
Is The Holy Spirit Female Unforgivable Sin The Final Warning 

Underground Church FOJC
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15 окт 2024




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@mrcryptid72 5 месяцев назад
I love the way you tell people the facts without telling them what to believe. That’s the reason y’all are so effective. Thank you. This helped
@Lynn-r7o 5 месяцев назад
Prayers for all in the chat. Amen Amen and Amen ❤️🙏💪🐑🕊️❤️
@angelmomlively1475 5 месяцев назад
Thank you gentlemen! 🙏🏻💕
@alreadybanned-pe6se 5 месяцев назад
Another Great episode God bless you guys and may he shine his face upon you all Love to David Strength to Donna Peace to you In The Holy Name Jesus Christ
@usnr6391 5 месяцев назад
God bless Donna
@CharmaineGuruleArt 5 месяцев назад
I understand where you all are coming from. I apologize for the following relunctancy to jump in on 100% agreement. Do know, I respect you and appreciate your earnest thoughts. I do not think contemplating the feminine aspect associated with the God head leads to goddess worship. I dont think the feminine attributes within God is blasphemy either, because obviously the feminine is his design as is male. Where does the concept of the feminine come from? If it was extracted out from God himself to be applied to women, why wouldnt it be a distinct and vital part of "God". When I think of the Great Comforter, I don't automatically see male qualities. I actually see female qualities, as if immediate aid would bring tissues in a time of sorrow, and cups of tea, sustenance, blankets, etc. Nuturing qualities. If the original Hebrew word has a feminine context to it, lets contemplate that a little longer. Whose translations are wrong? Is it the ancient hebrew that is misguided or is it the modern expression?
@robyngevas1761 5 месяцев назад
It's a rhetorical question...Like asking if Jesus was male or female..obviously HE is, was, and will forever be the firstborn
@teresalee7738 5 месяцев назад
Good job guys
@marymundy-jones5663 5 месяцев назад
I'm so with you Jon
@robyngevas1761 5 месяцев назад
THE COMFORTER, is the Holy Ghost, and Scripture clearly says HE meaning Jesus Christ, having been resurrected from the dead, and glorified, will teach you all things. This was the importation of the Holy Ghost on the day of Pentecost to the early church. NOW, the body of Christ, is the body of believers, and the Spirit is IN the individual believers, as it says, That same Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it sees HIM not, nor knows HIM, but you know Him, for HE dwells with you, and SHALL BE within you (John 14:17). This event was prophesied by Joel in chapter 2: 28) The Holy Spirit was initially poured out to the 120 believers who witnessed His Resurrected body without blood, every tidbit of information from the old testament is powerfully significant in our lives to this day
@jase5415 5 месяцев назад
Ya I guess It does say HIM not HER.
@rubylittle5155 5 месяцев назад
@MSaintG 5 месяцев назад
@suziefinley328 5 месяцев назад
Exactly, end of story!
@BadWolf3742 5 месяцев назад
Blessings everyone in his name
@JaniceRamsey-uo5sx 5 месяцев назад
The feed of God is beginning of wisdom
@robertamccartney5500 5 месяцев назад
*FEAR* ✔️
@dixiecroft6662 5 месяцев назад
Pssst... what he ^ said...
@Micaiah144 4 месяца назад
Wisdom is justified of her children, and the Spirit of truth which is discernment and power from the living Father in Heaven is nurturing.
@juliemcmurtrie2713 5 месяцев назад
Who would think that Holy Spirit is female. !!!! Holy Spirit is God's Spirit 🙏
@DonnySath 5 месяцев назад
You have to consider who wisdom is in Proverbs. She is a Sister and a Kinswoman. What is her role? to lead all men into truth. So what was the holy spirit given for, to lead man(men) into all truth. Same language same goal. Best to my remembrance in I Enoch stated that wisdom was sent to earth but she found no dwelling among the children of man. So she went up to heaven and a dwelling place was made for her. Just like in Proverbs another woman opposite of wisdom came down to earth and she found dwelling place and abode among the children of men. After Jesus was baptized a spirit like unto a dove descended upon him, is a dove to represent feminine or masculine? I don't find this aspect that the holy spirit could be a she offensive. And I tend not to believe that wisdom and holy spirit is two different entities. Like soul and spirit is one. ...." Jesus breathed on them, and said unto them, receive the Holy Spirit..." Sounded exactly as when God breathed into Adam his breath of life. Since all that are redeemed receive this newness of life same breath of life in the form of the Holy Spirit? So this Holy Spirit could also be just the breath of God. The wind bloweth and you hear the sound thereof but cannot see whence it came so is everyone who is born of the spirit. And they heard as it were the sound of a rushing wind with cloven tongue of fire?
@camoman 4 месяца назад
Many people in false/pagan religion do...Sophia is but 1.
@1erinjames 4 месяца назад
Ecclesiastes calls the Holy Spirit a her and like a woman. Then goes further to explain how she blesses those who seek after her. She nurtures, comforts, teaches, she is one of the greatest gifts we are given thru Yahusha/Jesus!! Some take it too far and call her Yahs wife. A whole religion is based off of that. Just going off what is Written in Ecclesiastes, there shouldn’t really be any question about The Holy Spirit. Likely The Holy Spirit is a multi layered spirit, just as Yah. The aspect of Wisdom is as a woman, other aspects may be as male. The Holy Spirit is nit male or female. It is Spirit that has aspects similar to male and female depending on particular aspect being looked at or led by.
@susanpolin2619 5 месяцев назад
@Huskyfan-rn9zn 5 месяцев назад
Amen and Amen! He was the first of anything created by the Father. They are not the same. The Son is the only begotten Son. He isn't the Father in the flesh. He was created by the Father.
@stolenjunk 5 месяцев назад
Churches preach otherwise. I just never could figure out why​@@Huskyfan-rn9zn
@No-Name-f8p 5 месяцев назад
Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever, the Spirit of truth. The world cannot receive HIM, because it neither sees HIM nor knows HIM. But you do know HIM, for HE abides with you and will be in you… HE will testify about Me.
@rebeccaspaulding704 4 месяца назад
There are no gender pronouns in Greek, so the translation has come through as he. Wisdom in Proverbs 8 is female. Wisdom in Ecclesiasticus 6:18-29 we see Wisdom again is female
@michellegray8982 Месяц назад
This was my question. Is wisdom female.
@wideawaketotruth5301 5 месяцев назад
"Immaculate Conseption Brothers" male.
@EveryKneeWillBend. 5 месяцев назад
❤Dan! Long time no see❤️
@trevconn123 5 месяцев назад
*Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is NOT saying something wrong about the Holy Spirit (though it is wrong and sinful) Blaspheming is REFUSING to repent for your sins and accept Christ’s atonement on the Cross, dying in sin WITHOUT the Holy Spirit in one’s life. Hence why it is unforgivable. There is NO forgiveness for one who does not ASK for it.*
@sarahbethlauritzen5105 5 месяцев назад
In the original Hebrew, the Holy Spirit is always referred to in the feminine. It's known is Judaism that YHVH is Yod (the Father), Hey (the mother) Vav (the son), and Hey (the bride) . It's literally what the story of Eve coming out of Adam is echoing. And at the very least , if you call the Holy Spirit and girl instead of a boy.....she's not offended.....people are ridiculous 🙄 ❤ YAH BLESS!! And don't take my word for it....check it out for yourself!!
@trevconn123 5 месяцев назад
Sophia(Wisdom) does NOT refer to the Holy Spirit. It refers to the LAW of God. The only “Bride” or “Feminine” is the Church of Jesus Christ by which Jesus is the Bridegroom.
@AnnieO100 5 месяцев назад
The scribes have perverted the texts.
@briansmullen8390 5 месяцев назад
Reminds me of a song. What if God was one of us by Joan Osborne. I ask. What if God is all of us?
@vdgitaliano 4 месяца назад
A few things to point out… Mary was not any more special than anyone, she confessed that with her own mouth to disciples, even saying that she was nothing more than a handmaiden. She had no elevated status whatsoever. She was selected because she was within the line of Kings and because she was a virgin and the timing, she was the perfect woman to fulfill what was necessary according to the timing of God. the term blessed does not mean better than or more holy or more special. Blessed in the Hebrew culture meant that the Lord’s power was with you, so when the angel told her that she was blessed among women, he was telling her that the power of God was with her in a way that it had never been with any other woman and never would be ever again. The angel was not saying that she was more special and that’s why she was being selected. The Bible doesn’t say it and neither should we. In terms of the Holy Spirit, being female, often times people get that idea because in the book of proverbs it says, that wisdom she is more precious than Rubies. We know that the Holy Spirit is of a male representation because number one Christ said it is his Spirit and number two. Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as him and he. I can’t understand why people get anything else out of it. As for the unforgivable sin, which is to deny the Holy Spirit… This particular sin cannot be committed until the moment of your death. Jesus with his own mouth said on several occasions that death was the final point of no return. He often said to people repent before death finds you and a worse fate comes upon you. He did not say you never know when in your life judgment is going to be passed on you and there was no going back. Scripture says that judgment occurs after death, for example, Paul, when he says it is appointed for man to live once then die, and then judgment. Since the punishment for denying the Holy Spirit is hell, that’s called a sentencing and it happens after death. There is no judgment which means that if we could deny the Holy Spirit within the term of our life, the sentence would be passed at that moment and occurs eternally before the time of your death. If Jesus says that death is the final determinator, then we have the whole of our lives to find repentance and accept him and that does not mean we can commit a sin that would sentence us to hell prior to death. We have chastisement and rebuking from God, but we do not have judgment. Many people are saying that our nation is under judgment which it’s not it’s being chastised. We have to be very careful the words we use because the Lord says we are not to say we are being judged, if we were, we would definitely know it, and it would not be pleasant at all. to deny the Holy Spirit means to go to death, refusing to accept the sacrifice of Christ. It is the Holy Spirit prodding for men to receive Christ, this is what the scripture tells us, so denying the Holy Spirit means to deny the prodding and opportunity to repent and be saved. We know this because the scripture says that the will of God is that every man would repent and accept the sacrifice of Christ for the remission of their sins. When the Holy Spirit is among men selecting who will pick, it does not mean that he is willy-nilly picking in a fickle manner it means he is seeking the hearts of men to see who has chosen Christ. God chooses those who choose him hence the reason why he chose Abraham and told him that, he had not forgotten them because they had not forgotten him. Israel is a nation of believers, not a hereditary group. Even in the Old Testament, the Israelites in the Hebrew tribes were told that if they broke the law, they were no longer a member of Israel, and their women and children as widows and orphans. Israel was and always will be a nation that believes and obey the Most High God and Jesus Christ as King and Savior and Lord God in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit for all eternity.
@christopherbellore3511 5 месяцев назад
Sorry guy's, I made it 45 minutes into this and I gotta tell you, brother Dan you butchered this so badly that it only conveyed more confusion about the topic rather than edification. I know you love God, but you must be able to properly deliver this information before you jump into a video show. Brother Jon, I've been listening to you and David for a few years now, and I'm sure you have the correct understanding about this, however your input hasn't been clear enough to diffuse the confusion. No offense is intended to either of you. If I may, I'd like to say a short, very brief word concerning God's Holy Truth about this topic: The Spirit of God is correctly referred to as, "He;" NOT "It," NOR "She." The HOLY SPIRIT wants to penetrate EVERY one who believes in Jesus Christ. "Penetrate," implies a male action of COMING into someone. The ENTIRE ministry of the Holy Spirit Is to REVEAL Jesus Christ, our Lord more and more, to the believer. He is an extremely important part of God's Creative Power; from participating of, "in the beginning," Genesis Chapter One account: To, the impregnating of Mary for the gestation of Jesus Christ. Now, that's keeping it simple. Furthermore, Proverbs 7:4 says, "Call Wisdom your sister; and call Understanding your kinswoman." Women give birth to us; As does God's Wisdom through the Power of the Holy Spirit. God's creative Power gives birth to things, and Jesus Christ Is the complete embodiment, and enveloping of God's Wisdom in action. Jesus has the Holy Spirit in full, NOT partially (see John 3:31-36). Jesus has RETAINED God's Wisdom completely, and through the Power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus does mighty selfless miracles of Charity by utilizing His Wisdom which He fully retains. THIS is a brief, but accurate summary concerning the description of the Holy Spirit and the definition of God's Wisdom. I hope this helps to clarify this topic. ✝🛐🕊⚓🔨📖🗡✝🥊🙏💞✝ Fighting the good fight of faith; EVERYDAY!
@jimmydavidson23 5 месяцев назад
Either Jon gained 100 pounds back last week or this is not live… Why advertise as live or premiere??
@teresalee7738 5 месяцев назад
They do it so people can live chat
@cheryl8572-e4j 5 месяцев назад
@mikeclement62 5 месяцев назад
Wisdom, the Comforter, the Ruach are all attributes of the One God. He and Her are for our understanding on what the authors are saying. Israel the people are always referred to she or her and wisdom is referred as her, even the moon and the comforter is referred as he or him. The body of believers are the bride which is also used in the same contexts. The church is the assemblies of believers in Yahshua who are still considered Israel and is her or bride.. The attributes have nothing to do with gender. Man has his characteristics not like a female and so does the female have not like a man. This is why the two become one flesh, as this is completion of both parts. Elohim is spirit and we must think in spirit not of fleshly thinking. There is only one Most High which humans can't fully understand in our mortal bodies which are of flesh. Jewish mysticism disguises itself in many ways and is false doctrine for sure.
@rebeccaspaulding704 4 месяца назад
Being created in the image of YaHuaH our Elohim, male and female, there is the female part of YaHuaH I was fashioned after!
@No-Name-f8p 5 месяцев назад
Before he DIED, Rob Skiba emailed me back in response to my challenge to him about the female Holy Spirit issue he was pushing with Zen García. He said “what does it matter?”
@robertamccartney5500 5 месяцев назад
@DonnySath 5 месяцев назад
I like the aspect that the holy spirit could be a female. Holy spirit could be just the breath of God too. Perhaps there is no triune. Enoch seem to indicate she is a female form.
@No-Name-f8p 5 месяцев назад
@@DonnySath Repent! I think it’s blasphemy. Jesus called the Holy Spirit a Comforter and a “He.” You did NOT listen to one word of the video 🤣
@No-Name-f8p 5 месяцев назад
@@DonnySath The unforgivable sin: Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (calling Him a breath! Breaths don’t cause conception in women.)
@Traci.Patterson 5 месяцев назад
I am so sick and tired of everyone bashing Rob and Zen. It's starting to really tick me off. It's rude and you don't talk about your brothers or sisters that way. It feels like everyone's in competition with them or something.What a crock there is no competition. People just like pick a side and then just totally believe everything that side says. How about everybody doing their own research? Because nobody, not 1 person knows everything. End rant.
@TonyaSloan-hn7ml 5 месяцев назад
Thank you guys. As a Catholic I was told that God wouldn't leave us motherless and that's why Mary was the queen of Heaven Wow probably why some go for the female Holy Spirit. Very dangerous and yea blasphemous! Don't fall for this. Great show!!
@flatinsandiego9806 5 месяцев назад
Why do we have to hear about people being ground up into hamburger before every broadcast? Do better.
@HiDollaHoney 5 месяцев назад
Judiasm teaches about the Shekinah, which is the feminine presence of God
@cheryl8572-e4j 5 месяцев назад
That would be from the Talmudic Jews, not the Torah Jews.
@paulmetzler89 3 месяца назад
Funny how they named that AI robot Sophia...
@jase5415 5 месяцев назад
God The Father, God The Son, God The Holy Spirit. H.m.m.m. interesting commentary.
@juliemcmurtrie2713 5 месяцев назад
Holy Spirit is not a personal being. Holy Spirit is God's Spirit 🙏
@nichelleloh6659 5 месяцев назад
I was always thinking the holy spirit is a male and he is a lil shy🥰??!
@monrepos1001 5 месяцев назад
nice one lady:)
@sindeeesquibel5198 5 месяцев назад
I believe its Knowing the Holy Spirit or we tasting of the Holy Spirit/or having a relationship with the Holy Spirit and then denian the Holy Spirit , like " I dont want the Holy Spirit within me anymore!" And then partaning with Satan. This is unforgivable to Jesus because you are mature and grown in Spirit enough to know what you are doing. Like a traitor.
@Traci.Patterson 5 месяцев назад
I wonder if you guys have read the Targums of the Bible because those are the true words before they were changed and a lot of times it does say she.
@mrcryptid72 5 месяцев назад
😂who told you that?
@JaniceRamsey-uo5sx 5 месяцев назад
I believe that when we are delivered up before the antichrist if we don't let the Holy Spirit talk though us that I believe is what it's talking about
@jeannieab5218 5 месяцев назад
I wish y’all would get to the point.
@hayahwassa 5 месяцев назад
she is female and occupies the two witnesses for sure. i was just talking to a beautiful lady named Wisdom the Holy Spirit she gave me a song from proverbs 8 Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice? - Pro 8:1 KJV All the words of my mouth [are] in righteousness; [there is] nothing froward or perverse in them. - Pro 8:8 KJV They [are] all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find knowledge. - Pro 8:9 KJV She condensed the words in proverbs 8 after i did a word study Wisdom cries and her voice sings In the marketplace her voice rings His praises At the entrance, in the streets The highways, the byways, the doors Calling with a loud voice Oh you simple Understand me i call to you Don’t be a fool Come Listen! I tell you amazing things Right things My mouth speaks truth No lies or perversity My words are plain Believe them Receive them They are Gold and silver. Better than rubies Nothing is better than the truth I find out secret inventions And mysteries I hate evil, proud, arrogant ways All lies and liars do i hate Counsel is mine Soundness understanding strength By me kings reign princes make laws I love you if you love me Seek me early you will find me Real riches and honor Are with me Better than gold and silver I lead you to righteousness and judgment I am real substance with treasures I was there at the beginning So listen to me Blessed are they that keep My ways You are blessed if you hear me Watching my gates And waiting at my door Listen and come to me
@mikeclement62 5 месяцев назад
Shekhinah=the presence of God This was not looked at as a female in ancient Hebrew cultures or the first Hebrew schools established in 1st century BC. Not sure where you get this referring to a female of God's feminine side.
@aryan1956 5 месяцев назад
Let us make man in our image: Godhead covenant (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), Marriage covenant (Father, husband, wife) Three individuals, one contract.
@No-Name-f8p 5 месяцев назад
Blasphemous! Yahweh did NOT have a wife! Repent or be damned!
@donnamoss7480 4 месяца назад
Yah made man singularly Then he did see that Adam needed a helpmate and tòok ribs out and from Adam he made woman for a helpmeet
@No-Name-f8p 4 месяца назад
@@donnamoss7480 Yes! Well said. I like how you used the word “singularly,’ that The Almighty did not need a woman to create Adam!
@TheMuleman76 5 месяцев назад
Jon, you go on Nino, who had a guest say it feminine, and he nodded his head in agreement and kept having that guest on. Leave that man alone, for he is not equally yoked. Or is it all about being liked, views, and $$$? Time will tell I guess. 😊
@aryan1956 5 месяцев назад
I love you guys dearly. The only thing that makes me cringe is when you pray to Yeshua. He himself taught us to pray to & worship Our Father alone. Personally I believe that praying to Yeshua is something people have been mislead to do like praying to Mary or the saints even tho Yeshua is risen, He told us himself to pray to Our Father. Yeshua, crucifiction, resurection, salvation are all a prevision of the Father. Focus on the provider rather than the provision. Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
@mrcryptid72 5 месяцев назад
Condemn people for using Jesus Hebrew name? How ridiculous.
@drewwagner4802 5 месяцев назад
Bad mic, whistle effect, and echo!
@usnr6391 5 месяцев назад
Where IA mr hall
@Nancydollard123 5 месяцев назад
He left this ministry a couple of months back. I wonder why?? Hummm…
@timgage777 5 месяцев назад
Our Father who art I heaven that's his name Not yaweh please research
@AnnieO100 5 месяцев назад
She’s not a ghost. She is Wisdom and she is your governess.
@teresalee7738 5 месяцев назад
I believe Venus and Lucifer are female
@usnr6391 5 месяцев назад
Zen Garcia thinks the holy spirit is female
@jeffmcbride6766 5 месяцев назад
I saw him teaching on that too…
@juliemcmurtrie2713 5 месяцев назад
The Trinity is a false doctrine from papacy
@genevieveevangeline8284 5 месяцев назад
Yikes I was recently exposed to this teaching by a well meaning person I’m sure, glad you guys are getting on top of it! Thank you 👏🙌🥳🩷💜👊
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