
Is The Free Software Foundation Still Important? 

Brodie Robertson
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21 окт 2024




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@mskiptr Год назад
My biggest gripe with FSF's approach are their apparent delusions when it comes to firmware, the software-hardware boundary and interacting with the proprietary systems we don't have control over. FSF should distinguish the goal (everything controlled by the user) from the best-effort possibilities of today. To maximize the adoption of Free Software and to grow it outside the current possibilities, we need to not scare new users away. Even if it means they will use and rely on some proprietary products! It is far better than them relying solely on proprietary products. Proprietary software is bad (for the user) because it has some inherent defects. The user is legally forbidden from interacting with it in certain ways, it requires unwarranted trust, it has a tendency to cause problems or be user-hostile and ultimately it is controlled by someone else! But Free Software can also be bad - when it is deficient in other areas. And since choosing your tools is a trade-off, no wonder that plenty of people would rather put up with these inherent problems when they don't find them such a big deal. If they've ever noticed these flaws. In the long term we should strive to make Free Software products better in every regard. But short term, we may need to accommodate users of proprietary software - so that they may benefit from Free Software in at least some areas. Libreboot has got it straight now! (instead of bending over backwards to accommodate FSF's definitions) postmarketOS mentions a similar distinction. (with their _Open platforms_ and _Proprietary platforms_ description on their website) Then there's Fedora, which ships only Free Software and redistributable firmware. You can use RPM Fusion to obtain free-but-legally-dubious and also nonfree packages. It is a sensible trade-off and I'm grateful they keep nonfree stuff at a distance.
@omegaroguelp Год назад
Yes, especially i wish they were more pro open hardware than they are, because basically noone except CERN is pushing forward open hardware
@imminenteffect5106 Год назад
Absolutely agree!
@mskiptr Год назад
@@omegaroguelp To be fair they are the Free _Software_ Foundation. This comes up especially when they say that unchangeable firmware is indistinguishable from just complex hardware. But that's no excuse to certify systems with closed firmware baked-in as free and those with equivalent firmware loaded by the user as absolutely proprietary. Neither of these is fully free imo, but the latter one definitely gives the user _more_ freedom. And don't get me started on microcode lol So the RYF certification is fundamentally broken. It should require the whole product to respect your freedom - including its hardware design, its documentation or manuals and even the legal side of hardware things. These products aren't just software after all. But since you won't get a laptop like that, trying to pursue this goal would seem like a lost cause - even to FSF. And so they subconsciously limited their scope and made their definitions all weird and kinda contradictory. (MNT Reform, Olimex boards, etc. come close I guess - then you're mostly left with the chips themselves being unexplained mystery-boxes)
@Gooberpatrol66 Год назад
This, FSF's focus is too narrow
@excidium666 Год назад
8:18 This has nothing to do with GPL being complicated or not. It's simply market pressure, permissive licenses have higher adoption for obvious reasons so of course most libraries use it. Honestly after the corejs thing I realized permissive licenses are basically a devious way corporations have come up with to have developers work for them for free.
@KeithBoehler Год назад
At the risk of sounding full Stallman, I don't think our license should accommodate corporations. At the end of the day they do not have our values, nor care to actually adopt them.
@excidium666 Год назад
​@@KeithBoehler Well said. Corporations are always looking for ways to fleece customers and exploit workers. Don't make things easy for them
@RunePonyRamblings Год назад
A restrictive license wouldn't have helped CoreJS. There is no open source license that requires the user to financially support the project. The CoreJS dev would still be broke, the only difference is CoreJS wouldn't have seen as wide adoption.
@kazzxtrismus Год назад
the worst of capitalism and the worst of communism just keep crossing paths at the bar late friday after too many drinks....what we need are actual ADULTS to run the show
@TatharNuar Год назад
I've noticed this problem too, and I don't think I can contribute to projects with such permissive licenses because it's proving even more exploitative than proprietary software is.
@igorgiuseppe1862 Год назад
one thing that FSF should make clear is: free software is important to guarantee the right to repair, open source is not enough in this case, because one company can download an software, modify it and not distribute the modifications they made, they can use this modified software to lock an hardware device and make it hard or nearly impossible to repair. they cant do that with free software (at least not legally) because they would have to provide the code they used, unlike with opensource where that is opitional, if they wanted to lock people, they would have to write the code from scratch and many companies cant afford to do that.
@catfan5618 6 месяцев назад
I completely agree. That is literally the reasoning behind Apple changing the default shell on MacOS from Bash to Zsh.
@DasIllu Год назад
The FSF is the FSF. If people want something else, they should do just that. Don't like the license? Write your own and see if it can stand the competition. If the MITL gets the lion share, then there is a reason. Doesn't mean that the GPLvX has to become any of it's "competitors". On the contrary. That would only reduce the number of licenses with their own identity and function. As for me, i see the GPL as one of only few possibilities to protect an authors work from becoming totally abused by tech giants and perverted and gated off against the authors will.
@SytheZN Год назад
Hot take: the biggest challenge the FSF has hampering it's goals, regardless of leadership etc is a severe lack of visibility & mind share. For the FSF to gain any mindshare at all with arbitrary individuals they need to do something radical like back a (legitimate) lawsuit against one of the tech giants protecting the rights and responsibilities afforded by their promoted licenses.
@Winnetou17 Год назад
That lawsuit idea is not bad, though I'm not sure how feaseable it is. But, backed by FSF or by somebody else, a lawsuit would be a public good, there have been cases where the license was not respected.
@Omnifarious0 Год назад
@@Winnetou17 - John Deere.
@nullvoid3545 Год назад
@@Omnifarious0 I was just about to say! Thay have been selling GPL code without redistributing it for years.
@LillyAnarkitty Год назад
I would respect the FSF’s hardline extremism if it took more of a stand against corporate influence rather than legalistic technicalities. The FOSS movement is gradually being captured by big tech and no one’s talking about it. Also unless one believes that marginalized groups are inherently less competent, then promoting diversity and inclusion is the same thing as valuing “quality of candidate”. Framing those two things as opposed to one another is… a questionable take at best. If a certain demographic which tends to dominate society in general is over represented in your selection of “quality candidates”, then there’s something wrong with your selection process or with broader societal structures, and every organization needs to take initiative to counteract that.
@jeremyandrews3292 Год назад
I'm not a big fan of the FSF's approach myself, but I feel like they have a role to play, so I just don't understand why Richard Stallman can't be allowed to have FSF and GNU for those that like it. The people who don't get along with the FSF have long formed their own organizations and moved forward without them. Mozilla, the OSI, etc. But what the FSF provides is the purist voice, the voice that is impractical and uncompromising, insists on everything being copyleft, the side that stands for the ideal rather than the practical. There have always been alternatives to the FSF, and if anything those voices are drowning out the FSF. But some people do value their brand of software freedom, and I say... what's the harm in letting them have it? Why do they have to be practical and inclusive and compromise their vision? If anything, I think having the FSF around makes other open source initiatives like Mozilla seem like "the reasonable ones" by comparison. Take the FSF away, and then all the ire directed at their radical views would be directed towards the next-most impractical group, until everything is just a series of popular compromises with no one standing for the ideal. My view is... just because the FSF isn't perfect and doesn't represent everyone, doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with them existing or that they need to change. They may not be very effective as an organization, but I also don't think they are harming anyone or that letting the GNU project and the FSF do things their way and attract more desperate, idealistic people who are just done with proprietary stuff altogether would be a bad thing. They are and always were a small group of idealists fighting for a cause that few people outside of old academics from research universities care about... maybe you don't think that cause is inclusive enough, or that it's practical, or that it will ever be very relevant to non-technical users, but why go out of your way to insist that it be different, that there is something wrong with it existing in its current form at all? Clearly some people like their brand of leadership and are inspired by it, and it does provide a small core of things we can rely on to stand for the most extreme idea of software freedom imaginable.
@Winnetou17 Год назад
Fully agree! But, please, split it in two-several paragraphs, it's hard to read.
@Ornithopter470 7 месяцев назад
A big chunk of it is that the FSF is both highly judgemental in it's moralizing, and an easy punching bag because of how impractical they can be. They don't seem to be interested in proposing or providing solutions to the problems they see.
@Omnifarious0 Год назад
I don't want Stallman out. His uncompromising nature is incredibly useful. I agree that the FSF has a big messaging problem. And I think Stallman is part of the issue here because he lets his ego get in the way of making the necessary changes. I do think this is a more direct attack specifically directed at Stallman because Stallman is now somehow tainted in some people's eyes. The FSF needs to restructure so that Stallman is presented as the voice of the ideal, while much of the FSF does more pragmatic work to spread the message better and to make better connections. I mostly disagree with the diversity of skin color issue. Though I do think finding some prominent Indian, Chinese, or Japanese software developers who talk about Free Software and Open Source would be a really good idea. From where I am, it doesn't seem like the idea has made strong inroads into their culture, and we need people who understand their culture to tailor messaging such that they can hear it. These cultures are big contributors to the body of software that exists in the world in general. And open hardware would be really good to get Taiwanese and Japanese companies to understand. I'm actually pretty hopeful about the Steam Deck here.
@balala7567 Год назад
Yes, the only real use of diversity in companies is to reach new audiences. The only other use for it is saying "did you know that shmifty pershmnt of our team come from wabakweia? now give us publicity,"
@nullvoid3545 Год назад
@@balala7567 In high school I found myself bitter at the way feminism had convinced the girls in my classes to intentionally put the boys around them down, I felt like I as being punished for they way others had lived before me and I can only imagine you feel that way too. I nearly became an anti-feminist bent on rolling my eyes and being mean whenever someone of the opposite sex felt better than me, but people are just people, and sometimes making that into an existential threat is taking it too personal. I hope you come to terms with whomevers inclusivity has hurt you in the past. Its easy to have an awful experience and it color your entire understanding of A change in culture when again, sometimes people are just people.
@balala7567 Год назад
@@nullvoid3545 Hurt? Seriously? Here's a question for you: You have to chose between 3 people to hire for a tech company comprised of mostly white people. Which of the below will you choose? A: An IT expert from the USA, experienced in Windows (good for helping desktop users), and Linux (good for helping server sysadmins). Is an actual expert, doesn't just say to turn it off and on again. B: A Sri Lankan farmer in mild poverty who has not touched technology and has no experience in any of jobs availible at your company. (You already have enough janitors in your company, no need for more) C: Some random person who claims to be a Ukrainian refugee. Pick one.
@orbatos Год назад
Hot take, many GitHub projects on weak licences do so simply because they don't understand the GPL.
@georgehelyar Год назад
Another hot take, some projects using GPL licenses just use it because it's the first free/open license they heard of. I did this with my early sourceforge projects from 15-20 years ago, when I didn't really understand the differences between software licenses. Occasionally someone emails me now asking about it and I just change the license on the (generally long abandoned) project to a permissive license.
@orbatos Год назад
@@georgehelyar It is true that licensing and copyright overall are poorly understood, and GitHub in particular is rife with projects under inappropriate or incorrect licenses (the latter being misattributed copies of other projects).
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
That's not really a hot take, it's one of the issues that Drew has with the GPL
@Gooberpatrol66 Год назад
​@@BrodieRobertson it was a hot take when Drew said it, this dude just happens to agree with him
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 Год назад
I use different licences. I’ve even been using CC licences for Python/shell scripts.
@Settyness Год назад
The extremism of the FSF is what allows OSI and FOSS proponents to appear moderate. Could you imagine a world without the FSF, corporate software is the norm, and the OSI are seen as the radical, out of touch hippies? The FSF gives us ground to stand on and tons of adjacent room to move around. We have patents for cars that drive themselves to the repo and soon prosthetic legs that will do the same. Corporate, proprietary software extremism remains unchecked and there's no evidence on the horizon of it slowing down. Why should the FSF compromise on their ideals? They aren't forcing anything onto anyone and they certainly aren't the ushers of this software dystopia.
@Settyness Год назад
I should thank the FSF that my (mostly) free system is not seen as radical and unhinged.
@excidium666 Год назад
Spot on. It's always those that fight for freedom that are seem as unreasonable.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
I can see that point as well, but could it not also be the companies are getting more involved in open source and by extension free software just not copy left due to it being a better financial decision.
@AlexandruVoda Год назад
@@excidium666 I argue that whether the FSF is extreme or not, radical or not, unreasonable or not, pushing the overton window or not does not matter. Presently they are ineffective and bordering on irrelevant. It is tragic that the FSF is a Stallman platform instead of actually being a champion of free software. Even if you consider Stallman the hero saint paladin of free software, he is just one man and getting older each day. The FSF has shown itself unable to function without Stallman.
@Settyness Год назад
​@@BrodieRobertson I don't believe it was ever the goal of free software or copyleft to be a purely financial decision, but seeing as how that is the only concept corporations can grok, I can see why there appears to be a problem. Free software is inherently at odds with corporate interests and that, as well as its lack of marketability, is the eventuality which gave rise to "open source" and OSI in the first place; therein lies the crux of my point! GPL need simply exist for there to be ample breeding grounds for permissive, non-proprietary licenses (and ideas) to materialize. And let's not pretend the GPL isn't making corporations an absolute killing. Imprisonment of GPL'd code on their servers and hoarding innovations of said code can only be interpreted by the FSF as acting in bad faith, why should they cooperate with, and make money for, those who act in that way... _especially when the OSI exists_! This gave birth to the AGPL, of course, but it is one example of many that shows the FSF is working as intended. We absolutely have to stop these notions of, "so how is this making us money?" or "our numbers are down, what can we do?" because it is a step too far towards the boundless, limitless profit mindset that is crushing us all. wontfix
@curious1706 Год назад
I always find it odd that people almost want to force a more "diverse" leadership/company. Those things have to happen on their own naturally or you'll end up with another USA (a country known for it's amazing relations with other cultures /s)
@jemsterr Год назад
This is where he lost me entirely. The analogy he used was incredibly bad. I cannot think of a single real world example where diverse leadership has led to diverse members. (except in places where membership has real privilege)
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
It really hurt Drew's argument to include it, I knew people would disregard the rest of the points
@curious1706 Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson It was a pretty bad start to his list of otherwise reasonable solutions.
@Spartan322 Год назад
@@jemsterr Not to mention when you push those affirmative action principals, not only are you violating the meritocracy, but you're intentionally handicapping the effectiveness of those involved, also for someone who has experienced the diversity bullcrap numerous times, it pisses me off to see it happen again and makes me want to wring this dudes damn neck that he even suggested something like this, I have experienced enough of the things I like and love being destroyed by wokeness and diversity, especially of leftist talking points that he just mentioned, I'd much rather the FSF not be destroyed by leftist ideologues who will once again push out all dissenting thought and turn it into a socialist echo chamber like reddit. I am so goddamn sick of it.
@oliver_twistor Год назад
@@jemsterr Having leaders who belong to a minority group acts as motivation for people and someone to look up to. I know that for me (I'm disabled), seeing and hearing other disabled people in top positions in companies and politics is a real motivator to see that there are possibilities even for people like me. I know many girls and young women who were so inspired when Sweden finally got our first female Prime Minister. Having leaders that are like you is extremely important. I get it it's easy to not understand if you yourself don't belong to a minority.
@wallyhackenslacker Год назад
Personally, I think the one take where Drew is on point is 3. The most important thing the FSF should do first is focus on fixing their communication strategy, specially including things like cutting down on the pedantry regarding terminology and dropping the non-free-javascript shtick until someone somewhere comes up with a good solution for that. Decoupling the FSF from GNU at least in a leadership and project management sense is also a good idea, I think. I think I agree with Drew that the FSF should pivot from an institution for programmers to a fully policy/advocacy focused organization like say the EFF, and letting GNU spun off as a separate technical focused organization would be best for both in the long run. I don't want to comment much on his first proposal though. I will just lump that with the plethora of bad faith (and coming from someone with an ideological investment in FOSS like Drew, I would also say highly ungrateful) attempts at getting rid of RMS from the past 3 or so years. Even if it's the most milquetoast "get rid of RMS" take ever, I will still put it with the other ones.
@pwnguin2916 Год назад
I like that the FSF's main goals are about software freedom and that they really care about it to the point they have to sacrifice people's convenience such as not accessing or sharing a site that forces you to use javascript for example, since that promotes giving up your freedom of deciding what software runs on your machine. It might seem dumb, who else is going to make it clear the free software movement's main goals are about freedom and not quality or convenience?. That's why I also appreciate Stallman for continuing to push for software freedom even if people don't listen because they aren't willing to go as far as him and sacrifice whatever they have to in order to avoid propitiatory software(myself included) and remain true to their ideology 100%. Maybe someday someone more charismatic than him that's good with people while also standing 100% for software freedom will show up and things will be better, but I don't know.
@universalserialbusman Год назад
One could have just added the link with an explicit warning about JavaScript. This would provide convenience and give everyone a choice, instead of treating the reader like child. A faction with extreme and alien views that no normal person can understand will die an irrelevant death. It is hard enough to get normies to try Linux at all. If you tell them to use GNU Guix then things don't exactly get any easier. Not everyone can use the Linux Libre kernel because it does not support all the hardware that vanilla Linux does. Not many would be willing to go through the trouble of replacing their hardware with carefully selected parts that would support such a 100% free system. If you want to influence society, you have to be somewhat down to earth. Otherwise, your ideology is a hobby at best.
@Vantaz Год назад
These criticisms all sound like "stop caring about free software so much"
@Ornithopter470 7 месяцев назад
I think it's more "stop caring about the FSF as much" because they honestly don't do much aside from preach to the choir.
@Vantaz 7 месяцев назад
@@Ornithopter470Is it really preaching to the choir when they are this controversial and everyone and their mother is using proprietary software to some extent?
@AcidiFy574 Год назад
ANSWER:- They're vital to the free software movement, but there's room for improvements
@gigalodon14 Год назад
I think someone pushing for the extreme opinion is important. Otherwise the „normal, regulated“ opinions will be regarded as extremas soon and its not like Stallman‘s opinion is harmful to anyone
@guilhermeg.4589 Год назад
Words of wisdom.
@unfa00 Год назад
So we need FSF to mark the extreme? Maybe that makes sense. But it makes them look detached from reality and it's hard to take them seriously. I think they can keep the extreme vision of Free Software, but maybe acting in a more down-to-earth manner would be beneficial?
@Gooberpatrol66 Год назад
​@@unfa00 FSF isn't even nearly as extreme as possible in terms of policy and tactics. They have a very narrow, inflexible definition of software freedom that prevents them from fighting a broader war against intellectual property through more aggressive copyleft licenses, open hardware, fighting against AI black boxes and content stealing, anti-SaaS, and freeculture/pirate party shit. They're only "extreme" in the sense of having puritannical/moralizing rhetoric.
@georgehelyar Год назад
I have had to read the FAQ on the GPL licenses and found it quite useful. If you just want a specific question answered, you can generally find that specific question on there quite easily, without reading the whole site. As a user, I don't really care about the license as long as it's open source, mostly just so that I can tinker with it if I need to. As a professional software developer, you find a library, find that it's GPL, and then say "that's a shame" and pretend it doesn't exist. I still prefer that up front over bait and switch later.
@isaacvicente Год назад
I do agree with most of this post, but I think that in order to replace someone like Stallman, someone as influential as him needs to be the new leader. Imagine a world where Mozilla and FSF works together, how wonderful would it be.
@excidium666 Год назад
They already work together in the FOSS space, it wouldn't make sense for them to join into a single organization because their approaches and goals differ.
@kazzxtrismus Год назад
this guy is asking for a political takeover of 1 side of the political spectrum as supreme commanders. this isnt about software FSF freeware foss or anything else... this is a "politics as a religion" extremist attack on the community.....attempting another gam / gate 2.0 and it is AstroTurf bullsh-.......
@isaacvicente Год назад
@@excidium666 It's not about join them into a single organization. They just coexist in the FOSS world, I hadn't any news that they directly worked together in something. And that's what I meant.
@yxtqwf Год назад
Some benefit might come if they work together, but they should definitely be separate organizations. We need purely idealistic/political organizations like the FSF, as commercial ones like Mozilla often has different interests from its users (look at all the anti-features in Firefox, and just read about the controversies it's been in).
@Spartan322 Год назад
Mozilla is already rather compromised by leftist ideology, I'm not going through another Wizards of the Coast situation.
@OcteractSG Год назад
There were several talks where Stallman referred to Facebook users as “useds.” I’ve only heard that term used in conjunction with Facebook and only in talks.
@rodrigo.55 Год назад
Every country that has free health, private health is not as expensive and tries to offer a better service than public health. This can be compared. If there is no free software for people to use, everyone will only be subject to using corporate solutions decided entirely by private entities. In this sense, any concession towards liberalizing the FSF would be a corporate and private company victory. On the other hand, I agree with the article in the sense of pointing out that Stallman is no longer a leadership that resonates with the current times, hindering any momentum capacity that the FSF could have.
@DavidConnerCodeaholic Год назад
GNU has the best presentation of information and documentation by far. it may not be the most accessible for noobs, but i don''t think they're the target audience. the GNU/Linux thing makes sense to emphasize, but for people to push other people away by amonishing people who say Linux is silly. but yeh, there are hills that GNU will die on and it makes sense because that's their philosophical goal. there are other groups to represent other ideals, but the FSF software freedom maximalism is not something that most people will take up. they should absolutely not dilute their stance on those ideas.
@Winnetou17 Год назад
Ok, here's a hot take: I fully disagree with Drew. Well, most of his points are actually ok, and I agree with some (like decoupling GNU and FSF and the need for new licences). But I said fully disagree because I totally do not agree with the method of achieving said reforms. There is this case that FSF is kind of tone deaf, that is extreme in its philosophy. I do think that is good. That is should stay that way (off topic and that Richard Stallman should stay in FSF, including leading it). Why (to answer Brodie's question in the end) ? Because it is objectively pure. It is a golden standard. When FSF endorses something, so far you can be sure that it actually, absolutely is free software, no "practical considerations", no "in a manner of speaking" no "for all intents and purposes" and so on. That is very valuable. If someone like Drew likes to improve the situation and cannot do so with/within FSF for reasons like FSF being very rigid, I don't understand this need to change FSF, when it has a clear stated goal and philosophy. He should begin another foundation and achieve those things like that. A milder FSF, more in tone with the masses I'm sure would attract a lot of people that are in the sentiment of FSF, but are not willing to go to the lengths that Richard Stallman go (and why I have huge respect for him). This doesn't have to be at the expense of the current FSF, it should be alongside. Also, I cannot agree with that 5-year-old mentality that if red people are known to be good with something, then to have blue people good with that, we should put blue people in charge. That's downright insulting for anybody with 3-digit IQ. If the blue people want to weave, then they should start learning. And only deal with the cases when they are not allowed to learn, that's the only thing that should be done. Equality of chances, not equality of outcome. Leadership should be on merit. Assuming that blue people need to be put in charge automatically assumes that both red and blue people are tribalist cavemen-level people who cannot be impartial and cannot see value in the people of other color. How can I take this man seriously when he's so gigantically wrong about such a simple issue ? Also, that "we're told that unfree Javascript" is stupid and cringe, I have to agree. That should be improved. By FSF.
@kazzxtrismus Год назад
attempted political coup of an already established organisation is all it is... gameeer g Ate 2.0......(needs to be typed funny cuz banned words)
@PanosPitsi Год назад
Dad has about the same chances of becoming the industry standard as global communism taking place.
@PanosPitsi Год назад
Imagine if the windows nt kernel was open source like chromium is that would be a giant w for the opensource community and Microsoft would practically lose nothing like how chrome isn’t losing market share with chromium being opensource. Anarcho capitalists using arch living in their mothers basement ruin everything.
@yuvalne Год назад
All 5 points are painfully accurate.
@perpetualcollapse Год назад
11:20 is where Drew lost the argument for his opinion. As a minority in the LGBTQ community, I'd rather that I get a new job somewhere based on my merit than based on my labels. Also, all of my personal projects, from userscripts to extensions, are licensed under AGPL v3. I simply love user freedom. I even donated to the FSF until I received their branded credit card shaped USB drive that I put Ventoy on.
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 Год назад
The trouble with the AGPL is its infringement on Freedom 0 (the freedom to use the software as you wish). This is why I think of it as a non-Free licence.
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 Год назад
@@Sekhatt That’s a restriction on how the software is used, is it not?
@wp6007 Год назад
Linux users seethe at the thought of diversity for some reason when its totally normal everywhere else
@oliver_twistor Год назад
@@wp6007 Typical boys club I think. When Linux came along, most "nerds" were White men who weren't jocks or "popular", so they found their safe space. When other people came knocking, women, people of colour, disabled people (like myself), that initial group felt threatened that when they had finally found some space of their own where they could shine, other people would take it away as they had done with everything else. It's an exclusionary mentality, which is so sad.
@oliver_twistor Год назад
When people speak about diversity, they don't mean that you should be hired because of your sexual orientation or gender identity; they mean everything else equal, you should get the job before the 300th heterosexual cisgender person. It's not that if you're a programmer and let's say gay, that you should be hired as a carpenter before a highly qualified carpenter who happens to be heterosexual and cis. As a disabled person, the only time I'm considered for a job is if I have higher qualifications than anyone else, never if I have the same qualifications. In Sweden, disabled people are more likely to be unemployed than non-disabled people, even when controlled for education level, work experience etc. Why is that if not an attitude against diversity? The same statistics could be found among immigrants and people of other races than White. Also after controlling for education level, work experience etc.
@sweetbabyalaska Год назад
I love FOSS and the community but this is a common problem. A lot of that stuff is a slog to read through, hard to navigate and not really intuitive. I end up having to go find secondary sources that can explain things in plain English and succinctly WITH EXAMPLES that make sense lmao for the love of god please add examples. Im new to FOSS, programming and linux and I make my best faith effort to try and read and learn with what is given, but its not really aimed at people like me
@ChimeraX0401 Год назад
So now this dude want quotas on FSF, well that's counter productive. Why not just say "those who have great passion for free software", it doesnt matter what ever gender, color or religion you have as long as you are passionate about free software then you can be part of FSF leadership, you dont need to specify other things....
@Sitwayen Год назад
I feel like being against the FSF is being a facilitator of EEE. Extinguishing Stallman is the first step to the downfall of extinguishing all free software. They already did the embrace and expand part.
@jorge28624 Год назад
Giga Chad, smiling: It's not GNU/Linux, it's just GNU.
@hamobu Год назад
I agree with FSF. Freedom is the only reason that I use Linux.
@RichardJActon Год назад
I'm an associate member of the FSF and I agree with a lot of this criticism, we need a more pragmatic approach whilst keeping robust rhetoric about the ideals.
@mskiptr Год назад
Pretty much this
@BluesM18A1 Год назад
Richard Stallman's uncompromising nature may have problems but his voice is still extremely important. The FSF needs more pragmatism but it should still keep Stallman's idealistic vision close to heart otherwise the organization will lose even more of its teeth. Really all it needs is an editor team to make Stallman's fervent rhetoric on the website more digestible to a broader audience, a more concise and comprehensible GPL, and more resources put towards litigating license violators.
@Urza9814 Год назад
I mean I was pretty involved with the FSF the last few years; used to read tte forum every day, went to their last few cotferences, etc...and I've never seen any of these issues outside of memes. Not since I was in highschool. This dude is relying on fifteen year old stereotypes and memes to define the organization...
@yxtqwf Год назад
MPL is not a copyleft license comparable to the GPL. At most, its comparable to the LGPL, but it does not come close to what the GPL does. You can use MPL code in a nonfree program. Practically, the MPL is no different from MIT or BSD licenses, except for being longer and more complicated.
@wareya Год назад
You can use GPL code in a nonfree program too, you just have to wrap it in a piece of software that has a GPL-compatible non-viral copyleft license and make sure it's not statically linked. The GPL's virality is ineffective except for specifically when causing compatibility headaches (e.g. with ZFS) and/or preventing tivoization.
@wareya Год назад
@@yxtqwf the GPL's actual legal text piggybacks off the top of what copyright law considers to be derivative works. if something is not a derivative work of a GPL'd piece of software, it is not subject to the GPL, period. the FSF is simply lying about the legality of wrapping. >Also how does preventing tiviozation cause compatibility headaches? it doesn't, those were specifically separate points (see: and/or)
@wareya Год назад
@@Sekhatt >What's an example GPL-compatible non-viral license? Most common licenses are GPL-compatible. MIT, ISC, Apache 2.0 (not compatible with v2, only v3), etc. >Standard GPL and AGPL license would require that the derived software, whether static linked or dynamically link also be GPL/AGPL. It doesn't say anything about linking at all. And the language isn't "derived software", nor does the GPL v3 even say anything about derivative works explicitly. The actual language of the GPLv3 license text itself piggybacks entirely off of copyright law and does not attempt to define its own system for what does or doesn't count as causing the relevant software to be GPL. Do you have any court cases with precedence or laws defining whether dynamic linking brings copyright into play at any level other than the API or the verbatim distribution of the dynamically linked library? >So the wrapper would have to be the same, which would force the program using the wrapper to also be GPL/AGPL. This is not known to be true. The FSF asserts this is the case, but they do not have any grounds for asserting it. The wrapper as it exists on the hard drive could easily be its own independent creative work if things are set up in such a way that the "derivative work" only exists in the computer's RAM, never existing on disk. In fact, this is what you're doing when you make a GPL and non-GPL application talk to each other over sockets or file descriptors, regardless of the medium, and dynamic linking is not actually any different at all (unless you think APIs are copyrightable, and you shouldn't). This is also the workaround that ZFS-on-Linux people are doing, only distributing the necessary code and instructions on how to set up the GPL-infringing software rather than the infringing software itself, and it's considered entirely valid there!
@BorlandC452 Год назад
Yes, "GNU/Linux" is a mouthful, but if you want to cut down the number of syllables, by rights we should be calling it "GNU" (with a Linux kernel). I mean yeah RMS can be too pedantic for his own good, but also - *he invented a free operating system for the masses!* I think he has the right to name it what he wants. Yes... we get it... the foot thing is gross, but it doesn't negate his good ideas.
@AndyP126 Год назад
Linux Torvalds did two things that the FSF failed to pull off: 1. He created a kernel that worked, which is something the FSF couldn't pull of. GNU Hurd was really falling behind. 2. He made people care about Free Software and the GPL. When the FSF has to say Free as in beer, not free as in price, it shows that the term Free Software does not do a good job of explaining the software for the masses.
@rightwingsafetysquad9872 Год назад
Anytime someone says leadership needs to change for demographic reasons (other than the leaders being geriatric) I immediately lose all respect for their entire argument. Stallman for life if for no other reason than this guy doesn't get his way.
@balala7567 Год назад
I looked at the blog, saw the Stallman section, and was neutral on it up until i saw "we need more leaders of c-" Then I right clicked the paragraph, inspect element, backspace. We should hire people based on only experience & charisma, with experience having priority, not based on the hex code you get when you use the eyedropper tool on their picture.
@Verticen_ Год назад
Stallman for Life!
@JohannesDahl42 Год назад
Basket weaving would go to hell in a low-quality handbasket if it had meritless people in its leadership. Also, it doesn't actually need any blue people. Blue people should be welcome, obviously, but they shouldn't be forced into basket weaving if they are historically more interested in other fields.
@FagnerLuan Год назад
I agree with most of the post, nowadays FSF is mostly known by the GNU slash joke, and to be honest I don't think that Linux would fail if they didn't use GPL in the past. I saw a ton of people saying that Apple or Sony never helped *BSDs, but who cares? Both OpenBSD and FreeBSD is still up and running, and growing year by year. Yeah, it has much less support than Linux, but this is because of the popularity which didn't comes because of a license. I almost agree with all the five points, I think that RS can be more harmful than helpful nowadays. But dude, please... Why it cares about the skin color, genital organs and what the people do with it? If the institution is about freedom in softwares, it need someone aligned to the ideal, it doesn't care if it's a black lesbian or some average redneck, the ideal is far more important that the body.
@gbfgtki Год назад
> Apple and Sony not great examples, Apple uses some BSD stuff in mac os and I think the playstation os is based off of some form of BSD
@certs743 Год назад
The reason why it matters is Stallman and co think it is still the Mad Men 1960s. Not that long ago for no reason whatsoever he randomly decided to make a hot take that statutory rape is ok a hill to die on. You really think a guy supported a Jeffrey Epstein client is a good decision? You can't get change if you keep all the people who are the problem in charge.
@certs743 Год назад
@queerdo Sorry man but if you walked into a business and said "we are going to pick the CEO and the board of directors based on awesome stuff they did 30 or 40 years ago you would be laughed out of the room. History is just that. History. Clinging to that is how stagnation happens. I mean heck their website doesn't look like it has been updated since I was in high school in the 90s.
@MH_VOID Год назад
I know right. Diversity can often be quite good in the new viewpoints it brings to the table, but diversity for the sake of diversity is evil, and that's what this woke bullshit is.
@certs743 Год назад
@queerdo Isn't it obvious. Your argument seems to imply that because someone did something 50, 40, or 30 years ago they are entitled to run the organization.
@he8535 Год назад
After watching this video I now see that I know nothing about the open source community
@alhdgysz Год назад
11:50 you need competent leadership, not a ticklist of all people
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
I think the argument hurt his overall blog post
@CharlesSchaum Год назад
Like it or not, RMS knew a world where the corporate world threw a lot of money at universities or at places like Bell Labs and PARC, and the ideas that moved tech forward were always under threat of being pulled back behind the veil of proprietary IP instead of being used for the good of humanity. How is that any different from today? OpenAI started as open source, but now is proprietary. Corporations like Microsoftviolate free licenses without much fear of litigation. Wokeness has no mathematical value (wasn't in my algorithms book back in the day), and it helps not at all in keping free software free.The arguments have some good points floating in a sea of ageist rhetoric and shallow ideology. Such sniping may provide entry to corporate shills. Raise a huge fund, sue the crap out of big violaters, and give free software real teeth.
@Winnetou17 Год назад
Well said!
@AlexandruVoda Год назад
Well that is precisely what the FSF should be doing but is not doing. On the other hand, the SF Conservancy is doing exactly that, litigating GPL violators.
@RockawayCCW Год назад
I can't remember the last time I heard someone discuss or even mention the FSF.
@sush7117 Год назад
that point with red and blue people is extremly dumb. To start thinking about basket weawing you need to cover your basic necessities first, not some token leader who doesn't even know how to do it
@fabricio4794 Год назад
FSF Should build a "fail safe"way to make money without need a Big Tech on it.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
What would you have in mind?
@fabricio4794 Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson Sportbet Sites
@fabricio4794 Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson sports betting Sites to gain money
@jongeduard Год назад
One thing has become quite apparent these days: the FSF is not the only foundation with quite extreme traits - just considering the Rust foundation recently. 😂
@rotis99 Год назад
There seems to be this underlying assumption that times have changed, and the FSF needs to evolve in response to this perceived "change" This is not correct. People were levelling the same praises and critiques against the FSF and RMS back in the mid nineties, and there was the same tension about the differences between "Free Software" and "Open Source". Furthermore, there really was not a cohort of people using GNU/Linux greater than the amount of people using that phrase today; it was just as unusual back then. For this reason I don't see why the FSF needs to "change" - their whole reason to exist is to play the role of uncompromising purist.
@miikasuominen3845 Год назад
I'm Finnish. Actually, Linux has always been just a Linux for me. I, totally, understand that for someone (and, if you think it like that, for all) it is a (GNU/Linux)... We have Linus and Stallman... Yeah, whatever ;p Free software, to my mind, is important. Linux is just Linux. I don't care about the term GNU, maybe because I'm Finnish and Linux is Finnish? Anyway, the GNU-part is, at least, as important.... I would say it's just Linux. And Brodie, you have a talent for talking... ;)
@catfan5618 6 месяцев назад
Gnu always seems to get overlooked but their work is used by so many people everyday without dem realizing it like Coreutils. Yeah, Brodie was really informed in this one, really interesting.
@szneka12 Год назад
"We need diversity!!!!" How about pick leaders by MERIT instead? FFS FSF!!!
@FengLengshun Год назад
As someone who've pretty much wrote off the entire free software movement due to its inaccessibility in the true and purest form of the movement that its adherent preaches, I pretty much agree with all these. Heck, I didn't get interested in OSS because of FSF or GNU, I got interested because of the Privacy Tools community, and they have good guides for alternatives to proprietary software that, by the time Windows messed up for the Nth time and LTT released a video on PopOS at the same time, I was receptive to the message despite the hassle I would need to deal with. In an extreme analogy, I feel like FSF has become the communist parties when championing social security movement. Other organizations represents the movement better while communist fans are stuck being weirdos no one want to deal with.
@NidraxGaming Год назад
RMS and FSF are the two main reasons why I never fully supported the FOSS. For me as the user, the most important freedom above all the others is the freedom of choice - I should have the freedom of choosing and getting the software that suits my needs the best, no matter if it's free or non-free. And FSF instead of promoting and incentivizing good alternatives to proprietary software, rather opts for using and promoting measures that are preventing users from using non-free software instead (see the GNU/Linux distributions endorsed by FSF - mostly obscure distros that make getting non-free software on them as hard and annoying as possible), or pretending that proprietary software doesn't exist (by not linking to a freakin' issue tracker just because it uses non-free JavaScript). So I totally agree RMS has to go. First of all, his mind is stuck back in the 80s and he simply doesn't comprehend that the user needs changed dramatically since then. Second, he's just not the best person to represent any community in general, giving his deranged hermit vibes, singing cringy songs and eating pieces of epidermis picked out from his own foot during public speeches. He can't be fixed. And as long as he is the leading face of the FSF, the foundation can't be fixed as well, because with him involved, they will never get past their near-sighted opinions and actions that discourage new people from joining the FOSS movement.
@anonemoose102 5 месяцев назад
Can't agree more with what you've said
@Artoooooor Год назад
I'd like to have some copyleft license that forbids big AI models from using my code. Explicitely. If something "has to be tested in court", it's bad.
@Gooberpatrol66 Год назад
Drew's advice is the advice I would give if my intention were to sabotage the FSF and its ability to promote free software
@AlexandruVoda Год назад
The FSF won't do any of these things including the last one. People have requested the FSF release a LAGPL for ages and it would have been a useful license to counter the rise of SaaS and of cloud providers embracing and extending and killing service and support revenue. They wouldn't even do that. The FSF is a zombie.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
Producing new licenses seems like the most obvious for the org to do that I don't think anyone would really disagree with but it is difficult
@AlexandruVoda Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson The LAGPL was requested way back in 2010 and someone even made an unofficial version. I stand by my claim that the FSF is a zombie. Also, you know what else the FSF could do? Litigate GPL violations. Well the SF Conservancy does that instead.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
@@AlexandruVoda that's one org I forgot mention in the video
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 Год назад
I have a problem with the AGPL, in that it is the only purportedly-“free” licence that tries to limit Freedom 0 (the freedom to use the software as you wish). For this reason, I think of it as a non-Free licence.
@Aura_Mancer Год назад
As a trans lesbian woman, I find Drew's first point amusing. What the LGTBQIA+, PoC, and women want, is to not be discriminated. Being put in a leadership position ONLY because of your gender, sexuality, or skin colour, is patronising and helps no one. The whole take is bad, because there are already a lot of people in these communities that have their merits, and I am certain *someone* out there could take a FSF position. There is no need to force discriminated people into places. Just, you know, don't discriminate. The other takes, (point 2 to 5) I do agree with.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
There's lot's of people in the community but I think what he wants is for them to be in leadership positions of the FSF, I already said what I needed to say on it though
@clankfish Год назад
@billwall267 Год назад
"trans lesbian woman" difficult to keep all the labels straight. this means you're a straight man who dresses up like a woman, right?
That whiteboard: First Second Firth!
@Bob-of-Zoid Год назад
I joined the FSF nearly a decade ago (in suport of the cause), and I get the newsletter... in print, when I also support waste reduction and would rather have a .pdf, but if it has a single line of proprietary code, then that may be the reason I get paper. I get member emails too, but they are for people who are part in making Linux software, announce seminars... I as a mere member in support, not knowledge or skill, rarely get something out of it, and most of them are asking for money with a "Woe is me" rather than a "Let's make this happen" attitude which sounds more pathetic than encouraging. Most of all the GPL is a license, and the FSF makes it but does not enforce it, but if they did, court battles and all, they would gain a better understanding of where the market is moving, what works to it's advantage and what doesn't. The newer GPL 3 is better and a little more flexible, but still a little tight for many, who still want more control over their intellectual property. I also agree that the FSF and GNU need to be separated, as free software under the GPL adhered to as strictly as Herd Linux, is destined to fail until such time more of this right to repair, vendor lockout, standards and the regulation as to their use, and similar actually face the legal challenges they should in the best interest of all. As for now, the way I see it the GPL is more indicative of an ideological doctrine (Not a bad one) than a feasibly workable license most can agree to and get on board with.
@tassaron Год назад
FSF proved in the past years that they care more about defending Stallman against his bad public reputation than their supposed mission as a foundation. At this point they're scaring people away from the GPL because it has the Gnu name in it, and a lot of people don't want any implied relationship/endorsement with Stallman whether they personally dislike him or not.
@excidium666 Год назад
Growth for its own sake is pointless, the FSF has to commit to its ideals and lead by example. Not everyone has to be so uncompromising, what's important is spreading the idea. Free software and open source have different goals...open source is about liberating code, free software is about liberating users. Author doesn't seem to get that.
@Winnetou17 Год назад
Good point!
@RunePonyRamblings Год назад
"Free software" places far more restrictions on the user than open source does. That's because the goal of "free software" is to make the software _itself_ free (as in "to have freedom"), which necessitates restricting what a user can do with that software. "Open source" just means anyone should be able to view and modify the code. So, really, it's quite the opposite. Open source = liberating users by giving them the freedom to view and modify their software's source code. Free software = liberating code by restricting how users are allowed to use and modify that code.
@mskiptr Год назад
Committing 100% to ideals is great, but in certain areas it's just not feasible. Back at the beginning all the GNU core utils, development tools, etc. were written for the proprietary UNIX because there wasn't any Free kernel out there. And now with contemporary hardware we're back at square -one- two. Same goes for the internet unfortunately. Yes, in certain areas we can achieve the ideals now. But in many we cannot. And FSF seems to cover their ears and shout instead of acknowledging the situation and trying to resolve it.
@mskiptr Год назад
​@@RunePonyRamblings what You seem to be gravely misunderstanding what "Free" in Free Software was ever about. As if the software could have any freedoms itself lol Again and again, Free Software ≠ copyleft. And even copyleft isn't about the software having any freedoms itself…
@kazzxtrismus Год назад
those ideas and ideals look more like a legalese religious book than "some good pointers for writing software and sharing"
@neimsaci942 11 месяцев назад
Interestingly how on earth copyleft is “free” software? Here is some definitions I found in Cambridge dictionary site: “not limited or controlled”, “costing nothing, or not needing to be paid for”, “ not a prisoner any longer, or having unlimited movement”, “ not in a fixed position or not joined to anything”, “ to remove the limits or controls on someone or something”, I can’t see where here gpl* or fsf fits? Copyright = averse, Copyleft = reverse, it is the other side of the same coin.
@dreamcat4 Год назад
well how about the new cyber resilliance act. maybe that is significant enough to be worth covering as its own video
@Wowbattlestats Год назад
The FSF doesn't seem to understand who its stakeholders are, and what are their interests.
@khronosschoty 8 месяцев назад
The Free Software movement, is the original movement. They should LEAD the way, not follow others.
@Triro Год назад
Why does every single person that's crazy want to force diversity. As is quite literally adds nothing to anything. Sometimes also drags things down.
@Yamzee Год назад
Never understood the whole "GNU slash" evangelism, especially nowadays. Your Linux doesn't have to have or be made with GNU utils, and it will still be Linux. We don't have "SystemD slash," "GNOME slash," "Firefox slash" Linux.
@excidium666 Год назад
rare is the one who says that and isn't using gnu. Anyway, I almost never type gnu/linux but it also does not bother me that the FSF adopts that nomenclature...if anything it makes people ask questions that end up with them learning more about the system.
@notuxnobux Год назад
It doesn't have to be gnu, but the vast majority of users are using a system with gnu utils and 99.9% of the installed software links to glibc. Thats not the case with systemd, which for most users only starts up some programs at startup. There is a large difference between gnu and systemd in the linux space. There are even technical differences between a gnu system and a non gnu system and they are not compatible, and that affects all software on your system. Those gnu alternatives wouldn't have existed as free software without gnu either.
@RandomGeometryDashStuff Год назад
what does / mean?
@notuxnobux Год назад
Ah drew devault, he has always been a radical lunatic
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
Drew devault always has some fun takes
@IanSlothieRolfe Год назад
I think the first point is junk. People should be given jobs depending on how good they are at doing the job. Giving someone a job because of their race, gender or sexuality is tantamount to saying "we know you;re not up to the job but we have quotas to fill" which must be worse for the person if they actually care about their reputation in the organisation. In the mid 90s I headed up a small team in a (UK) software house and I had a guy helping me for 6 months or so before I found out over lunch he was trans, because thanked me for not being weird about it. I am a little oblivious to these kind of things tbh but I just told him I appreciated that I could just give him things to do and he would deal with them, or quickly tell me if he thought he couldn't. Clearly outside of work he faced some problems, but It seemed back then there was a short time when these things didn't seem to matter to most people in IT at least, nowadays I am glad I am retired because sometimes it seems that its nearly all that matters.
@berinloritsch Год назад
I'm definitely from the OSS side of things. I started out in the FSF bandwagon, but when I couldn't use libraries that were GPLd in jobs I was getting paid for, the Apache Software Foundation filled that gap. For the languages I was using, it filled that gap even better than some of the GPL licenses at the time. The "cold dead fingers" rhetoric of the FSF doesn't help the cause and only serves to alienate people. There's a host of software that is only used by the corporations that it serves, and they don't want to leak their special sauce. Nor is it generally useful outside of those corporations. They pay my bills, so I appreciate when software uses MIT, ASL, or other non-copyleft license. It means I can use it _everywhere_, which I can't say for copyleft licenses. The FSF should spend its resources in defending its license in court though. Particularly for companies that claim their software is GPL, but refuse to furnish the source code in any form. I feel that this is a much more useful mission for the FSF than preaching to its own choir.
@excidium666 Год назад
>They pay my bills, so I appreciate when software uses MIT, ASL, or other non-copyleft license Meanwhile the authors of those software get paid in github stars. No wonder corporations love OSS, the alternative would be hiring more engineers.
@ananon5771 Год назад
@@excidium666 the comment kinda shows why copyleft is important, so your work isn't just stolen.
@RunePonyRamblings Год назад
​@@ananon5771 define "stolen"? When you make code "open source", the whole point is that it's available for anyone to view and modify. You can't "steal" something that's given away for free, not unless you try to claim total ownership. But then even the most permissive licenses only go one-way; you can claim copyright of your modified code, but you can't turn around and claim ownership of the original source you modified. The GPL only prevents someone from modifying your code and not releasing their modifications, which isn't "stealing". If someone _actually_ wanted to steal your code (as in, claim original ownership of the code you wrote) then the GPL wouldn't protect you any more than any other license would, because such an act is _illegal_ regardless of license, and someone doesn't care about breaking the law, they won't care about violating a license. Restrictive licenses (like the GPL) can limit _how,_ and to an extent _by whom,_ your code is used, but no open source license can compel anyone to financially support the project. If you want to be paid for use of your work, then you don't make it open source; that's _literally_ what proprietary licenses are for.
@Winnetou17 Год назад
@@RunePonyRamblings I think I can give a definition: when a company creates a program using 90% FOSS for which they pay exactly 0, they add their thing and sell it for big bucks. Or maybe not even sell it for money, simply have it to be used. You wan't to see the source code to remove the telemetry ? Tough luck, proprietary! Add in situations where you have to use that software to benefit from another service for more malice. In all cases it allows a corporation (like, say, a company that resembles one of the longest rivers on Earth) to use FOSS in proprietary products, and without providing neither funds nor code back.
@RunePonyRamblings Год назад
@@Winnetou17 That's still not stealing. You cannot "steal" something that is freely given. To imply that it is theft is to imply that the code was never truly "free and open" to begin with. If you want to control who uses your code, and for what purpose, and you wish to compel them to compensate you, then publish your code under a proprietary license, that's literally what they're for. Just don't do that while claiming to be "free and open".
@kjakobsen Год назад
RMS IS the FSF. Removing him was and would not be right. But i do think, they need to modernize with more new talent. On the whole "diversity" notion. That shit was a dissaster for the OSI. Not to be repeated.
@sudoshindo Год назад
4:39 editing mistake
@vilijanac Год назад
Do you have to provide the source code from a branch of some GPL open source code; that you modify and sell under a different license? I think you have to provide the original source code that is under GPL.
@excidium666 Год назад
Best case scenario is dual licensing your modifications. As long as you still link with the original GPL code that you did not author, you have to release the modified project under GPL.
@vilijanac Год назад
@@excidium666 Ok thx, but I think beside mentioning in credits the licensed GPL project. You still have to keep a copy of the original code in case someone requires it from you.
@RunePonyRamblings Год назад
​@@excidium666 GPL doesn't allow dual-licensing. GPL automatically overrides any permissive license, and expressly forbids mixing with anything it cannot override (i.e. patents).
@mskiptr Год назад
As @ExcidiumHellraiser said, this is only possible with dual licensing. If you hold the copyright to the entirety of the code, you can license it to some people under one license (e.g. the GNU General *Public* License) and to others under a different license (e.g. an EULA or some private one). This is not possible if your codebase contains code licensed _to you_ under the GPL - as it requires you to license your code under the GPL too
@vilijanac Год назад
@@mskiptr well said, so if branch legally must abide by the GPL. I respect that.
@Xmetalfanx Год назад
i confused at the part around say generally 12:00 but ... yeah i am all for inclusion BUT I am more for quality of the person and what they can bring then rather just someone who is not as good as someone else in a LEADERSHIP role because it checks off some "we included this group" checkbox (not to get political but on most things ... 100% social issues i 'lean left" myself but there is a "that doesn't make sense" line i have) .... now maybe IF people who are in those groups and they show potentional ... say you can help them out so they CAN fit leadership roles in different places. But yeah ... "we hired rather than someone else who was way more qualiifed" in some contexts DOESN'T make any sence to me
@monkev1199 Год назад
Yeah I feel the whole "we need diversity for the sake of diversity" is regressive. If the person who leads your organization happens to be gay or whatever then that's how it is. My issue is less about people holding opinions, I could care less if the FSF was run by a capitalist or communist, but people who enter an organization to subvert the base political assumptions of the organization are just going to fragment the entire FSF.
@yenaskitegar3140 Год назад
show me someone as autistic and committed as stallman to fsf, then we talk inclusion. i hate that we are in this state of kind of criticism, where changing the board is all it can say for itself, and count as "critic". put forward an alternative, another license. everyone of this kind of people, i bet would remove any copyleft essence and freedom that made fsf great.
@yasud1602 Год назад
I don't now much about this but I think licences should have like a rating system so by just looking the rating you now what you are allow to do with it
@MattiKoopa Год назад
GitHub does this if you open the LICENSE file there.
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 Год назад
The FSF site has a detailed comparison of different licences.
@oliver_twistor Год назад
Belonging to a minority myself, I think I have an understanding of what the "diversity argument" is about that perhaps other people who don't belong to a minority misses. I think it's often poorly worded and therefor easily misunderstood. I'm a huge diversity advocate (and I also think Drew's text about the basket-weaving red people was very good), but what is often misunderstood by it is that we don't advocate diversity first, merit second. What diversity means is that _everything equal_ it's better to actively try to get as diverse group of people as possible, because their collective experiences and perspectives will result in much more diverse thought. For example, if 25 applicants of equal merit, 20 men and 5 women, seek 10 open positions, it has been shown that if a man is recruiting, he will often unconciously choose 10 men. It doesn't mean he's sexist or don't think women are qualified, but it just happens. People seek others like themselves. I have experienced this first-hand. I'm disabled and in my community we're all too familiar with being discarded out of fear of us requiring a lot of changes to office space, working hours, communication channels etc. It's not that I and others never gets hired --- we do. But we need to be more merited than people without disability. When I compete with another computer engineer with the same amount of work experience, I tend to lose. If I compete with someone without a university degree or with less work experience, I win. That's the experience of many other minority groups as well, including women. I find it very strange that some people who claim to want a meritocracy and an environment where big ideas can flourish are so opposed to the idea of diversity, when it's diversity that guarantees that meritocracy and big ideas. The more ideas we have, the higher the chance of a great idea. And why would a homogenous group of people, often White heterosexual men with very similar education and work background, be better equipped at coming up with big ideas than a heterogenous group of different ages, genders, races, sexual orientations, religions, ethnicities, work backgrounds, education, socioeconomic backgrounds? Research has also shown that corporations with a gender diverse board of directors are more profitable than corporations with a board consisting of only men or only women. 40 year old White straight men who all are civil engineers educated at MIT tend to think quite similarly to eachother.
@BarryBazzawillWilliams Год назад
I am much more pragmatic when it comes to software I will happily use free software, open source or proprietary. I much prefer free software but don't want to be demonized for using open source or proprietary software. I like the freedom to use what software works best for me. However I would like to see promotion of free software as an idea that makes it accessible and understandable why a development might choose to use a free or open source license instead of proprietary.
@seancondon5572 Год назад
Calling Linux "GNU/Linux" or "GNU+Linux" is an artifact of an ancient time when the only serviceable userland, toolchain, libc, binutils and so forth for Linux were all GNU. This, of course, is no longer the case. We have coreutils, compilers, toolchains, and binutils equivalents outside the GNU project. An insistence on prepending "GNU" to "Linux" is not merely pedantic now. It is ignorant and deceptive.
@night_h4nter Год назад
well, most of the time it's still gnu/linux, but i get your point
@Winnetou17 Год назад
@queerdo I think the idea is that the GNU parts and Linux kernel no longer provide an actual full functional system (well, I gues it does, but it's very barebones). And since a lot of extra stuff now exists and is arguably just as important, we should either list all of them, or just use a generic name.
@seancondon5572 Год назад
@queerdo "some other tools"?! So coreutils, binutils, a compiler, a toolchain, libc, and all that are just "Some Other Tools" to you? Got news for ya, bud, if the kernel is the brain of the operating system, all these are its lungs, nervous system, heart, and so on. GNU coreutils alternatives exist, GNU binutils alternatives exist, GCC alternatives exist. GNU libc alternatives exist. Replacing them all give you a non-GNU Linux. Failure to acknowledge this fact is ignorant, willful failure to do so, as is likely the case for Stallman and his followers, is deceptive.
@Gooberpatrol66 Год назад
You don't use Alpine as your daily driver, quit LARPing
@seancondon5572 Год назад
@@Gooberpatrol66 who's LARPing? I am stating simple facts. Besides, Alpine is not the only non-GNU Linux distro. Chimera Linux is there, too. I'm fairly certain if I put enough effort into building my own profile on Gentoo, I could wipe clean the last remnants of GNU dependencies, and furthermore I am fairly certain some relatively minor changes to Linux From Scratch would be all that is needed to make that into a non-GNU Linux as well. Which leads me back to my point. Your insinuations that Alpine is the only example of such is either ignorant, deceptive, or both.
@scottfranco1962 Год назад
Unfortunate encounter with a hedge trimmer, eh?
@wertigon Год назад
GNU/Linux is actually a useful distinction still, it allows you to separate GNU/Linux from systemd/Linux and Android/Linux. I'd even go so far to state that these three operating systems are *very* different in their internals. And then of course there is the Debian distributions GNU/Linux, GNU/HURD and GNU/BSD... Debian is Linux, are those also Linux? Do you see the problem yet? Of course, there are GNU-less Linux variants as well, both UNIX-like and of course, embedded systems like Android.
@walkergoff3127 Год назад
FSF mostly seems to peddle an ideology at this point.
@clankfish Год назад
11:48 aaaand that's where i stop taking this criticism seriously
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
He ruined his entire argument by including it but pay attention to the other points because they are really good
@LogicEu Год назад
Isn't Richard Stallman a god then?
@Souls4Roca Год назад
yes, the god the ai overlords will worship
@dreamcat4 Год назад
well what you have to factor in there is the fact that stallman workships the devil. so by the transitive property that then must make him a demigod
@HajimeOtaku Год назад
Nope. He's Saint IGNUcius from the church of Emacs .
@knghtbrd Год назад
Brodie, nobody says "GNU/Linux" but the Cult of GNU. Not now, not before, going all the way back to 1997. And I'm a Debianite, with Debian being one of the few distributions that play that stupid game. But most of its devs do not because it's awkward and anyone who knows that the GNUish userspace is a big and important part of the Linux operating system doesn't need to face the direction of Baltimore and genuflect every time we read, write, or say "Linux". But there was a point during the rise of the OS when people did begin to at least write it when the GNU cultists stopped kissing Richard's ass long enough to correct the newbies that it was "considered impolite" not to do it. They got wise to that and stopped. I wrote some stuff a few years ago, during the pandemic. Now … I've got medical issues, too many to list here, we'll just say one of them starts with "stage 4" and is a terminal, incurable disease and the least likely thing to actually kill me at the moment. Right, so, I wrote my stupid little tutorial thing and put it under a CC0 public domain declaration. Because I wanted people to use it, and there's an actually zero percent chance that I'm going to pay a lawyer and take someone to court for using my code. Right, so this jackass GNU zealot decided to start screaming at me that I was failing to protect HIS rights to my code (which he apparently didn't actually have any interest in anyway…) Yeah, I kind of told him how far up his arse he could shove it. You say people are using permissive licenses? That's not shocking, actually! It's expensive to sue someone for violating your Copyright. And what happens if they break your GNU GPL and you don't take them to court for it? They get away with it. You might as well have put it under the MIT license anyway unless you're going to sue the crap out of people and can demonstrate that you are owed damages. I don't need to make everything affirmative action because frankly every time we've done that it's broken things. That said, there are people who are already diversified and doing good and important things. How about we support them? IMO that's a separate problem to what's wrong with the FSF. If the FSF doesn't get some major reforms, I do think it needs to just go away, honestly. I don't care how many women, non-white people, and a whole damned rainbow of sexual orientations they pack into the leadership of the FSF, because if the FSF continues to be a bunch of tone-deaf fruitcakes screaming at people for using e.g. the GPL v2 as committing some sin against Richard Motherfking Stallman's Holy GNU World, nobody will ever care what else they're doing ever again. I sure don't. And how about we stop beating people over the head over terminology and maybe make some serious steps to make some of that proprietary bullshit hardware work without proprietary software components? I mean, nvidia cards have been notoriously awful on Linux for a long time, and the biggest place that's a problem is the part they didn't want to open source for some reason. That's not a really easy problem to fix, but it's a problem that can be fixed if enough people learn how to set up a debugger and start trying to crash the hardware and report the logs when they do.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
I'm not sure why you're angry with me, I mostly agree with you
@knghtbrd Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson not angry! Not with you anyway! 🙂 Sorry to give that impression. I'm very angry with the zealot, though, and what he represents.
@ananon5771 Год назад
i understand the article, and i do think reform is needed, though how this can be done im not sure of how it can/should be done, and it will just be the case that some crazies will be in the FSF. and on 1. at about 12:00 i totally agree, im bisexual, but id rather people think im straight (even if it put me at a disadvantage) 1000X over than be judged like that for being that thing, whenever i see it it deeply upsets me (and to avoid becoming too political, i'll leave it at that).
@alexandruc.5128 Год назад
Stallman refers to 'users' as 'useds' in every single one of his talks.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
I've never seen it in writing
@alexandruc.5128 Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson fair enough.
@michaelutech4786 9 месяцев назад
Okay, the next bullet point is just as stupid or ignorant: "Reform the institution": Why should it be "the leaders throughout the FOSS world" to "take charge of FSF's mission"? You don't need leaders to promote the concept of Free Software. If the people are not concerned about the concept of Free Software, then FSF's mission will fail no matter what leaders of FOSS do, while the FSF will eventually succeed if people care, no matter what the leaders of corporations or governments do. The leaders on both sides only matter insofar as the have an impact on what people think and feel, and there are much more important aspects to that than free software. It's the future of humanity that hinges on the question of whether actions are aimed at the benefit of humanity as a whole or the various leaders and fractions of leaders holding the power to act. Being part of "the movement" is not a primary goal of the FSF and should not be. This is at best a means to an end, which is the actual mission of the FSF. The causes that are pushed by various leaders of the FOSS community are just as various as the leaders are. Some align with the cause of the FSF, others don't. That's why the FSF is part of but not THE FOSS. And it's important that the FSF preserves it's distinct identity, because it's not the same identity as that of the FOSS movement, if that is a movement at all. The FSF is a movement, because you can follow it. How do you follow the FOSS movement? I say all that without myself being fully convinced that the mission of the FSF is what I want see succeed. It's certainly better than a fully corporate defined reality. But a nebulous group of "FOSS leaders" is certainly not what I want to be in charge of something as important as the freedom of the most important technology sector in recent human history.Who are those leaders? The guys starting innovative projects? The currently most appreciated toy makers? The same guys that say "Don't be evil" and then sell us out? Like Docker trying to charge FOSS image makers to pay the bill for the guys downloading stuff? The best reason to like and agree with FOSS leaders is because they don't lead anything. The FSF does some leading, and that mostly why they are so annoying. I never used Qt because of GPL. And that's even though I love the concept of Free Software. But because I understand Free Software, I don't complain about Qt (much). I just don't use it. But it's important that some people make, use and argue for Free Software and that requires leadership. The very leadership that the FSF provides and FOSS leaders don't. The cause of Free Software does not require more popularity. it's already popular. It requires a response from people if they actually care or not. Mostly they don't. But that's not a communication or leadership problem on the part of FSF, it's the simple fact of life that wisdom and intelligence is not scaling well with numbers. People are stupid, always. Individuals may or may not be.
@JoshuaVonNoctis Год назад
The minute I saw "we need more people of color, marxist group TIQA, and women," I knew this was a nothing burger.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
The rest of the points are really good, I don't know why he included it even though he agrees with it he should have known a lot of people would ignore the entire blog because of it
@JoshuaVonNoctis Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson Some people are more concern with being noticed then actually caring about the thing they are talking about. The FSF more then likely needs some self-reflection, but kicking out the face of the FSF isn't going to help anyone.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
@@JoshuaVonNoctis Stallman is 70 so he will be leaving sooner or later, the question is what happens then
@JoshuaVonNoctis Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson Oh wow yeah. I forgot about that.
@ayanned Год назад
same here brother. when i see that lgbtqpaedo and femina-|-zi stuff... my mind just turns off. remember bud light, in future fsf. bai lan. let it rot.
@npoaccount9154 Год назад
I dont get why this guy is bringing politics into FSF. Why mention "blue", "red", "lgbt", "colour", "race" etc. If someone is skilled and deserving, they should be hired. Hiring based on "culture" to promote "diversity" is really dumb. You could be missing out on good skill and leaders because of your "forced diversity". If a black guy is skilled enough, he should be hired. This doesnt mean that 50% of the board has to "compulsarily" be people of colour/lgbt/something else.
@joshallen128 Год назад
FSF really cannot get into politics if they want to maintain their 501 c3 tax exempt status.
@Andrath Год назад
I really don't give a toss about how much melanin someone has in their skin, and I'm not at all interested in who they like to date. The only thing I care about is their engineering skills.
@tumescent Год назад
@hello It's less about diversity of phenotypes (hair color, eye color, etc) and more about ethnic diversity and the various cultures and perspectives that come along with it. Forced diversity and diversity quotas are ineffective marketing stunts that should be excised but intolerance toward diversity is bound to drive away otherwise talented engineers.
@MrSomethingred Год назад
Leaders arnt engineers. Sure the SW people should be hired on "Merit", but for leadership, it is clear that sweaty white dudes are good at advertising free software to other sweaty white dudes, but if we want the movement to expand, it then being able to reach new audiences is fundamental a merit. Regardless of how you get there. Also. The FSF is fundamental a political movement. That is what the"Free" part is. No one is bringing extra politics.
@WMan37 Год назад
The worst part about it is that any time there's drama over a bad change, or something that breaks a thing, or internal conflict among contributors, they're just gonna say "well you only are critiquing my code because I'm [progressive demographic]" which means the basket weavers are not getting along over arbitrary bullshit, which is nose pinching, groan inducing levels of frustrating because it overstates how much you actually care about who they are, you just want working software, and these people have the tendency to boot out people they don't like over simple political differences of opinion unrelated to the software they're creating even if they are contributing a lot to a project which can be catastrophic at times. This goes in both directions too, I'd rather have a working PolyMC Minecraft Launcher than have one side lie and say software is compromised and unsafe tantamount to a virus when this is not the case, and the other side boot most of the contributors over political differences, effectively killing the project. You can be non-white and suck dick of the same sex or whatever, *I don't care,* just, _please,_ simply contribute as everyone else does and don't be problematic to a project's development by starting internal drama with people you don't like who are also working on the same project. This has happened too many times, and the dogmatic conversation and snarky subtweeting(mastodoning?) surrounding this is doing more to foster a culture of distrust towards these diverse groups rather than cooperation. The blue people red people allegory drew made doesn't hold when the blue people want to construct reasons to boot the red basket weavers out any chance they get even if it results in less overall basket weavers and a removal of an experienced old guard of basket weavers. Hell, the *first point* literally _begins_ with "boot [person we don't like] out of the FSF organization" which shows the priorities at hand. It's not a good look.
@korakys Год назад
The very name of the FSF is a major problem; free software means I don't need to pay for it, nothing else. This is how I manage things internally: Free = no cost. Open = the code can be inspected and compiled by anyone. Libre = copyleft, other projects that use this code must also be open.
@korakys Год назад
@@Sekhatt enslaved software is not an intuitive concept. Software that costs money is an intuitive concept.
@lawrencedoliveiro9104 Год назад
Does a “free market” mean you don’t pay for things? And yet that is the essence of Capitalism.
@logangraham2956 Год назад
the reason MIT is winning over GPL (in my opinion at least...) is the same reason i've been telling people as to why i person do not use copyleft license. I want to write code not worry about legal troubles, i'm a programmer not a lawyer. but if i choose a copyleft license it almost forces me to be both programmer and lawyer because i have to understand what exactly the license is doing. with something like MIT, i can choose to just not give a shit about the license and focus on what i actually love doing and that's the programming.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
MIT like the MPL is a lot more understandable, you don't need multiple essays to understand the core concepts
@yxtqwf Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson How is the MPL in any way comparable to the MIT license in readability? It's nearly 15 times longer, while not having any benefit over it; nor is it really copyleft.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
@@yxtqwf I'm saying it's easier to read than the GPL
@tato-chip7612 Год назад
MIT is mostly used because programmers want to provide a proprietary solution along with their opensource one. It's the reason why huge companies love it.
@logangraham2956 Год назад
@@tato-chip7612 but i'm not some huge company, i am but a single person working by myself. and i would wager that my particular mindset on this topic is not exactly unique. I write software because i like writing software. anything that would hinder this in way of being a hassle to deal with is not beneficial to me as a programmer or the community. you can't have free software without software.
@guss77 Год назад
I found it very interesting that a concerning number of Go packages are using GPL licenses and not LGPL - as Go libraries are distributed in source form, GPL licensing is abusive and predatory and - IMHO - does not align with the ideals of the Free Software movement.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
Why do you say that?
@guss77 Год назад
​@@BrodieRobertsonthe GPL licenses were designed to be viral - which works well when most open source development is done by forking and extending existing projects, and composition is achieved by cooperating binaries that share no code and can diverge in licenses - as was common in FLOSS in the previous century (hence the assertion in the GPL that mere aggregation of binaries on a medium doesn't trigger vitality).. The reason LGPL exists is that the pure unapologetic copyleft model is unfriendly in a development model that prefers composition using source modules that are built into a single binary (often by the user, and not even the developer - i.e. scripting) - which is a more common practice in modern software development. When you distribute your source library under GPL terms, you are enforcing your license choice on the application developer - and actively prevents them from using source libraries with conflicting licences (which there are, though I'm not sure how pervasive these are in libraries). An application developer who is conscious of good copyright hygiene (which unfortunately is less common than I think it should be) may be forced to not use your library because of its predatory use of GPL, or be trapped (when they find out much later the mistake they have made). I believe this opinion corresponds with some of the concerns raised by Devault in the article you reviewed in your video.
@AlexandruVoda Год назад
@@guss77 the GPL aligns perfectly with the FSF. It is practically their gospel. The virality is very much intended. That's why the LGPL is called "Lesser". That it conflicts with other FOSS licenses does not matter. Look at FreeCAD and some other projects that have been held back by license incompatibility of FOSS components. Ironically, not even the AGPL aligns as well with the FSF as the GPL even though it is a stronger copyleft. They never pushed the AGPL as they pushed the GPL. This is partly to blame for the FSF being ineffective against SaaS. My suspicion is that it's a case of NIH and Stallmans ego.
@paherbst524 Год назад
I still believe in the FSF.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
I do as well but no one outside the free software space does and that's the problem
@excidium666 Год назад
​@@BrodieRobertson Is it really a problem? The FSF was never a huge organization and is never going to be widely popular, given its radical approach. It is what it is, and compromising and changing things for the sake of a supposed increase in adoption would just result in dilluting its goals with other FOSS initiatives to the point where it becomes pointless to still exist. There's a great response to this blog post but I think I can't post URLs here
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
The FSF has goals they want to achieve but without support many of them are not really achievable. You should be able to post the name and the website it's on
@Winnetou17 Год назад
@@excidium666 Can you tell us the title of that response ? I'm curious (and lazy to search).
@michaelutech4786 9 месяцев назад
I find the bullet point "Reform the leadership" somewhere between abhorrent and stupid. The FSF, while in the past the leading edge, is today part and only part of the FOSS community. I don't see a FOSS movement, at least not prominently. As such, they represent an important part of the FOSS that should not be watered down to be more harmonious. RMS and his FSF was always about the social or socio-political aspect of software. OSS is personal: "Use my stuff freely". FSF is transformative: "Liberate us" and the latter always meant "from THEM". Asking the FSF to become more compatible or cooperative is to ask them to give up on their cause and do the next best thing. And why the hell does the FSF need more leaders of color, women, LGBT as well as others who remain unspecified? Maybe some of the white old men in the FSF are more "other" than the average member of the contemporarily favored minority. And maybe the reason why they are in the leadership of the FSF is because their personal difference is just what proved to be the motor of the not quite unimpressive success the FSF had in the past. Sure, most people don't care for the goals of RMS or the FSF. They might seem too dogmatic or just irrelevant for the practicalities of day-to-day life. I knew the leader of the German FSF many years ago, she was and probably still is a woman. But she was a prick (in my personal evaluation). I don't think she helped the cause of the FSF or the broader FOSS community, despite the fact that she was a woman. I don't care for anybodies gender, color or otherness, unless that has a role to play in some context. And freedom or software does not seem to be related to any of that. I was really upset when some opinionated code style enforcer rejected a commit of mine, because I called the ends of a pseudo terminal "master" and "slave" in my code. Soon it will complain about client and server and then service. Is this seriously the culture we want to create while at the same time George Floyd was publicly executed in front of scandalized cameras? Terms such as "diversity" or "inclusiveness" are only absolute positives if used in a context of their abusive opposites. Maybe RMS would do the FSF a favor if he resigned. But is the fact that he is not black, red, yellow, female, queer - or whatever category is important to you - enough to make such a determination?
@AnalyticMinded Год назад
I agree on some of the reform proposals, but the forced diversity bit is just idiotic. The FSF should just be about what its name says, i.e. free software. What forced diversity will bring is more divisive politics not less, and if (or when) that happens, the FSF might as well not exist. It will be in an even worse position.
@lordmoose213 Год назад
I think it is less about forced diversity and more making in clear that the FSF can represent more people than the straight white male demographic that currently IS the entire FSF but no longer is the entire FOSS community
@TavishMcEwen Год назад
It's about getting people to use free software, and people are diverse. Pretending this is not the case is just ignorance.
@felixjohnson3874 Год назад
@@lordmoose213 they explicitly said we should push out stallman and push in minorities, women, lgbtqlmnopqrstuvwxyz+-_. You cannot more explicitly be asking for forced inclusion. Th FSF is literally a freedom foundation, to such an extreme that some of their beliefs are against people's freedom to give away their own freedom; (tivoisation) this is not a group that gives a shit whether your a minority or not. The only way their claims represent anything other than forced inclusivity is if the operating assumption is Stallman is racist, misogynist, etc. and is actively working to stop minorities, women, etc. from supporting free software and, as a result, his removal would naturally lead to regression back to the (comparatively more diverse) mean. Of all the things I have heard people describe Stallman as, "blocking people from supporting free software" is not among them This is an explicit recommendation for forced diversity and inclusion as a replacement for steadfast free software principles.
@kazzxtrismus Год назад
this guy is asking for a political takeover of 1 side of the political spectrum as supreme commanders. this isnt about software FSF freeware foss or anything else... this is a "politics as a religion" extremist attack on the community.....attempting another gam / gate 2.0 and it is AstroTurf bullsh-.......they are playing the left with the trendy politics in order to enact a coup/takeover......thats not how its supposed to work or the political spectrum or the the part of the spectrum that originated the ideas of FSF and FOSS....you are being gaslit how is the organic evolution of freely openly shared for the good of all people supposed to come from a coup and an iron fist...."the iron fisted ban-sledge hammer of freedom" ....its blatantly backwards
@mech653 Год назад
Lol, imagine thinking "forced diversity" is a thing.
@vikidprinciples Год назад
You lost me at “diversity”
@tato-chip7612 Год назад
People called him out on simply adding minorities on the FSF board for the sake of them being minorities and his response was telling everyone on mastodon about "white fragility" and shit. I agree with a few things he points out but after finding out drew is just another internet racist i'm like "no way chief, this is the internet, we have people of all kinds of races here." Also his red and blue people, mental outlaw has done far more than any movement to bring black people into the opensource space. And i know this thought makes Drew seethe and cope.
@khronosschoty 8 месяцев назад
GNU and FSF are not the same organization.
@absalomdraconis Год назад
These "diversity leadership" positions are reliably bad. We need diversity _internships,_ because shoving people into positions they aren't ready for is harmful to them, to those they work with, and to those they work for. It reliably goes bad, with those people failing to take the struggles _of others_ into consideration, because they haven't had the experience to understand and respect those struggles.
@sigismvnd Год назад
Drew Devault is wrong
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
I think some of his points are, what do you disagree with
@BobDoe_69 Год назад
trojan horse wokist detected, how about no to everything this he them Drew wants
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
What do you disagree with besides the first
@BobDoe_69 Год назад
@@BrodieRobertson 1.Forced diversity woke garbage and forcing trans down our throats. 2. The exclusion of Stallman completely, but I agree he hasn't been fantastic for the messaging and there needs to be changes but kicking him out isn't the answer. 3. The watering down of the message, yes its so extreme in today's proprietary world where you own nothing and eat zee bugz quietly but its important still to have the ideal untainted. I agree with the messaging is awful, walls of texts, no easy entry points and not as robust systems to protect against commercial attacks. However, he is just saying what we want to hear to infiltrate with blue haired trans and destroy the organisation from within..as have been documented in so many organisations. Its a well proven strategy.
@BrodieRobertson Год назад
@@BobDoe_69 As I said, I knew you would disagree with the first point.
@oliver_twistor Год назад
I like Drew's basket-weaving analogy, but I feel that many will have a hard time understanding the meaning of it and the relevance. One common argument against diversity within the software development field is that there are mostly men anyway (red basket-weavers) and they are really good at it. Sure, there are some women (blue people) who are good, as well, but it doesn't seem that important demographic to try to include. But if we purposefully bring in more women (blue people) to learn the basket-weaving craft, other blue people will become interested and we will start to find that the blue people are in fact both interested in and good at basket-weaving. The point is: if a group remains secluded and exclusionary, the members of that group shouldn't be surprised if nobody else wants to join, and they shouldn't assume that nobody else is qualified enough for that group. Thinking back at the time when only men were allowed in universities, was it that strange that researchers and scientists were mostly men? Was it because women didn't want or weren't able to do science, or was it because they lacked the best opportunities to learn how to do science? There were women who did science of course, even back then, but they did so at a significant disadvantage to their male colleagues. The effect was that the women had to be so much better than the men to reach the same levels as them.
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