
Jesus And Divorce: The Truth About Fornication And Adultery | Pastor Allen Nolan Sermon Clip 

Pastor Allen Nolan
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It's often been taught that the only grounds for divorce in a Christian marriage is adultery - but is that what Jesus actually taught? Check out the latest clip from Pastor Allen Nolan's marriage series "Vows" where he dives into this often misunderstood topic.
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@shirleyscott683 Год назад
Thank you for this. Mental, emotional and verbal abuse is difficult for people to see. This was true in my case until I left the situation and everyone said I looked 10 years younger. I miss the man I married but not the man he became.
@phillyunrau4736 6 месяцев назад
Hopefully you go back to Husband .. seems you changed him to the worst .. u let him abuse you..why ..u should of charged him to help him and yourself ...
@jimmyMc1971 3 месяца назад
@@phillyunrau4736, you can’t change people. You can only give information and show them how to act through your actions. They still have to decide to change on their own.
@louisjwiese5515 2 года назад
This will give alot of peace to abuse victims.
@dianegron 2 года назад
Can’t specify publicly the grounds for which I walk through the divorce path, but I thank the Lord for your words. I see/hear so many women and men staying into a broken marriage covenant that is costing them dearly (mentally, emotionally, sexually, physically, financially, and it’s hurting their children too). Thank you for bringing the body of Christ some clarity, a calling to honesty and responsibility regarding relationships within marriage.
@cnetate 2 года назад
My wife was tragically killed in a car accident and I've been worried about marriage again because most single women my age are divorced. I thought I would have to be alone for the rest of my life or commit adultery but this has message has been a God send! Thank you for this clarification.
@kathleenking47 2 года назад
Have you found any widows?
@kev1544 2 года назад
Come on guy. Every woman your age is divorced? You're justified for remarriage in the event your spouse is no longer alive. 1st Corinthians 7:39. Just look for single woman who hasn't been married and then divorced.
If you marry a woman who has a still living covenant spouse, then yes, you will be committing adultery. You would only be able to marry a widow or never married. Luke 16:18 18 “For example, a man who divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery. And anyone who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.”
@dh605x Год назад
@@Glory.To.God.In.The.Highest Actually, that's not true. If remarriage were adultery, the scenario in Deuteronomy 24:2 would not have been possible.
@@dh605x Those who are in Christ Jesus are no longer under Mosaic Law, which by the way, was given to the people of Israel. 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 New Living Translation The Glory of the New Covenant 7 The old way, with laws etched in stone, led to death, though it began with such glory that the people of Israel could not bear to look at Moses’ face. For his face shone with the glory of God, even though the brightness was already fading away. 8 Shouldn’t we expect far greater glory under the new way, now that the Holy Spirit is giving life? 9 If the old way, which brings condemnation, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new way, which makes us right with God! 10 In fact, that first glory was not glorious at all compared with the overwhelming glory of the new way. 11 So if the old way, which has been replaced, was glorious, how much more glorious is the new, which remains forever! 12 Since this new way gives us such confidence, we can be very bold. 13 We are not like Moses, who put a veil over his face so the people of Israel would not see the glory, even though it was destined to fade away. 14 But the people’s minds were hardened, and to this day whenever the old covenant is being read, the same veil covers their minds so they cannot understand the truth. And this veil can be removed only by believing in Christ. 15 Yes, even today when they read Moses’ writings, their hearts are covered with that veil, and they do not understand. 16 But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord-who is the Spirit-makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image. *** Now read what Jesus said about remarriage, (with a still living first spouse)...very important as it is a Salvation issue: 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 Mark 10:10-12 Luke 16:18 Romans 7:1-3 1 Corinthians 7:39 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
@donnakennedy3763 10 месяцев назад
I think some couples just get married without praying about things first. They "fall in love", get married, then find out what their spouse is really like. People should ask God for guidance before marriage, then hopefully, with prayer, a couple will marry and have their marriage blessed by God. Seek God in all areas, especially marriage.
@sheilaolson5868 2 года назад
I love your sermons. You preach with unwavering confidence in what you are saying and that is so reassuring to us 🥰
@dianetigert1310 2 года назад
Look what the disciple after Jesus told us what Jesus taught him....Luke 16:18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, committeth adultery: and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband committeth adultery. Look what Jesus told the Jews who were conversing with him....John 8:41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God. Where in the 10 commandments from God is the sin of fornication? Is it Ex. 20:14? And it gets more intense with this saying from Jesus....Matthew 6:9-15 (15)But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. NOW, for the exposure.......Job 32:20-22 Why would a man claiming to be from God take on a title whereby others will seek honor with that man? Jesus called all those who do that the unbelievers...John 5:44 again in John 8:50-51 And I seek not mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth. Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death. Look who never say death verses them that did.....Matthew 25:34-40 the sheep have life, 41-46 the goats get death!!
@xDiananas Год назад
@@dianetigert1310 what are you trying to say?
@dianetigert1310 Год назад
@@xDiananas what Jesus said rather than man!!
@dh605x Год назад
@@dianetigert1310 Anybody can fart out bible quotes, as the Devil himself demonstrated in Matthew 4. The value is in applying the Word of God. When you cut-and-paste bible quotes and refuse to provide any clarification on the application even after being asked to, it looks like you are trying to insinuate something. You aren't adding anything of value to the discussion, nor are you honoring God when you do this. I call it "farting" for good reason. It's cheap and it's cowardly. Don't do it.
@dianetigert1310 Год назад
@@dh605x sounds suiting for video host and it's followers...farting unscriptural interpretations that please the sinner, not convict them..........hope that doesn't taste too good for.....
@maranatha2033 2 года назад
Good teaching! The use of that word always got me, but when I looked it up I never arrived at this understanding. Thank you for this teaching!
@bethanywolfe5065 2 года назад
So my divorcing my husband for his constant drinking, drugging, lying, and stealing would constitute grounds of fornication? If so, I am so reassured about making that choice 23 years ago (he's still at it by the way). I pray for him.
@dianetigert1310 2 года назад
Matthew 6:15
@dianetigert1310 2 года назад
@@seancrippen2167....sorry I posted scripture. the problem with being a believer is; everyone has their own definition of it. Yet scripture defines what a believer is in Acts 2:44-45 remember the first believers? And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need.....now look at Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned....look who are damned.Matthew 25:41-46 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
@charlessmith4242 2 года назад
@@dianetigert1310 * That scripture you posted ( Matt. 6:15 ) deals with those people that are under the Law, and not the uncircumcised believer that have been saved by Grace. Compare this to Col. 2:13--14, and Eph. 4:32 which shows the difference between the Law and Grace. Under Grace the believer has obtained salvation when he becomes a Christian, he doesn't have to worry about fulfilling the Law in order to be in correct fellowship with God.
@dianetigert1310 2 года назад
@@seancrippen2167 please forgive, I am going to respond to both post.... 1) you said Matt. 6:15 is for those under the law? Are you referring to Love God with your all-in-all as the greatest of the law? Is that the law your talking about? without going any further on that statement, could you clarify this matter? 2) I did define the unbeliever and posted the words of Jesus as to whom ALL the unbelievers are. reading the scriptures brings repentance? and the holy spirit? Acts 5:32 disagrees with you. Who teaches you this? And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him. when you say have a good evening, is that your exiting the conversation about the greatest story anyone would gladly share with another?
@charlessmith4242 2 года назад
Diane tigert * You're confusing the greatest commandment with the Law of the nation of Israel ( of which there are over 600 separate laws ). I thought you had tried to explain the definition of a believer (Acts 2:44--45 ) not the definition of an unbeliever. I don't see where Acts 5: 32 has proven me wrong. What I am seeing is that you are confusing and inner mingling( like many Christians ) the ministry of Jesus Christ to that of the ministry of Paul. Jesus came to the Jewish nation as the fulfillment of God's promise to the Jewish nation. He came as their Messiah and to show and to teach the Jewish people that He was their long awaited Godly King. He did not come to bring salvation to the gentile people, as He only ministered to the nation of Israel (with two exceptions ). As a Jew and as a Rabbi, He was prevent to have any fellowship with a gentile. Jesus taught a new Gospel for the nation of Israel, the Gospel of the Kingdom ( Matt. 4:23 & 9:35 ), and He instructed His disciples to only teach this Gospel of the Kingdom to the Jewish people ( Matt. 10:5--7 ). When Jesus or His disciples spoke they were speaking to the Jewish people. I'm not saying that what Jesus or His disciples have said is not of value to the gentile believer, but to better understand the NT. scriptures a distinction should be realized between what and to whom Jesus and His disciples were teaching, and that of the ministry of Paul. Paul was commissioned by Jesus Christ, approximately 13 years after the crucifixion, to carry a new Gospel to the gentile nations. This Gospel is called the Gospel of the Grace of God (Acts 20:24 ),and is the Gospel by which salvation is granted to the gentile believer. Without this Gospel and Paul's writings ( Romans through Philemon ) there would not be a pathway to salvation for the gentile believer. You can search the NT. scriptures and you won't find Jesus Christ or His disciples preaching anything about His death, burial, and resurrection, only about the Kingdom. Paul preached the Gospel of the Grace of God, and that Gospel is all about believing in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For the gentile believer this is how salvation was granted to the gentile. This is the difference between the Law and Grace. Jesus said in Matt. 5:17 that He didn't come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill. The book of Galatians tells how Paul and the Jerusalem Church settled their disagreement between the gentile and the Jewish believer. So many people don't realize there are 2 different Gospels for 2 different set of people, which results in 2 different pathways for each group in their journey to reach the Millennium and beyond. Please feel free to ask me any question, and I'll try to answer you.
@pd4575 2 года назад
He's leaving out the part where if you get a divorce, you have to remain un married.
@debraolson7553 2 года назад
You can remarry if your spouse broke God's law.
@dianetigert1310 2 года назад
you cannot get remarried. 1 Corinthians 7:11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
@marciamartin65 2 года назад
I thought you could only remarry if you husband/wife has died...
@debraolson7553 2 года назад
Law of Divorce (Matthew 5:31-32; Luke 16:18-18) 1When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because he hath found some uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement, and give it in her hand, and send her out of his house. 2And when she is departed out of his house, she may go and be another man's wife. 3And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a bill of divorcement, and giveth it in her hand, and sendeth her out of his house; or if the latter husband die, which took her to be his wife; 4Her former husband, which sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled; for that is abomination before the LORD: and thou shalt not cause the land to sin, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance. 5When a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken.
@encouragingthesaints Год назад
@@dianetigert1310 You can. Read Deuteronomy 24:1, 2.
@christinem4706 Год назад
Thank you for clarifying this. Have never heard it this way, and so many of us leaving an abusive marriage have been taught differently. God bless you for teaching us what Jesus meant.
@abbygirl4375 Год назад
Thank you for your message. My husband was a very verbally abusive man, and he was also getting physically abusive, so I divorced him, (I was trying to figure out how to kill myself), I was always taught that divorce was wrong. So I believed I had no choice but to stay in the marriage. Thankfully my close friend saw what was happening, and helped me get a divorce. I’ve been divorced since 2007, but I’ve always wondered if I can get into Heaven. I even went so far as to think, man, if not for my friend, I’d still be in my marriage and it’s all her fault I messed up and left my husband. Your message totally gave me relief, after all these years of self doubt. And surely I’m not the only one that thought that way.
Abby, I pray that you wouldplease read the Word of God for yourself. Be convinced by the Holy Spirit. First, in situations when you must separate, this is what Jesus says: 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 10 But for those who are married, I have a command that comes not from me, but from the Lord. A wife must not leave her husband. 11 But if she does leave him, let her remain single or else be reconciled to him. And the husband must not leave his wife. *** Here Jesus does allow for SEPARATION...but does not recognize divorce. There is so much deception which Jesus said would come in the last days. This pastor would like you to believe that you are justified to remarry even if your Covenant (first) spouse is alive. Sister, this is a lie from the pit of hell...please pray for the Holy Spirit to lead as you read the following scriptures... Further... Mark 10:10-12 10 Later, when he was alone with his disciples in the house, they brought up the subject again. 11 He told them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery against her. 12 And if a woman divorces her husband and marries someone else, she commits adultery.” Death is the only way to end the marriage covenant: Romans 7:1-3 7 Now, dear brothers and sisters[a]-you who are familiar with the law-don’t you know that the law applies only while a person is living? 2 For example, when a woman marries, the law binds her to her husband as long as he is alive. But if he dies, the laws of marriage no longer apply to her. 3 So while her husband is alive, she would be committing adultery if she married another man. But if her husband dies, she is free from that law and does not commit adultery when she remarries. WHAT THE LORD SAYS IS THE CONSEQUENCE OF REMARRIAGE ADULTERY OR SEX OUTSIDE OF A COVENANT MARRIAGE: Proverbs 14:12 12 There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death. Good to read Romans chapters 7 & 8 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 9 Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in SEXUAL SIN, (fornication/sex of unmarried) or who worship IDOLS, or commit ADULTERY, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, 10 or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people-none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God.
@rominaf4901 Год назад
Am so glad you heard this message. Divorce is not the unforgivable sin. It's great you got out of that terrible environment. Would have been awful to have lived in it thinking that there was no way out. Praise God for your friend.
@mchevalier-seawell4438 Год назад
I was married at 17 to a man I and my family thought was a good Christian man. After I was pregnant he told me that he wanted to dress like the woman. I was away from home, alone. I talked to a priest who said that anything we both found acceptable was ok. But this was not acceptable to me. So it stopped and I thought all was ok. Then found out he repeatedly raped our daughter while dressed as woman. Under Jewish law, he’d have been stoned and I’d have been free. But we don’t live in that culture. I divorced him, no regrets. He’s lucky he didn’t spend many years in jail. He would have except he moved to different state and would have been very traumatic for child. I don’t believe for one minute that divorce was wrong in God’s eyes. These people with the I’ve been happy for 40 years. Marriage is forever, stick it out, are off the mark. They were lucky. I protected my child and I was right. It really annoys me that because they were fortunate they think they can judge those who weren’t. It’s not all about hurt feelings and burnt toast.
@rominaf4901 Год назад
@@mchevalier-seawell4438 Glad you got out as well. That would have been very difficult. Yeah, I think Christians who judge & tell other Christians that they should stay in the marriage regardless have never really experienced these type of abusive situations & it's easy for them to say. They're generally black & white thinkers I find.
@alfredakakpo8780 Год назад
Dear AbbyGirl, what you were taught that you cannot divorce is the truth and what the bible teaches, the scripture in Matthew 19:9-10 was interpreted erroneously here. eg Matthew 19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication.... Now when a person is married and cheats on the partner that is not called fornication, but the bible used fornication here, there is a deeper meaning which I cannot use this reply to give, having said this, you cannot divorce when you are married, however, since you were experiencing abuse you can separate from your husband but cannot remarry. As I said there is more to that scripture than how it is being interpreted here
@andrewh3264 9 месяцев назад
If people can hold out on temptation and find a husband or wife who loves Jesus as much as you do, then you give your marriage a far more chance of survival. God has to be consistent in both your lives.
@krissyhall2838 9 месяцев назад
Exactly and not to marry just not to be lonely or lust of the flesh.Marriage is not easy and something you can’t just tap out of because issues arises.
@troyweldy1148 Год назад
Catering to the world with ear tickling and sugar coating
@godhelpsandfrees 2 месяца назад
You have eloquently twisted what God says about marriage. And I see that many here are relieved to believe that they are not in an adulterous relationship...even though they are.
@grant2149 Год назад
Excatly they lile their ears tickled to hear what they want to justify the continous sin.
@arevelationofeternallife Год назад
@@grant2149, @Glory To God In The Highest Yes, this incorrect interpretation is sending lots of people to eternal fire. Very sad indeed! Remarriage after divorce while the ex is still alive is adultery except for fornication which is sex before the wedding day. Case in point, Joseph thought Mary (his fiancée) had committed fornication aka sex before marriage and was going to divorce her until he had the dream confirming Mary was in fact a virgin. Most cultures on earth do not have this culture of staying a virgin until the wedding day, so when this command by Jesus is twisted by a man or woman of God, people fall for it.
@pegc9889 Год назад
God has sent new spouses into the lives of many divorced Christians. They waited on the Lord and let Him direct them. God FORGIVES❤ Many preachers/evangelists are happily remarried for decades and God has blessed them. If they were living in PERPETUAL adultery, He would not have done that.
@jeezed2950 2 месяца назад
@Glory.To.God.In.The.Highest So I guess abusive marriages are supported by God because the abusive Spouse may not have had sex with someone else yet? If that is all that matters in marriage then what is marriage good for? The answer would be nothing. A loveless marriage is worthless.
@jeezed2950 2 месяца назад
​@arevelationofeternallife actually that would be adultery because they were betrothed when it happened. Also if they are Christians and ask for Jesus to forgive their sins do you really think this is somehow unforgivable?
@sharondoan1447 2 года назад
I am married, have been for many years. Even way back in 1962, I did not promise God or any human that I would live in obedience to any man. The man I married understood that I would be his life partner carrying an equal though different load of responsibility. He agreed that this was a common goal in our relationship. Neither of us made a promise “ until death do us part”. I did not promise to endure his mistreatment, nor him my mistreatment. How many people have regretted making a promise to remain in a marriage where the man doesn’t provide properly for the family, who uses his spare time to drink and carouse at the local bar, who is abusive , mean spirited, and irresponsible? How many people have regretted making a promise to remain in a marriage where the woman spends every dime on her beauty needs and decorating preferences, who uses her time to work toward a personal goal without any regard for the family’s needs. A woman who is verbally abusive when she doesn’t get her way , drinks to excess , behaves in a sexy manner toward every man she encounters ? God tells us to not make promises we know we cannot keep or do not intend to keep.
@rickalias-kl5yq 7 месяцев назад
You have got it 😮dear sister be ready for that crown
@briantaylor625 2 года назад
That is some good Preaching Pastor Allen
@ejeffcoat9285 Год назад
This was so helpful to me and I’m so grateful I found this.
@mbgodwebsite5272 8 месяцев назад
'God help you if you adhere to it.
@dawnborchert772 2 года назад
This is good teaching pastor Allen
@punishednomorefreetoprotec2165 10 месяцев назад
Jesus NEVER said adultery was grounds for divorce and definitely NOT remarriage! Fornication is an UNMARRIED sin
@grant2149 9 месяцев назад
@pamelakay4611 13 дней назад
He explains that’s what it means in English. Check out the true meanings and what he’s actually saying.
@Alexander44665 Год назад
Wow! A pastor that is actually fair and balanced who doesn't just blame men for everything!
@JacoBecker 4 месяца назад
Thank so much for sharing! Praise the LORD, His Word gives us clarity.
@diannesmith9616 Год назад
This message is for tickling and itching ears He is twisting and bending scripture God hates divorce you can separate that’s true but you cannot remarry as long as your spouse is still alive
@grant2149 9 месяцев назад
Excatly. He does Not want to lose members so they tell their Hurch people wwhat they wanted to hear.
@freedmm3122 5 месяцев назад
Wrong ! God did not intend for one to live with some one who beats them! If ones spouse screws somebody else one can get a divorce ! There is a scripture that says God rather we stay single but rather we marry as to burn
@freedmm3122 5 месяцев назад
Wrong ! You need to educate yourself to more scriptures!
@freedmm3122 5 месяцев назад
Wrong God dont intend one to live in abuse!
@cocodream_3785 Месяц назад
@@diannesmith9616 oh yes you can re marry even if your spouse is alive. 1 Corinthians 7:15.
@mistervacation23 4 месяца назад
A young lady I know, let's call her Elaine, happened to find herself overwhelmed with feelings of resentment and hostility for her friend, let's call him George. She felt that George was somewhat of a loser and that she was the one who deserved to be married first. She also happened to mention to me that her friend had wondered if going to a prostitute while you're engaged is considered cheating. His feeling was they're never going to see each other again so what's the difference?
@DistinctiveThinking Год назад
Excellent book on this subject of divorce and ( remarriage,) which he did not mention, is written by theologin and Bible teacher David Pawson. He is now home with Jesus, at age 90, but left a 70 year library and teaching website out of the UK. The book is called 'Divorce and Remarriage'. He took 50 years of life experience as a Pastor, and research from church history and other scholars to create his manuscript. ❤ His testimonies of the impact of the Biblical truth is life changing on this serious subject.
@a11an72 Год назад
Pawson turned a blind eye to his sons remarriage sadly
@daughteroftheking9753 4 месяца назад
This teachingbis so good . But consider what Pastor said around the 6:00 minute time mark... Lets agree that SUPPORT is not limied to financial support. It also includes emotional, spiritual and any way the family needs support, in order to please God and glorify God with the marriage. Financial support is not the only type of support that is needed from a Father. Agree???
@BennettJonWayne-xw9vi 10 месяцев назад
Agreed. Porneia means immorality. The permanence view actually encourages adultery by removing the punishment for it instituted by Jesus Christ Himself. There are two exception clauses, in Matthew 19:9 and in Matthew chapter five verse 32, and you CANNOT REMOVE THOSE VERSES FROM THE BIBLE. They are there to MAKE CERTAIN THAT MARRAIGES ARE BOTH HOLY AND UNDEFILED. In the Bible days, the penalty for immorality was the death penalty. If the adulterer was stoned to death, the innocent party was not also stoned to death, and would be free to remarry. Adultery is serious business to God, and defiles a marriage. If the adulterer is rewarded for their actions by no penalty for immoral behavior, immoral behavior is encouraged, and accepted as a normal part of a marriage. The unconscionable acceptance of adultery in marriage that is promoted by the permanence doctrine's removal of the exceptions instituted by Jesus Christ Himself are an abomination to God, making a mockery of holiness in marriage by forcing an innocent spouse to "put up with" adultery on the part of a betraying, lying, deceiving, and unfaithful cheating spouse.
@BennettJonWayne-xw9vi 9 месяцев назад
I agree that the parameters for divorce and remarriage given by Jesus are very, very narrow as given in Matthew 19:9, but the exception for a betrayed husband is very much present, and real in the same scripture. The general rules against divorce and remarriage given by Jesus are very much valid, as are the exceptions twice given in Matthew. We are to believe, obey and apply both the general rules and the exceptions as given by Jesus, as they are all His Word, and one does not invalidate the other.
@shariegrignon7590 Год назад
Thank you for taking the time to explain this. What a God send to so many.
@ashleyb777 2 года назад
This doesn't sound right at all. I researched it also. Nowhere does the greek word porneia mean licentiousness. I'm praying about this, and doing more research very important!
@trudewhite876 Год назад
I want to applaud the Pastor for telling people that they don't have to stay in an abusive marriage even if no infidelity is involved. I will say that I no longer believe the entire Bible is the inerrant, inspired word of God for many reasons, but I do take marriage vows seriously. One of the reasons I question the accuracy of many things we read in the Bible is that the New Testament was written in Greek, but Jesus and his followers spoke Aramaic. In Pastor Allen's discussion he makes the distinction between the Greek words used for fornication and adultery, but what is the meaning of the words when Jesus spoke these words in the original Aramaic and was anything lost in translation?
@munchkinlk83 Год назад
Thank you so much for these words! ❤
@nikkier2409 2 года назад
Wow! the difference in meaning does makes a difference! The English interpretation skims the true and deep meaning of the Hebrews. Deep
@katie050587 2 года назад
I am not sure about this message. It sounds good and would be great for abuse victims(as I am one as well) but this doesn’t sound biblical. Sounds like a message to give a ‘christian’ way out of marriage. This could be leading people away from sound scriptural teaching. 🤔
@sheristewart3940 Год назад
​@@allennolanWhat about the wedding vows, "Till death do us part?" The vows don't include, "Or 'till divorce do us part," do they?
@sheristewart3940 Год назад
​@@allennolanAlso, vows ARE UNBREAKABLE!
@Halbees 27 дней назад
Dear Lord this Guy gives the go ahead for divorce for almost any reason.
@kramosmommy 4 дня назад
No. He didn’t. He thoughtfully articulated the particular and specific word choices that God uses in scripture, the Living Word. English is limiting. Learn Greek, Hebrew, and Latin. That is not eisegesis, it’s just simply fact. If you still find any ambiguity or fault with the translation, and therefore application, don’t just look at the verb conjunctions, look to the corresponding noun declensions. Your disagreement lies not with this pastor, a brother in Christ, but rather with God- the Bible is His Word, not man. Check your posture of heart, it’s lacking humility and a little high on arrogance and cynicism. 🙏🏻📖
@sjcobra84 Год назад
Grew up in a divorced home. Seeing too much failed marriages among family, piers and mates. Decided to never marry. I don't trust anyone.
@RyanREAX 10 месяцев назад
So you have no sex?
@rolandorolandorolando6554 Год назад
But he also said “anyone who divorces his wife commits adultery and makes her commit adultery..”…. Unless I’m mistaken if I am forgive me.
@mchevalier-seawell4438 Год назад
If you mean Jesus, in Matt 19, he said except for fornication. That is why the pastor is describing what the exceptions are.
@biblebasics101 Год назад
Fornication (Porneia) means sexual immorality of any kind which includes homosexuality, incest, adultery or bestiality. Jesus was speaking to the adulterous relationship between Herod Antipas & Herodias to which his cousin John the baptizer spoke out against and was beheaded. Not one time did Jesus ever teach against the Torah.
@steincompany1241 10 месяцев назад
Somehow this message misses the truth…
@saramcgill5478 2 года назад
I appreciate your teaching so much! Can you provide resources for the Greek translation please?
@jayj446 2 года назад
A cursory review of the usual resources for Greek translation, such as Vine's, Strong's, Thayer's, etc...does not yield the definition that is being suggested. Perhaps, just one trusted resource used by Pastor Allen to arrive at this definition, would be beneficial and much-appreciated. Thank you.
@ashleyb777 2 года назад
@@allennolan No it's not helpful at all, we need the reference, too important to get it wrong!
@lindacarlton8857 2 года назад
This is very interesting to me. But you want to be careful, especially as a woman, to not misuse emotional abuse. As a woman, our hormones can get in the way of controlling our emotions. Emotional abuse can be a “catch all” reason to get out of a marriage.
@davidschaffrick3961 Год назад
Man or woman. Everyone has been abused in some form or another. Who judges whether or not that is grounds for divorce. 1 Cor 7:11 says what happens during and after divorce. Steps to be taken.
@mchevalier-seawell4438 Год назад
@@davidschaffrick3961 One verse does not cover the whole subject. How about the man who committed fraud, lied to woman and her family. Then they find out she is not married to whom she thinks. The bigamist? The adulterer. In that culture the adulterer was put to death, so the innocent party was afterward free. But not in our culture. In our culture the wife victim would spend the rest of her life a poor victim. In any court in Israel, at that time, divorce was granted to the woman for physical abuse. Does God think she should go back to being a punching bag, or that she should simply accept childless abject poverty for the rest of her life. Wife beaters do not as a rule change. You simply cannot take a complex subject like divorce and give one sentence. Clearly that would be the ideal, but laws don’t work that way. Even murder had stoning or flight to a city of refuge. Even Jesus, in Matt19:9, left the exception of fornication. His was not a whole dissertation either. The Pharisees were trying to trap him (concerning Herod most likely), and he was answering them. The Jews and the church have treated women like second class citizens forever. If they were beaten or abused, well they should just try harder. I don’t believe for one minute that Jesus taught that. Mary learned at his feet. He cared about his mother. But the church translations of Scripture have always reflected that second class attitude. Like “helpmeet” in Genesis. The same word in Kings referring to King Hiram is translated “ally”. The church deliberately tried to align Scripture with the Greek philosophers, who thought women were probably a little higher than cattle, but they weren’t completely sure about it. (University of Paris, Thomas Aquinas). And of course after the first 100 or so years church leadership was completely taken over by men, traditionally using deliberate mistranslations of St Paul. I think that the big shock in Heaven will be to find that God didn’t make half of the human race lesser. Cain and Abel were children of Eve as well as Adam And God never punished the daughters of Eve who were also daughters of Adam because they happened to be female like their mother. Punishing the innocent for another’s sin isn’t like him. But he will punish those who misused or twisted his Word to promote injustice. He hates lies and injustice.
@dylan15243 Год назад
You judging others based on their reasons for divorce? Arnt you all not supposed to judge others? I guess we pick and choose what rules to follow.
@MikeEdwards-j9g 8 месяцев назад
@@dylan15243 nowhere in the bible does it say not to judge. the whole "judge not lest yee be judged" line is usually taken out of context. The context in that verse structure is simply a warning that "hey, you're gonna be judged too, so be careful on judging willy nilly and being too high and mighty". NOT that we shouldnt' be judging. We are most definitely allowed to judge
@alberthayes1695 Год назад
Once marriage is consummated, sexual sin is adultry. Before is fornication. I'll save the word games, Biblical examples are Joseph n Mary and sermon on the mount. You can seperate if it's clearly needed, but you must remain celibate. Scripture is scripture, you can manipulate it any way you want. Heres another scripture, DO YOU NOT KNOW YOU BODY IS A TEMPLE FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT? pastor. Love to see you debate P Gino Jennings. Your in error sir.
@alberthayes1695 Год назад
@@lmatthews4JESUSmyLORD thoroughly studied here. You can only MANIPULATE the scripture to get a trinity it doesnt endorse. Jesus is that I AM. The biblical explanation of NO TRINITY(that the Bible Never speaks of) is much stronger than any arguement for a trinity. But thanks for your concern. I doubt eternity rests on that doctrinal difference, but I am a BIBLE believer, not a denominational goat.
@JulioGonzalez-jc3ww 5 месяцев назад
I've never understood when guys say that preaching the word is their job I always understood it as in being a pastor or giving God's word is a vocation is the dedication that you do it is not a job you don't get paid for it Jesus didn't get paid for it
@josephrisso2254 2 года назад
Actually fornication / adultery is not a reason to divorce.. if you read it further, it's if that person doesn't change their actions and keeps cheating on their spouse then you divorce. If it's repeated and that person refuses to change, bc marriage is the symbol of how we are to be married to the Lord and show honor and respect to our partner.
@sharondoan1447 2 года назад
Do you interpret the Pastor to be advocating divorce after one offense for which the offender honestly repents and asks forgiveness. The offender has no intention of continuing to fornicate and act in direct opposition to the marriage contract.
@josephrisso2254 2 года назад
@@sharondoan1447 yeah , isn't that what he's saying, to divorce after one offense? Or did I miss interpret him?
@kcdav7 2 года назад
Let me say this… one act of Adultery per the Law of Moses would end in the ones who did the crime of adultery to be stoned to death. Deuteronomy 22 and 24 explain this. Where are people getting this “continued” sin from as the only cause?
@josephrisso2254 2 года назад
@@kcdav7 and that's why God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for us, so there is no reason to even refer to that mosaic law. We don't live by the new or old testament but both.. Jesus completed it . Made it whole his death and resurrection changed everything and God would not kill or enforce that old testament law bc of his son taking on the consequences of sin... Love does not kill. Jesus is God and God is love. Not tolerable of sin but pure and righteous loving merciful graceous and kind. Focus on that.
@mchevalier-seawell4438 Год назад
@@josephrisso2254 clearly you are not involved in a bad marriage. That is what this pastor is discussing, the subject of this video. If someone was using you for a punching bag daily, you would need to know your options. God is indeed love, but many people, even some who say they are Christians, behave violently toward their spouses and children. These victims have been told by churches for years that they have no way out. This pastor is helping them.
@bootsiekeegan4401 Год назад
I got divorced after 8 years marriage he demanded a divorce. My heart is broken. His woman lawyer said he married me because he felt sorry for me. I called police when he yelled & threw styff because i was scared. Now i wonder if i over re acted? Ill always have love in my heart for edward he is the love of my life. He sees me says hes glad we are stull friends ( distant) he comes each week to walk our dog daisy who is now 11 years old.
@dylan15243 Год назад
I believe God if he's real. Is more understanding than others believe... We have to belive he had good reason for some of the bad things he's done.. I think that trust should go both ways.
@HamiltonRowan-r6z Месяц назад
I don't care if remarriage is permitted following a divorce or not. I was abandoned by my spouse, and I feel like my soul is ripped apart. The last thing I want is to marry another person. I feel depressed and so lonely, and spiritually dry.
@kimberweeks7171 Месяц назад
I truly understand. The pain of abandonment is horrible. Please understand it, isn't you, it's them. I would ask you to lean into the pain, ask the Lord for discernment, and if able look to speak with your pastor or a Christian counselor. I went through something very similar. 20 years and poof... I looked to myself and wondered what was wrong with me. I admit I have flaws, but in the end, it was my spouse's choice to leave me and our children. I healed, and whether you believe it or not, you will, too! I will be praying for you. God bless.
@isaacali8695 Год назад
This is the first time I am hearing this.. I know one of the Psalms speaks about a close associate who has broken the covenant.
@Anixxo24 2 года назад
Word: porneia Pronounce: por-ni'-ah Strongs Number: G4202 Orig: from 4203; harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively, idolatry:--sexual immorality. G4203 Use: TDNT-6:579,918 Noun Feminine Heb Strong: H2183 H8457 1) illicit(unlawful) sexual intercourse 1a) adultery, sexual immorality, homosexuality, intercourse with animals etc. 1b) sexual intercourse with close relatives; Lev. 18 1c) sexual intercourse with an unlawfully divorced man or woman; Mr 10:11,12 2) metaph. the worship of idols 2a) of the defilement of idolatry, as incurred by eating the sacrifices offered to idols 2b) any form of idolatry
@ChristianTravelers 2 года назад
Yes, πορνείας means a lot more than just fornication.
@Anixxo24 2 года назад
@@ChristianTravelers Yes I agree with you, however no one should add more meaning to the Word of God and so falsifying it . Ephesians 6 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist …
@Anixxo24 2 года назад
@@ChristianTravelers “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.” (Deut. 4:2.) Revelation 22:18-19 Louis Segond 18 Je le déclare à quiconque entend les paroles de la prophétie de ce livre: Si quelqu'un y ajoute quelque chose, Dieu le frappera des fléaux décrits dans ce livre; 19 et si quelqu'un retranche quelque chose des paroles du livre de cette prophétie, Dieu retranchera sa part de l'arbre de la vie et de la ville sainte, décrits dans ce livre.
@mchevalier-seawell4438 Год назад
And there is much more to Greek than Strongs Numbers
@thomaspower221 4 месяца назад
Pastor Nolan: The trouble we are having is that church congregations do NOT support marriage for life any longer. The general view is that when a judge slams down their gavel, this also ends the covenant. Of course, if one considers this, it could not be further from the truth. Preachers preach marriage for life from the pulpit, but yet they allow adulterers to congregate in their church assembly, even encouraging remarriage in the majority of evangelical contexts. It is clear we are commanded NOT to company with rebellious sinners, who call themselves Christians 1 Cor. 5:11, but yet the church welcomes them into their fellowship, with open arms and some even allow them to company with the singles ministry. Church assemblies often remarry folks who's spouse is still alive. The effect of this disobedience is clearly on display for all to see. The reality is this: THE CHURCH LOOKS JUST LIKE THE WORLD. The church is supposed to be transformed by the renewing of the mind, not conformed to this world. If you track HISTORY on the matter, you will see that when the church allowed the secular courts to break up marriages and families, that clearly this was the beginning of the end of MARRIAGE as we should know it.
@Superman111181 Год назад
I'm sorry but this teaching is not sound. The preacher has stretched the word "pornea" well beyond the context of the teaching in Matthew.
@grant2149 Год назад
Amen excatly.
@dh605x Год назад
Thank you Allen. This is much closer to the biblical truth than a lot of others I've heard on this matter. "Porneia" in this context is best read as a catch-all for any conduct that would be a material breach of the terms of the marital covenant. Those who claim adultery is the only acceptable ground for divorce according to Jesus are slandering God. Incredibly, some even claim that "porneia" means only sexual misconduct during the engagement period! What do these people take God for!? People who promote the Marriage Permanence Heresy boldly claim that the following is the "clear teaching of God": Domestic violence is not a valid ground for divorce Drug use is not a valid ground for divorce Abandonment is not a valid ground for divorce * Refusing sexual intimacy is not a valid ground for divorce Attempted murder is not a valid ground for divorce But adultery - and adultery alone - is a valid ground for divorce * Some people claim abandonment is a valid ground, but only if the abandoning spouse was an unbeliever. As if an abandoned wife is any less abandoned if her former husband claimed to be a follower of Jesus! Common sense - not to mention common decency - should preclude anyone with an IQ above 75 from buying into this teaching.
@dh605x Год назад
This matter is especially important to me because of my own story. In September 2021, I was excommunicated from my place of worship for my so-called "unscriptural" divorce. They also held to the erroneous notion that although refusal to provide normal marital intimacy was sinful, it was not a biblically acceptable ground for divorce. I would have none of it. Basically, I told them that my then-wife and I agreed to enter counseling to determine if there is a way forward. Plan A was to bring the marriage to where we needed it to be - and to hopefully address whatever issue is causing her to not want any kind of intimacy with me. If no such resolution could be found, then Plan B was to dissolve the marriage and for me to date and eventually remarry. I made it very clear to the leadership that although I wasn't feeling divorce, I would recognize no doctrine that claimed I am either forced to endure this treatment from my wife - or to be condemned to celibacy for the rest of my life. I offered to leave that assembly if my stand would pose a problem for them, but they told me it would not. When I informed them that Plan A was a bust and we were on Plan B, they placed me under church discipline (after falsely assuring me that they would not). I refused to back down even though this refusal would guarantee my formal excommunication. The leadership of that assembly lost all credibility with me. I haven't had a regular place of worship since.
@robertstutler6229 9 месяцев назад
Thank you...this is also stated again through paul..with believer and non believer....
@brandonwhite7306 8 месяцев назад
It's one thing to financially support but, my support wasn't good enough, we had everything we need but she still wasn't happy. What standard are we to uphold
@kenw772 5 месяцев назад
This has to be one of the greatest heresies in church history. A Greek word was added by Erasmus to change the meaning of the verse. It should read who ever divorces even over pornia and remarries commits adultery.
@tyroneb5772 9 месяцев назад
Biblically sound teaching on divorce. God speed.
@cryptojihadi265 Год назад
I don't see anything that equates Porneia to licentiousness. In the Greek it always referred to sexual immorality, which can then be translated to Fornication, which only means sexual immorality or figuratively, idolatry. Now you can then use the word Licentiousness for Fornication as both are English words that mean sexual immorality. However, they didn't translate Porneia to licentiousness because it can also mean what you describe in terms of unacceptable societal behaviour. What you are doing is hopping words to come up with a completely different meaning. IE take a Greek word that means sexual immorality, translate it to fornication which means sexual immorality and then hop over to licentiousness which also means sexual immorality with the express purpose of using it's alternate meaning of disregard for accepted rules and norms, which is not synonymous with Fornication.
@grant2149 9 месяцев назад
@reginamckinney6469 8 месяцев назад
The point that all scripture concerning marriage is making goes over most people's heads because we approach the scriptures the wrong way. We are to base our beliefs on what the Bible says, not use the Bible to prove our beliefs are right. Why do we open God's word? Are we trying to learn the Truth or just confirm what we want it to say? What it actually says and what we think it says rarely are the same. Like in Romans 14, it's not about whether we as believers choose to eat/drink/celebrate certain days or things, it's about how our actions affect our fellow believers and neighbors. When you put all scriptures about divorce and marriage together, one point glares from it all...If a man and woman are married and they're both in the will of God, there's nothing they can't overcome with Christ being the anchor. Marriage is the earthly example of Christ and His bride. The Bible says if we stay close to Him, he will always make a way to escape the temptation of sin. That's why the Bible says a husband and wife only need to be apart for prayer, then quickly be back together. When a marriage is unequally yoked, it says if both are happy in the marriage, to stay married because the one out of God's will or lost may be more inclined to give their heart to Christ after witnessing the faithfulness of the other. God doesn't hold the believer responsible if doesn't work out because it says a believer is not to marry an unbeliever. It's referring to an originally unbelieving couple and then one accepts Christ. Let's not complicate God's perfect word to bend to our ego.
@skynarr7116 2 года назад
Thank you for the sermon Pastor. What happened? The video got cut off?
@debbielemons1576 2 месяца назад
@yelenapsalm2173 2 года назад
Wow so good!
@jamesfields4149 9 месяцев назад
Every word you spoke was carnal and edified nothing but the flesh
@commanderlovelotus8864 2 года назад
Jesus is coming quick in the clouds to collect the church 🗝️THE KEY TO YOUR SALVATION 💙🙏 1Corinthians 15: Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 💙For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:💙 Confess, repent, believe & trust that King Jesus died, paid for your sins, and was raised by God on the 3rd day! May God be with you! God loves you, Jesus loves you 💕God Bless!!
@DMtheDM93 8 месяцев назад
There is a lot of arguing about this topic. There is a lot of judgment passed based on interpretation of the scripture. I think this is one of those situations that Jesus would look at and remind us not to strain the gnat and swallow the camel. A topic like this is not easy to interpret even with all of the scriptures we have access to but this video is a good start; but I think it’s most important to avoid being like the Pharisees and to do our best to follow all of the laws to the best of our ability without ignoring larger matters of the law such as justice, mercy and faith.
@MrCatchmy600rr 7 месяцев назад
Pastor, that verse sais nothing about being able to divorce. It is simply stating the sin tied to divorce.
@dennislong7852 Год назад
Why do all messages on divorce insinuate that its the man that does the putting/divorcing away HIS wife. What about the Wife putting away her husband?
@phillipking6153 Год назад
Viewers make sure you research this for yourselves. Porneia is definitely sexual activity. Porneia is not outside of sexual activity unless it is used metaphorically….. which it is not in this scripture. Viewer you need to ask where he exactly gets his Greek definitions of Porneia and Moichao.
@phillipking6153 Год назад
@@allennolan Strongs Concordance and Blue Letter Bible differ on your interpretation. G4202 Porneia and it’s root word G4203 Porneuo definitely deal with sexual activity only. It revolves around harlotry. The word “Porn” logically says what these words are referring to. Could you show in other scriptures where fornication could not possibly be talking about sexual activity other than any metaphorical scriptures to help us better understand your interpretation and logic? Thanks
@phillipking6153 Год назад
@@allennolan Gerhard Kittel (23 September 1888 - 11 July 1948) was a German Lutheran[1] theologian and lexicographer of biblical languages. He was an enthusiastic supporter of the Nazis[5] and an open antisemite.[6] He is known in the field of biblical studies for his Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament (Theological Dictionary of the New Testament). Source: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerhard_Kittel I’d rather not take advice from Gerhard Kittel.
@user-xd4rs6vr4n Год назад
If it's all inspired then why did Jesus contradict half of the old part?
@M.O.W. 7 месяцев назад
My husband... I asked God for a sign, nevermind he left me for a prostitute half our age 3yrs ago, a sign of whether i should divorce or not 😂 its bc i love him still, ya know. My justification for hanging on. I havent seen him in 2yrs, they have a child, i was unable to concieve during our 15yrs together, but he refused to sign. So i paid extra money to have notices published in the newspaper this month. He wont see or respond to them so i can get the divorce without his signature. But i STILL asked God just TODAY to give me a sign, or stop the divorce if He didnt want it to happen 😂 and sure enuff my husband text me at 5am, some nonsense. I believe this sermon is my sign. Head over heart decisions are hard, but necessary, bc God doesnt want any of His children to suffer at the hands of someone elses hateful heart. It doesnt make us martyrs, it makes us fools.
@jb0mb95 8 месяцев назад
I'm trying to find where he gets the meaning of 'licentiousness' from porneia. I haven't found it. It would seem his whole argument hinges on that.
@jamesrodrigue9286 9 месяцев назад
There are so many interpretations of divorce and remarriage, it's unreal!
@rogerdsmith Год назад
I agree completely that it is the man’s responsibility to provide for his wife. However that means, that the man is the prize, not necessarily the woman. This is a difficult thing to say, but the only relationships in life for a man that are unconditional, is with Christ, his mother, and his dog. If he wants a marriage, then he has to pay. Unfortunately (or not…) that means that a marriage relationship is transactional. How can it not be? But this begs a larger point. Generations of men have been taught in church, “lay down our life” for Christ. Which is true incorrect. However when this has been taught, what has been inculcated into the hearts of generations of men, is that you stop pursuing career, stop pursuing preparation for a coach, insured anything that is a desire or ambition or passion, has to die. About 45 years ago I had an inflection point in my life, I did what I thought was truly, laying down my life, for Christ. The consequences of my doing it that way, destroyed my life. I’m 67 now. I’m divorced, because I was never truly prepared for the responsibilities of married life. And without children or any family. What really needs to be taught, before you build on the other things, is what it actually means to live crucified life. What it means, and what it doesn’t mean. To a person, I have never in my life known of this being tired taught.
@barbarazimmerman5906 Год назад
Read Proverbs 31:10-31. The woman also has her work to do for the husband. So neither man nor woman should be a "prize". The relationship should be biblically based with God being first!
@vitak418 10 месяцев назад
Thank you 🙏
@allennolan 10 месяцев назад
You’re welcome 😊
@vita8208 2 года назад
This should not be a conversation in a real Christian family or church, very sad that people are evil by nature and think that living a double life will help them. Romans 8:5-8 King James Version 5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
@margaritalemus3196 2 года назад
Where’s the rest of this video ???
@toddgilmore118 2 месяца назад
Then I don't believe I'm goin to Hell for fornicating...but might be kicking Satan out of his thrown!! I've been in sin long as I can remember...and was trying to be a Christian, went to church services, though at one time or 2 that I had accepted the Holy Spirit. But, then my family members who talked me into attending had a falling out from the Church of God. So, as I didn't drive, had no money or job. basically no LIFE! I gave up, as I always did, and do. Depressed with all kinds of Anxiety and worry about everything wrong in my life , and why I don't care enough to fix any of it. 50 years later...I not much changed.
@Koolsound4u Год назад
I Corinthian 7:15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. God agrees to a separation. If he or she is abusive verbally, mentally or physically no God don't want you to be in harm's way. If you two can not dwell under the same roof without conflict. Then you can separate but you must remain unmarried. And if she want to have sexual intercourse she must be reconciled to her husband. God's rule 1 Corinthians 7:11 But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife. God knew all this would happen and these liars would try and tell you that divorce was justified if he cheats or she beats him. Or irreconcilable differences. If amazing how they run to the greek language to use words for the KJV BIBLE in order to justify what they want. The KJV BIBLE Has been around for centuries now you are saying it's wrong in its phase. Come on. What God has set in order is LAW. Satan and man are trying to change it. God said I am a God that change not, heaven and earth shall pass away but my word will not pass away.
@alangordon8906 2 года назад
Yes, covenant standards in marriage apply to both man and woman and sometimes the woman breaks the covenant by not reciprocating in all the ways of nurturing- not just the kids but the husband and supporting him as a help mate
@mchevalier-seawell4438 Год назад
Drop the “helpmeet/helpmate”. The word is demeaning just as the translators meant it to be. The word translates “ally” when discussing King Hiram, King David’s friend. Standards do apply to both, but if men demean their wives with language, they will indeed have problems. This is not your fault, Alan, it is the fault of the translators. It is deliberate. How many times have you heard “daughters of Eve” as if the female children had no father. And the boys are of course “Sons of Adam.” As if the male children were somehow unrelated to Eve. God makes it very clear in Isaiah that he never punishes children for the sins of their parents, but we are supposed to believe that all the daughters of Eve will live in subjugation to men in perpetuity for something they didn’t do. Of course the sons of Eve are somehow exempt, even though they are equally her children, and we are supposed to believe that God did this. Someday the people who are responsible for this injustice are going to face the just God they blamed it on.
@thecrossrevealed7979 9 месяцев назад
Thx Pst Allen for this teaching....Pls could you share your ressource where I can get this broader meaning of pornea that you are sharing about, that would be very helpful as I share with the leadership. I have looked online without much success...thank you, it would be much appreciate.
@mbgodwebsite5272 8 месяцев назад
You're not going to get any. Sorry!
@thecrossrevealed7979 8 месяцев назад
@@mbgodwebsite5272 his team doesnt read any comments?? Or there is no evidence?
@cliff638 Год назад
As an atheist, it's refreshing to see this guy helping liberate people from terrible marriages. But, having said that, I wonder what evidence he really has that "porneia" is actually anything that breaks the marriage covenant rather than the more obvious sexual definition of porneia. Also, for the ones who insist porneia must be a reference to adultery, thereby making Jesus say: "A man cannot divorce his wife, except on the grounds of ADULTERY", it seems pretty ludicrous to me that a first century Jewish man (who Christians insist was also the incarnation of Yahweh, the one who gave the laws to Moses to begin with) would tell fellow Jewish men (let's face it, he wasn't giving this directive to women, as Jewish women didn't have the right to divorce their husbands) that they can divorce their wives if the wives cheat on them. If a Jewish man's wife cheated on him, she and the man she cheated with were to be stoned to death after appearing before the Sanhedrin. Why would anyone need to divorce a bloody corpse? One possible explanation for what Jesus meant by porneia is that he was referring to the engagement period, which was treated like marriage for a year but without living together or having sex, if the man found something "unclean" about his spouse-to-be during this period, he would write her a certificate of divorce, even though their marriage wasn't official yet. This also might explain why Joseph, when realizing Mary was pregnant, wanted to divorce her in secret, since if he waited for the marriage to be official she wouldn't have passed the virginity test (obviously) and then death would have been the sentence for her. Divorcing her in secret might have delayed her death sentence for a number of months. Ahh Joseph, history's first recorded cuck.
@michaelsayen4360 8 месяцев назад
The word Pornea is in the Classical Greek. There is not much known about that word during the first century. To get a good understand, see David Instone-Brewer's work on divorce and remarriage. You can actually find more about the Deuteronomery 24:1 "uncleanness" by using older writtings. The Septuagent is a good place to start. The word uncleanness is translated from Hebrew to Greek by Jewish writers and scribes. The word for uncleanness in Greek is used throught the Old Testament (according to the Septuagent). Matter of fact, much of the New Testament seems to be writtings of the OT from the Septuagent. It was used in prostitution and other forms of sexual innapropiate behavious. There is a lot of good works that have written on this. It is not a good idea to get all the references from the New Testament alone. But take out of your storehouse old and new things.
@warren6790 2 месяца назад
I came across this video again and it actually shocked me this man doesn't know what fornication means, simply put it means any unlawful sexual contact which includes adultery, if you find these two words being used together in any translation, I can assure you that person didn't know what fornication meant, to figure this out, simply replace that word with ANY UNLAWFUL sexual act, it's not just ONE, it's adultery, incest, rape, man on man sex woman on woman sex, for the Jew marrying someone other than a Jew, ( that's law has been done away with ) plus whoredom spoken of by the prophets which means having MORE than ONE lover, that sin doesn't apply to the married, the sin of the married IS adultery, whoredom is the sin of the unmarried, it's NOT having sex not being married, it's cheating on the ONE person your sexually involved with, Lev.15:16-24 is the law pertaining to the UNMARRIED that is a single man and a single woman ( not married ) AND not children still living under their fathers RULE or authority, there are different laws concerning these children that DON'T apply to the man and the woman, I'm telling you right now, anyone committing any of these laws have not only legal excuses for divorce but needful excuses for divorce especially if there's children involved, IF you came home from work and found your spouse having sex with your child ( incest ) you had better snatch them up and LEAVE, the same for any person finding their spouse in bed sexually with either the same sex or an animal, get OUT, they got a problem, fornication is not a single sin, it's EVERY UNLAWFUL SEXUAL SIN mentioned in the LAW and the prophets and if your not following man's law but God's Law, man on man sex and woman on woman sex is UNLAWFUL or forbidden, man's law has most of God's Law in it too but not all, so don't get confused, there's several things in the law that Jesus allowed in His teachings, Paul in some of his, eating certain foods, circumcision, sabbaths, maybe some others but not ALL LAW, there are many laws written that we are NOT delivered from and never will be, separating the one's we have been delivered from the one's we haven't would end a lot of confusion, the bible doesn't do that, the teacher is suppose to do that, the same goes for the word " sin ", the bible doesn't say what KIND of sin will separate one from God except sins that Paul listed in gal. 5, and that's only IF it was Paul that really wrote that letter and it was translated word for word correctly, I have my doubts though because the KJ version uses the word adultery then fornication which is telling me that person didn't know what fornication meant, the Greek however omits the word adultery in it, the Greek would be more accurate but useless if you don't know what fornication means
@marcopadilla9804 Год назад
I believe 1timothy was taken out of context. No where does it say that the man is responsible to take care his family financially alone. Though I don’t think it’s all wrong. But in context it’s talking about widows-and her believing family who doesn’t take care of their fellow believer widow who is also their relative is worst than an infidel.
@trentwalker7960 8 месяцев назад
I was a widower I met a woman who’s x husband put her in the hospital he slammed her against the car and will not change my late wife was A Jewish Jesus believer she prayed that I would find someone and love her twice as much I took this woman in as my wife were on the mission field as I was before the last 20 yrs with my late wife. Here friends and family say she looks years younger her growth in the lord is expanding she is no longer afraid We went to Israel for are honeymoon and met people I there from my late wife’s side. And did a Katuba a Jewish marriage contract on the Sea of Galilee as a show of love with are friends there that couldn’t make are marriage in the U.S
@festuscox Год назад
False teaching right here.
@tb-yz1ti 2 года назад
What if your disabled not to be able to work anymore? Please answer this for me thank you
@lindasmith3391 Год назад
Fornication is before marriage. Adultery is while married.
@awomansstory.2019 10 месяцев назад
My husband cheated after 27 years of marriage
@payerscashiers Год назад
What if man discovers one of the children is not his through DNA,wat next? ...cn some one answer this one?
@pegc9889 Год назад
That's adultery and he has biblical grounds for divorce. Unless he can decide to stay and be a father to that child. They both should go for Christian counseling and seek direction from the Lord.
@djones5505 2 года назад
Mattew 24:14 breakdown, they're Jesus words, only a worldwide organization could do this, there will be a worldwide preaching campaign, so they are preachers out preaching, the message is about a coming kingdom, and this is a prerequisite to what?, and after it THE END comes. Also at Matthew 5:44 Jesus said love your enemies so they can't kill them in war. At Matthew 24:9 Jesus says they'll be hated. There's only one group that fits Jesus description unless you want to call him a liar.
@donho7857 Год назад
So Adultery is NOT grounds for divorce but ANY form of abuse as defined by our present societal standards is OK! LOL! I guess Stoning an adulterer was God's way but now its you not that bad! Personal biases from preachers will ALWAYS be there. Listen to God Jesus Christ for what He wants you to do.
@Liminalplace1 10 месяцев назад
AUTHORITY . Sorting it out: Morality comes from 5 factors. 1 Community standards 2.Conscience 3. Sense of biblical wisdom 4. What pleases and honors God 5. Wisdom of the body of Christ (leaders)
@EASYBOY5858 Год назад
Do not be deceived brethren, The Council of Nicaea was responsible for deciding which books should be included in the Bible, on top of our current modern versions that range anywhere from 5 to 10 different versions of the Bible, he is miss using, but completely dismissing and counter addicting with him, implying that God is wrong, visit the book of Numbers : 5, 30. This book is a complete Direc descendent of the original published book of the time of Moses, with very little to almost nothing being altered. In that scripture, pornography is absolutely hideous, and a bacteria to the mind and soul, however, the penetration of a woman and the penetration of a man into a woman is absolutely the perfect form of adultery, not men’s misconception and manipulation to correlate pornography with adultery, women in men, lust and sin quite often because we are cursed with sins dating back to our great grandparents, Adam and Eve.
@KGB94TV Год назад
If a man decides his family will keep the Sabbath day holy, is that grounds for the Christian woman to file for legal separation or divorce?
@donnamealor1155 Год назад
My Bible says in that verse says adultery
@reiceguy260 Год назад
I disagree with explanation of fornication. It is opening door for divorce contrary to question asked "for any reason". If fornication means any kind of abuse, it becomes matter of opinion.
@grant2149 9 месяцев назад
Excatly this guy ads to Scripture as he goes along. He does Not want to lose members in church so he tells them what tickles their ears.
@300hiker Год назад
Why would Jesus use a Greek word? I thought he spoke Hebrew?
@wingamwila4113 Месяц назад
Some of these comments will make you feel like God wants to punish you more than anything and he is so rigid about this law even though He remembers that we are dust...
@jeremiahkirby6552 9 месяцев назад
In RED, JESUS speaking. Matthew 19:9 “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.” Sex will indeed send many of the lake of fire. MANY have traded an eternity of bliss for momentary pleasures.
@Stuggie32 3 месяца назад
Way outnin left field. Unfortunately this is going to influence people to have divorces that shouldn't happen! Lord have mercy. His "breakdown" of the Greek "porneia" is complete sophistry and a work of eisegesis. Very sad actually. Notice, many of the folks who really like it, are types that are already looking for grounds for divorce already!
@allennolan 3 месяца назад
Kittels New Testament Theological Dictionary, Volume 6
@Stuggie32 3 месяца назад
@@allennolan exactly, far from the universal consensus. Especially with Gerhard Kittel the Nazi supporter.
@when943 8 месяцев назад
This is not true!!! People will come up with any reason to divorce and get married while the covenant person is still alive. Romans 7:1-3...1 Cor. 7:10-11.... 1 Cor. 7:39.... The Hebrew people knew exactly what fornication meant because they told Jesus we where not born of fornication in John 8:40-42. They knew Mary was pregnant before Joseph actually came to enter into a marriage covenant with her. She was pregnant during the espousal period. All this he's coming up with is not true. If that was true herodias would have never been called your brother's wife she would have been called your brother ex-wife because for adultery she divorced Philip and married his brother!! Scripture shows the only people that could have gotten a divorce was in the case of Joseph and Mary. But Mary was not guilty of fornication. He is misusing the word fornication. When the Pharisees told Jesus that we were not born of fornication that gives you the definition of fornication. Fornication can be incest also because a person can have sex with a relative. But it's always heterosexual sex. Fornication is not bestiality. But because it's the word where we get p*** from and because every sexual sin is grouped into pornography then they extended the definition of the word. But John 8:41 actually gives you the definition of cornea because that's what Mary and Joseph was accused of doing before they entered the Covenant marriage and she was pregnant. Is he claiming that Mary committed all of those other sexual sins that's included in pornography. He is true that Jesus did not use the greek word for adultery!! Under Moses law there were two schools of thought on that. Jesus would have never concluded that either one of these schools of thought was correct inside it with any of those thoughts. Jesus concluded with what he heard from His Father!!!
@louisruffin6808 2 года назад
You've won
@pamsylvester6187 Год назад
How about when your wife leaves your 7 year old daughter locked out of your apartment and leaves for a year then comes back stays 6 months then leaves again. I believe I was right to divorce in the eyes of the lord.
@pegc9889 Год назад
Abandonment is biblical grounds for divorce. 1 Tim 3:1-4 1 Cor 7:15
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