
Is James Bond Too Offensive? 

Brendan G Kelleher
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Several screenings of classic James Bond movies are being issued with trigger warnings for “ modern audiences “. I explain why this is short sighted and foolish #jamesbond
Song: 007 James Bond.
Music by Eleven Music
• 007 James Bond Theme -...



15 сен 2024




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@Billinois78 8 месяцев назад
In the U.S. in late 80s, the groups who tried to take music with obscene lyrics or imagery off the shelves found they couldn't remove them, so a compromise was made to put Parental Warning stickers on them so people knew what to expect. It actually made those albums more enticing to young people. It's better to add a warning than to remove or alter the art.
@Chopperwocky 8 месяцев назад
The trigger warnings are silly but as long as they do not edit the movies in any way,I can live with it
@Beer_Dad1975 8 месяцев назад
The BFI won't allow James Cameron to release the 4K bluray of The Abyss without cuts because of the scene were a rat in dunked in oxygenated fluid - he told them to f*ck off and cancelled the release - which sucks for the rest of the world.
@Chopperwocky 8 месяцев назад
@@Beer_Dad1975 Seriously? That is definitely messed up. Have to respect Cameron for not giving in to those idiots. Better to not have the film on 4K at all than have it cut😡
@Beer_Dad1975 8 месяцев назад
@@Chopperwocky Yup, the rat was absolutely fine too - far worse things happen to thousands of rats every day in UK laboratories. Sometimes I think the world is going insane, sometimes I just think I'm getting old and my sensibilities are becoming obsolete.
@richtea615 8 месяцев назад
They are the same films/books they've always been. The only thing has changed is the audience. If you go through life being offended by things you don't agree with that happened before you were born, it would be better if you just didn't leave the house.
@fembotheather3785 8 месяцев назад
Bond is a product of his time and of his author. I don't have to agree with every damned thing that a character does or is to enjoy the book or film. We, that is: humanity need to realize that we have the ability of critical reasoning and use it, otherwise we're drones, easy to manipulate whatever way.
@MasterFrag91 8 месяцев назад
I'd argue that the content warnings on older films with outdated (and potentially offensive) sensibilities is perfectly fine. It's not being "woke" to be cognizant of the fact that harmful racial stereotypes are, in fact, harmful. I personally love the Bond films, however, many things have become very dated or otherwise somewhat offensive. Bond has never been too bad in terms of racial stereotypes (Early western animation and Disney are far more rife with this, with a lot of minstrel imagery, see basically the entirety of Song of the South, the Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp, etc), but to deny the problematic elements is to deny the problem. While I won't get into specifics here, James Bond as portrayed by the late, great Sean Connery is absolutely sexist, misogynist asshole. He's a charming character, yes, but the cultural norms of the time said that casual sexism is not just normal, it's something to look up to as a man. Where I entirely draw the line is modifying the films to remove the offending material. The warnings are fine so long as the film is unaltered for content, the content should ABSOLUTELY stay the same, especially for films like The French Connection, the character of Jimmy Doyle was SUPPOSED to be a racist asshole, you aren't really supposed to like him, you're supposed to understand that he's not a hero. Removing even just the tiny bits they did remove, removes important context for the character. There is a good middle ground for this, sensibilities have changed over the years, what's right and wrong have changed, our attitudes to treatment of minorities, women, and those with different sexualities or gender identities have changed. By and large, that is a very good thing, in the western world, we have, for the most part, become more accepting of people, whoever they are. We should never shy away from our art, our art is our history, in many ways. The history of film documents the evolution of our society in the modern age, and changing it is tantamount to erasure of that history, and a refusal to enter a dialog with it. The addition of a content warning can give context to the world it was made in, that what you're about to see reflects a much different era. While our film franchises have gotten worse and worse over the years, and there is indeed a certain class of people explicitly making that happen (hint: not the general populous), much of that blame can largely be aimed squarely at marketing execs and producers who want to either chase what they perceive as profitable, or attempt to pander to certain demographics in order to make more money. Of course, they've also not helped by leaning into the culture war (with itself is stupid as hell, we're better than that, as humans) with things like calling everyone who dislikes films like the ghastly Ghostbusters reboot, or even a single character in a film racists or sexists only amplifies this. It's all about the money, they go where the money is, if it's more profitable to tout left wing ideology, they will. If it were more profitable to tout right wing ideology, they'll do that too. Sometimes, they'll even play both sides. The best thing to do, in my eyes, is not to get distracted by that. Most people, whether left wing or right wing, or somewhere in between, generally agree with each other on most everything. We're all more similar than we are dissimilar. Look at something like South Park, a show that has been made into a juggernaut because they make everyone look dumb, because at the extreme ends of everything, they ARE dumb as hell. And everyone (unless they're offended by the humor, in which case, that's their problem) can just laugh at everyone getting the piss taken out of them. This got a lot more long winded than I originally intended, sorry 'bout that. The TL;DR version of this is basically: Content warnings are fine, so long as the film is intact. They are a fine middle ground in an ever changing landscape. Censorship of the content in the films, books, or anything else, is NOT fine. Art is a lens into history. If we avert our eyes to the uncomfortable bits, we lose perspective of how things actually were in that time period. That perspective is important. We shouldn't condemn the best middle ground we have between the two extremes for being negative, when the alternatives are either present them without context, or butcher the hell out of them.
@brendangkelleher2669 8 месяцев назад
Fully agree with what u wrote. Appreciate u taking the time to write all that as well! Thanks for watching
@LukeLovesRose 8 месяцев назад
This whole thing is just as juvenile as the old gangster movies warning people that crime doesn't pay. This is ridiculous
@MasterFrag91 8 месяцев назад
@@LukeLovesRose It's only juvenile if you don't consider the massive cultural shifts since many of these films were made. Consider films essential to the development of the art of film itself, such as Triumph of the Will and The Birth of a Nation. These are very fundamental films to the language of cinema, but are without a doubt massively problematic in ways almost everyone can agree. Triumph of the Will was a nazi propaganda film, that nonetheless became a template for striking cinematography, and The Birth of a Nation is an absolute technical masterclass, and a breakthrough in film techniques which would later be used in basically everything moving forward, but it's a deeply deplorable film that's Ku Klux Klan propaganda masquerading as legitimate art. To be clear, it IS art, but it's the most vile kind, used to vilify a race for political gain. Would it be controversial to have a content warning on these films explaining their context? Perhaps. But what do we lose by having those warnings? I can personally think of very little lost by having a warning on screen for 10-30 seconds of a 2 hour film, and potential future viewers can gain better understanding with context of the time and place they were made. We shouldn't get upset over the content warnings. They are a net positive for everyone if done right. Future viewers who may not have read the history of the films get proper context, previous viewers get to enjoy the film as originally presented. It's basically a win-win scenario if they do not edit for content. IF, however, they edit for content AND have a warning, then it should absolutely and roundly be criticized into oblivion. We cannot erase our past, nor should we endeavour to do so. Hiding from past injustices, or shying away from them would be just as shameful as continuing them. Personally, I'm an early 30-something man who, at least in my mind, thinks that a lot of the newer generation's ideas are kinda weird. But I can respect them, at least. Of all the things that have happened in the past 10 years in film, the addition of content warnings is not one of the bad things to come out of the current system. To me, the disease in film is the continued consolidation into larger and larger media conglomerates who want nothing more than to milk sequel after sequel while shooting with scripts that would make a room full of monkeys on typewriters look more appealing. The problem isn't "woke propaganda" or anything of that sort. The problem is an industry that wants maximum profit above all else. Fortunately, this year seems to have been a bit of a turning point in that regard, since the losses they are incurring are getting bigger and bigger.
@LukeLovesRose 8 месяцев назад
@@MasterFrag91 Grow up. All of these oversensitive liberals like yourself need to grow up. Grow a thicker skin. Respect filmmakers ie artists for their art or we might as well repaint the Mona Lisa to be less white
@LukeLovesRose 8 месяцев назад
@@MasterFrag91 And most of these liberals are making up s**t to get upset about as they go along. Theyre trying to create law and order out of nothing but their pretty little feelings in the moment. Thats why I say YOU CAN NEVER MAKE WOKE LIBERALS HAPPY. Next, were going to allow the vegan nuts to dictate our lives. Well all be forced to eat fruits and vegetables. No more eggs or cheese.
@CowboyRobot2000 8 месяцев назад
"No Time To Die" was offensive. 99.9999% of everything prior to that dumpster fire was not.
@drewburdett7886 8 месяцев назад
Where do you draw the line with warnings about character flaws? Should the Star Wars sequels have trigger warnings that Finn is a serial deserter? Snake Pliskin is a nihilist. In Raiders, Marion Ravenwood has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol. In Jaws, Quint has a dangerous aversion to flotation devices. These are traits and flaws that keep us interested, for whatever reason. We don’t have to admire them and we don’t even have to agree with the filmmakers' intent for the characterisations. Alan Moore addressed this in his introduction to The Dark Knight Returns and he said "we need new heroes" but he also said that doesn't mean we can't enjoy the old ones. 40 years later this is still true.
@brendangkelleher2669 8 месяцев назад
Agreed. Even the latest Indiana Jones movie had a trigger warning about tobacco products at the start!
@johnkowall7558 8 месяцев назад
If you don’t like Bond films and find offensive don’t watch it don’t destroy the franchise for of us who are true fans , again don’t like the character then don’t watch him . I have been a fan since I was five when I seen Diamonds Are Forever in the theater.. I was 5 and have been a fan ever since ..
@noam65 8 месяцев назад
The character was created from the WWII experiences of Ian Fleming, who worked for British Intelligence during the war. To peaceable folks, the realities of Cold War skulduggery are distasteful, as it sometimes involves muder, manipulation, dishonesty, and other nasty skills necessary for that purpose. Some people must do some unsavory things to make the world a liveable place for the rest of us. That said, the James Bond universe is great entertainment, but far from reality. Most folks would be highly uncomfortable with the reality.
@brendangkelleher2669 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely. Bond is a weapon and as Q said in Skyfall “ Every now and then,a trigger has to be pulled “
@noam65 8 месяцев назад
@@brendangkelleher2669 or NOT pulled. It's hard to tell the difference from 23000 miles away.
@johnnyblood2 8 месяцев назад
No. Stop it.
@reptomicus 8 месяцев назад
In all fairness Bond was always toned down for the movies. The book Bond was always more problematic. It may seem hard to believe that even Connery's Bond was the PC version of Bond for the time. Bond as originally imagined was a 50's character, much like a noir detective like Mike Hammer, which is ironic since Ian Fleming hated Spillane's novels for brutality, then goes ahead and makes a character in the same vein.
@johnbernhardtsen3008 8 месяцев назад
I hope with all of my heart that the producers will do exactly what they said about the James Bond new timeline... Making it for the Modern Audiences! Lifelong Agent 007 fan here, I miss watching the movies in the 80s and 90s with my late father who also loved them! the new audience they are looking for Dont look for a character as Archaic as Bond is!Womanizer, a bit of a drinker, smoking and is very masculine!hopefully they drop 200-250 mill dollars in to the big new movie that will bomb at the box office!
@shagrat47 8 месяцев назад
The question is: are people these days mentally stable enough, to watch old movies? 🤔
@irwin3381 8 месяцев назад
No .
@benjaminfranzuela5847 8 месяцев назад
Films dated before the mentally unstable audience were acknowledged should remain untouched. Don’t edit for the young and fragile. It’s insulting and disrespectful to the people who created these movies. Let the intolerant audience create their own boring and hateful fantasies. And I include all, I mean all forms of creative endeavor.
@brendangkelleher2669 8 месяцев назад
@stormhawk3319 8 месяцев назад
It’s offensive to those who want to be offended.
@pduidesign 8 месяцев назад
Wokies are offensive. I find them all thoroughly offensive with their incessant complaining and mindless babble.
@kylekullin2520 7 месяцев назад
What Bond films would you recommend?
@brendangkelleher2669 7 месяцев назад
There are types of Bond films. Fun and campy ( Moonraker or any Roger Moore one really ) and gritty and realistic ( From Russia with Love ). The Spy Who Loved Me is a personal favourite of mine though. Casino Royale is actually a great entry point for the series though.
@kylekullin2520 7 месяцев назад
@@brendangkelleher2669 I'll check out The Spy Who Loved Me!
@HappyHighwayman 8 месяцев назад
I'm to offended
@kuribayashi84 8 месяцев назад
Only to people with skin as thin as toilet paper.
@Warped9 8 месяцев назад
The Bond are not offensive except to the juvenile minded trying to pass themselves off as adults.
@danielbullock1019 8 месяцев назад
Have people become far too easily offended?
@brendangkelleher2669 8 месяцев назад
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