
Jesus Chooses Whom He Saves 

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Don't miss this important message from Pastor Jeff Durbin of Apologia Church. Jeff preached on the text of Matthew 11 where Jesus teaches that the only people who know the Father are the ones to whom Jesus chooses to reveal Him. It's a very important and beautiful text of Scripture. This is a challenging and encouraging message that we hope blesses you in your walk with the Lord.
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@enriquemoure2739 Год назад
did He call and chose Judas Iscariot? "And when it was day, He CALLED His disciples to Himself; and from them He CHOSE twelve whom He also named apostles: 14 Simon, whom He also named Peter, and Andrew his brother; James and John; Philip and Bartholomew; 15 Matthew and Thomas; James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called the Zealot; 16 Judas the son of James, and Judas Iscariot who also became a traitor." Luke 6:13-16
@UniversalSalvation 5 лет назад
“Who has hears, let them hear” the truth of Grace and Sovereign. Many Christians are not prepared to accept that they don’t have the power to bring anything to the table of salvation. Thank you for this amazing message, Jeff! May God bless you abundantly.
@evanu6579 5 лет назад
Sara Furtadom Who has ears to hear?..... John 8: 47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. Luk 7: 29 ¶ And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John. 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him. Matt 21: 28 ¶ But what think ye? A certain man had two sons; and he came to the first, and said, Son, go work to day in my vineyard. 29 He answered and said, I will not: but afterward he repented, and went. 30 And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not. 31 Whether of them twain did the will of his father? They say unto him, The first. Jesus saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That the publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you. 32 For John came unto you in the way of righteousness, and ye believed him not: but the publicans and the harlots believed him: and ye, when ye had seen it, repented not afterward, that ye might believe him. Luk 1: 16 And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. 17 And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. Those who refused to repent were hardened.... Jhn 12: 39 ¶ Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again, 40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. If Calvinism is true, then why did God have to harden them to prevent them from believing?
@protruth1 4 года назад
what you said is so shockingly unbiblical regarding the gospel of Jesus Christ that it is beyond absurd. Throughout Scripture God has held man accountable for his own choices.
@robertfishter2862 3 года назад
@@evanu6579 because It is God who chooses.
@evanu6579 3 года назад
@@robertfishter2862 So total depravity is false but God chooses by preventing people from believing and allowing others to believe? Is that your position? Kind of like a bouncer at a door where everyone is lined up because they want in but God just keeps most of them out?
@IamGreatsword 3 года назад
@@evanu6579 Rightly Dividing is the Key to understanding. God's sovereignty ever Trumps Man's Decisions.
@carson551 6 лет назад
I wish my brother would've heard this whole thing especially the end. Please pray for Mitch!!!
@jeaninepetty4923 5 лет назад
Meanwhile Mitch is probably praying for you. lol
@grapesofthevine1801 4 года назад
I don't know Mitch or your situation but I just said a prayer for him and your family...God-bless you 🙏
@robertfishter2862 3 года назад
@@jeaninepetty4923 You just proved Pastor Jeff's whole message.
@jami1730 2 года назад
I’m praying for Mitch 🙏🏼💕
@stevijay2953 2 года назад
Ha. Just looking at the truth in your heart felt reality. I can only resonate for I am in the same position but I a much worse man than my brother yet he has adopted liberal aberrant theology. He's always LEARNING yet never able to arrive at any sure TRUTH. Very sad but we are to pray, Mitch I'm all in for you big guy. Praise God for Jeff and God using him and for eyes being opened to even have these conversations!
@DV77737 6 лет назад
Awesome teaching. Jesus Christ is Lord
@benmeitzen4184 4 года назад
Love this! God is sovereign!
@gibsonguy5240 4 года назад
The main concern I have with teaching predestination this way is that people will say "there's no need for me to be concerned about God, Jesus or the Bible because (they say) if it's God's will for me to get saved it will just happen" Jesus said "behold, I stand at your hearts door and knock, If any of you will open your heart to me, I will come in and sup with you" We don't know who will receive Christ. It's our responsibility to tell of Christ to all people. I really love Pastor Durbin's approach on abortion, cult religions, and apologetics, Not so sure about his position on this.
@davidlegkodukh6969 3 года назад
Jeff isn't saying that predestination means we cannot save others through God. Predestination simply means God already knows Everyone who will be saved, but he allows everyone to go through that process to understand the ending they all recieve
@GP-dp4mr 6 лет назад
I've aborted with my girlfriend and I can't say how sorry I am. I'm a disgusting human being and only since I really understood the gospel I realised what I done and I felt daunted and felt that without Jesus I would be sent to hell for sure. I've broken every commandment, without Jesus I'm literally damned.... Forgive me Jesus please
@BoStOnFaN8112 6 лет назад
Blue Bird were all sinners man it's ok we all make mistakes and were all redeemable thanks to Jesus brotha stay strong keep going forward you'll see your baby again thanks to Jesus.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
God is merciful and forgiving to all who turn to him. Remember the thief on the cross and the Lords response. There is more joy in heaven over one sinner who turns then you can ever know. If you repent and believe you will find Jesus to be a perfect savior. May God bless you and keep you always in his care.
@jimmiemcgraw6199 Год назад
Check out Colossions 2:13-14 and Ephesians 1: 1-16
@matthewmoreau5426 Год назад
The feeling of recognizing of the Sin is a blessing my friend. Sending love and comfort
@chaselittle2601 Год назад
Stop having sex or get married. Take the teaching of Christ seriously and he will set you free.
@marshallcrawford5671 4 года назад
This was an amazing message, it brings so much peace in so many areas of our life to know that we can comfortably rest right now in Christ, and preach the good news without the burden of trying to convince people to believe, what they choose to reject, but instead preach like we are fishing for men, we throw the good news out, and whoever decides to take the bait, praise be to God, we will not carry the burden of trying to convince anyone about the truth of our Lord Jesus, because now we know and it is only by the power of God who can do that. God bless all of you.
@ZethieTail 7 лет назад
yeaterday was my bday on the 17th, pray for me for changes in my life and help, i need alot of help lol
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
@TownsendHamilton 5 лет назад
Love brother Jeff Durban . Blessings 🙏
@lifeisbetterwithjesus 6 лет назад
Very well explained on which can be a sensitive subject to believer and none believers. Very awakening. I pray that it opens hearts for all who watch this video.
@jeaninepetty4923 5 лет назад
I'm a non believer and this does not reach me.And I was a Christian for 45 years
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
Dear Jeff Durbin: Why then are we rewarded, and for what? “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”(Jer.17:10) ""Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man according to his work." (Rev.22:12)
@MGBetts1 5 лет назад
Calvinists like "bible, beer and tattoos pastor" Jeff have selective hearing when it comes to verses like that.
@davidochieng2975 4 года назад
We don't do anything to earn the salvation of the Lord, however, we serve God through works, which we will be rewarded for.
@tombo3689 Месяц назад
Why do always tears come to my eyes when i think about the grace of Jesus? I cant understand why Jesus revealed himself to me. I was never a religious man and i was very evil during my life. Except murder, raping and child abuse i did every other sin a million times. I even hated God and mocked all believers, called them filthy words. Why do I even deserve his mercy? Now i pray, i read the bible, i watch every day christian videos for hours and my character changed. But i still dont understand why Jesus came into my life. I was not worthy at all and i am not even sure i am worth it today. Why do i cry so often by thinking about Jesus and his mercy?
@gabechavez163 7 лет назад
I love you Jesus!!!
@plaintruth9179 6 лет назад
And remember freedom of choice that he gave also to the angels He gave also to man is one of the greatest love acts that a Creator can give to his creation we must always remember that.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
When the Angels left their first estate did they retain their freedom of choice? Jude tells us that they did not. Is it possible to Satan tomorrow will decide to worship God? The Bible says it is not. According to the Bible the fallen angels are not free to serve God. The difference is Christ came to save his people from their sin. He gave his life as a ransom for many. The Bible never tells us this of the Angels so the analogy fails. Grace and peace to you.
@ph50493 5 лет назад
@GetMooreProductions 7 лет назад
LOL Jeff do you have a Dwight shirt on with the beets? LOL Classic, sorry i just noticed that The Office shirt?
@mjolnir9855 2 года назад
Whosoever reads this would you please pray for my brother and my father’s Salvation? Larry Matthew & Larry Richard
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
Are you sure you are amongst the chosen? How can you be absolutely certain? Your god sounds very distant, a high and lofty king and ruler who has no children but only subjects. But you are not puppets on a string! You are not slaves, owned by some king who might, or might not, have mercy! You are made in His image! You are His beloved children! And with His Spirit living inside of you, you can know Him as your loving, strong and mighty Father. He loved you first, before you were even born! And when you truly love Him back, you know about His sovereignty and justice. Like a Father, He loves you! Like a Father He wants to guide and protect you! Like a Father He wants to have a relationship with you, based on love! He chose to make you in his own image as a precious son or daughter; you did not choose to make yourself! He loves ALL of His creation because “it was good,” and He IS love! His mercy endures forever! And, like a Father, He chastens whom He loves. His justice is just! He does not punish because He can. He does not harden hearts or blind eyes because He can. He does not show favouritism. He wishes that All of His precious creation would come into a loving relationship with Him. He wishes that all prodigal sons and daughters would turn back to Him! He gives many chances to His creation. Those who refuse to follow His loving, protecting guidelines and have been stubborn will be punished, blinded or hardened, the way He decides because He alone knows their hearts and true intentions! (1Sam.16:7) “Choose you this day whom you will serve.” (Josh.24) Like the prodigal son, we can choose to turn from evil and come back to a loving Father. In His love He will run towards us.
@jamessuits3876 5 лет назад
Mario Alleckna Ephesians 6:6 we are either slaves to sin or slaves to Christ!
@jamessuits3876 5 лет назад
Grace Marie Romans 9:10-14 before Jacob and Esau were born or had done anything good or bad God said he loved Jacob and hated Esau is there any Injustice with God certainly not. Grace, that is a beautiful name and it's a wonderful concept meaning" unmerited favor". Simply existing under the federal head of our father Adam we are deserving of death and eternal damnation no human being has ever or will ever deserve Grace that is why it is so beautiful .he chooses Those whom he will give it to even though they don't deserve it. when we here "Jacob I loved and Esau I hated". instead of wondering why God hated Esau we should wonder why God loved Jacob! Sister, if you have ever come across a scripture that you did not understand because it did not fit with what you already believed please keep digging .God's truth is in his word and he will reveal it to you .God bless!
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
Human sentimentality and Enlightenment philosophy are no substitute for the word of God.
@kayme2531 6 лет назад
Spot on anointed message as always my brother and I am eternally grateful for you and ministry...all praises to our mystic man Jesus "Yahshua". How absolutely amazing our Messiah is. 🕊🏳🌈🐝✝️🙏🏽✨. Amen WOW PURE LOVE - correct me father show me your way, not mine. I want to die of this flesh every second of every day. I AM YOURS. My goodness I'm honored to be in his presence...I certainly don't deserve one second...honored am I. Praying for all, please continue to pray for us. Safe travels to all as we do what God has commissioned .
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
God created things which had free will. That means creatures which can go either wrong or right. Dr. C. S. Lewis
@laurencastillo9741 6 лет назад
John 3:16. For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. That WHOSOEVER belives in Him might not perish but have everlasting life. He means everybody.
@coupage2836 6 лет назад
Look at that again......"God so Loved the world" - His creation, that Whosever believes in Him"- those that believe (not everyone) "shall not perish, but have everlasting life" Lauren peace be you.
@bobbypandaram289 6 лет назад
can i man believe GOD without GOD convicting him. no one seeks GOD
@ReformedRabbit 6 лет назад
The 'whosoevers' are the ones God the Father has promised to give to the son, in John chapter 6.
@rachaeltallamy3838 6 лет назад
Belief is a gift from God
@a.gadfly9109 6 лет назад
Whosoever believes means whosoever believes. And who believes? Only the regenerate because a dead blind captive child of Wrath is incapable of believing or doing anything else that is pleasing to God and remains that way until the son sets him free.
@KISStheSON... 6 лет назад
Jeff Durbin...Please, feel free to answer my questions! PEOPLE...God is calling EVERY ONE of us, every time we are in a horrible situation we can't see our way out of...We don't THINK to call on our SAVIOR, instead we resist the call, and take the problem on ourselves...and fail miserably! Next time, call on him...he's waiting for you! I hope your lives are blessed daily!
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
Does man have a choice? "If you repent, I will restore you." (Jer.15:19) "I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward a man according to his conduct, according to what his deeds deserve." (Jer.17:10) Enough said!
@christusomnipotens3751 5 лет назад
Man's choice is always to sin.
@christusomnipotens3751 5 лет назад
On top of the overly childish way of discussion.
@keithfuson7694 4 года назад
God our Saviour chooses His chosen ones: 1Cor1: 26-31 Eph1:4 Ph2:13 Ph1:6 1Th5:23,24 2Th2:13 Jam1:18
@lowellmayfield5736 5 лет назад
This is such a great sermon! Well done!
@yakosinnromero9398 6 лет назад
Thanks 🙏 That’s an awesome message.
@fcircuit 5 дней назад
For ordained by God
@MyXpi 6 лет назад
Amen! Brother! Preach on Sola Grace
@evanu6579 6 лет назад
Daniel Hunter I’d like to challenge you on his teachings of Calvinism. I believe it’s unbiblical. I hold to traditionalism. Let’s talk.
@mel8469 Месяц назад
@OneWayTruthLife 5 лет назад
No, we cannot love Jesus without His Helper, the Holy Spirit. After all, how can you love an invisible Being? However, we can choose to want to love Him. Therein lies our freedom to choose.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
So you say we can't love God in an unregenerate state but we can want to love him in an unregenerate state. Really? I got news for you my friend you cannot do what you do not want to do. Man's will or volition is according to man's desire. Genesis 3 tells us that Eve recognized that the fruit of the tree was desirable to make one wise and therefore took and ate and gave it to her husband who also took it and ate it. You better think about what you're saying. God is at least as much concerned with our desires as with their actions and the Bible says the unregenerate man is God's enemy. Do you expect anyone to believe than an unregenerate man can love his enemy? Even the desire to come to God is itself a gift of God. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble but even humility and obedience are God's gifts. In fact every good and perfect thing comes down from the Father of Lights according to scripture. You are so so wrong in your conjectures. Grace and peace to you.
@OneWayTruthLife 5 лет назад
@@a.gadfly9109 A. W. Tozer Sermon: The Responsibility of Choice Our Lord Jesus looked after the rich young ruler as he walked away, but He did not follow him or attempt to coerce him. The dignity of the young man's humanity forbade that his choices should be made for him by another. To remain a man he must make his own moral choices; and Christ knew this and permitted him to go his own chosen way. If his human choice took him at last to hell, at least he went there a man; and it is better for the moral universe that he should do so than that he should be jockeyed to a heaven he did not choose, a soulless, will-less automaton. God will take nine steps toward us, but He will not take the tenth. He will incline us to repent, but He cannot do our repenting for us. It is of the essence of repentance that it can only be done by the one who committed the act to be repented of. God can wait on the sinning man; He can withhold judgment; He can exercise long-suffering to the point where He appears "lax" in His judicial administration; but He cannot force a man to repent. To do this would be to violate the man's freedom and void the gift God originally bestowed upon him. Where there is no freedom of choice there can be neither sin nor righteousness, because it is of the nature of both that they be voluntary. However good an act may be, it is not good if it is imposed from without. The act of imposition destroys the moral content of the act and renders it null and void.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
Mario Alleckna First off I wrote two long posts refuting your previous post biblically and you did not respond to them at all I assume that's because you are unable to do so biblically. Secondly a w Tozer was a Mystic not a theologian. Whatever you do I hope and pray you don't get your theology from Mr Tozer. I've read Tozer and sometimes he says things that are good but sometimes he says things that are stupid. I read a statement by him that we could use a few more men like Charles Finney. Charles Finney was the beginning of the end for the Christian church. Because of Finney's manipulation tactics decision ISM replaced Christianity in the United States. The reason he supported Finney is because they were both emotionally-driven rather than Bible driven in their theology which means the death of Christianity. If you care to try to support your beliefs with the Bible I'd be happy to discuss it but obviously you're not able to do so. Grace and peace to you.
@plaintruth9179 6 лет назад
The beautiful thing about this as true Christians we can always agree to disagree and that's a wonderful thing and come back together and discuss it again.
@OneWayTruthLife 5 лет назад
I still am trying to understand why a Calvinist would think it robs God of glory if a person exercises free will given by a sovereign God. Looking at marriage, representing Christ and His Church, I sovereignly asked the one I love to marry me and sovereignly she answered “yes”. True love can only exist if rooted in freedom. Herein lies the quality of love. God freely loved first that we might freely love in return. He freely died for us that we might freely die for Him. We respond to Him! To God be the Glory!! (I have yet to find a true follower of Jesus Christ who does not give ALL glory to God!) The Calvinist clings to a humanistic definition of God’s sovereignty that denies God can be sovereign enough to create man with free will and still accomplish His will. The Calvinist god is weak, and thus must dictate and predetermine all things in advance. The Calvinist clings to a false (and weak) definition of God’s sovereignty that necessitates the denial of His Love. (After all, didn't He say that He wanted none to perish, and that He wishes that ALL would come to know His saving grace?) "You can never have love without intrinsically weaving into it the freedom of the will. If you are compelled by some machine to a certain decision, you can never love. You can comply but you will never be choosing to express that sentiment and the reality of love. If love is a supreme ethic, and freedom is indispensable to love, and God's supreme goal for us is that we will love Him with all of our heart and love our neighbours as ourselves, for Him to violate our free will, is to violate the necessary component that love can flourish, and love can be expressed. If you want compliance and some kind of mechanical response, your question will self-destruct." (Dr. R. Zacharias) No, we cannot love Jesus without His Helper, the Holy Spirit. After all, how can you love an invisible Being? However, we can choose to want to love Him. Therein lies our freedom to choose and the quality in love.
@truth7416 2 года назад
The Father draws all of mankind to understanding that God exists. (as in romans) Those that respond and do not reject that He exists, the Father sends to the Son for salvation because they are willing and desire salvation. That is why Jesus said I have lost none that the Father sent me. Meaning that if you desire Jesus, nothing can separate you from the saviour. The creation preaches to you every minute of the day. Man has no excuse to see that God exists by observing the creation! We sin because we have been given a choice. The gift of free will is dangerous, but that is what makes us created in the image of God as god describes us. We are created as thinking, creative spiritual beings that have minds and desires of our own. We can create or destroy, we can love or hate, we can heal or kill etc.( we are not little gods by the way) On Earth we have enemy's that trip us up. The devil and his demonic angels and their schemes. ( they usually come at us through people or directly into our mind with evil suggestions and desires. The flesh or body and its lusts drag us into wrong decisions. (sin) So why would God give us an ability that we can't fully handle? God made us for His pleasure. God wants a relationship with us as a friend, closer than a Earthly father or mother. He is not interested in a mindless, choiceless robot! The angels didn't do much better with their free will either. But once the life on Earth has passed we will are no longer tempted by any of these , we will sin no more. We will be like the Angels, our free will still be intact. New creatures in heaven. So life here on Earth is like a proving grounds for candidates of salvation. Some will fail and some will win, but that full control has been placed in the hands of every human and Angel that God has created! The truth is so simple, if you let it. That is why God said that unless you come to Him like a child. (open and wanting to learn) you will not see it. He didn't say unless you come to Him as a highly trained, educated, lawyer like intellectual.( who usually argue about stupid details and blind themselves to the truth because they really aren't interested in it. They just look at it as a intellectual game) It is my experience in spiritual matters, that the more education a person has, the less common sense they seem to have. Hope this is helpful to you. Oh by the way, Jeff Durbin is one of the slickest heretical teachers of the Cult of Reformed Calvinism alive today! You want truth? On youtube go to "What Love is this? Dave Hunt and Soteriology 101 Dr Flowers. TRUTH IN LOVE
@jefferylord3068 4 года назад
Pray that i stop acting a fool and get right!
@truthseeker502 6 лет назад
I've only just begun to watch this video, but already can see where it's heading. So I must pause now and interject... The "Bible" you are quoting says, "and no one knows the father except the son, and anyone to whom the son CHOOSES to reveal him."? If that is truley what that verse says that you are quoting, then it does not line up with what the KJV says, as the word CHOOSES is not in the KJV. Perhaps the "translators" of whatever version you are reading from purposely ADDED that word to skew the text to support the Calvinist doctrine that God chooses who is saved or not, rather than allowing whosoever will to choose to believe God and be saved as a result of his decision to trust in Christ for his salvation. Let's look at the King James: Matthew 11:27 KJV All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. First notice it does not say, "to whomsover the Son CHOOSES to reveal him, but WILL reveal him. You know that Jesus clearly stated in John chapter 3: John 3:14-18 KJV And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: [15] That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. [16] For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. [17] For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. [18] He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Jesus said nothing about choosing who would believe. He said whosoever would. That sounds like free will to me. Romans 10:13 KJV For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. But you say, but God predestined whom he would choose to be his elect. But the scripture must be read in its entirety to see who chose: Ephesians 1:5-12 KJV Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, [6] To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. [7] In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; [8] Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence; [9] Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: [10] That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: [11] In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: [12] That we should be to the praise of his glory, who FIRST trusted in Christ. So you see, God, before the world began decided (predestinated) CHOSE, looking down through the corridor of time after creation, to save those who would trust in Christ.
@sheriafairclough4801 6 лет назад
@ReformedRabbit 6 лет назад
Free will is ' the heart is wicked and deceitful above all things...' Free will is 'No one seeks after God, not one.' God's sovereignty is from John 6 etc etc, "ALL the Father has promised to give me will come to me."
@jamessuits3876 5 лет назад
So he had to look towards of time to see you would trust in him? That means he learned. Wow! And I thought God was omnipotent!
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
βούλομαι this Greek word means to will or purpose deliberately which is the same meaning as to choose. God does not look through time to make up his mind. You are gravely mistaken in both your understanding of God and your understanding of scripture. Obviously you're a King James onliest, probably an Independent Baptist which is a huge problem in itself. The 1611 King James, which no one uses by the way, had footnotes and Alternate readings and the translators recognized it to be one of a number of Possible English translations of the inspired Greek manuscripts. Only after the fact did it take on a life of its own like the Latin Vulgate that the Roman Catholics venerated and considered the only valid scriptures for nearly a thousand years. William Tyndale was martyred for translating the scriptures into English based on the same mentality as the King James only people. Think about it!
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
I've only begun to read your blog and already see where you're heading so I must pause and interject. I can tell already that you've bought into the King James only cult. My guess is you're a fundamentalist Baptist. I know all the apostles wrote in King James English and all but really? Myths can be useful but once they become untenable it should be given up. The 1611 King James had translator notes and Alternate readings Etc but the edited version that all the King James only people use is the Blaney revision from the late 1700s. No one really uses the 1611 King James, they just pretend or think they do. The King James version is fine but it shouldn't be put on a pedestal or setup as a standard like the Roman Catholics did with Jerome's Latin Vulgate translation for over a thousand years. We were warned in that same Bible not to nullify the word of God with our traditions.
@ervinmitchell2316 4 года назад
I like your stance on abortion Jeff
@antlers163 5 лет назад
It’s clear that some think they are the only ones going to heaven and everyone else is going to hell, and they relish and savor that thought.
@52RGD 5 лет назад
antlers 163, Are you referring to Calvinists? I think you are right..... But the sad fact is that Calvinism is an evil doctrine..... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Calvin's doctrine of 'Election and Predestination' is scriptural because it is in the bible..... However Calvin did not know the entirety of the doctrine and added his own understanding without scriptural support...... So Calvinism is Truth mixed with Lies..... which is more dangerous than Lies alone...... I have asked several Calvinists this question, which none of them were able to answer, because it was not taught by John Calvin who himself did not know the answer.... My Question : How did God Choose those whom He will save? Surely God have some basis for His choice.... He did not just pick them at random.... The Answer is: Of course God choose His own children... It is in the scriptures that there are two groups of people in this world, 'The Sheep and the goats' or 'The Wheat and the Tares'.... In the Parable of 'The wheat and Tares', Jesus Himself explained who are these two groups of people, and where did they come from... The 'Sheep or Wheat' are the true children of God, and they will be saved... The 'goats or tares' are of the devil and they are damned..... The Sheep or Wheat are the True children of God not only by creation but by HEREDITY.... I CAN PROVE THIS TO YOU IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.... The Sheep inherited the character of God, The goats inherited the character of the devil..... After the Fall of Adam and Eve, All the children of God are affected and inherited the fallen nature of Adam and Eve, they did not inherit the sin but the sinful nature.... That's why Jesus came to give His life for ransom to save the Elect.... (hope this clarifies you) The elects were fallen and they need to be saved.... There is no OSAS in the scriptures, it is the wrong understanding of John Calvin... All the elect will definitely be saved, not one will be lost.... John 17:12(KJV) ''While I was with them in the world, I kept them in your name: those that you gave me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the '''son of perdition'''; that the scripture might be fulfilled.'' (the son of perdition is Judas, he is not the child of God, but the son of perdition, a goat) Example of Goats : Cain, Judas, some of the pharisees, pharaoh in the time of Moses. Example of Sheep : Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, The apostles except Judas.... NOTE : The difference between the Sheep and the goats.... The Sheep though they are in the fallen state, they still love God and desire to please God, Not the goats, they don't love God but only their selves... (all of us are in fallen state; in sinful nature... but some love God and desire to please God, while others don't love God and don't desire to please God) Calvin's TOTAL DEPRAVITY is a false teaching..... The elect are NOT totally evil, but totally HELPLESS to overcome sin.... That's why we need Jesus Christ to save us, and we need to hear the true gospel because even though we are chosen, we are not aware of the gospel of Jesus Christ, unless we hear it from those who were sent to preach.... Look at Cain, he has no respect to God, he faced God with anger and blamed God for his sin of killing Abel.... How about John 3:16 ? John 3:16(NIV) ''For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.'' ''Whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life''==>>Only the Elect will believe because they are the True Children of God and Have the character of God.... The goats are of the devil, they hate God and don't have the ability to repent... Look at Judas, he prefer to hang himself than to repent of what he has done.... ''Go unto all the world and preach the gospel to all creatures''==>>Only the Sheep will believe the gospel and repent..... Thanks for reading....
@monadouc9368 2 года назад
So do our prayers for our loved ones to know Jesus matter then?
@laurencastillo9741 7 лет назад
im going to listen to his sermon first before responding with a thought. The title caught me off guard because it raised a red flag.
@NoeGonzalez7 7 лет назад
Cause of the calvinism?
@lukeassande7792 7 лет назад
Castle Charm I encourage you to listen to the scriptures he uses and if you disagree, question your presuppositions
@NoeGonzalez7 7 лет назад
or just read 1 John 2:2
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
Stumbling Saint 1st John 2:2 was written to a specific audience. This is the meaning of not ours only but the sins of the whole world. Does this mean that Jesus died for the sins of every single individual on the face of the Earth past present and future? Think hard in light of the rest of the Bible before you answer. Have everyone's sins been propitiated? Do you understand the meaning of propitiation? Grace and peace to you.
@theburningelement.6447 4 года назад
He who comes to me I will in no wise cast out.
@keithfuson7694 4 года назад
And its God the Father who draws the chosen ones to the Saviour. People don't come on their own initiative. God is the only Saviour from beginning to end.
@CamiDiscerns 3 года назад
And those who come to Him are called by Him. We WONT come to Him without His call.
@CamiDiscerns 3 года назад
No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day. John 6:44 Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began 2 Timothy 1:9 We are saved by Grace. Grace isn't our doing, we don't create our own Grace. Grace is a gift from God.
@shaunwilliams2312 5 лет назад
The bible describes 2 scenarios: -A person's heart being hardened by God (a.k.a. given over to a reprobate mind/lusts) -A person's heart of stone being replaced by a heart of flesh Implication is very important in dealing with topics like these to get a clearer understanding. The first implies that the person did have a soft heart that was open to hear and receive the gospel if they decided of their own free "God-given" will. You can't hardened something that's already hard (or given over if you were already given over to begin with). The second describes someone who started out with a heart of stone and was replaced with a heart of flesh upon conversion. The first deals with the willingness to hear and receive the gospel and the second to a person receiving salvation by grace. I've never heard a calvinist explain when a person is selected for salvation and when for damnation so I'm just going to assume that sense it was always meant for some to live and some to perish that right at conception they were either doomed or saved before they were even born. So with that being the case those selected for damnation should have always have hardened heart, but the bible does not teach that. We must stay in line with scripture and understand the implications as well as context all have to line up with the bible as well. God bless
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
Dear mr. Williams I think you're confusing judicial hardening with the total depravity that all men are born with. The Bible says God hardened Pharaoh's heart but that doesn't mean that Pharaoh was a morally upright God-fearing man prior to God's hardening his heart. The point is God didn't want pharaoh to let the children of Israel go because he had determined to make his power known and demonstrate his greatness as it says in Romans 9. Now Pharaoh as an ordinary sinner even though he didn't want to let the children of Israel go might have relented after two or three plagues just to save his own skin but the Lord hardened his heart and Pharaoh also hardened his own heart, so that he would not let the children of Israel go to serve their God even after many plagues because God wanted to fulfill his ultimate purpose which in essence was his own self glorification. I understand you're quite unfamiliar with calvinist Doctrine so it's not surprising that your assumption about what they believe is wrong. Total depravity does not mean that someone is as bad as they could possibly be. It means that they're total being, that is their Spirit soul and body are all dominated by sin so that they are incapable of pleasing God. No one is saved before they are born. The elect come into the world as "children of Wrath like the rest" to use the Bible term. Salvation happens in time and cannot be conflated with election which happens in eternity. The Apostle used the expression "when it pleased God to reveal his son in me". Salvation is of the Lord including the timing of it but it is not to be confused with election. Hopefully this clears up some of your confusion. Grace and peace to you.
@tylerbuckner3750 5 лет назад
I’m here for the Dwight Shrute shirt under the suit blazer. Solid choice. 😆👌🏻
@jessica16Lpurple 3 года назад
I was like I can’t be the only one who noticed 🤣🤣
@ChazBell Год назад
Do you know how many comments I had to read through to find the first mention of the shirt????😂
@tylerbuckner3750 Год назад
@@ChazBell Great minds...
@ChazBell Год назад
@@tylerbuckner3750 yes, indeed!
@bradyspears2723 6 лет назад
@OneWayTruthLife 2 года назад
God knew that Esau would make bad choices. And God knew that Jesus would end up "drinking the cup." However, just because God knew doesn't mean He programmed (chose) Esau or Jesus to do these things. Just because God travels the future and therefore knows what people will do, doesn't mean He always manipulates the future. Did you know that your own sin doesn't condemn you? It's Adam's sin that condemns us. We were condemned before we were conceived. Adam passed on a sin-gene to all people. It is therefore in our blood to be sinners. God did not create some to be sinners and others to be saved. It was Adam's sin that was passed on to all of humanity. It is literally in our blood to be sinners from birth. "Surely I was brought forth in iniquity; I was sinful when my mother conceived me." (Ps.51:5) "Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone (sin-gene), but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone." (Rom.5:18) “Today when you hear his voice, don’t harden your hearts (a choice to be made) as Israel did when they rebelled.” (Heb.3:15) There is no righteous judgement unless people are given a choice. God IS just!
@jeremycbarnhart2305 3 года назад
Jeff, if there is AT ALL a chance to meet, have a coffee, and learn from you sometime... I wish to share righteousness and the word of God with those around me.
@rkirkpatrick01 7 лет назад
I love Jeff and his ministry, but the reason you have to have such a lesson, is because it militates against what the Bible actually and clearly says. "Choose this day..." who chooses? "Repent and believe...", who repents? who believes? "Call on the name..." Who calls? Further, and worse, predeterminism undermines, Justice and Righteousness, the foundations of the throne of God. So it's not that God has become unrighteous, but the predetermined have no foundation for justice and Righteousness, or mercy, grace, and all that results from that foundation. (much the way atheist don't)
@paulkillian7677 7 лет назад
Can you give me Scripture that says man has the power, in the flesh, to obey God?
@rkirkpatrick01 7 лет назад
P K your avoiding the issue, which means you see the problem. Justice presupposes freewill.
@karinjmeister 7 лет назад
God gives grace to who? (the humble) and resists who? (the proud) its not a mystery people.. He doesn't "randomly" choose.. the children of Israel were given for our example. read your old testament and STOP taking the NT out of context!!
@paulkillian7677 7 лет назад
You are simply saying that God commands people to do things, this in no way addresses whether God chooses them or not. How does God commanding people to do things address whether God chooses them or not?
@paulkillian7677 7 лет назад
And why did God chose Israel, because they were humble?
@mrldr1595 2 года назад
Praying buddy
@Emeticful 5 лет назад
I find it hard to understand why God hardens hearts because it seems to contradict that God wants everyone to be saved. Of course we deserve nothing and since God is good all he does is good, but I would still like to understand this on a deeper level. This truth should be seen as primarily glorious if we truly understood it, not hard, and since we were created to know God it's reasonable to say this is able to be understood.
@OneWayTruthLife 5 лет назад
I never argued that we could live the life God intends for us by our own will and power. It is simply impossible! (I have, in fact, written an article why it is impossible to live the Christian life without any help; i.e. without the Holy Spirit.) What I am saying is that we can choose to go to Him humbly, asking for help. The issue is a fundamental one. From what I have read, and by the way Wikipedia has done a good job explaining what Calvinism is, God predetermined who gets saved, and who doesn't. "Unconditional election" asserts that God has chosen from eternity those whom he will bring to himself not based on foreseen virtue, merit, or faith in those people; rather, his choice is unconditionally grounded in his mercy alone. God has chosen from eternity to extend mercy to those he has chosen and to withhold mercy from those not chosen. Those chosen receive salvation through Christ alone. Did God create Adam and Eve to eat from the tree, or did they freely choose to do it? What has changed? Has God changed? (Of course, God knew they would do it because He has travelled the future. However, knowing the future doesn't automatically mean influencing the future.) If we say that God created a certain number of people with the ability to obey, and also a certain number of people to disobey, whereby being cursed through His choosing, then we are saying that we don't really have a choice in what matters. You say that, although God has ordained who gets saved, we still get to make choices. Again, that seems like creating Turkeys to be slaughtered, and Peacocks for your Garden, and then asking all of these birds "who wants to be a Peacock?" Or allowing someone who is sentenced to the electric chair to choose the type of pants he/she wants to wear when dying. Again, fundamentally, there is no quality in being loved by a creation that has no other choice. And loving God, as we both know, is the first and greatest command! No, we cannot even love Jesus without His Helper, the Holy Spirit. After all, how can you love an invisible Being? However, we can choose to want to love Him. Therein lies our freedom to choose.
@thelazyguitarist1628 6 лет назад
If you write it, they will come.
@Sunbear415 5 лет назад
Can we be predestined by God, yet still given free will? Just asking.....be gentle.....
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
You can be predestined by God and have volition. Unfortunately, people have been deceived into thinking that people have an autonomous free will that can act contrary to their nature which is a great falsehood. The human will or volition is one aspect of the human soul. In fact it is the last of man's faculties that is engaged. Genesis 3:6 "When the woman saw that the tree produced fruit that was good for food, was attractive to the eye, and was desirable for making one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate it." She also gave some of it to her husband who was with her, and he ate it. Do you see how it works? 1st knowledge and sense perception 2nd desire and affection finally volition and choice ( she took and ate ). Our choices are related to our nature, our character, our abilities, our interests, our knowledge and every other thing that make up who we are. Even God has a nature and acts according to his divine nature. The Bible tells us that it is impossible for God to lie. Why? God is Holy and cannot act contrary to his holy nature and remain God. This should not be viewed as a weakness or lack in God but as part of God's greatness. Man also has a nature and always acts within his nature. In fact every creature under Heaven has a nature. A bird can fly according to its nature but it cannot fly to the moon. A man cannot fly at all because that is contrary to his nature but because he is a rational creature you can build a machine that he can fly to the moon. You see we can do what is within our nature and we do not have an autonomous free will that can act willy-nilly or do anything at anytime. Is the devil free to suddenly fall down before Jesus and worship God almighty? No because that is contrary to his evil nature. I hope this has been helpful. I took your question very seriously and desire to be respectful in answering it. I hope this was helpful and understandable. If you have any other questions I would be happy to help if I'm able. Grace and peace to you.
@OneWayTruthLife 5 лет назад
LastCAPatriot The Bible teaches that there are 2 places, which God predestined for people - Heaven or Hell. God created us with a free will. (There were 2 trees in the Garden!) If we were programmed to only do the right thing the second tree would have been a waste. Just because Adam and Eve made a wrong choice doesn't mean we have been turned into robots and lost the ability to choose! And if, as many claim, since the fall we now can only choose evil (not a real choice!) that would mean God changed His original creation, which came with REAL choice. (Is there any Scripture stating that God changed His mind?) God IS love. However, true love can only exist in freedom. Therein lies the quality of our relationship with God, that we freely choose to love Him back. (A woman with a gun to her head might tell you whatever..., but is it true?) Jesus knocks on the door of our heart, He doesn't bulldoze in. We get to choose to answer by opening the door. He calls us, and then we yield or don't. Jesus called Peter, He did not force or somehow make him follow. And the Bible does NOT say that Peter was given a new heart first, before following Jesus. The fact is, throughout the Bible people had to make choices. Joshua asked his people to "choose this day whom you will serve." Do we still have to make right choices as believers today? Are we facing temptations? John said, "I must decrease so that He can increase." This is true for us today. However, we are not forced or coerced into decreasing so that the Holy Spirit can increase in us. We must choose to decrease. On the topic of choices and Hell, by Lee Strobel from his book, "The Case for Faith" Another aspect of Hell that's especially troubling to people is that it's duration is eternal. But what if Hell didn't last forever? Instead, what if God annihilated people - that is, snuffed them out of existence - instead of forcing them to be consciously separated from Him forever and ever? "Surely," I said to Moreland, "that would be more humane than an eternity of regret and remorse." "Believe it or not, everlasting separation from God is morally superior to annihilation," he replied. "Why would God be morally justified in annihilating somebody? The only way that's a good thing would be the end result, which would be to keep people from experiencing the conscious separation from God forever. Well, then you're treating people as a means to an end. "It's like forcing people to go to Heaven. What you're saying is, 'The thing that really matters is that people no longer suffer consciously, so I'm going to snuff this person out of existence in order to achieve that end.' Do you see? That's treating the person as a means to an end. "What Hell does is recognize that people have intrinsic value. If God loves intrinsic value, then He has got to be a sustainer of persons, because that means He is a sustainer of intrinsic value. He refuses to snuff out a creature that was made in His own image. So in the final analysis, Hell is the only morally legitimate option. God doesn't like it, but He quarantines them. This honors their freedom of choice. He just will not override that. In fact, God considers people so intrinsically valuable that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer and die so that they can, if they choose, spend eternity in Heaven with Him." I have also posted: A. W. Tozer Sermon: The Responsibility of Choice. Enjoy, and Blessings to you.
@Sunbear415 5 лет назад
Kevin Carney Thank you Sir
@Sunbear415 5 лет назад
Mario Alleckna Thank you Sir
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
LastCAPatriot It is my pleasure to help you in any way I can my dear brother. Unfortunately Mario doesn't know what he's talking about and is giving you false information. Read my other posts that I have in dialogue with Mario and judge for yourself who is speaking truthfully and who is being honest with a text when the Bible is used. Mario is confusing many things and is not rightly dividing the word of Truth as we are commanded to do. His misconceptions and false thinking have been refuted so completely that now he won't even respond to my posts. Lord willing, you will continue to study scripture and believe what it says. Please continue to listen to Jeff Durbin, he is a God-fearing man who is true to scripture and speaks the true word. Another person on RU-vid who could be helpful to you is James White. He is very knowledgeable about scripture and rightly divides the word of God. Please feel free to post to me and ask any questions you like and, by the grace of God, I will give you an honest answer from the Bible. May the Lord richly bless you in your walk with him. Grace and peace to you.
@carlospadron488 6 лет назад
Apologia can you answer me please...I respect you brothers and what you do is amazing I learn a lot from you..but I just want your thoughts on what I asked please
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
What are your questions bro?
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
Apologia: Anyone..., have you ever struggled with temptation? Did you have to battle your thoughts? Did you have to make the right choice? Or was it just a walk in the park telling the devil, your thoughts, your temptations, to get lost because you were wired to just do the right thing? How can it be that Job was a blameless man before God? Was he wired (programmed) to be blameless? Did he battle to remain blameless, or was he pre-chosen to stand firm? Your doctrine causes people to say: "Why bother praying hard and seeking Him, since God picks and chooses anyway. Who knows if I'll be picked since there is nothing, really, that I can do." Your doctrine causes people to stop battling, pursuing, knocking, seeking, pressing onward...
@peterchiavelli1648 3 года назад
Calvinism is a cult and not the gospel. Wake up. When you add to the bible it's man. Romans 10:9-10
@andrewmatthews5825 7 лет назад
Romans 10:8-13 KJVS [8] But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; [9] That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [11] For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. [12] For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. [13] For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. WHOSEVER!!!!!! Calvinism refuted period! Stop following doctrines of men! Jeff Durbin I love your ministry that reaches out to planned parenthood and the Mormons. But saying that God chooses people that should be saved??? 1 Timothy 2:3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. God desires ALL to be saved! What do not understand about all? Repent of Calvinism sir. It's a false Gospel. Follow Christ not John Calvin.
@andrewmatthews5825 7 лет назад
Matthew 15:6-9 KJV [6] And honour not his father or his mother, he shall be free . Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition. [7] Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, [8] This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. [9] But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
@andrewmatthews5825 7 лет назад
Hebrews 2:9 KJVS [9] But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. "FOR EVERY MAN!" Not "Jesus chooses who he saves" Jeff I gave you 3 passages of scripture that refute the lie that you are preaching and there are many more.
@TheCrushmaster 7 лет назад
>And yes Mormonism is a cult, but so is Calvinism.< How is Jeff Durbin a Christian if Calvinism is a cult and a false gospel? That makes no sense. I don't agree with Calvinism, but it's completely orthodox and affirms salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ.
@andrewmatthews5825 7 лет назад
TheCrushmaster yea maybe calling it a cult is a bit to far.
@oracleoftroy 7 лет назад
Andrew Matthews - _"WHOSEVER!!!!!!"_ You really need a dictionary if you think that one little word is some entire philosophical and theological treatise for LFW (over other theories of freewill) and against God's sovereign choice. Paul is describing "whosoever" believes, yes, but not how they became the whosoever that believes. Paul already gave that answer in the previous chapter, Rom 9: *_15_*_ For he says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” _*_16_*_ So then it depends _*_not on human will_*_ or exertion, but _*_on God_*_, who has mercy._ NOT ON HUMAN WILL!
@bimosunupoernomo7120 Год назад
Is that it contrary to the Bible? Or this is NEW CHRIDTIANITY?
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
the reason that they dont hear, is that they love their sin.....and as such.....then God hardens.....but what has already been hardened by these individuals....once again Pharaoh....
@3tst 7 лет назад
Foreknowledge is different than presdestined. God know the past/present/future and already knows whose names is written in the book of life but he has let man choose. Free will.
@Jumper727 6 лет назад
Love the work you do but this frozen chosen crap makes me wonder.... God gives all of us specific instructions on what to do. Because Calvin changed or gave his opinion doesn't negate Gods instructions and promises.
@googlereplier8681 5 лет назад
So true! God has chosen but it’s based on our response to the Gospel and all have a chance. Too bad most love their sin too much to get out of the street before the traffic gets them. So simple yet takes a miracle from God only through forsaking sin and taking up Jesus. Even some humble 3 year old gets it.
@ShawnMichaelLord 5 лет назад
Your not seeing it....? Isahia confessed who he was, then he was given grace, atonement to be 1 with God again IN THE HEART NOT JUST THE MIND. .
@ShawnMichaelLord 5 лет назад
If it's crap then cook up a sermon then friend.....
@ShawnMichaelLord 5 лет назад
The Book Of Opinions Opinions chapter 7, verse 11 Love the work you do but this frozen chosen crap makes me wonder.....GOD GIVES US SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS ON WHAT TO DO.
@DruMorgan 7 лет назад
Oh, how controversial - you think that the God of the Universe can actually do what He wants without waiting for man's approval? That is just crazy talk. My god always sends me a proposed schedule and lets me make notes for him before he does anything. Any God that is sovereign over creation just won't cut it in today's market. We need a god that meets the needs of man, certainly not one that would violate their desire to sin, changing their hearts, giving them new life against their will or anything like that.
@TheCrushmaster 7 лет назад
Men have the desire to sin because God wanted them to, so this argument is bankrupt. If creatures only act according tp their nature, then logically Adam's nature was inclined towards sin. We are all damned via the Fall. Why? Because we all would done what Adam did. If we all would have done what Adam did, then his sin was inevitably determined, and we are thus all damned because God wanted us to be. That is definitely just and loving to damn billions of people for doing what you designed them to do.
@DruMorgan 7 лет назад
FEELSonWHEELS weird how people who make up their own version of God think they have a relationship with him.
@CBALLEN 7 лет назад
Amen Dru.The world still hates God and the Christ of the Bible.
@CBALLEN 7 лет назад
Right,God bound both Jews and Gentiles in sin so that He alone could save them. Romans 11;For God has bound up all in disobedience, that He may show mercy to all. This is Paul speaking to the Gentiles about the Jews,ALL or all men means that Jesus died for ,not only the JEWS,but Gentiles too,but this doesn't mean every individual Jew and Gentile.It can be said by taking all of scripture together speaking on this subject,that Jesus died for MANY of all men.The people that Christ died for were written on His hand.Do you think that any of the names of those written on His hand will end up in Hell? No,His blood was the payment for every sin of every person that He died for and 100% of those will be with Him because of it .I was forgiven and saved by Christ at the cross,then 22 years ago God changed my heart so that I would believe it,and I would know what a great and wonderful thing my God had done for me long before I was ever born.He chose me,sent Christ to die for me and directed my steps my whole life through sin and tragedy to finally lead to the point where He brought me to Himself and changed my heart from being dead in sin,to alive in Christ,now He causes me daily to repent and believe and even when I'm faithless,He is faithful and this is how it is with all God's people.
@TheCrushmaster 7 лет назад
@Tim: No, I don't think that anyone Christ died for will end up in Hell. I just think He only died for those conditionally elected, not unconditionally elected, because unconditional election has no basis whatsoever for man's responsibility.
@iulia1690 6 лет назад
Do you think that John the Baptist could have been Michael the Archanghel?
@jschram84 7 лет назад
Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica
@JGSH13 7 лет назад
jschram84 identity theft is not a joke, Jim!
@jeffreyahrndt9619 6 лет назад
"Michael!" "Oh that's funny Jim. MICHAEL!!!"
@jasonmangum5216 6 лет назад
So Funny man... The Office. I
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
I think we are doing a great disservice to our loving God who gave His Son to rescue His creation, if we simply depict Him as a God who can do whatever He wants. Such a description is much more fitting for a Tyrant leader in some dictatorship. The God of the Bible certainly is all-powerful, a great King and Ruler, which those Christians who have decided to built a box for Him with “Grace only” written on it, seem to ignore. (God is far too BIG to fit into any box!) Yes, He is a great King and Ruler, but He also IS love, and He is compassionate, wanting none to perish. After all, He loves His creation! In His mercy He calls us to knock and seek, promising that anyone who seeks Him will find Him. Those who have answered the call with truthfulness realize their own wretchedness before Him. Falling on their knees they repent. Now, with the Holy Spirit in them, they have become a New Creation, born of the Spirit. Guided, and empowered by Him, they humbly walk in gratefulness under His Grace, always ready to Glorify Him alone for His mercy and love.
@toddcote4904 5 лет назад
Hi Mario, I've read some of your posts. I'd consider you a brother in Christ and I hope you will consider me one as well. I hold a more Calvinistic view and would like to answer some of your difficult questions. Please only ask one at a time of me, and I'll ask one at a time for you. Please don't take a difficult question I raise, as attacking you personally, I don't mean to do that. I don't have an axe to grind with anyone. I only mean to try and press a question to the theology so we can understand why we believe what what we believe. Fair enough? My question In Rev 5:9 - And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll, And to open its seals; For You were slain, And have redeemed us to God by Your blood Out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, Do you see the blood of Jesus as the actual sacrifice that purchases/ redeems mens souls as individuals?
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
What makes Calvinism dangerous? It takes away from what our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, FREELY CHOSE to do, which is to take the sins of the whole World upon Himself, being mocked, beaten and crucified like a criminal FOR YOU AND I! Do you not think He could have chosen not to? Do you really believe He had no choice??
@PaxMundi118 Год назад
Baptism now saves us!
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
Joel: To give glory to God because you have no other choice holds little quality. A Robot who tells me he loves me because he is programmed to do so... Very sad!! Me thinks God wants quality in a relationship!
@robertfishter2862 2 года назад
Did you listen to the passages of scripture Pastor Jeff used?
@kylealandercivilianname2954 7 лет назад
If he chooses who he saves then why would he ask us to repent if he already did it for us? Your Calvinism is inevitably self refuting by logical terms
@YoshiOST 7 лет назад
Do you believe that "Christians" that do not repent of their sin are born again? What makes a person born again? I think the God uses his means for his purpose and that's the gist of it.
@lawrencestanley8989 7 лет назад
Kyle and Alfredo: Since God has chosen to work out His will of salvation through the means of preaching (1 Corinthians 1:21, Romans 10:14-17), the gospel goes out to all men (Matthew 13:24-30, 28:19-20); you must come to Jesus in repentance in order to be saved (Matthew 4:17, Philippians 2:8-11, Romans 6:16, John 6:37, Romans 10:9-13), but no one can come to Jesus in repentance unless the Father first compels him with an irresistible superiority based on His choice born of lovingkindness (John 6:44, 63-65, Acts 13:48, 2 Thessalonians 2:13-15, Ephesians 2:8). God must compel him to come to the Savior because on his own, man neither desires to seek after God, nor does he even have the ability to do so (Romans 3:10-18, 1 Corinthians 2:14). Since God chooses man for salvation, and not the other way around, the calling of God goes specifically to whom He has chosen (John 8:47), and when the Father compels him to come to the Savior, he will most certainly come; the Savior then loses none of those who are given to Him by the Father, either through their own means or through the means of another, and He will raise it up on the last day (John 6:37-40). If you are willing (Isaiah 1:19), it is only because God has MADE you willing (John 6:44).
@NoeGonzalez7 7 лет назад
You repent of your unbelief, you repent from what you are trusting in or believing in before you trust in his work or believe in him to save you. You can't clean yourself up to be saved or before he will save you. He came to call the sick not the healthy. You go to the Dr. cause you are sick not after you are well.
@NoeGonzalez7 7 лет назад
When does God know you're saved?
@Yesica1993 7 лет назад
@ Kyle Alander CivilianName295 "If he chooses who he saves then why would he ask us to repent if he already did it for us?" I think part of the issue is that HE knows who those person are, but WE don't! So we 1) repent ourselves, and 2) also preach to others. Sitting around wondering, "Is this person elect?" is pointless. If someone hears the Word and they are truly converted, then we know they were. But some people finally come to Christ at the end of their lives. I don't know why some people waste so much time and energy on something that we just can't know for certain. Our job is to preach the Word to everyone. Christ does the rest. What I've seen is that people love to latch onto this as an excuse to 1) not repent and turn to Christ themselves and 2) not share the gospel with others.
@sscliche 6 лет назад
So then, not everyone can be saved? This breaks my heart. This sounds like one can't change and be saved.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
This is a misunderstanding of what Jeff and the Bible teach. Anyone who truly wants to be saved can be saved because even the desire to come to Christ is a gift of Christ. Jesus said anyone who comes to me I will in no wise cast out. The truth is there are men who will never have any interest in coming to Christ but any who do will find him to be a perfect savior.
@LitoLochoss Год назад
@@a.gadfly9109 John 6:44 God draws them to Christ
@SOULSafeProductionZ 7 лет назад
If Jesus chooses whom He saves why would He offer salvation to everyone. Of course God knows who ultimately will receive Him, but to say He chooses whom He will save...In other words if I declare that I confess with my mouth (truly) Christ as my Lord & Saviour and believe fully in my heart that He rose from the dead, BUT Jesus did not choose me as one to be saved, I'm still damned to hell? I'm sorry, Jeff. I admire greatly your evangelistic style and your apologia, but I don't care how much (so called) "proof" you provide, to say that God doesn't mean exactly what He says in John 3:16, you're saying He's a liar...Liar and God don't belong in the same sentence.
"If I declare that I confess with my mouth (truly) Christ as my Lord & Saviour and believe fully in my heart that He rose from the dead, BUT Jesus did not choose me as one to be saved, I'm still damned to hell?" I was waiting for someone to say this. Right there is my major problem with Calvinist doctrine. Romans 10:9 says that if one does these things you mentioned, you shall be saved. Not *might* be saved, or saved if you happen to be on the special guest list, but *SHALL* be saved. Some people obviously think this part of scripture must be wrong.
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
The problem with these Calvinists is that they say ALL people are "wired" (programmed) to be and do evil, and that, on your own, you cannot make that right choice. Sounds like Robots to me! A God who IS perfect worshipped by Robots? I think not!
@belgarion5570 7 лет назад
if you confess and believe (truly), then you were obviously chosen and among the elect... so what's your complaint, again?
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
So what you're saying is that God programmed you to confess Jesus? Wow, you're a robot! O to be worshiped by robots..., such quality!....And then there is that guy (Joshua) who obviously didn't know what you know when he asked the people to "choose you this day whom you will serve." As if they can really choose, right??? And of course there is no spiritual battle where we must choose. The Bible is obviously wrong about a spiritual battle, right? And when Jesus did not give into satan's temptations He did not really have to battle, cause He was programmed to do the right thing, right? What makes Calvinism dangerous? It takes away from what our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, FREELY CHOSE to do, which is to take the sins of the whole World upon Himself, being mocked, beaten and crucified like a criminal FOR YOU AND I! Do you not think He could have chosen not to? Do you really believe He had no choice? Do you think it was just a given what He did? Do you think He was programmed like a robot? ... just a walk in the park without a real battle to do the Father's will? O Lord forgive them!
@plaintruth9179 6 лет назад
Remember I'm only disagreeing on this aspect of Jeff and his preaching on the subject. I do commend him and dr. James White who I know they are good friends on the great work that they are doing trying to get and help Muslims Mormons Jehovah Witnesses and trying to bring them out of that environment that will ultimately Doom then so this is just a comment on a particular subject not on the person thank you and God bless.
@philipbuckley759 3 года назад
just who is it....saying, this is unfair.....anyone that reads the text would understand the reason, for this hardening....you mentioned it, yourself.....sinful people, not willing to listen or to understand.....so.....have it your way, be blind.....etc...
@IPRF 6 лет назад
Pure heresy 👎
@OneWayTruthLife 2 года назад
Did God create the angel who became satan? Did He create and predestine him for the purpose of tricking Eve? Why would God punish the devil for fulfilling what he was created for? Does that sound righteous? Ah, but God can do whatever He wants. He is sovereign, you might argue. Does that sound like the God of the Bible, the God who is Love? Or does that sound more like a human dictator?
@christophermartsolf1092 2 года назад
You sound like you're more ready to defend Satan than God. Which is why Satan is so deceiving. Satan had a choice, but he chose evil. Satan is no different than you or I. We all choose
@digimonrocks123 7 лет назад
The fact that Christians believe this kind of stuff is so sad.. What a shame.
@storyofscripture 7 лет назад
chargersfan4life the fact you dont believe is a tragedy and foolish.
@digimonrocks123 7 лет назад
@benjaminAllen how is that a tragedy or even foolish at all? I go out and tell people about the gospel because i believe everyone has a chance. instead, you think you are better than everyone else and for some reason God just randomly chose you because you are greater?? smh. I love everyone and i want EVERYONE to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. he died for EVERYONE. PS. take the log out of your own eye.
@storyofscripture 7 лет назад
Please understand, God is outside of time, so therefore before we choose Him, He chose us first! To make salvation dependent humans would imply somehow that John 6 isn't true. The bible is true so therefore, God cannot lose anyone he saves. I'm not saying to preach only to those who you think will be believers, may it never be! However, instead we should know that it is truly by His grace alone that saves, through faith when only revealed by the Father!
@GetMooreProductions 7 лет назад
Just b/c he died for every1 doesn't mean every1 is saved. The father draws them near and cannot be snatched from his hand.
@digimonrocks123 7 лет назад
That literally makes no sense. Why would he be angry with the people on earth and send a flood and destroy everyone in sodom and gomorrah if God knew he didn't open their hearts? Of course they are wicked people if you never open their hearts. Those stories make no sense if we are all just chosen.
@dallaskinard3143 7 лет назад
I like Jeff, but his theology is way off on this one. Free will either exists, or it doesn't. You can't have it both ways. Where do innocent babies go when they die? Hell if they are not elect, according to Calvinism. How utterly despicable.
@lisaedwards8640 6 лет назад
Dallas Kinard ** babies are far from age of accountability. IN addition sinless and haven't heard GOSPEL of GOD AND CHRIST. Accountability begins some say at age 8 but depending on child when they consciously choose to sin and know what wrong is and yet choose it.
@jacsmomma1589 6 лет назад
+Lisa Edwards after the Exodus the Israelites were promised by God not to enter the new land. the children who were even of age 19 at the time were allowed in after 40 years. they were not accountable by God for the elders actions. Jewish culture men don't teach maturity until 30 years of age.
@jacsmomma1589 6 лет назад
+Lisa Edwards babies go to heaven for sure and many children older than you might think. God is a pure holy and perfect judge friend and father. People go to hell because they know truth and don't want it and deny it. Pharisee were warned. Paul was a Pharisee and led astray. he thought he was doing right. Jesus set him on the correct path. this is why Jesus addresses the Pharisee saying "you make them twice the son of hell" the people that go are fully aware and unashamed of their sin and don't want a savior. this is what pride is. it comes before the fall to hell. this is what makes them blind. they are blind to their own need. it took me a long time to come to terms that some people just don't want Jesus. they choose the absence of love. Gods presence is here on earth. every good and perfect gift comes from God in whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning. God says be still and know that I am God. there is no variableness. He would not have you all over the place looking and hunting for Him. Jesus is the Word of God. so surely He always has something to share. Jesus never turned anyone away who asked for healing. The opposition never asked for help. they asked questions to tripJesus up or to ridicule Him. God bless you
@jacsmomma1589 6 лет назад
+Lisa Edwards oops reach not teach. word correction grrr
@michaela5646 6 лет назад
Just another harlot pastor in a harlot church making money off Jesus.
@CBALLEN 7 лет назад
Eph 2;4 But[c] God, being rich in mercy, God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved- Paul,while speaking to Ephesian BELIEVERS is explaining to them why they are believers and it is because God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved US(speaking to those Ephisian believers and all believers who hear it)Here is the kicker ,even when we were dead in our trespasses,(Dead in sin,not knowing or caring about Christ),God made US alive together with Christ-by grace(UNMERRITED FAVOR) you have been saved- .So while we were dead in our sin ,not knowing or caring for Christ,God made us spiritually alive,BORN AGAIN,WE WERE CHANGED FROM DEATH TO LIFE the moment HE made us alive.This is why dead in sin sinners can't choose to choose Christ,they are spiritually dead.The Arminian scheme has dead sinners seeking God AND CHOOSING CHRIST,when scripture tells us NOONE SEEKS GOD,NONE ARE GOOD.
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
Jeff Durbin, check it out! A. W. Tozer: "Our Lord Jesus looked after the rich young ruler as he walked away, but He did not follow him or attempt to coerce him. The dignity of the young man's humanity forbade that his choices should be made for him by another. To remain a man he must make his own moral choices; and Christ knew this and permitted him to go his own chosen way. If his human choice took him at last to hell, at least he went there a man; and it is better for the moral universe that he should do so than that he should be jockeyed to a heaven he did not choose, a soulless, will-less automaton. God will take nine steps toward us, but He will not take the tenth. He will incline us to repent, but He cannot do our repenting for us. It is of the essence of repentance that it can only be done by the one who committed the act to be repented of. God can wait on the sinning man; He can withhold judgment; He can exercise long-suffering to the point where He appears "lax" in His judicial administration; but He cannot force a man to repent. To do this would be to violate the man's freedom and void the gift God originally bestowed upon him. Where there is no freedom of choice there can be neither sin nor righteousness, because it is of the nature of both that they be voluntary. However good an act may be, it is not good if it is imposed from without. The act of imposition destroys the moral content of the act and renders it null and void." A. W. Tozer Sermon: The Responsibility of Choice
@user-zv4rm9vq4e Год назад
Jesus is the saviour of the world. He was not sent you to judge the world but to save it. EVERYTHING WAS RECONCILE THROUGH HIS BLOOD. IT WAS COMPLETED. AS IN ADAM ALL DIE, AS IN CHRIST All ARE MADE ALIVE
@mediaistheenemy 2 года назад
I have to say I don't agree with calvanism. I watched this video to try and see if I could understand in a different way what calvanism is saying. Calvanism hamstrings God's power, God can be fully sovereign, all powerful and still allow total free will. No man comes unto the father but by Jesus but it is the man who has to choose or he's nothing more than a flesh robot not created in God's image. Let's look at Pauls salvation for a moment. He had a heart that was hardened and yet he still was saved. How can that be and not be logically inconsistent with calvanism? If your heart is hardened you cannot see but Paul did see despite his hardened heart. People saw Jesus rise to heaven, they saw his miracles and still didn't believe because their hearts were hardened so seeing and hearing from God isn't always a catalyst for change of the heart. God's salvation is enough and we must freely accept it given as a gift we don't deserve not forced against our will as predetermined for all time. Either you will accept Christ or you won't and to make this a big deal. Calvanism is really just legalism and being a pharisee thinking you're higher than others. Election is basically Judaism wearing the cloak of Christianity and Jesus changed all of that.
@christophermartsolf1092 2 года назад
Just cause you see and hear doesn't mean you see and hear. Only if you have eyes to see, and ears to hear, will you understand what God has revealed to us.
@mediaistheenemy 2 года назад
@@christophermartsolf1092I'll go smell the roses and ypu go smell the TULIPs
@wilsons043 6 лет назад
Are the 63 that don't like this video the only ones commenting?....lol
@JMUDoc 6 лет назад
Question: are there any people who a) accept the factuality of predestination, but b) do NOT believe that they are one of the "chosen"? I will answer my own question: no. There aren't. It's telling that everybody who believes in predestination also just happens to be "chosen", isn't it...
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
I don't get your comment. Arminians are not Calvinists yet I'm sure they would consider themselves Christians IE chosen. Those who consider themselves Calvinists consider themselves Christian first, since being a calvinist is a subcategory of being a Christian, what does that prove?
@charitygarcia6407 2 года назад
@OneWayTruthLife 5 лет назад
Man is sinful by nature because an invisible sin-gene was passed on by Adam and Eve. (It is in our blood to be sinners. You don't have to teach a young child to be naughty. However, we can choose to battle...Does Jeff Durbin choose to fight against his sinful urges?) Unlike man, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, He did not inherit the sin-gene. Does this mean Jesus was unable to choose? If so, why did satan try to tempt Him? It would have been a waste of time if Jesus was "programmed" to always do the right thing. And why did Jesus sweat blood in the Garden if he was programmed to go to the cross? Why did He say, "...not my will but Yours be done?" This is the quality of what Jesus did, that He FREELY chose to be sacrificed. And this is the quality of our relationship with Him, that we FREELY choose to love Him back. There were 2 Trees in the Garden to choose from...; choose you this day! God is sovereign to create us with a free will!
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
Apologia is it wrong to go against God's will? Duh, of course it is! When Jesus has chosen NOT to save a person and you happen to evangelize such a person you are going against His will! Hmm... I am also still waiting to hear from you regarding our rewards. Yes, TRUE Christians will be rewarded! Not like Calvinists would have it i.e., "since you did nothing to deserve anything there won't be any rewards for you." So please explain: Why are we rewarded, and for what? “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”(Jer.17:10) ""Behold, I come quickly. My reward is with me, to repay to each man according to his work." (Rev.22:12)
@jeaninepetty4923 5 лет назад
Right? I'm not a Christian but how do I know if I'm chosen, by this doctrine?
@stephencannady8437 5 лет назад
@@jeaninepetty4923 God loves you and wants you! He sent Jesus to die for you! Dont focus on this doctrine, just turn to Jesus and you will be saved! I promise salvation is waiting on you
@1ricky77333 7 лет назад
Calvinists don't understand the relationship of the Gospel being preached with the mystery of salvation.
@friendlyfire7509 5 лет назад
Sola Dei gloria. Mystery solved. Pax Christi.
@jeaninepetty4923 5 лет назад
Then why do you walk the streets talking over people while recording them in secret? Can Jesus save on his own or not? If Jesus chooses....Just because you speak in a certain charismatic way doesn't make what you're saying is true.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
1 Who says people are being recorded in secret? I'm sure they can see the recording equipment and the person doing the recording. 2 Yes Jesus can save anyone he chooses but God works through means and the Bible says we are called to be Christ's ambassadors pleading with others to be reconciled to God. 3. The standard of spiritual Truth for a Christian is scripture. Why does that make you so uncomfortable? Perhaps that's something you need to think about. Grace and peace.
@seanidol2560 6 лет назад
Not a single cogent response to the doctrines of sovereignty and election has been made here. The comments in opposition the teachings of 'Calvinism' only illustrate ignorance of what the theology teaches. Recommend one understands what the scriptural doctrines expound BEFORE rendering ignorant criticisms. Caution to those who desire to counter scriptural Christian understanding while demonstrating foolish ignorance of what reformed theology actually is in totality. Arminianism is ultimately left w/o a foundation on which to stand, at least philosophically and scripturally.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
Andrew C this is Kevin Carney not sure what post you were responding to and for some reason can't find your post any longer and therefore not able to directly respond. Perhaps your post was removed I'm not sure?
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
Dear sir, I appreciate your opinion and comments but I am not sure who you are or exactly what you are referring to because you were not at all specific about what it is I said that was wrong or in the wrong spirit. Could you please be a bit more specific so I can correct myself if I have erred. Again, I must say, I don't understand at all your comment about my church because, as I understand it, there's only one body according to scripture and the church belongs to Christ not me and therefore it's not my Church but the Lord's. Grace and peace to you sir whomever you are.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
I'm a little confused because my name is that the top of this blog but it seems to be addressed to apologia? Oh well I'm happy to answer your query. Obviously, Adam and Eve were able to eat from the wrong tree because they did. No, Adam and Eve were not programmed to eat from the tree they were forbidden to eat from, they chose it and ruined their progeny, in fact you chose it in Adam as well which is why you do not have the freedom that Adam once had. As far as Satan goes, yes, he chose to Rebel against his creator the Glorious God of Heaven. Grace and peace to you.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
Not sure who Bob Jones jr. Is and not really sure who you are. Perhaps Andrew C but, I disagree with your statement that unconditional election ( which simply means that God chose for his own purposes without regarding any conditions or qualities in men ) makes God's choice arbitrary. Does God not have the right in fulfilling his own purpose to do what he wants with his own creation? The statement about irresistible Grace is based on a misunderstanding. All kinds of people resist God's grace all the time. Calvinists certainly understand that. The point is not that no one ever resists the grace of God, ( in fact unregenerate man can do nothing but resist the grace of God ) the point is that in the case of the elect God eventually, and infallibly overcomes that resistance, otherwise none would ever be saved.
@wesleypotter2179 5 лет назад
Do you believe we are in a fallen state? Did you have fun
@googlereplier8681 5 лет назад
Who are you asking? Since I’m the last to comment, I’ll take the liberty to answer. Yes, mankind is in a fallen state due to the disobedience in the garden. We all would have done that, though, but God gave man a choice so as to not to create robots. We each have a choice/ chance/ mandate to reverse that curse for ourselves individually. Sadly, few will, but those folks will! Thank God for His provision.
@MansterBear 4 года назад
@@googlereplier8681 It's a joke. Jesse Lee Peterson's show is called the Fallen State, and he always asks people if they believe we are in a fallen state in the beginning of the interview, then at the end he asks if they had fun.
@googlereplier8681 4 года назад
MansterBear Oh, I guess you were meaning the opposite. Sorry. Needed more words, as I do don’t realize. Will remove my post, or repost to the masses!
@googlereplier8681 4 года назад
MansterBear Wrong person. I should have responded to the other person. Sorry, again.
@googlereplier8681 4 года назад
If you are referring to sin being fun, that answer is, “Yes, of course”. But only for a season. (And you have to keep upping it, like an effect drugs have on the mind.). However, justice is forever. (Because transgression REMAINS wrong forever AND outside of time.) Only a ‘fool’ (God’s term) would trade temp fun for eternal justice, and sadly, most will. Matt. 7:13-14, Ps. 14:1.
@christusomnipotens3751 5 лет назад
The comment section is filled with people who are upset that their will is not done.
@MikeM-cv6bu 6 лет назад
I love these guys but just don't see the solid case for reformed theology. Thankfully, it is a not a salvation issue so we can discuss in love. John 3:18" Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son". Is belief not a response we are held responsible for? My understanding as a Jesus loving, bible studying born-again is this: I believe people who are damned choose to reject God who is willing that none should parish. I understand the election/predestination issue as this: God knew us before the world began, he knew who would receive Him and who would reject Him under any circumstances. Those who will receive Him are the predestined and elect from God's knowledge before the world began. God then places people all over the world- God is sovereign over who lives in a place where the gospel is preached and those who live in a place where it has never reached to this day. Judgement day no one will be able to deny God's judgement. Those who reject God will know that no matter where they lived, what time in history they lived, or any other factor would not have changed their eternal choice. This is where I currently see reformed theology missing the boat. We are predestined and elect by God before the world began because of His future knowledge of who would receive Him, giving their lives to be conformed to His image, and who would not. I believe God fills us with every opportunity to respond, but most "suppress the truth in unrighteousness". God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble...are we not responsible to humble ourselves before God? I agree God does everything, but love REQUIRES a choice. I'm not arguing, I am asking honest questions. Anyone who is hardcore reformed I would be interested what is it that settles the argument of the reformed theology for you?
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
It's true that those who reject Christ would reject him no matter what era they were living in or where they where from. That means molinism is a useless falsehood. It's also true that whoever believes will have eternal life but this has never been in question by reformed believers. We Believe John 3:16 and all the rest of the Bible. Whosoever believes will be saved but then we must ask a question. Who believes? Only the elect and that is determined by God by his grace and mercy. John's gospel speaks of those who are born not of the will of men or the will of The flesh but of God. The miracle of the new birth is the work of God.
@kawiksb9811 6 лет назад
So why did he choose Judas who betrayed him?
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
Obviously for that very purpose.
@philipbuckley759 Год назад
1 Cor 1.18 σῳζομένοις is this....saved, or....being saved....and does this address the issue, of OSAS.....
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
And who is this Jesus anyway? Did He make choices? Did He choose to save you? (Wow, that would be amazing!!, to choose to die for you, wouldn't it??!!!) On the other hand, if He was programmed to save you the way He did. Well, big deal. It's like adoring and glorifying (worshipping) a fish for being able to swim!
@jozphine84 5 лет назад
Can a woman follow Christ? Like preach, and confess God in church and on the streets? I aint see nobody! I have welcomed Jesus. But not read all NT. But I feel the transformation and follow God. I do not believe in keep on sinning all the way to the Kindom, therefore follow Christ IRL in the world seems to be the way. But a girl in the front? Seems weird also. Lay hands on and speak and so on.
@a.gadfly9109 5 лет назад
Your language seems to be a bit muddled dear lady. Perhaps, English is not your first language but regardless, the answer to your query is, yes, of course you can serve God. Men and women have different roles in church as in life but you are no less a servant of the Lord then any man, given the fact that you know Jesus. According to the Bible, a woman is not allowed to hold certain Church offices which involve teaching men. Learn what the Bible says about the service of a Christian lady and afterwards love and follow the Lord with all your heart. God will honor your service as much as the service of any man. Grace and peace to you.
@100forks 6 лет назад
Jeff, I also want to remark on something someone else said below, why are you wearing a shirt, that I first thought was a demon with horns? As a preacher, you represent the Lord. When giving a sermon, always remember that when two or more people are gathered together in Jesus's name, He is also there. Is this how you want to be seen by the Lord?
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
First of all, the notion that we are only able to always sin IS FALSE and comes from satan himself! (Tip: Don't talk like satan, the accuser of the Brethren!) Here is what God said: “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil." (Job1:8) Secondly: Why are there rewards for people who have lived rightly if we can't live rightly? If God is rewarding those who pursued righteousness (mind you, pursuing something involves choosing!), than those who did not pursue righteousness..., which again shows that we MUST choose “Whom we will serve!” (Josh. 24) “Your eyes are open to the ways of all mankind; you reward each person according to their conduct and as their deeds deserve.” (Jer.32:19) "Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” (Rev.22:12) God is NOT saying: “I am rewarding myself for causing people to do the right stuff.”
@OneWayTruthLife 7 лет назад
If my turning to God or away from God is not by MY choosing, it would mean that I am either a Robot or a Puppet! Either way, God would be worshiped (or not) by someone who has no other choice. Why then all that stuff with rules, 2 different trees instead of just one; choose you this day (Josh.) etc. etc.? Why not just create worshipping Robots? Would God really waste His time and energy on stuff like rules to obey or not, when everything is already pre-determined (Ah yes, of course God pre-determined that one must choose a certain way, which comes with His pre-determined consequences!?) And who is this Jesus anyway? Did He make choices? Did He choose to save you? (Wow, that would be amazing!!, to choose to die for you, wouldn't it??!!!) On the other hand, if He was programmed to save you the way He did. Well, big deal. It's like adoring and glorifying (worshipping) a fish for being able to swim!
@derricksarosi5378 5 лет назад
Brother Durban you really have the true heavenly gift of teaching Gods word. Well done man!
@NoahAG 5 лет назад
Jesus has the most amazing punch lines!
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