
Jesuit Infiltration 

Unknown Messenger
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6 окт 2024




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@markheuer7453 4 года назад
This ex-roman priest speaks the truth. I know this for many reasons. The catholic church is the big horn and washington dc is the little horn. Just look at the dome and obelisk in rome and then look at the washington obelisk and capital in dc. Also, dc was built on "seven hills", that is not any coincidence, as vatican city was also built on "seven hills" as stated in revelations.
@landocalrisian6205 6 лет назад
This guy answers all questions without hesitation. Yet people consider him fake? Or is it that you hope he is lying and is fake?
@george.s.8491 4 года назад
Lando Calrisian he’s not fake nor is he lying. He is right on target.
@Flyingdutchy33 4 года назад
Anybody who blindly accepts something as the truth is bound to be deceived. In that regard I must applaud scepticism of literally everything.
@FerventReminder 3 года назад
Funny profile picture!
@pinkifloyd7867 3 года назад
No, but I will check it out, thanks
@chum3192 3 года назад
Because they don't have Jesus, they don't accept it as truth. Otherwise they're hopelessly looking forward to a dictatorship by crazies. But if you believe this and still don't obey Jesus and repent, do so now. Jesus will come and destroy these heretics
@KyrieEleison_1 4 года назад
All glory and worship belongs to God. The access to God is being born again through Jesus Christ. No other way. It is a relationship not a religion. The pope is nothing but a mere mortal man. The current pope is all in for globalization which is the works of the devil. Remember, Ephesians 6:12-13 (ESV)
@billlusby8601 4 года назад
yes, and we are to assemble ourselves together {Bible] as we see the day approaching, not in any church building, but in the Bible where the spirit of Christ is
@ThyKingdomCome_7 4 года назад
Bill Lusby (ACTS 17:24) 👍🏽God does not dwell in buildings made with hands....... Also- when referring to the temple of the holy spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) he is not referring to a physical place. The question is- what then is he referring to when speaking of the “Holy Place?” (Re abomination of desolation). Ai (beast system) will attempt to infiltrate many:physically...something to think about. Always messing w/YHWH’s creation.
@raulrola3449 4 года назад
Correct, that's why we are called out of Babylon. This includes using their Pagan Gregorian Calendar.
@simonbevan4598 4 года назад
@hfactor6429 4 года назад
But.....while here on earth its all our responsibilities to confront, END and defeat these agents of the Devil. Not just sit on our hands and wait for God to do something about it! Thata for cowards
@1stREMESquaddie 4 года назад
The church deserted me, I did not desert Jesus or God.
@midnaurthqua6773 3 года назад
You are a wise man!🥂
@densoner 3 года назад
Amen and amen brother Alberto! Praise the holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ now and forever!
@gregrhodes6802 5 лет назад
This guy is sharp for sure... wow
@TheChilemba 10 лет назад
Just a quick comment to those attacking the creditablity of Alberto Rivera, rather than present evidence of the error of his claims. You are showing a lack of sincere integrity if you claim his is the only one to claim the Jesuits and the Vatican were and are working against Christians and freedom among other things. There are many historians not just secular, christian but also brave sincere catholics the have denounced the Jesuit order and its counter reformation as some less than holy and not all are Dan Brown. In fact more books and statements of the negative deeds and nature of the jesuits were written in the past than today due today slow but effective infilltration of the jesuits in present society.
@lucillebonds4332 4 года назад
@normacortes8708 4 года назад
@@lucillebonds4332 there is no mention in the bible that says that the woman will crush the head of the serpent. God told the serpent the seed of the women (JESUS) will crush his head(satan) and his seed (satan) will bruise his heel. (Jesus).
@normacortes8708 4 года назад
@@traceyprice359 Genesis says the SEED of the woman will bruise his head. The seed of the woman is JESUS. He set a blow to the serpent the devil when Jesus allowed Himself to be crucified on the cross for the sins of the world. Reading from The New American Bible St. Joseph Personal Size Edition. Its a Catholic bible. Catholic Book Publishing Co. Genesis 3:15 God told the serpent...I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers. (Who is Mary's offspring? JESUS). HE (meaning JESUS) will STRIKE at your head, (satan's head), while you (satan) strike at his heel. This comment was meant for Lucille Bond but yes Genesis 3:15. Pass it on to those Catholics who do not know what their bible says. God bless. ❤🙏
@normacortes8708 4 года назад
@@traceyprice359 I've read the entire bible. It took me a whole year. That was a few years ago. I need to re-read it again though. The bible or the Torah as you call it is so majestic it blows my mind. There is so much wisdom and knowledge to gain from it. So much history. So much spiritual incite. You mentioned Torah are you Jewish?
@normacortes8708 4 года назад
@@traceyprice359 yes. Correct. The Holy Spirit brings alot to my remembrance but I want to be able to immerse myself in his word. I find it overwhelming. The word is so vast and broad that I get overwhelmed. Keep me in prayer regarding that. Thank you. God bless
@trayseebee6413 4 года назад
There's that 'ruby set in gold' ring again. Oprah, Podesta, Obama, Tom Hanks, the Pope etc. all wear this same ring!
@MaryMahoneyB-Well 4 года назад
That’s why the presidents are told to come and see the pope first call to be committed to the Jesuits and when they do the bidding and their duty has been completed the ring symbolizes their commitment in their role
@trayseebee6413 4 года назад
@@MaryMahoneyB-Well The Jesuits are behind everything. That's for sure.
@saus675 4 года назад
OMG, my ex have this ring. I always tought he was like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Argghhhh
@midnaurthqua6773 3 года назад
@@MaryMahoneyB-Well But did you see the pope's dark face when Trump came to visit him?
@markheuer7453 4 года назад
I tried to tell my ex-wife that the catholic church is an evil entity, but she will just not believe me. The bible talks of stiff neck people, she certainly falls into that category. I wish my ex wife and other catholics will come to the knowledge of what the catholic church represents, but I know that they won't. I'm totally baffled why people will not listen to the truth.
@robertpotter5810 4 года назад
It's because they don't obey God so He sends them strong delusions to believe a lie. See 2nd Thessalonians 2:11, 12
@markheuer7453 4 года назад
@@robertpotter5810 I believe God is sending strong delusions to christians about Trump, he says he believes in God, but I have never heard him say he believes in Christ. But neither does corrupt Biden. I do believe America is at the end of the road.
@robertpotter5810 4 года назад
@@markheuer7453 I agree with you, Mark. That's why I don't trust either political party and I don't vote. Both parties are controlled by the Jesuits. So what good can come from either? Voting is just a process created to pacify Americans with the illusion that they have a voice in who makes it to the White House. But all elections are pre-determined by the Jesuits. Our only Hope is in Jesus Christ who is returning soon.
@markheuer7453 4 года назад
@@robertpotter5810 Robert, I have just received your post, oh how we are being controlled!
@claireclaire238 3 года назад
Apparently there was a schism and an infiltration. It's now a satanic entity , nvolved in many horrors.
@kendramalczyk2613 4 года назад
Seek the Lord independently of denominations. Read the Scriptures and pray for the Holy Spirit to show you the heart of God. It’s the only way.
@kendramalczyk2613 4 года назад
Sara Shepard I testify to you that Yahweh is God. Satan is the deceiver. You follow him you end up in a very bad ditch. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father except by Me.” He also said, “I am the gate into the Sheepfold.” I pray you’ll see the truth.
@hottrodd4532 3 года назад
@@kendramalczyk2613 Stop repeating 🦜🐑
@organicfireorganicfire1236 3 года назад
End the corrupt federal reserve system and is game over for those mtf anyway......we need to focus on the international banking elite.
@pattijesinoski1958 4 года назад
So, according to this time line of during the Reagan presidency and other commentors, this video appeared around 1984. Interesting. The same year as a famous book, 1984.
@pinkifloyd7867 3 года назад
The one with ''O''. 😁
@MrSchmolko 11 лет назад
surprise surprise, his widdow claims he got poisoned... arcticbeaconcom/articles/20-Feb-2007.html
@Elly-1512 4 года назад
"Nothing found" .....
@pattijesinoski1958 4 года назад
@@Elly-1512 succinylcholine is hard to find. A husband killed his wife in government that way. Most don't look for that. But, exhuming the body, found and convicted him.
@hottrodd4532 3 года назад
After this lesson, I really can't talk to any SHEEPLE 🐑🤷🏽‍♂️🤣
@stopitskiiiuuup4006 3 года назад
They are going to think you are crazy like always and laugh at you! they do me the same way
@wefukthenwo 3 года назад
The head Principal of my Daughter's Catholic school is Jewish. What's going on?
@KM-nq7ez 5 лет назад
Cannot believe they haven’t put a hit out on this man to silence him.
@StrongLadyZoe 4 года назад
Bless This Mess: They did, he was poisened according to info. Ok do U understand more now? They did the same to Ted Gunderson who was a chief in FBI who exposed chemtrails and the pedophiles and pedovares devil worshipper in the government around our earth. Google at it. Ok.
@zer0deaths862 4 года назад
@@StrongLadyZoe Google is your new God now...
@nicktrice4921 3 года назад
@@zer0deaths862 the internet more generally.
@malthus101 4 года назад
maybe you could make the text at the beginning go even faster so I DEFINITELY can't read it?
@well.thy.one. 4 года назад
@kellyclark6851 4 года назад
I had to hit pause multiple times...lol
@deblynch2234 3 года назад
You can change playback settings. I changed to 25 then made the writing bigger to see it also
@oldwolf3218 3 года назад
@noblephoenix6151 4 года назад
See Walter Veith for more detailed and organized information on the Jesuits.
@noblephoenix6151 3 года назад
@Will Derby SDA?
@nazfar6700 4 года назад
They will be judged as the pass on that’s why they are trying now to live forever and malgamate wt ai so they can’t die
@abbrody4093 5 лет назад
< To Eric and others in thisdebate regarding Rivera,
@raulrola3449 6 лет назад
THREE ANGELS' MESSAGE: OUR FATHER/ OUR CREATOR / YAHUWAH'S FINAL INSTRUCTION TO THE WORLD BEFORE THE SECOND COMING OF OUR SAVIOUR - YAHUSHUA. Revelation 14:6-12 King James Version (KJV) 6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, 7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear YAHUWAH, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. 8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of YAHUWAH, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of YAHUSHUA. 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. 12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of YAHUWAH, and the faith of YAHUSHUA.
@djayfriMusic 5 лет назад
Are you Hebrew?
@Ianizlooking 5 лет назад
@@djayfriMusic sounds like a Seventh Day Adventist.
@djayfriMusic 5 лет назад
@@Ianizlooking that's why I asked :-)
@raulrola3449 4 года назад
@Sara Shepard The Will of Our Father YAHUWAH is In HIS LUNI-SOLAR CALENDAR. The Will of Lucifer/Satan is in the Jesuits' Gregorian Calendar. Matthew 7:21-23 King James Version (KJV) 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Please kindly watch this video when you have the time. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-LE739WWcOeI.html
@raulrola3449 4 года назад
@Sara Shepard Peace be with you.
@Lisboooa 4 года назад
He calls Fatima a satanic cult. I heard right? I have some difficulty understanding him not having English as first language.
@victoriajohnnyrodriguez1369 3 года назад
If he hasn’t he needs to denounce his vow. He’s speaks the truth
@rogerscottcathey 4 года назад
Interesting that malachi martin was never excommunicated. Idk, but one source in search says Rivera was "excommunicated from his own church for his ungodly acts". So what church was that, if he withdrew of his own accord? Interesting litany of datums given unhesitatingly. The thing is, what was his standing in the roman catholic church? Did they excom. him or not? If not, one has to wonder what kind if double double talk is it? Idk.
@warmlantern0000 4 года назад
I heard this story from Chick publications in the 70s
@brendagruhala3834 4 года назад
Look at the ring on his right hand
@algae_rhythms 4 года назад
What do you think?
@VwapTrader 3 года назад
@normacortes8708 4 года назад
Wow. This is deep.
@ckarodipolicethepolice2301 4 года назад
So what happened with the APOSTOLIC LETTER MOTO PROPRIO?
@malthus101 4 года назад
Alberto Rivera - think this guy might be a Spanish jew?
@Hehe1234694864814191 11 лет назад
There is one final truth about Jesuits and it has nothing to do with betraying the Catholic Chruch.
@djayfriMusic 5 лет назад
Jesus loves you and paid with his death for your sins. So that you can be set free from your miserable sinful self. He wants you to come to him and make you free from all the lies. Please read Romans! Romans 2:3-5 KJV And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? [4] Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? [5] But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God; Romans 3:23-25 KJV For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; [24] Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: [25] Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; Romans 10:9-10 KJV That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
@Ianizlooking 5 лет назад
What do you mean?
@Kingram417 3 года назад
Is this copyrighted? Can I download this so I have a hard copy handy after the censors take it down in the future?
@itsamarathonnotarace3612 2 года назад
People forget that Loyola was a marrano
@DanielBMaximoff 7 лет назад
I heard about what happen to his mother on her deathbed.
@Kennedy1op 5 лет назад
What was it that happened?
@algae_rhythms 4 года назад
What happened?
@christineadams1284 3 года назад
@@PrimeministerJay Wow, that's awful. Is it because she was a catholic? Thanks.
4 года назад
They are the Anti-Christs we were warned of.
@bibleprophecyproof 4 года назад
is there a longer, full uncut version of this interview? (without scene cuts or other people talking)
@trayseebee6413 4 года назад
@christineadams1284 3 года назад
@@trayseebee6413 Thank you. 🙏🏼💜
@CrownxMe7 11 лет назад
Seems illogical the Jews would proclaim Jesus as the messiah, then change their minds about him. The Israelites that wrote the bible are not the Ashkenazi
@djayfriMusic 5 лет назад
So illogical that is was foretold all throughout God's word.
@dickdiamonds3410 4 года назад
The Israelites in the Bible are the native Americans. Look into it
@stopitskiiiuuup4006 3 года назад
I need to know what year was this recorded???
@endure1922 4 года назад
Wow he is a dead ringer for Milo ...sorry can't remember surname. Great vid
@matthewronson5218 4 года назад
When was this interview recorded?
@MarsTohum 4 года назад
Around 1990 I believe
@0276boy 11 лет назад
Julian are you really all here? Leave all the hate and ignorance of your soul at the feet of the crucified Christ. Seek help brother.
@sandybennett541 3 года назад
So since he opposes the system, why is he still alive?
@sandybennett541 3 года назад
I guess from previous statements he was poisoned, he knew that would be his fate yet still revealed truths.
@stopitskiiiuuup4006 3 года назад
They tried killing him multiple times, but God would not allow it! Because God wanted this truth to be made known all over the world especially in the US...He died in 1995
@sayitasis8326 2 года назад
@@sandybennett541 you’re more concerned that he isn’t dead yet?
@akolalevis4358 4 года назад
@keithqueen352 4 года назад
☦️☦️☦️ find Orthodoxy ☦️☦️☦️
@hugoferrioli3238 3 года назад
Is this individual still alive,?
@UnknownMessenger 3 года назад
He died in 1997 of colon cancer.
@indiglo1971 2 года назад
Some say he was murdered. He spoke at a church I used to attend.
@adam005skee 7 лет назад
So the Jesuits has kindly let this man go and talk about them? Yea right.
@danquilty6580 5 лет назад
The big lie counts on you not being able to believe it.
@djayfriMusic 5 лет назад
Well you show your ignorance. Multiple attempts on his life.
@Dockhead 5 лет назад
@@djayfriMusic care to show proof or are you lost in your narrative in your head?
@djayfriMusic 5 лет назад
@@Dockhead probably.. Why don't you search for it yourself sweetheart. Slothfull.
@Dockhead 5 лет назад
@@djayfriMusic when you test someone for ignorance but your comment is the biggest culprit just looks stupid and trolling. you're bothered enough to suggest otherwise, then show me, otherwise dont waste your own time and especially mine, im not bothered on who is magically higher or deceiving than the other, im bothered on those wasting there time to prove something they cant. you slay sloth but your delusional AND lazy.
@ezrhino100 7 лет назад
who the hell is alberto rivera? do people even do research about people's backgrounds?
@i_am_a_real_cat1443 6 лет назад
ezrhino100 google
@djayfriMusic 5 лет назад
Do you always use profanity?
@pianosenzanima1 5 лет назад
@@i_am_a_real_cat1443 sure because google is to be trusted lol
@christineadams1284 3 года назад
@@pianosenzanima1 I know, google and its 666 logo.
@zhartheProprietor 4 года назад
When was this interview recorded?
@VwapTrader 3 года назад
Based on other comments, seems to be ‘84
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