
Jagged Alliance 1 - All Voice Clips 

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Every voice line from every AIM Mercenary, Jack, Brenda, Santino, the intro, Wall Probe noises and the inventory/item descriptions. The timestamps for the beginning of each character are below.Some of the in-battle voice clips seemed to only be properly playable at 11khz whereas everything else is 22khz, so that's why they sound worse. Native #4 includes the descriptions of the sectors they give.
Dr. Mark "Needle" Kranhuim: 0:00:00
Gary Roachburn: 0:02:52
Samuel Garver: 0:05:15
Glen "Boss" Hatchet: 0:09:44
Lesley "Smoke" Peterson: 0:12:51
Jimmy Upton: 0:15:37
Dr. Ahmad Koolhan: 0:18:45
Wink E. Dickerson: 0:21:17
Mary Beth Wilkens: 0:23:52
Rudy "Lynx-Eyed" Roberts: 0:26:11
Lt. Bud Hellar: 0:29:47
Victoria Waters: 0:32:20
Larry Roachburn: 0:36:00
Edward "Ears" Stockwell: 0:39:18
Murray "Moses" Ebstern: 0:41:24
Patrick "Screw" Phillips: 0:46:29
Helmut Grunther: 0:47:45
Russell Hunter: 0:50:46
Ivan Dolvich: 0:54:29
Dr. Bernie Gloveless: 0:56:54
"Unusually Ruthless" Reuban: 1:00:14
Murray "Pops" McGillicutty: 1:01:13
Col. Leo Kelly: 1:04:44
Tex R. Colburn: 1:07:33
Fidel Dahan: 1:10:33
Hurl E. Cutter: 1:11:30
Biff Apscott: 1:14:02
Maj. Spike Scallion: 1:17:20
Dr. Raffitto Leevon: 1:20:34
Cynthia "The Fox" Guzzman: 1:23:15
Sidney Nettleson: 1:26:30
Mike: 1:29:20
Hector Alvarez: 1:32:26
Johnny "Snake" Edwards: 1:35:06
Ice Williams: 1:37:27
Speck T. Kline: 1:40:04
Willy "Weasel" Augustin: 1:42:40
Timothy "Leech" Jenkins: 1:45:52
Dr. Clifford Highball: 1:47:02
Frank "Hitman" Hennessy: 1:50:20
Lance Fisher: 1:53:54
Dr. Margaret Trammel: 1:56:12
Dr. Eli Summers: 1:59:54
Elroy B. Tolken: 2:02:52
Peter "Wolf" Sanderson: 2:05:32
Bruce "Skitz" Bonner: 2:08:36
Walter Yuntz: 2:09:58
Kirk "Static" Stevenson: 2:12:57
Herman "Turtle" Regents: 2:15:56
Corp. Len Anderson: 2:19:15
Marty "Kaboom" Moffat: 2:22:46
Earl "Magic" Walker: 2:25:05
Reverend Clyde Potter: 2:27:55
Megan "Sparky" Roachburn: 2:31:55
Dr. Mitch Shudlem: 2:34:55
Robert James Sullivan: 2:38:28
Howard "Carp" Melfield: 2:42:11
Carl "It" Goodman: 2:45:13
Vincenzo Massimo: 2:47:22
Capt. Bob Adams: 2:50:07
Native # 1: 2:53:16
Native # 2: 2:53:27
Native # 3: 2:53:37
Native # 4: 2:53:47
Jack: 2:59:00
Brenda: 3:23:13
Santino: 3:25:43
Wall Probes: 3:25:51
Intro: 3:32:25
Inventory/Items: 3:34:41
Comprises about 6,200 voice files from version 1.00. You can download them all from here (227MB 7z, expands to about 540MB) mega.nz/file/r...
idk who's who but the voice cast is:Carl Alacchi, Sonja Ball, Tyrone Benskin, Thor Bishopric, Mark Camacho, Aidon Devine, Richard M. Dumont, Hubert Fielden, Sergei Golikov, Alain Goulem, Dean Hagopian, Matt Holland, AJ Henderson, Gary Jewel, Rick Jones, John Koensgen, Teddy Lee Dillon, Alan Legros, Pierre Lenoir, Shaun Lyng, Liz Macrea, John Sanford Moore, Nancy Neilson, Kevin O'Neill, Howard Rsyhpan, Michael Rudder, Terrence Scammell, Roland Smith, Wayne Spencer, Mark Trafford



11 окт 2024




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@dibrahim08 3 года назад
Thank You so much for this. This was a hilarious game with all these personalities!
@johnplainview6118 Год назад
1:46:08 1:46:55 I don't know why I love Leech so much. The idea of a champion clay pigeon shooter with a bloodllust cracks me up.
@kimmolaine8069 Год назад
He also likes to say Give Me a Break! a lot.
@s0n1kku Год назад
Ivan Dolvich's quotes with translation (there are only his AIM quotes, names and some gameplay quotes in the video, he has much more actually): 54:28 -- НЕТ! (NO!) 54:33 -- Я знаю достаточно английский, чтобы понять, что ты выгнал . (I know English enough to understand, that you fired ) [when fired his friend] 54:37 -- Ты хочешь меня нанять? Это тебе обойдётся в два раза дороже. (You want to hire me? It will cost you twice as much.) [asks for a salary rise] 54:43 -- Нет, Рубен! (No, Reuban!) [refuses to join if Reuban is on team; this phrase is a bit odd and sounds like he says it to Reuban] 54:45 -- Я желаю тебе провести твой летний отпуск в Киеве! (I wish you to spend your summer vacation in Kiev!) [fired] 54:50 -- Хорошо, я буду работать на тебя, проклятый капиталист. (Fine, I'll work for you, you bloody capitalist.) [on hire] 54:56 -- Даже если ты мне заплатишь в три раза больше, я сомневаюсь, что вернусь на тебя работать. (Even if you pay me three times as mush, I doubt that I'll return to work for you.) 55:03 -- Спасибо! (Thanks!) 55:04 -- Я вполне удовлетворён тем, что я вижу, чтобы ожидать какой-то оплаты от тебя, кретин! (Thanks! I'm satisfied enough with the situation to expect any payments from you, cretin!) [he must be saying it when the player doesn't pay him in time, but I never ran into such a situation, so I'm not sure] 55:09 -- Я не хочу испытывать здесь судьбу. Невозможно быть возле Метавиры, куда ни повернёшь, -- везде трупы. (I don't want to try my luck here. It's impossible to stay around Metavira. Wherever you look, there are only dead people everywhere.) [probably used if player's death ratio is too high] 55:17 -- Это очень приятно -- поговорить с человеком, который понимает, о чём я говорю. Между нами: я ухожу, так как здесь никто не задерживается надолго. (It's very nice to talk with someone who understands what I'm saying. Between us: I'm leaving because no one stays here for a long while.) [probably just a phrase from a recording session left in the game; it might be used if player's turnover ratio is too high] 55:26 -- Я полагаю, что все политические системы имеют какую-то отрицательную часть. (I think that all politic systems have some negative features.) [not used in the game; Sergei Golikov was talking about politics, and they decided to leave this quote in the game, lol] 55:30 -- Хах! Канадцы только думают, что они умеют играть в хоккей! (Hah! Canadians only think they know how to play hockey!) [Sir-Tech was a Canadian company, so Sergei Golikov decided to joke about it] 55:34 -- До свидания! (Good bye!) [not sure if it is used] 55:35 -- Выгони Рубен, и я буду здесь завтра. (Fire Reuban, and I'll be here tomorrow.) [He demands to fire Reuban. There is a lot of fun about this phrase. Firstly, it's grammatically incorrect: a proper noun declension is missing when Ivan says Reuban's name: it should be "Рубена" (Reubena), not "Рубен". Secondly, this phrase sounds a bit off at all: it sounds like he's about to arrive to the island, not to stay on team. Thirdly, he's so fucking sagacious about himself: if you have both of them on your team at the end of the day, Ivan will be killed next morning.] 55:38 -- Сегодня я узнал больше о капитализме, чем ты когда-либо будешь знать. (Today I learned more about capitalism than you will ever know). [another easter-egg phrase] 55:44 -- О, Боже мой... Я обожаю эту систему! (Oh my God... I love this system!) [another easter-egg phrase] 55:50 -- Да? (Yes?) 55:51 -- Чёрт! (Damn it!) 55:52 (*dies of cringe*) 55:53 -- Пусто. (Empty.) [opened empty crate] 55:54 -- Хорошо. (Good!) [successful act] 56:51 -- Нет места. (No room!) [never heard that in the game] 56:52 -- Ничего. (Nothing.) [examined empty square] 56:53 -- Хорошо-хорошо. (Okay, okay.)
@s0n1kku Год назад
He also has lots of phrases to say throughout the day. 18_1: Я вижу противника. Меня он не видит. (I see an enemy. He doesn't see me.) 18_2: В меня стреляют! (I'm under fire!) 18_3: Я в самом разгаре боя! (I'm in the middle of the combat!) [got under fire and spotted an enemy] 18_4: Я вижу что-то. (I see something.) [spotted an item] 18_5: Это может быть западня. (It might be a trap!) [suspicious area] 18_6: Чёрт! У меня кончились патроны! (Damn! I'm out of ammo!) 18_7: Мне очень повезло в этой ситуации. (I've got very lucky in this situation.) [never heard it; Ivan probably says it when succeeding some dangerous act] 18_8: Мы должны быть вместе. (We must stay together.) [trying to traverse without him] 18_9: А-а-а, значит на западе это делается таким образом? (Ah, so that's how it's done on the West?) [ordered to shoot friendly merc] 18_10: А-х-х... я не могу двигаться... мои ноги не подчиняются... (Ah-h-h... I can't move... can't control my legs...) [tired/dying, not sure] 18_11: А-а-э-ы... ТОНУ! (Ah-w-w... Drowninig!) 18_12: Люди Сантино убили американского доктора. Наверное, услышали наше приближение. (Santino's people murdered an American doctor. They probably heard that we were coming.) [failed to rescue Brenda due to high-profile assault] 18_13: Мы им отплатим за это! (We'll pay them back for this!) [not sure where is it used; it may be related to Brenda too] 18_14: Помогите мне! (Help me!) [path blocked] 18_15: Не трогай меня! (Don't touch me!) [using hand icon on him; I heard that in JA:DG, but never heard it in JA1] 18_16: Это поломано. (It's broken). 18_17: Моё оружие заклинило! (My weapon's jammed!) 18_18: Перед тем, как мы уйдём отсюда, мы должны позаботиться о раненых. (We should take care of wounded people before we go out.) [not sure where is it used] 18_19: А, вот как это выглядит. (Ah, so that's how it looks like.) [found Micro-Purifier] 18_20: Это мина-ловушка... (This is a boobytrap...) [found a trap] 18_21: Они бросили тело американского доктора здесь. Скорее всего, несколько дней тому назад. (They left a body of American doctor here. Probably a few days ago.) [failed to rescue Brenda in time] 18_22: Э, кажется что-то есть в кармане. (Uh, I guess I have something in my pocket.) [I don't know where is it used] 18_23: Эта местность должна быть сейчас безопасна. (This area should be safe now.) [sector cleared] 18_24: Я не могу это открыть. (I can't open it.) [failed to open a box] 18_25: Бренда жива. (Brenda is alive.) [found Brenda] 18_26: Кто-то должен её сопроводить обратно. (Someone has to escort her back.) 18_27: Я пойду. (I'll go.) [decides to escort Brenda] 18_28: Я нашёл fallow-дерево. (I found a Fallow tree!) [grabbed Fallow sapling from Santino's table] 18_29: Он говорит серьёзно, оно сейчас взорвётся! (He's serious about this, it's gonna blow!) [reacting to Santino's monologue] 18_30: Я горжусь работой, которую мы здесь сделали! (I'm proud of work that we've made here!) [game completed; subtitles say "совершили" instead of "сделали", which usually means some non-ordinary actions (commited, performed, accomplished, etc.)] 18_31: Фух... Эта жара меня убивает. (Whow... This heat kills me.) [tired] 18_32: Будет лучше, если мы вернём это сейчас же. (It'll be better if we get it back right now.) [afaik, it is about some item from the quest, but I don't remember which one] 18_33: День подходит к концу. Нужно благополучно вернуться обратно. (The day is about to end. We need to get back safely.)
@123TauruZ321 Месяц назад
Very cool of you to write all this!
@DunsparceDude95 4 года назад
This is amazing, some time ago I wrote down some of the quotes while playing the game that I could not find elsewhere, but this seems to be the whole package! It's great how each mercenary has so many voiced lines for different situations, you will never hear most of them in one playthrough. Thank you for this collection!
@VividEKS 16 дней назад
Earl Magic Walker and Jimmy Upton 2 rappers from New York, DMX and Sticky fingaz
Everybody gangsta until your merc starts spittin full A.I.M roster.
@thedkm-4894 2 года назад
@kimmolaine8069 Год назад
All in-game quotes are missing.
@aeromangus 3 года назад
Nice, but this isn't quite all the voice lines. There should also be voice lines for bleeding out, spotting enemies, clearing sector, obtaining certain items, item breakage, beating final sector and maybe some others like escorting Brenda.
@jonathanbourke305 Год назад
I use the echo-y voice often while looking at gear in the brand new JA3 lol
@domasbaliulis23 11 месяцев назад
finally, i found something that will save me a LOT of time... i was extracting these sound files one by one, and its a LOT of time wasted.
@Bassolator 3 года назад
54:28 I will save you the Trouble. I know why you came here.
@thingsarelifeis 3 года назад
@ClanIwan 3 года назад
@analystab1 Год назад
Can someone translate all his JA1 lines?
@123TauruZ321 Месяц назад
​@@analystab1 Someone did, check the comments.
@floydfanboy2948 3 года назад
Tex Colburn. Hilarious.
@thedkm-4894 5 месяцев назад
Jack R. quotes 2:59:00
@thedkm-4894 5 месяцев назад
2:59:20 2:59:31
@ranransun8795 2 года назад
@azbyou111 2 года назад
Hey....DSA 3?
@ranransun8795 2 года назад
@@azbyou111 2 :)
@VividEKS 11 месяцев назад
where is wahan?
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