
Jeremy Camp: Walk By Faith 

Anderson Fukuhara
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29 сен 2024




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@m4landra 11 лет назад
@michelegoncalves7 11 лет назад
Um amor incondicional. Amo as musicas e o Jeremy Camp! ;)
@JesusRocks4Me 15 лет назад
He rocks live! I saw him at Acquire the Fire 2009 in Indianapolis Indiana. He sung "tonight", "Give You Glory", "Let it Fade", "Speaking Louder than Before", "Lay down my Pride", and "Here I am to Worship"
@joelvis65 14 лет назад
well said..... that is so true. hes a man of god all right . his songs r so practical to us in r daily lives.
@Weslley112 10 лет назад
You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. John 4:4
@iselili2 13 лет назад
@Tommyguns4ever If you have faith, everything you ask you will receive, doesn't matter how big or small your reason to pray is. God listens when you speak from your heart. May you be healed and brought out better than ever from all this.
@cutie190101190101 12 лет назад
@allyDino that as Christians we should be apart from the world, but Christ is talking about our attitude. He's talking about our love. Besides, tattoos about Christ can really open up a conversation to a non believer about the love of Christ. We can't see someone's motives and we can't see someones heart, but if we think a brother in Christ is going the wrong way, prayer is the answer, not judgement. I see exactly where you're coming from and I used to think the same thing until I really
@rasputialover 13 лет назад
@TheJohneezy Very well said! (:
@TheThreestooges10 14 лет назад
@TheJohneezy - Yeah but the Bible says no writing or peircings, I dont know the exact scripture though,
@CoryThomure 15 лет назад
I don't think it matters whether he wears earrings or not. I believe alot of what people think is right or wrong is man made. Don't get me wrong I believe that there is a right way to live and a wrong way to live, but I don't think God cares whether we wear earrings or not.
@Specksilver 14 лет назад
@365Faith earrings make a man or not? they determine whether or not a person has faith? look at his actions not his style choices? hows is his lifestyle? if he's walking the walk, let his fruits/actions speak louder then his style choices!
@jho07Castillo 15 лет назад
am not saying Jeremy's sinning! yeah! i don't know what is in his heart, only God can read what is in his heart... "Only God can judge that", yhup! i know that very well, because Jesus is the only one given the authority to judge. let's take this to the end, I commented this video :"why did he wore earrings" because i wanted to know the answer. because in our country, wearing earrings means pride. and I don't know what it means in your country.
@RgalassoJr 12 лет назад
Get rid of the ear rings! Deu 22:5 "A woman shall not wear anything that pertains to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's garment, for all who do so are an abomination to the LORD your God. Please God not man, it is Him you serve!!!
@alleyhulett2567 12 лет назад
i will walk by faith.
@allyDino 14 лет назад
@stairwaytoheaven22 and that i can say with full confidence is a righteous statement. - we as christians are known by our fruits, and the way we walk, the way we present ourselves.. it's all in the Bible if you'd take the time read it through.
@quel96 11 лет назад
i love jeremy camp!his song help me a lot when a lost my dad and my bro. he's song help me heal my heart and have faith in god be strong in life...more power!
@brokenwindowspchelp 12 лет назад
It is enjoyable to watch him/you can see how much he loves God, it is gr8! Can ya'll see it? Praise God 4ever!
@aprilbooker5187 9 лет назад
God is so good. HE IS ALIVE!!!!!
@jho07Castillo 14 лет назад
thanks! that's the kinda answer i want... thank you very much... God Bless!!!!
@3333connie 12 лет назад
:) love this video! Amen
@CoryThomure 15 лет назад
I think you're putting too much into it. I guess ultimately if Jeremy's earrings are causing you to stumble then don't watch it. But to say that he is sinning is rediculous. You do not know his heart. Only God can judge that. I tend to think that there are too many more important issues going on like reaching the lost for Christ. Sin is a condition of your heart. Jeremy has reached you or I I guarantee it. Let God be his judge, if you are troubled then turn it off.
@cutie190101190101 12 лет назад
@allyDino commitment and humility to the Lord. And I have no idea why Jeremy Camp or any other Christian you're talking about did it, but that's my point exactly. We don't know the heart and that's exactly what Galatians is trying to talk about, works of the law were put to death when Christ died and was raised, and it's all depending on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 states that completely. So I don't know why he has tattoo or piercings but it may be a sign of his belief in Christ. I understand
@cutie190101190101 12 лет назад
@allyDino I definitely understand some of the things you're saying, but I do believe God looks at the heart way more than the outward appearance. In the Old Testament, after 7 years a slave would have the choice to leave his master or remain and serve under his authority. If they chose to stay, the master would pierce their ear as a symbol of commitment and love. I'm not trying to start up an argument but I know one of my guy friends that pierced his ears when he got saved as a symbol of
@allyDino 14 лет назад
@stairwaytoheaven22 have u not read wat i've typed before? i'm not judging from appearances but merely conveying what the Bible says in full. if you saw Brian walking down the street, without knowing who he was... do you really think he'd look like a man of God? he looked scary before... and he still does, wat part of they way in which he carries himself today conveys his Christian witness? i'm not questioning his soul, just the way in which he carries himself...
@allyDino 14 лет назад
@restless1999 now if you still persist on claiming i am solely and unrighteously passing a judgement.. take a sec and think what exactly is a righteous judgement? - but surely a judgement made through God's word, adhering to God's Word? now bear in mind, if you take the time to read everything i've posted on this page, you'd find that i personally have nothing against tattoos or piercings, as long as the person's not leading a flock (congregation) or that it's not OTT...
@allyDino 14 лет назад
@restless1999 and furthermore. i've explained the fairness of my opening statement.. of 'Christian, piercings and personal style' not sounding quite right.. the claim for "personal style" was a bit empty in that, piercings are a "fashion statement".. and following fashion is adhereing to a particular worldly trait, and the Bible does say we should as Christian NOT "conform to the world.." but "be ye apart from the world"..
@allyDino 14 лет назад
@restless1999 nah.. your not quite getting my point. - you can't just throw qoutes out in the air 'willy nilly' (out of context) and expect to get away with it.. - my point is your qouting something which needs to be taken in context with EVERYTHING the Bible says, the WHOLE message, not little snippits wich would appear to conflict with or contradict with other portions of Scripture.
@TheJohneezy 14 лет назад
I think in love God overlooks those things which might be seen as wrong by some people such as piercings and tattoos I really believe that God is more concerned with the condition of your heart than of your outward appearance, even though of course you don't want to display things that are just flat out obscene on your body. As far as I can tell Jeremy is a Man of God and I don't think anyone should be judged based on a simple thing such as tattoos or piercings. Judge not and youll not be judged
@jho07Castillo 14 лет назад
did I say country? yeah! and im sorry for that... it is in our province... well so much to tell you about our province, and I know you don't know our culture, so as I do about your's. the first time watched this video, i commented "Why did he wore earings?" and what does that mean...? obviously am not looking for misunderstanding, hatred, anger, or anything else...but rather am looking for Honest answer to my comment/ question. so why are we here? because im not answered correctly....
@jho07Castillo 15 лет назад
to say, I'm not stumbled, but what about other Christians? what's their mind setting? you know the verse Romans 8:28? I suppose and it says "everything work together for good", I beleive God has a reason why He allow us to have conversation like this, and I beleive there is good behind our discussions. so don't worry.. just go on.. I know God will make a way to stop this if He don't like this to go further. well thanks for your messages. It would help me to grow more in faith. God bless!
@trinidadianfruit 13 лет назад
This is one of my all time favorite songs , but most of all the lyrics are very DEEP!
@bronxchica777 12 лет назад
@allyDino 14 лет назад
@restless1999 and also to know a Christian by the fruits they bear... " a good tree bringeth forth good fruit ". - i'm not passing any judgement but simply relaying what the Bible says, because there is an alarming amount of "Christians" out there who never seem to read their Bibles, or just read the parts they agree with and ignore the rest..
@allyDino 14 лет назад
@restless1999 Don't take scripture out of context. The Bible does say that we shouldn't judge each other... but it also says HOW Christians SHOULD LIVE, covering beattitudes of the flesh and spirit as well as appearances.. that Christians are to be "apart from the world" and not to "conform to the world" (and yes that includes fashion...)
@jho07Castillo 15 лет назад
of course he cares! what ever you do, God cares! because He love you! and you don't know what people think of being a Christian that wears earings... well... all I know is that when a person(i.e. Christian) did something that stumbled the other Christian, He is sinning! so wether you wear earrings or not, be sure other Christians are not stumbled.
@cutie190101190101 12 лет назад
@allyDino checked everything out for myself, through a study in the bible on outward appearances vs. the heart. Anyways, I really don't want to argue and I hope that you don't look at it at that way at all, I've just been learning a lot about that recently. God bless everyone :)
@allyDino 14 лет назад
@stairwaytoheaven22 nay pray for yourself, we need to lean more upon the Bible an less on our weak human logic. we can all too easily become liberal in our thinking, and liberalism over and above Scripture is wrong, Paul repeatedley made that clear to the early Churches. God bless.
@allyDino 14 лет назад
good point, with the death and rising again of Christ the Bible does indeed make clear that some of the old traditions were to be discarded, such as ritualistic traditions etc. and today piercings are just for "personal style", not exactly the model for humility.
@allyDino 14 лет назад
@stairwaytoheaven22 but using a celebrity conversion as an example, is quite feeble, think of U2 and how they claim to be christians, yet they carry on loving theor worldly lifestyles, still swearing, and getting drunk... that's not "apart from the world"
@Weiss_Hikari 12 лет назад
@TheJohneezy Read Mark 7, =) I don't think God makes a big deal of piercings or tattoos unless it's done in a way that would be obscene to God. But you also have to read 1st Corinthians 8.
@esmeraldagordillo6008 11 лет назад
great and inspiring song..plus he has gorgeous eyes :)
@katytinder Год назад
Hey Jeremy Camp Music, I learned that a person should never be afraid of things that he/she is scared of. He/she needs to be strong, have confidence in his/herself, he/she needs to have a excellent amount of support system that makes him/her comfortable and he/she needs to overcome his/her fears.
@bluessssss 15 лет назад
yo tampoco entiendo porque se pone aretes esta dando mal ejemplo a todos los jovenes
@MrCajunjp 12 лет назад
How do you know that piercings are just for women. You don't. You have only your opinions. Piercings may have been for man and woman in early times.
@jho07Castillo 14 лет назад
three piercing???? so what does that mean to you? just for personal style? I hope God is aggrandized by what you are doing .... whatever!!!!!
@allyDino 14 лет назад
when you put Christian, piercings, and personal style into the same sentence... something don't quite add up.
@boozoosmom 11 лет назад
this is the anthem of my life ! A single mom in 40's I know God has a plan for me and my son. Thank you Jesus for me and I am ready for my new chapter.
@jho07Castillo 15 лет назад
to be Christ-like is not to wear accessories! But I can't blame him. He had a lot of money to buy...
@jho07Castillo 14 лет назад
yes.. It was but it was on the old testament... what about today? is it still a sign of humility?
@PauloMefre 12 лет назад
Andar Por Fé!!!... Sou fâ...
@michelegoncalves7 11 лет назад
Um amor incondicional. Amo as musicas e o Jeremy Camp! ;)
@brokenwindowspchelp 12 лет назад
Thanks, I just got this. I don't check my email very often. Sorry. God Bless You. :)
@larupcki 13 лет назад
@Tommyguns4ever As far as I'm concerned, you don't have liver cancer anymore :).
@RealWudjuxWooz 12 лет назад
Me too it's the glory and also I have a playlist thats has SOS Radio just look!
@TommyGunEdwards 13 лет назад
@larupcki I wish the Scans showed that please pray for a transplant for me soon
@TommyGunEdwards 13 лет назад
I have liver cancer and I am facing many health and financial issues. This song says it all That even though I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel now, I must go on and believe that This will glorify God and his kingdom in the end. I have to walk by knowing and believing God has it all on under His control. All things go to the good of those love God
@paulatalley3391 Год назад
Praying for you. I lost my mother to liver cancer. I’m praying for a miracle for you. Never lose Faith!!!!!!
@warriorprincess6950 Год назад
Screaming in terrified omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮😭😭😭
@maitsieramos6439 12 лет назад
@outbook 15 лет назад
different key l0l buts its still good and hes an awesome guitarist
@Raphael1318 13 лет назад
que Deus continue sempre ao teu lado! esse louvor e muito muito lindo!!!!!
@ShaShaZane88 16 лет назад
He's playing a Taylor. You can tell by the headstock.
@MrWwe1994 12 лет назад
Every step we take should by a step of faith
@ggrazzy012 14 лет назад
I love Jeremy Camp!!!! God is Big
@diamonddhk222 11 лет назад
a spy a lie-2002- i was murdered anyway
@ehelwagen 15 лет назад
I heard him last night in Columbus, OH.
@paulatalley3391 Год назад
This guy is so amazing to me!!! I’ve adored him for years. Absolutely in love with Jesus Helped me to fall in love with Christian music
@ilkinond 11 лет назад
Fucking awful song though, isn't it?
@1khonderd 12 лет назад
different version but k like it
@cambamnignam 12 лет назад
Please pray for me. I am 23 and since the age of 16 I've dealt with growing physical problems. I have 4 severely compressed discs in my spine, a fractured vertebrae, a growing tumor, bone spurs and rheumathoid arthritis. That just my spine! My knees, shoulders and neck are also very damaged. I only desire to be guided to the right doctor, get the right treatment and feel alittle better so I might go out and serve my Lord and God.
@SuperMagna2011 12 лет назад
Jesus is LOVES YOU !!!!!! :)
@warriorprincess6950 Год назад
Nothing at all in my head
@ilikem0vies 15 лет назад
Why I think it may be...lol
@SunflowerGumbo 13 лет назад
I love you Jesus! Amen!
@Joannebagley16 10 лет назад
Thanks for this beautiful song Jeremy, it's my favorite song and saying: I will walk by faith, because the broken road prepares his will for me!
@jho07Castillo 15 лет назад
why did he wore earings?
@CrisdeMoraes 16 лет назад
puxa, essa musica é lindaa d+++... a voz do Jeremy é muito linda, sou apaixonada pela voz dele, linda mesmo... Deus é o cara, só Deus para dar uma voz tão linda assim. Deus o abençoe.
@chachaathome 12 лет назад
I love every song Jeremy does. His message is true and I'm sure that Jesus has somethng to do with that:) He has an amazing voice!! This video doesn't do him justice but the message is still there. I thank God for him and his music! One more thing, if I were at one of his concerts I would be making alot of noise singing right alone with him. How could those people not sing when he gave them the mic??!!!! I love him! Good job Jeremy! You keep me in the presence of the Lord. Thank you
@LarkasMoon 12 лет назад
"Well I will walk by faith/Even when I cannot see/Well because this broken road/Prepares Your will for me." May the Lord make this my prayer for the road ahead as I embrace the stress of my next two weeks.
@esbsouz 4 года назад
When I am broken I can feel the glue of faith and your hands with your wonderfull grace
@christiancabucos5254 12 лет назад
God is real in all of my life for He made it beautiful and there is nothing i can say but to Glorify Him and Praise Him forever more.
@ukgirlonce 14 лет назад
good comment
@jho07Castillo 14 лет назад
what is good will always be my STANDPOINT.... have a happy new life this new year!
@kenizhita414 11 лет назад
@esbsouz 4 года назад
13 anos atrás, hoje e sempre 17.10.2020
@diamonddhk222 11 лет назад
and god you can count on me to praise you! even in the worst of times-
@johnchasse7848 Год назад
I love that song that makes me feel so good inside my soul❤
@JOHNWALLACE. 10 лет назад
God Bless this man for the strength that GOD did for him at a time when his faith was tested!!!!!
@brokenwindowspchelp 12 лет назад
Gr8! You are wonderful Jeremy Camp! :) We love you! :)
@CoryThomure 15 лет назад
I meant to say reached "more" than you or I.
@brokenwindowspchelp 12 лет назад
Wonderful; Amazing! You can really tell God is w/him! Praise God 4 ever!
@loorynavictor1901 12 лет назад
This song tuching full of my hearth...Jesus I Love U
@rayssa9240 12 лет назад
que coisa mais liinda,JESUS EU TE AMOOOOOOOOOO
@bowiehs 15 лет назад
love this song.
@brokenwindowspchelp 12 лет назад
Amazing. ;) Praise God! :)
@sgeadsewm 12 лет назад
Great song!
@TheFina2010 12 лет назад
love this song!!
@Pngcavygirl 15 лет назад
Love this song!
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