
Jesus in the SHEMA? | Founded in Truth Fellowship 

Founded In Truth
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3 окт 2024




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@bulouvusonawalowalo1711 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for explaining the Shema and linking it to the Lord Jesus. Appreciate it so much. God bless you.
@ritamccammon8818 4 года назад
Awesome teaching! This brings the Shema to a whole new level Thank you Matt!
@FoundedInTruth 4 года назад
Rita McCammon thanks, Rite!
@jonathancampbell586 5 месяцев назад
Thank You, Matt!
@virginialowry4443 4 года назад
So gentle & powerful. It's a non-threatening challenge to "Go ahead, look it up, study for yourself. Contact me & let us discuss this further." Most excellent!
@FoundedInTruth 4 года назад
Thanks, Virginia!
@PatrickKimani-mf3kq 7 месяцев назад
❤❤ well explained...
@larrybaumont3405 4 месяца назад
Shalom Boker tov. Toba raba. Thank you very much for the word. Yeshua Jesus is one with the father. Praise ADONAI. Blessings to you. Toba raba.
@dollagent690 10 месяцев назад
Baruch HaShem
@jimmcdonough5497 2 года назад
I've found it simpler in understanding of the Holy Trinity tyvm
@NothingWasted Год назад
Hi!! I observe the Sabbath and the Holy days. Yeshua is my Messiah. A big blessing was I worked in the Orthodox Jeiwsh community for 15 years. As a Nanny and then at the children Hebrew school. I picked up Hebrew here and there. Just a bit and now my husband and I have been visiting a Messianic Temple right down the street in addition to our Sabbath keeping church. We also were invited to a Havurah (small group). Its so cool to go to a home of Messianic believers in the same community I worked for that were Orthodox Jews. Learning a lot in all aspects. When i worked at the school. I did not recite the prayers every day because i was leary of "vain repetition" but now I do want to as I meditate on the words. In addition to my conversations with YWHW. It will be a lot easier for me than my hisband since I heard it daily with the Jewish children 😄 Its exciting to have it all come together.
@DianaEstep 4 года назад
Thank you Pastor Matt for another great teaching!!!
@FoundedInTruth 4 года назад
Diana Estep thank you, Diana!
@docjacobs4605 2 года назад
This is great. Thanks!
@sashahaag69 2 года назад
Thank you so much ! Teach us more , Love to hear about the Lord!
@FoundedInTruth 2 года назад
Thanks for commenting, Slime TIme! We upload new content frequently, including our weekly livestream on Saturdays. Make sure you subscribe to be alerted as new content becomes available.
@garywilkinson4560 Год назад
Echad means one,but more than one part.
@peternix9347 3 года назад
Fantastic Thank you so much I really feel that the Sh'ma / Shema is about Jesus
@FoundedInTruth 3 года назад
Awesome, Peter! We are so glad the video was helpful!
@virginialowry4443 4 года назад
In the KJV you always read Jesus/ Yeshua saying, "Verily, verily..." Since I was taught that phrase meant "Listen up, I'm about to say something important." it could be a veiled reference to Yeshua saying "Shema..." or "Listen & do what I'm about to say."?
@MaxS-bz7yy 5 месяцев назад
You left out a very important verse. Deut 6:25 ESV And if we are careful to obey all this law before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us, that will be our righteousness.” Loving God is how we get saved... Mental assent to God will not save us.
@chilidog73 Год назад
This was a fantastic teaching! But I have one question, is your view of the godhead similar to the Oneness Pentecostal view? Or do you see the godhead in the classic Trinity sense?
@FoundedInTruth Год назад
Hey @teburg, and thanks for the comment! The speaker and the fellowship hold to a traditional view of the Trinity, but we are also empathetic of how complex the discussion can be.
@jeremylake9418 3 года назад
Thanks. Good stuff
@truthhunterministries1361 4 года назад
Yes loved the video! I believe Yeshua is the Yehovah of the old testament, but not The Father. Verses like when Yeshua says no man has ever seen the form or heard the voice of the Father, and the Father greater than I. Shalom!
@FoundedInTruth 4 года назад
Thanks, Truth!
@morrishunterministries3011 3 года назад
Well said. The Father is God, His living Word made flesh Jesus, is God and the TWO are ONE LORD in the Godhead or Greek theion but not identical persons.
Why would he be yehovah if he never said that's his name? Spent a lot of his teachings expressing the differences and superiority of the father. Never once claimed equality(oneness within church or marriage isn't oneness from scripture for instance) Him being Michael who did not rebuke satan but does in revelations makes the most sense.
@anothersaint9759 2 года назад
Holy smokes! Kadosh smokes! 😂 I so very much so love watching this video! 😂 I just stumbled across it and can't stop replaying it 🤣. 💪❤️☝️🥰🔥
@sprinklediana53 4 года назад
New Sub Shalom from Coeur D alene Idaho 💞
@FoundedInTruth 4 года назад
Hey Diana!
@graceyow3392 Год назад
jesus is not only in the shema, he is yhwh. he is the divine person who directly communicates with man from the genesis to revelation. he walked with adam, he appeared to john to write his letter to the seven congregations in asia. jesus declared no one has seen the father except him. so who was it who was in the garden with adam and eve; who spoke to moses face to face? etc.? who gave his name as yhwh? who paul said is one yhwh (greek kurios)? also the very word of god declares there are other gods. but only one who is self existent, the rest were created by him. we need to worship only him who is the creator of heaven and earth and all that are in them. he is the only one who can give eternal life.
@geraldjohnson8871 4 года назад
@AllBrightColors Год назад
Foolishness and idolatry
@geraldjohnson8871 Год назад
@@AllBrightColors e f. Thank you for being so alert with your eyes closed.
@sourclam904 2 года назад
This shows the diety of Yeshua. So cool
@AllBrightColors Год назад
The Shema itself NEGATES the idolatry of making gods or deities out of created beings that can be killed. If you all want to worship a dead man that may or may not have existed that is one thing, but to insult the God of Israel by using what HE gave to HIS people to distort it to your idolatrous worship of someone who died ( if he ever existed) is BEYOND disrespectful and insulting.
@Puppythuppa 4 года назад
This one is awesome because it's Rightly Divided according to Scriptural Truth.! John8:31-32; 2Timothy2:15.!
@FoundedInTruth 4 года назад
Rajesh Gowda Brave Hearted thanks for the comment!
@KevinEaton-u6u Год назад
Paul is a lone ranger on some things, I see Yeshua as always in the mind of Yahweh, His mission to point us to Torah and of course the Father. He is our Messiah our advocate for the Father he is a representative of the Father. He has been given the keys and power, will come back to judge then in the end He hands the keys back to the Father. Nouns and pronouns should be understood correctly not the way of the world today. ME, myself, I alone. We or us .
@valerielyle5721 4 года назад
The Word is the one and the same. It is One. Yeshua and Yahweh. The Messiah.
@bodhitree7764 Год назад
The Shema, says, "God is ONE." this is different from one God.
@yacobthehebrew7264 4 года назад
Shalom to all, 🍂 Shema Yisrael, EL SHEDDAI Elohenu YESHUA Echad Baruch Shem kavod malchuto Le' Olam vaed Here oh Israel, The ALMIGHTY our God, YESHUA is ONE. Blessed be His Holy Name, and His Glorious Kingdom forever (Deuteronomy 6:4) THIS IS HOW TO SAY THE SHEMA! 🌿🌾🍂 Mark 12:28-31 And one of the scribes came, and having heard them together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? [29] And Yeshua answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: [30] And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with ALL thy HEART, and with all thy SOUL , and with all thy MIND, and with all thy STRENGTH: this is the first commandment. [31] And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt LOVE thy NEIGHBOUR as THYSELF. There is none other commandment greater than these. Hebrews 4:1‭-‬13 Therefore, while the promise of ENTERING His REST still stands, let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it. For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened. For we who have believed enter that rest, as he has said, "As I swore in my wrath, 'THEY SHALL NOT ENTER MY REST ,'" although his works were finished from the foundation of the world. For he has somewhere spoken of the SEVENTH DAY in this way: "And God rested on the seventh day from all his works." And again in this passage he said, "They shall not enter my rest." Since therefore it remains for SOME TO ENTER IT, and those who formerly received the good news FAILED TO ENTER because of DISOBEDIENCE , again he appoints a certain day, "Today," saying through David so long afterward, in the words already quoted, "Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts." For if Joshua had given them rest, God would not have spoken of ANOTHER DAY later on. So then, there remains A SABBATH REST for the PEOPLE of GOD, for whoever has entered God's rest has also RESTED from his WORKS as God did from his. Let us therefore STRIVE TO ENTER THAT REST, so that no one may fall by the same sort of disobedience. For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. 1 John 2:4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. (We need to keep All His Commandments) Exodus 31:12-13 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, [13] Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you. Exodus 31:16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is ONE Lord : [5] And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. [6] And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: [7] And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. Your brother Yacob
@AllBrightColors Год назад
Insulting blasphemy! Nothing is sacred to Christians. Absolutely NOTHING
@gabrielleangelica1977 8 месяцев назад
The Trinity is the TOTAL opposite of the Shema!
@ss.fx3626 2 года назад
Can a christian recite the shema?
@gabrielleking8487 2 года назад
@AllBrightColors Год назад
You could but if you are not IsraEl and you believe in a man god why would you? It is a commandment TO ISRAEL to say the Shema. In affirmation that there is ONE GOD who is not a man, not a created being, not multiple persons or personalities who CANNOT DIE and who is NOT to be worshipped as the nations worship their idols. So why would someone who doesn’t believe any of those things recite it or insult the Creator by reciting it but putting a man who came out of a woman’s uterus in His place?
@louanahowe5080 Год назад
@@AllBrightColors God can do anything He pleases. This is something in which we all agree. It was not beneath Him to manifest Himself into visual aids for men to follow. He was in the Fire and the Cloud to be followed out of the land of slavery. When He spoke to Moses in the desert He was the Fire that did not consume the bush. I wonder, if Moses had not listened, but had hardened his heart against the Word of God could he have doused the Fire with water? Would God have permitted Moses to quench the Fire because his heart was hard against the Truth that was in the Fire? I do not know because Moses obeyed God. And God so chose to manifest Himself as a man who said, "Follow Me" (out of your slavery to sin) but that Word was rejected. They, not being like Moses who obeyed the Word, wanted to "put out the Fire". And so this Man allowed Himself to be killed becoming the "Firstborn" sacrifice for all of mankind, to both Jew and Gentile who call upon the Name of the Lord to be saved.
@JamalBaruch Год назад
What convoluted nonsense. The shema isn’t complicated. Jesus wasn’t speaking in riddles. God is one. That’s it.
@iggs67 7 месяцев назад
Of course Jesus is in Shema, he's Jewish, which means part of Israel. Because "Listen Israel" means all Israeli people. That doesn't make him a G-d or a Messiah.
@unclericky3777 4 года назад
No jesus anywhere in the entire Torah/Tanakh especially not in the Shema.The Shema is a declaration that Yah is one and there is no other besides Him.
@FoundedInTruth 4 года назад
Yep. Yeshua is one and there is no other besides Him.
@ss.fx3626 2 года назад
Isiah 53 jesus is predicted
This group appears to be evangelical Christian with a messianic skin, apparently trying to convert true unitarians and Jews? If God is three persons, then this means he has three minds, which is not scriptural. Christianity was "platonized" with Greek philosophy. I believe in Jesus messiah who will rule on earth, is God's son and King and the Father is YHWH as it says clearly thousands of times in scripture.
@KeenanModica 4 года назад
The Shema is not about Jesus
@IanCaulfield-r5x 10 месяцев назад
Totally agree. God is one not three. Jesus was not divine.
@johnemmons9087 7 месяцев назад
Of course it is
@michaelbruce9197 4 года назад
Dude is lost.
@paulnpijrr 3 года назад
Paul does not include Jesus in the Shema. Jesus is not Lord God (Yahweh Elohim), Jesus is the lord messiah (Luke 2:11). You bring even more confusion to the honest seekers. According to Jesus there is only one true God: Yahweh, his Father! (John17:3). The apostle Paul says the same thing that for us there is only one God: The Father! (1 Corinthians 8:6). He DOES NOT say that there is only one God: The Father and Jesus, or even worse : Father, Jesus, Holy spirit.
@FoundedInTruth 3 года назад
Paul just replaces YHVH with Yeshua whole quoting the TNK. Got it!
@robertoruiz366 4 года назад
The Shema only applies to Yahweh as GOD, NEVER to Jesus (Matthew 19:17; Luke 18:19; Mark 10:18, 12:29, 33; John 5:44, 17:3; Romans 3:27-31; 1 Corintios 8:6; Galatians 3:19-20; James 2:19, 3:12). Jesus and his followers will be ONE with the Father in PURPOSE (John 17:2-23). Jesus is "Lord", but never the GOD of Israel.
@FoundedInTruth 4 года назад
Roberto Ruiz except when Paul quotes Joel.
@cosminfrunza1054 4 года назад
Roberto Ruiz, in passages like Isaiah 43:11 and Hosea 13:4 God says, in a very clear manner, that there is no other Saviour but Him. However, when we read passages like Luke 2:11 and John 4:42, we see that Yeshua (Jesus) is named "Saviour" and "the Saviour"! Was YHVH lying to Isaiah and Hosea? I don't think so. Moreover, we have places like Titus 2:13 where Paul calls Yeshua both Saviour (sótér) and God (theos). I think you need to reconsider your stance and realize that Yeshua is the manifestation of the unseen God - John 1:1-3, 14; Colossians 2:9 etc.
@FoundedInTruth 4 года назад
@@cosminfrunza1054 Thanks, Cosmin!
@cosminfrunza1054 4 года назад
@@FoundedInTruth Keep up the good work, brother! Shalom, from Romania :)
@janechong5247 4 года назад
@@cosminfrunza1054, thanks.
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