
Jewish of Yemen 

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Many Difrent Photos about The Yemenite Jewish people,Landscape,architecture and more.....



7 сен 2024




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@loneramorous5116 3 года назад
Whether u are Muslim or Jewish , you should be so proud of being Yemeni and try to represent your distinguished culture where ever u go to or live in . All Yemenis, both Muslims and Jewish , belong to the same tribe and have the same history and culture .love to all Yemenis
@Soso-fz5fm 8 лет назад
I cry every time i see this, i wish i can fix yemen and bring every single Yemenite muslim and jewish to home again. It kills me to see my background in a war. I'm not even born in Yemen, but i love yemen so much. ❤️
@j.j.j9152 7 лет назад
The Jews who left Yemen (some of whom are my relatives) have NO desire to go back to Yemen. They ARE home now, in Israel where they originally came from thousands of years ago.
@mowali5322 7 лет назад
jewish from yemenees are from yemen they will still be yemenees and as soon the problems get fixed in yemen they will be back and there more then welcomed over are heads there still are family
@secallen 7 лет назад
"Yemen" is nothing - it's just land.
@techyoutube6441 6 лет назад
J.J. J I know so many Yemenite Jews wish to return to Yemen again especially thoes who are older and thoes Jews are practicing Yemeni culture so they still be Yemenis
@shulalavy1698 6 лет назад
THERE ARE FACTS THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW;; 1. ALL YEMEN (ALLֱ !) WAS PRACTISING JUDAISM. UNTIL THE GANGS OF MUHAMMED INVADED TO YEMEN (H'AIBAR PREVIUCE NAME) AND EXECTLY LIKE ISIS (DA'E'SH) FORCE AND KILLED EVERYONE WHO REFUZE TO CONVERT TO ISLAM. BEFOR THE ISLAM YEMEN WAS THE MOST ADVABCED COUNTRY-STUDY, CULTUR, ARCHITECTURE, MUSIC.AND PEACFUL PEOPLE (NO COUNTRY HAD SUCH HIGH BUILDING). 2. ISRAEL (& JERUSALEM) ARE THE FIRST IN THE HEART & IN THE MEMMORY OF EVERY JEW. EVEN IF THE JEW WILL LIVE FUR FROM THE COUNTRY THE CONSIDER ISRAEL AND JRUSALEM THE CENTER OF THEIR LIFE. For exsmple. Jews lived for 3100 in yemen. They swere not to use music instruments in exile. THEY HAD NEVER revolt. bother be violent or rob as an individual or a gang. They never tried to impose their opinions and religion on others. They were willing to teach and show others their achievements and seek to correct the world so that it would be easier and more pleasant for everyone 3. SINCE 70 AD ALL THE ROME CEASERSES FINDED THE JUDAISM VERY INTERESTING AND THE CAME TO STUDY (LIKE OGUSTUS, ALECSANDER MOKDON) ALL ABOUT JUDAISM UNTIL 330AD THAT ROME EMPIER CONSTANTINUS CONVERTED HIMSELF TO JUDAIZM AND ORDERED THE ALL EMPAIER COUNTRIES OF ROME TO CONVERT. MUHAMMED ALSO LEARND FROM TWO JEWS FROM MECCA BUT THEY DID NOT AGREE TO CONVERT HIM. 4. BOTH THE ROME SEACERS AND MUHAMMEN WONT TO BECOME PART OF THE NATION AND AS LEADERS TO BE LEADER AND TO BECOME "THE HIGHEST PRIST" ! OF THE 5.EVEN AS AN INDVIDUALS CONSTANTINUS & MUHAMMED DID NOT SUCCIDE TO PASS THE TEST (AFTER STUDY THE WO/MAN MUST PASS THE TEST) OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY In Judaism there are commandments and obligations of five kinds 1. It is forbidden to harm a person / gentile and not to interfere / harass him in matters of religion. 2. It is forbidden to fight the people. Otherwise, unless there is a life-threatening situation, and this is only after an early attempt to solve the problem between you and you has failed peacefully. 3. laws and duties between jews and his fellow - Only in this sphere can the court / court - religious / secular - be tried and punished. 4. For a Jew - regarding the commandments and obligations between man and God (matters of religion and faith) - no one else must interfere - because God knows how to deal with his own affairs and does not need the help of human beings. 5.To do efforts to make the world better place for EVRYONE ! AND THE ROME CEASERS & MUHAMMEN FAILED with all those five obligations. 6. THE JEWS ALWAYS REFIUZE TO CONVERT GENTILS SPECIALY NOT MASS OF PEOPLE/COMMUNITY. SOMETIMES THEY AGREE TO CONVERTE ONLY INDEVIDUAL FAMILIY OR SOLITARIES. ONLY AFTER THEY CHECK CARFULY ABOUT THEIR PAST AND THEIR CHARECTER ׁׁ(LONG PROCESS). JEWS CONVERTED MASS/COMMUNITY ONLY that MOSES ORDERS FROM THE TORA. KING SALOMON CONVERTED HIS SON'S (KING H'ANOCH) COMMUNITY. A. THE QUEEN SHIBA 1000AD ׂ(SHE HED SON -H'ANOCK- WITH KING SALOMON) THE QUEEN RULL THE EREA OF KUSH (H'AIBAR -YEMEN- ETHIOPIA & AROUND) COMMUNITIES THE CHECK ABOUT EVERY ONE WHO ASK (meny times) TOׁ CONVERT B. EXCEPTIONS -THE ONLY COMMUNITIES THAT ACCEPTED (ONLY BY THE BIBLE DIRECT ORDER !) WAS :: DESCENDENTS OF ISA (BROTHER OF ISH'AQ) the EDOMAIT & THE TWO COMMUNITIES - DESCENDENTS OF THE TWO LOT'S SONS (AMON & MOAV) - THE TWO NEPHEWS The base of the kingdom of Sheba was in Yemen. There are remnants of the kingdom of the Queen of Sheba and the dynasty of her son King Hanoch.
@samsami5394 8 лет назад
Long live peace, lovely music lovely people from Yemen.
@balqisyareemi1074 6 лет назад
I am a Malaysian Yemeni and I'm proud with my origin. I love all the Yemenis whether they are Jewish or Muslim. I hope that I have chance to visit Yemen one fine day inshaAllah
@shycastro8429 5 лет назад
Siti Nurbalqis binti Saifuddin feeling the same way from the U.S
@j.j.j9152 3 года назад
Thank you - the truth of our connections are really the answer. The day is approaching when the sons of Abraham realize the mistakes and reunite in peace and love.
@wafee2001 Год назад
I am Malay as well with a little hint of Temoni and Babylonian Ha Gaonim roots from great grandmothers from 5th century. We have nice long curve eyebrows in common.
@jenethehottie 11 лет назад
Our rabbi said that Yemeni Jews are shomer Shabbat. He said that there is no record of even a single Yemeni Jew desecrating the Shabbat. I am Sefaradi and I think Yemeni Jews are a shining example for all Jews. May Hashem improve their lot. Baruch Hashem.
@j.j.j9152 7 лет назад
200 years ago ALL Jews were shomer Mitzvot - no matter where they came from. The idea of "reform" Judaism is VERY new (about 150 years). Before that Jews were unchanged for 3300 years.
@shulalavy1698 4 года назад
@@j.j.j9152 at the Feudalism period in Europe & Russia & muslim countries, every erea with the people (vassales) on it hold & othrized ruled & and SLAVED by Faritzs that payed the taxs to the king. The rabbis organization convinced the kings to colect for them the taxs from the jewish communities and to get the Faritz duty on those erea. . The jews and the vassales could not traveled or leave the Fsritz/erae . The rabbis became arrogent rich and dictators they spend the wintets on shores of Swise FrancCaspian & Creem seas, while the residents live in poor poor conditions. When the people opposed or had trouble with the rabbi or the religion or judges they suffered a lot they couldn't leave to another place unless they converted to islam or to cristianity. Then they could move to muslim or crodtian community. The rabbis use to tells cristions and muslims communities about jew that against him blamrd incited and lies and turn hate of giverners against him. The jewish nation lost milliins of massianic jews millione karaites jews milliones of shabtaiests and frankaitiats and meny meny regulare jews to the the cristisnity & islam. Until Ceaser Napoleon that cenciled the Faritz system and the Feodalism. the vassales & jews could get free from the havy burden of the dark rabbis and flarished. The free jews desided to refresh and Reform the roten judaism from all the nonsence and the system of the rabbis burden. Before the ww2 the reform jews in Germny Poland and other country worned the Orthodix jews to leave Europe but the rabbis cared about their oen fainence & status stability They got themselves a getaway and hide the knowlage from their followers. Most of the orthodox jew ferished but the rabbis saved. . All the reforms saved. they fleed to israel england North africa china north & south America on time. The yemenite jews was living in yemen while the creek was rule israel. They know that the rabbis ask the romans to take the greeks from the Greek and in return to help the rabbis to take control on Israel instade of the prists judges & to estsnlished the kingdom of the rabbis by institution call "Sanhedri" The yemenite jews oppose & dislike the "rabbis" the nickname and the related personality & their bad temper & negativ charater. They were a kind of bandits. In the shemic langusge (include Arabic Arsmeic, Hebrew) all the following words. Said by: people ca0ll their God, Slaves to their owner. "Rav"/"Rabbi"/"Rabi"/"Ribon"/""Rabenu" "Av"/"Aba" "Adon"/"Adony" "Ba'al"/"Ba'aly" they all somr of thr nicknsmed thst the slave csll his master. basicly rich people that own slaves and the dominant chsrecter. The yemenite nominated only Mori (teacer) as an adwiser without judge or deside aspects. in Egept the karaite-jew (was most of the jewish nation) opposed the institution of the rabbinate. The rabbis fight against them during 1000 years! until they distryed most of them. Today knowen about disens hiding all over the world in israrl living quaietly around 30 thousrnds. the karaites nominate "H'acham" (wise man) Both duties without pay! to adwize only, without judgment or desidion authorities. The Orthodox are only 2% ignorent & poor from the international jewish word, but as usule they make noice of 200%. They didn't contribute (during the last 200 years) NOTHING ! *** Most of the world specialy the jews should thank "Napileon" *** Most of the "world" sould thank the "Reform" jews. *** Most of the world specialy jews Thanks to "Napoleon" that releas us from the paws of the rabbis/Faritz. Most of the world should thank the Reform jewish community that give thr world thr 22% of the Nobel Prices. 2).The Reform jews turn USA from agrical country to industry power Empire. 3).The Reform jews developed the advanced industrg of israel. At the end of thr second temple was 10 million jews while in chana was 30 million. Today there is 14 million jews but there are 1600 millions ?! The jews suffered more from inside. Today most if the nation are (the main) Reform. Conservative & Seculars. And the entity of God & Massaiah are all Faminin !! HALELUIAH.
@shulalavy1698 Год назад
@@j.j.j9152 the Orthodox and the Ultra-oOrthodox judaizm istablished AFTRR the Reform as a contract against the Reform movement. Before all of those movments there was ONLY the Conservatives (מסורתים) that include all kined of jews religios &or Orthodox.
@Yemenigreen 15 лет назад
i really love our jews, Yemeni jews are the original biblical jews and they are not zionist, by the way Ofra Haza she likening me and i feel like i want cry when i see her beautiful pictures, so im planing to study the hebrew language
@GuardianOfIsrael 12 лет назад
They're Hebrews. They went to Yemen over 2,500 years ago from Israel after the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem. They have been there ever since, basically untouched by western civilization. Their Torah and customs were EXACTLY the same as the Jews all over the world when they were found less than a century ago. It's pretty mind blowing how they preserved all of their traditions!!
@mutial-najar7027 8 лет назад
I love all people Yemen yahod&moslem
@user-ss8if1dm2s 5 лет назад
نشتاق كثير لإخواننا اليهود ....ونتمنى عودتهم إلى بلادهم اليمن
@mariamfernandez8398 6 лет назад
يهود اليمن هم أبناء اليمن انا أحبكم ألله يحميكم من حقودين
@razanraghad3040 5 лет назад
Mariam Fernandez ليش هجروا اليمن وجحدوا عروبتهم اذا هم ابناء اليمن
@LKabilyo 9 лет назад
We had a Sharaby family in our shul in NY (Ohel Shalom, Boro Park, Brooklyn)
@suganthinysriharathas2385 4 года назад
I have a special love for Yemen jews.
@Jamesthegamer2016 11 лет назад
Im a yeminite jewish girl : )
@abdulghaffarquddm2586 6 лет назад
olivia smith nay way you are Yemen girls so you from the bast country in the world
@ahmed778 Год назад
We gave the Jews respect and friendship, but they betrayed us a lot, and they are the ones who planted their hatred in us
@aljorhumy 11 лет назад
يااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااارب احفظ ووفق بلادى وشعوبها اليمن . عظمة بلادى وسلااامتها من عقلية رموز العالم المتحضر. وهنا تكمن التقويماااات عالم متحضر للامن والسلم الدولى او عالم متحضر بسياسته العرجاء الماديات الخطرهه على الجميع التاريخ لديه مواثق في ذالك وسنن كونيه من اللهى مستحيل التعدى عليها والثمن باهض في المخالفااااااااااات. شكرا للجميع وتحيااااتي لصاااااااااااااااااحب الموقع على ذوقه الرفيع .شكرا مره اخرى .سلاااااااااااااااام******
@fatimaahmed5651 8 лет назад
I am Yemen girl and I love Yemeni Jewish they are good just like any another nice and smart We love them we all Yemen children so Victory to Yemen stop killing My citizen Jewish Yemeni government they are to stop hates
@j.j.j9152 7 лет назад
The Jews of Yemen are finally back home in Israel now, where they originally came from and where they belong. May the Muslims live in Peace in Arabia and the Jews live in peace in Israel and please GD let us all just GET ALONG in peace!
@mowali5322 7 лет назад
bro the jwish of yemen are from yemen and its there country from years and years ago butt you are focusing about other people countries like philistine not israle
@secallen 7 лет назад
Jews were only exiles in Yemen, always a minority, now they are home. Inshallah, the Arab minority in Israel will one day merit to return to its home.
@Javamancometh 6 лет назад
@murabitsanhajite2163 6 лет назад
secallen Mate, mostly of yemeni jews from polytheist south arabian tribes (the purest arabs) judaised, it’s a fact. And Palestinian are mostly levantine/mesopotamian.
@Ecuaruby 15 лет назад
Great video and very informative for those who are not familiar with Yemen and Yemenite Jewish culture. I love the songs you chose!
@user-sn6mu6im5i 11 лет назад
واللة عرق اليمن في يهود اليمن اصيل
@hamdyaljbrty4940 6 лет назад
@hamdyaljbrty4940 6 лет назад
العرق دساس
@user-jm6my2bj9u 3 года назад
كلامك صحيح هم منا ونحن منهم
@jaisone5292 4 месяца назад
God bless you 🙏 💞🕊
@MsKillerqueen13 11 лет назад
What a blessing!!! Thank u! :)
@shycastro8429 5 лет назад
I wish they never left 😢
@dogcomb47 11 лет назад
Abraham's Ishmael. He loved his children Isaac and Ishmael the same.
@girhish 15 лет назад
amazing pictures! 10X!!
@MrDennysblack 12 лет назад
@j.j.j9152 Год назад
"I will bless them that bless thee" - G-D will bless you sir..
@user-jm6my2bj9u 3 года назад
الله أجدادنا هكذا كانو يهود اليمن الحميريين اصل اليمن القديم
@anameaboveallothers 11 лет назад
And the foreigners who join themselves to the LORD minister to Him, love the name of Yahweh and become His servants, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold firmly to My covenant-Isaiah 56:6 I will put this third through the fire; I will refine them as silver is refined and test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, and I will answer them. I will say: They are My people, and they will say: Yahweh is our God.”Zechariah 13:9
@jiyakhan5640 6 лет назад
No doubt yeminite Jews havd one of the outstanding vocal s ever
@Yemenigreen 15 лет назад
i liked the second song for zion golan, can you give me it's name? who is "Aliya 2 ?
@juanitacerda1622 10 лет назад
very interesting !
@TheBarahona1 8 лет назад
Elohim Yah bless your children's.
@dem-ti7kh 11 лет назад
very nice الله يرحم عفراء هزاع و للامام للفنان المحبوب جولان
@alexanderlinden 15 лет назад
Hahaha thanks for making my day..historian riiight hahahahaha thanks!
@ellielarsen9532 8 лет назад
Great voice
@j.j.j9152 7 лет назад
It's Ofra Haza, a Yemenite Israeli singer. She was AMAZING!
@ellielarsen9532 7 лет назад
She was one of the Best Israel have had. What a shame she died at such a young age.
@sefeslive 13 лет назад
Wow, Beautifullllllllll, I feel Love, real Love
@BornInTzyon 13 лет назад
a wonderful glimpse! 2:37 - she's stunning!
@rbsadler 11 лет назад
Why does every RU-vid video have to turn into a religious debate? Can't people just enjoy the damn pictures? Get over yourselves, all of you.
@j.j.j9152 7 лет назад
See reply from Mohtasim Niazi below your comment and your question is answered. Jews are always hated, everywhere in the world. You need to understand Ashgreen the true depth of hatred for Jews and Israel. It is sick, sad and illogical and has persisted for thousands of years.
@fisebilillah4406 4 года назад
Because people don't know how to spend their time otherwise. They like provoking anger, that is why some psychologists classify trolls as being sadists.
@washingtonfigueiredo 12 лет назад
Hey, I've got two questions: What is the name of this song? Is she singing in Arabic or Hebrew? Sorry, but I'm not Jewish and I don't speak Hebrew (or Arabic). Beautiful photographs and beautiful landscapes in this video.
@j.j.j9152 Год назад
Some of the songs are in Hebrew, some in Arabic. There are various singers, all Yemenite Jews from Israel. The most famous of which is Ofra Haza (look her up)
@Amir4Yemen 12 лет назад
Hadrian (Latin: Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus Augustus 24 January 76 - 10 July 138), was Roman Emperor from 117 to 138. He is best known for building Hadrian's Wall, which marked the northern limit of Roman Britain. In Rome, he re-built the Pantheon and constructed the Temple of Venus and Roma. During his reign, Hadrian traveled to nearly every province of the Empire. Late in his reign he suppressed the Bar Kokhba revolt in Judaea/Israel, renaming the province Syria Palaestina.
@Nazarene_Judaism 29 дней назад
Where can I find the very last song?
@72Yonatan 14 лет назад
Transition between songs could be better done on soundtrack.
@hikarieikovkei 13 лет назад
Im sephardic and i love jewish yemeni people!!!
@AzizaLaBelle 13 лет назад
Toda raba. Mehamem.
@maiteperalesstrassburger23 6 месяцев назад
Os necesito mis judíos de Yemen. HaShem HaShem HaShem estamos en guerra.
@IAndTheTube 14 лет назад
Look at 3:20 the guy reads the book up side down... ! For sure he does so, as he studied like this when he was young... Yet its funny to see it.
@shulalavy1698 4 года назад
jews put importante documents in the books or write the dates of birth of the children ti know when the time for Bat/Bar mitsva.
@marhaza1 13 лет назад
what is the song called where the men are singing in arabic... its gorgeous
@Yemenigreen 15 лет назад
Hi friend, i want ask u, there is nice song for zion golan he said in that song by arabic: (sha naghani wa norgos, ragsat al afarea, ya saga allah ra'a allah wa almehbah men allah) do u know this song? if u know i want u send it to my email pleasssss
@washingtonfigueiredo 12 лет назад
@washingtonfigueiredo Just now I watched a video without the tiniest interruption and I saw the name of the songs. Please answer only the second question :)
@TheRealYemeni 13 лет назад
@PanFascist85 Exactly!
@marcusrenk8453 2 месяца назад
meu povo
@UncleSamy 4 года назад
والله المحبة بلية ياربي توبة
@Arielienz 12 лет назад
Amazing Tradition of the jewish yemenites! LIKE
@Terneyah 14 лет назад
luv the song :)
@lirons80 15 лет назад
יפה מאוד! המשך כך בעשייה!
@rokiaaydaruas7549 6 лет назад
Liron Sh ن😚😚😚😚❤
@jdmeaux 11 лет назад
I found this video very inspiring to the work that God as done on Earth within the hearts of people. Unfortunately, the devil controls this earth and does all he can to fight against God.
@HewanDemissie 13 лет назад
wow is this how Yemen looks
@israel12345625 12 лет назад
of coarse being j1/j2 doesn't mean that they are levantine ( the highest proportion of J1 is found in the Arabian peninsula and the highest percentage of J2 is in the Caucasus. but as DNA testing has shown the Jews of Yemen are more closely related to Syrians, "Palestinians", Lebanese and of coarse Sephardi, ashkanazi and mizrahi jews.
@AuthenticYEMANI 11 лет назад
Well, it's impossible based on what you have seen and told throughout your life. Part of my family members are Muslims who converted and the rest did not. Life in Yemen is unlike the west or any other Arab country. There are Jewish and Christians who lived there for thousands of years without DRAMA.
@pharmd718 13 лет назад
The old man laying on his back reading a book.....the book is upside down. I was told that as students they have limited amount of books and 2 students have to share one book. So one student faces the other and one will eventually learn to read upside down.
@shulalavy1698 4 года назад
Ther are some videos that grup of 7 kids (look like 3-8 age) standing & reading in one book
@UncleSamy 4 года назад
Love you Jewish from Saudi Arabia
@LoneRussianS 13 лет назад
@AnaMurida They looks normal. Majority of those shown.
@msnowner 11 лет назад
mushrooms grow everywhere too...
@manicoquita 13 лет назад
@WildlyStaccato1 Amen I totally agree with you. I am Christian and I know my book. Jesus and his men were Jewish and never did they mention anything about christianity.It was about a relationship with Christ and Him being the way to the Father. It was the romans that created that & gave Christians a bad name...I Think it was just that one emperor that started it along with idols.. Any ways I respect all religions, but he Jews and messianic jews are where it all began. :) May God bless u & ur ppl
@Arkosification 15 лет назад
Beautiful ;D
14 лет назад
חיו לעד, יהודיים תימניים. גם אני מתזהה עמם...
@vixi92 5 лет назад
Beautiful Arabia . Shame the Yemeni Jews who migrated to occupied Palestine ( Israel ) have left their Arab culture and adopted Ashkenazi culture .
@faisalabdullah3306 5 лет назад
فعلا اليمن دولة ضعيفة ماذا لو كان طفلا من هؤلاء هل يجرؤ ابن زانية على اذيته؟
@maydanshaaked 15 лет назад
We love you too!!! :D
@ugollanoscruz 15 лет назад
@israel12345625 12 лет назад
also as an Israeli i can assure you most "Yemenite" Jews have no intention of leaving Israel. the ever dwindling community of 200 Jews in Yemen is not shrinking (thank G-d) due to killing, but to Yemenite Jews living moving back home to Israel or to the US or UK. the once vibrant 52,000 Yemenite Jewish community seemed to love Yemen (sarcastic) with its backwardness, pogroms and dhimmi laws so much, nearly 51,000 had left a mere 2 years after Israel was made.
@shulalavy1698 4 года назад
Thi-mi laws
@wael4ever 12 лет назад
What's the name of the song that starts at 2:18
@shulalavy1698 4 года назад
Have nercy on us and on your sons Isrsel (it is from pray)
@Yemenigreen 15 лет назад
are you yemeni jew? i know there is yemeni zionist, and for me as muslim i don't have problem with them i met Yemenite jew in USA he was very kind person especially after i told him that "i'm from yemen", but there is yemeni jews left israel and they do live in US & UK
@Xdxd012 11 лет назад
المسلمين في اليمن أحلى بس متسترين عشان كذا ما تشوفهم
@jaisone5292 4 месяца назад
Nicer ?. 😶👀
@memohoolaa7130 11 лет назад
جماال رباني ياليت كانوا مسلمين
@jaisone5292 4 месяца назад
But they are not.. 😶
@sameralramahys 6 лет назад
@Yemenigreen 15 лет назад
omar he only evicted the jews of "khaibar" coz they hit his son "abdullah" while he was sleeping, then he seen that jews of khaibar broke the contract, he didn't evict all jews coz he actually was living with jews in peace in jerusalem.
@Yemenigreen 15 лет назад
Hi sharon thank u a lot ya iyouni. Ok :-) i will send u my email to send me some of zion golan songs. Ok?
@shulalavy1698 4 года назад
Sweet Lady. Ya-a'u-ni.
@hamdyaljbrty4940 6 лет назад
Thank our god that u r in safe ,if u r in Yemen thosedays ur life will be worst
@AuthenticYEMANI 11 лет назад
im a Yemeni Jewish and Muslim
@alkerdham 9 лет назад
God bless imam yahya of yemen who at his time most of Yemeni Jews left yemen for the stolen land voluntarily.
@hamdyaljbrty4940 6 лет назад
I see Aima yahia was Jewish and his generation who want to govern Uemen know r thifes
@myyou1 13 лет назад
@omrisharaby The traditional Zionism is not the same as the modern day Zionism. He meant the atheistic/Comminist, eastern European Ashkanazi who do not worship God as the Yemenite do. The Ashkanazi are a racist busnch who mostly secular. Jews actually would stay to their faith and tradition when living among others - Muslims. The best example was the Jews of Iran who became more religious after the Iranian revolution.
@Guilherme1498 11 лет назад
i'm get worry about it
@user-yp6wh5kv4k 3 года назад
الله يدكم علا الحق
@user-zx6is5in5l 6 лет назад
2:45 name song??
@1jakgood943 4 года назад
@montyzoma 12 лет назад
They look Yemeni, because they are Yemenis, They don't belong to the hills of Palestine. They belong to Yemen.
@agustinaparra9233 Год назад
@joejhjilik4244 12 лет назад
the dna says that they (and 94% of other jews) belong to the hills of israel (or palestine as you incorrectly put it)
@IndigenousInternational 11 лет назад
please explain. It is impossible to follow Judaism and Islam simultaneously. So only your ethnicity is Jewish. Right?
@shulalavy1698 4 года назад
Ehen we stand(in israel) with the back to our sea, on our:: 1)."right"side is Yemen (yamin in hebrew). 2)"south" "Temin" in hebrew. 1). Uemen is on "south"= ("Teman" in hebrew)
@FORRESTJASPER 12 лет назад
They're HebeRabs (Americathon, 1979)
@gallicman1 15 лет назад
Canaan adopted the culture of the arabian and became muslim.
@sameralramahys 6 лет назад
ماسم اغنية زون جولان
@sameralramahys 6 лет назад
في الدقيقة 3.17
@1jakgood943 4 года назад
هذا الرابط لأن الإسم ليس بلغة العربية ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ErS5q1_whSg.html
@user-zx6is5in5l 6 лет назад
WHATS NAME SONG 2:45-3:25???!!!
@1jakgood943 4 года назад
@jools424 13 лет назад
@hannahr77 i don't think Jesus would want us to curse them...
@hikarieikovkei 13 лет назад
@aymenana lol a muslim repspect jewish its very rare:p im spanish jewish converted i love yewish yemeni people and yemeni culture in general i respect all religions only i dont respect the person no respect to me :p...
@__-zw6qx 9 лет назад
יהודי תימן אמיתי
@rebeccaskye 13 лет назад
new song by Rebecca Skye -
@user-sp2xi9bo3h 11 лет назад
I think you are an outsider here :-)
@AMAZIGHIOMANI 11 лет назад
the bible came from arabia by kamal salibi yahueh bless u khazar jew
@BarMarLima 14 лет назад
Linda culture of the Jews Yemem, true heritage of ancient Israel, not those weird things that came from Eastern Europe. Do not conflate the climate for culture as if it were truly Jewish.
@shulalavy1698 4 года назад
50% of All the muslim countries and the crischian countries cultur are f the jews country. Seance the cultur of those countries binded & conented with thr religion and those religions intented to be judaism through the tuch and the personality of the messenger it changed to fit his image and character. Every onr of thrm think thsy he copied oa thr originsl the judaism. In spain the try to br religioud mucjor thsn thr jews the british try to rulr like mkings dsvif & salomon as their jeart snd eye fill snd see it. They eve say the same prays. For exsmple: the gode say our first son brling to me you must buy it from me. The crischens asked to give the first son literly to become prist. A Evry family contribute the first son to monastry to be s monk. About women i think it was voluntstily.
@montyzoma 12 лет назад
actually they are darker than people of the levant . Exactly, that's what i am saying, judaism is a religion, not a race, that why they don't have the right to immigrate to palestine and expel the natives
@Yemenigreen 15 лет назад
the nice joke when u said (I'm an American Jew) LOL, please find other person to quibble with him.. not me, even jubanis can not do dream to be jews coz jews have reverence which jubanis can not get it
@Jaami7 15 лет назад
how many years u are ganna stay in palestine ? 10 ? 20? 50 as maximum? u know very well that u won't stay there. :)
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