
Is this the weirdest election ever? | Anywhere but Westminster 

The Guardian
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@theshyguitarist4536 7 лет назад
I want to shake the tin man's hand 😂
@simeonbanner6204 7 лет назад
Tin Man golden wheel chair if Labour win.
@Cheekywill 4 года назад
Election 2017: This is the weirdest election ever. Election 2019: Hold my beer.
@JessWasMistaken 7 лет назад
The tin man is one of first sense speaking voters I've seen in an electorate opinion piece like this in some time. The amount of working class hard left voters swinging to tories like turkeys to christmas is baffling and this guy speaks sense
@fortuner123 7 лет назад
Swing to Tories for Brexit and then anything you like next time!
@JessWasMistaken 7 лет назад
Blatant hyperbole mate, he doesnt literally mean that we live in 1940s Germany... he is pointing out the tone and atmosphere of debate up to and since brexit. But if you absolutely insist, far as being completely literal for the sake of making a point goes: let's just say that the far right are delighted with the current political landscape.
@JessWasMistaken 7 лет назад
in response to your hyperbole remark: I'm not going to debate with you the effectiveness of hyperbole as a tool for emphasis... that being said it's dim-witted to insist that only literal comments should be made at any time but especially in an opinion piece. Secondly please don't assume anything about my politics, its deeply disrespectful but also just rude to do so.
@kimjongdonald950 7 лет назад
Working class people only vote for themselves, if labour offered to payout more benefits they would swing in a second. They are stupid and get manipulated by the murdoch media outlets like the sun into thinking that brexit will make their lives better when every expert out there with credibility would say the opposite. The whole "Make Britain great again" is the kind of bs that they say to make their opinions sound credible, most of them couldn't care less about the welfare of a fellow citizen living on the other side of town let alone the other side of the country.
@simeonbanner6204 7 лет назад
Well said... We need the Tin Man to speak out. He would be a brilliant ambassador.
@bigben7986 7 лет назад
How confusing - Leave voters voting for the Liberal Democrats. The Tin Man was the only one that had a clear understanding but alas he was the only one.
@Monroe-is1sz 7 лет назад
People want their voice heard in Parliament, and the Liberal Democrats are the only ones who are campaigning on this localist notion. And as a Party that wasn't in power for *most* of its existence, it had a fairly decent track record because that's all they could do. Brexit is irrelevant if your MP isn't trying to secure funding for the local A&E.
@bigben7986 7 лет назад
I agree the NHS is a cornerstone for progress. The Coalition Government was at the fore front of austerity and destroying our public services including de-stabilising the NHS. Only dumping austerity will bring back life into the NHS.
@ymsphaa 7 лет назад
@simeonbanner6204 7 лет назад
That's a fucking good idea. How to do it in 4 wks. I sense a plan coming on.
@ymsphaa 7 лет назад
Easy. Spread the gospel of TINMAN by copy and pasting his holy words from below as much as you can on all social media platforms. "Prices are going up and now it costs another 30 million dollars to reopen the tin mine because they are falling the pound. This wonderful country doesn't manufacture anything anymore" Said the TINMAN "For the first time ever I think we genuinely have got a choice, I wanna vote against crony capitalism and the only way to do that is to vote someone like Jeremy Corbyn." Said the TINMAN "People have been conned, They (conservatives) are making people stupid on purpose mate, why does the media hate him (Corbyn), he is a man who wants to change things for the better." Said the TINMAN "Change the priority, stop spending money on bloody war, feed and clothe the poor every single person - not one person excluded yeah and we can actually progress as species on this planet." Said the TINMAN
@simonvalsler4778 7 лет назад
It really saddens me how apethetic people are, though Im not surprised! Jeremy Corbyn is the only MP talking about many of the issues raised here, food poverty and a general lack of local investment. If people were more engaged they would see this. Also, people are obssesing too much over Brexit, yes its important, however there are other huge issues such as the NHS, poverty, homelesness, housing, education which were present before the referendum and will continue to be there after if the tories get in!! JC4PM!!!
@simonvalsler4778 7 лет назад
Why? explain, dont just insult!
@simonvalsler4778 7 лет назад
Yes I 'hope' that he will become PM, but i also recognise that hes behind in the polls, i dont deny that. The point i was making was that Corbyns proposed policies would address directly the issues raised in the clip. However because people have become so detached from politics theyre often not aware of whats being offered. If the people in the clip were fully engaged then they would know that Corbyn is the ONLY politician talking about food poverty and the lack of regional investment.
@simonvalsler4778 7 лет назад
I dont want May for my childrens future either i.e 40-50k student debt Not being able to get on the housing market (the average first time buyer now needs a deposit of 26k) Underfunding of schools and hospitals. And I dont want them growing up in a society of widening inequality with a 'Im alright Jack sod everyone else' type culture.
@simonvalsler4778 7 лет назад
People arent asking for 'handouts' thats just a Daily Mail sound bite along with 'scrounger' I was lucky enough to benefit from a free university education in 90s as did millions of others. That then allowed me get a better paid job that I wouldnt otherwise have got, which in turn meant I paid more back into the system in taxes. Theres nothing radical about free university places, its free in Scotland, Germany and the whole of Scandanavia, if they can do it why cant we? I was also lucky enough to be able to get my foot on the housing market with a 'modest' deposit of about 5k (I dont know about you but i havent got a spare 26k to give to my kids) You see, people arent looking for 'handouts' thats just right wing tabloid drivel designed to turn people against one another. I just want my kids to have the same opportunities that I had. Corbyn is offering that, May most definitley is not!!
@simonvalsler4778 7 лет назад
When did I say I was blaming others?? Did you actually read what I wrote?? I dont know anything about your nephew, I can only talk about my personal circumstances, and they are that I now have a much better paid job because I was lucky enough to have a tuition free university place, this means I now pay more back into the system in tax than I would have done had I not had that opportunity. In regards to your nephew would you rather he was 20k in debt or not?? If not, perhaps he should vote for Corbyn! I reference the Daily Mail because they usually run a headline of 'scroungers' or people wanting 'handouts' although the people ripping off the system the most (the tax dodging billionaires) are conveniantly left alone. I certainly wasnt brainwashed at Uni either. I finished Uni in 97 and only started taking an interest in politics about 5 years ago! But keep on hurling your stereotypes!!
@tkjp999 7 лет назад
Tin Man speaking truth
@marconatrix 7 лет назад
Not quite ... not yet ... ... ...
@simeonbanner6204 7 лет назад
What questions isn't Corbyn answering James?
@mistaben2k 7 лет назад
teak0h Church is a very popular and good service for you
@benlee6800 7 лет назад
He just plagiarised Bill Hicks but that's not a bad thing.
@firstname6685 7 лет назад
Drahcir Nevarc have you heard of a hyperbole
@SirAmicVarze 7 лет назад
Amazing how the Tories keep failing the South West and the public still keep voting for them. Turkeys voting for Christmas.
@mattmatthews8993 5 лет назад
Sir Amic Varze Labour are surging in the south west
@Scytale101 5 лет назад
Why oh why does a sizeable group still vote Conservative?!
@karlosthejackel69 3 года назад
@@Scytale101 because we see what labour areas are like!
@marksavage1108 2 года назад
@@mattmatthews8993 illegal immigrants are also surging in the south west,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, funny eh.
@jimsy5530 7 лет назад
Food banks only work if food is donated, but it seems that these communities are reaching the point where not only does no one have more than enough, but no one even has sufficient for themselves. What happens when everyone is relying on the food banks, but no one is able to donate?
@theyoungliberal5193 7 лет назад
the disabled guy was sick edit* sick is slang for good people are misundertanding what i mean
@theyoungliberal5193 7 лет назад
he knows who would deliver real change
@meismichaelhi 7 лет назад
theyoungliberal corbynites unite
@theyoungliberal5193 7 лет назад
Dave Long ur a sickness
@radcow 7 лет назад
theyoungliberal i think he means sick as in good
@Bill-zp2mt 7 лет назад
That's because he is too submissive, if he had been more dominant he could've done it, but then again he would've been less emphatic so maybe not.
@tropicalr5 7 лет назад
I would vote for Tin Man
@mossmanqprfan 7 лет назад
genuinely really do not understand why people voted in the EU referendum who knew nothing about it. That woman who said "I voted leave because you just hear that's what everyone is saying, that they don't agree with it." What a strange reason. Why not just stay at home if you don't know? It's more effort to actually go out to a polling booth surely?!
@turnerpar 4 года назад
Remainers outside a Waitrose. Can't make this sh*t up!!
@soapysoappla942 7 лет назад
tin man is a hero
@melindafilo5872 7 лет назад
We need a Tin Army
@pr4442 7 лет назад
The Tin Man was bloody awesome.
@mobilechikane8574 7 лет назад
Working Class people flocking to the Tories, the most anti-working class party in the UK is so sad to see. Labour are going to lose out big time in this election. Anyone strongly pro-Brexit is going to vote Tory, and anyone strongly-anti-Brexit won't be drawn to Labour and their tepid pro-Brexit "too chicken to rock the boat" stance. Not to mention the decades of insistence that "left wing = weak and immature" and "right wing = tough and sensible". People switch off at election time, and revert to the basic fundamentals driven into them throughout their entire life, sure the Tories might be corrupt, and the NHS might be dying under them along with the police, education, fire crisis, sure the neoliberal experiment failed and we all had to pay to keep it alive, and this Corbyn fella seems a bit different to all the others, but at the end of the day, people want to feel mature, sensible and tough, and that's the image the Tories present. I mean even 7 years of abject failure, project after project falling apart, cost saving changes that end up increasing costs, broken election promises, U-turns and flipflops, doesn't outweigh the projected image: "Strong and Stable". It's fucking disgusting. I've spoken to a lot of people who are working class and vote Tory as if it gives them some sort of upper middle class perspective, almost as if voting for them makes them appear wealthier, when in fact they're worse off. Its a sheep mentality largely.
@JustUsFlyers 7 лет назад
And the other options are? LOL. If you think current problems arent in anyway related to the previous Labour government then you're truly misguided! Corbyn seems to actually be a decent person, who truly believes in what he says. Trouble is, what he says is nonsense, and it literally makes me shudder to imagine him running a country, with his useless racist ex shag holding his hand! As for the Lib Dems, thats self explanatory lol. So what choice is there other than Tory? Your last paragraphs about voting Tory making people feel wealthier lol, what planet are you on? If the Tories do end up getting a massive majority in June, I suppose it will be completely down to sheep will it? Nothing at all to do with people realising the truth of Labour?? As with brexit, all the lefties will just claim that the winning side are sheep and stupid etc etc, whilst refusing to accept the result of any democratic vote that doesnt go their way! Its a lefty trend these days sadly!
@mobilechikane8574 7 лет назад
The Tories have lots of money to spend on excellent PR. They're extremely good at not being the scapegoat. Nobody even blames them for most of the stuff they're directly responsible for. The electorate are thick as fuck and the Tories play them perfectly. They were somehow able to blame an international recession on 'Reckless Labour spending' and use this as a springboard for welfare cuts which have always been their agenda. Stage two was to claim victory for their brilliant economic policy as the global economy recovers, despite Osborne missing all of his own targets. For the Tories and Rupert Murdoch, Brexit is only about one thing: deregulation. Move away from the ECJ and get rid of employment & environmental rules. So workers and environment can be exploited more for the rich to get richer. Everything else Leave voters were hoping for will not happen. You have been conned.
@luchan1638 7 лет назад
Tin man for president!
@simeonbanner6204 7 лет назад
The Tin Man will be getting marriage offers. What a great guy though. Tin Man movement.
@callumharvey2808 5 лет назад
As a politics student from Yeovil who often feels as though it is simply brushed aside as not a political place and where discussion about politics is frowned upon it is lovely to see you visit to gauge opinion John, the contradictory views of the man also I feel some up political opinion in the town perfectly while also acting as a fantastic representation of what makes the anywhere but Westminster series so enjoyable, keep up the good work I look forward to future episodes.
@remixradio8672 7 лет назад
@JonnyMarshall5 7 лет назад
A masterclass in presenting from John Harris as always.
@bhavdeep 7 лет назад
I am not an economist but I think this is what has happened in the past 30 years. 1. We have encouraged corporations to make more and more money, come up with new ideas! 2. Corporations have moved jobs to India and China. 3. The hard working people in India and China have done well for themselves and those corporations. 4. This has resulted in hard working people of Britain have lost jobs. Happy & progressive towns have become empty roads and empty shops. 5. There is no money in our pockets anymore and now UKIP & Conservatives are blaming the EU migrants from Romania, Lithuania, Poland and Bulgaria. Britain was the the home of Industrialization and we don't manufacture anything now. This is what capitalism have given us!
@marksavage1108 2 года назад
NO that is what globalist corporatism has given us, and the eu pandered to the globalist corporate ``lobbying``, they call it lobbying, the rest of us call it bribery. the eu also incentivised industry to move out of the UK, and actually gave grants and loans to companies wanting to do soo. the eu then hiked up fuels costs to UK industry putting more out of contention. ook at Ireland as a prime example, the eu forced Ireland to stop using its own natural resource of peat, apparently it too dirty in the eu`s green world, but hang on, that isnt the whole story, the eu tells Ireland it can use German peat as its cleaner, the eu was all about destroying the UK and its standing on the world stage. Its been an anti UK scam from the start, ask the UK fishing communities.
@simeonbanner6204 7 лет назад
Corbyn and Tim Man meeting, video would be fantastic. As others have said Tin Man is the silent majority. Could we get the Tin Man part of the Labour election campaign. He would embarrass Theresa May.
@IThinkItsForYou 7 лет назад
All those people with no money in their pockets and not spending. That's why austerity is bad for the economy and leads to recession in the long run. Tories never get that it has to keep moving
@regularjon9693 7 лет назад
I like this series a lot. It doesn't point fingers.
@leeturner7292 7 лет назад
The people in Bristol are amazing, keep it going guys! 👍
@solarneddy 7 лет назад
Show me a politician and I'll show you a self serving liar
@surplusbus9269 7 лет назад
Finally the UK is experiencing what every country of Europe is now suffering, less jobs, more shops closing, a lot of foodbanks opening And... it will all be even worse after brexit, that's what fear and stupidity can do to a nation, let this be a lesson for everyone
@erzan 7 лет назад
We need a *proper* Living Wage, *proper* citizenship and critical thinking education, and *proper* high skilled Apprenticeships.
@carlybishop6160 7 лет назад
If I am honest, I can't stand The Guardian (along with most UK papers) because every paper is biased to their views. However, I really like these videos. It is interesting to see a variety of views.
@Paddehj 7 лет назад
Great series!
@thomas4982 7 лет назад
Voted for the first time today (I'm 18). Voted Libdem. Feel like my future has been snatched away and no other party seems to care
@jamestodd1104 4 года назад
Thomas grow up
@1ondon272 7 лет назад
The tin man spoke facts, only one man that gives us a chance is Corbyn.
@chickanoobgat5152 7 лет назад
hahahahah I can't!
@1ondon272 7 лет назад
Were as voting for the same typical politicians with the same politics, with the same rich donors who end up benefiting the rich and no one else is smart right?
@1ondon272 7 лет назад
@1ondon272 7 лет назад
rick jones I'm 30 i finished my degree and post grad and i been working since i was 17 doing my a levels. Well done on predicting a life of a stranger you have no idea about with typical stereotypes and making yourself look like a moron. Who said students expect everything to be handed to them? like i said i worked whilst i was doing my a level and uni, i guess you just believe everything you see in the media like a sheep huh? So one of your key requirement for being prime minister is how they dress? haha ok then, i always see trump dressed niced in suit and tie i guess he is gonna be an amazing president, If a clown like trump can represent the most powerful country at the world stage, i'm pretty sure corbyn would be ok. I don't expect anything to be handed to anyone but i don't want to see billions wasted on trident for a start.
@1ondon272 7 лет назад
It was a typo, but typical when you have no actual rebuttal and just typical stereotypes, you have to resort to focusing on spelling and grammars huh?
@parthsna 7 лет назад
Please do not be distracted by this 'brexit or no bexit' nonsense. You can either get a sensible brexit by voting labour or a super hard brexit by voting lib-dems and hence making the tories win.
@JustUsFlyers 7 лет назад
What you really mean is Labour wont give us brexit at all. There is no sensible or hard or soft bla bla bla. If you actually understood how the whole scenario worked, you'd realise that!! Get on planet earth will ya! The EU themselves have even said (as did the remain and leave campaigns) that we cannot truly leave the EU and stay in the single market (for example), that is just how the single market works! Sorry but you are truly deluded if you think there is anything other than brexit or no brexit.........unless we get a super off the planet deal brought about by some miracle or the collapse of the EU within 2 years or something lol
@BrightBlackBanana 7 лет назад
This guy's videos are always great!!
@dancingfishfilms 7 лет назад
I love this series, so real and just cuts past all the cludge
@lettylunasical4766 7 лет назад
I'm one of those who knows what I want but feels like I have no one to vote for. Also, the woman from Bristol want Corbyn to be pro-EU but he's far left. The Far Left like SWP encouraged their people to vote leave. The Right always take 'credit' for Brexit, but it was the far left who wanted it also.
@jzk2020 7 лет назад
The Tin Man Should Be Mayor!
@dcupmusic 7 лет назад
these videos are great - keep it up
@misssarahashplant31 5 лет назад
England for the English.
@worldpeace1822 7 лет назад
LOL so voting for more more self governing is supposed to change everything but not much trust exist between the poorest that anything will change voting the government. Whatever side you are on I have the feeling that the U.K. Government will have a long way to go to win back the trust of people ...whoever wins and whatever the connection with the EU looks like.
@lewisrichardson9677 4 года назад
Love the pro-EU display thing is outside a Waitrose 😂
@016329 7 лет назад
I can't help thinking though that a lot of this is b**cks. My grandmother remembers growing up in the 1930s in London with much greater poverty than we supposedly have now but her parents still worked and managed to feed them without needing food banks. They voted Tory too because they believed in helping yourself and not waiting around for someone else to pat you on the head and give you stuff for free. By the time they were old, her parents had become much more comfortably off and with the added satisfaction that they had done it all themselves. In turn, my grandmother is better off than they were and my parents better off than she was at their age. It shows the progress of a capitalist economy.
@Cheesy-t1h 7 лет назад
There is only one clear option for anyone that is struggling and that's Corbyn
@Ukipmiddleleft 6 лет назад
It was never this bad in the 80's-no foodbanks but people survived particularly in the mining strike periods. Now the only hope is Brexit and let's just GET OUT before things get worse
@TB-kv9jf 7 лет назад
that looks a tough gig outside the waitrose in bristol.
@RAMSEY1987 7 лет назад
people relying on the system or the state to feed them kind of sad really
@andreweeles5518 7 лет назад
tin man tell it as it is my bussines is on the rocks because of brixit i ve ride 3 down turns but this one is bad its time the other half of the uk were show how the poverty in these area is as bad as the third world i live in one brixit has put the cost of every thing up but i cannot put my prices in the fear of loss the work so thank you brixt people i like work harder for less money ie 70 hour a week
@marconatrix 7 лет назад
We need to hear more voices like yours Andrew. I doubt that you're alone.
@JustUsFlyers 7 лет назад
Does your business involve the English language at all?
@14loosecannon 7 лет назад
A man of tin but a heart of gold!
@Sebastian-lz8pu 4 года назад
2019 election enters the chat 'Am I a joke to you?'
@pat27941 7 лет назад
what a Britain ruled by Jeremy Corbyn would look like
@thomashall8701 3 месяца назад
This is what Britain ruled by Theresa May looked like
@workingclassman9727 7 лет назад
booze is still cheap in the houses of parliment
@davidulanovsky8943 7 лет назад
This is something the tories don't have an excuse for.
@alunhughes2632 7 лет назад
The true legacy of Thatcherism...all these years on....and still we suffer.
@gromit789 7 лет назад
the amount of people politically thick is shocking
@billywarren8585 7 лет назад
1:46 interesting comment "it's not my fault that the system won't help me out".
@stanosjarvis 7 лет назад
10:00 how symbolic...
@XiagraBalls 5 лет назад
"Article 52" 🙄"I think we could have left straight away, because of this thing I've heard". Another well-informed Leave voter then.
@mrbearbear83 4 года назад
Yep, i thought that. Putting in so much money: how much? Got very Little back: OK, so what did we get back?
@hadeel2530 7 лет назад
This video has really opened my ideas to poverty. Wow.
@062988932 5 лет назад
This is a great series
Tin man watched a lot of Bill Hicks.
@rc2869 7 лет назад
John Harris well done mate
@johhny711 5 лет назад
Mr TinMan was brilliant.
@victorsherazee 7 лет назад
Is the grey tint fake or is it just Britain?
@knightstemplar.1885 7 лет назад
I'm not voting. I voted in 2015 and that's the end of it. I'll vote again in 2019.
@owenw3637 3 года назад
People agreeing with the tin man.. oh lord
@OwenJonesTalks 7 лет назад
Good to see you back on the road.
@purerlogic4811 7 лет назад
Corbyn is a people's person. If you can rally the public, and intelligent minds that lack self-interest over interest in others, to resolve a problem together, then it can be solved without a doubt. Are you saying that Theresa May has far less self-interest, a kinder heart, and more love for the public than Jeremy Corbyn does? Politicians have to make choices, some gain some lose. But which politician do you believe wants to make choices that benefit the majority rather than the minority? How do you make money, don't invest it??? How do you invest in the workplace, fire staff??? I guess if you employed 40 people to work 1 hour a week on zero hour contracts, you could fill a job roll, and at the same time tell the public that employment is up 4000%. We are entering 'back into' times of slavery with the Tories. They don't need the NHS they have the money to go abroad, or to pay a private doctor.
@AndyTomlins 7 лет назад
A ‘people’s person’ is not someone who can deal with the problems facing society. The society is people.
@AndyTomlins 7 лет назад
It is. Thats why these people have been left behind. We have been sold the idea that the mechanisms of society are now more important than the society. Thats why were sold austerity. That the banks are more important than people no matter the damage it does to peoples lives. Instead of benefiting society. They demand society benefits them.
@AndyTomlins 7 лет назад
The government hasnt run up mass debt. The government has been forced to bail out a banking sector that was meant to benefit society. Instead had become a law unto itself for the exact reason that it had been forgotten what its there to serve. Just as you have when you state that we dont need a people person to deal with society. When thats what it is. Anything that doesnt benefit people has no place in society. As thats what societies are. This all started when Thatcher proclaimed that society did not exist. That let privatization run rampant without requiring it be a benefit to what matters, people.
@AndyTomlins 7 лет назад
Debt was stable before the banking crash at similar levels to prewar. Economies always work at a deficit due to growth. It was the banking crash that cost £850 billion and the longest recession in history following that amassed the debt. In fact historically the Tories usually run higher debt due to tax breaks for the higher earners. Again the debt itself isnt the issue though. Its where its spent. Also if we have paid back the banking bailout then how can we be in debt? We paid it off by borrowing more.
No, this is Patrick!!
@IThinkItsForYou 7 лет назад
Those people have no idea there lives would be better under a Labour government, it's tragic. They can all vote for change
@SuperEdep 7 лет назад
Can I have what you've been smoking? Parasite
@FireicerCooper 7 лет назад
Ok so I am guessing you are pretty young and barely remember Labour new deal.
@gregjones4829 7 лет назад
You are bonkers!
@AdamSmith-gs2dv 7 лет назад
IThinkItsForYou Oh yes having unlimited immigration and hoards of Muslim Invaders will really help them....
@stevencassidy6982 7 лет назад
Its true. Cornwall has lost 60 million pounds due to withrawing from Europe
@ewantu 7 лет назад
Labour and Tory will never fix these areas. If I lived here I would 100% vote for a third party.
@colincurwood 7 лет назад
Says all the people who don't work. No surprise the opinions from those who don't work and no surprise those interviewed by the Guardian.
@robertorhymes 7 лет назад
It's my moral duty not to vote. It's not right that I decide who is in charge of anyone. Authority is force.
@meismichaelhi 7 лет назад
They just make the laws and decide what help people receive. It's not like they're are telling you to clean your house or pick what Job you do. There has to be some control over the country. Be real
@wilfredhather 7 лет назад
Perhaps he believes private companies should do that?
@knightstemplar.1885 7 лет назад
9:59 well that was a sign that it is over
@snozrick 7 лет назад
Surprised you missed out the whole of Devon including my seat Plymouth sutton and devonport which is one of closest swing seats in UK :) Labour lost to the Tories by 500 votes in 2015
@johnnyreggae969 7 лет назад
The Guardian !! a joke of a newspaper they don't seem able to grasp what democracy means
@markpaul120 7 лет назад
the " I voted to leave cause people said...( tails off) says it all. The disabled bloke in the middle of the segment had common sense. well done tin man.
@1spikelet 7 лет назад
Tin man in his case will be better off voting Labour because his circumstances are possibly different. He may have a council house so rent is more than likely subsidized with housing benefit so when interest rates go up it won't make any difference to him. His PIP will also go up in line with inflation. As regards to Labour raising Corporation Tax he won't loose his Job when company's go else where because he already isn't working! So yes curtain people won't be effected as much who are receiving benefits as much as a person who is working. So lets all vote Labour and keep Tin Man happy!
@adam4757 7 лет назад
"No. I don't believe Brexit is the most important thing". FFS......
@GroundCricketHQ 7 лет назад
adam4757 in that seat that's how you have to frame your party's advantage. See the Lib Dems unlike Labour care about winning so change their message depending on audiences whilst remaining true to their principles.
@adam4757 7 лет назад
But Brexit is by far the most important issue for most people.
@ZenosOsgorma 7 лет назад
Azza ghaiduni that is simply lying nothing else.
@worldpeace1822 7 лет назад
adam4757 yeah it's an important topic for people but not for the people governing the country. Why would it be? People in power will even gain more power. The Brexit will not improve any ongoing social problems, unless the politics does the best choices for the people and the economy at the same time in the future. And the question still stands if the EU was really the reason for why there are poor people, badly developed areas etc. The Brexit might be simply the result of a group of people pointing fingers instead of looking into what the reasons are hence neglecting the responsibilities the own government had.
@adam4757 7 лет назад
I agree with what you said. But it is utterly delusional for the Lib Dem campaigner to think Brexit is less important than a 'good constituency MP'.
@mickeyhynes 7 лет назад
All hail the Tin Man!
@yeovil50 7 лет назад
As always I admire John Harris for going out and meeting the real World. However, it was interesting for me to see him with the Liberal Democrats in my home town. With them saying about supporting a strong Lib dem candidate in the town. After this video was taken the Liberal Democrats candidate stepped down because.. She was buying a house and it was a stressful time!.. So much for a strong candidate! People haven't forgotten either the scandal of the last Lib Dem MP in the town! Problem is the Tory MP here I am absolutely knob! As for Labour, not had anyone here even mention him!
@rmleighton1 4 года назад
Great Show, the left behind.
@bluesteakmanflesh131 7 лет назад
TIn Man King of the North!
@Tenebris8444 7 лет назад
TinMan for PM
@arthurlewis9193 7 лет назад
I first saw foodbanks in Holland in the seventies. Then Belgium, Germany and France in the eighties. We were a bit late adopting the standard EU approach to poverty but we got there in the end.
@DancingMad17 7 лет назад
the uk is doomed....
@KevinSar 7 лет назад
what he said at the beginning was so profound. people nowadays are so fatalistic, they think that the government controls their lives, when really it's up to the individual to progress and do better. This is why people all over the world who follow @DaveRamsey's teachings are successful no matter where they are.
@oohJakez 7 лет назад
8:45 typical remain voter- middle class waitrose shopper. oh and typical guardian reader as well
@dianabrown1409 5 лет назад
@paulduffy697 7 лет назад
Jeremy corbyn..joke..
@awesomeavenger2810 7 лет назад
You don't score points for pointing out the mess we are in. But if it all went wrong, then it all went wrong under the Labour party. If, as Labour claim, that wasn't their fault, then it certainly wasn't the fault of the present government either. So we're left with two choices. Either we face up to the fact that we have huge debts and something needs to be done about it. Or we ignore economic reality and risk everything on the idea that Jeremy Corbyn has a miracle economic plan that enables us to keep on spending vast sums of cash that we don't have. Personally, I wouldn't trust Corbyn and his fellow clowns to run a parish council. Let alone the country. It's a huge risk to take. And if it didn't pay off, this country would be finished.
@gregjones4829 7 лет назад
Tories still clearing up Labour's shit from 2010.
@katiestolealltheunicorns9309 7 лет назад
Awesome Avenger That is a narrative the Tories have sold you. Like how they called the GLOBAL financial crisis 'labour's' financial crisis, as if it wouldn't have hit the tories just as hard. Austerity just doesn't work, if there was a trickle down effect, the poor wouldn't be getting poorer. The wealthy tory voters just don't care how brutal the system is to people who are already scraping by or worse, as long as they stay comfortable. They want the homeless people swept under the rug, because they're happy to think of hem as less than people, it's not like there's any luck involved in distribution of wealth right(?) Do not vote tory, they're cutting the country off at the knees. What works is investing in people, education and public services, instead of letting the rich give themselves bonuses they don't need or letting them evade the taxes they're wealthy enough to afford. The tories are just passive mass murderers and thieves with good publicity. Don't believe a word they say.
@awesomeavenger2810 7 лет назад
Katie Greatness. Oh, I understand now! So it's a global financial crises when Labour is in power. But its results are suddenly the fault of the tories when they get into power! You had better hope austerity does work. Because I'm afraid economic reality doesn't much care about your vacuous handwringing. Commissar Corbyn has never run anything in his entire worthless career. Are you really asking me to believe he has a miracle economic plan that allows the country to spend vast sums of cash it doesn't have? Big risk to take just so that a few washed up old Trots can once again prove to the world how economically illiterate they are. Populism is always dangerous. And promising what you cannot deliver simply because you're desperate for authority more so. And if I am to believe the worst of the tories, what am I to believe about you? Dehumanising your opponents is low. Which is why the present Labour party makes me want to puke. I'm not buying your hysterical hate.
@awesomeavenger2810 7 лет назад
TheMystery Gamer & Isometric Aquariums. You're gonna have to repost that because youtube keep removing it as spam.
@danielhilson3134 7 лет назад
What? Brexit is the most important thing, and it is the only way the Lib Dems can recover.
@pauloramosseara1470 7 лет назад
No ONE thought that crony capitalism destroyed the UK! I am seeing improvements.
@Bunjee77 7 лет назад
Failed monetary policy
@ToM2CoOL 7 лет назад
lol corbyn... he'd impoverish this country.
@sv-bd5em 7 лет назад
It's already happening and Labour or Corbyn haven't been in charge since 2010. So explain that.
@richardbutler4962 7 лет назад
S Korea, Canada, Ukraine, Israel and other far less important markets have an EU trade deal. UK-EU trade is real and present and 5 million European workers are engaged in export trade to the UK, most of them concentrated in core EU nations such as Holland whereby 9% of Hollands exports are to the UK.Remoaners are utterly childish to believe 5 million EU workers will play along with having their livelihoods compromised by Brussels elites.
@ToM2CoOL 7 лет назад
Pronunciation Nazi good, that's what was voted for pal
@ToM2CoOL 7 лет назад
sv 93 our country is as rich as it's ever been. welfare needed to be reformed. stop moaning about "austerity" When public spending has never been higher.
@shamanahaboolist 7 лет назад
ToM2CoOL haha Tories have put more than 1.2 million people on food banks and chumps like you have the cheek to say Corbyn will impoverish our country? Do us all a favour mate... get in the sea.
@AnnoyedDragon 7 лет назад
No bias in this video at all... Perhaps you'd like to explain to the "brainwashed" why they should vote for a party who has links to Stalinist groups? Whose higher ups have gotten on telly and argued Mao did good? Of course you don't want to highlight that Labour have been hijacked by communists, and while people don't necessarily like the Tories; they know better than to vote for people who say Karl Marx is their hero... That and the anti-Brexit bias didn't go unnoticed, portraying Brexit voters as not even knowing why they voted for it. I don't think you've calculated how siding against 52% of the voting British public would affect the appeal of your message, but of course you think they're all just brainwashed and we'll all see the light of your truth eventually... That must be why the Guardian has been so successful in judging the results of votes as of late...
@gregjones4829 7 лет назад
When it comes to food banks, cut backs, austerity and poverty, then all roads lead back to the last Labour govt., when they brought us the worst boom and bust in our economic history. Remember the note :- ''SORRY THERE'S NO MONEY LEFT''. I earn £12,000 pa, self employed and claim absolutely no benefits at all. Never been so poor but I live frugally.Can't wait to vote Tory on 8th June. Only show in town.
@Doran754 7 лет назад
That was a fun watch havn't seen this series before. The thing I noticed was the deluded blonde woman in Bristol. "It's not over" it is actually, the vote was a year ago, europhobes have had 40+years of the EU, why can't we try another direction? I hate how they can't just accept the result and rally round. Also TinMan was funny, with Corbyn in charge our country will become a Saudi state or extinct once when we bombed to hell after disarming our nukes. Clueless.
@philipcurnow7990 7 лет назад
agahnim1 Corbyn = Saudi Arabia!? What a dunce.
@boogiewoogie9770 7 лет назад
Oh yes countries are lining up to nuke the UK if we disarm...get a grip! Saudi state? What complete and utter bibble!
@liama8337 7 лет назад
RunninRiot you're chatting utter shite, sorry
@PaperStVideos 7 лет назад
Tin Man is a victim... and he loves it that way. So does the gardian
@Horus4075 7 лет назад
UK: Migrants in the Channel | ARTE.tv Documentary