
Is Jesus the Messiah? How can He be God? - Asking Dr. Craig Keener - Pod For Israel 

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In this special episode of Pod for Israel, we sit down with dr. Craig keener to discuss the Messiahship and Divinity of Yeshua.
By: www.oneforisrael.org
Facebook: oneforIsrael
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19 июн 2022




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@valerieminster1626 2 года назад
How can you not love Yeshua. HE is so perfect.
@olayideokunwobi8767 2 года назад
We love
@stefanstankovic5402 2 года назад
@@MichaelTheophilus906 all three is perfect
@frankkhethanidubedube919 2 года назад
Is it really about loving Yeshua ? Or he can to show us who YEHOVA loves us , so it should how God loves us John 3vs 16... I get shocked when people say such statements.. it's loving or worshiping the creation more that the creator...
@frankkhethanidubedube919 2 года назад
@@stefanstankovic5402 which all three .. ???? You mean Trinity it's a Catholic cooked doctrine.. read necaea creed .. they had to also change verses in Gospels
@stefanstankovic5402 2 года назад
@@frankkhethanidubedube919 John 17,3 Father is God John 20,28 Son is God Job 33,4 The Spirit is God and creator That was three verses out of millions. I don't really know, but they were really good counterfeiters. 😜😁
@patsysmothermon7861 2 года назад
I Love to hear a Jewish person who has believed in Jesus !! They know the Old Teatament So well that when their eyes are opened they see He's everywhere in there. Not Just the New. 🙏🦋💝
@lizschuller6894 Год назад
The new testament wa mostly written by Paul, an opportunist and perhaps even "crazy" many things in the new testament are contradictory.
@kevincourtney7312 Год назад
@@lizschuller6894 Jesus came for His Hebrew people. He will return one day soon. Make yourself ready.
@lcunningham1776 Год назад
@@lizschuller6894 please provide some examples of contradiction?
@acanadianbear649 Год назад
@L Cunningham I know this was not directed to me but thought I’d throw out some passages as per your request since the one you asked does not appear to have answered you yet. Hebrews 10 says jesus was final sacrifice but Ezekiel 36-48 shows the messianic Era has sacrificial system in place. Hebrews 9 says sin is only forgiven with blood but 1 Kings 8, Psalm 37, 51 and Leviticus 5 all point that is a lie. Would you like to discuss any of these in depth?
@fromfaithtofaith3882 Год назад
@@acanadianbear649 I got no idea what you trying to say. Name 1 in depth. We discuss.
@linson7. 2 года назад
This verse clears it up for me 🙏🏾 Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
@papilephoto4901 2 года назад
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father
@papilephoto4901 2 года назад
Prince of sword not peace
@cjayagunos1476 2 года назад
@@papilephoto4901 are you a deceiver? Do you believe in Jesus?
@jonsart5643 2 года назад
@@papilephoto4901 That sword means the sword of truth. Truth evidently separates even family members.
@iammsmorales 2 года назад
@@jonsart5643 good job! :D He is the truth, the way, and the light
@DinahReviews 2 года назад
One for Israel and the professors there are a blessing to this generation. Thank you LORD for allowing us to continue our studies with brothers and sisters all over the world.
@frankkhethanidubedube919 2 года назад
Does word LORD the mean who? Do u know the name of our heavenly father? In case you don't know his name is YEHOVA.. I was shocked one day in a church meeting people pray to God and later hear them say thank you Jesus.. what a mess.. we pray to God and we thank God like king David
@DinahReviews 2 года назад
Greetings. “Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:16-20 I worship Him with no doubt whatsoever that all authority is His. Thank you Jesus! Have a wonderful night.
@frankkhethanidubedube919 2 года назад
Read Luke 4vs 8.. and the root of that verse is in Hebrew Bible... The word worshiping is bowing down .. so people use to bow down to kings .. but our uttermost worshiping and serving should be to Jehova... Jesus said the father is looking for those who will worshiping him in truth and spirit.. not Jesus
@DinahReviews 2 года назад
@@frankkhethanidubedube919 even in heaven as John is given a vision, we see a scene of those in heaven singing a new song (worshipping) the Lamb: “And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying, "Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth. Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!" And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and all that is in them, saying, "To him who sits on the throne AND to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!" And the four living creatures said, "Amen!" and the elders fell down and worshiped. Revelation 5:8-14 i Worship the Lord in Spirit & Truth! Jesus said I AM, the way the TRUTH, the life. I encourage you to repent and believe.
@arig361 Год назад
Although Jesus was Jewish, he did not fulfill any of the other Messianic criteria. An examination of the contradictory accounts of Jesus’ genealogy demonstrates this. Specifically, the New Testament claims that Jesus did not have a physical father. The Bible, however, clearly states that a person’s genealogy and tribal membership is transmitted exclusively through one’s physical father (Numbers 1:18, Jeremiah 33:17). Therefore, Jesus cannot possibly be a descendant of the tribe of Judah nor of King David and King Solomon. There are even further problems with any attempts to use the Bible to prove Jesus’ genealogy through Joseph, the husband of Mary. For the New Testament claims that Joseph was a descendant of King Jeconiah, who in the Bible was cursed to never have a descendant “sitting on the throne of David and ruling any more in Judah” (Jeremiah 22:30). Joseph’s genealogy, even if it were transmittable to Jesus, would only serve to further disqualify Jesus as the Messiah. Finally, there is the problem of the contradictory accounts of Jesus’ genealogy in Matthew, Chapter 1 and Luke, Chapter 3. The common Christian explanation of this contradiction claims that Luke’s genealogy is that of Jesus’ mother, Mary. However, this is unfounded, even according to the Greek original. In addition, it has already been established that genealogy is transferred solely through the father, making this attempted explanation completely irrelevant. Even if one could trace one’s genealogy through one’s mother, there would be the additional problem in that Luke 3:31 lists Mary as a descendant of David through Nathan, Solomon’s brother, and not through Solomon himself as is prophesied in I Chronicles 22:10. All other messianic criteria have obviously not been fulfilled, either during Jesus’ time or since. Any Christian claims that these final criteria will be fulfilled in a “Second Coming” are irrelevant because the concept of the Messiah coming twice has no scriptural basis.
@filsdutreshaut3458 2 года назад
I love seeing my Jewish brothers talking about Jesus Christ the Messiah, I strongly believe that the great revival is near both Jews and Gentilles in fire for Christ as it was in the book of acts with the first church
@frankkhethanidubedube919 2 года назад
Are we not suppose to be on fire for YEHOVA.. I get upset with this replacement theology... In Gospels it's more about the son less about the father .. it's a mess ..but out of Jesus mouth was more about his father
@Nick-cb2ht 2 года назад
@@frankkhethanidubedube919 hi, this is not replacement theology. This is fulfilment theology of the Jewish scriptures or tanekh. There are many references to the Messiah in the Jewish scriptures as a means for the reader to see that the qualities of the predicted messiah of the tanekh is the same as Jesus. The reason for the New Testament emphasising Jesus (while still maintaining the Holiness, importance and significance of God the Father) is due to God’s plan before Jesus was born. This happened to fulfil God’s plan. For example: There are several covenants in the Bible, but five covenants are crucial for understanding the story of the Bible and God’s redemptive plan: the Noahic Covenant, the Abrahamic Covenant, The Mosaic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant and the New Covenant. See Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Luke 22:14-23. Also, in your opinion, which Jewish man of the Tanekh is the prophet Isaiah mentioning in this passage of Isaiah 53? Who has believed what he has heard from us?1 And to whom has hthe arm of the Lord been revealed? 2 For he grew up before him like a young plant, iand like a root out of dry ground; jhe had no form or majesty that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him. 3 kHe was despised and rejected2 by men, a man of sorrows3 and acquainted with4 grief;5 and as one from whom men hide their faces6 he was despised, and lwe esteemed him not. 4 mSurely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, nsmitten by God, and afflicted. 5 oBut he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, pand with his wounds we are healed. 6 qAll we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned-every one-to his own way; rand the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, syet he opened not his mouth; tlike a ulamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is silent, so he opened not his mouth. 8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, vwho considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living, stricken for the transgression of my people? 9 And they made his grave with the wicked wand with a rich man in his death, although xhe had done no violence, and there was no deceit in his mouth. 10 Yet yit was the will of the Lord to crush him; he has put him to grief;7 zwhen his soul makes8 an offering for guilt, he shall see his offspring; he shall prolong his days; athe will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand. 11 Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see9 and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall bthe righteous one, my servant, cmake many to be accounted righteous, dand he shall bear their iniquities. 12 eTherefore I will divide him a portion with the many,10 fand he shall divide the spoil with the strong,11 because he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; gyet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors.
@frankkhethanidubedube919 2 года назад
@@Nick-cb2ht I thought you will bring this chapter.. can I suggest you read it in the original language which is Hebrew.. you will be shocked... This was about the nation of Israel.. not Jesus .. the word Messiah means anointed one... So how can you be sure about Messianic prophecies are about Jesus ... ????? Have you ever read Isaiah 7 ..
@Nick-cb2ht 2 года назад
@@frankkhethanidubedube919 The 17th century Jewish historian, Raphael Levi, admitted that long ago the rabbis used to read Isaiah 53 in synagogues, but after the chapter caused “arguments and great confusion” the rabbis decided that the simplest thing would be to just take that prophecy out of the Haftarah readings in synagogues. That’s why today when some synagogues read Isaiah 52, they stop in the middle of the chapter and the week after for the next reading they jump straight to Isaiah 54. The Great Isaiah scroll is held today in a museum in Israel with all chapters in tact and in great condition considering it carbon dates historically to about 125AD. Scholars agree that apart some minor grammatical differences, the modern English bible parallels remarkably well with the scroll. I have read the Hebrew transliteration of Isaiah 53 and it is the same as the modern English one anyway. Isaiah 7..I have read this. What’s your point? The reason I am sure the messianic prophecies are about Jesus is because no one else is history has fulfilled them except for Him. For example who is Isaiah talking about in chapter 6?: ..For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. There are many more including Jeremiah 31:22 foretells of Him being conceived by the Holy Spirit, and this is fulfilled in Matthew 1:20 and Luke 1:35. The place of Christ’s birth as Bethlehem is noted in two of the gospels with it first prophesied in Micah 5:1-5.
@frankkhethanidubedube919 2 года назад
@@Nick-cb2ht still this had nothing to do with Jesus... It had to do with what Israel as a nation went thru ... You the problem is people read scriptures with Jesus lenses ..
@sharonsharonsharon9475 2 года назад
@thunderstorm6616 2 года назад
That is great that you think like that. That is so positive that is how people should think may Yawe bless you even more spiritual
@frankkhethanidubedube919 2 года назад
If I read Hebrew scriptures I don't find a scripture saying Messiah will die for people's sins .. worse off nowhere it says Messiah will be worshipped... What Yeshua said to satan when he was tempted he quote the Hebrew scriptures because he knew he was not God but the son .. on other account satan said if ur the son of God throw yourself down ... So how do we get this mix up... By the way they were many messiahs .. nowhere in the Hebrew scriptures to that says the Messiah will die rose again go to heaven then come back ... On Isaiah proff or doc you're misleading people... Christians cooked this to fit Jesus in Hebrew scriptures... Like the ex example of out of Egypt.. if it was to do with Jesus it should have quoted so in Matthew not only choosing one line .. it's out of context.. because when you read the whole chapter in Hebrew scriptures.. it's clear ..
@nick7977 2 года назад
@@frankkhethanidubedube919 Who is Zechariah referring to in Chapter 12 and 13?
@frankkhethanidubedube919 2 года назад
@@nick7977 false Messiah or prophet . remember the word Messiah means anointed one .. just read the whole chapter 13 not just pick a verse .. that's where we mess up things .. we try to force and fit Jesus everywhere... By the way they were many messiahs or anointed ones in Hebrew scriptures.. .
@nick7977 2 года назад
@@frankkhethanidubedube919 my friend I’m not nitpicking verses, I have a conviction that Yeshua is the anointed one. If I believe he is the only hope of the nations, I must speak that truth, I am mandated to as a follower of Christ to share the good news to the world. I pray that all would come to the savior of the world.
@josenavarro792 3 месяца назад
As a Christian who later in life found out that I am a Sephardic Ladino this truly blesses me and opens my understanding of His Word and also shows me why as a child I was always drawn into Anything that had to do with Israel
@bunnylady6758 2 года назад
His name is Immanuel...God With Us. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...
@jak743 2 года назад
His name is Yeshua Hamaschiah
@cc3775 2 года назад
Principle of agency. God was with us because Yeshua was His agent.
@jdaze1 Год назад
The word becomes flesh when it is conceived in YOU. The incorruptible seed of YHWH. I peter 1:3, 1:23, James 1:18. Put not your trust in Princes nor a Son of Man in whom there is NO SALVATION Psalm 146:3.
@peggylivermore2613 Год назад
It seems to me that Yahweh does not speak using you, me, he, or she. The word saint is not found in scripture. Only in a plural sense. In Exodus 3 God declares who he is. I will be who I will be in a multitude. It’s called God Manifestation. God raises up whom ever he wills, even the basest of men to do his will. In Jeremiah Nebuchadnezzar is called God’s servant.
@jacksteiner8842 Год назад
"He didn't come, the first time through, to conquer Rome, b/c Rome was such a small issue, He came first to conquer death..." AMEN to that!
@pound4pound380 Год назад
If he didn't come to conquer Rome then he was not a Jewish messiah at all. Jesus came to save Rome because only Romans worship him. Jews stayed the same until this day. Guess who on top in the world and controls the world banks? The Jews. What happened to Rome? It fell.
@sherinick7523 2 года назад
He is! He is real! I experienced Him in my personal life. Believe and trust Lord Jesus Christ guys!
@doracrystalsolis3427 2 года назад
AMEN. Don't believe the lies of the devil that Jesus isn't the Messiah or God it's written all over the Word.
@darrenbell2133 2 года назад
@mayan9714 2 года назад
I Have experience Virgin Mary in my personal life she so tight
@jeremiahrowesr.3130 2 года назад
@lizschuller6894 Год назад
It is you doing that, your passion and your intensity.
@raymondisfunny 2 года назад
Im going to be in Jerusalem during October would love to talk to you all..im a stand up comedian from Texas and I just Love your work. All Glory to OUR MIGHTY FATHER AND KING THROUGH THE NAME OF HIS SON YESHUA HA MASSIACH JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. 🙏 🙌 ❤️ SHALOM
@zeus0710 Год назад
Good luck in your trip brother God bless you
@Yosef_Morrison Год назад
So, what happened on your trip to Israel. Did you meet up with anyone from the One For Israel team?
@SetApartSoldiers 2 года назад
Hello there my brother Craig Keener!!! Really enjoyed this show. And all your teachings on TheWadi went through the whole course! May the continue to bless your ministry my brothers! Continued Prayers!!!
@StrummaChick Год назад
Yeshua is the reason I am alive. When I was at my most desperate, He was there either correcting me, or comforting me. Either way, that’s Love. How could I turn away Love?
I absolutely love One For Israel ministries!!!😃 Much brotherly love all the way from Florida, USA!!🇺🇸 Am Yisrael Chai!!🇮🇱
@Erica_GospelWarrior 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this teaching! I have recently learned the difference between ECHAD and YACHID. Praise the LORD for TRUTH! HALLELUYAH!!! 💖🙌💖
@TheBackyardProfessor 11 дней назад
This was absolutely exceptional!!!! Please have MORE CRAIG KEENER!!!
@cindypollard7972 2 года назад
Wow! I love hearing this man! He knows the Scriptures in context, in historical context, in Messianic context! Wow! Such a humble man! And so wise in application and conclusions about Yeshua! Thank you!
@johnnypierce3933 Год назад
Cindy listen v to Rabbi Tovia Singer.on youtube.
@yoyohanaBR 2 года назад
I can't wait for the kingdom to come- looking forward to it so much! I want to see all Israel saved and Paul's wish becoming true... HaShem bless Yisrael!
@guilhermenascimento3260 2 года назад
My Lord. Thank you for this learning opportunity.
@immydesuperkabanyana7192 2 года назад
Thank you Jesus for this channel
@gerthabanks3304 2 года назад
Praise the Lord, pray, read, study the scriptures daily. Also search the scriptures to get answers to all questions, and when not in agreement, this way you have put God first in your life, turning to Him with your love.
@Linda-lo4oy 2 года назад
Thank you guys, Enjoy hearing men of God discuss topics on the greatest subject in all creation. I love that our God wanted to feel us, to relate to us to be a part of the creation He made. Our Father has emotion, feelings- we are His image not the other way around. His whole way with His people, for His people because He loves His people touches my spirit like nothing else can. Our spirits need the Lords spirit to truely enjoy living. His love is power. Oh how majestic is His name in all the earth! Praying the God of Israel shows His mighty power in every battle Israel faces, spiritual as well as physical. All call for His Sovereignty! Come Yeshua! Praying for the salvation of Israel and the peace of Jerusalem and the body of Christ everywhere. Thanks again!
@fernadf 2 года назад
Congratulations for the excellent and exquisite work you do there in Israel. Always count on the support of us Brazilians who love Israel and its people!
@patsysmothermon7861 2 года назад
It's too bad that Years ago some Brazilians ( not You ) helped hide the Nazi's who escaped and despised the Jewish people. 😢😢
@kymdickman8910 10 месяцев назад
@@patsysmothermon7861And your point is??? Didn’t Jesus die for our sins? Didn’t He rise to new life to ransom us from the power of Death? Or did you want Him to bring perfect people who’d never sinned into your life so you can live in heaven on Earth??? History tells us that sin existed… not only in the country you mention, but throughout the world. The only remedy for sin is to accept the sacrifice of Jesus as being in our place… and accept God’s vindication through His resurrection. Jesus came, not to judge, but to save. When you judge, you put yourself outside Him.
@daviforti 2 года назад
My brother, when you pray, just say the name of the LORD Jesus. He is God Himself. So, Jesus and the Father are One! O LORD Jesus, thank you for Your word and work. Come with Your kingdom, and Your will be done! Hallelujah
@angelasoderstrom3736 2 года назад
Thank you so much Dr Setf Posttell and Dr Chrig Keener för this amazing video..And how clearly you have explained how Abba Father And Yeshua are the same God such a blessing 🙌. May you both be blessed in all the good works you do in Yeshua name Amen 🙏
@MistyMarie1970 Месяц назад
These messages are such a blessing, praise Yeshua
@xandrix 2 года назад
If only the world knew how Jesus loves us so much that He sacrificed Himself for our sins so we can avoid eternity in hell and to be with Him in heaven in mansions He prepared for us.
@Thewatchman303 2 года назад
I would argue that the disciples used the Tanackh in the way Yeshua TAUGHT THEM TO as revealed during his ministry but SPECIFICALLY in Luke 24. Here, Luke testifies that Yeshua imparted special supernatural knowledge to them, which was previously unknown to them, about which specific passages in the Hebrew Scriptures actually refer to the chosen anointed one Of God almighty. Clearly, this was only a select number of special passages. We know this because we have the testimony of the book of Acts, Peter, Stephen, James and John, and also the special revelation of Yeshua to Paul as to what these passages are. We should not be surprised that the record of these passages in the NT do not align 100% with the most accurate record we have of the Hebrew Scriptures. Firstly, because neither set of scriptures (NT or ‘OT’) is 100% accurate, hence there will be variations between the messianic prophetic texts quoted in NT when comparing them to Tanach. Secondly, it appears that YHVH wanted to mask the prophecies concerning his precious cornerstone, his begotten son and anointed one, hence these promises were hidden in plain sight with texts deliberately revealed by the Holy Spirit to Gods prophet that were designed to have two meanings/usages. One message for the people of that time but there was also another message/meaning that Yeshua would supernaturally reveal during his ministry. Finally, no-one has the right to automatically apply any random passage of scripture from The Tanach and claim that it applies to Yeshua because they think it fits their theology UNLESS Yeshua has revealed it first. Not every passage in the Tanackh applies to Yeshua. Yeshua spent 40 days teaching his disciples after his resurrection. The disciples were then filled with Spirit of YHVH. They then proclaimed the truth of what was revealed to them. If your description of Yeshua does not align with their testimony then you risk believing in another Jesus. If you gave use passages from the Hebrew Scriptures NONE of Yeshua’s used to explain who YHVH is or who Yeshua is, then you risk proclaiming a counterfeit Jesus, one who would be unrecognisable to his earliest followe
@patriciaking410 2 года назад
Gracias. Yeshúa está iluminando a UNO POR ISRAEL con su Ruaj HaKodesh! AleluYAH!!
@jeffreyspeelman3609 Год назад
Praise the Lord for the One for Israel ministry 🤍 thank u thank u thank u. May YHWH enlarge ur territory and open mighty doors for this ministry. Amen.
@kimjensen8207 Год назад
... Craig's a blessing; wonderful to see him with Seth - two extremely capable brothers united in Jesus Christ. Thanks Kind regards Kim
@jandaley336 2 года назад
Once again thank you One For Israel.. yet another faith building wonderful video.. May the Lord Jesus continue to richly bless your ministry.
@freddybenyaminpanjaitan6219 2 года назад
Yes He Is
@ritchievernon8099 2 года назад
I am really looking forward to meeting new brothers and sisters from the United States and around the world in the rapture As We join together with our lord Jesus what a happy day that will be
@natalieservello4101 Год назад
Wow! I never looked at Matthew 4 when Jesus was tested in the wilderness this way before. Such beauty in that fulfillment on behalf of Israel. The rest of the podcast is just as good. God's Spirit in me is rejoicing that I have witnessed this today. God Bless You! And thank you so very much!
@grouchomarxx2217 Год назад
Dear brother Seth, Thank you so much for the enrichment I got through this video and similar presentations from you. To understand the OT better and to appreciate the gospel of Jesus in the light of Jewish thinking is such a blessing for me. I cannot really express my gratitude to you. God bless you and your work😇😇
@toddvoss52 2 года назад
On the second issue about Jesus being God. The late great scholar Larry Hurtado convincingly refuted the idea that it was a later pagan/Greek development. First in his fairly massive tome “Lord Jesus Christ” in 2003 and then a couple shorter books after that
@tomasseva735 Год назад
I did not trust scholar but I trust what was the written In the book of jhon 16=13.14
@genalee5211 2 года назад
He saved me at 19 now 52- 33 years ago July 9, 1989-the day my real life really began🥰❤️
@johnnypierce3933 Год назад
Gena , you are not saved ! He cannot save you ! He is not a saviour only GOD can save you , and he is not GOD!. READ ..."ISAIAH " 43:10-11 AND FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF WHO WILL SAVE YOU. THEY HAVE LIED TO YOU ALL THIS TIME. JESUS CAME TO LEAD THE LOST SHEEP OF YISRAEL AND SHOW THEM THE WAY TO SALVATION. HE NEVER CAME TO SAVE ANYONE . THAT WAS NOT AND IS NOT HIS JOB. HE WAS A MAN and now A dead man. God is not a man that he should lie ! GOD is SPIRIT and His SPIRIT is Holy.
@johnnypierce3933 Год назад
It is never too late to ask GOD for forgiveness, and give Him the credit, for what he has done in your life. If you will stop leaning on that unauthorized book called the new testament and start learning the TORAH , GODs REAL Holy Scriptures. You will find GOD.
@returntoyehovahthelord6185 Год назад
This was a wonderful discussion. Dr. Keener knows his stuff! One thing that caught my ear. He was talking about Paul’s letters being early and directed to the “diaspora”. When I hear that I think of the dispersed of Israel (not just of Judah). The church seems to lump them all together as Gentiles. I would love to hear Dr. Keener’s or Seth’s take on this. Thank you for another informative video. Yehovah bless you both.
@joshuagonzales6668 Год назад
This was awesome, and eye opening! God bless you guys, and all of our brothers and sisters in Christ!
@shulamiteKINGSbride 2 года назад
Spirit, soul and body. Yeshua is Yah
@krisru9484 2 года назад
Yes, Jesus is!!!
@user-xn2zk9st1c Год назад
What a great revelation about Jesus that was prophesied by Isaiah has been fulfilled in the new testament!
@mathstar4176 9 месяцев назад
When you embrace the Old and the New Testaments all the questions are answered.
@PacoCarlos2326 2 года назад
If Jesus Christ Himself fulfilled the 69th week of Daniel, where He was cut off from His people but not for Himself, the Suffering Servant who was bruised in the house of His friends, and Zacariah, a young lad who did return from Babylon prophesied that as Jesus Christ would be fulfilling Zechariah's triumphant entry into Jerusalem simultaneously with the fulfillment of Daniel's 69th week, and He fulfilled Passover, unleavened bread and first fruits, AND He fulfilled Psalm 69 after His death and before His resurrection, when and where He then fulfilled Psalm 110, which Apostle Peter quotes in his first sermons when he church had just been born and now there were thousands of Jewish Jesus followers
@jesussaves4973 2 года назад
Thank you father yhwh for your holy son our messiah yeshua for his blood we are made clean.
@shirnjans7712 2 года назад
I just love to hear one for Israel teachings you guys gives such a clearer understanding of the word of God ♥️🙏 love you guys.
@remorselesscuckslayer2318 Год назад
The depth of Scripture is astounding. It would take several life times to study it all. This study is so good.
@davidcloyd1296 Год назад
Y’all are awesome!!! Love the depth you provide, thank you.
@gordongraff9727 2 года назад
Great listening to this podcast with Craig keener, iv never heard of him but now I know I’m a new listener Great work brothers in Christ and blessing to the family in Christ worldwide
@krombopulosmichael6734 2 года назад
Interesting Isiah 8:18 8 or rather 888 being the number representative of Jesus, and 18, the number that represents life, and in Hebrew that the word life = the number 18. A beautiful confirmation from God here regarding what this verse is regarding
@melchiormapa3597 Год назад
Thank you my brothers in Christ. Thats an awesome message to the world, iam humbled before Jesus right now to hear from you both who are of one flesh and blood with our Lord and Messiah YESHUA, to proclaim the word of Life. Whoever or wherever, Jews, Christians, Muslims Hindi, Buddhist, atheists and all living creatures, This message is fo you. To God be the glory.
@EdwardPrah 2 года назад
Thank you so much! I really love these discussions.
@betawithbrett7068 Год назад
Daniel 7 13 “I was watching in the night visions, And behold, One like the Son of Man, Coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, And they brought Him near before Him. 14 Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, Which shall not pass away, And His kingdom the one Which shall not be destroyed.
@mikeanderson7962 2 года назад
What mighty men of God! LOVE these brothers in King Yeshua
@Armuandist Год назад
*How can I not love the One Who give me unfailing love and endless mercy?*
@Roofhack Год назад
Used Keener's commentaries heaps in the past, great to see him on!
@PacoCarlos2326 2 года назад
Jesus Christ is the Word of God, and He became flesh and dwelled among first century witnesses, after His resurrection, He appeared for 40 days, payback for His 40 days in the wilderness by the way, to 500 witnesses... And who remembers that when Jesus Christ Himself said, it is finished! The veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom, and the saints came out of their graves and announced the gospel?!?; Where did all the Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes go, who stopped these newly, recently resurrected saints from announcing Jesus as the Messiah at the exact fulfillment of Daniel's 69th week?!?!
@mebanlyngdoh446 2 года назад
Jesu said I and my Father are one
@papilephoto4901 2 года назад
Gen 2:24 - Man and wife shall be one . Does this mean, wife is actually the husband? or husband is the wife?
@mayan9714 2 года назад
he must have referred to Joseph the husband of Mary
@papilephoto4901 2 года назад
@Methodius circular reasoning. These claims are coming from new testament. Why did Christians kill the Jews, during inquisitions, pogrom's & crusades?
@marbymendez8021 Год назад
@@papilephoto4901 One Flesh John 10:30 I and My Father are One [In Spirit Isaiah 9:6-7;48:16/Zechariah 14:9/John 1:1;4:24;20:25-29/1st Peter 1:10-11/2nd Corinthians 3:14-18]
@brandonelizarde4585 Год назад
Life changing. Thank you
@hummingbird_saltalamakia Год назад
@ronaldstewart3467 2 года назад
John 3:5 declares you must be born again to see the kingdom. Answer the question in Acts 2:37 and do Acts 2:38 and you will see this is that spoken by the Prophet Joel in chapter 2:38
@jperez7893 2 года назад
You should check out the canonical Hebrew gospels (vat. Ebr. 100) from sepharad that was not derived from greek, latin, nor aramaic transmission. The hebrew quotes the old testament word for word, letter for letter, compared to paraphrase of the Greek. There are other canonical Hebrew New Testament manuscripts (jts, oxford) not derived from Greek that solves the Matthew genealogy and other apparent contradictions. It is so much clearer and hebrew centric and the name of God and Jesus as God is so blatant in the Hebrew.
@eklypised 2 года назад
Where would one get the Hebrew gospel you talk about?
@margoagogo 2 года назад
Amen, Love and Blessings always from Perth Western Australia 🇦🇺 ❤️ 🙏🏻 ❤️
@rustusandroid Год назад
God often offers prophecy in a "near, far" manner. The scripture can have a dual meaning, local to the time (to verify the prophet is of God) which also points to the future, or is eschatological.
@amnagxel2720 2 года назад
If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus Is Lord" and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
@papilephoto4901 2 года назад
Saved from what exactly?
@JWatts-gc4zw 2 года назад
@@papilephoto4901 the flames of hell.
@ingrids27ec39 2 года назад
I love hearing and learning more of the Jewish insights from the scriptures. Wooow! I'm just a simple gentile believer in Jesus. Thank you for videoing your chats. Blessings to you all from Australia 🙏🌼🌴
@charliechambers9074 8 месяцев назад
Brilliant discussion. Loved it ✝️❤️‍🩹
@josephhoggang7139 2 года назад
John 1: "In the benning the Word already existed; the Word was with God, and the Word was God." This is very direct and clear, no need for explanation, unless you donnot believe in the New Tesment.
@ngdavid3925 2 года назад
It has nothing to do with 'believe', but everything to do with 'understanding'. In the beginning was the WORD (Divine Plan), and the Plan was with GOD, and the Plan was GOD (to have a SON equal to GOD and like GOD). The apostle John was actually explaining to us, Gen.1:26. He did not just say things out of the blue.
@jersonalfredo9150 2 года назад
Your broadcasts certainly helps my understanding of the challenges of a Jew in acknowledging Jesus as Messiah, God. I was of the opinion that Jews who has an intimate knowledge of the culture and language in which the Old Testament was written should have not have missed the point. It appears that there are layers to overcome in making a Jew come to a realization of Jesus as the Messiah.
@cc3775 2 года назад
Jews don’t accept Jesus as the messiah because people make him to be God. He is not God, he is a man anointed by God. Jesus says he has a God 10 times in the NT. Do you believe the words of messiah or other men?
@sebbymemes8402 2 года назад
@@cc3775 read John 1:1 man
@cc3775 2 года назад
@@sebbymemes8402 what about John 1:1?
@sebbymemes8402 2 года назад
@@cc3775 Christ is God read it
@cc3775 2 года назад
@@sebbymemes8402 that’s not what it says
@Thewatchman303 2 года назад
Dear gentlemen, Jesus is able to pour out the holy spirit only because God Almighty, his heavenly father has empowered Jesus to do this. Let’s read what Peter has to say on this issue in acts 2:33 both in plain text and with some simple commentary: Acts 2:33 ‘ therefore having been exulted to the right hand of God having received the promised of the holy spirit from the father he poured out this that you see and hear’ Acts 2 :33 with a very simple explanation ‘ therefore (Jesus) having been exulted to the right hand of God (in accordance with Psalm 110) having received the promised of the holy spirit from the father (this means jesus did not have the authority or ability within or of himself to distribute the Holy Spirit as he did at Pentecost BEFORE the father gave him that gift and authority), he (Jesus) poured out this that you See and hear (the gift of the holy spirit at Pentecost) Have you ever asked yourself the question, and if Jesus is God Almighty, why was he only elevated to the right hand side of God Almighty? And why did he have to be elevated? Did you know in Revelation 3:21 Jesus says to the one who conquers “I will grant him to sit down with me on my throne, as I have also conquered and I’ve sat down with my father on his throne “. Does this mean that when sit down next to Jesus on his throne that we all become part of the divine godhead? Of course not! Doesn’t Jesus himself say in John 14:26 ‘but the advocate, the holy spirit, whom the father will send in my name that one will teach you all things and remind you of everything I said to you’. So who does Jesus say pours out the holy spirit? His father. Just as Peter testified above through Yeshua. Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit as prophecied in Isaiah 11:1-5 and confirmed in Rev 1-3. During his lifetime he was able to empower his disciples with the Holy Spirit in a way similar to Moses as recorded in the Pentateuch. Do you recall a portion of Moses gift of the hilt spirit being given to Joshua and the 72 elders? And what happened afterwards? How they prophesied and acted in a manner very similar to what was experienced at Pentecost? After the resurrection and ascension of Yeshua the spirit of YHVH had to be poured out in even a greater measure. As yeshua has been appointed as the head of the church as its high priest, then he has been the authority from YeHoVaH to distribute Gods spirit as he (Yeshua) feels fit. This does not mean Yeshua is God almighty.
@zeus0710 Год назад
@vikramnanthur6077 Год назад
Reuben - Behold, A Son is born to us Simeon - One who hears Levi - Attached Judah - Praise the Lord Dan - He judged Naphtali - My Struggle Gad - Good fortune Asher - Happiness Issachar - Reward Zebulun - Honour Joseph - Add to my family Benjamin - Son of righteousness This is what the collection of their names says: BEHOLD, A SON IS BORN UNTO US, ONE WHO HEARS US AND BECAME ATTACHED UNTO US. PRAISE THE LORD, HE JUDGED OUR STRUGGLE AND BROUGHT US GOOD FORTUNE, HAPPINESS, REWARD, HONOR; HE ADDED US TO HIS FAMILY AND CALLED US THE SONS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS.
@shinebritechosen Год назад
I feel for those misled so many of the end prophecies are coming true before our eyes. And they don't know it because they don't read or beleive that the Bible is history, phrofecy, and end all at once. Parables and double entendres throughout hinting to the future giving us instructions on what we are to do. Like proverbs says you will not understand this book if you do not have wisdom. If you can't see it your eyes are veiled like Jesus says. Unless you beleive you will walk yourselves and those you love into hell.
@nstv23 2 года назад
Christian logic Jesus praying: Father are you there ? God: who’s this ? Jesus: It’s me, you !!!
@vivliforia2262 2 года назад
You should think about this equation for yourself why this exists: 1x1x1=1
@mayan9714 2 года назад
why are jews being so smart to question everything while the whole world is believing it ?
Sattva, jealousy's a curse
@Azriela. 2 года назад
Shalom and blessings. 🌻🌾🌼🎺 Your teaching is awesome and I love watching your chanel and listening to z testimony of all z Israelites converting to Messianic. But it would be much MUCH better and correct if the true title and true name is pronounced and tought to the believers : Elohim (instead of God) and Yeshua (instead of Jesus)
@elliotwalton6159 Год назад
It is well known in academic circles that the idea of 'Two Powers' in Heaven, that is Father and 'Son', is a distinctly Jewish idea. Peter Schafer, Alan Segal and Andrei Orlov have all written on the subject. Daniel Boyarin in his book, the Jewish Gospels, also argues that the Holy Spirit is Jewish as well. For a Jewish person to say, "I don't have a problem with Jesus, but not as God" is unfamiliar with their own Second Temple theology. That is not surprising however, since the early Rabbinic formulation of what would become modern Judaism, rejected the idea of 'Two Powers in Heaven' whereas the Jews who accepted Yeshua as Messiah obviously did not, but they also did not 'invent' it. Neither did they borrow from the Greeks.
@marlachristensen2076 Год назад
I love the word "recapitulates".
@gumoshabe3147 Год назад
From genesis 19:24, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 9, Daniel 7:13-15 and mark 14:62 Jesus Christ is the real Messiah promised to us to be our saviour
@afriendindeed3660 2 года назад
Jesus is Son of God. Praise Him forever! I want to sit at his feet and hear him speak. How awesome is our King!
"He didn't come to conquer Rome. He came to conquer death. And Rome would be taken care of." Yes.
@JRTIGER07 10 месяцев назад
@Pastor_RogerSherwood 2 года назад
Is Jesus the Messiah? Yes. can you heal in Jesus’ name? Yes. Can you cast out demons in Jesus’ name? Yes. Can you lay your hands on the sick and heal them in the Jesus’ name? Yes. Will Jesus set you free? Yes. Is Jesus God? Yes He is.
@Erica_GospelWarrior 2 месяца назад
@Eber-light 2 года назад
“This is eternal life, that they should know you, THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and him whom you sent, yahusha the Messiah.” ‭‭John‬ ‭17:3‬
@Eber-light 2 года назад
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord/king yahusha the Messiah.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:2
@Eber-light 2 года назад
“Yahusha said to her, “Don’t hold me, for I haven’t yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to MY GOD and YOUR GOD.’”” ‭‭John‬ ‭20:17‬
@Eber-light 2 года назад
“yahusha said to him, “Why do you call me good? No one is good except ONE-GOD.” ‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:18‬
@Eber-light 2 года назад
“yet to us there is ONE GOD, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for him; and one Lord/king, yahusha the Messiah, through whom are all things, and we live through him.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭8:6‬
@Eber-light 2 года назад
““‘“My servant David/yahusha will be king over them. They all will have one shepherd. They will also walk in my ordinances and observe my statutes, and do them.” ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭37:24‬
@wimneschatology 25 дней назад
Isaiah 42:1,4: “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations . . . He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth…”
@jenheavener7933 Год назад
Wow, God is amazing.
@Puppythuppa 2 года назад
As an Ex Hindu whom "KING YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST" Ransomed and brought me into Faith 26years ago.!! Gone through Much hardships and thousands of hours of studies and researches without spiritual mentors had all kinds of Questions and Challenges from all false religions mainly from Cult Islam and Cult Hinduism.!! Now after two and half decades of spiritual discipline and hardwork and studies in Theology and Personal Researches, I boldly Proclaim and DECLARE to Everyone that Apart from "YESHUA/JESUS CHRIST" and what He ACCOMPLISHED Through His Glorious Atonement (His Sinless human Incarnation, Sinless Holy Life in Accordance with the Requirements of the Torah, His Substitutionary Death as Atonement For Sin, His Burial, And His Glorious, Triumphant Resurrection and Ascension), there's No hope for any human.!! Only in Christ Jesus mankind have ABSOLUTE FREEDOM FROM SIN, FREEDOM FROM SATAN, FREEDOM FROM JUDGEMENT AND ETERNAL LAKE OF FIRE.!! LORD JESUS CHRIST IS GOD ALMIGHTY "YEHOVAH" REVEALED AND MANIFESTED COMPLETELY AND COMPREHENSIVELY.! ISAIAH9:1-7; JOHN1-21; COLOSSIANS1:13-20;2:9-10; HEBREWS1:1-13; 9:12-14; REVELATION 1:1-19; 5:1-14; 19:11-21; 21:5-8.!!
@BlessedForever888 2 года назад
@JesusChristMyKing. 2 года назад
@Ricca_Day 2 года назад
Amen 🙏 amen! So thankful for your perspective and insight as one brought out from the religions of the ancestors and earthly efforts to attain revelation and enlightenment, versus being placed into Rightstanding within the Person of Christ Jesus. Blessings to you and all you cherish, dear soul. May the hardships endured become for you a crown of glory in our Father’s House.
@AilynDay1 2 года назад
Amen 🙏
@yeshuaisyhvhgodmadeflesh6258 2 года назад
HalleluYAH ! Jesus is God Almighty !
@julietipping5259 2 года назад
Thank you...this was edifying and has truly blessed me. Yah bless you brothers 🙏 🇬🇧
@gerthabanks3304 2 года назад
Praise the Lord, God and Jesus is one of the same 1Timothy 3:16.
@boyahshua1284 2 года назад
@lgwappo Год назад
The truest most absolute fact I know is that Jesus is the Messiah.
@Thewatchman303 2 года назад
The more I listen to this the more my heart breaks and my mind melts! Appealing to the plurality of ‘echad’ in this day and age is simply appalling. The one used in Deuteronomy 64 in its pure most common usage simply means or represents the Cardinal number one despite it having a plural meaning in Hebrew. This is attested to over 20,000 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. There is no more unity or majestic to reality in the number one of Deuteronomy 6:4 there is in saying one flock of geese. Apply the logic of the Trinitarian of singular plurality Deut 6:4 actually read ‘hear o Israel YHVH our God is one Gods????
@teresitaleonard5377 2 года назад
My heart breaks for Israelites that don’t believe in Yesh’ua . Yahveh Elohaynu echad means our God is one, you are correct. Now take the same logic you just used back to the beginning to Moses words in Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 And Elohiym said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. BERE'SHIYTH (GENESIS) 1:26 את CEPHER… can you tell me who Elohyim Elohaynu echad was talking to if it wasn’t his Word a separate yet connected being connected to him by the ha’Ruach Ha’Quodesh or Holy Spirit of Elohyim? For all the prophets spoke of the son of man and word of Elohyim. Isaiah called him the prince of princes. Yahveh is the mighty King of heaven, so who was Isaiah calling the prince of princes the suffering servant who would heal and bring all nations together with Israel if it’s not the Yesh’ua (salvation) born of a virgin Israelite womb in Bethlehem of Judah that was foretold of in Genesis chapter 3 verses 14 and 15 And Yahuah Elohiym said unto the serpent, Because you have done this, you are cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon your belly shall you go, and dust shall you eat all the days of your life: And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel. BERE'SHIYTH (GENESIS) 3:14-15 את CEPHER. It’s all written prophecy from the beginning to the end just like the scriptures and prophecy of the prophets in the Torah says. So who is Elohyim Elohaynu echad speaking to in your beliefs? I ask because maybe the ones you listen to may not explain Elohyim in his plural form clearly enough for you to understand. I say this in love for you because I truly love all mankind, even the ones that consider me their enemy just like my Yahveh Elohaynu echad wills me to in his Word.
@Thewatchman303 2 года назад
@@teresitaleonard5377 Sister, thank you for your response and your kind words at the end. Can I invite you to consider the question that you pose regarding what or who YHVH was referring to in Gen 1:26 when he said 'let us make man in our image'. Once you read my reply below, I would be grateful if you might read the other posts I have made in response to this video as I would like to demonstrate that my view is based solely in scripture alone. Finally, I, like you have a huge heart for the Jewish people to embrace Yeshua as the anointed one of YeHoVaH and to live their lives according to how Yeshua taught us to his fathers instructions for living. So now to answer your question. Firstly, I hope that we can agree that no-where in scripture does any prophet or YHVH explain or expand on what the 'us' refers to gen 1:26. Yeshua never referred to it. His disciples did not refer to it. As such, I do not believe it is wise for anyone to build a theology based on the ideas or inspiration of a man or women unless it is founded on a direct revelation of the Holy spirit, ideally based in scripture alone. With this as our foundation let us consider a few things. First, it we start with the assumption that your opinion is correct and the 'us' refers to a Triune Godhead, comprised of one being with 3 distinct persons, can I ask how does that resemble a human being in any way? In what way do we, as God's creation resemble a tri0une Godhead if that is what this verse is implying? We do not have 3 distinct persons within ourselves, each capable of independent thought, action or interaction? Seriously, please consider the question. Next, let's look at what we know of the heavenlies and the throne room of YeHoVaH. We know from multiple passages in the Hebrew scriptures and the NT (especially the book of Revelation) that the throne room of heaven is a very busy place, full of all manner of mysterious and wonderful spiritual creatures, many of whom interact with YHVH on a regular basis. Interestingly, they share many of the same characteristics of God almighty do they not? They know the difference between good and evil. They are intelligent. They can demonstrate obedience and disobedience (i.e Ha-Satan). They worship God etc. Is it really that unreasonable to posit that God almighty was speaking to his heavenly court when he made this statement?. Maybe, God almighty was using speaking in the 'royal we' or the author choose this style to reflect the majesty of God almighty? Some commentators argue that this style of address had not been invested yet, so you might discard this idea. But what we can't discard is the testimony of the remainder of Gen 1, which has God almighty creating in the singular throughout. There is not a hint of any plurality involved. In particular, for example the very next at Gen 1:27 reads: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." God almighty is recorded speaking in the first person singular, as he is throughout the entire bible.
@Thewatchman303 2 года назад
@@teresitaleonard5377 reply 2 of 3 You posit the idea that the us might refer to the 'word' of YHVH, potentially creating a link to the beginning of John 1:1. Rather, I believe the answer to this problem lies in the promise YHVH made to Moses in Deut 18:18-19 "I will raise up a prophet for them from among their countrymen like you, and I will place my words into his mouth, and he shall speak to them everything that I command him. And then the man that will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name, I will hold accountable" In john 5:46, Yeshua plainly said he is this prophet. Peter confirms this in Acts 3:22-24. Stephen does likewise in Acts 7:37. Finally, Paul says it in Acts 26:22. This means that Yeshua is the one of whom YHVH promised he (YHVH) would 'place his words in his (Yeshua's) mouth'. If Yeshua was literally the word of God, then Gods promises literally make no sense. Yeshua was filled with the fullness of the spirit of God (see Isaiah 11:1-5) and with the word of God. His relationship with YHVH was beyond even that of Moses of whom YHVH said to Aaron and in Numbers 12:6 " “Please hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I, YeHoVaH, will make myself known to him in a vision. I will speak to him in a dream. Not so with my servant Moses; in all my house he is faithful. I will speak to him mouth to mouth, in clearness, not in riddles; and he will look at the form of YeHoVaH." Yeshua was greater than Moses. When Yeshua spoke it was as if YHVH was literally walking and speaking on the earth, but Hebrews 5 makes it clear that Yeshua was distinct from the father and that Yeshua was 'perfected' through his suffering that he experienced through his obedience to the one true God. Hebrews 5:5-10 blows away any notion that Yeshua is God almighty - it is simply impossible to believe unless we tear up the bible: "Thus also the anointed one (Christ) did not glorify himself to become high priest, but the one (YHVH) who said to him, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you (Psalm 2),” just as also in another place he (YHVH) says, “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek,(Psalm 110)” who in the days of his flesh offered up both prayers and supplications, with loud crying and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death (YHVH), and he (Yeshua)was heard as a result of his reverence. Although he (Yeshua)was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered, and being perfected, he (Yeshua) became (he was not always) the source of eternal salvation to all those who obey him, being designated by God (the only true God, the father) a high priest according to the order of Melchizedek. There is so much I could unpack here, but I hope the writer of Hebrews makes it clear to you that Yeshua and YHVH are two distinct beings. I believe in the testimony of the virgin birth and that Yeshua is the mighty king of heaven - but he is only the mighty king of heaven because God almighty has chosen, appointed and elevated Yeshua into this role. Yeshua did not take it upon himself to assume such a position.
@Thewatchman303 2 года назад
@@teresitaleonard5377 reply 3 of 3 Finally, You enquire as to whether I understand the use of Elohim in the hebrew and I can assure you that I do (although I realise that I mistakenly used the word Echad and not Elohim! There are so many problems with the way trinitarians use this concept but I am just going to try and expand on a thought I had earlier today. As I stated in my earlier post, if the word is refering to a plural in Deut 6:4, what exactly is the plural of Elohim? Surely, the only plural it could mean is "multiple Gods" ie more than one? I believe, the whole concept of the majestic plural, is respect totally fabricated be bible teachers trying to sound clever. Firstly, the 'majestic plural sentence' has almost no equivalent in the English language let alone the Hebrew. What I mean is this, in statements like 'one flock of geese', ' a pack of cubs' or 'one cluster of grapes' we know the flock or pack or cluster refers to one or more of that particular thing - geese refer to more than one geese. But are we know talking about 'many Gods'? I don't think so. The only possible equivalent is where a married man and women become 'one flesh' - where 'one flesh' refers to a married man and one women. But we only understand this terminology because YHVH has decreed it so as part of his law. We have NO SUCH explanation for what the word 'elohim' means in a 'one flesh' equivalent. I believe this is because no explanation is required. Furthermore, to really get down to details "Elohim" means "gods", not "persons". Taken literally, it would speak a plurality of gods, not a plurality of persons (which is what the doctrine of the trinity teaches)- an idea antithetical to the foundational tenet of Biblical Monotheism. Also note, that no-where in the bible is God almighty EVER referred to as a person. It is also noteworthy that when the Bible uses "elohim" about groups of beings, it is translated "gods" (Gen.3:5, 35:2 etc.), but when used of Jehovah it is invariably translated "God" - recognizing Him to be one being, not several. Next, when God is titled "elohim" in the Bible, words used to refer to Him are singular, such as "Elohim, he..." - not "Elohim, they...". Have you considerd how the word "Elohim" is also used Of Individual Pagan Deities in the bible? One simple way to see this is Elohim is directly applied to Moses in Ex4.6 and 7.2.. However, its clear that Moses is a single person
@teresitaleonard5377 2 года назад
@@Thewatchman303 I really like your intellectual thinking. You are correct in a lot of what you said. It always goes back to what Yesh’ua taught. The entire scriptures describes Yahveh as being spirit. Notice I said Yahveh and Yesh’ua are two separate beings connected by the Holy Spirit? I never put them as a trinity at all but as one yet 2 separate beings at the same time. Yahveh is the Holy Spirit of truth and Yesh’ua was his Word that he spoke until he made his word flesh that’s what the Word says, so it’s true. No one knows the mind nor the understanding of the father. I to study Hebrew and have actually learned Hebrew and study all of the scriptures in Hebrew from the Torah. Most wisdom I’ve gained is by learning the meaning of the names and actually studying the book of jubilee’s which is jubilee law also given to Moses on Mount Sinai. It gives a extended creation account that explains the creation from the 7 spirits of Yahveh to the spirits of the elements, trees, wind, thunder, lightning. Every thing in creation has a spirit and man was made in his image and the Words image and to me if the word spoke it into creation it’s true even though I nor any other man will ever fully understand what that means. Peace be with you. 🙏🏽
@curtis2600 Год назад
Very good Thank you for Sharing with us
@risingstar4585 2 года назад
Jesus led the way across the summit, to the vicinity of Bethany. He then paused, and they all gathered about him. Beams of light seemed to radiate from his countenance, as he looked with deep love upon his disciples. He upbraided them not for their faults and failures; but words of unutterable tenderness were the last which fell upon their ears from the lips of their Lord. With hands outstretched in blessing them, and as if in assurance of his protecting care, he slowly ascended from among them, drawn heavenward by a power stronger than any earthly attraction. As he passed upward, the awe-struck disciples looked with straining eyes for the last glimpse of their ascending Lord. A cloud of glory received him out of their sight, and at the same moment there floated down to their charmed senses the sweetest and most joyous music from the angel choir. While their gaze was still riveted upward, voices addressed them which sounded like the music which had just charmed them. They turned, and saw two beings in the form of men; yet their heavenly character was immediately discerned by the disciples, whom they addressed in comforting accents, saying, "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven." These angels were of the company that had been waiting in a shining cloud to escort Jesus to his throne; and in sympathy and love for those whom the Saviour had left, they came to remove all uncertainty from their minds, and to give them the assurance that he would come to earth again. All Heaven was waiting to welcome the Saviour to the celestial courts. As he ascended he led the way, and the multitude of captives whom he had raised from the dead at the time when he came forth from the tomb, followed him. The heavenly host, with songs of joy and triumph, escorted him upward. At the portals of the city of God an innumerable company of angels awaited his coming. As they approached the gates of the city, the angels who were escorting the Majesty of Heaven, in triumphant tones addressed the company at the portals: "Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in!" The waiting angels at the gates of the city inquire in rapturous strains, "Who is this King of Glory? The escorting angels joyously reply in songs of triumph, "The Lord, strong and mighty! The Lord, mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O ye gates, even lift them up, ye everlasting doors, and the King of Glory shall come in!" Again the waiting angels ask, "Who is this King of Glory?" and the escorting angels respond in melodious strains, "The Lord of hosts! He is the King of Glory!" Then the portals of the city of God are widely opened, and the heavenly train pass in amid a burst of angelic music. All the heavenly host surround their majestic Commander as he takes his position upon the throne of the Father. With the deepest adoration and joy, the hosts of angels bow before him, while the glad shout rings through the courts of Heaven: "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing!" Songs of triumph mingle with music from angelic harps, till Heaven seems to overflow with delightful harmony, and inconceivable joy and praise. The Son of God has triumphed over the prince of darkness, and conquered death and the grave. Heaven rings with voices in lofty strains proclaiming: "Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and ever!" He is seated by the side of his Father on his throne. The Saviour presents the captives he has rescued from the bonds of death, at the price of his own life. His hands place immortal crowns upon their brows; for they are the representatives, and samples, of those who shall be redeemed, by the blood of Christ, from all nations, tongues, and people, and come forth from the dead, when he shall call the just from their graves at his second coming. Then shall they see the marks of Calvary in the glorified body of the Son of God. 6Red 68.2 - 6Red 70.3
@williamweaver6003 2 года назад
Normal is Not Returning BUT JESUS CHRIST IS
@Ricca_Day 2 года назад
Amen 🙏 amen!!!
@ritchievernon8099 2 года назад
Absolutely 100% he is the Bible is the infallible word of God and he backs it up with everything
@MarieElenaCambria1 2 года назад
What is "Word of God" and what does that mean exactly?
@karenjohnson5634 Год назад
It is used to refer to the Bible and the actual text. It is the written Words of God. A Christian would say the “Word of God” is the Old and New Testaments. A Jewish person would say the Hebrew Scriptures are the Word of God (what Christian’s call the Old Testament). So you could technically hold a physical Bible in your hand and say this is “ the Word of God”. It’s what God wants mankind to know. And what God is going to do and what is going to happen in the world. And because God cannot lie, all of it is true and will happen. I hope this helps and I hope I didn’t confuse you! I’m not the best at explaining! ❤
@ritchievernon8099 Год назад
@@karenjohnson5634 Jesus is the word of God and the Bible is the word of God they both go hand-in-hand he is his word and his word is him the Bible says in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God
@ritchievernon8099 Год назад
@@karenjohnson5634 the most important thing is a personal relationship with God asking Jesus into a person's heart can change their lives and that's where it all starts through the Holy Spirit 🙏
@angelomelville9084 2 года назад
@lheggestad 2 года назад
@holyresolution 2 года назад
Genesis 3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD GOD WALKING in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. Genesis 18 King James Version 1 And the Lord appeared unto him (ABRAHAM) in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; 2 And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, THREE MEN stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground, Exodus 33:11 King James Version 11 And the Lord spake unto Moses FACE TO FACE, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle. (there are more clear depictions of The God Man The First and the Last (we are made in His image) (praise Him for HE is worthy.......amen.) Good subject to adres i thougth for a long time how me, people and especialy Jews could be limited in seeing Christ as God one with the Father very Holy Subject Holy we are priveliged to see Him..................as He is 1 John 3:2 King James Version 2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. Shalom
@holyresolution 2 года назад
​@Kleine Vuurvlinder KJV Genesis 3: (And he said unto the woman, Yea, HATH GOD SAID ? ) The Lord and His Word is Faithfull and Tru, we and our mind's are not.
@jesusislovelightandlifefor8714 2 года назад
Shalom Peace be to you all. Thank you for this video. Jesus is the ONE true Lord God, The Father of all spirits. The Consolation of Israel. He is the savior of the whole world. Because He is perfect love. He will reconcile everyone to Himself. No exceptions. Thank you for your patience reading this. Peace to the brethren and sisters, and love, with faith, from God the Father, our Lord Jesus The Christ! Amen.
@Jeremiah17910 2 года назад
If it's true what you say that God will reconcile everyone to Himself, then whom does He cast in hell. Because the Bible talks about hell in many places. So either you are right or God's word is right. I think 🤔 without a doubt I will stick with the word of God, and warn whoever wants to listen about hell, where everyone who is not born of the Holy Spirit child of God will end up.
@jesusislovelightandlifefor8714 2 года назад
​@@Jeremiah17910 Shalom Jevat Peace be to you and your loved ones. Thank you for your question and fearful statement. Much appreciated. If its not to much of an inconvenience it is our wish to bless you, never to create strife, fear nor hate to the soul. Please understand: It is not our intention to convince you of anything, only God can do that. Please have patience with us, its a lot of information. We are of no reputation and ask Our Lord Jesus to help us, so that you may come to a better understanding of God and His unconditional (perfect) love, saving everyone. No exceptions. Ask yourself: What message does your statement, news or Gospel bring? If it contains fear, its not from God. The scriptures are not the Word of God. That is a common mistake among those who follow manmade religion instead of God through His sanctifications. e.g. (example given) The Word became flesh and walked among us. God who is Spirit manifested in the Flesh. That's not the scriptures. To carnally understand what The Word (The expression or Logos) is you need to know the following: 1. The Sh'ma : Hear, O Israel: the LORD is our God, the LORD is one. (ref. Deuteronomy 6:4) There is none beside Him and there is none like Him. (ref. e.g. 1 Samuel 2:2 - Deuteronomy 4:35) (ref. = reference) (e.g. = example given) 2. A body with a spirit *FORM* a soul. SOUL: a living breathing physical being. Someone's whole life and physical being if you will. 3. God is spirit. All our spirits come from Him, He is the source if you will. Please notice again: A body with a Spirit FORM a soul. This part is key in better understanding God. How He uses The Word (The Expression or The Logos) so that we may have a better understanding of our creator. God is Spirit (Invisible) and He extended His "arm". He created a celestial body and when His Spirit entered this body a Soul was formed. The Lord Jesus. This Soul (formed in heaven) is the same Soul as the Soul of the Son of Man. (formed on earth) Why? You may ask: Because The Word became flesh. God (who is SPIRIT) manifested in the Flesh. The Spirit created Himself a terrestrial (earthly) body and when He entered this body His own Soul was formed. Because its His own Spirit, it FORMS the same Soul as the one in heaven. (ref. There is none beside Him and there is none like Him.) This terrestrial body itself is only an attribute for The Spirit so He could express Himself on earth (walk among us) and *Carnally Die* on the Cross. It is the spirit that is the Factor by which a soul will be either perfect or corrupted by sin. God is perfect love and therefore His Soul is always formed perfectly. No matter what body or attribute He uses to express Himself. By His own standard He as the Son of Man formed a perfect Soul. His own Standard: To perfectly love another as you love thyself. That's why God Himself came down from heaven. He created the second Adam by which everyone eventually will be saved. The whole world. Everyone will have the same mind as Christ. No exceptions. And when you have the same mind of Christ, sin will not come into remembrance for we will be unable to do evil again. His will in us, felt through the heart, to love another as you love yourself will be undeniable. Thereby unable to create death to the soul again. About hell: Carnally explained: The English word Hell comes from Norse Myth. She is the goddess of death. She was a myth. She wants to become a myth again. She doesn't belong in the Holy Scriptures of the Bible. More spiritual explained: Hell as an actual *physical* place of torture does not exist. e.g. (example given) The physical place our Lord once's referred to when He mentioned this in scriptures (wrongly translated into the word "hell") is about some ones soul. A soul: A living breathing *physical* being. Someone's whole life and *physical* being if you will. If e.g. someone gossips about another person (telling lies) the person that creates gossip through the mouth doesn't do the will of God and corrupts its own soul. (James 3:6) Creating sin to their physical place (soul). When the person (of which is spoken ill of) finds out that someone is lying behind his/her back, it can place evil thoughts into the mind of this person also, that will effect their soul, corrupting it. Creating error (death, or wrongly translated hell) to the soul. Thank you for your time and patience reading through all this. May The One and only true Lord God Jesus The Christ bless you all with His good news and may all those you love also rejoice by it. Amen.
@LJones-tx6eg Год назад
Father, some and holy spirit...blessed ...oh great and glorious god.
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