
Is this Goodbye? 

Nemo the Mormon
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This Sunday was possibly my last as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.



27 сен 2024




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@Wren402 5 дней назад
Most of us ex-mos left without a fight because we didn’t see the point. We were convinced that church leaders wouldn’t listen or reflect on what we had to say. We watched friends and family experience the pain of bravely tilting at religious windmills in an attempt to get the church to improve without success. Still, this makes me so sad. Excommunication of members who just want the church to be better and do better is wrong, and such a missed opportunity for the church.
@jeeperp3926 5 дней назад
@@Wren402 “tilting at religious windmills” is a great description; but, it’s delusional, not brave. Only a fool thinks that church leaders are going to listen to someone who fancies themself as a social influencer. I don’t see the need for the church to target and excommunicate folks like NEMO. Likewise, like many fellow FOMOs, I cannot fathom wasting the time and energy fighting an impossible battle. Cut ties and leave.
@Wren402 5 дней назад
@jeeperp3926 cutting ties as you put it often means cutting family and community from your life. It means leaving the tribe of your birth. That’s difficult and painful. Many see great good in that tribe and want to save the good while changing the bad, but I agree that the church won’t listen. I do believe that in the end it will be to the organization’s own detriment. More and more members are giving up on the church and leaving. It will end up being the wealthiest religion with the fewest members. Is that what God wants? I doubt it.
@jeeperp3926 5 дней назад
@@Wren402 while painful and difficult, it is what integrity demands. If you believe it’s wrong and unhealthy, then cut the ties. Choosing to cling only manifests that your personal need for attachment is stronger than your conviction that the organization is wrong and renders your complaints disingenuous.
@YukariOro 5 дней назад
LDS isn't just a religion, it's a culture and community. You give up far more than just a religion when you leave. If you yourself have never left, then you cannot understand the pain and loss that comes with leaving. You also lose the identity you formed and it can take years to reform a new sense of identity. It's never as simple as "just leave."
@jeeperp3926 5 дней назад
@@YukariOro I left the church after 55 years of fervent membership and many high level callings. I understand well the culture and community. And, it is as easy as just leave. Clinging to the community and culture of something you believe is wrong is like a former KKK member clinging to the KKK because of the community, culture, and identity found therein. The wise realize the culture and community of the church are deliberate and calculated to keep its members isolated from the outside world. “All your needs are met within”. Those mature enough to realize the intentional depravity of the culture and community will see it for what it is and not continue to be victimized by it. Get out! Move along!
@shches8480 5 дней назад
What I find interesting in this church is that leaders can hold their members accountable for their behaviour yet the inverse is not true. Members absolutely cannot hold their Church leaders accountable for their conduct.
@suthatheplee2777 5 дней назад
Exactly!!! Church was fined $5 million by SEC and has ANYONE been held accountable for that? If a clerk were to steal $20 from fast offerings he would be excommunicated.
@CMZIEBARTH 5 дней назад
​@@suthatheplee2777There's a good video on this. If you want to see it let me know.
@debbieshrubb1222 4 дня назад
And despite the hundreds of letters of support for Nemo the SP won't give a f**k.
@danielmoore4024 4 дня назад
​@@suthatheplee2777 "fined $5 million" Does that make sense to you? How much was the church withholding ask yourself, shouldn't the penalty be more than $5 million? Why was the church charged and not the people responsible for the crime? That's how I know people are just making assumptions, if their assumptions were true the penalty would be far greater, especially as the second wealthiest church in the world.
@jivexero 4 дня назад
@@shches8480 I think intent has much to do with this. I mean do you folks believe that they were taking these funds and using it on themselves?? Or were they trying to just keep more money in the Church coffers?
@DamonSmith-x8d 5 дней назад
I have a relative that has sat on these counsels. He said after they bring down the hammer they offer a lifeboat to a member to stay in the church in some way and it requires a complete acknowledgement of fault and a willingness to go through steps to rectify their actions. Complete submission is the key.
@reneenolan3163 5 дней назад
God be with you! When my son was exed (last year) there were people that spoke to my dil and told her since her sealing had been cancelled she should just get divorced! She should marry a “worthy” man and he could take her to the temple…. They just made a tough situation worse! People talking to their teens agitated everything! I am glad you do not have to worry about that! Please remember there are many of us who have come to respect and even love you. I would be proud to call you my son! Please take care of yourself and find peace and happiness!
@VirginiaGeorge 5 дней назад
This is wild. I cannot believe a church that places so much value on the family unit would actively involve themselves in breaking one up.
@sandrajohnson5624 5 дней назад
with so little preisthood holders in the world and so many woman attending church thats not that easy, just finding some one else,
@debrawallace4542 5 дней назад
Years ago, the church had a picture in one of the church magazines. It showed a young couple in wedding attire on the steps of the Salt Lake temple with all of their family around them. Some of the members were not there, just a simple outline of them was there instead. The groom was just an outline and so were a few others. It said something about since some of our loved ones wouldn't make it to the celestial kingdom we sould forget about them right now. I was shocked when I saw it, but I shouldn't have been. Here was the church telling me to just divorce my spouse if he turned from the church. Just walk away from my child who leaves the church. Just walk away and forget about them! Sickening!! Any church that teaches this I do not want to be a part of! Because of who the church teaches God is I came to hate God. I came to hate the constant commandments, the feeling that I was being set up to fail, that I would never be good enough or worthy enough for Him. Three years after leaving I'm still trying to heal. I'm still trying to find a loving God who would never judge me as harsh as that mormon God judges. But I don't know that He even really exists.
@sagesaith6354 5 дней назад
@reneenolan3163 -- the sealing is false. Your dil would be much better off to leave with him and find a good Bible-believing church. If you believe the Bible, then try believing Mathew 19:4 - 6 4 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, 5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and *they twain shall be one flesh* ? 6 *Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder* . What *GOD* hath joined together let *NOT MAN* -- including any false religion --
@sagesaith6354 5 дней назад
​@@debrawallace4542 God is much bigger, much better, much more loving than the lies of the moron church. PLEASE find a good congregation of loving Christian believers who know, love, and serve a loving God. (Sadly -- not all congregations are, but there are some). I'm praying for you. Coming out of the toxic lies of the moron cult is very difficult. The God I know, love and serve knows that I am weak, imperfect -- and He loves me anyway -- just as I am. He loves you too -- the same way. He only asks that you trust Him, and obey HIS word. He understands our imperfections. That is why Jesus had to be crucified and raised from the dead -- to pay for our sin. *HE* - *Jesus* -- has payed for your imperfections and sin. There is no underwear you can wear, no handshake you can shake, no secret name you can name that can pay for your sins. It's fine to hate the false god of the mormon church. But please learn to love the God of the Bible - the One True God.
@TKT13DO 5 дней назад
Disciplining Nemo for bringing problematic church issues to light is the equivalent of arresting a witness to a crime because they called the police to report it. Maybe the actual perpetrator of the crime should be held accountable?
@Cocoon68 5 дней назад
@Dan_Gleebalz 5 дней назад
@TKT13DO Nemo is a grifter. He's making money from creating beef with a church he didn't believe in in the first place. It's not about trying to change anything. If the LDS church were to change to suit him, he would create beef about something else because he has a lot of money riding on this grift.
@crazyaboutcards 5 дней назад
​@@Dan_GleebalzBingo 🎯
@barbaralael5092 5 дней назад
Great point! Very fair minded.
@barbaralael5092 5 дней назад
I meant about a witness vs. A criminal. So we're disaplined for our observations? Why have a sustainment vote if there is only one right answer?
@colebur 5 дней назад
Hi Nemo. I’m a participating member and I poured a few hours into my email for you. I think it’ll be pretty persuasive.
@NEMOTHEMORMON 5 дней назад
Got it!
@upwherethesundontshine5602 5 дней назад
Those kangaroo courts are spiritual abuse. So sorry you are going through this.
@Stefanonymous 5 дней назад
What were you trying to persuade him on if you don't mind me asking? I'm a never mormon and not very knowledgeable but I'm just curious if you dont mind
@WatchingwaitingG2D 5 дней назад
You're a fake post.
@Ty-wy7yq 5 дней назад
@@Stefanonymousit was actually an email of support. The Mormon church is about to put Nemo on trial for a couple of things but mostly allegedly leading members away from the church. So I assume her email explained that watching Nemo has not caused her to lose her faith :)
@angelamurphy9472 5 дней назад
They may let you stay IF you shut down your forums, keep your mouth shut, and stay on the sidelines. Some have tried that approach but have found they’re always on the sidelines. I’m speaking as a Utah Mormon. NEMO has only spoken the truth, been fair in his approach, and has openly and publicly admitted his error when he’s made one. NEMO has integrity, which is more than I can say for the leaders of the Church.
@Yourfulfilmenthub-xo9yy 4 дня назад
In primary we sing. I am trying to be like Jesus. As an adult engaging with the Gospels, it's clear that the most Christlike thing to do is call out hypocrisy in church leaders. Criticizing church leaders is just good Christian discipleship.
@Thomas123-c1v 3 дня назад
In primary we sing Follow The Prophet. And we try to be like Jesus, and Jesus kicked out apostasy at every turn.. money changers, etc. Nemo seems like he would have been a money changer if he lived in Jesus time.
@Yourfulfilmenthub-xo9yy 3 дня назад
@@Thomas123-c1v wow. That's dumb
@dadhacks9449 3 дня назад
@@Thomas123-c1vJesus also focused his ministry and serving the poor, sinners and sick and rebuked who? The Pharisees and Saducees…and they were who? The leaders of the church! Christ came and tore down the old and condemn the church leaders for teaching false doctrine and being hypocrites and soiling the law. And what did the church and its leaders do? The crucified him. If you’re going to bring Jesus into the discussion bring all of him not just your go to money changer rant. That represents about 1% of what the New Testament teaches us of Christ
@charlesmendeley9823 3 дня назад
​@@Thomas123-c1vThe problem is that the church leaders are money changers. Study Ensign Peak Advisors and the SEC scandal. Church finances are fishy.
@charleygappmayer8496 5 дней назад
As those In the Mothership have always taught, you can criticize God, you can complain about God, you can question God, you can even deny there is a God…..but don’t ever, ever, question to criticize the leadership, policies, or doctrine. It just confirms the arrogance of the leadership
@williambrooks9548 5 дней назад
I am 86, BYU grad , divorced wife, left LDS church in1967. Studied various forms of psychotherapy for 10yrs, Jesus taught us not to judge others but to forgive them as we forgive ourselves. That applies to church leaders who may not follow or understand this concept/teaching. Learning Jesus teachings does not require any thing except a willingness to learn, understand & courage to it apply in our lives. God did not create this church or any religion or this world. God creates His Son to be exactly like Him. Like creates like. Every thing here is in constant state of change. God & Heaven are changeless or perfect.
@Dewey32 5 дней назад
My dad’s favorite farewell: Be Nice, and Be Careful! Cheers and lots of love!
@nicolee1205 5 дней назад
my dad was excommunicated when i was a child for adultery. A few years later he was rebaptised. i didnt realize the devistating affects it has on members until much later in life. i used to say it as a badge of honor. like he found his way back from the depths of darkness..
@BabbaDmo 5 дней назад
@Paradisefalls65 4 дня назад
Hey this is my exact story with my dad as well. My opinion on the process has changed so much over the years, I'm sure yours has as well. ❤
@BabbaDmo 4 дня назад
@@Paradisefalls65 same and my 3 brothers
@yeshalloween 4 дня назад
Adultery is not the same thing as telling the truth and exposing lies
@BabbaDmo 4 дня назад
@@yeshalloween I agree there are bigger fish to fry
@NanetteONeal 5 дней назад
I just ordered Jammie Doddgers from Amazon, which should arrive on Thursday, and I plan to eat them in support of you. 🎉❤😊
@bidanchi1 5 дней назад
I did the same, but through Ebay. Funny thing, they seem to go best with a hot cup of coffee.
@birdlyword2 4 дня назад
I can just picture the marketing department at Jammie Dodgers scratching their heads at the sudden growth in sales through Amazon to customers outside the UK.
@sachamo100 4 дня назад
Nemo, Thanks for all you do. After 40 years of membership, I chose to leave the church a year ago. Just to many issues that I cannot reconcile. I definitely don’t believe any more but wish you the best!
@kevinm9246 5 дней назад
It would be a shame if a third party slipped a recording device on you without you knowing.
@charlesmendeley9823 3 дня назад
That would make it not illegal for Nemo, right? 😂
@rickhansen1753 5 дней назад
Nemo, your priesthood never goes away. See Doctrine and Covenants 84:40. It states: "Therefore, all those who receive the priesthood, receive this oath and covenant of my Father, which he cannot break, neither can it be moved."
@sheliabryant3997 5 дней назад
@rickhansen. Big problem; THERE. IS. NO. PRIESTHOOD. This is but one of the egregious presumptions of this (and other) "churches".
@charlybucket2691 5 дней назад
You're right, the Priesthood doesn't go away, but your authority to use it does.
@CMZIEBARTH 5 дней назад
​@@sheliabryant3997My understanding though is that Nemo himself believes in the Priesthood.
@VivianM-l5w 5 дней назад
Having gone this route myself years ago, I do understand what you are probably feeling and I give you credit for remaining authentic!
@Dan_Gleebalz 5 дней назад
@VivianM-l5w 🤣🤣🤣 If you only knew how much money this dude is making off of sympathetic dupes, you would know just how inauthentic he really is.
@SevenLlamas 5 дней назад
@@Dan_Gleebalz Russian troll LOL
@robertb6889 5 дней назад
If only you knew how much money the LDS church made off of sympathetic dupes ($200 billion, or about $100,000 per active 4 member LDS family.) you might be more sympathetic to Nemo.
@Bobjdobbs 4 дня назад
@@Dan_Gleebalz I am not following you. How does Nemo making money off of sharing his experience make it any less authentic? Is everyone who writes a biography inauthentic? The church sells biographies of Joseph Smith, are they being inauthentic?
@Dan_Gleebalz 4 дня назад
@robertb6889 Allow me to emphatically state, for the record, I. DON'T. CARE. Malachi taught about tithing. He taught about why we pay it and to whom it should be paid. When I give tithes and offerings to the church, I do so in good faith and with pure intent. If there is any mistake, mishandling or malfeasance in the church's end as to the way that money is handled, that's on them. Not me. My conscience is clear in that respect. I also know that we are fallen creatures living in a fallen world, and it took me a lifetime of membership in the LDS church to realize that the gospel of Jesus Christ is true in spite of man's imperfect nature.
@brianjensen5787 5 дней назад
Having participated in counsels, they are very much decided a lot of the time. We were given direction from the Stake President regarding how he expects the outcome.
@robertb6889 5 дней назад
That is dishonest and contrary to the spirit and letter of the instructions. But also unsurprising.
@timnewman1172 5 дней назад
@NEMOTHEMORMON Best wishes for you & your family as you face this decision, may you find Grace & Peace through it all.
@davidjohnmiller4849 4 дня назад
It’s been 10 years I think , since I’ve been at any LDS church .... just stopped going ... 8 years since the divorce ... 5 of my 6 girls stayed with me ... had to sell the house ( I couldn’t buy her out, she’d never been able to buy me out ) but had to scramble to find a place big enough to house the kids and myself ... slowly they moved out ... I’ve been on my own 6 years now ... sad Lived in a very small town , predominantly LDS , in southern Alberta ... my bishop lived a block away , hadn’t had home teachers a few years before I stopped going ... kids weren’t happy at church , we were outsiders and treated poorly ( none of my children are active ,at the moment , even my ex born and raised LDS doesn’t attend ) When the house sold and we had to pack and move ... NON ONE CAME TO HELP , OR OFFER TO HELP .
@boydpease4103 5 дней назад
I discovered LDS at 18 in ISAF and felt strong witness of Restoration to Joseph Smith YET on day of Baptism as my hand touched the door handle of the Chapel just off base the Spirit noticeably left me. After Baptism as I exited Chapel and let go of Dorr handle the Spirit noticeably returned to me with a message, that the Spirit was withdrawing from the LDS Church! Later felt message that the authority bestowed through John Then Perer James & John would soon be taken from the LDS Church and authority confirmed on another. I can sympathize YET as witness October 88 General Conference President Benson on Daturday in talk Flooding the Earth with the Book of Mormon, placed the Church under CONDEMNATION In 89 Spirit said to leave and in 90 went through removal process with Stake High Council It is a sinking ship now
@aurorabr 4 дня назад
Nemo: keep swimming! You don’t need to stay in this fish tank full of sharks. The big blue ocean is your real home! Keep shinning a light to this dark and corrupted murky waters. This organization’s secrets need to come out… you might be a David in this Goliath case! Expose them! You got this 💪
@kenkindrick4227 5 дней назад
They will not care about your evidence or defense. They will not negotiate with you.
@krismurphy7711 5 дней назад
But, Douglas will get it on the record and have the knowledge he presented truth to power.
@sarahpinho1114 5 дней назад
We love you Nemo
@TheeOldest 4 дня назад
You’ve helped me broaden my perspective of current Mormons as an exmo for decades with siblings who have some of your takes on church things. I’m grateful for your honesty and clarity. I think whatever happens with this hearing you will move forward with integrity!
@quarterpint3730 5 дней назад
Nemo, I know you get a lot of flack from people who try to tell you to “just leave since you know it’s all untrue anyway.” But I just wanted to say that I really respect and see a lot of value in what you do. The Church wants you to leave. They’d never say it out loud-they’re only going to say how much they want to help you and how much they hope you continue to attend and blah blah blah...but we all know that deep down, they actually want you to leave because you’re a pest. Your presence makes them feel uncomfortable. They don’t want to hear any criticisms you may have, and they certainly don’t want to be held accountable for their dishonest and harmful teachings. You advocate for change and they don’t want to hear it. And even worse-you have a growing public platform. The Church knows critics tend to leave for good once they’ve been excommunicated. It’s too painful to keep going, so no one ever does. Let’s be real here-we know they’re going to charge you with apostasy because you’re just a little too critical in how you present things and, in their eyes, you lead people away from the Church. It doesn’t matter if you actually have led people out-they’re going to kick you out because they FEEL like you have. I think I understand you because I also want to see the Church change for the better. I wish I had the energy to integrate the Church into my life while maintaining my personal integrity. I don’t want to see it burn to the ground. I want to keep the good parts of it in my life. I want it to become more inclusive, more honest, more charitable, more safe. But it’s just not going to get better unless some people are willing to bother it. And the fact that you’re getting excommunicated is a sign that you’re such a bother that they want you out-even if they technically don’t have a good reason that’s in line with the handbook and that fact alone is going to make them look a little bad. When they ex you, I hope you give yourself the space you need. Know that you’re loved. Have a good cry. Eat some Jammie Dodgers. Take some time off if you need. Then, when you’re ready, I hope you get back out there and keep showing up to Church. Because you’ll still be a major pain to them if you keep showing up as an excommunicated member advocating for change. If anything, you’ll be more annoying because they don’t want to see people who were excommunicated for apostasy running around the congregation making reasonable and level-headed requests for change whilst befriending the faithful. I hope you keep holding them accountable and bothering them after they try to kick you out.
@judyfitzgerald5106 4 дня назад
Dear Nemo… prayers for you and your wife. No one comments on the effects this has on your wife as she stands by your side! I feel she’s an amazing woman . I was disfellowshipped after my divorce . Was the worst thing for my wanting to be a member… myself and my children fell through the cracks in my opinion. May God continue to bless you and your dear wife regardless of what directions this goes. I left the church before I came across your channel but you do being direction, strength, and comfort to me as I try to re yikes my community .
@daverichards308 5 дней назад
Possibly? Nemo I'd say PROBABLY. You know that when there is a "disciplinary hearing" nobody ever gets out of them as a member. As you know, I am one of the members who also want to see change from within. I have had leadership positions, and I am sad at many of the things the Church is doing. Now you do know that we do not prohibit non-members from taking the Sacrament in our meetings. If you came to my branch, you'd be permitted to take it. It's too bad that it's not testimony meeting before then. And nothing can stop you from being in their face and attending Church every week. I have written to your Stake President. Sad that your Bishop can't make it..... We can tell that this upsets you. It upsets us more. Your videos have kept me IN the Church. If we ALL did, we could slowly change things from within.
@unclejoesghost488 5 дней назад
They cannot void your blessings. God doesn't recognize acts of unrighteous dominion by priesthood leaders.
@sagesaith6354 5 дней назад
The blessings are false. Only faith in Jesus is True.
@CMZIEBARTH 5 дней назад
​@@sagesaith6354 It sounds like Nemo believes in Jesus and in the Church but that he wants it to be without flaw.
@sagesaith6354 5 дней назад
@@CMZIEBARTH Yes - I agree. The problem is that the" church" has made false claims, taught false doctrine, and engaged in false practices. So that creates a dilemma: what would be required for a "church" that is based on falseness to become "without flaw" ?
@CMZIEBARTH 5 дней назад
@@sagesaith6354 There's all sorts of things that can be discussed and I am extremely willing to. But the point *here* is that Nemo, according to my understanding, himself believes in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but simply feels that it needs to make some corrections. If my understanding is wrong and that's not how he feels then perhaps he can clarify.
@sagesaith6354 5 дней назад
​@@CMZIEBARTH I tend to agree with you. However, if he is excommunicated, will he perhaps need to "re-think" his eternal status? It seems he would have to make a choice: 1. continue to believe the church is "true" -- and therefore he is eternally damned. 2. come to an understanding that the "church" is false, and that his eternal standing rests on the Truth of The Word of God -- not a false religious organization.
@TheCelestIntelligence9 5 дней назад
Nemo changed the church so much they are now planning to excommunicate him! Why did Socrates choose death over repentance? Because he went down in history for backing up his words with his actions! The ordinary man goes down without any one noticing but those who made a difference everyone notices!
@micheleh3851 4 дня назад
@TheCelestialIntelligence9 - Um, Nemo hasn't changed the Church at all. No policy, practice, proceeding, or teaching. The Church excommunicates about 20,000 people per year. Most for adultery. Some for aggregious crimes and a few for apostacy. None of those people changed the Church either. They just changed their own lives based on their own behavior and want to blame it on the Church.
@areddish0823 5 дней назад
Thanks for all you do🙏🏻 Wishing you the best❤️
@victoriaquentino5836 5 дней назад
Nemo you are a man of integrity! This word ‘integrity’ is used frequently by our church leaders. I think the said leaders/authorities should learn the meaning because for years, particularly in recent years, have not acted with integrity. You have my support 100%.
@Icanonlyimagn7891 3 дня назад
A man who uses lies, falsehoods and slander to “reveal dishonesty” is a man of integrity?🤷‍♀️
@teaksworld 5 дней назад
Just keep swimming!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
@jewelgazer 5 дней назад
One of the lures of this church is the promise that you will be with your family forever. Yet they can take that away from you, and it’s a mind f*** because then it makes one fear abandonment in the next life. A loving God would not use manipulative scare tactics like this.
@sarahpinho1114 5 дней назад
@fairygrandma9127 5 дней назад
It's a cult.
@sheliabryant3997 5 дней назад
@jewelgazer. Your whole summary screams that - and why - MORMONISM IS A FRAUD , a wicked poisonous side- lining multi-level marketing scheme selling SALVATION under the pretense of being a Christian "church". Nemo has PROVEN THEIR criminal ways and forthright lying, in all its forms. Therefore, I am hard-pressed now to understand his efforts to continue in it, for it cannot - WILL NOT - be changed. Hate to say so, but after all the help I have gained here, it would seem to be super- fluous for me to continue here, except that his efforts have been chiefly to CONVINCE these criminals to "come clean", "straighten up and fly right". I have no hope nor interest in any association in any form or disguise. I am satisfied with the answers to 40+ years' suspicions and questions. All I would want now is to see them receive appropriate judgment for their nearly 200 years of religious fraud, tax evasion, and undue influence in the conduct of our federal government. I hope Nemo will find the assurance he craves. He has friends who are faithful, and family, etc., all bound up in the church and much to lose by excommunication. These do not matter to me, but I respect that they do matter to him. 🌺🐦🌺
@phillipcook3430 5 дней назад
Scare tactic? Now that’s a pretty twisted take.
@sheliabryant3997 5 дней назад
@jewelgazer. Just went to lengths to respond to your comment. Came in to make a correction. But I am AXED. AGAIN. That says it all.
@DandelionWine89 5 дней назад
We watch and listen because you are an influence for good and we care.
@sprinkdesign7170 5 дней назад
Whatever happens, I hope your friends and family treat you well. Glad to hear you'll keep the channel going - keep up the good work.
@sagesaith6354 5 дней назад
God works in mysterious ways! Count your blessings! Soon you will be free to serve Jesus without being encumbered by a false "church" and a false religion! And no - you have not taken your last sacrament. The Remembrance of Lord's Table can be celebrated by anyone who believes, anywhere, at any time. 3.8 billion Christians do.
@charlesmendeley9823 3 дня назад
Exactly. And with the Lutherans, you even get a sip of wine. 😉
@sagesaith6354 3 дня назад
@@charlesmendeley9823 Episcopalians too I think 🙂
@emptynesters2520 4 дня назад
Commenting more for algorithm because the chance of Nemo actually seeing this reply is basically nil. Sending all the love, light, and peace your beautiful heart can hold.♥️ Go forward and be bold Nemo, you have thousands, if not millions beside you!♥️
@Charlie-xu4zh 5 дней назад
Yeah, it's a done deal. They call you in to excommunicate you, not to find out what to do. In an extraordinary situation, the member called in may get a different result, but that would be out of the ordinary.
@MrRenaissance09 4 дня назад
Hi Nemo. Wishing you all the best. I was excommunicated years ago, and as a vulnerable person at the time, it sent me into a spiral of self-destruction and very low self-esteem. I look at it very differently now -- I'm grateful!! Saved me years of delusion. Let me know if you'd like to chat :) Great videos and well done :)
@catherinemcdavid1533 5 дней назад
If you are excommunicated, you cannot receive the sacrament but any non-member visiting who do not believe the LDS is true can. Withholding the sacrament from an excommunicated member is a baseless tool to punish you into submission. In the Catholic Church one would not be able to receive the Eucharist but non-members and those who do not discern the Body and Blood of Christ could not either.
@leahshaw1447 5 дней назад
Nemo, I have learned a lot from you. You have integrity and honesty. Wanting to improve the church so it can do a better job helping people is an admirable intent of the heart. Imperfect men run the church. God knows your heart.
@leahshaw1447 5 дней назад
I tried to find your email to make some more comments but failed. God gave you the PH and no man can strip you of it, despite the church's postering. Excommunication is a power and control button the church uses to keep members in line. There are only 2 reasons for someone to be excommunicated and "doomed," and you've done neither. Just pray and rely on the Lord, He will be with you no matter the outcome.
@NOOBKILLER052 4 дня назад
@@leahshaw1447 he disagrees with the very foundations of the church. He actively tries to lead people out of the church. How is any of this wanting to improve it.
@charlesmendeley9823 3 дня назад
​@@NOOBKILLER052Are you referring to Deutero-Isaiah or to Freemasonry?
@NOOBKILLER052 3 дня назад
@@charlesmendeley9823 what??
@charlesmendeley9823 2 дня назад
@@NOOBKILLER052 Does Nemo disagree with the foundation of the Church with respect to Deutero-Isaiah, or does he disagree with respect to Freemasonry? Both aspects challenge the classical narrative of the Church.
@touretteslife 4 дня назад
I admire you for working the hell out of the system to expose the flaws. You’ve literally done nothing wrong and I love that they can’t prove you’ve done anything wrong. Bloody brilliant.
@Cocoon68 5 дней назад
I’ve often thought when learning the truth of the church that those who get angry at those who expose the truth are just like a firefighter being blamed for exposing the arsonist😊
@ReaganRevolution-l8i 5 дней назад
May God bless and strengthen you as you face this membership council. In the event you are excummunicated, I hope you have adequate support resources. Thank you for your intelligent, well done videos. God's speed!
@jefferyorton1723 5 дней назад
For them to change their minds, they'd have to admit they were wrong about something. NOT GONNA HAPPEN.
@ricravanskaggs2951 4 дня назад
You know the truth, why would you want to stay in the church after you learned the truth. Why?
@Bobjdobbs 4 дня назад
My prayers go out to you, my friend!
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 дня назад
@Bobjdobbs Your prayers? Now that's a bigger joke than Nemo is.
@Bobjdobbs 4 дня назад
@@WatchingwaitingG2D I understand, my friend. But I am here for you. If you ever need prayer, or just someone to talk to, feel free to reach out. God loves you, my brother (or sister).
@WatchingwaitingG2D 4 дня назад
@Bobjdobbs Well, that's nice. But you probably should keep them for yourself since you can't live the commandments or belong to any real religion. But you go on pretending bother or sister since you don't really know yourself which.
@Bobjdobbs 4 дня назад
@@WatchingwaitingG2D We all fall short of the glory of God, my friend. And you are right, I do not know your gender. I only say brother or sister, because you have never told me , nor is it any of my business.
@margisacca 5 дней назад
Wish they would tell you what their complaints are. How can you defend yourself when you don’t know what you’re accused of?
@seph4667 5 дней назад
It is now impossible to be an authentic Mormon. History and the countless actions, decisions and ever-tweaked policies reveal that God has nothing to do with this steeple-fixated Corporation. Enjoy your new freedom, Nemo. You have been heroic.
@coryhor3050 5 дней назад
Sending love and support to you. Good luck this week. We will be watching for details of the Thrive you mentioned.
@katherineburford7864 5 дней назад
Take some time to swim in the pool, play billiards, go to the ballpark, watch movies, have fun with friends, hike, and dance.
@Grey-x2c 5 дней назад
@katherineburford7864 he is not going show up bunch cult farts
@The525OUTLAW 4 дня назад
Nemo, no matter what happens please hold your head high. You are a great person that is helping many others in different degrees of issues. I had already left the church when I found you, but I remember when I left and it was an exciting new chapter, but also sad to realize I had spent so much time thinking the church was something that it isn’t. I for one am proud of you and I’m thankful for your strength and truth! Nemo forever!
@robertb6889 5 дней назад
Are you going to ask them specifically - did you decide to hold this court or, if not, who specifically ordered you to hold this court? Will they allow you to face your actual accusers?
@charlesmendeley9823 3 дня назад
He does have the email addresses of the First Presidency. 😂
@iamjustsaying1 5 дней назад
Can you ask them pointed questions? You are very articulate and I can imagine that if you asked, for example, "Have I been honest?", they would have to say yes. They wouldn't want to, though. I guess I'm hoping you can catch them like the BBC interviewer did with Holland.
@Zodiacalesotericmatrix 5 дней назад
Jeremy Runnels pretty much proved in his excommunication that he needed to repent of the truth if he wanted to remain a member.
@iamjustsaying1 5 дней назад
@Zodiacalesotericmatrix Excellent point. Even if excommunication is inevitable, I think it would be nice to have the leaders pushed into a corner, having to face the fact that they are the ones lacking integrity.
@andy4an День назад
Jeremy also proved that they may well refuse to answer questions over and over and over again.
@cmdaug 5 дней назад
The idea of preventing someone from taking the sacrament pisses me off. Didn’t Jesus tell sinners to come unto him? Who are the church leaders to say to people that they can’t access the Lord’s atonement?
@gwengold8154 5 дней назад
Romans 16:17, 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 These are just two, but there are many scriptures about separating the righteous from the unrighteous.
@locutorest 5 дней назад
How I wish that you had time to reach out to Gina Colvin for advice--she was acquitted. Because in New Zealand wards and stakes dont want to do these sort of things to people they have known and loved all of their lives.
@Zodiacalesotericmatrix 5 дней назад
It seems like outside of the United States the Church is less culty and more Christlike.
@mariannemccarrick4124 4 дня назад
I’m so sorry this is happening to you, it’s easy to see how much this whole ordeal is effecting you. Being critical of your religion doesn’t mean you’re not a believer and it’s easy to see you don’t want to leave your church. I hope you’ll find peace somehow.
@Brotherhickman 2 дня назад
Nemo is the very definition of wolf in sheep’s clothing.
@locutorest 5 дней назад
What ever the outcome of these proceedings you should commit to a global pilgrimage to visit every temple during those open house periods. That aside, you will always be welcome to attend the Greyfriars parish of St Edmund & St Frideswide in Oxford. Blessings to your and yours!
@SummerAdamsdotcom 4 дня назад
The sacrament is for ALL people! Not just who the LDS church recognizes as a member.
@williammackay3321 5 дней назад
I’m not a Mormon nor a religious person but I really enjoy listening to your videos , and understanding a persons beleif towards a subject, you are obviously a very good person and absolutely gorgeous what a lucky girl your wife is 🫂🫶🏼
@superpowers1448 5 дней назад
They have finally found Nemo! 😂😂😂
@kellybrandon1179 5 дней назад
That's funny
@jonipitcher7185 5 дней назад
When I learned how SA abuse was so much a part of our history and culture I lost all respect for the people who run the church. I care so little I will NEVER EVER sit across the desk of any man again with him having the power to judge me again. People who allow abuse to happen deserve no words unless it's going to change themselves.
@savannahcook7246 5 дней назад
Nemo you do so much good and have helped change lives. You have helped mine. I don’t think it’s a done deal ❤
@BabbaDmo 5 дней назад
Why do they embrace the human family in this way? Why do they operate in such a shadowy way if the all about light
@phillipcook3430 5 дней назад
Discipline should be private. It is NEMO that is making it public. Do you disagree?
@BabbaDmo 5 дней назад
@@phillipcook3430 I think he has a right to do so the removal of free talking has not YET been introduced
@BabbaDmo 5 дней назад
@@phillipcook3430 absolutely disagree more transparency need to be ahead on these situations across the body in all industry’s and when I last looked we still have the freedom to talk 🗣️ or are LDS collecting non disclosure agreements from members?
@BabbaDmo 5 дней назад
What is done in the dark will come to the light
@ShulaMG 5 дней назад
In or out, you have and will continue to make a difference.
Wishing you the best, Nemo! I’m glad you got to have some kind of closure in it possibly being your last Sunday as a member. You didn’t make anyone leave the church - they did that themselves.
@rmj4978 5 дней назад
You’re loved Nemo!❤
@alandonly 5 дней назад
Feeling for you! Hope the wound heals quickly. 🥺
@woodystube1000 5 дней назад
Nemo, I’m sorry they are putting you through this cruel game. I can relate to the desire to keep the sense of community and friendship with people in your Ward. Unfortunately, speaking from first-hand experience, a great many people you supposed were friends will suddenly pretend not to know you after you are no longer a member. That hurts more than anything else. You will find out who among them are truly your friends.
@susiekathryn8570 5 дней назад
Our thoughts are with you. I was excommunicated and returned 9 years later. Many years ago. We have now permanently left the church. I admire you for wanting to stay. I was a TBM for the most part. But Nemo, I promise you, you will be okay. My question is if you are excommunicated, will your wife join you? 🙏🙏
@2latesmart62 5 дней назад
I hope you will continue with your commentaries after each semi annual conference.
@DanielFreed-f2b 4 дня назад
I like the way you're handling this.
@Atillatcele 5 дней назад
Just spent $29 (£21) on Amazon for 12 packs of Jammie Dodgers just to see what the big deal is.
@derrickfolkmanman 5 дней назад
Return and report.
@charlesmendeley9823 3 дня назад
Is this illegal product placement by Nemo?
@andy4an День назад
​@@derrickfolkmanman This is my second most anticipated report
@BunnyWatson-k1w 5 дней назад
I remember attending a "council of love" years ago. The council offered the just axed person to continue attending church on the path to repentance. That was under a number of conditions. These included no paying of tithing, no offering of prayers in sacrament and classes, no callings, surrendering a temple recommend, and a few other restrictions. They had just kicked the person out and the stake president and high council offered to continue allowing the person to attend but not really reintegrate into the ward and stake. When ex'd, the person is no longer a member and has their temple blessings removed. If "repented enough", the person can get all those blessings back by being re-baptized. The process of disciplinary councils tears family apart. The rest still keep their blessings and do not know how the ex'd member fits into eternity.
@DKMELT 5 дней назад
The Temple blessing is useless.
@Dan_Gleebalz 5 дней назад
@@DKMELT For you, I'm sure it is.
@Dan_Gleebalz 5 дней назад
@@BunnyWatson-k1w No. What tears families apart is transgression.
@Grey-x2c 5 дней назад
@BunnyWatson-k1w what is your secrect newname
@Allen_V_Burnsworth 5 дней назад
@@Dan_Gleebalztransgressions access to whom? The people that have lied to us for 200 years now? The ones that cover up sexual Assault? The ones that use our tithing to make a prophet? Those transgressions?
@tylerrickertsen4197 5 дней назад
Your priesthood can never be stripped once given, just don’t have authority to use it.
@SBLIXBearsW 5 дней назад
They can’t silence you!
@caz2870 4 дня назад
Ive become more informed through your podcasts. No way has what yourve researched over the years, has ratteled my testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 💙
@othersheep5491 4 дня назад
I was kind to my Stake President and the high council at my excommunication. I was told of their decision in the hallway by the Stake President alone. I told him that I understood, and that I held no negative feelings toward him or the members, and should they need any help with anything, be it service projects, or anything, please feel free to call me. He said, “yeah, that won’t be happening”, to which I replied, “Heard”, nodded, turned, and exited.
@debbieshrubb1222 4 дня назад
@michelecraig9658 4 дня назад
That is really sad.
@othersheep5491 4 дня назад
@@michelecraig9658 kinda. I left in 85. They called me back to put me and my bags out in 2003. But for every hater, there are at least 5 of the coolest people you’ll ever meet in the church. They are some of the most dedicated, loving, caring people in the world. Until I was ex’d, my home teacher (as they were called at the time) would bring his wife to visit me, and we did all sorts of neighborhood help projects together. My parents are devout members as is one of my 5 siblings who is still chewing the cud. Love ‘em. And they love me. We DO have free agency and choice, contrary to some people’s beliefs. We can always choose love. We can all practice that, member or not. I hope this note finds you happy and feeling loved. And I hope Nemo’s words touch hearts no matter what happens tomorrow
@othersheep5491 4 дня назад
@@debbieshrubb1222 ❤️
@othersheep5491 4 дня назад
@@debbieshrubb1222 ❤️
@PeggyShingleton 5 дней назад
Nemo, I think you are courageous, honest, brave and fair minded. I can identify with your position. Is still traumatic process being kicked out and the process getting back in. Which I found hurtful and degrading. Anyway. Wish you and family the best.
@TheWanderingHeretic 5 дней назад
This is a re-watchable video, no worries Nemo! I left the Church a long time ago with a lot of trauma and the conviction that the Church is wrong about a lot of important things. You help me keep things in perspective, and you've made it possible to process what is said in General Conference without too much impact on my mental health.
@ckayj4 5 дней назад
I’m looking forward to hearing how it goes.
@LindaStuan 5 дней назад
The church is also bringing you a lot of stress.
@pattykake7195 5 дней назад
The stress ends when you wave goodbye….👋
@smaug3045 5 дней назад
Nemo, you will be a jammy dodger if you dodge this one
@enigmaticvaran6597 5 дней назад
He had already taken the red pill, now he’s making his way out of the matrix.
@2bad2mad 5 дней назад
Nemo, no matter what happens, continue living your covenants you made with God. They weren't made with the Church. They were made with God directly. And hold on to what you know to be true. Keep nurturing your testimony and keep living the gospel of Jesus Christ. God always honors the promises he makes to his children.
@MustangWriter 5 дней назад
Nemo the Latter Day 'Aint. 😂😂😂😂 I crack myself up.
@taylorvansickle8756 4 дня назад
Thanks for sharing! Don't be bullied by the Church, man. I think we don't really hear about church discipline a lot because members feel bullied. Good luck with it all!
@TS-iv9ml 5 дней назад
Love u Nemo!! We stand We expect the corporation will give u an ultimatum, happy to hear you will continue ❤ have your response ready to blow their socks off!
@Laurie6049 5 дней назад
Hello Nemo, Full support for you! Jesus in the NT did NOT excommunicate! Jesus was all about love and healing. If the church really had the truth they would not see you as a threat considering it is $250b church. Hugs!
@maxhill5197 5 дней назад
Going to be very difficult for a Stake Council to defend the actions of Church leaders in Utah. All they can say is Nemo is not sustaining Church leaders, which is a big no, no. It won't matter to them that some of their actions are indefensible - like no tithing paid on their investment schemes...
@soutaschris 5 дней назад
The Church has changed the handbook and now asking members to go to Priesthood leaders and discuss the members concerns with their life or with the Church.
@ginnybaker4188 4 дня назад
You're a good man
@paullanderman7693 5 дней назад
Hi Nemo My own response to being called to a disciplinary council was relatively the same as yours, I wanted them to see and hear my point of view, which I counted on was relatively new to them
@bubbamanandkids2974 5 дней назад
Facing excommunication for doing what Jesus did. Exposing hypocrisy and holding the church itself to accountability
@valearl4693 5 дней назад
You can go to a different church. I know it sounds difficult now, but all houses of God have access to God and the community you need.
@andreadiamond7115 5 дней назад
I worry your hopes may be a bit too high dear Nemo. Best wishes to you. Never-Mo American here.
@sandrajackson7377 5 дней назад
You are amazing man Nemo. Keep up the good work.
@goodshepard00 5 дней назад
Sending you good wishes and support, Nemo.
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