
Jimmy Akin Vs. James White - The Predestination Debate 

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Jimmy Akin engages in a spirited debate with James White on a protestant radio show. He engages in a refutation of Protestantism with White, the perennial anti-Catholic.
#CatholicDebates #CatholicApologetics



27 сен 2024




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@CHEKPNT 4 года назад
Tbh I like Mr White but Truth does not contradict. Jimmys does have the best compiling arguments and very well thought out.
@Chesterchurch Год назад
That's DR WHITE to you!!! Lol.
@PrenticeBoy1688 Год назад
​@@ChesterchurchIt's funny ... I came upon a thread on a Reformed web forum some years ago discussing Dr. White's non-debate with Steve Tassi. Several of the posters referred to the Calvary Chapel affiliated pastor as 'Dr. Tassi'. Frightening.
@steveimhoff5646 10 месяцев назад
Jimmy Akin rocks. He’s brilliant. Out smarts James White over and over.
@cb738 3 года назад
Mr White seems to be more interested in puffing his chest than intelligently refuting Aikin soundly.
@mchurch72 4 года назад
So Jimmy Akin asks the million dollar question: "why would a doctrine like this go undiscovered for 1500+ years?" White responds with a dissembling, diverting comment on papal infallibility. I wish he would answer that one - because that's kind of key to the entire plausibility of protestant theology as a whole.
@ttshiroma 3 года назад
Obviously you are not listening? He says your so called doctrine was never a reality to the forefathers? Trying to qualify erroneous man made (church) doctrines to scriptures or patristic writings is a tragedy !!
@matthewbroderick8756 3 года назад
@@ttshiroma Faith alone, like Scripture alone, are man made traditions not found in Holy Scripture or the Church authority that existed way before the new testament was even written and that later determined the canon! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is True food and Blood True drink
@mchurch72 3 года назад
@@ttshiroma So, what denomination do you belong to?
@Gericho49 3 года назад
It seems to me that James White's obsession, agenda (and income stream?) in print and video, is to denigrate the Catholic Church. Its rather a clever ploy to avoid the need to defend his own dubious or false beliefs in Calvinism and other doctrines. Armed with an incredible knowledge of scripture, Jimmy Akin however, rather than debunk the false doctrines of his former denomination, articulates the many reasons why he converted to Catholicism. One only has to look at the many videos of White trying to justify and distance himself from Ravi Zacharias (RZIM), to see why the doctrines of eternal security and predestination are heresy. I have always been an admirer of Ravi as an apologist and preacher. No one can devote several decades of his life bringing many people to God and Christian fellowship and not feel the real presence of God in his life. Yes for a decade or so, it has now been revealed Ravi had lead a sinful, double life. So the only excuse a OSAS advocate or Calvinist can make is that he was never a true or committed Christian in the first place. Ex pastor Dan Baker among others, was another who claimed at one time "I am saved," but now apparently, is lost also?? No matter how one tries to assert predestination or OSAS, No one can twist 2 Corinthians 5:10, which says "For we must *all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that *each one* may receive what is due him for the *deeds* done while in the body, whether *good or bad."* The Catholic position is plainly simple, no one is saved until they are saved, until they "have fought the good fight, right to the end...." Only then will they be judged according to their works Matt 16:27 Rev 20 12, 22:12. 1 Peter 4:7 (No wonder Luther hated James, Hebrews and Revelation) In John 15 we are told we must freely remain in God if we want him to remain in us. As catholics we pray and hope in Ravi's case, he made a deathbed confession (somewhat like the thief on the cross).
@ttshiroma 3 года назад
@@matthewbroderick8756 same as the Catholic Church alone is the ultimate authority to what the Lord Jesus forgot to tell us! Please don’t debate me I make comments like yourself which carries NO authority. Please list for me these MANMADE sacred traditions you all know so dearly via. Table of contents since it’s such a central argumentation! Lol
@Davematheny3000 Год назад
James White comes off as just anti-Catholic. He's just too sneering - a more charitable person would be a better representative of the Protestant position.
@jmctigret 9 месяцев назад
Jimmy Akin wins this debate.
@nathanmarsili5265 3 года назад
Jimmy smoked James big time in this.
@cb738 3 года назад
White met his professor... so much for that protestant eloquence
@onesneak7668 3 года назад
Crazy how Protestants quote early church fathers knowing that those fathers were catholic. I urge all those struggling to understand the body and blood of Christ to read the early Church Fathers. To study history is to cease to be Protestant.
@JP-ul7tp 3 года назад
You’re a fucken moron.
@onesneak7668 3 года назад
@@JP-ul7tp WOW. Great response. Way to be Christ like. You nailed it. 👎
@onesneak7668 3 года назад
@@JP-ul7tp stop using the early Church Fathers. They don't agree with you. THEY WERE CATHOLIC!!! Find some other source to back your man made tradition. Your sources is only 500 yrs old.
@christiankalafut5572 3 года назад
Ahh yes but when one studies the Holy Scriptures, he ceases from being a Roman Catholic.
@onesneak7668 3 года назад
@@christiankalafut5572 how? The Catholic Church wrote it. If she had the authority to write it then she has the authority to interpret it.
@dynamic9016 Год назад
Thanks much for this video.
@iqgustavo 4 месяца назад
🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation: 03:24 📖 James White emphasizes the biblical teaching of predestination as unto full and complete salvation, contrasting it with Rome's view of conditional salvation through purgatory. 15:33 *🔄 Akin challenges whether predestination to grace necessitates predestination to glory, arguing that true Christians can fall away despite initial predestination.* 16:12 *📖 The term "predestined" in Scripture refers to both predestination to grace (entering Christian life) and predestination to glory (final salvation).* 18:01 *📜 Akin asserts that true Christians can fall away, a belief historically held by the vast majority of Christians including Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther.* 19:33 *📚 Augustine, in his later years, wrote that a true Christian can lack perseverance, contradicting the idea of unconditional perseverance promoted by Calvin.* 21:12 *❓ Akin questions why the idea that a true Christian cannot fall away remained undiscovered for 1,500 years of Christian history if it were a biblical truth.* 35:19 *📖 James Akin highlights the present tense aspect in Greek, indicating continuous action in passages like John 6 and 10, suggesting that belief in Jesus must be ongoing.* 37:21 *🛡️ Akin argues that John 6 and 10 do not assert that all true Christians will always continue to believe, suggesting that belief can cease even after initially coming to Jesus.* 39:53 *📜 Akin references Dale Moody's interpretation of John 10:27-28, emphasizing the present linear Greek verbs as indicative of continuous action, allowing for the possibility of ceasing to follow Jesus.* 41:56 *💬 Akin presents the view that being cut off from Jesus (John 15) contradicts the idea that all who are in Jesus will persevere, suggesting one can be a true Christian and later be cut off.* 44:57 *📖 Predestination, as argued by James White, focuses on final and full salvation, emphasizing a personal relationship between Jesus and His sheep.* 45:52 *🙏 True and saving faith, according to Scripture, is a divine gift that will not fail, bestowed by God to those predestined for salvation.* 46:33 *🛡️ Those predestined to salvation are given the gift of abiding and remaining faith, ensuring eternal security in Christ's hands.* 47:31 *💬 Jimmy Akin highlights two types of predestination: to grace (initial salvation) and to glory (final salvation), citing Ephesians 1 and Romans 8.* 48:13 *📜 Akin argues that true Christians can fall away, countering the notion of perseverance of the saints advocated by White.* 49:06 *📖 Akin sees predestination and election as closely linked, with all genuine Christians elected to grace but not necessarily to glory.* 50:17 *📚 Akin emphasizes efforts in faith, warning against deception and mortal sin, urging an honest church community for spiritual safety.* 53:18 *🌐 James White clarifies that his position represents Calvinism, not a universal Protestant view, differing from many other Protestant denominations.* 01:06:38 *📜 Individuals within congregations, sanctified by Christ's blood, can be lost, contradicting the idea of unconditional eternal security.* 01:07:30 *🙏 Pastoral responsibility involves prompting true repentance, not just telling everyone to abide in Jesus.* 01:07:56 *📖 Plain scriptural testimonies, like 2 Peter 2:1, conflict with limited atonement and the perseverance of the saints.* 01:08:36 *💬 A caller challenges by citing Hebrews and Romans, emphasizing the need for perseverance in faith.* 01:10:27 *🛐 A discussion emerges on salvation: grace vs. human actions, highlighting contrasting theological views.* 01:10:57 *💬 Salvation's assurance lies in Christ's grace drawing believers continually to salvation.* 01:12:36 *📚 The debate contrasts man-centered vs. God-centered religion, focusing on the sufficiency of grace.* 01:14:56 *🏛️ Purgatory is viewed as the final stage of sanctification, preceding entry into heaven, not a place of eternal punishment.*
@markgraff8326 Год назад
An early Slamdunk for Jimmy don’t call me James
@YuriBoechat-ef8ts 2 месяца назад
01:13:33 It is disgusting and repugnant how White is able to take advantage of the obvious lack of time at the end of a debate to launch a machine-gun attack on highly complex issues, which he knows his opponent will not have time to respond to, and which has NOTHING to do with the epicenter of the topic under debate.
@brendanbarry9878 8 месяцев назад
James white isnt protestant or catholic . Hes calvinist Calvinism breeds Athiesm Love and blessings
@Solideogloria00 7 месяцев назад
I couldn’t agree more.
@ridgerunner1861 4 года назад
First. Oh, and Dr. White is correct, God won, Rome lost, per the usual.
@tombombadil6954 4 года назад
@CHEKPNT 4 года назад
Michael Duncan if they Church is the bride of Christ and part of visible body of Christ... how does what you say makes sense 😂
@RandomPerson-go5sn 4 года назад
You believe in predestination? A belief that only came into existence 1500 years after the apostles. That says it all.
@tolsen8212 4 года назад
@@RandomPerson-go5sn Romans 8:28: "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified." Was that written 1500 years after the Apostles?
@RandomPerson-go5sn 4 года назад
T Olsen no, but the interpretation came 1500 years after the apostles. 1 Timothy 2:3-4 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
@markofied 3 года назад
I do not recall a time when Jimmy, Trent, Staples or any other CA men lost a debate. Catholic doctrine when studied and learned is undeniable truth. Unfortunately there are no shortage of Protestants with the help of the devil teaching heresy.
@ttshiroma 3 года назад
Then what are your Catholic Apologists afraid of? They stop debating Dr White after sending all their best on the same topics which is an absolute admission of complete defeat! Don’t fool yourself into thinking that your blinded church comment is a form of truth! Lol try again!
@markofied 3 года назад
@@ttshiroma You can be a Calvanist all you want, that's your problem not mine
@matthewbroderick8756 3 года назад
@@ttshiroma James White preaches another Gospel! Peace always in Jesus Christ our Great and Kind God and Savior, He whose Flesh is True food and Blood True drink
@PlavitPOi90 3 года назад
Read Romans 9 and repent
@Solideogloria00 3 года назад
Roman Catholic win on the Eucharist, Baptism, the possibility of a Christian leaving the faith, and predestination but RC can not win about papacy, purgatory, Mary dogmas and those novelty invented in the Middle Ages.
@DrChaunceyBlevins 2 года назад
James White sounds like a Nickelodeon show host
@ttshiroma 3 года назад
These two put on an awesome debate everytime. Both are learned in there respective denominations and debating skills !!! They throw knockout blows in the nicest tone of voice! Lol
@LetsgoB 27 дней назад
I would like to thank James White for helping me find the Catholic Church. When I see people misrepresent something I tend to go the opposite direction.
@gainsofglory6414 10 месяцев назад
What I don't get about White's position is that if I wasn't chosen, what exactly do I do? Just kind of shrug and say "well, guess I'll just sin then". And how does God carry out selecting these people while taking in 0 input from them at all, and then decide to condemn so many? He wants all to be saved, so what is preventing that if our choices aren't involved? I'm just coming into this. My faith isn't very strong at all, its an effort I am under taking. I could easily just turn back around and call it a day and not try. I could just go back to seeking pleasure. If I'm chosen, God will turn me. If I'm not chosen, I'll have a blast and die and then get shipped off hell which I was going to anyway. Odd theology.
@YingGuoRen 6 месяцев назад
Akin's position is weird, though. The Catholic Church teaches predestination as well, and Aquinas' position was even more extreme than Calvin's. Calvin argued for single predestination, whereas Aquinas argued for double predestination. This is just Catholics and Protestants jerking off over who has more authority.
@blu2106 10 месяцев назад
They were so passive aggressive lmao
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