
Jhana Is A Lifestyle 

Hillside Hermitage
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Mn 107: "...When the Tathāgata gets a person fit to be tamed, he first trains him thus: ‘Come, monk. Be virtuous. Dwell restrained in accordance with the Pāṭimokkha, consummate in your behavior & sphere of activity. Train yourself, having undertaken the training rules, seeing danger in the slightest faults.’
“... the Tathāgata then trains him further: ‘Come, monk. Be one who is guarded in the doors of your sense faculties. On seeing a form with the eye, don’t grasp at any theme or details by which-if you were to dwell without restraint over the faculty of the eye-evil, unskillful qualities such as greed or distress might assail you. Practice for its restraint. Protect the faculty of the eye. Attain restraint with regard to the faculty of the eye. On hearing a sound with the ear.… On smelling an aroma with the nose.… On tasting a flavor with the tongue.… On touching a tactile sensation with the body.… On cognizing an idea with the intellect, don’t grasp at any theme or details by which-if you were to dwell without restraint over the faculty of the intellect-evil, unskillful qualities such as greed or distress might assail you. Practice for its restraint. Protect the faculty of the intellect. Attain restraint with regard to the faculty of the intellect.’
“…the Tathāgata then trains him further: ‘Come, monk. Be one who is moderate in eating. Considering it appropriately, take your food not playfully, nor for intoxication, nor for putting on bulk, nor for beautification, but simply for the survival & continuance of this body, for ending its afflictions, for the support of the holy life, thinking, “I will destroy old feelings (of hunger) & not create new feelings (from overeating). Thus I will maintain myself, be blameless, & live in comfort.”’
“When the monk is one who is moderate in eating… the Tathāgata then trains him further: ‘Come, monk. Be one who is devoted to wakefulness. During the day, sitting & pacing back & forth, cleanse your mind of any qualities that would hold the mind in check. During the first watch of the night sitting & pacing back & forth, cleanse your mind of any qualities that would hold the mind in check. During the second watch of the night, reclining on your right side, take up the lion’s posture, one foot placed on top of the other, mindful, alert, with your mind set on getting up [either as soon as you awaken or at a particular time]. During the last watch of the night, sitting & pacing back & forth, cleanse your mind of any qualities that would hold the mind in check.’
“…the Tathāgata then trains him further: ‘Come, monk. Be one who is possessed of mindfulness & alertness. When going forward & returning, make yourself alert. When looking toward & looking away.… When bending & extending your limbs.… When carrying your outer cloak, upper robe, & bowl.… When eating, drinking, chewing, & tasting.… When urinating & defecating.… When walking, standing, sitting, falling asleep, waking up, talking, & remaining silent, make yourself alert.’
“When the monk is one who is possessed of mindfulness & alertness… the Tathāgata then trains him further: ‘Come, monk. Seek out a secluded dwelling: a wilderness, the shade of a tree, a mountain, a glen, a hillside cave, a charnel ground, a forest grove, the open air, a heap of straw.’
“He seeks out a secluded dwelling: a wilderness, the shade of a tree, a mountain, a glen, a hillside cave, a charnel ground, a forest grove, the open air, a heap of straw. After his meal, returning from his alms round, he sits down, crosses his legs, holds his body erect, and brings mindfulness to the fore.1
“Abandoning covetousness with regard to the world, he dwells with an awareness devoid of covetousness. He cleanses his mind of covetousness. Abandoning ill will & anger, he dwells with an awareness devoid of ill will, sympathetic to the welfare of all living beings. He cleanses his mind of ill will & anger. Abandoning sloth & drowsiness, he dwells with an awareness devoid of sloth & drowsiness, mindful, alert, percipient of light. He cleanses his mind of sloth & drowsiness. Abandoning restlessness & anxiety, he dwells undisturbed, his mind inwardly stilled. He cleanses his mind of restlessness & anxiety. Abandoning uncertainty, he dwells having crossed over uncertainty, with no perplexity with regard to skillful qualities. He cleanses his mind of uncertainty.
“Having abandoned these five hindrances-imperfections of awareness that weaken discernment-then, quite secluded from sensuality, secluded from unskillful qualities, he enters & remains in the first jhāna: rapture & pleasure born of seclusion, accompanied by directed thought & evaluation..."



28 сен 2024




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@kurtwagner6437 3 года назад
Thanks Bhante. 🙏
@randulafernando9850 3 года назад
Thank you Bhante 🙏🏾
@flowersarelovesome 3 года назад
The straight and narrow path to safety is there available even in extreme circumstances! Sublime! Thank you for expounding the Lord's teaching with eloquence and clarity.
@hariharry391 6 месяцев назад
@TheMinotaurWarrior 3 года назад
Bhante, Thank you for the talk. Apologies if this is slightly tangential, but I have always understood a connection between the precepts starting with the five, as thus: A layperson's sexual misconduct includes not engaging in sexual activity with one protected by their dhamma. Thus, it is a simple extension of this that if they become protected by dhamma (on Uposatha, or living by more precepts for life) they should train not to engage in sexual activity with this person (themselves) who is protected by the dhamma. Further, the rule against taking what is not given begins as a prohibition against stealing, but is naturally extended to a prohibition against dealing in coin, as well as any number of other rules (like the rule against assisting in smuggling precious items past tax / tariff collectors), as you embrace the mendicant lifestyle and literally only take that which is completely freely given to you, not using money because it is inherently a medium of exchange. And thus the only precepts not present in some form in the five are the precepts against luxuries (e.g. eating at the wrong time, and sleeping on high and luxurious beds for laypeople, or wearing certain colors of robe for a monk) Is this correct?
@logicandreason3812 3 года назад
Bhante, when you speak of the 5 precepts, are you speaking of the first 5? Because then there would be celibacy already included in lay life. Which would mean that most "lay people" aren't even that. And I don't see how the last 3 precepts, of the eight are the main distinguishing factors between practice and lay life.
@anthonychan3336 2 года назад
If it's not too late - 5 precepts : 1) abstain from taking lives. 2) abstain from taking what is not given. 3) abstain from adultery. 4) abstain from telling that which is not true. 5) abstain from taking intoxicants. 8 precepts: the 1 / 2 / 4 / 5 is the same. plus another 3 which I'm sure you already know. But the 3rd is changed to "no sexual activities of any kind." That includes masturbation. Keeping the 5 precepts - you can still have sex - just not adultery. This law is fluid and changes between societies and time. In Buddha's time, it basically means don't have sex with married women. BUT guys can still marry multiple wives. In today's society, it means staying loyal to one partner.
@bkhpanigha 3 года назад
SN 35.246 (Simile of the Lute) leaves no doubt that (right) sense restraint is a prerequisite for samādhi. It also says that seeing the danger in lust, aversion and delusion is how that restraint comes about. Also the discussion here about nimittas sheds light nicely on how that danger is to be regarded-not knowing that, one might mistakenly think it's about scolding oneself into 'fabricating' the significance of danger.
@alekzei5055 3 года назад
Thank you Venerable Ajahn for telling thé truth about training. You are the only one who I know who font manage lays and say that their status is not an excuse. Personally I try to follow 8 precepts, just a bit lax with eating after midday and sometimes oversleep, but it's possible to live it in lay life and be comfortable and even enjoy it complitely ! Joy and happiness of sensual renouncuation is much more profound and easy to obtain, less unconditioned and long lasting as all kinds of coarse and disturbing sense stimulations... Often I compare pleasure of senses to 5 matchsticks and pleasure of renounciation to sunny beach... but even that simile don't make lay peoples defending their sensuality... after all 5 matchsticks is all that have to deal with dukkha... Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu ! 🙏🙏🙏😑
@abouttheravadabuddhism 3 года назад
It's people and technology like this that really bring Dhamma to the west.. all the way from Sri Lanka. With Gratitude
@SanditthikoAkaliko 11 месяцев назад
2:00 8 precepts bare minimum 31:00 be calibate for Jhanana
@TheDhammaHub 3 года назад
There are certainly numerous "everyday activities" that make access to it quite difficult or lengthy
@junsukim2511 3 года назад
Thank you venerable! Can I ask what you mean by "signs and features" You say not to grasp at it. What is not to be grasped? For example, I see a woman and how do I not grasp at her face/body/etc? The mind immediately scans that and there is immediate arising of the lust. Even more there is constant grasping of signs and features even in my mind that it feels so difficult to constantly endure the pressures of the sensual objects that occur around me. I try to endure and observe without accepting/denying it but most of my day is then spent just observing the content of my mind. I feel a bit depressed. Any advice regarding this and what you mean by "signs and features"?
@janetkocsis6419 3 года назад
Excellent Bhantes! Thank you
@ThaniyoBhikkhu 2 года назад
For the summarised transcript: t.me/HillsideHermitage/143
@fruitionapt 3 года назад
“You have one job”.
@srimathisamarakone8535 3 года назад
sadu sadu sadu Gratitude to Bhanthe helping to understand the difference between Sothapatti margaya and the Sugathi margaya.
@albertonandasilo 3 года назад
Dear Ajahn, some teachers teach that it is possible to develop pathway factors, Paramis and beneficial mental factors (kusala cetasikas) to some degree, as well as weaken the harmful mental factors (akusala cetasikas), without the need to comply with the 8 precepts. Although it is clear that complying with the 8 precepts will help in that objective, the eradication of suffering. Thank you for your teachings. Metta
@loganbrown9845 3 года назад
I am a lay person who lives by and slightly beyond the five precepts and would be curious to have a talk on this as well... just HOW FAR can a lay person who strictly adheres to the five (also with little entertainment, one sexual partner, a bed that isn't overly luxurious) go as far as cultivation? I expect the answer is as provided in this video: accumulation of merit, possibility of a better rebirth, not living like an animal. I will search the Suttas for passages on this.
@DN-ux3gf Год назад
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏🙏🙏
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