
Israel vs. Iran and the Third World War 

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israel, iran, politics, middle-east, syria, tehran, gaza, hamas, hezbollah, s-300, anti-ship, silkworm, exocet, corruption, aipac, tel aviv, west bank, lebanon, ahmadinejad, netenyahu, ashkenazi, sephardic, third, world, war, second, first, international, commentary, opinion, nuclear, atomic, dimona, iaea, palestine, iranian, persia, petra, syria, jordan, egypt, middle-east



21 окт 2024




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@johnu78 13 лет назад
@GlobalMinority Have you seen the documentary "The Other Israel"?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@EconCat88 Have you ever read the Walt and Mearsheimer report?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@NedaAlive Excellent points! :o)
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@batsharp There it is! Thank you for posting this.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@TheTruthlsOutNow Where did you get this information from?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@JamesTCA Did you ever read Culture of Critique?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@rickster348 How do you mean "suburb"?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@adnan1985gti Have you ever seen the Other Israel?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@Downfacingdog What proof can you provide of this?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@cetinGT3 Have you ever read the Israel Lobby?
@rockbay79 13 лет назад
I agree with your words, we need no more wars!
@johnu78 12 лет назад
@BanduschMC I'm very familiar with what both sides have and in a conventional war the Israelies would lose. They would have huge losses as well if they decided to use nuclear weapons.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ArizonaPublic Oh okay. I think we totally missed each other. Take care, John
@purpurpledog8 13 лет назад
Thanks, excellent information.
@jimbobubbadj 13 лет назад
Moshe Dayan, former Israeli PM, said years back that Israel would use nuclear weapons, assuming that it had them, if it had to in order to survive.
@johnu78 12 лет назад
@Stealth3 Thank you for watching the video. Take care, John
@MojoSoDope7 13 лет назад
Why is it that Israel feels threatened by Iran building nuclear weapons? Many other countries have them who are not seen as a threat.
@jimbobubbadj 13 лет назад
@johnu78 There are the Semites(native to the area) and there are the Khazarians(from Russia).
@jimbobubbadj 13 лет назад
You got guts John, you stirred up a hornet's nest. Its such a mess over there.
@shone1178 12 лет назад
@Marinedippa0311 And russia/china/pakistan/hezbollah/hamas/muslim sleeper cells... how would they react?
@EconCat88 13 лет назад
Frankly, I am sick and tired of this country being involved in the mess there. Many of you folks that are unemployed and/or otherwise financially suffering also should support the US ending ALL foreign aid and closing overseas military bases. How many Americans have to be lost fighting other people's battles, how many enemies have to be created, and how many TRILLIONS have to be squandered before you folks wake up?
@EconCat88 13 лет назад
The US needs to stay the hell out of that fight. It's much of the reason we are in the mess we in now. Bring home ALL of our overseas troops and close the 700-800 overseas military bases. Enough is enough.
@johnu78 12 лет назад
You should read up on the Iranian military when you get a chance. They've come a long way since the 80's. I think you'll be surprised to find that out.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@spynu85 I think you need to watch "Passion of the Christ" a few times. It should help straighten out your thinking.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@HomeInNetherlands You should read "Hamas: A History From Within". I highly recommend the book.
@johnu78 12 лет назад
@Marinedippa0311 I think you need to put a check valve on your hate! Thanks for watching and take care. Sincerely, John
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ssj4gogetassj4 I saw a really good video a year ago that was an animation of the Dimona nuclear facility. I think it was Al Jazeera that did it.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@shellcracker7 Thank you for your comment and your support. Sincerely, John
@Vogel- 13 лет назад
I'm just wondering but if Iran shuts down the gulf couldn't the US Navy just open it again?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ArizonaPublic That's a great analogy. I think that's the position the Palestinians are in.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@Chemowski Israel only won the Six Day War because they had American weapons, any respected analyst will tell you that.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ArizonaPublic I wish you the best!
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@Coolkillerbear Not exactly. If the Iranians close the gulf it could cause the U.S. economy to collapse along with the dollar.
@johnu78 12 лет назад
@Dano7396 Team Persia will beat Team Judea any day of the week!!! By the way, thank you for your comments and for watching. Sincerely, John :o)
@bohemianh 13 лет назад
@johnu78 the advertisment to uppr right is a pay to click advertiser for israel, very funny! considering you are such a supporter of the Tribe!
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@Bomburk Let's hope they never use those nukes.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@iEatBoneDust Thank you very much. :o)
@gchijioke12 13 лет назад
Nowadays numbers don't really mean anything it's all about Air and Tech. Israel has a bigger Air Force and better tech. Remember the Six-Day War, Israel was vastly outnumbered but they still managed to win.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@godiegogo81 The Iranians believe God is on their side. What do you have to say about that?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@dhollywoodtcworksnet Israel by itself with no nuclear weapons cannot defeat Iran. It's an impossibility. It may hurt for you to read that, but it's the truth.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@PontVedra Technically the Jews of today are not the same Jews of 2,000 years ago. Talk to any respected anthropologist and he'll tell you. So the nation of Israel shouldn't even exist.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@iranwarcom Thank you for watching it. :o)
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ANCHORSaweighMYboys There is little the U.S.-Israeli Axis could do to stop the thousands of Iranian anti-ship and surface to surface missiles. It is true that the U.S. and Israel could defeat Iran militarily but the cost to do that would be unbearable, I'm confident of that.
@johnu78 12 лет назад
@Dano7396 Times are much different now and so is the technology. Iran has over 100,000 missiles at its disposal. It will use this arsenal to tear Israel up if they're dumb enough to attack Iran.
@metivs 12 лет назад
Dont worry, Israel will fight until the last american soldier...
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@jimbobubbadj Thank you very much. :o)
@Dano7396 12 лет назад
dude i happen to know what kind of tech iran and israel both have and israel has more technological hardware than iran ever thought about
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@SunDance917 Israel may win, but they will end up being responsible for the deaths of Hundreds of Millions of People. Could the Jewish people be proud of causing so many deaths?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@EWOKCAD Why would you say something like that?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@WesternVoices3 Thank you very much. Please visit my blogsite when you get a chance. Take care, John
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@dhollywoodtcworksnet I'm glad we cleared that up.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@godiegogo81 What do you say when you hear the Palestinians say that God will punish the Jews for stealing their land.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ZionistIDF Do you work for the JIDF?
@globeisnotpyramid 12 лет назад
Why does USrael not want any nuclear, while they build up the nuclear in Pakistan and India?
@godiegogo81 13 лет назад
It is written, israel will prevail on that battle. God will be with them and I'll be praying for them in the name of JESUS!
@Dano7396 12 лет назад
Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. …“On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume all the surrounding peoples right and left, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place.” (Zechariah 12:1-3, 6)
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@spynu85 You need to read up about General Mayak.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@EconCat88 I wish the media would cover something more "newsworthy", like the millions of homeless kids in the United States.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ZionistIDF If Israel can have nuclear weapons then Iran can at least have nuclear power. It's only fair!
@fishesgetstitches465 12 лет назад
I've seen iran's military hardware, and I have to say i'm not impressed. Israel's military technolgy is more advanced and have better trained soldiers. Watch furture weapons and you'll see what i'm taking about. Iran is 40 years behined Israel.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@freedom1164 How do I respond to such an idiotic comment?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@SunDance917 The words that Iran had said were twisted by the U.S. media.
@rand0Mnumb3r2 12 лет назад
my aunt lives in isreal and teaches english at a school
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@EconCat88 Preach it!
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@SoulFunkMonster Thank you for that.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@liamweate In what way?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ahleSunnah100 I think that sums everything up pretty well. :o)
@Tsariel678 12 лет назад
Umm dude you are soo wrong about the war thing.. its not a numbers game and Israel have far more advanced technology than the Iranians
@johnu78 12 лет назад
@Archy11102 13 лет назад
israel will never start a war with iran and here is why: because they would cease to exist if such war is to take place ok. just compare population of two countries and you'll see who has the upper hand. sure some will argue that israel is more technologically advanced but germany was in ww2 yet technology didnt help them on russian front. nazis were crushed by soviet numbers and same would happen with israel if it goes against iran.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@dgl1962 Hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Take care, John
@jimbobubbadj 13 лет назад
@Downfacingdog That's crazy, it's unaffordable. Who would be able to buy it? The USA's economic structure is based on cheap oil.
@Judicial78 12 лет назад
Lots of small minded hate filled people who were not hugged enough as kids in this comment section LOL
@hassanbasafa 12 лет назад
if israel attack iran, iran gonna take israel out of goloball map,iran is enough strong to do that
@godiegogo81 13 лет назад
@ johnu78:peace for you brother I never said jesus was going to save Israel I said God! Is going to be with them!
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ArizonaPublic I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. Sorry.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ModernPlague 9/11 was an inside job and the whole world knows it!
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@bohemianh ???
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@purpurpledog8 Thank you for watching. Please visit my blogsite. Take care, John :o)
@rand0Mnumb3r2 12 лет назад
200 dollars a barrel would kill everybody
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ANCHORSaweighMYboys Yes the Iranians have the power to do that.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ssj4gogetassj4 I think Mel Gibson did a good job portraying this part of the bible in "The Passion of the Christ". :o)
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ZionistIDF Why do you keep making stuff up? Are you a Hollywood scriptwriter or something?
@juanmarquez7867 12 лет назад
@johnu78 remember ISRAEL has 200 nukes....and most powerfull military in the world..ISRAEL did it attack IRAQI nuke facillity in 1980s....and did war woop the assess of 4 arab countries in 1950s and 1060s....israel said the best deffence is offense....
@8888rogue 13 лет назад
@spynu85 Is this a joke?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@jim1088 Unfortunately you're right.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@rockbay79 Preach it brother, preach it!
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@PatriotRadioMilitia Preach it!!! :o)
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@manjackstreet The show will be a nightmare!
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@SunDance917 and Peace be with you.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@yomatie You could be right!
@godiegogo81 13 лет назад
@Bohemia. God punished the jews several times for been stubborn but God save them from slavery. Many times
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@dhollywoodtcworksnet I know Israel has nukes. I'm saying without the nuclear weapons they can't defeat Iran.
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ZionistIDF Actually the AshkeNazis are alive and seem to be doing quite well.
@Dano7396 12 лет назад
how do you get that im preaching hatred seriously? please elaborate one thing i dont do is hate anyone regardless of race or there beliefs john, i was merely stating a few facts thats all nothing more, and i know exactly who i am ,as for fellow human beings i do care i think i made that obvious in my last post i dont want to see war for anyone. Anyway i appreciate the sentiment that your heart goes out to me but i assure you i dont hate anyone.You got me puzzled on how you think i hate lol
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@ThePiRaTeCoPy That's for sure!
@Dano7396 12 лет назад
yes times are different and so is the technology i understand that im not sure where you live but i live in america and when i say this im using this as a hypothetical situation but if mexicos president voweld to wipe america off the map and they were seeking nuclear technology i can guarantee you that wed have troops in mexico within hours and launching tactical strikes on there nuclear facilities. and yes Iran has said this to israel so whos taunting who here?
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@bohemianh The whole internet is going to sh*t!!!
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@HansBooBee Uh oh..... LOL!!!!!
@johnu78 13 лет назад
@patthespark I could see that happening. ;o)
E366 Navigating the Bible: Revelation
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