
Is Sex Assigned at Birth? 

What Would You Say
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28 сен 2024




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@jamie9063 3 года назад
i always hated the "assigned gender at birth" phrase. sex is not assigned at birth. it's observed often even before.
@thesquirrelwhotriedtoeatme640 2 месяца назад
And its determined at conception.
@randomami8176 3 года назад
I’ve been saying this for years. Sex is no assigned at birth. It’s observed at birth. All sex is binary. A man that likes women, or viceversa, only has 2 choices. A man that likes men (or viceversa, a woman who likes women), also only has two choices. A bisexual person...well that’s what “bi” as prefix means. An asexual person, means like neither of the two. There’s not such thing as “trinary sex” or “tetranery sex” or “pentanery sex”. Not on planet earth anyways.
@terminusadquem6981 3 года назад
@SubFlow22 3 года назад
Yes, by Science. Namely, Biology.
@Scadaboy 5 лет назад
Love the logic presented. Science doesn't need to resort to emotion to make a case.
@johnb7014 4 года назад
Scadaboy-oh-boy God has already assigned us.
@ilikedadjokeseveryonesarew7010 3 года назад
I'll answer this, no.
@sharktenko267 4 года назад
and what of those born outside of xx and xy? sex is assigned at birth
@evilchristianconservative3419 4 года назад
Bull, Phenotype is then used.
@sharktenko267 4 года назад
@@evilchristianconservative3419 oh sorry your right Gender is assigned at birth Still wrong
@kayla.kenndy6502 4 года назад
Gender can’t be assigned at birth if you were born with your gender..
@craissant1016 3 года назад
an easy way to explain gender identity being different than sex, and sex having the ability to change, is with intersex people. many parents raise their intersex child as a woman or a man, proving that gender is not necessarily determined by sex, and parents/doctors often times make the choice to have forced surgeries on their children to change their sex (which is injust, terrible, and needs to stop, but the point still stands), proving that through medical methods your actual sex can change from birth. id get into it more, but yeah, stop using strawmen to make up arguments and actually respond to real ones.
@tiorammcdonough7666 4 года назад
I think the main argument is about gender rather than sex
@r-platt 3 года назад
Which he messes up repeatedly. He conflates emotion and identity then uses that to draw completely invalid conclusions.
@aaronp9112 3 года назад
"What would you say" I would say that if someone is not comfortable in there body and not comfortable with the gender they where born with then they should do what they need to do to make them ok just my opinion
@cxndycxrn6011 3 года назад
Sex is what you are born with, Gender is a social construct. It's not that hard.
@neiljohnson7914 2 года назад
Gender is a psychological orientation. Sex is a pre determined biological fact.
@poopystinky3468 3 года назад
sex. is. not. the. same. as. gender.
@ryberkowitz7594 3 года назад
Thank you!
@poopystinky3468 3 года назад
@@ryberkowitz7594 i dont get why its so hard for them to understand
@ryberkowitz7594 3 года назад
@@poopystinky3468 same! also why do they care so much. like if it doesnt affcet you at all, WHY DO YOU CARE. just let us be trans and chill out
@poopystinky3468 3 года назад
@@ryberkowitz7594 its too much work for them to respect other people
@ryberkowitz7594 3 года назад
@@poopystinky3468 preach
@tonypatino1765 3 года назад
Nobody says sex isn't defined at birth, gender isn't determined by sex is the argument
@iciinq6305 3 года назад
yeah, and nobody said male/female have no fixed definitions, but he's just pulling this stuff out of his ass
@neiljohnson7914 2 года назад
they're saying that "sex" is assigned at birth
@ranip7644 3 года назад
It's not assigned at birth. It's identified. And I'm so glad this video has many more likes than dislikes.
@-RedHood- 2 года назад
Yup. Sex is recorded/observed/acknowledged at birth.
@zoezelda2407 3 года назад
Who else came here from samantha’s video so they could dislike
@harukalover5816 3 года назад
i did 😌💅✨✨
@kazurxn1847 3 года назад
We here✨
@harukalover5816 3 года назад
@@kazurxn1847 yuh
@bigdaddy0614 3 года назад
Why would I dislike it. He's right. Science over Feels..
@proximascorneroftheuniverse 3 года назад
@@bigdaddy0614 Ah, sorry. Did that comment hurt your feelings and so you just HAD to reply?
@dino0228 Месяц назад
This is SUCH B.S. Sorry that reality doesn’t conform to this world view. Always consider the source, people. If it has a giant cross on it, it’s probably biased - not science. We need to say “sex assigned at birth” because of the nearly 2 percent of live births where the sex of the baby is ambiguous at best or apparently one while genetically another - and not binary (ie, definitively and only either male or female). There are other differences in gender and sexuality as well that raise that figure. But as one of the more clear examples, up until recently, if a baby was born with both male and female genitalia, surgery was immediately performed because of social stigmas of having both and the intent to help the child avoid psychological trauma. However, it often produced just that if the child grew up identifying as the sex the parents or doctors didn’t pick, and now those organs were removed. In other examples, someone with androgen insensitivity is genetically male but has undescended testes and appears during development as female. What this video does is say “There are only 2 sexes: male and female, and if someone has some ambiguity in their genes and organs, well, sucks for them. Science says no, these are human beings and need to be counted among the rest of us on the continuum of sex differences.
@iciinq6305 3 года назад
your entire argument is extremely flawed. literally nobody said that "man" and "woman" have no fixed definition. you're completely missing the point on purpose.
@Majestros 3 года назад
My son was assigned as male at birth. Unbelievable, right?
@terminusadquem6981 3 года назад
yes, I can't believe they should put p or v instead.. not m or f.. because they could be something else when they expressed themselves.. 💁
@Majestros 3 года назад
@@terminusadquem6981 I'm a 6 gendered alien
@neiljohnson7914 2 года назад
Did the doctor decide to make him a male? Who chose?
@Majestros 2 года назад
@@neiljohnson7914 99.9% of society decided after they saw he had a willy. Unbelievable!!!!!
@neiljohnson7914 2 года назад
@@Majestros and he didn't have willy before birth? It suddenly popped into existence at the moment of birth.
@switchinblades9645 3 года назад
You’re literally denying science lmao
@thesquirrelwhotriedtoeatme640 2 месяца назад
How lol?
@thesquirrelwhotriedtoeatme640 2 месяца назад
How lol?
@purplefish2787 3 года назад
Sex is assigned at birth, gender is how someone feels.
@scuingus5462 3 года назад
the idea of gender being a social construct, while almost hitting the point, isn't entirely accurate. We rely on biological mechanisms in our brain that determine how we act and function. Gender is determined by a mix of hormones, predetermined behaviors, and possibly some outside factors.
@somebody4942 3 года назад
@TheCbmt 3 года назад
Delusional you are
@purplefish2787 3 года назад
@@TheCbmt how am I delusional?
@bears9055 3 года назад
Key word: Feel
@tsquared4831 4 месяца назад
Correction!!!! Sex is recognized at birth not assigned
@wax99 3 года назад
What would I say? That there is a massive conflation between sex and gender. Sex is what the video is about, yet gender is what it intended to address.
@jamie9063 3 года назад
gender is just identifying with a different sex
@wax99 3 года назад
@@jamie9063 that's one portion of it but by no means the only reason. Gender is a set of ideas, patterns of behaviors and expectations of personhood as defined and assigned by the surrounding society. For example, think of all the traits a person has when I say: "describe a man". Now how will that be different if I ask you: "think of a manly man". Almost certainly you conjured up different images, yet both are the same sex. Now just expand the set of expectations and selectable traits and you have a rich array that is in no way limited by two genders/sexes.
@deydraniadiancecht8298 2 года назад
No one is ever assigned gender at birth. "assigned at birth" refers to sex which is 100% con topic with this video.
@wax99 2 года назад
@@deydraniadiancecht8298 and I agree with you. Gender is not "assigned" at birth...I don't know why you felt you needed to clarify that as a response to my comment.
@andrewgilbertson5672 5 лет назад
@What Would You Say: I strongly agree with this video. However, as reflected in some comments below, I think it misses the mark in helping Christians to answer this difficult question. As I understand it, proponents of gender fluidity would say that you are talking about biological sex- but that 'gender' is a separate, non-physical phenomenon; a sense of identity that exists outside of the biological realm that may or may not match up with the biological sex. In many ways, they seem to conceive it as something like Christians conceive the soul; separate from the material phenomenon of the body, though connected to it. The existence of it cannot be proven (or disproven) through science, because that can only look at the biological reality. In many ways, you could call it 'the Religion of Gender.' While I appreciate the common sense that this video provides, it will still be apples-and-oranges unhelpful to discoursing with someone who holds to this concept of gender as an ephemeral identity, and will see these arguments as missing the point by talking about 'sex' rather than 'gender,' as they define it. Might a sequel video address this latter point, and how best we as Christians can address this belief?
@Brian_Friesen 5 лет назад
I caught that too. Where this video does help, if we can stay on topic, is that gender and sex are often conflated when it serves the arguer's interests. When defining gender, proponents of gender fluidity draw a distinction between gender and sex. That allows someone to claim control over their gender according to how they feel. But then they move the goal posts when it comes to rights. American law calls for non discrimination based on immutable characteristics like sex, or eye color, or skin color, etcetera. Law does not and should not disallow discrimination based on preference. If I don't want to hire someone who listens to screamo music, he can't sue me for not getting the job. But if preference of gender identity becomes as weighty as sex, then the power of law can be leveraged against those who discriminate. Gender is either immutable or it's not. If it comes down to feelings and preferences, it should not carry the weight of anti-discrimination law. I'm going to copy this comment on the main thread in hopes to generate some more discussion.
@andrewgilbertson5672 5 лет назад
@@Brian_Friesen Bravo. That is an excellent point!
@r-platt 3 года назад
@@Brian_Friesen Copy and paste, Eh? There are fallacies in your logic, sir. The first is you're conflating feeling, emotion and identity. "I feel like a woman" is not an emotion because it doesn't describe an emotional state. It describes an identity trait as it doesn't change with time. Law DOES allow someone to sue you for discrimination based on non-physical traits. If you're Christian and all the Muslims are being promoted because the boss is Muslim, can you sue and win? Yes. If someone recorded an interview with you and you state you won't hire them because of a person preference not related to the job, guess what? You can be sued and lose. Trying to claim personal discrimination extends to business and government is WRONG. Personal discrimination is never illegal anywhere. You can be a racist and state as much publicly without legal consequences. There are entire groups dedicated to it. But business and government cannot discriminate on ANYTHING except those qualities required for the job / task / benefit. P.S. In Latin it's "et cetera" mean "and the rest". We just abbreviate it "etc."
@LuckyAnimates 3 года назад
"What would you say?" I would say, be who you are, love who you want, and love always wins.
@guyfieri2841 3 года назад
@@whatwouldyousaytcc well i would say, it’s none of their business :) you be you and i’ll be me
@star-yhearts2282 3 года назад
@@guyfieri2841 Yup
@carpinchipedia7009 3 года назад
@@whatwouldyousaytcc well everyone’s different and if you don’t know what you’re talking about you should stay out of it. For example, a trained gender psychologist, like my trans brother’s conversion therapist, has the right to educate people on what it means to be transgender and a random bigot on the internet (ie, you) absolutely does not have that right because you simply have no clue what you’re on about mate
@blakeberrrry 3 года назад
@@whatwouldyousaytcc we aren't affecting you
@randomami8176 3 года назад
This has nothing to do with love. It’s not about feelings. It’s about biology. If a person is born limbless or blind, as the video mentions, that doesn’t create a new “organ” or “body part”. It’s an anomaly, an exceptional case and therefore treated as such. Just because something happens in nature, doesn’t mean is the natural thing to happen. Just because some people are born blind or deaf doesn’t mean the remaining 99% who isn’t, should be forced to learn Braille or sign language. Treat transgenders with love, respect, compassion, but as exceptional cases because that’s exactly what they are.
@Brian_Friesen 5 лет назад
Andrew Gilbertson commented earlier that some people would argue that this video is irrelevant because proponents of gender fluidity are talking about gender rather than sex. The reasoning in this video is still very pertinent, if we can stay on topic, because gender and sex are often conflated when it serves the arguer's interests. When defining gender, proponents of gender fluidity draw a distinction between gender and sex. That allows someone to claim control over their gender according to how they feel. But then they move the goal posts when it comes to rights. American law calls for non discrimination based on immutable characteristics like sex, or eye color, or skin color, etcetera. Law does not and should not disallow discrimination based on preference. If I don't want to hire someone who listens to screamo music, he can't sue me for not getting the job. But if preference of gender identity becomes as weighty as sex, then the power of law can be leveraged against those who discriminate. Gender is either immutable or it's not. If it comes down to feelings and preferences, it should not carry the weight of anti-discrimination law.
@sharktenko267 4 года назад
Gender is not a preference you ignoramus You are born with your gender, it's just that your gender doesn't always match your sex
@thisladyisstrange6243 4 года назад
Shart Tenko , Either gender is fixed or fluid. We are entitled to disagree on theories right?
@sharktenko267 4 года назад
@@thisladyisstrange6243 mate gender is the brain Sex is the organ
@sandygonsalves4646 4 года назад
@@sharktenko267 you just said earlier sex is "assigned". Now you're calling sex an organ. So what doctors assign what organs you develop?
@sharktenko267 4 года назад
@@sandygonsalves4646 1: I never said it was assigned 2: you are born with gender and a sex Sometimes your gender and sex don't match
@azugirl111 3 года назад
This channel should be renamed I Love Strawmen
@suvischrank2954 3 года назад
I know many people use that phrase, but what they really mean is gender. Nobody would really mean, that sex is assinged nor that it can be changed. But gender is assigned. We can't look into babys brains so we assume their gender based on their sex. That's often right, since gender and sex goes along often but sometimes sex and gender does not fit. And that is ok. We just need to help a human suffering, if they are.
@leslierodriguez6118 3 года назад
I'm gonna keep commenting on yalls videos to try and somewhat educate yall. Sex is based on what genitals you have as a baby. Gender is how people feel. Imagine being sad and trying to do whatever it takes to be happy again. That is what people do when they transition. It is because they know that that is what would make them happiest. You can't force them to be sad because it goes against you and what you believe. No. Please stop.
@r-platt 3 года назад
Gender identity is the "sex" of your consciousness. It is a subjective experience that changes very little in a lifetime, if at all. By itself that's not bad. But imagine each time you experience that obvious division between mind and body it cut you - and each cut takes years to heal. The result is being cut over and over and over and over endlessly.
@eoin8274 3 года назад
No, it is observed.
@terrypage358 2 года назад
Sex is assigned by the father (the man) during conception. I just love how that fact gets woke people all bent out of shape....and then observed after birth. Sex cannot be assigned by a doctor.. It's already there.
@twelvemaley6453 3 года назад
How did they get a budget for bullshit?
@ludovicoc7046 5 лет назад
Awesome videos! Chuck Colson would be so proud. They convey Christian values (and heretofore what used to be common sense, quite [to use his favorite word] winsomely.
@sharktenko267 4 года назад
you mean the man who wanted to firebomb a building to get politically damaging documents yeah i dont think we should celebrate him
@samanthadruckenmiller6387 3 года назад
I’m so glad you identified in your second point that male and female brains operate differently. Did you know in utero there are two separate periods of testosterone surges influencing the development of the fetus? The earlier one occurs during the beginning of the first trimester and helps determine the sex organs that the fetus develops. The brain at this time is still in its primitive development. The second surge comes later in the second trimester, when the higher functions of the brain are developing. The level of testosterone during each surge determines the development. If it meets the correct threshold in the first trimester male genitalia are formed. The same thing happens during the second surge. If the level of testosterone meets the correct threshold male patterns are developed in the brain. However, if it isn’t met, then the fetus’ brain will develop differently, resulting in a transgender individual. Literally a physical mind born in the wrong body, and you can’t correct that with conversion therapy.
@r-platt 3 года назад
Respectfully, it's the SRY gene that determines primary sexual characteristics, not hormones. The presence of the SRY causes the testes to develop. The testes cause the increase in T later in development that produces a male brain. If that increase doesn't occur, is delayed, or is too small parts of the brain remain in a female "mode".
@samanthadruckenmiller6387 3 года назад
@@r-platt Is this meant to contradict my point? All I see is a little more depth of explanation that supports my stance. I’m confused where you’re going with this.
@r-platt 3 года назад
@@samanthadruckenmiller6387 I'm not entirely disagreeing. I'm just pointing out that the first period of testosterone you describe is incorrect. A mother cannot produce enough testosterone to affect development. The correct source of primary sexual differentiation is DNA, specifically the presence or absence of the SRY gene. The 2nd period you describe is actually the first period and the testosterone is produced by the baby itself.
@samanthadruckenmiller6387 3 года назад
@@r-platt there’s studies that show testosterone released in utero by the liver, kidneys, and placenta, not solely the testes. The SRY gene may determine presentation or expression of genitalia but I haven’t found anything that states it’s responsible for the first surge of testosterone. I would argue the SRY gene would be moot without the first surge which stimulates the development of the genitals
@somebody4942 3 года назад
Tldr, and I wouldn't agree with anything this guy says. He is literally going against trans people. They deserve love, and he is trying to explain something he can't sympathize with. So how is he going to understand, hmmm?
@glencoelho1952 4 года назад
But disorder due to mutation is designed?. isn't it
@LouderGrawlix 5 лет назад
Two people were too confused to find the thumbs-up button.
@xxcrystal.lovexx7229 3 года назад
@LouderGrawlix 3 года назад
Well now it's 62 people who were too confused. Astonishing.
@csnow4987 5 лет назад
Love these series of videos! Way to go Colson Center!
@teya7304 3 года назад
No. This is stupid
@esmereldavilla-lobos4907 2 года назад
Hell no
@wasimoooo 4 года назад
Lovely videos.
@r-platt 3 года назад
If you don't care about truth or compassion, sure.
@wasimoooo 3 года назад
@@r-platt I'm not sure if I deserve that accusation... What do you mean exactly?
@philipwilson5665 5 лет назад
Way to go Joseph. Congratulations on your move to Colson Center and your new project! We're looking forward to more results like these.
@kenobi4582 4 года назад
So Colson Center is like Christian Prager U?
@kenobi4582 4 года назад
@@whatwouldyousaytcc I like it. Keep up the good work
@souffleservice 5 лет назад
@MikeJones-gk8et 5 лет назад
Personally, I was quite disappointed by this video. The first problem is that the title suggests that it will be about gender, but the video is actually about sex. Since the terms "sex" and "gender" have related but not identical semantic domains, one cannot simply assume that they are always synonyms. To do so is to commit the logical fallacy called "conflation." And to talk about biological sex as if that automatically determines one's psychological gender begs the question, don't you think? That's one of the big issues in the contemporary debate on the subject. I'm left wondering if any professional ethicists were consulted in the production of this video.
@dougiesdigs 5 лет назад
Sex and gender are interrelated. The video was about the biological difference of sex as you state, and not the contrived/false psychological aspect of it. That's why it's termed gender confusion, which IS a mental disorder!
@RPSanAnto 4 года назад
@@dougiesdigs good reply👍
@mattyyoungcloudsart3008 5 лет назад
@ellabeans2165 3 года назад
@whittmckinney3824 5 лет назад
These videos are EXCELLENT! They are cogent, concise, & memorable. We will be praying for the success of this series & sharing them wherever we can! God bless you.
@CriticalThinker1000 5 лет назад
You can pray until your knees fall off and it won't make this any more intelligent. Nor will it make this nonsense consistent with medical science. I trust the American Academy of Pediatrics more than I trust Backholm who is a half-assed non-practicing lawyer. And, no, the AAP isn't trying to be politically correct or any of the other excuses that people come up with to explain away evidence-based science.
@CriticalThinker1000 5 лет назад
Backholm pretending that gender does not exist as a separate construct. A new post at the Slowly Boiled Frog has more details but Backholm is at odds with the overwhelming consensus of medical science.
@lauriehiggins9058 4 года назад
@@CriticalThinker1000 Backholm didn't say anything about "gender." He discussed "sex." In the "trans" cult, "gender" is the aggregate of arbitrary, socially constructed behaviors, conventions, roles, and expectations associated with maleness or femaleness. Doctors do not assign "gender" either. Doctors identify the sex of babies which never changes.
@prettygay 3 года назад
Like, I know this video is trying to be transphobic, but they really didn't do a good job on that
pumpkins #shorts
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