@psychomusician1 6 лет назад
These nutcases need to embrace reality and get serious help...............god spoke to me hahahhaha fml
@saahil999 4 года назад
You feel Holy spirit all over you😂😂😂 , love the host
@EricHenryJnr 26 дней назад
Host has his funny moments 😁
@leviathaniel9280 5 лет назад
god is love just dont worry about leviticus i think it was a typo
@dafyddllyrdavies6601 4 года назад
Why is it that God seems to tell someone one thing is good and another person who believes in the same God tells that person that thing isn't good.
@EricHenryJnr 4 года назад
That really depends on what the thing is. Certain things are a blanket NO for everyone.
@elijahgavin6706 4 года назад
Eric Henry Jnr there will always be exceptions, and while there is typically a general consensus, it still doesn’t demonstrate that anyone is talking about the same elusive entity.
@dafyddllyrdavies6601 4 года назад
@@EricHenryJnr someone gets told by God be gay be whoever you want ill still love you but he tells someone else it's a sin is there two different Jesus's or something because they believe in the same God
@Daz19 7 лет назад
The mental gymnastics of the believer. It's funny how God's opinion usually matches that of the believer expressing it. If there is a God he would be telling everyone the same thing.
@wmharris9084 5 лет назад
Sure the Word is clear on love. and it often describes people loving the wrong things. The "love " of money is the root of all evil. Men will be lovers of self rather than lovers of God. Jayne uses love as her compass to know whether it's God or not but she is deceiving herself. People love evil and it's not God's will for that. And yes, God loves every single person who has ever lived, but he doesn't wink at SIN.
@finz232 4 года назад
God did not create gay people. He created a man and a woman.
@EricHenryJnr 26 дней назад
@kristinek9479 6 лет назад
Its not about feelings but about obedience to Gods laws. Amazing how all these sinners are hearing God talk to them personally. The blind leading the blind to perdition.
@hayprofilms 5 лет назад
Some people who feel guilty about certain parts of their lives use the imaginary god delusion to forgive them selves.
@EricHenryJnr 24 дня назад
I don't think it's quite as simple as that🤔
@jamescameron5472 6 лет назад
Jesus help Britain to be free in yu
@samuelashagrie1522 6 лет назад
That lady is delusional I don’t know what kind of Bible she is reading, it clearly says “Man shall not lay with man”,how clearer do u need it. It’s not up up for interpretation. You can’t simply twist the Bible to fit ur agenda you have to accept it as it is and I know not everything is literal but that homosexuality is and I do believe that God loves all but he doesn’t approve of certain stuff.
@leviathaniel9280 5 лет назад
did she skip Leviticus or?
@gebruhaile5496 5 лет назад
Thanks to the big question hosts. God created things for a purpose. sex is for an output. the gay relation never gives to birth as an output of the will of God. so, it is anti-christian and out of the rule of God.
@elijahgavin6706 4 года назад
Gebru Haile you need to have the mind of a child to think that sex’s only purpose is procreation. The type of person to think birth control and family planning are sinful. Stuck in the dark ages.
@Carlitoandres1 6 лет назад
1 Timothy 1:9-10 [9]Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, [10]For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; Leviticus 18:22 [22]Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
@outsidebox7678 5 лет назад
So lost souls may God guide them ameen
@EricHenryJnr 23 дня назад
@FreeBahreiniSpirit 5 лет назад
I can't understand how the word LOVE has become a base for the legalisation of same sex marriage BECAUSE it could be so broad and messy.. could you be allowed to LOVE a minor and have your relationship legalised with them since God loves us whatever we do and whatever our desires? Could you have a sex relationship with your own child or sibling legalised just because you love them and are committed to the relationship? It's crazy how we could shove this word around like this! Yes God loves us all but that does not mean He loves ALL our desires no matter what they are! You can be whatever you want to be but just don't force it on us like it's sacred.
@elijahgavin6706 4 года назад
Batool Al Musawi love and sexuality between two consenting legal adults is nowhere near pedophilia. The fact that so many religious people can’t grasp the difference is shockingly hilarious. In one situation you have a mutual agreement to love and to be loved, and in the other you have a child without fully developed reasoning faculties or mature understanding of sexuality being taken advantage of by someone who is matured. The argument of “well if we say this is ok then why don’t we just legalize incest, pedophilia and bestiality” is an absurd false equivocation and one of the oldest most played out tricks in the bigoted theist’s playbook.
@EricHenryJnr 25 дней назад
@1Ascanius 7 лет назад
I see so let's take the word of GOD and make it so it fits today's standards. Oh I'm so glad you cleared it up for me. Now let's see , WHY DID GOD DESTROY SODDOM AND GOMORRAH ? Oh yes because there were thousands of people who loved each other. I'm enlightened now and I have you to thank. But let's see what GOD HAS TO SAY Leviticus 20:13King James Version (KJV) 13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Deuteronomy 22:5 ►The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God I'm glad you enlightened me because according to this GOD really doesn't want this to occur, but I misread it. Thank you for clearing it up for so many of us
@scarzen1 6 лет назад
old covenant bro, that passed a away we are under a new covenant which is grace
@waternight6705 5 лет назад
I went to catholic schools and was made learn about the bible but I have yet to see anywhere in it where God condemns love.
@pearlharbour3300 6 лет назад
the ex minister summd it up for me...peace and love...seems the opposition would acutually tale it further..and thats were violence and hate lies...choose the other road.....pwace and love.
@ethanstuart1736 4 года назад
@EricHenryJnr 6 месяцев назад
Why not?
@lolugothackedful 6 лет назад
The BBC’s The Big Questions. Is a dreadful “ethics” show that sits awkwardly positioned between the political discussion programs on a Sunday morning. In case you haven’t seen it, the format is basically Question Time, with an added audience It’s absolutely dreadful, arguably the worst thing that the BBC airs. It has production values you’d expect from an amateur You Tube video and is presented by Nicky Campbell, a man who displays no charisma whatsoever Both of those things feed into its complete lack of appeal, but are not in the final analysis the reason it’s so bad. What undermines the show is its total contempt for everyone and everything involved. First off, it’s called The Big Questions, and attempts, with the aid of a few invited guests and a panel of random members of the public, to answer genuinely serious matters of philosophy, politics and religion. This series, they asked “Can war ever be just?”. In the past they’ve discussed “Is there a Hell?” and “Is man’s dominion good for the planet?” The idea that issues of this magnitude can be discussed in soundbites by “the man in the street”, plus a panel of people fame hungry and desperate enough to go on TV early Sunday morning is ludicrous in itself. Frankly, I don’t want to hear the feminist comedian Kate Smurtwaite’s views on weighty, intellectual topics such as the existence of God. Even if they could get decent guests (which they can’t) you can’t get the same effect in twenty minutes with twenty people shouting over each other. Even more ridiculous, they’ll usually pack two topics in one episode, presumably because allowing more than twenty minutes of discussion of the same thing would make the audience’s brains explode. Proper, challenging intellectual discussion can be done in broadcast. Look at the 1940s BBC show The Brains Trust, where they invited in a panel of experts and - shock horror - just let them talk about big issues. I can’t say it would be improved by letting a celebrity chef interrupt them. In contrast, The Big Questions format is just terminally broken - answers to these points, by definition, are too big and complicated I - and you can’t articulate a complex, position in a 30-second soundbite. Every time someone is able to articulate a decent argument, Campbell just jumps in and cuts them off, and hands the mic to someone who will make a crazier, more televisual point. That takes me on to the second huge problem with the show. Often, the guests - especially the religious guests - are picked because they have “controversial” meaning completely mad views. The archetypal Big Questions exchange is some crazed street preacher claiming they can cure cancer through prayer, a confused scientist saying “No you can’t”, and then a female Coffee vicar or a rabbi with a nose piercing cutting across the two to say “Isn't the truth half way between these two places?”, and then the audience applauding. . The problem with this is twofold. First off, there’s the whole false equivalence between extreme and rational views, which is a problem with BBC debate more generally. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, it makes religious people look unfairly crazy. In one of the supposedly flagship shows on religion, religious people are frequently represented by the absolute fringes. The vast bulk of people with religious faith in their lives are perfectly sensible and ordinary - you’d have to look long and hard to find a priest, vicar or imam who would recommend prayer alone to cure illnesses. The desire among the producers for “watchable controversy” makes the show completely unrepresentative and absurd So, in short, the only real big question The Big Questions asks is “How long can you air an utterly charmless, insulting show before everyone agrees to stop tuning in and turning off.
@thecatherinegriffin2610 6 лет назад
Jesus's message in two simple words: love and forgiveness. I dont know how that gets misinterpreted to mean god hates gays. If you feel hatred or intolerance in your heart that is not god talking thats the other guy.
@diddyme2011 5 лет назад
It says in the Bible lying with another man is an abomination, that’s where it gets ‘misinterpreted’, and the Bible is supposedly the word of god.
@melbaburrows4059 5 лет назад
Yes we are to love them.... but that is not just it....we are also called to show them the truth... and help them turn from their sin. No matter how good and loving it feels!!!! But of course this is just not 'truth' anymore. Because supposedly there is no such thing as Devine truth! But if there is such a thing as sin, then there must be a very good reason then for that!! For it is really there for our protection. So yes we are to be loving but I can love my boy but not 'like' his behaviour. Does not mean I stop loving him, but I will try to show him the error of his ways in the kindest way I can. Saying that God created gays is a lie.....our society has created and promoted this culture. I was told that since the pill was introduced a study was done in 1970s that showed changes in the hormones of babies in mums who had been on the pill!!! Gosh I wonder what that could lead too???!!! And why has nothing been said?? Well a multi million dollar industry that keeps the population down?! Not hard to work out....we have become a product of our own demise. Our identity is not in Him anymore....our identity is in our sex, or sexual desire....which to most is much more pleasurable now than thinking about what might come next when we are gone. Such a shame. We are being fed DO WHAT MAKES U FEEL GOOD NOW! Well that's has always worked out for mankind.....NOT! We are destroying ourselves.
@1Ascanius 6 лет назад
GOD did NOT say pick and choose from what I wrote but asks us to abide . This means if you sin you NEED to stop singing, if you are gay this is an ABOMINATION for GOD does this HE hates sinners and gays? Not at all he hates the sin and lust of the flesh. Simple actually if you love GOD and say you Love GOD and mean it then you will fight the lusts of the flesh no matter what they are and abide in GOD’s WORD. PEACE
@Anonymous-411 5 лет назад
Read about Sodom and Gomorrah.
@elijahgavin6706 4 года назад
Kashmiri-Maestro interesting mythology
@florarobbins5673 7 лет назад
1Corinthians 6:9-11
@daykay2231 6 лет назад
The Bible says that is what some of you were
@primus7776 5 лет назад
To answer the Q: No, because he doesn't exist. Next "Big" Q?
@EricHenryJnr 25 дней назад
@daykay2231 6 лет назад
They have many different partners what is the love there
@debrarufini6906 5 лет назад
Day Kay, are you a troll???? You seriously don't believe that heterosexual people have many partners? You are completely delusional. X
@theguyoverthere6082 7 лет назад
The purpose of sex is the union of the sexes. Anything that divides the two sexes isn't love. It's based on division and bigotry
@ianrenberger7441 6 лет назад
common sense, this is the 21st century. Gays are here to stay. Get use to it
@alexbrown-ks1hq 6 лет назад
pish spoken to legitimise pervertion
@robertlight6905 5 лет назад
Leave it to the Christers to make a talk on sex boring. What a dull deity.
@Kagiso22 5 лет назад
God seems to be quite shit at communication... you’d swear the Bible was just a collection of ancient human writings explaining why it’s so nonsensical.
@EricHenryJnr 25 дней назад
Oh God's communication is perfect. It is our understanding that lacks
@Carlitoandres1 6 лет назад
God DOES NOT Love everybody! Joel 2:27 [27]And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed. Romans 9:13 [13]As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Malachi 1:2-4 [2]I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, [3]And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. [4]Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever.
@scarzen1 6 лет назад
john 3:16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son
@scarzen1 6 лет назад
you are taking these old testament verses and not reading them in its proper context lol, easy to do
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